Treat High Blood Pressure NATURALLY! Lose Weight With Energized Health Via INNER CELLULAR HYDRATION | Stew Peters Network

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ The Stew Peters Network talks about how many Americans are suffering from preventable health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and chronic pain, which are often treated with prescription drugs that can cause harmful side effects. The healthcare system, including pharmaceutical companies and hospitals, often benefits from keeping people sick. However, Energized Health offers an alternative approach to health, focusing on improving cellular hydration to prevent and reverse health issues. This method has helped many people regain their health and vitality without relying on harmful pharmaceuticals.
➡ The Energized Health program, led by John and Chelsea Jubilee, offers a simple and sustainable health plan that doesn’t require extreme lifestyle changes. It aims to improve overall health and reverse ailments through hydration and small daily changes. The program has positively impacted many lives, including Stu’s, a trusted source who endorses the program. The program is easy to follow and doesn’t require hours in the gym or drastic diet changes, making it a game changer for many.
➡ This text promotes two health products: Energized Health and Magnesium Breakthrough, which have helped users reduce pain and normalize blood pressure. It also introduces Kids Z-Spike Gummies, a supplement designed to boost children’s immune systems and protect them from health threats. These products are available on their respective websites with exclusive deals for the audience.


Welcome back. So millions of Americans are suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes and chronic pain among other health issues that can completely alter or even destroy their quality of life. Every single day in this country Americans die because of preventable health conditions. Their lives are cut short. Loved ones are stripped away from families because of something that could have been cured or could have been prevented from ever happening in the first place. And it’s gotten so bad that among certain groups the life expectancy is actually dropping for the first time ever.

And what we are told is the most advanced, most health-conscious nation in the history of the planet. We’re facing these issues. Even though it’s easy, especially in hindsight, to identify the root causes of many of these ailments, it can be much harder to find a remedy, especially if you’re working through Big Pharma, which has a vested interest right along with the big hospital system taking our doctor’s offices and keeping people sick and keeping them coming back for more treatment, for more medicine. And the more unhealthy people that there are, the more drugs they can sell, the more appointments they can book in these for-profit businesses that they call medicine.

You walk into a doctor’s office, he types your symptoms into a computer, and then the AI system gives him your diagnosis and recommends a prescription drug, and then you’re just sent on your way. And sure, whatever they give you, it may make you feel better for a few days or a few weeks, maybe even a few months. Or maybe it’s all just a placebo effect. But either way, in most cases, after you’re on prescription meds long enough, new health issues start popping up. It’s called side effects, adverse events, things start getting even worse.

And this is all by design, of course. The next time that you hear a commercial for the latest and greatest prescription drug medicine, just listen to how many side effects that they tell you that there are. Listen to all of the ways that it can kill you. Listen to all the ways that it can completely change your life or send your health crashing down into the tubes, and then ask yourself, is it really an accident? Is it really just a side effect? No. Is this really something that anyone should be putting into their body? We’re being poisoned day in and day out.

If the prescription drugs don’t get you, the food supply or the water supply likely will. We have to be proactive. We have to fight back. We have to make sure that we’re taking care of ourselves the very best that we can, so that we can live long and healthy lives, the lives that God intended us to live, so that we can be energized for our kids and our friends over at Energized Health work hard to analyze how and why Americans are suffering from health issues like high blood pressure and diabetes and so much more.

They’re a leading force in helping their clients take back control of their health without relying on dangerous pharmaceuticals, poisons. For more on all that Energized Health has to offer, you can head over to And now, once again, we’re lucky enough to be joined by the Energized Health founder, John Jubilee. John, thank you so much for coming back. We always appreciate having you. Well, I’m always honored to be here, Stu. Yeah, I mean, these people, they don’t understand that all of this stuff is so preventable. And in hindsight, they look back and they’re like, well, now I’ve lost my son or my daughter.

People are dying at young ages. Parents are burying their kids. It’s supposed to be the other way around. But all of these things, high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic pain, inflammation, all of this stuff can just be easily ridden from your life completely with the Energized Health protocol. I’ve been trying to tell people this. Well, it really can, Stu. And, you know, I love to simplify complex things for people. And, you know, and I’ve got a little cool demo I’ll do here in just a moment. But, you know, I’ve got a quick story.

Of course, I have thousands and thousands, tens of thousands of stories. And I love to share stories because you cannot dispute an actual testimony of a real person. And Stu, I recently was at a major event. It was 25,000 people. I was one of the speakers invited to speak there. And a woman comes up to me and she says, you don’t know me, but you saved my life. And she shows me a before picture. Now, side effect. You know, we have side effects at Energized Health. They’re just all good. You gain muscle, you lose your fat, you lose your visceral fat, you’re subcutaneous.

So this woman’s side effect of getting healthy, Stu, was she lost 60 pounds. She lost 60 pounds of fat in 88 days. But more importantly, what saved her life was she had a failing liver. She’d been going to the Mayo Clinic for three years. For three years, she’s going to the Mayo Clinic and she’s going straight downhill. And just when she was about to give up hope, Stu, somebody told her about Energized Health. She does our protocol and her liver comes back to full function, completely reverses with nomads. You know, none of the things that were, as you said, you know, everything the doctors and nurses punched into the computer, all the medications they gave her, that did not reverse her liver function.

But the Energized Health protocol did reverse her liver function. She got back her full vitality, her energy. She got back her queen, Stu, and she lost 60 pounds of fat. So she comes up, she’s thanking me with tears going down her cheeks for saving her life. And then I actually, and she’s actually a, she’s a famous person in the, you know, she’s a Patriot. She’s a Patriot. And she said, I would be honored to introduce you at this event. So she went up on stage in front of 25,000 people, told a one minute story, you know, you could go watch it online.

People could go watch it online. She told her one minute story of how Energized Health saved her life. And she lost 60 pounds of fat. And then she introed me at this event. But it really comes down to that cellular hydration, the cellular hydration, which by the way, is it, am I the only one that is baffled that doctors don’t measure our hydration? It’s the number one health marker. And why do none of us, how do none of us know what our cellular hydration is? Why has it never been measured at any doctor’s office that I’ve ever heard of, by the way, they don’t teach that at med school.

Of course not, because then people cannot become lifelong subscribers to the big pharma industrial complex. Yep. And Stu, I’ll just show people real quick. Look, your, your water, your, the water that you’re drinking, your blood is supposed to have the consistency of water. Blood is supposed to be 92% water. That’s when you have cellular hydration inside your blood cells. But when you don’t have that Stu, it’s more like this. It’s ketchup blood. Your blood is literally the consistency of ketchup. And if your blood is the consistency of ketchup, think how much harder it is for your heart to pump the blood through your body.

It’s difficult. No wonder we have massive, massive, massive heart attacks and people dying of coronary disease and blood disorders. It’s because they have no cellular hydration in their blood. And Stu, I would encourage people, listen, for less than a doctor visit, less than a doctor visit, you could literally go on, set up a breakthrough call. We will FedEx you for less than a doctor visit. I’m talking less than a hundred dollars. We’ll FedEx you a bio impedance device that will measure your cellular hydration. So at least you know, where am I starting at? You know, where am I starting out? What is my cellular hydration? You know, ladies, you should be 55% intracellular hydration.

Men, you should be 60%. And if you’re not, you’re dehydrated. And you can lose half your neurotransmitter and brain activity if you’re just 10% dehydrated, just 10%. So it is a game changer. It’s all about the intracellular hydration. That’s what optimizes cells and cells optimize organs. And it’s a variation of a few different things that you put together to gain this intracellular hydration. It’s not just, you know, drink a bunch of water every day. That’s not what it is. It’s absolutely if that was it, we’d all be hydrated, right? I mean, everyone is drinking more water.

But you know, I love to share with people, it’d be just like taking glass marbles, and you pour water over glass marbles, how much will get in the marble? Nothing is going to get in the marble. And our cells, through oxidation, through stress, through cortisol, our cells become hard as glass marbles. So we have to get those cells transformed, as you know, and you’ve experienced. When you get intracellular hydration, your cells become like the beautiful little, I got my little fun things, my sponges, my sponges, your cells get to become like these little beautiful porous sponges, then they uptake your hydration and that will optimize your liver, your kidneys, your brain, your thyroid, your skin is an organ.

So people all the time, Stu, I hear so many people say, I just saw Stu’s before and after pictures, sign me up, you know, we call them the Stu crew at Energize Health. It’s the Stu crew. Yeah, the Stu crew is expanding into the energized health world. I know this because I’m getting emails about it and people are very excited. Well, Stu, you’ve impacted so many people because you are a trusted source. People trust, they know you would not promote anything you don’t absolutely believe in. That’s right. And so when you share with people, they know they can take it to the bank.

But you have impacted and changed so many lives that have become part of the Energize Health community. And we really honor you for that. It’s a tremendous responsibility, you know, the power of the tongue. And it’s very humbling when I get those emails. And then when you say things like that, just the thought of helping someone to save their life, I mean, or to introduce this to one of their friends or somebody close to them or their family or their acquaintances, their neighbors. That’s a really humbling thing to hear. And so I mean, you’re doing tremendous work.

And I was just saying, you know, here in the studio, I was like, Hey, where’s my energized health book? You know, I want to show it on camera because you get a very black and white, very easy, very sustainable, basically a formula, a recipe for life saving measures in the energized health book. When you first sign up at energized, you get your whole package. And he’s like, where’s your book? You need to show the book on camera. Well, it is so simple. It is so sustainable. It’s just a program. I mean, that you, that you basically download, right? And then you think to yourself, well, this is so common sense.

I should have been doing this for my entire life. Thank God that I have this laid out for me, but you don’t need it. You don’t need to carry a manual around with you to tell you what to eat and when to drink and when to go to the gym and work out because guess what? You don’t need to spend hours in the gym working out. You don’t need to, you know, make extreme changes to your lifestyle or to your diet. You can still enjoy eating the way that you ate before, but when you put all of these things together, very simplified, very easy, very small changes to your daily life, you can accomplish the unthinkable and to think that there may have been a lot of people have undetected underlying medical conditions that are brought upon by some of the things that you mentioned, whether it be stress or cortisol, the hormone that decreases the production of testosterone or, you know, IGF in your body, any of these things, there are varying factors that contribute to the decline of one’s health and we’re just programmed to believe that, well, that’s just a part of getting older.

No, it’s not. It’s not supposed to be a part of getting older. Being immobile, losing your energy, losing the quality of life, losing your skin, gaining all the fat, being fat and lazy, eating like crap, not being hydrated. This is not just part of aging. That’s what we have been programmed by the empire of lies to believe. Going all the way back to when you were in kindergarten and you were introduced to the food pyramid, which is a complete inversion of what you’re supposed to do in order to be healthy. If you don’t understand by now that there is an intentional plan to make us obese and fat and lazy, then you’re just not awake.

You need to wake up. We have a war machine that is openly waging and has declared war on your health, is targeting your children, is targeting our country. They want you to be fat, lazy, obese and sick because that’s big bucks for big pharma. That’s big bucks for these high dollar for-profit businesses that we call hospitals that we believe are there to help make us better. But the reason why the woman who’s famous, who introduced you, who lost 60 pounds was not achieving success at the Mayo Clinic is because the Mayo Clinic’s epic systems that download the AI formula for recovery and treatment and medicine is downloading the proper poison in order to slowly kill you and keep you subscribed for the rest of your life.

When for nothing, essentially, you can actually reverse life threatening ailments, reverse deadly diagnoses, and become healthy and ripped and full of lean muscle and sustainable energy. And it’s really easy. It’s so easy. It’s incomprehensible to me that there are so many of the stew crew, as you call them, who have come to energize health. It’s incomprehensible to me that 100% of our viewers of millions every day are not coming because it really is a game changer. And you’re right. I wouldn’t advertise or show for anything here on this program that I don’t do, that I don’t subscribe to, that I haven’t done myself, and that I don’t absolutely believe in, which is why I’m happy to have you here every week.

Well, I’m thrilled, Stuart. I want to quickly let people know, you know, you used the term common sense, and I’ve come to understand common sense is not very common. Common sense is not very common anymore. You know, we’ve come into an age of information overload and misinformation and agendas. And so, unfortunately, common sense is gone. And so, it takes people like you, Stu, that are willing to just come in there clear, concise, pointed, direct, truthful, brutally truthful with their messaging. And of course, we, you know, we share the same convictions at energized health when it comes to health is we just want to give people the truth.

You know, the, you know what the term science means, the search for the truth that is known. So, as a pure scientist, we don’t care what the truth is. We just want to know what it is and really share what’s true with people. So, if it was true, you could just take a pill. We tell people, hey, take the pill. But it’s not true. You know, what is true? Yeah, or the injection or the osempic. These are all poisons. These are all toxic. They are all recipes for death, for early death. And yeah, sometimes the truth isn’t always easy to hear, but because we love you, we will tell you.

We will tell you the truth about all of it. We’ve lost sponsors. We have lost advertising dollars. We have given up endorsements on this program and on this platform network wide because of the truth that we tell in certain areas of who’s attacking us and why. And you know what? God will provide. I’m not going to stop, but this part, folks, if you trust me at all, if you trust anything that I’ve ever told you and everything that I’ve ever said that was truthful, that has been vindicated from died suddenly to, I mean, Ukraine and what’s happening with this war in Gaza and what happened throughout the entire COVID-19 bioweapon release, this warfare that was declared on us.

If you believe any of the things that I say about our elections or the process, the fake uni-party controlled corporate crime syndicate that is our left, right paradigm, you know, two party representative, constitutional Republic of sorts. If you believe any of that stuff, if you have researched anything that I’ve ever said here and believe it to be true, if you’ve trusted me at all, trust me when I say that energized health will change your life. So go to again, Talk to this amazing man, John Jubilee and his wife, Chelsea. Talk to one of the amazing health coaches over there.

Make sure that you mentioned Stu Peters. When you do, you get 40% off of the program. And you mentioned Stu Peters just by calling them or visiting them online at John Jubilee, thank you so much. We appreciate everything that you’ve done. Thank you, brother. You’re a warrior. If someone told you that you could change your life, change your entire life in 88 days, would you do it? Would you believe it? We’re John and Chelsea Jubilee. What would you say if we told you you could reverse most any ailment or symptoms? Without painful exercises in just 88 days, we have created the only patent pending intercellular hydration protocol.

Don’t miss your opportunity to feel better. We know there’s a lot of false hope out there, and many people have bought programs that work for a moment. But life’s a lot longer than a moment. You need something that’s sustainable that will take care of you for a lifetime. We have been helping people gain intercellular hydration for nearly three decades. You will lose fat, not weight, fat, fast, including that killer visceral fat. Chronic dehydration is one of the root causes of many ailments and symptoms. We encourage you, go log on our website and look at these amazing testimonials.

Over and over again, we’ve heard our clients say it sounded too good to be true, but it worked for me. I needed to reduce my arthritic pain, and I also had very, very high blood pressure that needed to normalize. And I’m pleased to say that I have absolutely no arthritic pain anymore, and my blood pressure is normal. It was really cool to be able to get my life back and even think I’d cry talking about that. I endorsed the program wholeheartedly. It has led to improvements that I can’t fully explain based on my medical knowledge as it was talked to me.

Ask your doctor about energized health. Don’t miss your opportunity to transform your health now. So log on to That’s Possible side effects may include increased joy, energy, potential reduction in prescriptions, more fulfilling relationships, fewer doctor visits, and overall improved quality of health and life. If there is one mineral that you should be worried about not getting enough of, it’s magnesium. Magnesium is the body’s master mineral. 600 critical reactions, hormone balance, stress management, sleep quality, even digestion is influenced by the presence of magnesium. Well, there’s two big problems with what I just said.

Number one, magnesium has been largely missing from US soil since the 1950s. I wonder if that’s intentional. It certainly does explain why up to 75% of the population may be deficient in magnesium. Number two, most supplements contain only one or two forms of magnesium when in reality, your body needs seven. The only full spectrum magnesium supplement, the only magnesium supplement on the market that has all seven critical forms is called magnesium breakthrough by by optimizers. And that’s why I’m so excited to tell you that I was able to arrange a killer deal for you.

You won’t find this deal on Amazon. You won’t find this deal on the company’s own website. This deal is exclusively for you, my audience, and it’s for a limited time while supplies last. So right now, you can get a bottle of magnesium breakthrough for free. Just go to slash stew free. Again, that’s slash stew free and get your bottle of magnesium breakthrough for free right now today. Again, that’s slash stew free. A message for parents that love their kids and, of course, want to keep them safe and healthy.

It’s a health product that you can’t ignore. Kids Z-spike gummies from there’s a Lakolab Z-stack supplement line. Now, these aren’t just ordinary supplements. These are your child’s shield against upcoming health threats and a recovery mechanism to help dissolve and block spike proteins. Of course, inspired by the legendary Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. Dr. Z didn’t just practice medicine. As you well know, he changed the entire game over the pandemic. He provided counsel on the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, the bioweapon and the removal of the dangerous and deadly spike proteins from the body.

His pioneering work lives on in these gummies crafted to repair and empower your kids’ immune systems. Powerful stuff inside of these things, all based on solid research that you can trust by Zelenko Labs, Vitamin C and Dandelion Root. These help to cleanse and fortify. Of course, there’s a whole lot of other things inside of these Z-spike gummies as well. Pomegranate peel and bromelain arm and defend against these invaders like the spike proteins that are wishing to enter your kid’s body and destroy their health. Targeting those tricky spike proteins is difficult, but not if you have the Z-spike gummies.

All natural, zero artificial junk, low in sugar, and a strawberry flavor that your kids will actually want. This is about more than just avoiding colds. This is about giving your kids a proactive protection and repairing them from damage caused during the pandemic. As we know that there’s shedding involved and parents, they didn’t leave you out. You can achieve the same goals for your health and body, pairing Dr. Zelenko’s hero products, Z-spike and Z-Detox for daily support. Rise up and protect your kids with Dr. Zelenko’s kid Z-spike gummies, perfect for kids ages 4 and up.

Head over to slash S-P-N and then use the code for 15% off. The code is S-P-N. Secure your bottles right now. They have subscriptions too. Remember, this isn’t just a supplement, it’s a shield. It’s Dr. Zelenko’s legacy. Shield up with kids Z-spike gummies, the smart way to protect and heal our kids. slash S-P-N. Again, slash S-P-N. [tr:trw].

See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.


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alternative health approaches easy health programs to follow Energized Health program benefits harmful side effects of prescription drugs health game changers improving cellular hydration for health improving health through hydration positive impacts of Energized Health program preventable health conditions in America promoting Energized Health reversing health issues without pharmaceuticals small daily changes for health sustainable health plans

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