Tuesdays With Mike | 9/11 Crash Course Episode 12 | Untold History Channel

Posted in: News, Patriots, Untold History Channel



➡ Untold History Channel presents a conversation from a digital show called “Tuesdays with Mike”. Mike King, the host, discusses various topics including his upcoming show with Nino, his frustration with people making assumptions about his opinions, and his commitment to truth. He also talks about his disinterest in baseball since the 1995 strike, his book “Crash Course 911 Inside Job” available on Amazon, and his investigation into the 9/11 attacks, specifically focusing on the “dancing Israelis”. He ends by discussing his use of humor in his work.
➡ This text talks about various conspiracy theories and historical events. It suggests that Donald Trump used the term “Karen” as an insult towards Mike Pence’s wife. It also discusses theories about the 9/11 attacks, suggesting that they were planned and that the World Trade Center’s steel was weak. The text also mentions historical events involving Israel, Poland, and the Bolsheviks, suggesting a pattern of violence and manipulation.
➡ The text discusses the events of 9/11, focusing on the World Trade Center’s collapse and the subsequent investigation. It suggests that there was a cover-up involving the removal of evidence and the silencing of engineers who were brought in to investigate. The text also mentions a theory that the real perpetrators were within the U.S. government itself, and that Osama bin Laden, who was immediately blamed, denied involvement. The author expresses skepticism about the official narrative and hopes for a more thorough investigation in the future.
➡ This text discusses various conspiracy theories related to terrorist attacks and political events. It suggests that some evidence might have been planted or manipulated, and that certain individuals and agencies might have had more involvement than officially acknowledged. The text also questions the disappearance of certain terrorist groups during the Trump era, suggesting it might be due to reduced funding. Lastly, it mentions several whistleblowers who claimed to have noticed suspicious activities before the attacks but were ignored or silenced.
➡ This text discusses the political power struggles and conspiracies surrounding the Bush administration, the globalists, and the neocons. It suggests that these groups had different agendas, with some wanting to expand Israel and others focusing on Central Asia. The text also mentions alleged plots and incidents, such as an attempt to blow up the Mexican parliament building, hinting at a larger, global conspiracy. It ends by questioning the official narrative of 9/11, suggesting it was an inside job.
➡ Beverly Ecker, a well-known activist who lost her husband in the 9/11 attacks, rejected government money and questioned the official story of the event. She met with President Obama and died in a plane crash two weeks later. Some believe her death was not an accident, but a targeted killing, possibly ordered by Hillary Clinton. This theory is based on posts from Q, an anonymous online figure, who suggests that many plane crashes are actually planned assassinations.
➡ The speaker is promoting a crash course available on Amazon and their website, realnewsandhistory.com. They encourage people to sign up for their mailing list to receive useful materials and check out their books and PDFs. They also mention special offers on their website. The conversation ends with a thank you and a promise to meet again next week.


Back, everybody, to the untold digital channel. It is that time that everybody’s favorite show on my channel is Tuesdays with Mike. With Mike King. He is the star of the hear. Did you do number three with Nino? That was postponed. Surprise, surprise. This, I think, in another ten days. I have the date written down, so we haven’t done that yet. Yeah, I’m excited. A lot of people are very anxious, though, to hear that one.

I’m sure they are. Sure they are. I know I am. I’m ready to rip. I got my show and tell all ready to go. Awesome. Yeah, I love that. I was talking to Alpha the other day, and he just kept cutting me off. He wouldn’t even let me finish a thought. And it’s frustrating because people just automatically assume that because you take a position that they know what you’re going to say and they have to say no.

They have to say just, no, you’re wrong on the song that doesn’t end about the event that never happened. Well, I think there was part of that, and the other part is just the notion of mustache man himself. It’s like block. It is a very difficult. And then there’s the repercussions that go along with it. Right. The thing is that my only dog in the fight is the truth.

I don’t care about what people think of me. Yeah. I don’t care about what people think of me. I only care about what the truth is. And so taking a position like that is controversial, and a lot of people will back off of you. Or it’s like, you know what? They’ve lied about everything in the world except that. Yeah. That’s the only thing they’ve been truthful about. Yeah.

Right. They lied about 911 and Covid, but they wouldn’t lie about World War II. No. Not going to do that. I know you’re not a baseball guy, but are you at least kind of looking forward to a little bit of baseball? Well, no, I used to be, up until the strike in 95. After that, I was never the same. I did watch the Yankee World Series because it’s intense up here.

So I want to say after 2002 or three, I’ll just casually follow it, just not into it anymore. And that’s understandable. Being a Dodger fan, I had some lean years, but this year, with them opening up a japanese consulate at Dodger Stadium, that’s a joke, by the way, because they signed all the. That’s just. That’s my, uh. That’s my one thing. That and my cats. And by the.

I was finishing up the war against Putin and I loved the editorial board. It was. The editorial board is you and sugar. She’s immortal. Yeah, that was hilarious. But anyway, we’re going to wrap up the 911 thing tonight and then we’ve got something special coming for next week. Yeah. Well, here it is. Crash course 911 inside job available at Amazon by Mike King. Cover by Ron partain. Hey, nice job.

Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. Inside job. Go to Amazon, get a bunch of them because these are great red pills. It’s a great starter course because it’s the kind of thing once you realize 911 was fake, it’s so huge. It’s an icebreaker to the mind, and that opens people up to everything else. It really is. That was the event that woke me up. Oh, was it? Yeah.

I don’t know if I ever told you this, but Dave von Kleist is the guy who did the documentary 911 in plain sight. And I had the pleasure of interviewing him about a year ago. So he was the guy who red pilled me, and I got an opportunity to interview him. That was a real treat. Yeah. But where are we on the 911? Well, we left off with the lucky Silversteins.

Yes. Papa Larry, daughter Lisa, son Roger, all absent for work that day at the north tower of the World Trade center. How convenient. And we talked about Zim, the big israeli shipping company, just three weeks prior, packed up and relocated to Virginia. So, beginning to see a pattern here, right? Yeah. The next little mini chapter, which ties right into it, is huge. It’s legendary. It’s the dancing Israelis.

Yes. And I remember this so well because I’m here in New Jersey. And the following days, I’m looking for clues. I already knew who did it, by the way. I knew the same day as I’m watching it on television. I was expecting it, but I’m looking for clues to unravel it. And right here in my home state of New Jersey, this is 912, the Bergen record attack on America.

And below it, this is front page. Five men detained as suspected. Uh, and they were seen high fiving, celebrating, multiple witnesses. And it’s a little murky how they were arrested, but it seems like there was a three and a two, and they were approaching the George Washington Bridge or something like that. Real fishy. So when you read that article, it’s really intriguing. And the way it’s presented is these guys are tied into this somehow.

Okay. The next day, it was gone. No follow up. So it’s one of those stories. And this happens a lot. It happens a lot throughout history. Something that’s not supposed to be made known to the public will sneak through the screens, because it’s not as though every low level reporter or even his editor is under complete orders every day. But what happens? Something sneaks through, and then you could be sure, higher up, somebody said, kill that.

It is astonishing that there was no follow up after that front page story. And they were held for 40 days, these sons of bitches. And we know that they were celebrating. One of them took a picture like he’s at a concert with his lighter and the destroyed towers in the background, and they were held for 40 days. Turns out they were treated rather roughly by the FBI. And again, this is the lower levels.

So you look at these organizations, whether it’s a big newspaper or the FBI or even the CIA, oftentimes on the lower levels, you have people who are doing their job. They’re committed, they’re decent people, patriotic people. But then what happens when they’re onto something big? And it might take a little while, but after 40 days, somebody up top sent these guys home on a plane to Israel. And their boss, Dominic Suter, who ran the moving company, moving systems incorporated, which actually has the letters of Mossad embedded in it, he left the next day.

He was gone on 912 on a plane back to Israel. This is all mainstream news media. So who were these characters? Why were they celebrating? What was so suspicious about them? And then there’s reports that bomb sniffing dogs reacted very. The bells went off in their head, and they start barking. They smelled explosives residue in their van. So this is like the kind of loose dread you have to pull on.

And there’s a reason that they were held in solitary confinement for 40 days. Okay? They were trying to break these guys. So these agents knew that these guys were hooked up with this. Now comes the COVID story, New York slimes. Of course, by the way, I couldn’t get over how many different iterations of slimes and just slanderous terminology that you used to say this. I think I counted, like, 15 different variations that all about the same person within.

I was rolling on the inside. Sometimes I even allowed my laughter to come out. I like to inject a lot of humor in my work because these people deserve to be mocked. And it’s also kind of a comic relief kind of thing to break the tension 100%, because whenever I look at news or history, it’s all negative. Edward Gibbon once said, history is little more than the register of the crimes and follies and misfortunes of mankind, we really are fallen creatures.

Everything we do, we screw up or do bad. I mean, there’s good in the world, but you immerse yourself in this. I got to have a little humor. That was more of a compliment because the fact that you were able to come up with so many different variations that all, basically, that’s why Trump is a man after my own heart. He always comes up with stuff. And it’s funny.

I don’t know if we came up with this independent of one another. Maybe he come across some of my stuff. I don’t know. But there’s a prominent columnist at the New York Times, Hernandez, Maggie Haberman, total deep stater. I dubbed her Maggot Haberman years ago. And then I saw Trump posting on Twitter, Maggot Haberman. That’s hilarious. Give me a plug. So maybe we just came up with that independent of one this.

I don’t want to go down a rabbit hole on this, but it struck me because of something that. Do you know where the term Karen came from? Because the term Karen is utilized as a derogatory term against somebody who’s a lefty or whatever. Do you know where that came from, where that originated? My understanding, it’s like a painting ass bitchy woman. It is manager this and that. Yes, but do you know where it came from? Do you know where it going to? So now I have it on pretty good authority that that was Trump because he did not like the wife of Mike Pence.

Karen could be. I mean, he’s got the power of connections to inject things. Yes. I’m just. Whether or not that’s fable or truth, I don’t know. But I was at a meeting of content creators. So it was more of people, like higher level, not just people who would know. And one of the guys said, yeah, you know where that came? That was actually Trump who did that. And he labeled that person as a Karen as a derogatory term against Pence’s wife.

So that every time somebody would say, though, that’s a Karen, it would be like it was something because he didn’t like Karen Pence. Well, as I understand, hasn’t been around that long, so it does coincide time wise. Yeah. Anyway, whether or not three weeks later, Solzberger’s slimes ran a piece to cover this up, they couldn’t just totally bury it, so they had to put a spin on it.

Here’s the headline. October eigth, 2001, five young Israelis caught in a net of suspicion. So what they did is several days after these guys were rounded up, or maybe the day after, the big boys at the top, they couldn’t release them right away. But what they did is they put out a drag net to round up anyone with minor immigration violations. And they arrested a couple of hundred and they might have been Pakistanis and Egyptians and whatever.

They arrested them all just on immigration violations. The pretext being, well, we’re taking a precaution. So they present it as these five young Israelis got caught up in the dragnet of suspicion. What they don’t tell you is that they were the first and only ones arrested on 911. The other ones were just arrested days later as protective cover. And that’s how they spun it. So it was really quite.

I’m going to play this. It’s about a 42nd clip, but this is. It might help if I actually shared the screen. This is these guys. Can you see the screen? They were taping the first plane crash and then celebrating and joking about it. Actually went on television and admitted it was their job to record the attack. And at that point we were taken for another round of questioning, this time related to our allegedly being members of Mossad.

The fact of the matter is, we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event. How could they have known about the attack and who sent them to document it? The evidence points to a large intelligence network inside the United States. So anyway, the point of the matter is that why were they there to document the event? It’s saying that they were there to document the event.

Well, that says that they knew what was happening before. Yeah. And witnesses spotted them at a location in Jersey City, almost like a sightseer location, where you’re positioned directly, know the Hudson river with just an unobstructed perfect view of the town. And they were right there. It was like the place you want to go if you’re expecting an event. Like know you’re not going to see it too well from the city itself.

You want to go across the river on the Jersey side or maybe on the other side on the. There’s no. There’s no doubt about that one. And then you have the reaction, the bomb sniffing dogs, et cetera. And they had all this cash on them, they had box cutters on them. Sound familiar? So again, patterns, patterns, patterns. How many of these coincidences do we ignore? Israel’s fingerprints are all over this thing.

There’s just no doubt about it. Motive means an opportunity. And then, of course, there’s the high level operatives who really make it happen. As you say, how many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? Yeah, we’re already way past that one. Indeed. And then going back to our first episode about this, just as a refresher. Remember the King David Hotel, 1948? They blew that up. They caught them red handed, dressed up as Arabs.

There was the Levan affair again, pretending to be Arabs, setting off bombs. This is them. That’s what they do. Yes. You really got to think about it. The Russians or the Bolsheviks, really, they had. Using terror for political means. They had it down to a science. And the vast majority of people in Mossad and in Israel, really, they have learned from the Bolsheviks. Yeah, well, the country itself, I mean, a disproportionate amount of the early founders and ruling class were Polish Jews.

And they were real badass Bolsheviks. Hardcore from the east. Absolutely. These were the guys who were. They volunteered to fight for the spanish civil war, 1938, and they carried out horrible atrocities there against priests and nuns. So all of the international communist fighters who went to fight against Franco, the largest contingent was from Poland, these polish Bolshevik Jews. Fast forward a year later, the massacres which were occurring in eastern Prussia, which compelled Hitler to have to go.

They and some polish ultra nationalists, they were the ones carrying that out. And then there’s what they did during the war and after the war. So they have a long, bloody history. So they brought those skills, that experience to Israel. A lot of the hardcore terrorist types, the ergon gang, the Stern gang, they would have seen. So, you know, some of the Jews in the western countries were a little softer, like France and Belgium, et cetera, or Holland.

But the polish ones are hardcore. Long record of massacres. And they went there and they started massacring Palestinians, which is how they came to take over their villages. Because once the United nations drew a line on a map, decided to play God, the Palestinians didn’t care about that. They weren’t going to abide by that. So how do you get them to leave? Weren’t paid. Okay, like the Cherokees were paid by the US government.

They make Andrew Jackson out to be a monster. The trail of tears. They got paid and then they didn’t like the deal. They came back and renegotiated. Palestinians get nothing. They were told to leave, but they were forced to leave because of the terrorist acts. They left in a state of terror. They left fear. 100%. Yeah. That’s what they do. And, I mean, you look at a lot of the things that they did just before World War II in Danzig.

That whole corridor right there, the things that they did to the civilians, to the russian civilians. I mean, it was brutal. And of course, again, it all harkens back to the bolshevik mentality was just, it was baiting Germany to go in. But that’s different, but similar parallels. Well, it shows the brutality and the total lack of consideration for human life. And even their own. Yeah, their own. They will freely inflict pain and suffering on their own if it means they’ve done that a few times for gain.

But anyway, I always found it odd that the steel in the World Trade center was so weak and so pathetic that it caused the towers to collapse, yet they used it in a navy ship called the USS New York. Yeah, no, that is some powerful. In the next section, we deal with the comments Trump made the following day. He believes those holes were blown out by pre planted explosives because the steel is just so thick it couldn’t have been done by a hollow plane.

And he’s on video saying this. He kept going back. Explosives in the building. I believe there’s explosives in the building. Multiple interviews he said this. And that’s a part of that pattern we talk about over the years. Up until this day. He’s not letting go of 911. And we covered last week his new avatar on true social with the paint. It’s clear it’s a nine and eleven, nine stars, two towers.

But yeah, he was very outspoken the next day. And his points are impossible to refute. He’s a mean, he knows there had to have been something that those holes that we saw were not caused by plane. There was bombs. So that’s something people could look up. Donald Trump on September 11, bombs in the building. You can find videos of that. I don’t know if YouTube still has any, but certainly bitchute, maybe rumble.

Yeah, bitch you. Now, YouTube back in the day was such a wealth of information on this topic. You watch one video and then you have 100 more pop up in the next column and you could just lose yourself in it when there was so much good work being done back then, but now very hard to find good 911 videos. And then they come with a little disclaimer. But yeah, a lot of the good work has been sanitized, but you can still find it.

I’m looking to see if there’s anything left on. Yeah, this is only a minute long. Let’s see. 40 Wall street actually was the second tallest building in downtown Manhattan. And it was actually before the World Trade center was the tallest. And then when they built the World Trade center, it became known as the second tallest. And now it’s the tallest. I watched as people jumped and I watched the second plane come in.

In parts of New Jersey, Jersey City, but parts of New Jersey. I saw people getting together and in fairly large numbers celebrating as the World Trade center was coming down. I watched our police and our firemen down on 711, down the World Trade center right after it came down, everyone who helped clear the rubble. And I was there and I watched and I helped a little bit. Yeah.

That wasn’t the one that I was looking for, but it was along the same vein. Now, he made continuous, frequent references to the people celebrating in Jersey City. He knows. That’s his code language. He knows. And he never said, oh, he always said there were people or there were people in areas where there’s lots of Arabs. He was always said there were people. But he knows. He absolutely knows.

Yeah. I would bet money when he returns, we’re going to get to the bottom of this. That’s promised. No one would be more disappointed than I if he doesn’t keep that promise. But I think I’d be right there with. I’d be right behind you. Yeah. But I would bet some shekels that he is. I think he’s going to come back just totally unleashed. It’s going to be ugly.

People just need to be patient. Indeed. Oh, why did he expose Nyla? He never said anything about. Come on. We’ve had eight years to unravel this deep state, so now he’s in a position of power to do everything. I’ll be the number one critic if it doesn’t get done, I want the fed audited and abolished, or at least transformed into something totally different. 911 truth. We’ll see. But so far so good.

I don’t know if you saw the piece I wrote yesterday. The New York Times did a poll and then they put it on their front page. The poll is Trump is ahead by five points with 10% undecided. And undecided means they’re just too afraid to tell a poster that they’re going to vote for Trump. So in essence, that’s like a 15 point lead for Trump, which I think is about right.

So now what’s going on here? The New York Times is conducting honest polls and then putting it on their front page. So we’re on a roll here. So I’m excited that this will come out when he returns. We’ll see. I’m going to see if I’m looking at your articles right now because I didn’t see it, but that doesn’t mean that I just didn’t look. But moving on, on the book, let’s see.

Well, we get to the crime scene evidence, the massive cleanup, all this steel that they wore. What they did is, first of all, it’s part of their cover up. They brought in top engineers from across the country. They picked the best ones they could find, and they invited them to come in. One engineer says, this is the dream team of architects and engineers. They brought them in. They brought them in for protective coloring, covering.

That’s the only reason they were there. They already had the official story, okay, which they were going to prepackage and then jam it down the public’s throat, giving you the impression that it was given the seal of approval by all of these engineers. They called in. There’s articles in the New York Times right about this time. This is like September, October. These guys are protesting vehemently. They’re giving interviews.

It’s like they won’t let us talk to anybody. We can’t interview witnesses. They took all the steel out of here. This is a farce. One guy called it a tragic farce of investigation. FEMA’s controlling everything. I got extensive quotes from the New York Times. It’s all right here in the book. So that crime scene was scrubbed, okay? Because they don’t want anyone looking at that metal to test it for certain compounds or look for certain patterns that don’t make sense.

You understand? Right? But part of that cover up involved, so clever. They brought all of these guys in. So a lot of people under the impression that this dream team of engineers were the ones who came up with this official story. They were not. FEMA did. And these guys would just play for chumps, fools, and they were very upset about it. You should read some of the quotes in these.

So here’s what one guy says. This is almost the dream team of engineers in the country working on this, and our hands are tied, said one team member who asked not to be identified. So that means there’s some intimidation going on. Members have been threatened with dismissal for speaking to the press. Quote, FEMA is controlling everything he said. And it’s just story after story after. No, I don’t know.

Did you touch upon the fact that the crack FBI and the good people of the FBI, that they were on the west coast in Monterey doing a training for that week, and had they been on the east coast, they would have been the people dispatched to the World Trade center and to the Pentagon to do the investigation and for evidence sifting and cataloging and whatnot. But all their major people were out in Monterey, and because they shut down all of the commercial flights, the only thing they could fly on was a military plane for seven days, and they couldn’t get a flight from California to the east coast.

And by the time that they did get back, all of the cases had all been given special agents that were basically hand picked to do the COVID up. Well, that would make sense. Did you know that? No, that’s the first I heard of it. Is that, like, confirmed? Yeah. Would not surprise me 100%. It was quite an operation. It was quite an orchestration. Like these little details, they had them all planned out in advance.

There’s a lot to this. You’ve got what’s going on in the air, and then you have the investigators that you have to cover up, and then you have to get access to the building. It’s quite an operation, but it’s all doable if you’ve got the big pieces in place. And then we talked about in your last show, we’re speculating this probably goes back to the idea of we’re going to take down the towers one day and that will be the trigger for the world war three, that we need to close the deal on both the global government and the greater Israel.

They plan long in advance, Covid. Ten years in advance, at least. Yeah. They met their match in the Q team white hats, because they too were long term planners. So that’s why we need to understand the scope of history. These things just don’t pop up on the day that you see them happening or even a few months or a year before. Right. Now, this next section, again, this is one of those little truth bombs that leaked through.

I picked this up from the BBC, actually, and then was never heard from again. It was bin Laden. I’m talking about the real bin Laden when he was still making those videos and stuff. Categorical denial of the attacks. Okay, and here’s one of them from a major pakistani newspaper, he says, and this was picked up in the BBC. I have already stated I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States.

As a muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and others. Blah, blah. Now here’s the payoff. There exists a government within the government in the United States. That secret government must be asked as to who made the attacks. And another point. He said, the american government is totally in control of the Jews.

The western media is unleashing a baseless propaganda which makes us surprised, but it reflects on what is in their hearts. And gradually they themselves become captive of the propaganda. So true, in a way. These sickles invent lies. I’ve seen this happen even in personal life. Sometimes people go so deep into the lie that they become the lie. And in a weird sort of way, they seem. They believe.

So there it is. The United States should trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself. You can’t let normies hear know that might stimulate a few brain. Remember, you know, the wanted dead or alive things. They vilified Osama bin Laden. And right at the outset, on that day, he was the one being targeted. I don’t know when the earliest mention of him was. Well, there was one that very afternoon.

Right. I don’t even know if both towers had crashed yet. There was someone. I think it was Bremer. Osama bin Laden may be the prime suspect. I think it was Bremer. Yeah, I think it was Bremer. On television, somebody dropped his name, like within hours, which is a total joke. But that’s what the embassy bombings in 1998 were all about. They blamed that on him. So now you had the prep work done.

So now in this game, it was much easier to do that. Then in the ensuing days after the attack, all of these lucky fines start popping up. They find the passport in the rubble. The edge is a little bit burnt. That one’s hysterical. There was a suitcase that didn’t make it. One of the planes must have fell off the conveyor belt. And it happened to belong to Akbar.

And then they open it up and there’s letters. Death to America. Allah is great. Then there was a car, the hijacker’s car left at the airport. They opened it up. It’s got a Quran and an arab language flight manual. If you need the flight manual, you think you would have took it on a plane with him. But then there was a video found in Afghanistan. Supposedly he’s on the video celebrating all of these fines.

In Afghanistan, in New York, at the field in know if people would just stop for a moment and reflect on it. You see how ridiculous, absurd it is. But they know that people won’t and they don’t. So they do these silly little things and they get away with about the whole thing about death to America. The media makes such a big deal about the terminology or the wording death to America.

And that would be like you and I saying, what’s a good analogy? It’d be like saying, forget that guy. It’s like a figure of speech in their culture. That is like, oh, that’s due to medica. That guy can kiss my ass. That’s basically what they’re essentially on the level of if they’re even saying it right. What I find interesting is in the age of Trump, it’s all went away.

Where are the big, bad muslim terrorists? It used to be like, not a month went by when there was some major event. They hit Belgium, they hit Germany, they hit France a couple of times. They hit England, they hit Italy, they hit Spain, Iraq. Always suicide bombers know. Al Qaeda, al Nosra, ISIS just evaporated out of nowhere. Why? What does that tell you? It tells you it was fake.

It tells you it was the intelligence agencies who no longer have that kind of muscle because Trump took their money. God knows what happened to their leaders. And Trump worked with the. Yeah, and went after all mean. It was the United States and the russian military teaming up to go after the ISIS elements. Yeah, the ISIS mercenary foot soldiers. The Russians bombed them really hard. And so you had that plus the fact that their funds are drying up, which is what caused it in the other 40 countries.

ISIS at one point was in 40 countries. They said, okay, so they could have activated all over the world, created chaos whenever they needed to. Now you hear nothing. Did they retire? And just like, you don’t see the color revolutions anymore, these spontaneous uprisings that used to occur, these big anti Putin protests, and then there were big protests in Brazil, and there would be protests in Italy. Whatever, anytime, like something happened or election didn’t go to their way.

You have spontaneous. I haven’t heard of any in. So because all of this, it was all deep, straight orchestrated, and it shows you that they’re out of. Um. But here’s a headline from the Guardian, Uncle Sam’s lucky fines. So this is even a fake. News journalist Anne Karmf, she did a whole article about all these lucky fines that turned up. She wasn’t saying it was a hoax or know.

I don’t know what her point was. Maybe that was her own way. Maybe there’s some people in media who try to leak stuff out. Yeah, you had all of these lucky fines. And then we learn, thanks to Bob Mueller. Okay, remember I said Bob Mueller’s a white hat. He ran the Mueller investigation, didn’t get anything out. Trump, but he went after John Podesta. But Bob Mueller, head of the FBI, caught in this matrix, ex marine, wounded in combat, he leaked out that some of the identities were stolen.

Stolen identities. Okay, so that came from Bob Mueller. Headline, Los Angeles Times. I reproduce all of these in the book. Okay. I love reproducing these truth gems from the newspapers because then people can’t say, oh, what website you get that from? Conspiracy theory? No. LA Times, New York Times, Washington Post. Here it is. Los Angeles Times. FBI chief raises doubts over hijackers identities. How about that? And then the BBC hijacker suspects alive and well.

They confirmed seven of them. The pictures we were showing, the names like, hey, that’s not me. I’m alive. I had my passport stolen years ago. But again, this story did not get legs. It penetrated, but it didn’t get legs. It’s been immortalized in the Internet. And we have Bob Mueller to thank for putting out that truth. Jeb. He could have just sat on it. So isn’t that interesting? There it is.

BBC hijackers alive and well. Yes. Do you know who signed all the visas for the 19 hijackers? No. John Brennan. Really? This is before he was even well known. What position did he have? Let’s see here. True story. I came back to work at national Security Agency two days after 911, and they were open. Was the FbICIA and other homeland security culpable in not stopping the 911 terrorist attacks because they were too preoccupied interfering in domestic politics? What are we to make of the fact that John Brennan, as director of the CIA, personally intervened to grant visas to all 19 of the 911 hijackers after their visa applications had been originally denied? And I think at the time, he wasn’t the CIA director then, but I think at the time he was working for the State Department, or perhaps he was working at the CIA, but he was over in Saudi Arabia, and he made sure that their passports or their visas were all approved even after they’d been denied.

So he was pre framing these people or he was getting visas for the Israelis who were impersonating these people? No, I don’t think they were impersonated because I don’t think those planes were the actual planes that went into the towers or that crashed anywhere. I think that they were the people that were the individuals that were going to be responsible for taking over the aircraft. But John Brennan was the one who was, I think he was in Doha, and he was the one who made sure that their passports were signed or their visas were approved so that they could get.

Who voted for the Communist Party candidate in 1984. So then my next item, I talk about all the whistleblowers who came forth, was a lot of them. FBI Special agent Robert Wright, FBI agent Colleen Rowley, Cyber Edmonds. John Cole. These were lower level mid level people. And they weren’t blowing the whistle on it, saying it was inside job or anything like that. But they were all adamant about the fact that they were onto something or they noticed something strange in the weeks and months preceding it and they wanted to look into it further.

And they were hit with a Roadblock. No, you will not investigate. We’re not interested in this. Boom. So they all told their stories and again, no follow up. So why weren’t they brought in front of committees and really probed what they know and then go after their bosses what they know? So they did get some coverage, these people, particularly Colin Raleigh and Cybel Edmonds. But that’s called the limited hangout.

And they spun it to, oh, there was like bureaucratic incompetence. And if we would have listened to these people, we could have been on know they always spin it that way. But it wasn’t incompetence because the people blocking it, later on they all got promoted. We talked about that military guy who became a general last week, but this was also happening within the DOJ and the FBI. The people who weren’t competent sleeping at the switch got promoted.

So that’s how that works, right? Chertoff was part owner in a company or was either a heavy investor or had ownership in the main company that supplied the body scanners to the airports. Is that right? Yeah. And then there’s somebody else I think was associated with automatic piloting. I think that was the Bush cabal. They were connected to a company, I think, that was airport security. Like I said, this thing was a masterpiece.

They had all the pieces in place many years in advance. Yeah. And Chertov, as I understand it, Chertov is like, in Hebrew, means devil. He certainly is. Yeah, he was big. He was a big player in this. Big player. And this was all part of the Cheney group. Cheney was their frontman. Cheney was controlled by, you know, another israeli asset. It was his chief of the. It’s really remarkable how they got all these top players.

They had a man in every spot. They didn’t miss a trick. That’s exactly why I believe that HW, through the 92 election, he made sure that Clinton won because in 2000 they had to have the presidency and they had to put all of his guys in there. And that’s why if you look at w’s cabinet, it was basically all the same guys that were the People in the, they were the junior guy.

Having Bush in there enabled the neocon faction to get their war in. Mean, this was a joint operation. The globalist mark I mean, they want their one world that what they were focused on. People like Brzezinski was no fan of Israel, by the way. This is like an intrareural thing. These globalists wanted Central Asia. But now with the neocon influence in there, with the Bush Cheney thing, it went both ways.

They got their war in Central Asia, but they also got the greater Israel thing, which Soros actually wasn’t too happy about. So that’s like an intermural rivalry. You’ve got the greater Israel guys who for them everything is expand Israel. It’s got to be the center of the world government. And then you have a group of globalists, some of them jewish, even like Sauros Brzezinski. They always view people like Netanyahu as like a headache for know.

Right? Because it’s know we want to get the Arabs on board. But you complicate that, because if we got corrupt arab people in various arab governments, they still got to answer to their people. You understand? You’re doing all this business in the Middle east, the Palestine starting wars. It complicates things for them. So that’s like a little subtlety of this. Did you ever happen even if Gore was in there, because all the prep work was done? Maybe if Gore was in there, we might not have went to Iraq.

The war would have been more focused on maybe what was the state that essentially determined the presidency. It was Florida. And who was the governor of Bush. He can say what he wants about how he stepped aside. Bullshit, whatever. Did you ever see Charlie Wilson’s war? No. I’m going to play. This is like a two minute clip. This is really interesting because this kind of plays along the line of what we’re talking about.

And it’s really about. Charlie Wilson was one of the guys in Congress who has helping funding all of the. Getting all the missiles and everything for the CIA into Afghanistan. But just listen to this for a second. I’ve got the subtitles on there too. Send them money and start with the roads. Move on to the schools. Back guns. Now it’s a part restock the sheep herds, give them jobs, give them hope.

I’m trying hard. I’m fighting for every dollar. Yeah, I took you from 5 million to a billion. I broke the ice on the sting in the Milan. I got a democratic congress in lockstep behind a republican president. That’s not good enough because I’m going to hand you a code word classified nie right now. And it’s going to tell you that the crazies have started rolling into Kandahar like it’s a fucking bathtub drain.

Okay, so the point that I’m making there is it says the crazies are rolling into Kandahar like it’s a bathtub drain. The crazies were the junior guys in the Reagan administration, and this is in 91. And it was talking about that the crazies are going into that part of the world to implement all their policies. And that being all know Hollywood and CIA, they’ve been intertwined since Nuremberg.

Eisenhower brought all these Hollywood people over with that. When I heard that, I was had. When I first heard that, I went back and I watched that scene again. I was like, they said that in Hollywood. I was a little surprised at that. But anyway, I digress. They let a lot of stuff out. I know, getting towards the end of the booklet here. Here’s one that did not get a lot of playback then.

It did not penetrate the radar screens in America at least, but it did in Mexico. October 10, 2001 is one month after 911. They want Mexico on board because they’re planning ahead. These neocons, they’re probably going to cut off. They want to go after the whole arab world, including, in time, Egypt, Saudi Arabia. They want Mexico on board. Mexico’s got oil. We don’t need their armed forces, but certainly their resources.

But they were kind of leaning on this whole war against terror thing. On October 10, two men were arrested in the parliament building in Mexico City. It’s called the San Lazaro plaza. And they had on them high explosives, Handguns, pakistani passports. But they were Israelis. Bomba and San Lazero. Front page story. Wow. It’s just like the dancing Israelis. They were held in custody and then the next day, you don’t hear much about it in the newspaper, but it did come out.

Their names were Saur Ben ZV and Salvador Gerson. One’s a mexican jew and the other one’s an Israeli. Wow. And they were in the parliament building, armed up to the teeth. And they had bombs. They got caught in the act. It was just like the King David hotel. They were ready to do their dirty deeds and they got spotted. Only difference is, in King David Hotel 1948, they were able to blow it.

They were able to activate the detonators here. No. Then the israeli officials came, they had a talk with the israeli government. It’s a big misunderstanding, whatever. They found some pretext, just like the dancing Israelis. They sent them home, but they almost blew up the mexican city parliament building. Wow. So I don’t know what is just more mind blowing. The story itself or the fact that something like this can just go away.

Just like the USS Liberty, which never even got through the radar screens at all. That didn’t even get back page blurb on the New York Times. That didn’t even make it at all. But this did on the front. So I’d never heard this story. Yeah, I cataloged this years ago. I had this information. Yeah. Literally one month of the day, almost one month of the. So now, if that would have went off, that would have happened.

They would have been able to propagandize the mexican people and probably open up their oil spigots, which would have been important if you’re going to go after Saudi Arabia and Egypt. And that was the plan, by the way. They were just going to hop from one country to another. They were expecting it to go Syria, Iran, because if you look at the greater Israel project and their ultimate map, stretching from the Euphrates in Iraq all the way to the Nile in Egypt, it encompasses huge parts of Egypt.

So they were going to go after them all. This was their sick dream. But they never even got past, um. Sometimes things don’t work at the. Looking at this thing from Hamid Ghoul, the observers, including high level intelligence people in other countries, insist that the official story of 911 is a lie. General Hamad Ghoul, former director of pakistani ISI the attacks against New York and Washington were israeli engineered.

The attack started at 845, and four flights are diverted from their assigned airspace, and no air force fighter jets scrambled until 10:00. Radars are jammed, transponders fail, and no IFF is identification, friend or foe, challenging. In Pakistan, if there is no response to an IFF, jets are instantly scrambled. This was clearly an inside job. Will this also be hushed up in the investigation, like the Kennedy assassination? And then there was this.

Andres von Bulo, former head of the parliamentary commission that oversees Germany’s secret service, states the planning of the attacks was technically and organizationally a master achievement. To hijack four huge airplanes within a few minutes and within 1 hour to drive them to their targets with complicated flight maneuvers, said von Villow in the Tagglespiel interview. This is unthinkable without years of support from state intelligence services. Exactly. Absolutely. This isn’t something, I cited those two gentlemen because of their stature.

One was head of pakistani intelligence, another one was the lead intelligence guy, the german government. Not that I need those authority figures to make this case. Anybody could see this, but it certainly helps with Normis. They like to hear from authority figures. So those guys know what you’re talking about and they know how the intelligence world works. What bulls dismiss as conspiracy theory is really how the world operates.

And people in those certain positions understand that. But those were very powerful testimonials. This book, just like my crash course NWo, which is also on know they’re loosening up at Amazon. By the way, I read an article, the new CEO at Amazon, he says, we don’t want to get into censorship. I got to send it to maybe white, maybe white hats are loosening up Amazon. I don’t know.

But then you got crash course nwo. So this is like the format I’m going with now. I’m trying to keep things really short, concise, and powerful because people don’t have a lot of time to read. But these are weapons. Seriously, I think anyone reads this book and does not come to the conclusion, yeah, 911, definitely inside job. They’re just gone. They’re beyond hope. Right. 20 years ago, 15 years ago, the issue was still so emotional.

You understand how people have that block. But now we’ll see. I think this will open a lot of eyes. And I close with the widow linking this to Q but not the very ending, but February 2009. And I titled this section, who killed 911? Widow activist Beverly Ecker. Now, Beverly Ecker was, her husband was killed on 911. So she was really the most well known crusader of the surviving families.

Okay. Because there were a lot of families who had questions about the official story and she was their unofficial leader who refused Zelekal’s hush money. Okay. Because they were given money to survivors. It wasn’t so much hush money says you can’t sue because things come out in court. She rejected it. And she was a really tireless advocate and campaigner. And here she is, shortly after Obama takes office, she meets with Obama.

So that’s the kind of moral authority and traction she was gaining. And I suspect she probably knows what went on, but maybe. Can’t say. But she kept pressuring and pressuring. But she meets with Obama and two weeks later her plane goes down. And I remember when that incident happened. I didn’t know she was on there because that was up here. It was from New York to Buffalo. Small plane, medium sized plane.

One of those commuter planes went down. I don’t know, 40 some OD people died. She was on it. But that’s how they do. And this to me is fascinating because I want to link this now to Q because Q has told us that many plane crashes are actually targeted kills. Yes. They don’t care. They’ll take the whole damn plane down. It’s perfect for them because Normans will be like, oh, they wouldn’t take the whole plane down and get one person.

Oh, yes, they would. These are monsters. And if you recall, I’ll send you a link on this early, maybe after a year in office. Trump said, hey, has anyone noticed since I’ve been president, airplane crashes haven’t been happening? And the media mocked them. They’re like, is he taking credit for? And really, they used to be frequent. You don’t hear about these big plane disasters. So again, Trump’s comment parallels Q’s comment.

Okay, here’s where it gets really interesting, though. Qpost. Where is it now, Q, post nine, eight five. This is 2018. Okay, here it is. First of all, this image here. Q posts this image, or he reposts it from another poster. And you can’t see the writing here, but it says, hi, I’m Beverly Ecker. My husband was killed during the 911 attacks. I rejected a $1. 5 million from the government, et cetera, et cetera.

Was a well known figure in 911 truth movement. Coincidentally, days after meeting President Obama, I died in a plane crash. There it is. Q posted that, or he reposted it. And the other thing Q posted was this. Hrc, Hillary Rodham Clinton, 212 2009. That’s the date of the plane crash. Very bad. Q is telling us that Hillary gave the order to take the plane down that killed Beverly Ecker.

That’s what he was telling. You know, I have no doubt mean, there have been some evil people that have walked the corridors of power in Washington. And I don’t know if there’s ever been anybody that was as nefarious as that there. I’m sure that there have been. But, man, she’s certainly up there, unlike some of the other villains of history, american history, and there are many, I think, with her, she, like, revels in it.

The other ones do it. It’s like, okay, we got an agenda. Do whatever evil act we have to do. That’s it. They don’t particularly take joy in it, right? They just do it. I think she’s so sick. I go back to, she’s a psychopath. That time when she was doing an interview with CBS and someone gave her the news, oh, Gaddafi’s dead. And she’s like, we came, we saw he died.

It’s like, wow. I mean, you’re running a mill assassin. It’s just, he’ll kill you. Cold blooded. Sit down and have his dinner. That’s bad. This. This bitch was cackling over what they did to that poor man Dafi, who I have sympathy for. I think he was really dedicated to his people. I do, too. He’s not a bad man. He had nothing to do with Panhand 103. None of that nonsense.

I agree. Routine. Knowing what I know about Gladio, I think that there’s so many things that happened in Europe that were attributed to Europe and the Middle east that were attributed to Gaddafi or whoever that was not Gaddafi. That was western intelligence that did it and blamed it on the targets that they wanted to blame it on to keep. They murdered that policeman, Yvonne something or other in London.

Do you remember that? Going back 35 years now? And they blamed that on Gaddafi. Some sniper just shot her in the stomach, killed her, a policewoman. They blamed that on Gaddafi. They blamed the Berlin disco tech on Gaddafi. Berlin disco on Gaddafi, yeah. And I just remember the intense hatred. I used to hate them. I was like 20 years old. I remember in 1986 when France wouldn’t let us fly over their territory and they had to take those f fly out of new, out of England and they had to go all the way down through the rock past straight to Gibraltar.

And they had to have like multiple refueling from KC one hundred and thirty five s. And then they also had, I think it was the Saratoga, launched a six strikes on Tripoli. What’s the. They sucked Reagan into that. Yeah, well, I still think was a good man, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. And these operators just surrounded him. Gaddafi bad. Okay, let’s get him. Well, I think what they did with Reagan is they used his wanting to fight communism against him and they used it for their own purposes.

That’s exactly what they did with. But, but I think he meant well. But like you said, the more I know, I think you’re right. He wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. But anyway, you want to give a little bit of a tease for what we’re going to do next week and then we’ll cut it out. Well, this is a territory where not many people in the Q movement want to go.

But I see what, I see the astonishing parallels and similarities between the educational elements of the cue posts. I mean, Q is about an operation. It has several elements to it, but a lot of it is informational, educational or leading you in that direction. So you take the informational elements of the cue posts and then you look at Mein Kampf or Hitler’s speeches and his actions, what he did, and you match him up and it becomes obvious that they’re fighting the same force and talking about the same problem.

This comes up over and over and over again. So this would make, like, an interesting college thesis paper, I think you get an f on it, thrown out of college. But just do a comparison between these certain cue posts and Meinkamp and Hitler’s speeches, and they match up. The difference is it was less politically correct times back then. Correct. You just said jews, right? Today we have to walk our eggshells a little bit, which I’m not opposed to doing, because if you’re dealing with normies, they have to be brought along a little gently.

So maybe today we use terms like the Rothschild mafia, the kazarian mafia. Mafia. Right. Illuminati globalists. And that’s fine, because you need to have a halfway house to get people from out of their hypnotic spell and then bring them along the conveyor belt slowly. My website, my followers, I don’t refrain at all from naming the usual suspects. Right. But for purposes of something like Q, it would be very imprudent to say, jews this, jews that.

But if you look past that, they say the same darn thing. Hitler could be Q. You’re starting to. You say that, boy, you’re going to raise some eyebrows with that one. But, yeah, we’re not saying that it’s exactly this, but we’re going to kind of go along the look at some of the parallels between the Q operation and some of the things that were said in Meincomp and some of the things that were said by Hitler and some of his speeches and whatnot.

And so, yeah, it’s going to be a little fun exercise just to kind of show that there are some potential parallels. And I guarantee you nobody else has done this. This is going to be original, and we’re looking forward to doing it. Hopefully, our cars don’t crash or we don’t get on a plane before next week. They don’t have that kind of muscle anymore. I did a piece that went out, is going out later on tonight, probably going out any minute.

Front page in New York Times, slamming Israel. It’s like, really going on here. Really embarrassing for. Yep. Well, listen there, Mr. King. Thank you again for a riveting evening, and we look forward to seeing you next week. And if you have any material that you want to send so that I can kind of be on the same page with you, please fire it over. Okay. Because it helps when I’m looking at the book, because then I’m not, like, just guessing, especially with this crash course.

Get it on Amazon, and the website is realnewsandhistory. com. Please get out of my mailing list. You’ll get all this great material and have a look at all of my books and pdfs. And if you go to realnewsandhistory. com, Ron, there’s some special offers for you there, too. Absolutely. Well, thank you there, Mr. King. Appreciate you. Appreciate your time. And always come away with learning something new. It wouldn’t be a well spent hour if I didn’t learn something new every time we get together.

Okay. All right, guys, thanks so much, and we’ll see you next week. Okay. All right, guys. Take care, everybody. Good night. Bye. .

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