Trump Ousted Off Ballots? Turkey To Ignite WW3!


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Trump Ousted Off Ballots? Turkey To Ignite WW3!



➡ The text is a dynamic monologue of a lively presenter discussing upcoming shows and special guests. The speaker expresses concerns about global political tensions, mentioning Russian nuclear capabilities and the situation in Ukraine. Additionally, they delve into the importance of energy, referencing the dominance of oil as a traded commodity and its relationship with economic stability, both globally and in the U.S. The speaker also promotes his various social media channels, a Keto product, and discusses invasive immigration issues.
➡ The speaker discusses concerns around global politics and potential war, along with his challenges of running a show to maintain audience engagement. He expresses doubts about Trump’s chances in the 2024 elections given political opposition and controversies, while asserting his own dedication and commitment to delivering information despite personal difficulties and skepticism.
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➡ Israeli politician Moshe Moishi Figlin has expressed his strong views regarding the complete destruction of Gaza, drawing connections to major historical devastation like Dresden and Hiroshima. Meanwhile, escalating tensions in the Middle East have seen Iran launching war games involving significant military assets, while Russia remains tight-lipped about its own nuclear triad exercises. The situation is further complicated by mass protests, political maneuvering in the US, and dubious claims by Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, regarding his aid to Israel’s military operations.
➡ The speaker urges Donald Trump Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to appear on his show. He discusses theories that Kennedy’s independent presidential run is a Democratic strategy to undermine Trump’s chances. He also comments on a mass shooting in Maine, theorising possible motives and highlighting the shooter’s mental health issues. He mentions the devastation in Mexico caused by Hurricane Otis, the threat from a supervolcano in Italy, and the death of Matthew Perry due to apparent drowning. Lastly, he notes reports of Chinese nationals being smuggled into the US with possible assistance from Cuba, and shares anecdotes about encountering self-driving cars in San Francisco.
➡ The controversial self-driving car service, Cruise, has been pulled from California roads following an accident that critically injured a pedestrian. Despite initial confidence in the technology, the incident tests public trust and has officials questioning the readiness of self-driving cars for the road.
➡ A comet dubbed “Devil Comet” due to its two distinct horns of gas and ice is moving through the inner solar system and is expected to be visible to the naked eye in the spring of 2024. Despite causing significant eruptions of gas and icy debris, the comet poses no threat to Earth, but its events and the effects they might have on our planet remain a subject of intense scrutiny by astronomers.


Good morning, everybody. Good morning. Buenos dias. Damas. I caballeros. All right. I got Juanito on the phone with me. Hopefully I’m not screaming too loud. I get a lot of pushback about that. A lot of people say I yell too much. But, hey, that’s just my personality. I got a lot to talk about today, as every morning, I put my shows together with the help of Juanito. Juanito.

And I got to tell you, folks, there’s a lot of stuff heating up. We got turkey sending in warships. We got Russia testing all three of their nuclear capabilities, land, sea and air. It’s getting het. It’s getting hot. It’s getting hectic, folks. And I’m going to bring Juanito on to talk with you all just briefly today. We’re going to try to knock out two shows. We’re going to try to make one, as we always do, fluff tube worthy, and then go back to the back channel on Ninoscorner TV and knock it out of the park.

But, folks, if you appreciate me, I appreciate you. Venmo is dehypen rod 1977 d Hyphen rod one nine, 7719 77. When the lights go out on Amazon. When the lights go out on Amazon. It’s a very nice gift for someone, you know, that’s maybe being bullied or this happens when you’re a kid. It happens in the workforce. Just giving you my experiences on it so you don’t feel so alone.

Also, the Mexican mix. The Mexican mix. My mama’s book right here. The Mexican mix on Amazon as well. Leave an honest review. I read her all the reviews, folks. I read her all the and for my sweet old mama, folks. Keto with Nino, baby. Keto with nino. When it comes to weight loss, we’re all searching for that miracle pill, which may never exist. But believe it or not, I may have found the next best thing.

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Oh, yeah. All right, folks, I got one on the phone right here, and I’m going to go into a nice presentation today. I got it all mapped out here. Spotify. Nino’s corner. Telegram. Nino’s Corner. I don’t know where you guys are going. Are you guys just leaving Telegram for good? Is that what’s going on here? Because I’m dropping like a lead balloon in Telegram. Getter Nino’s corner. Rumble nino’s Corner Truth Social david Rodriguez Boxer Instagram David Nino Rodriguez Boxer.

Also nino’s truth. I’m trying to build up the Nino’s truth. Twitter is Nino Boxer Patriotwear. com Bing. Get a shirt@patriotwear. com. We got a lot of cool gear there. Take a browse around the take a stroll around the store and tell me what you want to see in there. Ninoscorner TV. Ninoscorner TV. I got to tell you, folks, ali Saratana is coming back on. That might make YouTube talking about the UFOs, what’s happening in Israel right now, how it coincides with biblical events.

So he’s coming on my show today. I got Jim Willie going to be doing another financial report. I got Tina Peters coming on. I got Benjamin Fulford, who’s going to be the next general in the general’s tent. Then hopefully Juan can be the next one in December, because I think by that point, we’re all going to be pulling our hair out. So Benjamin Fulford is coming on the general’s tent.

November. I’m going to give you the exact date. I think it’s on the 25th or 26th. Daniel Brinkley is coming back on, and I got 107 right now coming on to bless the Airwaves, folks. All right, folks. And you might want to turn it down or turn it up, baby. Turn it down or turn it up. I’ll give you a second to do so. Coming at you live for the apocalypse, folks.

Yeah. Let’s go. It’s heating up everywhere, all over the planet. We haven’t seen action like this since 1945. Juanito. Juanito, can you hear me? And let me know, folks. Oh, my gosh. Can you guys hear him? Oh, my gosh. Am I being heard? Nito. Let’s just check real quick. Give me a thumbs up if you can hear Juanito. All right, let’s just hold on. Yes. These people mentally left brain, right brain.

All right. They barely can hear you. I’m trying, folks. They can’t hear me. Yeah, they can hear you. Let’s just go for it. It’s real low. We’re going to be doing two shows today, me and Juan on Nino’s Corner TV, and we’re going to be talking about how hot it’s getting. So what do you want to hit first? Briefly. The Cuban missile style cris. You called it. It’s here.

In fact, this is worse than the Cuban Missile style crisis. Juanito this is World War Three. In the flesh, baby. Well, hold on. In the Cuban Missile Crisis, it was a standoff, and Russia blinked, and they turned their ships around. They were going to put missiles 90 miles off the US. Coast that were within striking distance in that era of Washington, DC. And lots of our key bases.

And we just said, no way. Later, we came up with the intermediate nuclear missile agreement where we had missiles arrayed at Russia, and we kind of backed them off a little bit. But the key about that whole era, people don’t see where we’re going right now as being a repeat of that. And the one thing, let me just say this, Nino, and it’s virtually unseen or heard in any publication you have in the world right now.

You know what this is really all about, whether it’s Russia, US, Ukraine, Israel, I’ll tell you, and it’s been going along. I’ve been talking about this all the way back to when we collapsed the Soviet Union, and the way that we did it, how did we take them out? The first shot across the bow was undermining oil prices. Wow. The last shot across the bow was undermining their currency.

Under the Obama administration, we be careful with that. Shut down US Oil Production Then under Trump, we brought oil production back and made America an exporter of oil again. Under this administration, we’re shut down we’ve just shut down the American oil economy radically. Now, the reason that’s important is because when the dollar got in trouble and was going south back in the 70s, early 70s, Vietnam War, everything else, we made certain changes and went to, famously, the Petrodollar, just because I don’t want to get shut down here, I’ll kind of stop there.

But let me just say this, Nino. Everything you see going on right now, it’s all about energy. And it’s a banker’s choice to try to make the world go green to shut down. Yeah, be careful on that. Don’t say anything on that, because we’ll talk about that on Nina’s. Yeah, because they’re real side of the coin is what’s the scariest part about that. Trump if you make America what we want it to be, if you focus on America as the number one focus and energy production, you know what the most traded commodity on Earth is? It’s not wheat.

It’s not stereos out of China. It’s oil. It’s energy. That’s the most traded commodity on the planet. When you shut it down from local production, it means that you’re having to trade your life energy in the form of dollars to some foreign entity, some foreign operation. What happened under the last administration was we became self reliant bank. Okay? We traded our own energy, our own labors, for our own resources, and others came to us.

That’s what’s really going on. And this is this sloshing of water in the tub, back and forth, back and forth. That’s what the real fight is behind the scenes all across the world. Who’s going to control the energy spigot? Remember before Ukraine went completely insane, somebody now Putin says it was the Brits. Seymour Hirsch’s sources say it was us. Somebody cut off the oil supply to Central Europe coming out of Russia by blowing up the yeah, yeah.

Be careful with that one, too. And so the long and short of it is this is what’s going on in the world and what’s on the line. What guarantees stability in the Mideast is US lives, state Department, military, everything. All of our us. Guys are in the Mideast and being sent there right now. You got a few hundred guys in States, around the country being left here to protect America at the same moment all of our border people are telling us that you got young males from countries across the earth coming in here.

So they’re depleting our resources as they flood us with these immigrants that will probably be activated. Correct, Juanito. Well, if somebody’s pissed off at us, are they going to come directly at us? This is fifth and 6th generation warfare. War by another means. People have been gaming this thing out on computers for centuries, decades, years. Okay, yeah, computers done by hand, by rote, even a cipher’s computer. But the long and short of it is we have a situation now where somebody has gamed this out and has decided by throwing this monkey wrench into the mideast on time, the outcome down the road, as the machine comes to a grinding halt, is the US.

Is toast. And other people, other places are going to make a killing. Because, see, power is never destroyed. It’s just transferred. It’s just put someplace else. They’re not stopping the flow of this tsunami, this river. It’s just being redirected. Other places, we become this energy, financial, behemoth. And now somebody wants to make us fall bigger the harder they fall. Can we talk about this on Nino’s Corner TV? We’re going to do an interview right after this, right, Juanito? Sure.

Okay. And we’ll try to do something for the YouTube crowd so they don’t get pissed off. And then we’ll go really deep on Nino’s Corner TV. Right, Juan? Yeah. Okay. All right. I’ll call you right after my show. All right, Juanito. Thank you. I hope you guys like that. I hope you guys like that. I do my best, folks. I do my best. But there’s so many on community guidelines, on flufftube, anything can set off alarm bells.

So I got to be real careful. I have to rein these people in when they’re talking. Otherwise sayonara, I’m out of here. And I don’t want to lose anything. I don’t want to lose my channel. So I hope you all understand that. I got to keep the town square. I got to be the Pied Piper of the normies. But I get briefed before I do my morning shows.

I talked to Juan. I talked to a couple other people. And I got to tell you, folks, I outline everything I’m doing to deliver you the information, the style that I want to do it with, with all the bells and whistles, so that I keep your attention. And that’s why I yell. That’s why I raise my voice. May annoy some of you. I get it. I understand. This is not how I act during the day.

It’s only during this show so I can keep your attention. Keep your attention. Keep your attention. I got to keep dancing, dancing, dancing, so I can keep your attention on why this is so fucking important. Because I don’t think a lot of people understand where we’re headed, where this is going. This is going to a collision. This is a collision course with World War Three. And this is not like people I’m just going to go watch my television.

I’m going to go back on Instagram. You’re not going to avoid this. You’re not going to avoid what’s coming. And I don’t care. I’m putting my ass on the line. I’m putting myself out there and probably look like an asshole to a lot of people out there, because if I’m wrong, I look like a dick. But I’m not wrong. I know I’m not wrong. Got a lot of guests coming up on Ninoscorner TV.

I got to tell you, folks. So Trump ousted off ballots. Even if he’s nominated, they’re doing everything in their power to get this guy out of there. Out of there. And Turkey is getting ready to ignite World War Three. They’re sending at least 100 battleships. So the method of the madness here you just heard from Juan is create global chaos, okay? Order out of chaos. Create this global chaos, and then the United Nations, and WEF bring in the desired order.

So make the mess and provide the cleanup. Do both jobs here. They’re going to make the mess and provide the cleanup. So Turkey is making more moves to get involved. And for the first time in history, for the first time, 100 warships of the Turkish Navy turkish Navy began moving into the Bosphorus Strait. This will ignite World War Three, is what they’re saying. This is game on, and this is what they want.

Can you guys hear me? Give me a thumbs up. Because I feel and I understand, folks, believe me when I tell you that every morning I wake up to do this. I don’t feel like it. Some days. Some days I want to sleep in. Some days I get up at 530 in the morning, six in the morning to put together these shows. It’s off the cuff. First of all, I put together the news articles I’m going to do.

But this is for you, folks. For me, I’m realizing this is why I’m here. This is why I feel that maybe I got a hall pass. Maybe that’s why I got a hall pass. Maybe that’s why I didn’t check out, because I should have checked out. I saw all my friends check out. Be honest with you. I’m kind of lonely. I’m pretty lonely. All my friends, all my good friends are gone.

Too young for that shit. Even if Trump wins the nomination, even if Trump wins the nomination, they ain’t stopping. They’re not stopping. They’re like, oh, shit. What can we oh, well, there’s so many charges on him that we threw on him. Let’s take him off the ballots. So they’re going to do whatever they can do to make it impossible for this man to win 2024. Impossible. They’re going to make it to where it’s like I’m telling you right now, it’s not going to happen.

My mind is not there. And Cash Patel. Cash Patel, we still have that bet. We have a bet, a gentleman’s bet. I don’t think it’s going to happen. I’m sure my audience doesn’t. So they’re trying to keep him off the ballots in certain states, like Colorado being one of them. And then as they do that, you know for certain, you know for certain they’re going to pull all kinds of shenanigans.

They’re going to pull all kinds of shenanigans when we go out to vote. What makes you think anything’s going to be different? I’m sorry, I’m not one of these people that are like, oh well, you know what, it’s just going to be different this time because I live in fantastical fuck land where unicorns fart glitter. Why would we expect anything else? This is why in the background and behind the scenes, both sides know this is not going to the 2024 November.

You know what both sides know? There is no possible way. There is no possible way. The only people believing in this are not happening. It especially if the counter punch comes in before November, you better believe all hell is going to break loose. Now I’m going to tell you folks, all my markers have been met. Most of my markers have been met, but I still have a marker that’s not been met yet and I’m waiting on it.

So I’ll let you know when it’s met. Actually, you’ll all know when it’s met. I believe chaos and civil unrest is set to occur in America at unprecedented levels that we’ve never seen. We’re going to feel like this country is long gone. And I don’t think the plan is for assistance to be called in. What kind of assistance? Well, if you’re depleting our resources here and sending our military over there, then you might need peacekeepers to come into America and straighten things out.

Little bit of help from our UN friends. Maybe. I’m just asking the question. Maybe. But first they got to make sure you’re not carrying one of these. I’m trying my best to dance around here. So what would really kick off here as we show our support for Israel domestic holy wars brought to you by obeying’s open borders, what we still haven’t and I’m going to be open about one of my markers.

One of the markers is the Democrat musical think. And I think with this Democrat musical chairs, I think giving them an impeachment of Biden and everyone’s going to be like, yes, impeach him, impeach him. It’s too late, the damage is done. If we impeach him, we’re giving them a way out. We are giving them a way out. I say let them hold on to them. Let them hold on to them.

Because if we impeach them, we’re giving them what they want so they can replace him. We’re giving them a softball to knock out of the fucking park. Oh, let’s impeach him. That’s why I don’t completely trust this new speaker of the House. First of all, he looks like a Peeping Tom. He’s just not the type of guy I look at and I go, I trust that guy. I just don’t.

And listen, you can’t serve two masters. My grandfather was a Mason. I don’t fucking care. I don’t care. At the core of it. It’s evil to me. Sorry. I serve Christ. I serve Christ. Hearings begin as Trump critics attempt to kick him off the ballots in two courtrooms 900 miles apart. Judges next week will begin to weigh an unprecedented and historic question. Is former President Donald Trump eligible to run for office again, given his alleged role, given his alleged role in the January 6, 2021 riot? Did he say, Go home and be peaceful? Go home and be peaceful.

But, hey, I guess that’s a pretty big role. And a riot starting on Monday. In Denver, a week long hearing featuring witnesses and legal scholars will explore whether January 6 qualified as an insurrection, which could bar Trump from the ballot. In Colorado. On Thursday, the Minnesota Supreme Court will hear arguments about whether an obscure part of the Constitution might keep Trump off the ballot. There in coming weeks, courts around the country might hold similar proceedings.

If you live in a Democratic hellhole, you’re probably not going to see Trump on the ballot. Just telling you that’s the direction we’re going. So excuse me if I see things a little different than some of these other conservative podcasters. Fuck. Blows my mind. Blows my fucking mind. And I know I cuss a lot, and I know I yell a lot. That’s because everything I do, I do with a lot of passion.

And I don’t care what people think about me. I don’t care. I used to knock people out, okay? That’s how much I care. I used to knock people dead. I was a hitman, okay? That’s what I used to call myself. I was a paid hitman to get in the ring and crack people over their skull and knock them out. That’s what I used to do for a living.

So I don’t care what you think of me, okay? If it comes down to it, I still got that hatchet man living inside of me that just wants to come out and go trump has cast these lawsuits as nonsense and as election interference. Speaker Mike Johnson. Mike Johnson, I am not sold on you, buddy. Mike Johnson. We have an ongoing cover up of the important facts of Joseph Biden.

I’m telling you, if he impeaches this guy, we’re giving him a way out. That’s how I see it. Is sitting in the Oval Office. We know that he stared right into the camera as the president and lied repeatedly. I mean, multiple times. He lied directly multiple times about his involvement and knowledge of his son’s business dealings. We all know that now. But as long as it gives Ukraine your tax dollars, they will sacrifice Biden.

So what I’m saying is, let’s see what kind of fruits this guy bears. Is he still going to be giving away our money to everybody but Biden? Bad Biden’s. Really bad. Biden’s the bad guy. I’m telling you, I don’t know. I don’t trust, then I just don’t trust know. And I don’t have any kind of validation. It’s just my opinion. Joe. Biden’s impeachment is looking more likely, they say.

Well, just like I said, it is very likely that President Biden has committed impeachable offenses, according to Speaker Mike Johnson, who was elected to the office on Wednesday after three weeks of Republican turmoil. So why do they not pick Jim Jordan and all these other guys that are standout guys, in my opinion, and they pick this guy. Why did they agree on this guy? Makes you wonder. In September, then Speaker Kevin McCarthy launched a formal impeachment inquiry into Biden.

It focused on whether the President was ever influenced by the business dealings of his son, Hunter Biden, potentially setting the stage for an impeachment trial. McCarthy said the President faced allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption, warranting further investigation. Biden has consistently denied any wrongdoing. And White House spokesman Ian Sam said house Republicans have been investigating the President for nine months, and they’ve turned up no evidence, no evidence of wrongdoing.

God, they really think we’re, huh? I gotta tell you, folks, you know what, I’m watching a lot of said. There’s a few channels and I don’t remember, I think Maximum Fear on YouTube. Maximum Fear. Look at those trail cams. This kid does a great job of putting it together. It’s one of my favorite channels on YouTube now. Maximum Fear. Watch these trail cams. Holy shit. Now I know what evil lies out in the national parks.

No doubt in my mind. And let me tell you, folks, everything in your imagination is out there. I’m not going camping ever again. I’m not doing it. I’m scared. I’m not doing it. There are these entities called rakes that live out in the fucking forest, and they look like almost like gray extraterrestrials, but they’re not. And I think they’re called skinwalkers. I think they’re what the Navajo called the skinwalkers.

And I got to tell you, folks, trail cams are picking these things up, and they are creepy beyond belief. Go check this out. Give them a little plug there. But I’m just telling you, I’m looking into this stuff because my mind goes in so many different directions all day long. All right, GOP. Congressman officially proposes amendment to cut Biden to top Biden’s official salary to 1. 0 cents.

Don’t worry, he’s making money elsewhere. He can afford that. I don’t know how to say this guy’s name. I want to say it with a Spanish accent. All right. Endorogan threatens to declare war on Israel and send military to Gaza. In chilling warning, turkey looks like it’s getting involved. Turkey’s president appears to have threatened to intervene in Gaza in an impassioned speech at a pro Palestine rally this evening.

And Rogan delivered a speech to a rally this afternoon in which he told attendees israel was responsible for war crimes and framed Hamas as freedom fighters. In comments that have prompted Israeli outcry and led the country to withdraw its diplomatic presence, president Androgan suggested assaults on Gaza constituted a massacre. Have you guys been looking at this footage? I don’t know what’s real and what’s not. I look at this, I’m like, fuck, I don’t know.

I don’t know. I just don’t know. In the same speech, he reportedly said that Turkey can come at any night unexpectedly. So sounds like an ex girlfriend. In the same speech, he reportedly said that Turkey can come at any night unexpectedly. Yeah, like my ex girlfriend. All right. To Ecstatic reception from hundreds and thousands of attendees. The footage, which is currently circulating on Ex, formerly known as Twitter, reportedly showed the pro Palestine crowd responding with a chant, turkish military to Gaza.

Turkish military to Gaza. Turkish military to Gaza. So here we go. Turkey going to ignite World War Three? Yeah, it looks likely. So for the first time in history, 100 warships of the Turkish Navy began moving in the Bosphorus Strait. And SG, my good friend SG that I’m going to have on again for another update on Nino’s Corner TV. I hope this was his account. Put more than 50 warships representing eleven nations 50 warships representing eleven nations are now in the Mediterranean Sea.

The last time this occurred was the summer of 1945. Can you believe that we’re here again? Can you believe this? I often think to myself every day I wake up, I’m like, wow, a new episode of The Twilight Zone is here. Wow. What episode is this? It’s like my whole reality. Or was it just that in the early 2000s, we were just vast asleep in a coma? And that’s really what it was.

We’re just now waking up and seeing everything for what it is. We were vast asleep. That’s really what’s happening. That’s really what’s happening. And stay tuned for my what the fuck news, because I got to tell you what I think is coming, and I’ll put it in the what the fuck news at the end of my segment here. I’m thinking about doing a raffle or something with those of you who share my videos the most and can prove it.

I think I’m going to give away a large sum of money to the top three people for Christmas that share and like my videos the most. And I think you’re going to be paid handsomely. I’m just saying. I’m talking to my YouTube agent about this. He feels it’s the right direction to go. Okay. If Turkey gets involved, we are immediately at World War Three. Due to NATO Article Five, every Western power will have to choose a side and the Balkans will descend into chaos.

Doesn’t that sound nice? Get your lawn chair out, grab a beer, and let’s watch some nuclear fireworks. Israeli leader calls for another dresden and Hiroshima and Gaza. Annihilate Gaza now. Annihilate it now. Psychopaths. That’s what this is. Psychopaths. Anybody wanting the scorched? These people pushing for war, I got to tell you, let me just say this again. If you watch these trail cams and understand what these beings are, they’re called rakes.

They live out in the forest. I don’t know where they come from. They go from different dimensions. I don’t know what they are, but they’re able to take over bodies like deer and fucking wolves and people and I think, how do we not know? Our politicians aren’t controlled by these things. Just posing a question. It may seem out of the ordinary, but nothing is off the table for me anymore.

I’m looking at all sides of everything. There is evil in this world and I think they’re forces that cannot be seen. I live in the forest and never seen them. You can’t see them. These trail cams pick them up. Go watch Max Wolf here. That kid’s got a good channel. He’s got a good channel. It’s nice. So in an appearance on Israeli television this week, israeli politician Moshe Moishi I’m going to say Moishi Figlin called for the complete annihilation of Gaza with an outcome of destruction like Dresden and Hiroshima.

That’s a big statement. We still have not revenged. We still have not revenged in a biblical way, Phelene proclaimed, presumably referring to certain Old Testament stories where ancient Israelites eradicated all their enemies. We did not burn Gaza to ashes immediately. So he’s very disappointed in this. Have you seen the videos of these children? They’re pulling out of the rubble. Children. And they want more. They want more. These are the people that run the know.

I had on the video my last interview, if you guys go watch that talking about NASA, is it masters of illusion? Real or fake? I think he has a great heart. I think he’s a good man. But where I differ with him is what I don’t think he understands is there’s very bad people at the very top controlling it all. And they use the good people, the good hearted good people to do their dirty.

Or they’re just very compartmentalized and they don’t understand what’s really going on. The reason I understand it is very simple. I was a fighter. I dealt with managers and boxing promoters. The worst of the worst. I saw it all. And I also come from a border town where by the time I was 13 and 14, I was running the streets of SIA. That Wade is one of the worst cities in the fucking world.

So I’m pretty street smart. I get it, I see it. Street smarts is a certain education you can’t pay for it’s hard knocks. So we are not ready. No. We are ready. Let me correction. We are ready. Iran launches war games with 200 attack helicopters and missiles as Israel tensions rage and US warships gather in the Mediterranean. So remember I said this, folks, this is a desired outcome for the globalists, because order out of chaos.

So let’s just scorch the earth and build it back as if we are gods. That’s why a lot of you think, how can they do this? This is crazy. They’re people, too. They got to live. Their kids got to go to school. Nah, wrong. They have their bunkers that they paid trillions upon trillions of dollars for. And this, to them, is entertainment. When you’re this rich, when you’re this bored and you need some kind of adrenaline, what a better way for entertainment? That’s how I see it.

So Iran has staged massive war games with 200 helicopters and missile launchers. As tensions rage over Israel, tanks, aircraft and troops were deployed by the Islamic Republic for the exercise dubbed Authority 14 Two. It comes as unprecedented tensions rage in the Middle East. With fears Iran could join the war raging between Israel and Hamas, commander in chief of the Iranian Army, Abrogalib Mosavai, said, we are always ready to deal with threats, reported Iranian state media.

Israel launched a massive raid into Gaza last night, sending troops and tanks steaming across the border. After massive aerial blitz, iran is feared to potentially intervene either directly or via its proxy terror groups such as Khazbalah. Maneuvers in Russia juanito sent me this one. Maneuvers in Russia the Russians have conducted exercises involving their nuclear triad in media silence. Although these exercises were not publicized by the Kremlin’s propaganda, the US responded with the launch of the Minuteman Three intercontinental missile.

Without preceding announcements or propaganda declarations, russia carried out the atomic maneuvers named Grom. So, nuclear exercises happening right now? And what did Juanito say? This is all a war for energy. The involved exercises of the Russian nuclear triad, which included strategic aviation, carrying out nuclear weapons, submarines armed with intercontinental ballistic missiles, and land launched kidding. I can’t read today. Intercontinental missiles. There we go. Sorry. Intercontinental missiles. While previous maneuvers were widely publicized, causing worldwide anticipation, this year’s Grom exercises were conducted in media silence.

On October 25, Grom 2023 Russian Maneuvers on October 26, 2022, tu 95 Ms strategic bombers launched cruise missiles from the Placeaic Cosmodome. An Rs 24 yards missile was launched towards the Kuro range and Kamchukayaka. Additionally, the K 114 Tula submarine launched an R 29 RMU Seneva missile from the Barent Sea. I think that’s how you say it. Thank you, Nancy D. What’s notable is the non involvement of newer weapon systems such as the R 30 Belava missiles, rs 28 Sarmat Blotovat type submarines, and Tu 160 airplanes.

Testing all systems go. Making sure all systems are go so they can blow up the fucking world. Ha. How do you like the apocalypse? This is fucking crazy. I can’t believe I’m reading this shit. I cannot believe my life has resorted to this. I can’t believe I went from a heavyweight contender, champion boxer to reading the fucking news during the apocalypse. What is wrong with the world? Okay? Wow.

And you guys trust a boxer more than the mainstream media? Good for you. That’s what we’ve come down to. That’s where we’re at in the apocalypse. Help me reach more people. How about you share my videos? That would help a lot. It’s a bitch. 7000 pro Palestine Palestinian protesters take over Brooklyn Bridge. Call for elimination of the you know who. They’re calling for the elimination of by any means necessary.

At least 7000 pro Palestinian protesters shut down the Brooklyn Bridge during a march through the borough Saturday, openly cheering Hamas terrorist barbarian attacks on Israel and justifying the murders of innocent mothers and babies. Freedom by any means. Land back by any means, declared Dora. See, here’s the thing. Everyone’s falling for it. Not understanding that the powers that be are using us all against each other. How do you stop the madness? You don’t have a reaction.

You don’t respond like this. We’re giving them World War Three. We’re saying here. Yeah. Because they know people are tribal and people are reactionary. So they just got to pull the strings. They just got to make the desired events, light the fires, and we throw the gasoline on it. So we’re going to see a lot more of these protests, a lot more craziness, because people cannot handle their emotions like me.

But this is all let me make this straight. Let me make this clear. My YouTube channel, what I do here on YouTube, I don’t act like this in public. I don’t even act like this in private. I’m going to go lay down on the couch right now, eat and go to sleep. Okay? Former Vice President Mike Pence suspends his 2024 presidential bid. Hold on 1 second, Apense. I’m just going to take a moment to laugh at you.

AHA. Bye. Bitch. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass. Bye bye. See you later. Oh, wow. Judas Pence. It didn’t work out too well for you. Former Vice President Mike’s Pence suspended his 2024 presidential campaign Saturday. With his campaign running low on money on money and the Republican Party moving in a different direction than the longtime Indiana conservative, he made the unexpected announcement at the annual Republican Jewish Coalition convention in Las Vegas.

Bye bye. Sorry. Nara. I came here to say it’s become clear to me this is not my time. So after much deliberation, I’ve decided to suspend my campaign for President, effective today. He said on stage, I have no regrets. Yeah, you do. You should. The only thing that would have been harder than coming up short would have been if we never tried at all. And as he backs out of the campaign, out of the race, trump trolls him.

Trump. Former President Trump called on his vice president, Mike Pence, to endorse his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election. At a Saturday rally, multiple outlets reported so Trump is sitting there saying, hey, don’t worry, pants. Why don’t you endorse me? I love it. I love it. Desperate moves. One shot left. So what are they thinking right now? God, what can we do? Trump looks like he’s going to get the nomination.

Let’s keep him off the ballots. Or let’s pretend somebody else out there is just as good. Who can we grab? Well, how about Nikki Haley? Oh, God. The rise is real. This is what the publications are saying. The rise is real. Nikki Haley’s breakout is jolting 2020 Four’s undercard race. No, it’s not. Nobody cares about you. Go home. Go home, have a glass of wine, and just hate Trump as they fall apart.

Ron DeSantis’s claim he sent military equipment to Israel unravels. I called you out a year ago, at least a year ago. Boy, was I right on that one. I’m right on a lot of them, by the way. My instincts are pretty damn good. Ron DeSantis is receiving pushback from Israel diplomats, florida Democrats, and the White House after he falsely claimed credit for a gun running operation to assist Israel’s military operations in Gaza.

The Florida governor and 2024 presidential opal declared on Thursday that he had worked with Israel’s consul general in Miami to send military equipment, including drones, body armor, and helmets. What a tool. What a tool. What a is. This is what I find interesting. Trump Jr calls RFK a democratic plant. Hey, Trump Jr. By the way, by the way, whoever knows Trump out there, we’ve talked on Instagram a couple of times.

I’ve met you in person. I’d really like you to come on my show. I think it’s time that you come on the Nino show, my friend. I met Donald Jr. I met him at the We Build the Wall. He’s a very nice guy, man. I like that guy. He has a good energy about him. He has a good energy about him. He’s a good guy. And we’ve talked briefly on Instagram a couple times.

So, Donald, you’re welcome on my show anytime. Please, come on. Thank you. Donald Trump Jr. Dubbed presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. A Democratic plant, after the candidate left the Democratic primary to pursue a presidential bid as an independent, a change viewed as potentially hurting former President Trump’s election chances. It legitimately always felt like it was a Democratic plan to hurt the Trump thing, Trump Jr. Said to Trump campaign volunteers in Iowa on Thursday.

He wouldn’t be there if the Democrats didn’t want him. So the Democratic establishment essentially ignored Kennedy’s longshot primary bid against President Biden. Now, early polls show Kennedy may actually pull more voters from Trump than Biden in a three man race, turning a former primary opponent into a boon for the incumbent. Kennedy centered his campaign on a rejection of the two party system, distrust in government and skepticism of the boogeyman.

You know what I’m talking about? So what do you all think of Kennedy? Do you guys like, uh, gosh, I like what he says about this stuff. Right. Don’t put it in here. But the guy that we need is Trump. So if you’re going against him, you’re on the other team for me. Sorry. That’s how I see it. And sorry, not sorry. But Mr. Kennedy, you can very much come onto my program as well, okay? So you can come and state your case.

But I know a lot of you guys are scared of me because I know a little too much. All right, setting the narrative is what I’m going to call this one. Setting the narrative. Main mass shooter. That happened on a day that we all called, didn’t it? Maine mass shooter heard Voices, may have embraced Conspiracy Theories, officials say so wow. Do you see what they’re doing here? You see what they’re doing here? Just like we said they would.

The gunman who killed 18 people in Maine reportedly had mental health issues, including that they have been hearing voices and believe people were talking about them. Police still have not declared a motive in the case, but Maine Public Safety Commissioner Mike Southchuck said the gunman, Robert Card, showed signs of mental illness. I’ll say there’s a paranoia, there’s a conspiracy theorist peace, Southek said Saturday. Law enforcement sources have told The Times that Card was committed to a mental health facility for two weeks over the summer and released, but authorities said Saturday they were not aware of any forcible mental health visits, but are continuing to piece together Card’s history.

Authorities have spent days searching for Card, who opened fire at two Lewiston establishments late Wednesday, killing 18 and wounding at least 13 others. Police are still investigating why Card targeted those establishments. I think that there’s a connection to all of those locations, South Chuck said. I think that both of those spots. I think that both of those spots. I will tell you, from a community standpoint, a lot of people in this community were familiar with both spots.

Right? So the thing happens, and everyone’s like, I was there once before. My family visited Spot all the time. I do believe that there’s a connection, as if the gentleman had been in both of those spots. Why did I just read that? I don’t know. Southstuck also did say whether Card had any prior relationship with any of the victims, saying that would speak to premeditation. I don’t think there’s any premeditation.

I think the guy was just cuckoo above and beyond mental health crisis that we know exists. Card was found dead Friday. Was he really? I didn’t know this. So Card was found dead Friday of an apartment self inflicted gunshot wound that’s damn. Any, an epic mana that forced a swath of Maine to shelter in place. Well, that’s news to me. I didn’t even know they found him dead.

Let me guess. They’re going to go through his apartment and find a manifesto. Maybe he’s a white supremacist. Maybe he’s a Trump supporter. Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t trust any of it. So acapulco, Mexico. Mexico. Mexico. Mexico devastated by deadly Hurricane Otis. You guys hear about this? Have you seen footage of Acapulco? It is done. It is ravaged. Now over two dozen people are dead after a category five hurricane slammed into the popular Mexican tourist destination Acapulco, which is home to nearly 1 million people.

De le Mundos Julio Vacero has more details on the impact of the storm. And lots of these are happening just in time for the 15 minutes city rollout. I’m just asking a question. I don’t know. You can always blame the weather. Can always blame the weather. Mother nature, mother nature. Ain’t that a bitch? We are in a different fucking stage of the game now, folks. Earthquakes. Well, wouldn’t you say earthquakes beset Italian town as Supervolcano Rumbles the Bible talks about this.

I keep having to go back to the Bible. I keep having to go back to it as much as I thought. I was so open minded. That’s just an old archaic book that was written by thousands of years ago by people that just were seeing things. Yeah, they were seeing things. Pazulo, Italy. The talk in shops and coffee bars in Pazuli port town outside Naples is not about soccer or politics, but a fear that has gripped residents since a supervolcano sparked a swarm of earthquakes.

Over the past weeks, the government has been planning for a possible mass evacuation of tens of thousands of people who live around the vast volcanic area known as the campi flagrari or the Philagaradier fields, from the ancient Greek word for burning. So lots of natural disasters happening. Well, let’s get to some Matthew Perry news. Now, I’m not saying I know what it is at all. I’m not saying that at all.

I don’t know what killed him, but I know what things can speed it up. Don’t put it in here, please. Don’t put it in here, please. But dead at 54 after apparent drowning. So what you’re telling me he couldn’t swim? What caused the drowning? You can always say stuff like that. Like, oh, he fell off his bike. What caused him to fall off his bike? What caused him to drown? So more details are surfacing about the circumstances surrounding Matthew Perry’s death, as sources tell us he actually died at his house after some physical activity in the morning.

Well, that would cause it. Do not put it in here. I’m just know. Gosh, man. When you start seeing the cast from Friends, start dropping off another episode of the kind of that kind of hit me, I was like, oh, Matthew Perry, man, that sucks. You know, I met that guy twice. I met him twice. Where did I meet him? In La. I think at Mel’s Diner one time, and then I met him again.

I met him at the Equinox Gym in La. Yeah, he was on a treadmill next to me, and we were talking a little bit, actually three times. And then I saw him again at another coffee spot and hey, what’s up, man? I saw you at the gym. Yeah, what’s going on? And he looked just wrecked, like he was just hammered. But back then, in those days, I was just as hammered.

So sad. He looked, like, sweaty, and I probably looked no different. I used to drink a mel’s diner. Yeah. Mel’s diner. Sad. Prayers out to his family. Prayers out to his friends. Border news. In border news, florida Republican warns Cuba is smuggling Chinese nationals into the US by sea after 17 migrants captured in the Keys for the first time. 17 Chinese nationalists were captured after entering Key Largo by boat this week.

I don’t know who they are, why they’re here, or what they’re doing, said Representative Carlos Jimenez, a top Florida Republican. Lawmaker is warning that Cuba is working with the Chinese nationals to infiltrate the United States. By fucking I mean, this is bad. Carlos Jimenez, who represents the Florida Keys, called it extremely concerning following reports that 17 Chinese nationals were captured after entering Key Largo by boat this week.

Well, there you have it, folks. If that’s not reason enough to shut down the border, I don’t know what is. But now that’s not going to happen. We’re going to have to get to a near death experience. So when I was in San Francisco this last time, me and my budy Steven, I was with my budy Stephen, Stephen Schwannison. And we were cruising around San Francisco, and you smell some really good seafood.

And then you turn the block over and you smell some human shit. Human feces. Oh, wow. So we noticed the self driving cars there. Like, we would look around, like, dude, look at that. I’ve never seen them before. So I was tripping out. I was like, wow, that’s pretty cool. There’s a robotaxi. Well, how robotaxi crash got cruises. Self driving cars pulled from the California roads. I was wondering how long these things were going to last.

Now, if anybody’s from California or in San Francisco or anything like that, are they still there? Are they gone? Because San Francisco, two months before cruises, driverless cars were yanked off the streets. Says here they were yanked off the streets for rolling over a pedestrian and dragging her about 20ft. What? California regulators said that they were confident in self driving technology and gave the company permission to operate its robotaxi service around the city.

The approval was a pivotal moment for the self driving car industry as it expanded one of the biggest test cases in the world for the technology. But now, following a horrendous october 2 crash that critically injured a jaywalking pedestrian and cruise’s initial misrepresentation misrepresentation over what actually happened that night. Officials here are rethinking whether self driving cars are ready for the road. There’s been a lot of incidences on this and experts are encouraging other states to do the same.

I would not feel safe driving or being in the seat of nobody driving a car just sitting there. Who do you talk to? Yourself, I guess. So this Thursday, just days after the California Department of Motor Vehicles suspended cruises driverless permits, the company said it would suspend all driverless operations around the county, around the country to examine its process and earn back public trust. Good luck on that.

Does anyone know are you guys there in San Francisco? Or anybody from California? Do they still got these things on the road? It was just a matter of time before an incident like this occurred, san Francisco City Attorney David Too said on the October 2 crash. And it was incredibly unfortunate that it happened, but it’s not a complete surprise. Shut down CERN. Yeah, I agree. I actually think sometimes that those trail cams are picking up entities that are being created by CERN.

Just a theory. Just a theory. Thank you. In what the fuck news? In what the fuck news? I’ve been waiting for this my whole life. Is it Nibiru? Is it wormwood? I’m being serious. I’m being very serious. Even though this is what the fuck news. Devil Comet. A devil? Listen to this very carefully. Devil Comet will bring its horns swooping by Earth this summer. Isn’t that the description of Wormwood and Nibiru? Just saying.

A comet with two distinct horns of gas and ice earning its nickname Devil Comet is speeding through the inner solar system and may be visible to the naked eye in the spring when it reaches its closest point to planet Earth. The celestial object formerly known as Comet One Two P Ponds Brooks does not pose a threat to the planet. Instead, the cosmic interloper provides an opportunity for sky watchers to try to spot the comet as it nears Earth on its 71 year orbit around the sun.

Comet Twelve P Ponis Brooks will reach perhelion on the point of its orbit closest to the sun on April 21, 2024. Wow. That’s a big date, I’ve been told. Anyway, shortly after that, on June 2, the comet will pass closest to Earth. During that time, if conditions are clear and skies are dark enough, astronomers have said that the comet may be bright enough to see with the naked eye.

In the meantime, Comet Twelve P Pones Brooks has been putting on a show for those with powerful telescopes. Astronomers have observed the comet erupt twice. What do you mean, it erupts twice? The comet erupted twice in the past four months. Once in July and again earlier this month. During both outbursts, the comet brightened significantly and spewed clouds of gas and icy debris that looked like two matching horns.

Others liken the comet’s unique post eruption appearance to the Millennium Falcon starship from the Star Wars franchise. Elliot Herman, an amateur astronomer and retired professor in the University of Arizona School of Plant Sciences yeah, plant Sciences captured stunning images of the comet twelve pea pones brooks and its devil horns using two remote telescopes in Utah. The comet has a core of dust, gas and ice surrounded by a bright cloud of gas known as Coma.

Sunlight and solar radiation can heat the comet’s core, sometimes causing violent outbursts like the ones observed in July and October. So what does that mean when it gets close to our sun and Earth? Just I don’t know. Herman said that the comet’s temporary horns are thought to be originate from these ice eruptions. The comet structure may be shaping how the spewed clouds of gas and ice appear from Earth, creating the appearance of horns to ground based telescopes.

But precisely what is happening is not well understood, according to Herman. Man by observing this more intensely, we might resolve this question. And there is a community of observers who are studying this feverishly. Ah man the horned planet or the horned comet. Have you guys looked into this? Yeah. Have no fear because what is it really? I don’t know. I don’t claim to know. What a little longer today? Didn’t I had a lot to talk about.

I’m going to jump on, get to Nino’s corner TV. I’m gonna have a long interview with Juanito. Juanito and Benjamin Fulford is the next general. And then I think I’m going to bring Juanito on in December again because I think at that point, shit’s going to be crazy, boy. So Nino’s Corner TV is where it’s at. I’m going to be uploading the Ghost part Two tonight. Dustin Emos is up there right now, and the Ghost is up there as well, part one.

So lots of good stuff, lots of inside intel coming at you. All right, folks. And the new heavyweight champion of podcasting, him, the black sheep of broadcasting, baby, right here. Later. Bye. .



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