Trump Assassination Plot: Real or Staged? | Stew Peters Network

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network




➡ The Stew Peters Network talks about how Deonna Lorraine hosts a show where she discusses current news and trending topics. She also promotes products like Nature’s Blend dog food and Kingdom Fuel nutritional supplements. In recent news, she talks about an attempted attack on former President Trump and the reactions from various public figures, including President Biden and Chris Cuomo. She also criticizes the media’s coverage of Trump and shares her views on Hillary Clinton’s recent comments.
➡ The text discusses criticism towards Donald Trump and his opponents’ tactics, mentioning an alleged assassination attempt on the former president. It also includes a promotion for a product called Energy Renew and a cereal named Kingdom Crunch. The main event is the reported assassination attempt on Trump at his Florida golf course, where the suspect, Ryan Routh, was apprehended. The text ends with a discussion about the incident and the ongoing investigation led by Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis.
➡ President Trump survived two attempts on his life in two months. The media and a podcast host, Charlie Robinson, discuss the details of the incidents and speculate about the motives and identities of the attackers. They question the official narrative, suggesting possible connections to the FBI and CIA, and hint at a larger conspiracy involving NATO. They also discuss the role of the media in shaping the narrative of these events.
➡ The text discusses theories about recent events in American politics, including the idea that tactics used by NATO in Operation Gladio are now being used in the U.S. It also speculates on President Trump’s performance in a recent debate with Kamala Harris, suggesting he may have intentionally underperformed. The text further theorizes that Trump might have staged an assassination attempt to regain public sympathy. Lastly, it discusses potential election interference and the incompatibility of socialism with American values.
➡ The speaker believes that the current political climate in the U.S. is chaotic and causing frustration among conservatives. They suggest that if Donald Trump is seen as a solution to this chaos and is harmed, it could lead to dangerous reactions. The speaker also expresses concern about potential economic collapse, advising people to be proactive in managing their finances. They end by emphasizing that those in power may not have the best interests of the American people at heart.
➡ Charlie Robinson, host of the Macro Aggressions podcast, advises people to be strategic and prepared for potential future crises. He also promotes his book, “The Octopus of Global Control”, which discusses global issues. The show, Shots Fired, airs twice a week and encourages viewers to support their sponsors and share their stories.



Welcome, everyone, to shots fired with Deonna Lorraine. I’m your host, Deonna Lorraine. Going over all the latest breaking news, trending topics and truth bombs that you can’t get anywhere else. Go ahead and follow me on social media, especially Gab Telegram, truth social and getter real Deanna Lorraine and on x for all the latest and controversial posts. Deanna for Congress my show is twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 08:00 p.m. eastern time after the Stu Peters show. And it is Tuesday at 08:00 p.m. eastern. Now, after a crazy couple of days, it’s been wild with shots literally fired at President Trump over the weekend that we’re going to be discussing and delving into this and more and the breaking news of the day right after these messages.

Stick around. Don’t go anywhere. Hey, guys. Well, you all know how much I love dogs and especially how much I love my beautiful princess, but very picky pug Layla. And you know how much I want to just take care of her and have her living her best and most fulfilling, healthiest life. Well, I discovered nature’s blend, essential wellness for dogs. This is the advanced, all natural solution for your dog’s health. And she loves it. She’s very picky, but somehow she loves this one. Their freeze dried formula provides maximum nutritional content in every meal for your furry friend.

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But it’s also got added to it, greens and reds. A lot of people buy those separately. It’s got vitamins and minerals, insoluble and insoluble fiber. That is a complete meal. And it’s under $5 per serving. And people use three scoops. Guess what? Most people don’t. They use one or two. So you’re talking about a full, complete meal. And the shelf life is two years if you don’t open it. Pretty cool. Oh, yeah, absolutely. And if we’re in any kind of apocalypse, you can pretty much eat this all day. You can. And the cereal and be really, really healthy.

All right, cool. And guys, you can find the kingdom fuel line of products at Doctor Sherwood’s website. Of course, Sherwood tv and use promo code shots to get 30% off. Again, that’s promo code shots to get 30% off. I love this shake. It’s amazing. Great. And keeps me healthy. All right, without further ado, let’s get into the top news of the day. Well, Biden stumbled out of his body doubles cave to ramble off some sentiments to trump some nice and warm and cozy sentiments wishing him well, and stumbling and rambling something about how violence and extremism have no place in America or something like that.

As he continues to ramble on his words. Check this video out. Before I begin, I want to make a quick reference. The attempted assassination against our former president in Florida yesterday. I commend the secret Service for the expert handling of the situation. And the former president is protected from harm. And subject is. And as the subject is in custody and acting head of the secret service is in Florida today assessing what happened and determining whether any further adjustments need to be made to ensure the safety of our former president. Let me just say there is no, and I mean this from the bottom.

Those of you who know me, many of you do no place in political violence for political violence in America. None. Zero. Never. I’ve always condemned political violence. I always will. In America. In America, we resolve our difference peacefully. The ballot box, not at the end of a gun. America suffered too many times. The tragedy of an assassin’s bullet, it solves nothing and just tears the country apart. We must do everything we can to prevent it and never give it any oxygen. Couldn’t even offer some sort of heartfelt apology or words of sentiment without reading from a teleprompter or script.

Well, Chris Cuomo, of all people, interesting enough. Failed news anchor. He issued an apology to Trump this week on his show, and it went viral. Pretty interesting how he’s kind of coming out more and more, kind of calling out the deep state type people. He actually admitted to the fact that he had a major vaccine reaction. And he apologized to people saying that he was sorry that he was pushing and peddling the bioweapon. So much. So I don’t know what’s going on. Maybe he was always like this and he’s finally unleashed now that he’s fired from CNN and on his own, I don’t know.

But interesting that he’s come around and saying that he’s sorry to Trump and that we shouldn’t be talking about Trump like this. Check this out. If you missed it and you can think what you want about Trump, he does not have many more full throated critics of what he says and does than me. Okay. And yet I called him today because I am ashamed of how we are responding and not responding to the threats on him. And I feel for his family. And I know you can roll your eyes and say, oh, yeah, he asked. Listen, that’s your choice.

And I think it’s a wrong choice. Okay? We gotta get out of the judgment business unless it’s judging ourselves. And you gotta start rewarding things that are better. And I gotta tell you, I don’t know how he stays in the race. I don’t know how he got up after being shot in the head. And you people who try to mitigate that, you need to check yourself. He gets up pumping his fist, stays in the race, barely even talks about it. Interesting. You know, that would be so crazy if Chris Cuomo kind of went rogue and joined Team Maga, wouldn’t it be? And started just really calling out everyone from CNN and from the mainstream media and the CIA and blowing the whistle on all their secrets and dirt.

That would be, that would be pretty fitting. But I’m kind of feeling that way towards him lately. It seems like that might be happening, but we’ll see. Hillary Clinton, of course, to the old hag and witch that I still can’t believe is still alive, but she wheeled herself out of whatever pizza and hot dog ridden hell hole she’s been hiding in to go on lesbian tranny Rachel madcap show to kick Trump while he’s down and blame and lambast him even further, saying it’s his fault, that he keeps on getting almost assassinated and killed. It’s his fault.

It’s his fault. Check out Rachel mad cow first and then the witch. It’s just so ridiculous. You cannot make this up. He’s still being taught, especially by the media, that the more offensive he is, the more he can dominate the media space entirely. And I feel like you’ve been a good diagnoser of that, not only from when you were up against him, but from what others have done. So do you have a, an antidote for that or a way that people can talk themselves out of taking that bait? I think that’s really a critical question, and I think there’s a couple of things going on here.

You mentioned the press, and sadly, the press is still not able to cover Trump the way that they should. They careen from one outrage to the next. What was outrageous three days ago is no longer on the front pages, even though it threatens the physical safety of so many people, particularly, as you point out, immigrants that he and Vance have decided to demonize. And I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is. You know, the late, great journalist Harry Evans, you know, one time said that, you know, journalists should, you know, really try to achieve objectivity.

And by that he said, I mean, they should cover the object. Well, the object in this case is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world and stick with it. You know, they were merciless about what they saw as president Bidens, you know, problems in the debate and calling for him to withdraw. I believe Donald Trump has disqualified himself over and over and over again to be a presidential candidate, let alone a president. It’s amazing, though, that they actually admit that their strategy and what they do is to get all of the media and everybody in lockstep with their talking points about a certain someone.

You pick a target, you freeze them, and you attack them. That’s one of the rules of communism in the marxist playbook. I mean, that is one of the rules. You pick a target, you freeze it, and then you attack them and smear them over and over and over again. Remember Pelosi and the wrap up smear, admitting that that’s what they do. So at least they admit again on tv that this is what they do to people. This is what they do to Trump. And they get angry and lash out at any talking head that doesn’t toe the line and communicate and lockstep with the talking points about Trump.

And remember, these are the, I love it that they call Trump’s rhetoric somehow extreme when these are the people in the party of decapitating Trump. Remember these actresses and actors, Kathy Griffin, God she’s been out of the news cycle for a while. Has been. But remember when she’s holding up the head, the bloody, decapitated head of Trump, so vile, so grotesque. And we’re the ones inciting violence. And they’re the ones always saying, too, that Trump is a Nazi and punch a Nazi. It’s good to punch Nazis. And it’s good to punch these people, hit them, have violence towards them.

These are deplorable people. They’re not even human. Maggots. They’re not even human. They’re maggots. They’re deplorable. So they’re the ones that need to be dehumanized, treated like garbage and killed. So we’re not saying any of that stuff. They’re the ones that say it. It’s real ironic. And of course, they’re blaming the victim. I mean, it’s like telling a female victim of domestic violence who almost got killed, oh, it wasn’t your fault. You shouldn’t have been wearing that dress. She shouldn’t have been wearing a dress. That’s why she got raped and almost killed. Well, anyways, Florida and its governor, Ron DeSantis, is heading up the investigation into this shooting.

Yeah, well, that’s good, I guess. They’re heading up this investigation. Here’s what DeSantis has to say. Today I’m signing an executive order assigning the case involving the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump to the office of statewide Prosecutor under the supervision of Attorney General Ashley Moody. The suspect, Ryan Routh, is believed to have committed state law violations across multiple judicial circuits in this state. Palm beach judicial Circuit, the judicial circuit, including Martin county, as well as perhaps the judicial circuit represented by Broward county. Also, the state of Florida has jurisdiction over the most serious, straightforward offense, which is attempted murderous.

I’ve directed state agencies to move expeditiously and to provide full transparency to the public. In my judgment, it’s not in the best interest of our state or our nation. Have the same federal agencies that are seeking to prosecute Donald Trump leading this investigation, especially when the most serious, straightforward offense constitutes a violation of state law, but not federal law. In addition to holding the suspect accountable, the public deserves to know the truth about how this assassination came to be. And I’ve directed all state agencies to work expeditiously to be able to uncover the truth in addition to holding this suspect accountable.

All right, we’ll be right back with our next guest right after these messages. Don’t go anywhere. Hey, guys, do you often feel like you’ve got low energy and you just really want to give your energy a boost that’s sustainable all day long. Well, this awesome new product I’ve been taking, energy renew, gives you that kick you need to keep going all day long with no more midday slumps. Plus, it helps you stay on track with your weight loss goals and burn fat way more effectively. Say goodbye to brain fog. Energy Renew keeps your mind sharp and focused so that you can tackle whatever the day throws at you.

And who doesn’t like that youthful, beautiful glow? Energy renew not only boosts your energy, but also helps your skin look and feel amazing. Packed with powerful nutrients like tributarin and sunfiber, it is the ultimate energy booster. Go to to learn more about this amazing product and get yours today. Go to that’s deanna right now to see how this product changes your life. Hey guys. Well, I’m here with my favorite doctor, Doctor Mark Sherwood here today. And guess what I just got? It is a giant box of a kingdom crunch cereal. His new line of cereal called Kingdom Crunch.

And this particular flavor is acai bowl. And let me tell you, it is so, so, so, so tasty and delicious. But besides from it being so tasty, I have Doctor Sherwood here to tell us why it’s so good for you too, and why it’s so amazing and should be in everyone’s cover. So what’s up with this incredible cereal that you sent me that I can’t stop eating? Doctor Sherwood? Well, many times when we hear the word cereal, we think unhealthy, poisonous chemical carcinogen shouldn’t be eating it. That is quite the opposite. High protein, zero added sugars, organic ingredients and healthy fats such as medium trained triglycerides.

Deanna, that should be in everyone’s cupboard, in every child’s mouth every day. That is truly healthy and life giving for kids. I recommend it all the way. Not because I made it, but because it solves a real problem in today’s world. Excuse me. I can’t stop eating it. But I gave it to my son, Maverick, who also also loves cereal. But I don’t want him to eat cereal except for this. This is really, really good. It’s really tasty. It actually tastes like real acai in your mouth. And it’s got, it’s packed full of all these nutrients and no sugar, right? No added sugar.

That’s insane. How is it so sweet then? Yeah, we use stevia, monk fruit and some allulose there. All of which, get this, are diabetic friendly. They won’t raise blood sugar, which is another benefit. I’ve had people ask me, can I eat that if I’m diabetic? Yes, you can. And you can fix your diabetes. Yay. Awesome. Well, this is so good. Where can everybody find this kingdom french cereal? They can find it at Sherwood tv shots and use your discount code to promo code shots. Promo code shots. And they can save some money off their and support your program.

All right, go to Sherwood TV promo code shots and pick up this delicious kingdom crunch cereal today. Welcome back to shots fired. Well, it’s just barely been two months since the last assassination attempt against President Trump. Just two months in a day. Actually. July 13 is when it happened. And then, coincidentally, the weekend of September 13, Friday the 13th, something else happens again. Another supposed assassination attempt against President Trump. Now, the election cycle is obviously heating up and ramping up and things are getting pretty crazy. Lots of curveballs being thrown at us. But I don’t think a lot of people expected this would happen again.

So another potential shooter and assassination attempt against Trump on Sunday. This time, he was out golfing over at his golf course in Florida. And again, the shooter missed him. So he’s got more lives than a cat at this point. The shooter missed him again. The shooter is now in custody and we’re still learning a lot of the details about him, but it’s all very strange, it’s all bizarre. The timing is really weird to Trump is safe. I mean, that’s, that’s what happened. He didn’t get killed, he didn’t get injured or anything this time. And it did not graze his ear this time.

But it is bizarre and it is pretty crazy what’s happening. His golf course tonight, a crime scene. The former president whisked home under guard to his nearby Mar a Lago estate as the man intent on taking his life. Ryan Wesley Routh stares down an FBI interrogation. This is about good versus evil. Online posts paint a picture of a man in his fifties and highly critical of Donald Trump. A list of prior run ins with the law. Lately, he was committed to enlisting foreign fighters in Ukraine. My initial goal was to come fight, and the FBI says fighting was his goal.

Today, the US Secret service personnel opened fire on a gunman located near the property line that line the Trump International golf course. The republican nominee was between holes five and six when the advance Secret Service details spotted the threat some 300 metres from the former president and opened fire. He was able to spot this rifle barrel sticking out of the fence and immediately engage that individual. Trump was bundled into a golf cart and carried away to the clubhouse, where he was locked down. The gunman’s high powered weapons seen here with backpacks and a camera. I think one has, like, a rifle as he made a run for it.

Fortunately, we were able to locate a witness that came to us and said, hey, I saw the guy running out of the bushes. And they spotted the vehicle and pulled it over, confirming his safety. Donald Trump pictured smiling a thumbs up with Speaker Mike Johnson before declaring, nothing will slow me down. I will never surrender. He’s now survived two attempts on his life in just two months. What is clear is that President Trump is safe. That is a good thing. I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things that they say about me.

So wall to wall coverage, of course, on the mainstream media and social media with new details unfolding of what exactly happened here and who this guy who supposedly almost shot or almost killed Trump actually is. But I want to talk to talk to you guys and invite Charlie Robinson on. Love having him on. Charlie Robinson is the host of the macro aggressions podcast. And I love talking to you because you like to analyze and go even further than sort of what the mainstream media likes to tell us, what the official narrative and story typically is. You usually don’t buy that story.

There’s a lot more than meets the eye. And I love that, you know, you’re not afraid to go into details and to, to walk off that beaten path. So without further ado, Charlie Robinson, host of the Macro aggressions podcast. Let’s analyze this. Let’s go down some rabbit holes and theorize a little bit more, a little bit deeper than what the mainstream story is. So first, let’s talk about what is the official narrative. Let’s talk about just some of the official facts of what actually happened, Charlie. And then we’ll peel back the layers a little bit. What is the media saying actually happen to you, speaker one? Oh, it’s just an unhinged lunatic who’s out there on the road, who, who is very confused and definitely not coordinating with the feds in advance of this.

Don’t, don’t, don’t. Those are conspiracy theories. Even though every time you look at shooters in the past, they all have had connections to the FBI, they were on their radar, as they say, often and always. So the official narrative is that this is just a, on the first time around, 20 year old kid who had big problems and slipped through the lockdown security with a rifle and a viewfinder and all those things and got up on the next time around, this new one. Well, I mean, it’s early, but of course, you dig into his background and he’s on the radar of the feds again, which is no surprise.

And he was apparently involved in wanting to be in Ukraine in some way, helping to fight. I mean, I don’t know if he was weaponized by the mainstream media, which happened to quite a few people, or if he was weaponized by the CIA in some sort of mind control experiment. I don’t know if he’s a useful idiot who was agitated in a chat room and sort of directed in this, you know, sort of egged on in this direction. The truth is, no matter what they’re sending the jv team, it’s not the best and brightest. Which makes me think that maybe the point of this isn’t to hit him necessarily to take him out, but to cause chaos and generate a lot of anger and maybe even bubbling up division between the people that support him.

At some point, they’re going to get him. I mean, they want him dead, right? Somebody wants him dead. I worry about this. I worry about the first time around. I’ll tell you what. And I would put the same sort of speculation on this guy as well. But I know a thing or two about assassinations in the past, and one of the major players in this is NATO. NATO is not getting talked about at all with regard to any of these assassinations. But if you look in the past, their background was the assassination squad for the empire.

And not just NATO, but the Wallenberg family out of Sweden in particular, would be the ones driving this. So for those that are looking to go down an interesting rabbit hole with regard to assassinations of foreign leaders in the past, NATO was built for that, starting in 1948, when they sprang into existence as a regime change operation of the CIA. So this is where we have. This is where we are now. We’ve got, listen, I’m very skeptical of the mainstream media’s narrative. Of course, we should all be. I’m hesitant to jump in and proclaim to know too much early on because we know how there’s a lot of baiting and switching happening.

But I will say this, whether it’s a Trump shooting, a terrorist event or whatever, one of the things I’ve noticed is that you’ll get the best information in the first 24 hours. After that, the narrative squad gets in there, they start seeding it with disinformation. They start removing relevant interviews that were happening on the scene of whatever it was. So when it comes to something like this in the future, for people that are interested in trying to figure out whats going on, save as much as you can immediately, because what you will find is over time, a lot of those interviews and videos and clips that you used early on when coming to your conclusion about the way an event unfolded, unsurprisingly, they’ll be hard to find in the future.

Cause that’s what always happens. Yeah. Very interesting. And so basically, so, so Trump was golfing and it was an unplanned, it was sort of a last minute event that he was golfing. Right. And then somehow his schedule got leaked and, you know, to somehow this shooter or to the public or whatnot. And to me that seems also a bizarre detail here, that if this was kind of a last minute event, supposedly, how did this shooter know and who from his inside the team is leaking this information? Kind of like the last minute Trump rally in Pennsylvania that was supposedly not planned too far in advance, but it was enough time to get this shooter on the roof and getting a ladder up there and everything that he needed to do.

So that to me is, is very strange. And then this rock, his name is Ryan Routh. Okay. And we’ve seen him parading around and, you know, as sort of a supporter of the Ukraine war or almost a puppet for the Ukraine war. And then he was found, which is very strange again, but he was found in a commercial. Right, for a pro ukrainian commercial supporting the Ukraine war. The action is to appeal to what leaders, what organization, and it’s the same thing that happened last time. So the shooter of Trump in the July 13 shooting in Pennsylvania was, it was unearthed that he was in a Blackrock commercial, right? Yes.

So it’s really strange. How are they, it’s almost like these crisis actors that we do a little digging and then we find our, in commercials or he’s supporting the Ukraine war. He’s being, seemed to be used by a puppet. There’s, there’s evidence that he’s a CIA plant. It’s just too, it’s weird to me. Like, would they be that sloppy with these details? Unintentionally? I don’t know. This is what NATO has done in the past. NATO will take over an entire city, fill it with all of their people, and it’ll just be a city of their, and then they will take them.

I’ve had this conversation with Olay Damagard about a traveling rock show that NATO goes on the road with traveling rock shows that are false flag terror events and that they implement them. And they have a group of people that do stage hair, makeup, explosives, all of that. And they have a component of them that are used as media cutouts that are disposable people that can be put in a, in these situations and recycled over and over again. I mean, Lena Nguyen, if you recall, Lena Nguyen, Lena Nguyen was one of the witnesses at the Boston bombing.

That’s not accidental. So when you start to see these people get recycled or they’re using them in multiple ops, this is, this is that, to me screams NATO. Not that. Not that this is a high level, you know, you see the useful idiots on the sort of the retail side, the ones that are squeezing the trigger. And I don’t think anybody would, would confuse them with skilled NATO assassin. Right? I’m not saying that at all. But the desire to create chaos and confusion and for a regime change operation, I mean, this is what we, we, the american empire has been doing overseas for decades.

We’ve been. And what Soros in particular has been doing overseas with these color revolutions in Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan and all over Central Asia, what we’ve had is that this color revolution has just come home to America. It started in 2020 with the black revolution, the Black Lives Matter revolution, funded by George Soros with installed district attorneys that were put through with the backing of open society, Soros group. And so they’re reimagining America. They’re conducting a false flag regime change operation on the american empire. Right now, we’re just living through it. In every other time. We had been watching it happen elsewhere and saying, oh, this is terrible that we do this to other countries, but it’s come home.

And the tactic has been turned on us. And what we are witnessing is something straight out of NATO’s playbook, Operation Gladio. Operation Gladio was designed to create what they described as a strategy of tension that was just make things crazy and unstable enough so that people feel very destabilized. One of the things that they put forth in Operation Gladio, and they used this in the sixties and seventies in Europe, was shootings in grocery stores. Where did we see that? We saw that in Buffalo, shootings in schools. We saw that. Well, we’ve seen that everywhere. Right? So this is nothing new in a sense that the tactics aren’t new.

NATO has been doing this in Europe for decades, since the late forties. It’s just that now the same tactics and maybe even the same organization has set its sights on America. Interesting. Okay, so there’s obviously lots of theories floating around here, and we don’t know all the evidence yet. We don’t have any, any for sure answers. But here’s another theory that I was speculating on a little bit, too. I don’t think that Trump had a very good week last week. In fact, I think he’s kind of had a bad couple of weeks. And there was the debate with Kamala.

All right. And we could get into the weeds in a little bit after this. Like, what you thought about it more in detail and how he did, but this was a long awaited debate. People were almost expecting or hoping that he would fail. Millions of people are watching this, and a lot of, a lot of them are thinking about what, who am I going to vote for Kamala, this switcheroo president that a lot of people don’t like, but they think, okay, she might be better than Trump, or am I going to vote for Trump? And a lot of new eyeballs have been on Trump since the first assassination attempt.

And I don’t think he did very good at all. I think he kind of sucked at the debate. It was not his best self. He was really on the defense the whole time. He looked angry. He came across unprepared, like, he winged it. And Kamala, as terrible as she and the left are, at least what they do is rehearse and prepare, you know, to the death of them. I mean, every day they’re probably preparing. They’ve got a whole team around them preparing the perfect sound bites, the perfect mic drop and gotcha moments. That’s what they do.

And they’re master, you know, gaslighters. But at least it works. And it comes off sometimes like, oh, wow, you know, that was a good sound bite, or, wow, that was a good. Trump had none of those. I didn’t see him just seeming like he just torched Tom Kamala in any moment with facts or with policies or anything. It just seemed like he was on the defense and almost like he wasn’t even trying. So I think it’s coincidental that he had this kind of bad week and a lot of people were sort of losing support for him.

And the last couple weeks, it also seemed like the energy has been more around Kamala than him. Kamala Harris, what’s up? Good debate. Thank you. And I’m gonna actually do something really unusual, and I’m gonna invite you to attend one of Donald Trump’s rallies because it’s a really interesting thing to watch. And what you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom. First let me respond is to the rallies. She said people start leaving. People don’t go to her rallies. There’s no reason to go. And the people that do go, she’s busing them in and paying them to be there and then showing them in a different light.

So she can’t talk about that. People don’t leave my rallies in Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there. Could it be possible that maybe he staged this attempt, this assassination attempt within his own camp to try to get support again and try to get sympathy again, to try to get him back in the spotlight and have people, you know, kind of react the way that he did back in July in that assassination attempt? So that’s another theory that I wanted to run by.

You sure? I mean, yeah, of course it’s possible. This is, every single thing is on the table. And that may sound, people may go, oh, that’s, that’s crazy with these ideas. These, they’ve done this stuff before. This wouldn’t be the first time that they’ve done this. This is the sort of tactics that they’re using. Nothing is out of, out of the question with them. I think if Donald Trump were smart, he would, you know, the thing is about the, with the debate that they had, it was, the expectations are so high for him to go in there.

He’s like a boxer who’s favored, heavily favored over somebody else. I mean, that can get into your head and you can maybe not train as hard as you, as you wanted to. So the idea that you said that he came in seemingly a little unprepared or underprepared, that’s what happens when you become a heavy favorite. In the end, though, maybe that’s what he needed. Maybe he needed to understand that this YouTube, listen, Kamala is measurably stupid by every metric. That’s, that’s not debatable. But, but you gotta be careful with people like that. Cause she, she’s, she’s liable to do or say just about anything.

So Trump needs to get in there and refocus what, what champions do in, in the sports world is that they just beat up on weaker competition. If it’s a game, you should win, you win that game and you win that game by a lot. When you get into the tough ones, you’re, then you get into a little bit of a fight. Kamala Harris should be just a complete walkover. That’s what I think, theoretically. And I. And I’m just about the time I’m going to say that I recognize that dirty tricks are on the menu here and everything is on the table.

We’ve heard the media pre announce that maybe we’ll give you election results a couple days later. Might not be exactly when you want. Like. Well, it’s an interesting thing to, to announce in advance your failings in advance. It seems like you’re seeding the narratives, of course. So we’ve got a, you know, media dirty tricks for sure. I would expect voting machine irregularities. I would expect bomb threats being called into red districts, voting stations. I would expect everything and anything. So Donald Trump needs to not, if he thinks he can coast on this one, he’s going to get the Hillary Clinton treatment when she coasted on him and wound up crying in a ballroom all by herself.

So he better. He better, you know, if he wants to. You know, I’m not red team, blue team necessarily on. On any of this stuff, but. But his ideas are way more in line with reality than hers. I mean, I just don’t know that we need to explore the ideas of socialism in the United States. If you want to go do that in some third great country, go for it. But that. But these ideas are not compatible with. With the way that we view this country, although they’re desperate to change the way we view this country, as everyone has noticed recently.

So I, and I agree with you on all of those friends, and I’m just playing Devil’s advocate again. A lot of people, including myself, speculate on the fact that if somebody, or CIA or the powers that be really wanted Trump out and they really wanted him killed, I mean, they know how to take a shot and aim and get it instead of continuing to miss. So wouldn’t they, like if someone, if someone, they basically think about all the people that have been kind of murdered, the witnesses who have been Ark incited over the last ten years, they’re very good at shooting and catching them and getting it and not, and not missing.

So wouldn’t they get him already? Why would they continue to have these failed or botched assassination attempts if they really, really wanted him dead? Devil’s advocate. No. And it’s the best question available, because if it’s that important, if you honestly, truly want him dead, he’d be dead. Right? And since he isn’t and they’re having these near misses over and over again, my tin foil hat, of course, comes out and I start thinking, well, maybe the near misses are intentional. But then I look at the gunman, and I go, again, these guys look like yahoos. They don’t look like the type of guys that you would count on to take the shot when needed.

Right. So I’m a bit confused as to what the play is here. Are we trying to make. I mean, are we trying to make Trump a sympathetic victim here? Maybe that could. That could be one angle. Um. You certainly don’t want to. Well, look, either way, if you. If the goal is to kill him or create confusion around him, they’re. They’re creating enough chaos here. I think they better be careful, though, because, you know, I. The. The conservative component of this country, I think they’re at their wits end with what they’ve been going through over the last couple of years.

They’ve watched what happened with January 6 and all of the nonsense surrounding that. They’ve watched the narratives on. They’ve watched their jobs be threatened by the president, promised them a dark winter and all. You better have an f 16 if you want to go up against this government. All you’ve been feeling like your government wants you dead for the last three and a half to four years. And I think that if. If the general public views Trump as the option to get away from all of this insanity that they’ve been experiencing, and he’s got his own problems, but if they view him as the solution to this and you take him out, as in murder him, those people are going to be very dangerous to deal with.

They’re going to be up in arms and unfocused and not sure where to take it out on. Now, luckily, the right is way more sane, logical, and they can extrapolate out. I think the left is far too emotional, and if the situations were reversed, they would burn everything to the ground. I don’t see the right doing that, but, boy, that is a group that you don’t want to get angry. I don’t think this country can take four more years of what the Democrats are serving. And I’m not saying that the Republicans are going to come in here with just a platform, form of solution after solution, but really, I would be happy with nothing.

Like if your platform was, I plan to get in office and do as little as possible. That would be the winning formula for me right now, because what they’ve been doing over the last four years has set this country back two decades. It’s going to take several years for anybody to unwind this aneurysm that has really crippled America and I’ll tell you what, if you get it wrong, boy, it’s going to break out into something that I don’t want to see, which could be civil war violence. I don’t want to see that. I always remember that the feds have a monopoly on violence.

They know very well how to deal with it. And if you bring violence to the feds, they know how to match it. But if you do it strategically and you, and you remove violence and you defeat them through alternative means, show their own hypocrisy to them, cripple them whenever they try to. Like the feds have just come out, right, recently, tried to paint this. Well, if Donald Trump hadn’t been saying the things that he was saying, then maybe people wouldn’t be taking shots at him. No, we understand this is going to be a wake up call for a sizable population of America.

And they’re, they’re never going to be able to go back to sleep after this. For what it’s worth. They’re, they’re going to know that there’s a plan somewhere out there to kill Donald Trump. And I think that a lot of them are going to be take that personally. Yeah, I agree. And do you think, do you think this has to do, like, you know, these hit jobs on Trump have anything to do with what’s going on with Israel and Hamas and, you know, the, this war that we’re also very focused on right now and whether, what he, what kind of part or role he might play in it, it’s got to.

Right. I mean, he’s involved. The wars are, in a sense, the Ukraine in Russia war that’s going on right now and then the genocide that’s happening in Gaza. They both have their eyes on the, the american elections. They both understand that they have to sort of manage the current scenario in their region with an eye on November, that there may be a changeover in power. And if that is the case, how does Donald Trump, if he were to be the president, how does he feel about our current war? Well, if you’re Israel, he’s on board with it.

If you’re Ukraine, maybe not, right? Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see. This is where NATO gets involved. This is where, because they, of course, are driving that Ukraine conflict from, from behind. And if Donald Trump is unwilling or unable to get on board with their program, they may have a vested interest in making sure that he’s not the president anymore. And, of course, as I mentioned earlier, they were one of the first tactics or one of the first things that NATO did was make sure. It was to make sure that they were able to scare the public into behaving a certain.

Voting a certain way with regard to elections. They used, the CIA’s first job that they ever pulled was 47 in Italy in conjunction with NATO being formed and Gladio getting put together to make sure that they scared the italian public into not voting for communism because you couldn’t vote communist and be a member of NATO. So they had to make sure that everybody voted the way that they were supposed to. So, again, these are tactics that we have seen. It’s just weird for it to be used against us. So we don’t necessarily know what we’re looking.

I mean, we’re. I know what I’m looking for with regard to setting off car bombs for an italian election, but I’ve never even considered what it would look like for an american election on our home soil with the CIA and NATO being involved in this destabilization. Like, where is the line in the sand when you’re doing it on your home turf? I just don’t know. Right. Yeah, it’s pretty. It’s pretty crazy. And it’s mid September now. We got two more months left, less than two months, which is really nuts. And we. I do think things are going to ramp up.

I mean, 2020 was wild, and this, this election is probably more important than the 2020 election. So this is. I think there’s going to be a lot more curveballs thrown at us and a lot more wild and crazy tricks from the left. Brace up. You know, buckle up. It’s going to be probably a wild ride the next few months, don’t you think? I do think so. I have concerns about things that are really not necessarily connected directly to the presidential elections. I have an eye on economic collapse possibilities. We have a lot of banks that are teetering.

We have a commercial real estate industry that is just about to go belly up. And that’s going to impact medium sized banks. Medium sized banks hold a lot of depositors money. And if something were to happen there, the FDIC does not have the ability to backstop these banks because they have all their money invested in bonds that are upside down. So there’s a real potential catastrophe with regard to economic collapse and banking in particular with that. So I’m watching that. I think that plays a role in the election. I think that in the event that Donald Trump becomes the president of the United States and a faction is upset by that, but it happens anyway, they wouldn’t be too upset to hang an economic collapse around his neck and say, if you want to be president so bad, manage this as we deal you.

As the Fed manipulates interest rates and creates a panic there, some of the other players get involved and speed up this collapse that’s just right around the corner. It’s just one deutsche bank becoming insolvent from taking all of everybody down. Right? So it’s right there. And so I could envision a scenario in which if Donald Trump does become the president, then they’ll make sure he presides over a disaster instead of four years of success. Because I think it’s important for everybody to realize something that we know. These people hate America. They despise us. They just do not have any respect for us.

So if you think that they wouldn’t collapse the economy because they’re Americans and they want what’s best for America, too, I’m here to and remind everybody that these people have no loyalty to you or America or anybody or anything. They are a different group. They think like psychopaths because they are one. And if there’s a line in the sand that you and I wouldn’t cross, it doesn’t apply to them. So things get very dangerous quickly. And so I would encourage people to not be fearful of this. I mean, don’t go out into the world with a lot of anxiety about this, but take advantage of this time to sort of assess your relationship with your bank.

Maybe if you have money in the bank, you might want to get some of that out, maybe change it from one form of Federal reserve notes that may or may not be worthless in the future to gold and silver or something like that. I mean, just be proactive instead of reactive. Because if we’re getting information like this, if you and I in the audience is aware of where things are going, I mean, really aware, not, not like we’re in the mainstream media, but we’re actually following this. You’re going to see what’s happening well in advance. And I think that we can put ourselves in a position to be out of the way if there’s a big collapse.

Not much we can do about that except position ourselves accordingly so that we don’t take it the way that most people will. So I’m trying to not be scared about it or panicked or anything, but instead be strategic. And I take advantage of the time that we have right now in the relative calm, which is crazy to say that the fall of 2024 is the relative calm. But I think if you understand where things could go, then we might all be looking back, wishing we could get in our DeLorean, go back to this point in time and go to Costco and store up or something.

Oh my gosh, it’s frightening. Well, yeah. Very well said. Thank you so much for your analysis, Charlie Robinson. It’s always great to have you on and weigh in. Tell everybody, of course, where they can find you and follow you and watch your podcast. Sure. Macro aggressions is the podcast. It goes out twice a week, once as a monologue, once as an interview. You can get it wherever podcasts are served in video format. It’s on Rockfin and Rumble and band video. And if you’re interested, the audiobook for my first book, the Octopus of global control, is now available on audible, Spotify.

Wherever you get audio books, you can take a look. For the octopus of global control, it’s 23 hours. You’ll get Graham Dunlop from grimeric, nice canadian gentleman giving you the bad news with that sweet, sweet canadian accent that’ll make you smile while you hear about how these globalist scumbags are destroying the world. So, yes, and I love that it is an octopus of globalist control. I mean, they’ve got their tentacles and everything in every institution and everyone. So it’s perfect. Perfect way to describe that. All right, thanks so much, Charlie Robinson. Go check out his book to the octopus of global control and we’ll be right back right after these messages.

Don’t go anywhere. All right, guys, that’s all the time we’ve got for today. Thank you so much for watching shots fire. Remember, twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 08:00 p.m. eastern time after the Stu Peter show. In the meantime, follow us on social media, especially Gab telegram, true social and getter at real Deanna Lorraine and on X for all the latest and controversial posts. Be on it for Congress. Send me a DM there. Also, if you’ve got any story ideas or if you have a story that you want, your voice, your story amplified and you want to come on our show, shoot me a DM over on Twitter and follow me.

And of course, thank you so much. Our special chat room, always keeping it positive and patriotic. And thank you for supporting the Stu Peters network and shots fired. If you definitely want to support our show and make sure it stays on, go to the rumble description below and click on my sponsors. They are the most patriotic and faced sponsors, stores, companies that really you can never imagine here in America. So if you want to do business with anybody, do it with our sponsors. All right, guys, that’s it for now. I will see you Thursday. After another couple of crazy days, I’m sure.

Layla and I say we love you. God bless you, and God bless America. See you Thursday.

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Biden and Chris Cuomo on Trump attack Deonna Lorraine show discussion Donald Trump criticism discussion Energy Renew product promotion Hillary Clinton recent comments analysis Kingdom Crunch cereal promotion Kingdom Fuel nutritional supplements review media coverage criticism on Trump Nature's Blend dog food promotion Ryan Routh suspect apprehension Trump assassination attempt at Florida golf course Trump assassination attempt reactions
  • Stud the 2 of them maybe also think that is NATO and/or Biden/Kamala are behind this to make it LOOK like Trump may have orchestrated his own assassination attempt(s)? I don’t believe he did it. I did think that maybe after the first try, he seemed to
    be considering a change to God and trying to make his talk better as for how he calls names and such. I really don’t like to hear it. But then again, I’m not voting for the man. I’m voting for his and Vance’s platform. They won’t change my mind. They may steal my vote or my name. But they will not change my mind.

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