This Hezbollah Soldier Was Miraculously Changed! Hear His Story!


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This Hezbollah Soldier Was Miraculously Changed! Hear His Story!



➡ The Sons of Liberty is a politically neutral organization grounded in Judeo-Christian principles that form the foundation of American government and society and are essential in maintaining justice. The information shared here is based on a Christian biblical worldview, welcoming all individuals and their beliefs, using the Bible and Constitution to guide the discussions. The hosts value open conversation, respect all ideologies, and focus on promoting Christian principles.
➡ The text discusses a former Iranian Hezbollah member’s transformational journey from practicing Muslim to follower of Christianity, highlighting his experiences of spiritual powers within Islam, his imprisonment in Malaysia, and eventual encounter with Christianity. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of spreading the Gospel, irrespective of individuals’ religious background, and asserts the power of faith in overcoming obstacles and divisions.
➡ The individual was struggling with a powerful spirit and in desperation turned to Jesus for aid, marking the start of a period of confusion and questioning his previously strong Muslim beliefs. After fasting and praying for guidance about which religious path to follow, he felt the presence of God and heard a voice forgiving his sins, identifying itself as Jesus Christ. This event led him to accept and share the Christian belief in God’s forgiveness and love, further asking for a Bible while in jail.
➡ The text is about a man of East Indian background who came to believe in Christianity through the Bible. Currently a pastor in the United States, he recalls his spiritual journey from coming across an English Bible which he couldn’t initially understand, to his subsequent transformation and mission to spread the word of God. He encourages those struggling in life to surrender completely to Christ for salvation. He also discusses divine justification through faith and honesty, reiterating the universal nature of sin and God’s ability to forgive.
➡ The text discusses the spiritual transformation of a former Hezbollah fighter, who initially intended to convert Christians to Islam, but had a revelatory vision in jail that led him to Christianity. He argues strongly for the essential role of God’s law in leading individuals to the gospel, emphasizing the change in one’s heart and life brought about by divine intervention and forgiveness. His new faith allowed him to let go of the hatred that previously fueled his world view.
➡ Afsheen, a Persian minister who promotes friendship between Persians and Jews, prays for peace and understanding between Muslims and Jews during tough times stirred by Hamas’ violent attacks. His visit to Israel during the conflict highlights the importance of unity, forgiveness and advocating for Israel’s right to exist. He sees the crux of the conflict as not being religious, but being instigated by sources of evil that design hate and violence.
➡ The text emphasizes the superiority of the Christian gospel as compared to other religions, laying out that it emanates directly from the one true God. It underscores the resistance and aversion of humans to face their own wrongdoings and to the light of truth. It also elaborates on biblical principles of self-denial and following Jesus, maintaining contentment, rejecting lust for riches, persisting in virtuous qualities, and striving for faith. Ultimately, the passage calls for open discussion, mutual respect amidst differences, and the sharing of gospel as the ultimate way to connect with individuals from diverse belief systems.
➡ The text discusses the tragic fate of missionaries killed by natives, the subsequent conversion of those same natives by the missionary families, and God’s power of transformation. It emphasizes the need to surrender fully to Christ, challenging listeners to examine their spiritual paths. The writer then informs about a forthcoming radio segment on supplements and exposes potential fraud in the industry, promising to provide guidance on what to avoid.


The Sons of Liberty is a politically neutral organization. We believe that the Judeo Christian ethic has provided the principles upon which this nation was founded. It is our belief that these principles provide not only the foundation and framework for American government and society, but are also essential to the maintenance of a fair and just society. All program content is based on a Christian biblical worldview. One of you said to me recently that we shouldn’t rock the boat.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I want to tell you, I am a boat. Rock, Rock Day America. Welcome Christians, conservatives, constitutionalists, liberals, libertarians, communists, Islamists, LGBTQRs, TV, WXYZ people, all the boat ruckers in the house, and anybody else I may have missed to the Sons of Liberty radio show here on Red State Talk radio, where we use the Bible and the Constitution not to see who’s on the right or left, but who is on the straight and narrow.

I’m your host, Tim Brown. Coming to you live from the US occupied state of South Carolina, the editor@sonsolvertymedia. com. And for Muslim friends, I’m the infidel that Allah warned you about. I hold to the book the Bible as the authoritative Word of God. Glad that you guys have joined us. And by the way, we’re going to be talking a little bit about Islam today. I want people to know I say all that stuff kind of tongue in cheek.

The reason I do that is because we get a lot of people that want to label themselves a certain way and throw out their ideology or their theology or whatever. So it’s kind of a tongue in cheek, okay. It’s not a shot at anybody. It’s tongue in cheek. So just so people know, okay, you’d like to check us out online, please do so sonsoflibertyradio. com. And also sonsofalibertimedia.

com. In fact, if you’re listening by way of the radio and you want to watch the video portion of the radio show, that’s right. And see the face that’s made for radio, head over to sonsolibertymedia. com. And there you’re going to see two videos at the top of the page. One on the Left side is Bradley show from yesterday. So if you missed that and you’d like to catch it, you can do so up until 03:00 Eastern this afternoon, at which time he’d be live in that little area.

And then on the right side of the page is where we’re at. Click on the play button, blow it up. Whatever device you got. Look for the rumble icon in the bottom right hand corner. If you click on that, you can join us in the chat. A lot of friends over here this morning. Good morning. Good to see you guys. And while you’re over there, please subscribe to the channel.

The channel is Sons of Liberty Radio Live on Rumble. Sons of Liberty Radio Live. All one word on Rumble, and then we’re also live on Beforeitsnews. com right now. Top of the page there. Appreciate Michael Roach and his team giving us a spot on their platform as well. Back to suncelibertymedia. com, right up under where we’re streaming live. There’s a place where you can sign up for an email newsletter.

You guys know our heavy censorship, even in the email department, but sign up for it. It goes out late afternoon, early evening every day. All the articles we have, including the Morning show archive. So be sure and sign up for that. Finally, our store is available. The link is at the top of sonsolibertymedia. com. Or you can go there directly at the SonsofLiberty Squarespace. com. Thesunsofliberty. Squarespace. com.

Again, we’re promoting Bradley’s Book Soldier of the Cross. We’ve got a bundle out, $34, the book shirt of your size, dog tag of your color, $34. If you’re double X or larger, it’s about $5 more. Same thing happens with the shirt. They start at $20. The book is $10. We also have all the profits. We’re pointing to the front in the store for $10. And then finally, if you go all the way to the bottom, you’ll see the dog tags.

Those are $8 each. I don’t know why I hit that thing. But anyway, they’re $8 each. Okay. So you guys will have those things there. All right. So we took time and we talked. Oh, how many shows have we done? We done one with Lynn and I Did two or three on this whole Israel thing. And my intention was to bring us in line with what the word of God presents, because this is part of the issue that I see going on in the church.

I’ve seen it for many years, especially once I came out from a certain theology. And by the way, just so people understand, I don’t use certain labels. I’ve used them on occasion, but I don’t use certain labels. Or I’m trying to think of the word that I want to use, words that define certain denominations. Okay, let me put it that way. I don’t mind using those if other people know what I’m talking about, and they understand it.

If they misrepresent it, then I don’t use it, and I don’t want to use it. So I take people to the Scripture and I go down through the context to say, this is why I come to this conclusion. I can remember years ago my father would let me preach on Sunday nights at his church. And I remember then having come through understanding what is referred to as the doctrines of grace.

It’s referred to it by another name, but I’m not going to say it because it’ll trigger people and they’ll go, oh, but they’re called the doctrines of grace. It’s about God’s sovereignty in saving us that our salvation does not come from anything that we do say, want, desire, any. It doesn’t come from that comes from the God who made us and who calls us out of the grave.

Ephesians two, he quickens us. He makes us alive. It comes from him. And so I remember teaching on Romans nine, two weeks in a row. Very straightforward. God’s sovereignty in electing and saving a people in his son Jesus Christ. And to me, it’s one of the most glorious things because it’s what I experienced. I didn’t go looking for God. He came looking for me. Just like when you read in Genesis, chapter three, the Lord’s walking through the garden in the cool of the days.

Want to have his fellowship with Adam and with Eve, and what does he find? They went and hid. And is it Adam running to him? No, Adam’s hiding. God has to go to him. He has to save him. He has to Reach down and slaughter an animal so that he can clothe them as a picture of the righteousness he provides. That’s outside any law. And I find that glorious.

Some people take offense to that. And the reason they take offensive is because they want to be in control of it. They want to be in control of those kinds of things. And yet the Bible says over and over, I mean, it teaches us it’s where the spirit goes and how does he move. He works in the power of the word of God. And, boy, I tell you, this eye opening thing from Dr.

Leonard Horowitz, some of the stuff we talked about with Kate, all of a sudden makes a lot more sense. Why one of the passages I’ll quote today, why the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved. Yeah, it’s the power of God. It’s the power of God. It’s in his word. And when I say that, I’m getting a bigger understanding than probably I ever had before.

In fact, I think of when John writes the book of Revelation and he hears the voice of Christ and he turns back to the voice and what does it say? You guys have been tuning in on Saturdays with gate. You’ve heard about the water and God moving on the waters. And what does it say? It says he heard his voice as the sound of many waters. There’s some things that are going on that we can’t see.

And I’m not fascinated by the things that are. That are going. I’m fascinated by the one who made all that, who uses those words that he speaks to cause things to come into existence that weren’t in existence. To shut the door that no man can open. To open the door that no man can shut that can speak the word and you’re made whole that can speak the word and you go from death to life, light or darkness to light.

Yeah, I’m unashamed of that gospel. It’s good news for the sinner. The sinner that mourns over his sin, that wants to be free from his sin, that doesn’t want, not just the consequences. He doesn’t want to do the sin. He desperately wants to leave it. And the only reason that you have a desire for that is the spirit of God, because the natural man does not do that.

So you say. Why are you telling us all this stuff, Tim? Well, I’m going to bring on a guy here. I’m not bringing him on the show. We’re trying to get in touch with him, but I’m going to play you a testimony of a former Iranian. He was a part of Hezbollah. He was one of the members there, a soldier there in, you know, Bill and I, the truck driver, theologian.

We were talking yesterday, he mentioned this guy’s name. He says, have you ever heard of him? And I said, no. I said, well, I’ll see what happens here as far as what we can do. But I reached out to his website and what I. And I don’t know what happened. I had this up. There it is. Okay, so the guy’s name, I hope I won’t ruin it in telling you.

Maybe some of you have heard of this guy, maybe you have not. I’ve got three videos up here because I’m going to put all of them up, but I’m only going to play two. His name is Afshan Javid. A-F-S-H-I-N-J-A-V-I-D. If you’ve never heard of him. If you’ve not heard his testimony, I want to tell you something. I’ve said it over and over. I hate the ideology of Judaism because it rejects the Christ.

I hate the ideology of Islam because it rejects the Christ. That is completely different than dealing with the people of either of those religions. We are to love them. We are to give them the Gospel. We are to call them to repentance. Why? Because the Bible tells us that Christ is saving people out of every tribe, tongue, people, and nation. That includes Muslim nations, by the way. He’s going on the devil’s turf there, and he’s taking back those who are held captive by the devil.

He’s releasing them. How does he do that? Through the power of the gospel. And sadly, too many people don’t even have the true gospel. They don’t have a gospel that saves. It calls men away from their sin, tells them to stop sinning, turn to Christ, put their faith in him. They don’t have that. Their gospel is Jesus loves you, has a wonderful plan for your know everything, will know unicorns and skittles and roses and golden roads and all this kind of stuff if you follow Jesus.

I think Jesus promises sort of the opposite of that. The Apostle Paul says, through much tribulations we enter into the kingdom of God. There’s also the issue of what we’re dealing with. As far as we’re probably going to face some persecution from people, we’re going to probably face some division. Why? Because truth does that. And so when I saw this guy’s testimony, I was just like, I was kind of blown away because I’m back.

It’s not like the testimonies that you hear often. However, if you step back and you listen to what’s said, you’ll see God at work in it to bring him to the true Gospel, because he’s very clear that even though he saw, he hears from Jesus, as he says in a dream, there is the means God sends him by way of the gospel that saves him. And he makes distinction of those things.

And he’s not the only one. I’ve seen tons of stories where Muslims in the Middle east are being visited by angels. You can call them demons if you want, but the message and the results they produce are the opposite of demonic possession. They’re the fruit of the spirit, and they bring people in. Somebody comes in their way who shares the gospel with them, they come in contact with the Scriptures that gives the Gospel.

And I got to tell you, I’m just blown away. And some friends of mine years ago, we were talking and we said, how’s the Lord going to do this thing in the Muslim nations to bring them to him? Because I’m going to tell you something. They’re zealous for their God. They’re zealous for their law, they’re zealous for all these things. And you can see it. Every country that they go into, they build up a certain number, and I forget the numbers.

I had them years ago. But in this country, in the United States, they’re already starting to push because they’ve been emboldened at smaller numbers than they normally would. Just so you know, and if you’re a Christian out there and you’re keeping your mouth shut, or all yOu’re doing is cursing the darkness towards them and you’re not sharing with them the good news of Christ, you’re doing so not only.

I mean, you’re going to answer for that, but you’re doing so to your own destruction. You want to stop what’s going, you start spreading the gospel, calling men to repentance, putting the Christ up before them. You got to get ahead of it. You got to get ahead of it. Take those opportunities that you have. Track people. Look, some of you might think, well, all you guys do is you talk about this.

Have you not seen some of our newsletters that we send out? We’re tracking Muslim people. We’re tracking Jewish people. We’re tracking people who call themselves Christians. We’re tracking anybody. Why? We don’t know who God’s elect are. So we give the gospel to everybody and trust the Lord with the results. And that’s what we do. Why? Because we love people. We’re called to love people. And so with that said, here’s what I’m going to do.

There’s two short videos. Well, this one’s a little long. This one’s about 20 minutes. This is the gentleman I mentioned to you, former Iranian Hezbollah member. He shares of his testimony. And then what I want to do is I want to go back about three weeks ago. He’s a little older than this video is now. This was done, was posted in 2011. So the next video I show you, you guys are going to see the difference.

You guys on the radio, you may notice a difference in his voice or something like that, but he’s going to give some of his testimony here. And I just thought it was a great encouragement with all of the stuff that we see going on, that in the midst of this there can be hope. And what is the hope? The hope is in our Lord Jesus Christ and his everlasting gospel.

So check this out. I think you’ll be encouraged by it. This gentleman and his conversion to Christ as he came out of Hezbollah. I was born in a southern part of Iran, a city called Abadan, born in a Muslim family, Shiad Muslim family. My grandfather was a Muslim leader, and he had 19 children. And out of 19 children, he had 84 grandchildren. And obviously he had to choose one to carry the spiritual pattern of the life and teachings for the next generation.

Obviously there had been some things that, some things had happened, some accidents that I should have been killed. But every single time before danger was coming toward me, I saw the silhouette of a person that always was there. And I spoke of it openly to others. And my grandfather took that sign, obviously, that the spiritual leaders of Islam are looking over this boy and protecting him. So he gave me very close attentions and he taught me all the things I knew about Islam.

I joined Hezbollah. I was in that army for about three years. I was studying Quran extensively. Then my grandfather actually saw this seed in my heart that I should share Islam with the poor, misled Christians that have gone astray and obviously remind and be a spiritual leader to our family outside Iran. I traveled to Malaysia, where I was caught with 30 illegal passports, put in prison. And so I start teaching Islam in a jail and telling everybody what they must do, what are their duties toward Allah.

And so I did this routine every day. I prayed, obviously, five times a day. Shiites do pray three times, and they include the 17 rock in three times. But what I did, because I wanted to spend more time with God, I did it at five separate times. And then in the end of the evening, I would pray extra prayers. I would have the habit of reading through the Quran, cover to cover once every ten days.

And I had gained spiritual powers out of Islam and Quran. They have the agenda, the spiritual beings. And so speaking to them is not forbidden. In fact, there are stories of talking to them that Prophet Muhammad did. So I had been able to connect to that spiritual realm and been able to acquire powers out of that. And so I was able to pray for people, especially when someone hurt them or someone did something to them, they would come to me and they would ask me to set a prayer.

And immediately that person would get sick, have an accident, this kind of things was able to close my eyes, tell you what a person is doing in another room. And so this had made me more power hungry, and I wanted to gain more power. So I would spend and meditate more in the Quran. And so as I was doing that one night, I just was meditating in the verses.

And there are words in the Quran that are repeated continually, repeatedly, but they have no meanings. They are the secrets of Quran. And so when I was meditating on this, a spirit entered the room and it was much more powerful than I could handle, I could overcome. And so I was filled with fear. And so I tried using all the tools Islam had given me. In the name of Allah, I command you to know Satan, I rebuke you kind of things.

And I used all those and nothing was helping. At that moment I was totally desperate and I felt like it is choking me, choking the life out of me. And I felt like I’m dying in that cell. And I just cried out to the heavens and I said, god in Farsi Choda, help me. And immediately I heard a voice, just as clear as you hear my voice today saying bring the name of Jesus.

And at that moment I really seriously did not give it 1 second of thought. I feel like going back. I was drowning. A man that is drowning you throw a rope, they would never question you about the color of the rope, just grab on. And so I did. I said, jesus, if you are true, show me yourself. And to this day I have no idea. Obviously going back I’m thinking, why did you word it that way? Why didn’t you just say, Jesus, help me? I don’t know why, but that’s the way it came out.

And before I was finished with the sentence, everything was back to normal. Now that was not my conversion. That was the beginning of my confusion. Why would Jesus help a Muslim now? I had done everything my power to be a good Muslim. I had already tried to go and commit myself in the way of Allah and be a martyr for walking on the mines. And so the government of Iran used to issue the people that are Fadai or The ones that are willing to give themselves or sacrifice themselves a special Quran that had the stamp of the government that I had participated in the executions by hanging.

I had done everything that I thought I must do against the infidels and anything and everything I must do to share Allah with others. So I knew that something is wrong. And that was not because I doubted Allah or doubted Islam or anything. I fully believed and I didn’t know what that is and it just confused me. And so I tried to just forget about know. But that question, why would Jesus help a Muslim? Why would Jesus help a Muslim that would just keep coming at me? I believe in Muhammad.

The last prophet, I would think in the perfect religion, why would Jesus come to help me? And so that two weeks period, I just got really confused and I said, okay, I’m going to pray and fast and ask God himself to show me the path. Obviously I thought at that moment, and there are verses and things taught in the Quran that says the ways of Allah are many.

And no matter what part and what part of the mountain you climb you always come to the same mountaintop. And I thought maybe that is what God is. And then no, maybe it is different for God. Maybe God has a specific way for me and he wants me to follow that specific way. So I thought I will never find out unless I ask this question. So I did.

I prayed and fasted and from the bottom of my heart with all my strength I asked God, what is it that you want me to do? What way is it that you want me to follow? And so for two weeks I sat in one place and I prayed as many hours as I was awake and I fasted as many as hours as I was awake. And I would just fall asleep literally on that place.

I would wake up and I would just pray again and again asking God, what is the way you want? After two weeks to no avail, I had no answer and I really got frustrated. I just thought, forget it. What is this? I have no chance of finding out what he wants. I don’t even know if God exists. And I have wasted all my life. I have been afraid all my life trying to do everything that would please Allah.

And now he confuses me. If Allah is all great and he sees the heart, he knew in my heart I love him. And what matters if I call him? Whatever name I call him, he knows in my heart I love him. And if it does matter to him, I ask him. For two weeks I sat, prayed and nothing happens. So you know what? I’m going to go do my own thing.

I’m going to go walk my own path. I’m going to do what pleases me. Obviously at that very moment I felt the power of God filled the room. Now in Islam the greatest sin you can commit and you can never be forgiven for that is doubting God himself, doubting his teachings, doubting his prophet. And I had done that. And in Islam they teach you that Allah never visits God, never visits human beings.

I feel and I know against Islam I have committed the greatest sin that can never be forgiven. God’s presence is in the room and I’m confronted immediately with His Holiness. All this is happening simultaneously and I’m confronted with His Holiness which puts this weight of sin upon me. And I know, I know that because he is just, he must kill me. He must wipe me off the face of the earth because I’m so full of sin.

And I cried because I literally didn’t want to die. But I knew there is no chance he was so holy and I was so wicked. So I just ran to the corner of the room and I held my head in my arms and I just cried out, God forgive me. God forgive me, God forgive me, God forgive me. And I just said forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me.

And as I was crying and just saying forgive me I felt a touch on my shoulder saying I forgive you. And the very instant those words were spoken I physically felt forgiven. And I couldn’t understand, I said wait a minute. We say Bismillah in the name of God who is merciful and gracious but we don’t know if you are forgiven till the day of judgment. That is why there is not one single verse in the Quran that says Muhammad is in the heaven.

He must wait like all people for the day of the day of resurrection and all shall be judged of that. So how is it that who is this God that says I forgive you and I feel forgiven today? And I asked, I said who are you? They can forgive me and I feel forgiven today? He says I am the way, the truth, the life. The moment I heard those words I knew it’s of a great importance but I had absolutely no idea what that meant.

I still had no clue who this God is. So I asked him what is your name? Jesus Christ, the living God. And the moment he spoke those words it was as if every single bone was taken out of my body. And I just fell on my face to the ground and I weeping presence of God. I just wept. 18 years have gone by but I still can’t forget his love, his mercy on the somebody say amen.

Watch this for me that day. And she just give you forgiveness. I fell on my face. I just wept because for many years I had tried to please God but nothing I’ve done was pleasing to God. Nothing. I thought it wasn’t even to break God that I had nothing. I felt so deceived because they told me this is God and he wasn’t God. They told me what to do.

Killing the way of our God has loved in the way of me. Forgive in the way of me. It was everything my heart just at once said. Yes this is the truth of God. God is about forgiveness. God is about love. So I wept for 2 hours and I just stood at his feet and he just said, actually look up. And the moment I looked up, I saw this.

It was like a TV screen of some sort. I just saw people from all different Generations and all different nationalities and backgrounds and every single person I saw, I could see every single wrong thing they have done. And that overwhelmed me. I just cried. Said, God, I live among all these peoples. All of them are sinners. And he says, actually, how easy did I forgive you? And I said, very easy.

In Farsi we say, as easy as drinking water. And then just moments after that I said, no, even easier than drinking water. Says, as easy as I have forgiven you, I can forgive them. Who is going to tell them? Says, go. That’s How I became a Christian. So I prayed, God, send me a Bible. In jail. Somebody from some other section just walked up to me and gave me a book and says, this is what you asked for.

And he was an East Indian background and I spoke Urdu and Hindi completely. So when he gave it to me, I knew it is the Bible. I forgot to thank you, God. I said, God, I prayed last night and you gave it to me this morning, which is so wonderful. You answer, you are the mighty God that is just spoken of and you provide so quickly. That is the living word of God.

I tell you this, I share my testimony so people hear about this Almighty God. I don’t expect anybody to become a Christian because of my testimony. My testimony is only good for me. I want people to understand this. This is the story of Almighty God that is all able and that is searching for all, seeking hearts that loves all humanity with all his strength and power. If someone hears my testimony today, I really like them to just say, okay, God of heaven, the Creator of everything.

If this is true, I want that. And I assure you, I can guarantee you that. Mighty God that came and touched and changed my life and totally forgive everything I have done. And he made me sure that I can be in heaven with him. He can assure them of the same assurance and he can let them taste of the same forgiveness and same love. And that is who Jesus Christ.

May glory be to him today and forevermore. Amen. Yep. Glory to the one who did it. Right? I don’t know about you guys, I’m sitting here, I’m a mess. That guy right there, he’s a pastor in the United States now. I wanted to say he was up in Michigan. I could be wrong. Maybe I got Michigan in my head and that’s what came. I hear the theology that comes out of some in my circles.

They got to hear the word of God. Well, he did. He eventually did that. By the way, that Bible that he got, he elaborates on it. I’ll post another video of his testimony. It’s only about nine minutes. It was done as an interview. It was edited. Well. And I apologize for the music. I don’t know why they put the music in there. But he talks about getting an English Bible, and he doesn’t speak English.

And so he prays to God and he starts reading the scriptures out of English, a language he does not know but he preaches in. Now, let me tell you something. There’s nobody out there. And I don’t never know who’s listening. I don’t know what people go through. I don’t know what their mental state is. I don’t know what their spiritual state is. But I can tell you this.

If you’re listening to me and you’re at the end of your rope and you think there’s nothing you can do, the only way out is a bullet or a bottle of pills or a bottle or whatever the case is, let me tell you something. If you are willing to give up everything, Christ will meet you there. That’s what he calls people to denying yourself. Take up your cross.

Follow him. What do you tell the rich young ruler? Sell all you got. Give it to the poor and come follow me. What do you tell the lady caught in adultery? Go and sin no more. Leave all your sin behind. Quit sinning. If you’re willing to meet him on his terms, he’s willing to meet you. And if you’re at rock bottom, that’s the kind of people he does save.

That’s the very people he does save. Oh, he saved some people at the top, too, Paul and his arrogance. Going around trying to destroy people who were following the way. And what did God do? He stopped him dead in his tracks and he says, why are you persecuting me? What’s wrong with you, boy? And Paul didn’t know he was persecuting the Lord. He thought he was doing what God said to do.

Oh, my goodness. I’m listening to this guy, his testimony. His confusion becomes. Confusion becomes this blessing. I know all about that. I know all about sitting on weekend nights when I could have been out partying and doing the things I was doing. Sitting at home reading the scriptures and not getting a thing out of it. I couldn’t tell you what I read or what it said or even if it was a narrative.

It was a story, historical story. I couldn’t tell you what I read, but I read it. And I believe God was driving me to put the word in me that my mom and dad had put in me when I was a kid. Listen, just a highlight. Lord Willing, if I am able to go to Michigan, one of the things I’m going to talk on is us men. Just prepare yourself and know that I’m preaching right here first.

I’m preaching to me first. These are things that are on my mind. There are things that are in my heart. And if you’re convicted by it, then that’s the spirit of God, not me. Because again, I’m more preaching to me before the face of God than I am other people. But this guy, now, he’s a pastor. He’s got the truth of the Gospel in his heart, and it comes out of his mouth.

You can hear it. I mean, doesn’t it sound just like the story of the publican and the Pharisee that Jesus talked about? I’ve run into a corner and I’m weeping, crying out for forgiveness. Isn’t that exactly what the publican did? And what did Jesus said? That guy went to his house rejoicing because he’d been justified. He had been justified. How many of you out there know that experience? You know, the experience of, you can’t really explain it.

It’s like a light comes on in your head and you realize how sinful you really are, and you realize how holy God is, and you’re broken. Let me take you to Romans chapter three. And I’m going to play this last little video of him in just a second. But this is Romans chapter. You know, we’re dealing with this whole Israel issue of, you know, all this stuff. Paul writes on that, too.

What advantage, then, hath the Jew, by the way, Jew is? Again, I have to stress, not all the Jews, all the countrymen, the Israelites that Paul talks about, they’re not all from Abraham’s loins. And that’s demonstrably proven by people like Caleb, people like Ruth, people like Rahab, other people, Uriah, who came into Israel. They became Israelites as those who had been taken out of the Gentile world. And the idea of Jew was tied to their theology, their worship, the point of their worship and who they were worshipping.

That’s what Jew really is tied to. It’s what it’s supposed to be tied to, he said. Or what prophet is there of circumcision much in every way, chiefly because that unto them were committed. The oracles of God. Okay, so the people of Israel, in the Old Testament, Israel, the oracles of God, the word of God. The Old Testament, what we call the Old Testament, was committed unto them.

For what if some did not believe? See, it wasn’t given to the Gentile world. It was given to the Israelites. For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? No, God forbid. Yea, let God be true. But every man a liar, including this guy. As it is written that thou mightest be justified in thy sayings and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

But if our righteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous, who taketh vengeance? And he says, I speak as a man, God forbid. For then how shall God judge the world? For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory, why yet am I also judged as sinner? Now if you don’t understand what he’s saying, he’s saying, well, if I go and lie and God’s glorified by whatever happens as a result of that lie, that’s good.

Why is he judging me? Isn’t he using me for something good? See, this is a problem for many in the political arena where they talk about, oh, well, our guy is the good guy. And he says, God. And he talks about Christmas, which isn’t in the Bible, by the way. And he says all these other things, right? That sound good. Or he takes a photo op with his Bible in his hand, or whatever the case may be.

Why is God judging him? Why is the sons of liberty making particular judgments? And it’s not final judgments. We don’t have that authority. But we take moral judgments and we use discernment and we use the Scriptures to see not only where we stand, but we do it. When we look around at those who represent us, same thing happens there. So Paul goes on and he says, not, rather, as we be slanderously reported, as some affirm, that we say, let us do evil, that good may come, whose damnation is just.

What then? Are we better than they? No. And no wise. For we have proven we’ve foreproven both Jews and Gentiles that are all, that they are all under sin. See, it doesn’t matter if you’re a Jew or Gentile, whether you’ve been circumcised or not, of the flesh, doesn’t matter. You’re all under sin. We’re all under it. Why? Because the law condemns us. And the law is that condemnation that you just heard this Gentleman, this brother from another mother, right, that you heard him give.

The testimony he gave was what? I was a sinner. I was a wicked sinner. And God really had mercy on me. That’s the testimony we had. And how did he have mercy on him? Through Allah, through Muhammad, through Hari Krishna, Zora Astria. Did he have mercy on him? No, he had mercy on him through his son, the Lord Jesus. I want to jump down just a little bit.

Romans, chapter three. Listen to what he says. Their throat is an open seplicure with their tongues. They have used deceit. The poison of Asp is under their lips, whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed innocent blood. Oh, by the way, let’s just go back up here first for that confusion issue that he had. He says verse ten as it is written.

There is none righteous, no, not one. There is none that understandeth. There is none that seeketh after God. Now he probably didn’t quite catch all this at the time he’s given his testimony. There’s nobody that seeks after God unless God’s drawing them. If you read John, chapter six, when Jesus talks about the Father drawing the people to him, and they can’t come to him unless the Father draws them, and if they do come to him, which they will, because the Father’s drawing them, then he will in no wise cast them out, but will raise them up at the last day.

That drawing is this imagery that we see later on when the disciples get so many fish in their boat because they obeyed Jesus, that they’re Having to drag the nets onto the shoreline. I believe that’s John 21. They’re having to drag the nets. That’s the same word that’s used there. Let me ask a question. Have you been drawn by the Father? I know what that’s like. You don’t come kicking and screaming.

He changes your will. He changes your want to. Your thingamajig your heart. He changes it to want to come to him. People say, oh, well, God, you use that term dragon, so it’s against our will. No, he changes your will. And he pulled in the same manner. Listen, if Jesus had not said Lazarus had not called him by name and said, come forth, the whole cemetery would have come forth.

And one day he looked down and he said, tim Brown, come forth. What does Jesus say about Lazarus after they says, loose him, let him go? He still had his grave clothes on. Loose him and let him go. Isn’t that what God does? Does he not free us from sin? Does he not loose us from its grip, from its power, from its consequence? Yeah, he really does. He really does.

Back to Romans three. The throat is an open secular seplica of their tongues. They have used deceit, the poison of asthma under the lips, whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed innocent blood. Destruction and misery are in their ways. And the peace, and the way of peace, they have not known there’s no fear of God before their eyes. And now we know that what things whatsoever the law saith, saith to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God.

That’s everybody. Listen to me. The point of the preaching of the law is to shut your mouth so that you will hear the Gospel of grace. This is why, if you listen to Bradley, one of the things he talks about is he talks about 90% law, 10% grace. Yes, the law drives men to Christ and at the end of themselves, like this gentleman that you just heard, and they’re crying out for mercy.

God is there with mercy in the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s what goes on here. I hope I’m not going to be over a little bit, but I wanted to hit that part right there in the Scripture because the point of the law, some people have a real problem with law. If you don’t use the law, you can never point people to the gospel. You just can’t do it because it makes no sense.

Why do I need a savior from sin if you’re not going to tell me that I’m violating the law, which Sin is transgression of law. You have to tell them about law. You have to tell them how they violate it. You have to show them. And it reverberates with them. They know it. They just have suppressed that truth and unrighteousness. Okay. All right, so I want to play this short one.

This is another interview from this guy. It was just a couple of weeks ago and this was on CBN News. And he had a couple of things to say because I think he was over actually in Israel with his team ministering some people there. So I want to play this little interview. It’s about nine minutes long. You’ll probably hear some things that kind of go over some of the things you just heard.

But this is him. He’s several years older now, but be encouraged by this. And we’ll probably have to break here just to cut off on the radio, you guys on the radio. If you want to jump over to sonsolvertymedia. com, we’ll be finishing it up there on the top. Rumble Sons of Liberty Radio, live or beforeitsnews. com. Top of the page. Here’s this interview with. Gosh, I keep forgetting the guy’s name.

I’m trying to. It’s really bad. Okay, this is the interview here. He had just a few weeks back with CBN. Check this out. An Iranian ex Hezbollah shows up in Israel. Everyone wants to know why I’m here. You were born in Iran, correct. You were Hezbollah fighter for three years. Correct. I was on my way to United States to convert Christians into Islam, and I had 30 illegal passports at that time.

I was arrested, put in jail in Malaysia. I was dedicated Muslim. Not only prayed the prayers, but I read the Quran once every ten days, cover to cover. So I was very dedicated in my time in jail. One day, as I’m Praying, a man appears in front of me, normal size, but his being shines like light. And this light was not a normal light. This light carried identity in earth.

You knew that he is holy and he is just instantaneous. I knew I am not. Even though I had prayed so many prayers, even though I had fasted so much and I had read the Quran and I had volunteered to walk on landmines, or I had participated in hunging people trying to please Allah. I knew, even though I have kept all the rules and regulation of Islam, I knew I am not just and I’m not holy.

And I knew the only just thing for him to do is to kill me. But I didn’t want to die. So I ran to the corner of the room, literally held my head in my arms and just cried out, shouting, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me. And I didn’t think he will forgive me because he is just till I felt a touch on my left shoulder, and he said, I forgive you.

And I felt a weight just lifted off me. And I knew I’m forgiven, but I don’t know how. And I was confused. I was like, okay, I don’t understand. Only God can forgive you. Just forgave me. You are God, but you are a different God than the one I have studied about. This is not Allah. So who are you that forgives me? And I feel forgiven today? And he said, I am the way, the truth, and the life.

And I thought, that’s very powerful. It means a lot, because as a Muslim, you pray, show me there is straight path kind of thing. And so way is a direction. Truth is something you measure. Life is a source. But he claims to be all those three. I never thought the way is a person. The truth is a person, and life is a person, and all of them is the same person.

So I said, I don’t understand, what is your name? I said, jesus Christ. And someone grabbed all my bones out of my body. I just fell like a piece of meat to the ground and I just began to weep. What changed after that’s? It’s like, you know, being color blight, and then suddenly you see colors again and you realize the world is so much more beautiful than you ever thought.

If you ask me what made the world so colorless, it’s the hatred, the anger that is in the heart of every Muslim. I mean, people say, why did you hate the Jews? I had never met a Jew, but I thought his love was a good man for doing what he did. He just didn’t finish the job. I don’t know why I hated them. No Jew had ever done anything bad to me.

God didn’t design us to hate. Didn’t design us to want to see someone dead. He did not design us for these things. These are design of Satan. How do you think killing the people that God gave them this land to is going to please Allah, the God of heaven, the God of Abraham and Moses, the God of their prophets? And Jesus is not a God that celebrates when Jews are killed.

In early October, Epsheen was visiting Israel with his ministry, which promotes friendship between Persians and Jews. But like millions of others, he found himself in the middle of a war when Hamas launched a bloody attack. When Afsheen visited the CBN News Bureau, he met another guest, Sasha Ariev, whose teenage sister had been kidnapped by Hamas. He and his wife wept as they watched her story. There is absolutely no justification I can make any of these, okay? Nobody should celebrate when one of the sons of Father Abraham is killing a lot of Muslims around the world.

They do not want this to happen. Our camera F Sheen and his wife prayed for Sasha and invited her to visit them for dinner. Her reply? I’d be happy to come and bring my sister with me. We are standing with all the Jewish people, with the people of Israel, and we are mourning their sorrow, of their family members that have been lost, but also for the right of Israel to exist.

Okay, all right, I’m going to pause it right there just so we can cut off and I made a mistake. Gene, you’re asking a question. I’ll try to address that after we clear off. If you guys want to catch this sonsolvertymedia. com Top of the page before it’s newsnews. com top of the page. And also our Rumble channel, Sons of Liberty Radio Live, is where you can pick that a.

He’s a pastor in Canada. I don’t know why I thought USA. I was thinking Detroit or something was going on there. Forgive me. So thank you for reminding me of that. Canada, that’s where this guy is. He’s a pastor up there. And there’s some question about that. So I’ll try to address that after this. Guys, catch Bradley at 03:00 p. m. Eastern 02:00 p. m. Central Sonsolvertymedia. com Lord willing, be back with you in the morning.

We’re going to talk supplements and how big Pharma is in it. All right, want to welcome everybody coming over from Red State Talk radio. Let me play these last three minutes of this interview here and then we’ll close out the show. Okay? Check it out. At the end of our interview, Afsheen offered a prayer for those on both sides of the war in Israel. You love the world, the whole world, all the people of the world, so much that you sacrificed Jesus Christ so that we will not perish but have eternal life.

I pray today that the revelation of Jesus Christ would go forth amongst the Muslims and the sons of Ishmael. I pray that you would remember that covenant with Ishmael, that you would go forth because Ishmael is thirsty for the revelation of love, for the revelation of Jesus Christ, for the revelation of salvation. Father, I pray that there would be a hand of protection that would protect Isaac on every front, not only in Israel, but all around the world.

Give us visions, dreams, wisdom, to speak peace in this war. In Jesus mighty name, I pray. Amen. May we all echo that prayer, and may we echo the prayer of Abraham over Ishmael. May Ishmael ever stand before you. Okay. All right. And I do believe that is something that we need to focus on. You hear, even on this show, we talk about the ideology of Islam, but in practice, what do we do? We go out and we share.

We track Muslims. We talk with Muslims. We’ve had Muslims on this show. You guys have seen some of them, had conversations with them off air. I’m not bringing them on here to proselytize them, evangelize them necessarily, specifically. And that’s my Target in having them on the show. A lot of times we have them on because they have expertise in a certain area. And during that, I’m like, Lord, help me to plant seeds.

Help me to put your word in. Your word has power. I don’t have power. I can’t convince somebody into the kingdom of God. Neither could Paul. But your word has power. And I know it. Not because I read it in the scripture. I know it from experience. Oh, my goodness. When this guy’s talking about this change of mind where you sense the holy presence of God and you’re so sinful and you want to run away from it.

That is my testimony. I tried to run out of the house I was in thinking I could get away from it, and I couldn’t. It’s the same Jesus that saved me that saved this guy who was a Hezbollah member. Same guy. Same Jesus. See, we’re not that different. We’re really not. We’re made in the image of God. We’re made to bear the truth. But we’ve marred that with our sin.

Nevertheless, though we try to suppress that truth it always comes out the top, doesn’t it? Paul said so, too. Romans, chapter one. I’m not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. For it’s the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth. To the Jew first, and also to the Greek for therein. What? The law. Note the Gospel. The good news is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith.

What does he mean by there? We don’t just have a one time faith, guys. If you got a one time faith and nothing’s going on, you’re not pressing and advancing forward. Do you have a saving faith or do you got a dead faith? See, our faith goes from faith to faith to faith. The just shall live by faith, right? And that’s what he writes here. As it is written, the just shall live by faith.

They live by faith. Not they have an encounter, one time experience. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness. Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them. For God has showed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made.

That’s you and me. Even as eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. You see, you can recognize there’s a God. You can recognize there’s a creator. You can recognize there’s natural law that’s built into the Creation. That’s not enough to save you. It is enough to damn you, though it leaves you without an excuse of why you’re not honoring God. You follow me? Verse 21.

Because that when they knew God, they glorified him not. They didn’t give any weight to God. They said, no, we want to cast him out of our thinking. Neither were they thankful, but became vain in their imaginations. And their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Boy, we got a lot of that going on today. And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man into birds and forfeited beasts and creeping things.

Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves, who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. And he goes on and he lays out turning men and women over to same sex sins. Men with men, women with women. Then he goes on and he has a list down here of fornicators, unrighteous wickedness, covetous, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whispers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents without understanding, covenant breakers without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful, who, knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death.

All those things just listed. These people not only do the same, they have pleasure in those who do them. They’re not willing to tell them to repent. They’re not willing. In fact, they light up white houses with all kinds of colors to celebrate their degeneracy and their wickedness. They seek to have guys in little black robes say it’s okay to go in here and commit murder inside and outside the womb.

They say it’s okay to. Not to say that you want constitutional and biblical money, but then trade it in for unjust weights and measurements, which is an abomination for the Lord, too. They say they want good citizens, but they want children to be disobedient to their parents. They say they are humble, but they boast their pride. They say they are doing things for your good, but they’re inventors of evil things.

They call themselves pure and righteous, but they’re fornicators, adulterers, and sodomites. They draw close to the Lord with their mouth, but their heart is far from him. This is the state of men. They’re at it in various degrees and Christian. This is why you have a superior gospel. You have a superior gospel to anything out there. Why? Because it’s the truth. It’s superior to the Muslim Gospel, which is no gospel.

I mean, Paul says so under inspiration of the spirit of God. You have a superior gospel to Judaism and Zionism and all the other isms. You’ve got a superior gospel to Hinduism. You’ve got a superior gospel to Shintuism. You’ve got a superior gospel to Buddhism. You’ve got a superior gospel to Zoroastrianism, Satanism, witchcraft, whatever it is, you have a superior gospel. Why? Because it comes from the one true living God.

But people have to want it. And the Bible tells us that men love death more than they love life. They love the darkness more than they love light. They don’t want to come to the light lest their deeds be exposed for what they are. This is why God has to intervene, because men don’t want to see it, and they don’t want to hear how wicked they are and how much of a need of a savior they are.

They want to think they can do it in and of themselves. Sadly, they are wrong. What does Jesus tell us? Can’t keep going on the way you’re going on and honor the Lord. Luke 923. And he said to them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me. Is that what you’re doing? Just asking. We’re friends. We’re friends? Is that what you’re doing? Denying yourself, taking up your cross daily and following him? Now, he spoke that to the people.

But those are words written for us. We can draw application for that. What are we doing? Here’s another one. First Timothy, chapter six. Just something that you can hold the truth up to yourself, and you examine yourself and having food and raiment. This is verse eight, one Timothy, chapter six. And having food and raiment, let us be therewith content. But they, that which be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which draw man or drown man in destruction and perdition.

For the love of money is the root of all evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and meekness. Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art called, are also called and has professed a good profession before many witnesses.

I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession, that thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukable, until the peering of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yeah. Are you fleeing those kinds of things? Something to examine. John, chapter eight. Again, most of you know this story. Here’s what he says. Woman’s caught in adultery. The guy’s not brought with her, but she is.

Oh, Moses says she should be stoned. John, chapter eight, verses, verse eight. And again he stooped down and wrote, in the ground, this is Jesus. And they which heard it being convicted by their own conscience, not by Jesus’s words. Remember, he’s just stooped down and wrote, on the ground. Actually, it was his words. Sorry, I didn’t get the context up above that. He had already know what he had said about if they were without sin, let them cast first stone.

So he says, they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last. And Jesus was left alone. And the woman standing in their midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, woman, were thine accusers. Hath no man condemned thee? And she said, no man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, neither do I condemn thee.

Go and sin no more. Translation, woman? Stop sinning. Stop sinning. You’re forgiven. Stop sinning. Then spake Jesus unto the again unto them, saying, I’m the light of the world. He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of. And the Pharisees therefore said unto him, thou bearest record of thyself. Thy record is not true. And Jesus answered and said unto them, though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true.

For I know whence I came and whither I go. But ye cannot tell whence I come and whither I go. And if you recall, Jesus goes on to talk about he’s not just bearing witness of himself. The Father’s born witness of him, the Spirit’s born witness of him. We have John the Baptist, who’s born witness of him. That was his job, was to bear witness of the truth, right? The light that was coming.

That’s what John said. He said he wasn’t that light. He came to bear witness of it, which is what the prophet Isaiah said John would do. I played the interview today because I think, in the midst of everything, this guy’s got a finger on something here. And that is that they want us to hate one another. They want us to hate one another. There was a little thing going on in our telegram group earlier in the week and there was a little back and forth on the flat earth and the globe thing and stuff.

And I’m fine with people debating that issue. I think that’s good to put that light out and to have it there and so people can see and do those things. But it shouldn’t cause us to come to blows with one another. People are so on edge that they can’t have a small disagreement over something that neither one of them can get outside the atmosphere and see or check or any of that other they can only look at in the creation.

But they want to just cut one another down. They want to cut each other off. All this kind of stuff. I don’t see any need for any of that. Let’s have debate. Let’s have vigorous debate. Let’s have encounters where we challenge and sharpen one another and we push at each other to find the truth, to know the truth of things that are not expressed specifically in the word of God, obviously.

But let’s press towards that. Let’s have those discussions. I think they’re good and they’re healthy. And so what if we’re wrong? Let’s correct ourselves. If our understandings open up, let’s correct ourselves. I think that’s a good thing. I think that’s why one of the reasons free speech is a good thing. Sometimes people challenge you with things that you haven’t heard before, you haven’t thought about. You bring those in and you either discern them as, yep, that’s true, and I can use that or no, I can’t.

But if you’re wanting to know how to deal with the Muslim issue, this is it. This is how you deal with them. This is how you deal with Roman Catholics. This is how you deal with self professed evangelicals who still aren’t born again. This is how you deal with the professed atheists and agnostics, which really don’t exist. But you understand what I’m saying. You deal with them with the Gospel.

You deal with them by bringing the king before them, whose law they have broken, and calling them to repent of violating that law, and to live for the king, not as some little lowly servant, but as his son or as his daughter. That’s what God does for us. He adopts us into his family, but he does it on his terms, not ours. And as you was listening to this young man, God didn’t save him based on his understanding of the Quran, didn’t save him based on Muhammad didn’t save him based on Allah or the Hadiths.

He saved him based on the very thing that God the Father spoke from heaven. And he said, this is my son. Listen to him. I’m well pleased in him. That’s who he was saved by. Given his whole life to following Allah. Thought that’s the path and the way he should be on. Recall the story of a missionary, and I’ll close with this, I can’t even remember the guy’s name, but I heard it years ago.

I went and read the story, and then I didn’t get the book because I didn’t have the money at the time. So it didn’t really stick in my mind as far as the guy’s name and everything, but he’d lived his life. And he said, you know, basically, I’m going to go out and blaze the glory. I’m going to go. I forget what the land was. I wanted to say it was Saudi Arabia, but I could be wrong about that.

Got on the boat, went over, got off the boat, didn’t even get into the town, started preaching to the Muslims who were there in the area that they were at, and they immediately put him to death. Now, I don’t know what God was doing in the midst of that. Any of you guys have ever heard of Jim Elliott and his crew going down into. You know, they. In my opinion, they probably jumped the gun a little bit in timing.

Nevertheless, in God’s Providence, that’s the way it was. It was part of his decree that they go at the time they went, and the natives there ended up killing all of them, all the missionaries. And it was the families of those missionaries and their kids who ended up ministering the Gospel to those natives and those natives coming to Christ. Yeah, you talk about God taking ashes and making them beautiful.

Oh, he does it. He does it. He’s done it for me, friend. He can do it for you. But again, you got to come to him on his own terms, and that means you got to be willing to get rid of anything and everything to follow him, including your own desires. You’ve got to surrender it all to him. Denying yourself, taking up that instrument of death daily and following after him.

And I assure you, Jesus said himself, the way of the sinner is hard. Right. Scripture, Old Testament, tells us, the way of the sinner is hard. Jesus said, take my yoke upon you, it’s light. My burden’s easy. The way of the sinner’s hard. Which one are you? Are you on the hard road? Or are you on the road in the yoke with Jesus on the narrow path? Bradley, be with you at three, and we’ll see you back here, Lord willing, in the morning.

We’re going to talk supplements. My friend Sonia Ferrisser is supposed to join us. At least we hope she’s going to do that. And we’re going to see how Big Pharma has kind of jumped in. And we’re going to point you in the direction of some good solid ones that don’t have fillers or fraudulent, and they’re all American made, so you don’t want to miss that if you’re taking supplements.

You really want to hear this. And you probably, if you’re listening to this show, you’re already advised as to what not to get. So we’re going to talk to you about what not to get, what to get, and everything behind that, the fraud that’s going on, even in the supplemental industry. So, Lord willing, we’ll see you back here at 06:00 a. m. . Audios. Bye. .


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