The War Against Putin – What The Government Media Complex Isnt Telling You : Part 4 – LIVESTREAM BEGINS AT 7 PM EST | Untold History Channel

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➡ Untold History Channel with Ron Partain, in his fourth episode of “The War against Putin,” discusses Putin’s economic policies during his second term as president from 2004 to 2008. He highlights how Putin’s studies in economics led to significant growth in Russia’s economy, with GDP increasing six times and average wages increasing tenfold. Putin’s pro-business policies, such as reducing taxes and decriminalizing many levels of tax evasion, contributed to this growth. Partain also mentions Putin’s creation of “national champions,” large companies in strategic sectors that not only seek profit but also advance the nation’s interests.
➡ This text talks about Russia’s efforts to strengthen its moral values and increase its population growth. It mentions how Russia has moved away from Western values, focusing more on traditional family structures and religious education. The text also discusses Russia’s political history, including its relations with other countries and its response to conflicts. Lastly, it touches on the popularity of Putin, both domestically and internationally, and his role in establishing good relations with China.
➡ In 2001, Russia and China signed a treaty to be good neighbors and started a group called the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) with other countries. This group, which includes about half of the world’s population, works on big projects and meetings about things like transportation and security. There’s also another group called BRICS that works together on business, politics, and culture. Lastly, Russia gave the U.S. a memorial for the 9/11 attacks, but it’s not well-known or well-kept.
➡ This text talks about the leadership styles of Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama. It praises Putin for his hard work and respect for others, which have helped him improve Russia’s economy and global standing. However, it criticizes Obama for his lifestyle and policies, suggesting he didn’t do much during his presidency. The text also mentions some controversies involving other politicians, like John McCain.
➡ The article discusses the political career of Obama, highlighting his strategies and decisions that impacted various countries. It suggests that while Obama was seen as a symbol of hope and change for many, his actions often led to conflict and unrest, particularly in Russia, China, and the Middle East. The article also criticizes the influence of Wall Street and foreign policy advisors on Obama’s decisions. It ends by discussing the negative effects of Obama’s policies, including drone strikes and military operations in Africa and Asia.
➡ The text criticizes the Obama administration for increasing national debt, failing to close Guantanamo Bay, and implementing Obamacare. It also accuses Obama and his administration of covertly strengthening the national security state. The text further criticizes the media’s portrayal of Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, and discusses the controversial actions of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot. The author suggests that the media manipulates public opinion and promotes a two-party system that doesn’t truly offer alternative choices.
➡ In 2012, a Russian band called Pussy Riot protested against Putin and the Russian church by performing in a cathedral, which led to their arrest and international attention. Later, Russia passed a law against spreading homosexual propaganda to minors, which was heavily criticized by Western media. Despite this, Putin clarified that the law was only to protect children and not to persecute homosexuals. The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, were also controversial due to high costs and various issues, but Putin argued that the event was an investment in Russia’s future.
➡ The article discusses the 2014 Sochi Olympics and the political tensions surrounding it. It highlights how the U.S. and some European leaders boycotted the event due to disagreements with Russia’s policies, while others, like China’s Xi Jinping, attended. The article also mentions the U.S. sending openly gay athletes as a statement against Russia’s stance on homosexuality. Lastly, it praises the opening ceremony and criticizes Western culture, comparing it unfavorably to Russia’s display of its history and culture.
➡ The text discusses various instances of Russian villains in popular culture, suggesting that these portrayals might be subtly influencing public opinion against Russia. It also includes a conversation about various topics, including the symbolism of the rainbow, personal beliefs about homosexuality, and the importance of considering different perspectives. The author also shares about their pet and their interest in breeding different colors.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including their Scottish heritage, the possibility of people coming to the country illegally for defensive reasons, their skepticism towards the media’s portrayal of China, and the importance of community. They also question the motives of those entering the country and mention a potential connection to Operation Gladio B, a covert NATO operation. They end by expressing their love for Bengals and their plans to start a YouTube channel about them.


Everybody to the untold History Channel. My name is Ron partain, and we are going to be jumping into, I guess this is number four, episode four of the War against Putin. And we’re going to be in chapter twelve. And as you can see, I have a little furball on my shoulder. And that was why I was running a little bit late today. So sorry for that. But that was good cause.

So how is everybody tonight? I hope you are God. It is still raining in southern California. It’s absolutely, uh. It’s been a long time since I can recall us having this much rain. It started raining on Monday, and it didn’t stop until Wednesday morning. And then it started raining again today, and who knows how long it’s going to go. They actually thought the rain was supposed to be done and we were supposed to have clear days.

Let me refresh this and see if I am, in fact, live. Yes, I am. Okay, good. I’m, like, terrified. I’m terrified about being live and not being like. And having the thing not work because of what happened the other day. It was kind of crazy. But anyway, all is well, so I hope everybody’s doing well. Exactly. The shoulder sitter. So I don’t know where everybody is. Avery. Good question.

So this little guy was. The guy who I got Winchester from reached out to me and we talk and we talk, and I told him that I was going to be doing some breeding and whatnot, and I had just had Winchester fixed, and he said, oh, really? And he says, well, dude, I’ll make you a screaming deal. I got one that’s even better looking than in terms of spots and coloring and whatnot.

And he is. He’s absolutely stunning. He’s a little bit more timid than Winchester, but as my one friend says, that this is the kidnapped phase. They don’t know what’s going on. So I’m holding on tight to him, but he’s very clingy, which I like that in. So. Hello, Kate. How are we? Might. I might have a visitor the entire time. We’ll see. Anyway, we shall see. But let’s say we jump into the war on Putin.

Yeah. And this was kind of unexpected. I wasn’t planning on this one. It was a surprise. But whatever. If you got seven, what the hell is eight? But his coloring is absolutely gorgeous. Let me turn my head so you can see. He is very, absolutely gorgeous looking cat. And I saw pictures of his father, which is different than Winchester’s father. Same mother, but different father. So apparently they paid a lot of money for that stud.

But the quality of the coatings of the coats on the litters is just crazy good. Yes. All right. Well, what do you say we jump in here? So, the chapter twelve. The russian revival. It was during Putin’s second term as president, from 2004 to 2008, that the results of his studies in economics really started to blossom. From 2001 to 2007, the economy grew at a rate of 7% per year.

Russian domestic product, or GDP, increased six times, climbing up from the 22nd to the 10th largest in the world. Average wages had increased almost tenfold. The percentage of people living below the poverty line was cut in half once totaling 150% of GDP. Nearly all foreign debt was paid off. Moscow became home to the fastest growing group of millionaires. Industry grew substantially, as did production, construction, real incomes, credit.

And the middle class. Pro business policies included a flat tax rate of 13%, a 25% reduction in corporate tax, rates of tax, and an elimination of the capital gains tax for many types of investments, the tax burden on smaller sized businesses was also slashed. Indeed, the overall tax burden in Russia is lower than in most european countries. Putin’s government even decriminalized many levels of tax evasion. The state will still collect its money and impose fines, of course, but most classes of russian taxpayers no longer face prison time for tax evasion.

The same cannot be said for the US and the EU nations. A central concept in Putin’s economic thinking was the creation of the so called national champions, large companies in strategic sectors that are expected not only to seek profit, but also to advance the interests of the nation. Examples of such companies include Gazprom, Rasneft, and United Aircraft Corporation. After regaining control from the criminal oligarchs, a fund for oil revenue allowed Russia to pay off all its old debts.

Putin’s government remains almost debt free. Under Putin, Russia has strengthened its position as the key oil and gas supplier to Europe. Most of the world’s largest automotive companies opened plants in Russia, which Putin encouraged via tax incentives, as well as some protectionist measures. For these reasons, the legendary american investor Jimmy Rogers and others began raving about the potential of the new russian economy. The savvy Rogers continues to invest heavily in Russia and recommends that his fans do likewise.

Another big Putin fan is french film superstar Gerard DiPardo of Le Misrob. Disgusted with France confiscatory income tax rate, DiPardo would in 2012 renounce his french citizenship in order to become russian. I did not know that. Interesting. Russia’s impressive recovery began. He doesn’t have a name yet, guys. I do not know his name yet. I picked him up today, so I do not have a name for him.

Just FYI. How I typically operate in terms of my furry friends, I will kind of let them dictate their name. I don’t jump to give them a name immediately. Anyway, I don’t have a name for him yet. I still have a couple that are nameless, but they’re getting names. It’s a slow process. I’m a little bit more methodical when it comes to that. Let’s see. Okay, I’m just going to start from scratch here.

Skipping ahead again to 2017. Russians today also benefit from a fast growing private health care sector. About 20% of Russians now rely exclusively on high quality private health care, with an additional 60% using private health care for minor office visits and procedures, while saving the more expensive stuff for the inferior state system. What irony. Formerly communist Russia is now embracing medical free enterprise. As Obama’s America rushed headlong into a command and control system, Putin’s economic philosophy of low taxes, low debt, real privatization, and decentralization centralization is evident in both word and deed.

On the dangers of government centralization, Putin has stated, in the 20th century, the Soviet Union made the state’s role absolute. In the long run, this made the soviet economy totally uncompetitive. This lesson costs us dearly. I am sure nobody wants to see it repeated. On budget deficits, the unjustified swelling of the budgetary deficit and the accumulation of public debts are just as destructive as adventurous stock jobbing on the criminal folly of America’s Fed’s ceaseless money printing.

Look at there. America’s trade balance, their debt and budget. They turn on the printing press and flood the whole world with government bonds. There is no way we will act this way. We don’t have the luxury of such hooliganism. Let’s see. I have 81 people on the live chat, but my screen is empty. No, try refreshing your screen, Avery, because I see it looks like maybe rumble made a change or something, because I’m seeing a really weird number that I’ve never seen before next to the live count, and I don’t know if that’s, like, the time that I’m supposed to have gone live because I was supposed to go live at 04:00 p.

m. So I don’t know if that’s what that time is because I was running a little bit late. I digress. On the new world order, the unipolar world refers to a world in which there is one master, one sovereign, one center of authority, one center of force. One center of decision making. This is pernicious at its basis. There can be no moral foundations for modern civilization on NGO activity and puppet politicians.

Direct or indirect external inference in our internal political processes is unacceptable. Any person who receives money from abroad for his or her political activity and by doing so serves alien national interests, and it cannot be a politician in Russia. It is no wonder what the leftover communists of Russia, about a 15% minority, along with the western wannabe in geordicals, about a 10% minority, are generally opposed to Putin, with quotes like those listed above, along with actions and results to back them up.

One would think that the free market republican party would love Vladimir Putin. Instead, they, as well as the Democrats, deride him as XKGB or a commie or a thug. But Putin is not just about dollars and cents. He is a man of culture with a grasp of history. As such, he understands the importance of moral underpinnings for a healthy and strong society. Without imposing Russia’s orthodox christian heritage upon anyone, Putin has nonetheless worked side by side with the church’s patriarch to bring about a revival of the institution that had been suppressed for so long.

Literally thousands of churches have been rebuilt across Russia. Putin on Christianity Orthodox Christianity has always played a special role in shaping our statehood, our culture, our morals. The church may separate from the state, but in the soul and history of our people, it is all together. It always has been and always will be. On the West’s moral decline, many euro atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including christian values.

Policies are being pursued that place the same level of multi child family as a same sex partnership, a faith in God, and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation on family and population decline. It is important that families make that step. I am convinced that the norm in Russia should become a family with three children. Indeed, by 2012, Putin’s Russia had reversed its suicidal 25 year depopulation trend and can today boast of what no western nation can a natural baby boomlet driven population growth that is not reliant upon third world immigration.

Abortions after the third month of pregnancy have been outlawed, a restriction that even many pro choicers in America would probably agree with. In the west, most nations actually allow babies to be aborted anytime during the 9th month of pregnancy. Russian law now mandates that all schoolchildren receive moral education training. The genius of this program is that the parents across multiethnic Russia are given a choice as to how to fulfill the requirement.

The moral education requirement may be completed under the traditional instruction of the Orthodox Christianity, or a jewish rabbi, or a muslim cleric or a buddhist priest. For the secularly inclined, a secular ethics curriculum is also available. So whether christian, jew, muslim, buddhist, agnostic, or atheist, a child will be required to learn the timeless, universal basics of moral conduct common to all faiths. That’s fascinating. I’m going to look at this chart here.

The birth rate per thousand in the United States and Russia from 97 to 2011. So the United States is in blue and the Russia is in red, and I’m not really per 1000. Oh, I see what they’re doing. So it’s per 1000. There’s. In 2010, there was 13 per 1000. I don’t know. I don’t understand that chart, whatever it is. That’s saying that Russia’s birth rate is increasing and the United States is decreasing, which is.

I would agree with that. I don’t understand that chart, but whatever. Putin has also made Alexander Solskjunits classic Gulag archipelago mandatory reading for russian high school students. How ironic that most students in anticommunist America will never even hear of Stalin’s atrocity, while russian kids will. Prior to his death in 2008, the anticommunist literary legend praised Putin’s accomplishments. Wow. Putin inherited a ransacked and bewildered country with a poor and demoralized people, and he started to do what was possible, a slow and gradual restoration.

These efforts were not noticed nor appreciated immediately. In any case, one is hard pressed to find examples in history when steps by one country to restore its strength were met favorably by other governments. That’s true. By the final year of Putin’s initial presidential tenure, 2008, Russia was strong and revitalized. Russia’s recovery was impressive enough to win the international committee selection process to host the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.

That would never have been possible under the ruinous reign of Yeltsin and the oligarchs. Under the russian constitution, Putin could not serve three terms consecutively. He would be the prime minister for the next four years. While his handpicked replacement, Dmitry Medvedev, served as president, the globalists wasted little time in testing their new kit on the block. The first true test of the resolve of a revitalized Russia came during the Summer Olympics of 2008, held in Beijing, China.

Putin and Bush were both present at the spectacular opening ceremonies. It was that very day, August 7, that the newly militarized puppet state of Georgia launched a large scale military offensive against the russian quasi protectorates of South Osetia. In an attempt to reclaim the territory, South Osetia and later Abacazia were completely overrun. The innocent followed the visit or the incident. Excuse me, followed the visit of US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, CFR, to Georgia, where she pledged her support for Georgia’s bid to join NATO.

How ironic. It is inconceivable that georgian puppet leader Mikhail Saksavilli would have undertaken such a bold venture without the blessing of his us master. As the world was distracted by the opening ceremonies and the historic games which followed, news of Georgia’s aggression was blacked out by the american press. As many as 2000 civilians were brutally murdered by US israeli backed Georgians before Prime Minister Putin, still the true leader of Russia, could rush back from China and respond to the situation.

And respond he did. The russian counter invasion was quick and professional. The georgian amateurs were routed and driven back deep into Georgia. Then, and only then, did the western press suddenly take notice of the events in Georgia. Putin invades Georgia. Shrieked the tv talking heads and yellow journalists of America. Brzzynski himself added his two cent, comparing Putin to, you guessed it, Hitler. But the provocative, tragic events preceding the russian Georgia conflict were conveniently omitted from the media’s false narrative.

Typical during this brief conflict. August 14, to be precise. The US used the opportunity to close a deal with Poland to deploy a missile defense system in polish territory, with the tracking system to place in the Czech Republic. In spite of the ridiculous claim that missile systems were being deployed to counter an iranian threat, the Russians knew that the systems were designed to give NATO a potential first strike advantage.

Medvedev and Putin eventually responded by drawing up contingency plans for the destruction of the systems. Dmitry Rogozin, Russia’s envoy to NATO and defense minister, stated that the US polish deal, the fact that this was signed in a period of very difficult crisis in the relations between Russia and the United States over the situation of Georgia shows that of course, the missile defense system will be deployed not against Iran, but against the strategic potential of Russia.

The liberation of South Lucieta and Abukhazia by the swift defeat of the georgian military, combined with growing russian threats to respond to the missile systems, sent a strong message to NATO, the two faced monster of Bush Cheney, and also to the pre anointed Messiah president, or soon to be Barack Obama. This was now loud and clear. Don’t mess with the new Russia. Interesting. I did not know a lot of.

See, let’s check the chat here. Did that take care of it? Avery, that took care of your issue. You now can see all the chat witness and Russia branded them extremists in 2017. They are correct. Yeah, I agree. Well, the thing about the Jehovah’s witnesses, they didn’t like the Bible, so they just changed it. They changed it to fit their belief system, as I understand it. Yeah, exactly.

Creed, you got to admit that Putin actually sounds like one of the most short, sane leaders. No wonder he’s so hated. Exactly. Anybody who does things that are good from a nationalistic perspective is not liked by the deep state. The media Industrial. I call it the media industrial complex, because it’s just like that. Okay. Yes. Good thing I did get that cat food, right? Yeah, I don’t think so.

Yarn. I don’t think that’s what they use. But hold on. Let’s see. Now you got me curious. What they use. Let’s see. I think they use their own Bible. New world translation. Yeah, they have their own Bible. It. And you’ve got me curious here. Differences. What is the differences between the christian Bible? Four examples of where the new World translation gets it wrong. I’m just going to click on this not because I want to hyper focus on it, but I’m just curious.

Jesus as a God, Jesus not eternal, Jesus blood not divine, and Jesus a secondary creator. So, John one. One. This verse in the new world translation, in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God. And the word was a God. Yeah. John eight, 5858. Jesus said to the new world translation, Jesus said to them, most truly, I say to you, before Abraham came into existence, I have been.

Because Jehovah’s witnesses deny that the deity and eternality of Jesus, their translators had to change the biblical text to match their errant doctrines. Compare the King James Version. Jesus said to them, verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am. Or consider the NASB. Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am. And he said mostly to you, before Abraham came into existence, I have been.

But anyway. Again, exactly. I don’t want to do that. That’s not the purpose of this show anyway. Okay. Chapter 13. Putin’s global trade blocks and alliances. When we compare and contrast globalist owned America’s bullying, bribing and bombing, blackmail and brow beating of weaker nations the world over to Putin’s astonishing track record or respectful diplomacy in deal making, it is not surprising that so many nations started flocking back to Russia’s orbit of trade and diplomacy.

In addition to becoming the most domestically popular of the world’s major leaders, Putin was soon to achieve international rockstar status as well. And boy, oh, boy, does this drive the control freak globalist nuts. Putin was instrumental in establishing good relations with China, the other ex communist giant, which has now embraced market economics. Market economics. In the summer of 2001, Russia and China signed the Treaty of Good Neighbor lines.

Good neighborliness and friendly cooperation. That’s a hell of a name. The two nations would also form the foundation of a regional trade bloc known as the SCO, or the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The other original members include Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. And Uzbekistan. In 2002, the heads of the SCO states met in St. Petersburg, Russia. They signed the SCO charter, which set forth the organization’s purposes, principles and structures.

Its six members account for 60% of the landmass of Eurasia and 25% of the world’s population, with observer states included. SEO affiliates account for about half of humanity. That’s insane. In July 2005, at its fifth summit held in Kazakhstan, with representatives of India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan in attendance, host President Nazar Bayev greeted the guest, stating, the leaders of the states sitting at the negotiating table are representatives of half of humanity.

And that is true, especially if you include Pakistan or India. That’s a lot of people. Actually, I would say it’s even more than that, because India. And what’s the population of the world? Population? 2024. Let’s see if this just gives a quick number. Current world population is 8 billion people. Okay, that sounds about right, because China and India have, like a quarter. So, yeah, that sounds about right.

By 2007, the SEO had initiated over 20 large scale projects related to transportation, energy and telecommunications, and held regular meetings relating to security, military, defense, foreign affairs, economic, cultural and banking with officials from its member states. All of Eurasia now wants to join SCO. Even Turkish President Erdogan, fed up with the EU playing games with Turkey, has asked Putin to let Turkey into the SEO. In 2013, Erdogan stated, if we get into the SEO, we will say goodbye to the European Union.

The Shanghai five, former name of the SEO is better. The more powerful Pakistan, much more powerful Pakistan wants in. India wants in as well. If the SCO wants us, all of us will become members of this organization. Soon afterwards, spontaneous anti Erdogan NGO protests, dutifully hyped by the western media, erupted in Turkey. President Erdogan boldly accused the west of orchestrating the protests. The foreign ministers of what were to become known as the initial four brick states, Brazil, Russia, India and China, met in New York City in September of 2006.

This began a series of high level meeting among the developing giants. A full scale diplomatic meeting would be held in Yakur de Zingberg. I butchered that. I’m sure Russia in May of 2008, BRIC emerged as an independent international organization that facilitates commercial, political, and cultural cooperation between its members. In 2010, South Africa joined Brick, making it bricks. An interesting and very telling side note. It was during this period or time period of the original September 2006 pre brick meeting that Putin delivered a special gift to America.

Exactly five years had passed since the 911 attacks, and the United States government had yet to build a memorial to the victims. Putin presented America with a beautiful sculpture to commemorate the fallen towers of New York City. The work of its art. Called the teardrop Memorial, it consists of a 100 foot tall tower with a huge open crack running down the center. Hanging from the crack is a massive teardrop designed to actually drip water.

The base of the monument is surrounded by a marble wall with the names of the 3000 victims engraved in alphabetical order. Instead of erecting the monument somewhere along the scenic Jersey city waterfront, directly across from Manhattan, officials dumped Russia’s impressive gift in a depressed and unseen spot in Bayone, New Jersey, 7 miles away from southern Manhattan and around the corner from a junkyard. In spite of the presence of both Putin and ex president Clinton at the dedication ceremony, the New York media gave the beautiful memorial the total silent treatment.

The monument remains barely known, even among local residents of Bayone. Wow. One Bayone city councilman, though happy to host the monument, said he was baffled by Jersey City’s rejection of it. This is a beautiful memorial. I don’t know why they, Jersey City didn’t want it. We don’t even have money to keep the teardrop operational. That’s why it stays dry. Holy shit. I had no idea about this. Putin made a beautiful gesture towards America.

But the globalists, in anticipation of the eventual confrontation against the allied independent powers of Russia and China, need to portray Putin as a thug. That’s why the 911 memorial gift from Russia remains unknown to Americans and so pitifully neglected. Wow. That almost brings a tear to my eye, man. I’m going to look something up here, guys. This has me baffled. It. Yeah, right here. Look at this. It’s right here.

It’s unbelievable. Um, let me see. Let it, it. There it is. Teardrop memorial way out. I’m going to mark that as a save. Let’s look at some pictures of it. Look at that. That’s insane. Gift from the people of Russia, President Vladimir Putin. Wow. Steal from the World Trade center and look at. I mean, you can’t really see it here, but the tower or the Freedom Tower is right.

And it’s not like Putin had an enormous amount of money not that’s not cheap. Let’s get back to the Putin’s trade partnerships. The critical difference between the SEO and BRICS groups versus the globalist bodies such as the EU and NAFTA is that the SEO and BrICs clubs deal with each other as equals, with no centralized power source to absorb their individual sovereignty. BRICS and SEO are like a group of neighbors collaborating to hold a neighborhood yard sale or a block party, whereas the new world order bodies, on the other hand, are like an overbearing condo association.

Let’s see. Kanil Sabal, India’s former secretary, sums it up very succinctly. The west is scared of BRICS as it has no control over it. Amen. Putin himself explains the ability to compromise is not a diplomatic politeness toward a partner, but rather taking into account and respecting your partner’s legitimate interests. How differently from cowboy George W. Bush’s philosophy of you’re either with us or you’re either with us in the fight against terror or that of Obama? What? You’re either with us or against us in the fight against terror or that of Obama? All nations must come together to build a stronger global regime.

Is it any wonder then, why Brazil as well as Argentina and Venezuela abandoned US plans to establish the FTAA, the free trade area of the Americas, choosing to join Putin’s club instead? Keep this in mind in the next time spontaneous Ngocia protests erupt in Brazil, as happened in 2013, or in Venezuela, as happened all the time, then we have Putin’s excellent relations with the nations of the asean group or the association of Southeastern Asian Nations.

Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Burma. Or that’s Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Since 2010, the AseaN Russia summit has taken place in a different country with either Putin or Medvedev present as the man of the hour. Putin’s tireless diplomacy and honest deal making extend to Africa, South America and the Middle east as well, where he is always well received. Indeed, outside of the globalist owned Europe and America, Putin is the most popular man on the was.

I remember there was. Okay. Hello. The Q patriot grandma, this is not Winchester. Sorry you had to step away. What was the gift? Did you not see the gift there? Yarn. Here. I’ll go back to the pictures. This is the gift. Oops. That right there is the gift. So it’s a beautiful sculpture with all 3000 people that were lost on 911 and their names engraved in alphabetical order.

But I wanted to go back and look because I remember there was. What was. The countries are like. They’re changing names so goddamn fast. And it’s in North Africa. Was it Sudan? Yeah, I think it was Sudan. Sudan. Protests pro Russia. I remember there were the images of the people in Sudan that they were flying russian flags. They were Russia. Ukraine, war in Africa. Ukraine and Russia take sides in Sudan.

Civil war, February 2024. Yeah, because the russian flag is all over there. So, yeah, guys, this is not Winchester. For those of you who are just tuning in, this is not Winchester. This is Winchester’s. Comes from the same, has same mother. So in a sense, they’re brothers. But he’s a relatively new addition, as in today, and he’s a little fearful. He’s in that kidnapped phase of he doesn’t know where he is, so he’s clinging to me pretty tightly.

Let’s see here. But continuing on, even within Western Europe itself, Putin has his admirers, foremost among them being former italian prime minister Silvio Berlosconi. Berlosconi’s very close personal friendship with Putin earned him the enmity of the US State Department. This should not be overlooked as the probable cause for the oh so conveniently damaging leaks put out by the mysterious Julian Assange of the shadowy WikiLeaks. These leaks proved to be the Berlusconi’s undoing.

In addition to taking down Putin’s colorful italian buddy, WikiLeaks, by Assange’s own admission, also triggered the spontaneous uprisings of NGO Cia Arab Spring. Berlusconi was then replaced by the artificially puffed up Mario Monte, followed by the equally puffed up globalist boy Mateo Renzi, dubbed Super Mario by the Propaganda press. Monty had been director of the european branch of the Rockefeller Brzezinski Kissinger trilateral commission. But we digress. That’s interesting.

I did not know that. Now, let us return to the talented Mr. Putin. What exactly is the secret to his remarkably successful diplomacy? A ceaseless campaign of business and security dealings that has so angered the jealous masters of the new world order. There are two ingredients to the Putin formula. One, hard work and two, respect for others. A very simple formula. Exactly how does Putin work? Putin himself proudly describes his service on behalf of Russia as working like galley slaves.

The unfortunate side effect of his necessary service probably cost him his marriage. His lovely wife grew estranged. And the focus. Mr. Putin labored ceaselessly on multiple fronts to save Russia from ruin and bring it back to its rightful place as a growing economic and cultural power. While the unaccomplished imposter who lounged about in America’s White House for eight years played golf, watched sports center, flew out to endless New York and Hollywood fundraisers and late night talk shows, and routinely partied with degenerates such as the ex drug dealer Jay Z and his glorified go go girl wife, Beyonce.

The talented and tireless Putin gives all for his country. That single minded dedication to restoring mother Russia may have cost him his wife. As for the other element of Putin’s success equation, respect for others, Putin’s closing words from the 2013 op ed piece submitted to the New York Times in Defense of Syria accurately described his sentiments and actions. I carefully studied his Obama’s address to the nation on Tuesday, and I would rather disagree with a case he has made on american exceptionalism, stating that the United States policy is what makes America different.

It is what makes us exceptional. It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different. But when we ask for the Lord’s blessing, we must never forget that God created us equal. Interesting. The noble traits of humility, intellect, fortitude, dedication and honor are what separate the talented Mr.

Putin from the envious pygmies who currently misrule the dying nations which constitute the international community. Bow your head in solemn reverence as you speak those words. As I’ve gotten to know Mike and I understand his sense of humor, those things right there, I don’t know. They tickle my funny bone. Because his sense of humor is fantastic. I love it. That’s hilarious. One such petty individual is the certifiably insane senator John McCain, who blasted Putin’s thoughtful letter as anti american.

This is the same towering intellect as statesman who graduated 894th out of 899 cajets in his naval Academy class, lost four navy planes flying one into the power lines while hot dogging 13, broke his arms when he forgot to tuck them in while ejecting over Vietnam, ditched his faithful wife and mother of his children for a wealthy and younger beer heiress while was disgraced during the infamous Keating five scandal of the 1980s and has publicly called his second wife a cunt and a troll up after she kidded him about his bald spot, has viciously cursed out f bombed Senate colleagues during closed door hearings, chose an absolute dolt of a Barbie doll as his 2008 presidential running mate, no citation needed, and continues to scream for war.

War against Syria, Iran, Lebanon and North Korea, apart altogether from the great global game being dictated by their unseen masters one has to wonder if some of the personal animosity that western politicians hold for Putin seems stems from a sense of their own inferiority. Haters going to hate, as the urban saying goes. And yet a careful analysis of every word that Putin has ever spoken or written reveals not a trace of incendiary or defamatory language.

Well, he did once suggest that McCain suffered brain damage as a result of his captivity in Vietnam. In 2012, McCain had tweeted a cryptic threat of a spontaneous NGO uprising against Russia. Dear Vlad, the Arab Spring is coming to a neighborhood near you. When asked for his opinion of McCain’s bizarre comment, Putin responded, Mr. McCain fought in Vietnam. I think he has had enough blood of peaceful citizens on his hands.

It must be impossible for him to live without these disgusting scenes anymore. Mr. McCain was captured, and they kept him not just in prison, but in a pit for several years. Anyone in his place would go crazy. True words were never spoken. More on McCain still to come. I am no fan of that man. Let’s check the chat here. Shogun. Missed the joke here. Let me go back and read it again, because you have to understand Mike’s.

He’s got a very dry and sarcastic sense of humor, and he’s talking about the noble traits of humility. Intellect, fortitude, dedication and honor are what separate the talented Mr. Putin from the envious pygmies who currently misrule the dying nations which constitute the international community. And when he’s saying the international community, he’s essentially talking about the new world order, whatever. And then he says, bow your head in solemn reverence as you speak.

Those. It’s just, it’s basically his sarcastic, his sarcasm know, bow your head in reverence when you talk about the international community. So you have to know Mike to understand. So if you don’t get it, I’m sorry, but it is funny. It’s funny to me, so it’s funny to me. That’s why I laughed. But if you don’t find it funny, that’s okay. All right, let’s see. Yeah, he does feel safe with me.

Absolutely. It makes sense of humor, Mike, right? Just like he talks. He sure does. They sure painted exactly, don’t they? Shogun. Yeah, exactly. Precisely. Shogun. I like my heroes to not be captured. Obama’s dirty war against Russia and the world. In 2008, Barack Obama was installed, Ray Pete. Installed in the White House after the most intensive, pervasive of all encompassing propaganda campaign in the world history. Delirious crowds of media driven simpletons turned out by the scores of thousands to hear an unaccomplished charlatan recite platitudes from his ubiquitous teleprompter.

More than 40,000 turned out to hear the sainted candidate read in Oregon. And I will say that I had heard that McCain literally was like begging to be president because the election had essentially been call. It was one of those things where he was chosen, as Mike just so aptly said, installed. And my understanding is that just he was begging to be allowed to be president. And I look at Obama winning the presidency as a major gift to the conservatives, because had McCain won, most of the conservatives would have just kept on being silent and they would have just accepted any of the war stuff.

So in many respects, I think that McCain losing did more to damage the they probably would have gotten more done had they allowed McCain to be president for four years and then ran Obama again in 2012 and let Obama be president for eight years, from twelve to 2000. They probably would have accomplished more, in my opinion. But that didn’t happen. Yes, people started to wake up in Obama under Obama, in big time.

But anyway, I digress. In Berlin, 200,000 screaming german imbeciles gushed over the script reading con man as and his calls to remake the world again. Four months before even being elected candidate, Obama spewed this pre packaged globalist tripe to the german megamong. Tonight I speak before you not as a candidate for president, but as a citizen, a proud citizen of the United States and a fellow citizen of the world.

This is the moment when we must come together to save this planet. Let us resolve that we will not leave our children a world where the oceans rise and famine spreads and terrible storms devastate our lands. Let us resolve that all nations, including my own, will act upon the same seriousness, or will act with the same seriousness of a purpose as has your nation and reduce the carbon we send into our atmosphere.

This is the moment to give our children back their future. This is the moment to stand alone. Ironic that he did so much to do this that he bought a house on. He was so concerned about the ocean levels rising that he bought a place in Martha’s vineyard. I wonder what’s Martha’s vineyard? The elevation in Martha’s vineyard is only 311ft, not very big. What Obonga was really saying was science be damned.

A world government required greater state control over private industry, an end to national sovereignty, and a world tax on carbon. Author’s words, not Obongos. And keep in mind that when he wrote this book, Obama was president because he was saying last night that he wrote this in 2014. For guilt ridden and delusional white liberals, the idea of the first black president sent them into a state of neurotic euphoria.

Oh, he’s so thoughtful and articulate. Such a great orator. Did they just ejaculate with that condescending, soft bigotry so ironically typical of the antiracism crowd. Not once did they pause to notice that the slick, sophist, ghost written grand discourses were all read off of a teleprompter. For non white Americans, his candidacy represented the affirmation that they had finally overcome Obongo. The righteous was about to give the rich white man his long overdue comeuppance, thought the colored masses.

For uneducated and poorer Americans, Obongo was the Santa Claus that was going to tax the rich and magically fulfill their wishlist. For war weary Americans, Obongo was the Christ figure who would heal a broken world and bring our troops back from Bush’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. For the titans of Wall street, he was the free spending interventionist who would bail out their bad investments on the taxpayer’s dime.

Yes, indeed, the rabble rousing empty suit with the grossly embellished resume, canned platitudes, and recycled mantra of hope and change was all things to all people. But astute observers of geopolitics were not so easily fooled. Author and historian Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley quickly spotted George Soros’s Obama deception and tried to warn anyone who would listen to him months before Obonga was even elected, Tarpley stated in 2008, the project of the next administration, if it is Obama, is to smash both Russia and China.

People in Europe had better wake up. That silly romantic illusion that they have about Obama is going to be suicidal. Obama’s foreign policy is to have a global showdown with Russia and China. Many would have laughed at such a prediction in 2008. They aren’t laughing today. Obongo chose Mark Brzinski, Zignibu’s son, as foreign policy advisor for his campaign. His republican opponent, John McCain, tapped Ian Brzezinski, Zigni’s other son, as foreign policy advisor for his campaign.

The only difference between Obongo and McCain’s foreign policy was that the former represented the faction of american foreign policy establishment, which places an emphasis on long term soft power strategies, saving war as a last resort should their phony NGO protests, hunger sanctions, and rebel proxy wars fail to achieve their intended effect. McCain, on the other hand, just like the departing Bush Cheney was the candidate of choice for the neoconservative faction of America’s ruling class, a group that believes in war as a first choice, second choice, and third choice.

The argument between these overlapping schools of thought is generally over tactics, not over the final result. To put it in terms of a moderately vulgar rape analogy, Bush, Cheney, and McCain were the type of global rapists who prefer to violently pounce on their intended target, violating her in a most barbaric manner. Obongo, on the other hand, was the charming, predatory creep who slips a date rape drug into the unsuspecting maiden’s drink.

She never saw what was coming until it was too late. That’s a hell of an analogy. The other difference between globalist liberals and globalist neocons is that the latter are fanatically pro Israel, even placing the interests of Israel ahead of the objectives of globalism. Though they are also pro Israel. The liberal faction generally believes that Israel’s frequent foreign aggression is an ongoing abuse of the occupied Palestinian complicates their efforts to work with and subdue the numerous arab and muslim countries of the world.

This is the true reason why the CFR globalist Jimmy Carter openly condemned Israel for apartheid. Think of these two factions as bickering spouses who, at the end of their frequent spats, will always kiss, make up and resume plotting against the people of the world, including their own countrymen. Crazy old warmonger McCain was no match for the billion dollar Obongo steamroller. His unrepentant support of the unpopular Iraq war and provocative comments toward Russia did not impress a war worthy american public, said McCain during the debates.

When I look into Vladimir Putin’s eyes, I see three letters, Akag and a B. Such is the philosophical profundity of the America’s QFS quadrinal freak show. Despite collecting an inexplicable Nobel peace prize after just eight months in office, Obongo moved quickly to carry out the aggressive globalist agenda that Dr. Tarpley had so presciently foreseen. But unlike the bold cowboy bush and the diabolical cheney, his handlers imposed their bloody agenda in unseen ways.

In 2009, Obongo made a public show of canceling the missile defense system based in Poland. Shortly thereafter, Vice President Biden visited Poland to quietly announce the deployment of a different missile plan, which would also include Romania. That same year, NATO was again expanded as Albania and Croatia were added to the anti russian military bloc. Montenegro, Kosovo, Moldova, and Macedonia are also now in the NATO pipeline, if not for the fact that Mr.

Gorbachev is still alive and well. He would surely be spinning in his grave over an unremitting eastward march of NATO, assuming he wasn’t on the globalist payroll all along himself, which I believe he was. Gorbachev was a huge supporter of, like, was it the global warming crap? And in fact, speaking of that, let’s see here. Putin, Gorbachev funeral. Putin, no show at Gorbachev funeral. Putin pays tribute to Gorbachev, but won’t attend his funeral.

Think about that. Putin to snub Gorbachev’s funeral due to work. Uh, Putin said, no, I ain’t going to go to his funeral. I thought that was very interesting. And of course, that’s not in here, because when Gorbachev died, that was about a year ago, 2022, so that wouldn’t be in this book. That same year, the 1 second, guys. Give me a second. Okay, sorry about that. Let’s see here.

In 2010 came the spontaneous uprisings of the Arab Spring, triggered by WikiLeaks leaks. Pro western and CIA NGO provocateurs led protests which overthrew the governments of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya to support the libyan operation. NATO jets or drones attacked the convoy carrying libyan leader Muhammad Gaddafi in 2011. Terrorist mercenaries, think 1980s Afghanistan, 1990s Chechnya and 2010. Syria then captured Gaddafi. He was tortured and murdered as iPhone cameras rolled.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton then gloated and clapped her hands while clacking about the murder. We came, we saw, he died, which I’m sure everybody has seen that clip. Prime Minister Putin was not amused as the diabolical Clinton. I’m going to read this. Who did this? Drones, including american ones. They attacked his column. Then through the special forces, who should not have been there, they brought in the so called opposition fighters and killed him without court or investigation.

Russia’s ally Syria was also hit with spontaneous protests, which soon turned violent. A proxy army of domestic radicals and imported terrorists plunged Syria into the western media, into what the western media continues to falsely describe as a civil war. It is only the military alliance and open war games of Russia, China, Syria and Iran, along with Putin’s sale of some really badass weapons to Syria, that has stopped NATO and Israel from attacking Syria and doing to President Assad precisely what was done to Gaddafi.

The CIA, by its own admission, continues to prop up the now struggling terrorist rebels of Syria. In spite of Syria’s heroic resistance, 200,000 Syrians have lost their lives, with millions more forced into refugee camps. The fact that the United States EU Israel axis has not been able to finish off feisty. Syria has really got the globalists and Israel firsters upset with Russia and China. In 2012. Speaking before an international gathering, an angry Hillary Clinton warned, I do not believe that Russia and China are paying any price at all, nothing at all, for standing up on behalf of the Assad regime.

The only way that this will change is if every nation represented here directly and urgently makes it clear that Russia and China will pay a price. That same year, Putin was again elected president as Medvedev went back to being prime minister. With cameras rolling and international monitors watching, Putin rolled onto victory in a landslide, trouncing the other candidates by huge margins. True to form, russian ngos organized protests against election fraud and the return of the tyrant.

Publicly, the cunning Obongo congratulated Putin on his return to the presidency. But behind the scenes, the Soros, us ngos, and the CIA’s teenage neo Nazis continued to agitate Putin. Agitate against Putin. When asked about the spontaneous protests which had preceded his 2012 election, Putin, with characteristic russian humor, had previously replied, I know that students were paid some money. Well, that’s good if they could earn something. Or already weakened.

The glory days of the russian NGo agent provocateurs like chess champion and Rothschild Stooge Gary Gasparov were numbered. In his third term, Putin would greatly curtail the influence of these treasonous termites by forcing them to register as foreign agents and to apply for permission to protest. Naturally, the western press started screaming about the violation of the free speech rights of the subversive ngos. In addition to the bloodshed and chaos which team Obama had inflicted upon the hapless souls of Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria, predator drones killed at least 1000 innocent people in Pakistan, Yemen, and Sudan, at least half of them elderly women and children.

To counter China’s growing business in Africa, Obongo also greatly expanded us military operations in central Africa. His asian pivot got the Chinese up in arms and preparing for war, North Korea remained under constant verbal threat of us attack. This situation prompted Denis Rodman, the famous ex basketball player and good friend of north korean president Kim Jong un, to angrily refer to both Obongo and Hillary Clinton as assholes.

Covert operations, sanctions, and threats continued to target the independent russian allies of Iran and Venezuela. BRICS members Brazil and India were periodically browbeaten by the Obama gang and the New York Times, as were Argentina, Belarus, Burma, Turkey, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and a whole host of other smaller states now close to the Russia China trade orbit outside of its EU puppet. Obama’s broke ass America, with its ever growing military and security budgets, was at war with the whole bloody world on the domestic and civil rights fronts.

Obongo nearly doubled the national debt, relaxed the requirements for receiving food stamps and disability payments, gave away 12 million free. Obama phones, overrode attempts by the individual states to end inner city vote fraud, broke his promise to close the torture camp at Guantanamo Bay and build up the praetorian guard known as the Department of Homeland Security to monstrous dimensions 2000. Armored vehicles, tens of thousands of fully automatic machine guns, hundreds of millions of rounds of bullets, et cetera.

The abuse of airline passengers at the nation’s airports continued, as did the electronic monitoring of America, which was actually known to exist as far back as 1998. The Obamacare spam was an unmitigated disaster, and the fed’s printing presses rolled nonstop to cover the enormous deficits. Food and energy prices, therefore, went. Food and energy prices, therefore went up. Beef by 40% since 2009. Coffee by 50% as wages stayed flat.

Frivolous regulations and medical lawsuits continued as labor and labor force participation was way down. Birth rates fell as the southern border was left wide open. Many former and formerly middle class Americans were badly damaged as Obanga and his wretched global trotting wife continued to fly about on their $160,000 per hour air force one and two as if they were personal toys. I think it’s also important to note here that I read that one article about the fourth branch of government and that when the Obamacare was.

The fight for Obamacare really began in about 2006, right as the Democrats took control of the House before 2008, because they already knew the Democrat was going to win in 2008. That’s what they were planning anyway. So they were laying the foundation for Socialized Medicine in 2006 for the democratic controlled Congress and Nancy Pelosi. And what they did was while everybody was fighting over socialized medicine, what was the.

The secretary or the holder? Eric Holder and Obama were clandestinely working to essentially make the national security State and the intelligence branch of government essentially was what that article was stating. So it is really bad. It is really bad. But they did that under the COVID While everybody was fighting for Obamacare, they were clandestinely setting in place all of the mechanisms that would be used for the FBI to do what it’s doing.

Basically be the know. The 7th floor is what I’m talking about of the, you know, there’s a lot of really good people who work for the. I mean, there’s a lot of good people who work for the know. They’re good people and they believe they’re doing a good job. But just because there’s good people that are rank and file doesn’t mean that the objectives that they’re working towards are so.

And I think everybody recognizes that such was the hope and such was the change that the false Messiah and Nobel Peace Prize winner brought to America and to the world. Of course, Obongo, like most of his duplicitous predecessors of both parties, was only a frontman, a shameless, feckless, rabble rousing puppet whose protective skin pigmentation insulted him from the close scrutiny and criticism of which he so richly deserved.

Sound too harsh? Ask the grieving family members of all those women and children at that commander in chief obliterated. That the commander in chief obliterated in Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, etc. If such an assessment is too harsh or racist. But the true power which manipulates public opinion against Putin and China is that of the news media and Hollywood moguls. Were it not for those magically mendacious illusion factories, Obongo would still be a crack smoking nobody from nowhere.

This is the very same hypnotic force which is driving the unwarranted hatred of Vladimir Putin to a fever pitch. Chapter 15. Check the chat here. Exactly. The crosby experience. That’s funny. J. Figs. I’m assuming you’re talking about the rape analogy and the roofy Trump called her a nasty woman. One kiddie. Exactly. I’m feeling deja vu. What do you mean you’re feeling deja vu? That’s probably an older comment.

What do you mean by that, creed? Just curious. Like all bad legislation, Obamacare was written years in advance. Yeah, well, and if you look at Obamacare, it was very similar to, you know, and almost a carbon copy of what Romney passed in as governor of Massachusetts. Let me see how long chapter 15 is probably going to go. I’m probably going to get through chapter 15. I want to see.

Actually, that’s 16. Let me see here. Yeah, what I’m going to do is I’m going to finish section three tonight, which takes us through chapters 15 and 16. The anti Putin propaganda blitz. Marrying the overlapping globalist factions which exists in government and academia are the liberal news media and the conservative news media. For the liberal faithful, the main house of worship include the New York Times, the Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, MSNBC, and CNN.

Conservative Americans will usually attend the neocon churches of talk radio, the Internet based drudge report, the Wall Street Journal, and Fox News. These right wing outlets actually do a fairly decent job of exposing the lies and omissions of the liberal media giants. But the false alternative, which they offer, is the dead end of the republican party politics. Obama sucks. Vote for Romney. Therein lies the essence of the scam known as the two party system.

But when these two adversarial denominations join together in common cause, look out, folks, something big is about to happen. And when it comes to the blatant misrepresentation of facts regarding Russia, the globo neocon complex is united in their hatred of Vladimir Putin. The Pussy riot girls antipootin media propaganda began on a small scale as far back as 2004, wrapping up to a steady drumbeat by 2012 and reaching the level of mass hysteria by 2014.

First, the major media offensive surrounded the 2012 case of degenerate punk band known as Pussy Riot, named after the vulgar term for a certain part of the female anatomy. Not our furry little feline friends, my little feline friend. The girls, we were told, were arrested merely for entering a Moscow church and singing a punk prayer to protest Putin. After being handed a two year jail sentence, the international community.

Bow your head in solemn reverence as you speak. Those words exploded in a self righteous and self righteous indignation. Singing from the same hymn book, these 10,000 or so eggheads, based in New York, DC, Hollywood, London, Paris, Brussels, and Berlin, all decreed that Putin was a paranoid tyrant who had orchestrated the harsh sentence against the harmless feminist artists. A rallying cry for this phony cause celeb soon emerged.

Free pussy riot. The affair grew into a real public relations disaster for Russia. I vaguely remember this, man. I’d actually. I’d forgotten this. That’s. That’s crazy. It’s. It’s. You know, when you. When you go back and you look at some of these things, it’s interesting how, you know, how many things you kind of like that slip your mind. But I remember this. I remember the pussy right went.

And I think, what did they do? Like, graffiti or something? A church or whatever? And the Russians like, no, we ain’t putting up with that. A few essential details were deliberately omitted from the popular narrative. Pussy Riot was not actually a band. The girls were just a group of NGO agitators who would don bright colored ski masks while streaming on electric guitars, which they knew not how to play.

Their screaming songs consisted of loud obscenities calling for things like gay rights, the downfall of Putin, and for russian housewives to stick their vacuum cleaner hoses up their vaginas. Pussy Riot is an offshoot of an NGO funded anarchist art collective known as Voina, Russian for war, whose members, including Nadazada, Otolo Kokniva, of Pussy Riot, whose own parents threw her out, had previously engaged in such outrageous artistic stunts as having a group sex section in a public museum and painting an image of a huge penis on a drawbridge, which later erected.

Another art project involved the filming of a female member shoving a chicken carcass into her vagina and walking out of the market as the refrigerated creature’s legs dangled out from her canal like, oh my God, that’s disgusting. The vandals of voina have also been known to spray urine filled water guns and throw urine filled balloons at police officers and to disrupt court proceedings and to smash up police cars.

Upon deliberately provoking their own arrests, Voena cult members will scream about police brutality and then post online photos and videos of their human rights being violated by Putin’s thugs. The western yellow press will then dutifully show the out of context images to their horrified worshippers. Or that’s actually readers and viewers, how the NGO protest. That is how the NGO protester game is played. Oh, here’s the, here’s the bridge.

Oh my God, that’s disgusting. This makes me, like, hurl. Contrary to the scripted image of repressive Russia, members of Pussy Riot endured only brief arrests and fines. At worst, in spite of being warned to stay away from the cathedrals, the Pussy Riot banned continued to push the Moscow police. On February 21, 2012, members of the gang invaded Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The reader will recall the story of the Stalin Kaganovich dynamite destruction of this historic grand cathedral in 1931.

During the 1990s, it was rebuilt to the close specifications of its original glory. This new cathedral holds special religious, cultural and historic meaning for the russian faithful. It was attacked for this very reason. As horrified worshippers and priests looked on, a flash mob of as many of as a dozen vowina radicals stormed the Christ Cathedral. Four of these deranged tools of the globalist ngos, or the pussy Riot girls, then took to the altar itself.

They mocked the stunned worshippers by kneeling and crossing themselves as supporting members blasted their music from side to side. The singers then belted out an obscene protest prayer aimed at Putin and church patriarch Curiel, the russian church’s version of the pope. They screamed that Putin is shit. Shit. The Lord shit. Patriarch Curiel was denounced as a bitch, and Mother Mary was urged to become a feminist. Now the patient Russians had tolerated enough.

The lead singers were finally arrested and charged by the local authorities, not by Putin. With hooliganism motivated by religious hatred. The arrests and subsequent trial drew international attention and massive criticism. Not only did the feminist radicals not show an ounce of remorse, but they laughed and mocked the court itself. Throughout the entire trial, the deranged and defiant activists continued laughing as judge Marina Sirovova handed down her sentence.

It was evident that the girls and their handlers actually wanted a prison sentence. It would be a great antipudin propaganda for the globalists and certain fame and fortune for their celebrity heroines when they got out in December of 2013. Indeed, only three months after Pussy Riot’s release, one of America’s most artificially puffed up pseudojournalists, the oh so serious and ever so thought provoking Charlie Rose of PBS fame, debased himself by interviewing two of the deranged subversives at a public forum held in New York in April of 2014.

On bended knee and with bated breath, the duplicitous charlatan lobbed one sugar coated softball after another to the courageous degenerates who dared to defy the tyrant Putin. Not once did the pious, fawning, pseudo intellectual selfish think to ask the ladies about any of the key data points we have just reviewed. This is not surprising. You see, Chatty Charlie is not only a longtime member of the Putin hating CFR, but he also belongs to the super exclusive Trilateral Commission, an elite globalist study group founded by David Rockefeller and Zigni Brzinski in 1973.

The russian antigay law in 2013, the Pussy Riot fiasco was followed by the gross, deliberate misrepresentation of a new russian law forbidding the dissemination of homosexual propaganda to minors. The bill sailed through the russian parliament unanimously. Again, the western piranha press exploded into a feeding frenzy. New coverage of Putin’s anti gay law almost left one with the impression that homosexuals were being hunted down and beaten on the streets.

With full state sanctioning later that year, the chief of the San Francisco Fire Department invited russian delegates and Putin himself to participate in an event commemorating the 150th anniversary of the great San Francisco fire of 1863 and the heroic efforts of the russian sailors who helped to put the fire out and save hundreds of lives. At President Lincoln’s request, the sailors were stationed there because Tsar Alexander had docked part of his Pacific fleet in San Francisco and part of the Atlantic Fleet in New York.

This was a great game message to Britain and France to stay out of the United States civil War. Eight russian sailors died in the rescue effort. Homosexual pressure forced the city and its departments to back out of any participation of the private, organized event. Putin was not welcome in San Francisco. The reality of Russia’s anti gay law is that its sole intent is to stop the growing trend toward exposing children to homosexual propaganda.

Funded by ngos, russian homosexual groups, which remain legal, were indeed spreading their doctrine. Putin has on numerous occasions attempted to clarify misconceptions over the anti gay law, but to no avail. Putin on the new law Tchaikovsky was gay, although it’s true that we don’t love him because of that. But he was also a great musician, and we all love his music. So what? There is no cause to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Nothing scary or terrible is happening here in our country. He later added, gay people have nothing to fear in Russia as long as they leave our children alone. Truth be known, most parents in the quote unquote free west, though forbidden by the gods of tolerance and political correctness from publicly saying so, are in private very concerned over the steady diet of gay, gay, gay, and also bi and transgender, and that their own children are being forced, fed by the media, Hollywood, the music industry, and even the elementary schools.

That the truth, or that’s the truth, and the globalist media knows it. The manifest hypocrisy of the stance of the international community bow your head regarding his russian homosexuality business is truly astonishing. Nowhere is this fact more evident than in America’s special relationship with Saudi Arabia, a country which has been known to punish homosexuals with imprisonment, fines, corporal punishment, torture and chemical castrations. Can you say double standard? All right.

Chapter 16 the triumph of the Soci Olympics the run up to March 2014 Winter Olympic Games, hosted by Soshi Russia, was marked by an intensive 30 day pregames hate campaign led by the Salzberger Oaks family’s venerable paper of record, the New York Times. First, there was oft repeated half truth that Putin’s games would be the most expensive Olympic games ever, coming in at an eye popping $50 billion.

The not so subtle insinuation was that an egomaniacal dictator was raiding the public treasury to feed his grandiose ego. Some even likened Putin to corrupt roman emperors of antiquity who would squander enormous sums of public money for the bread and circuses of gladiatorial contests. Again, the reality was something different. It was indeed true that Putin wanted the grand event to show his people and to the world that Russia was back to its rightful place of honor as one of the world’s leading nations.

But the western media narrative omitted two important data points regarding its tiresome and unconfirmed mantra of 50 billion, 50 billion, 50,000,000,001st of all, only about 15% of that sum went toward construction of the actual Olympic venues. The bulk of the funds were used to upgrade the infrastructure of the spectacular sea and ski towns of Sochi. Long after the Olympics are gone, Putin’s investments in Sochi will yield permanent vacation based commerce and tax revenue for the surrounding region.

The other big lie of omission was in failing to highlight the fact that a substantial percentage of this wise investment in Russia’s future came from private investors. In line with Putin’s economic philosophy of industry captains, these russian heavy hitters were answered the call to action, knowing that the new Sochi will pay back handsome rewards down the road. Perhaps the piranha press of the western world would be more concerned over the staggering debts and deficits that their own governments are running up.

United States debt to GDP ratio is 75% France 95% UK 92% Germany 70%. Russia 12% hi, baby budy. Then came antisocial story after story plastered on the front page of the New York Times and across american tv screens with breathless enthusiasm. Scribblers of every stripe and talking heads of every network informed us of the stray dogs who were being euthanized, the hotel door that wouldn’t open, the broken toilet, the elevator that malfunctioned, the bed that was missing pillows, the looming terrorist attacks which never materialized, the specter of homosexuals being persecuted in Soshi, yellow water here and unfinished construction there, plus other trivialist too petty and too numerous to even recall.

Plug the term soshi problems into your search engine and enjoy a good laugh. That’s a good idea. I kind of remember some of that, actually. Bleacher Report 20 biggest soshi problems the not so sustainable Soshi wintered Olympics. With the opening center already behind us, the Sochi Olympics have officially begun. Although the competition is starting, the ongoing and ever growing list of Sochi problems continues to dominate the headlines, though concerns about the threat of terrorism looms large as the games kick off, the Sochi problems, hashtag that’s gone viral has been documenting some of the less serious situations facing athletes and journalists in the Winter Olympics.

Here are 20 of the biggest problems so far. What to do with the toilets, packs of stray dogs, the pink eye of bob Costas. Dangerous courses, disgusting yellow food and drink, whitewashing. Hotel decor. Unfinished construction. Toilet proximity. Bed proximity. Interesting. And for those of you who want to know where Soshi is, just for map it so it’s basically right beneath Ukraine. Those were the results, and it’d been 30 to see here.

Enjoy a good laugh as you plow through the 400,000 results, and it had been 39 million plus results in 2014. The ultimate slap in the face to Putin came from Obongo’s diplomatic boycott of the games. Neither the US president nor a single official from his administration attended Putin’s games. Not even his globetrotting wife, who was present at the London Summer Games of 2012, deigned to attend the ceremonies in Sochi.

Now, when Michelle Obongo and her massive entourage of sisters and other assorted hangers on passed up an opportunity for yet another taxpayer funded vacation, you know something is afoot. Good point. EU presidents and prime ministers stayed away as well. But many asian leaders, including China’s Xi Jinping, did come to pay respect to the new Russia and its man of the hour, the talented Mr. Putin. To tweak the Russians more, Obongo dispatched three retired homosexual athletes to constitute the majority of official US delegation.

Lesbian tennis star Billie Jean King, lesbian hockey player Caitlin Cahau, and homosexual figure skater Brian Botano arrived in Soshi amidst imaginary concerns for the safety of homosexuals. Just for good measure, Obongo, long rumored to be homosexual himself, also sent Janet Napolitano, the former secretary of the praetorian guard Homeland Security, to Sochi as well. Though not openly lesbian, her husky voice, short hair, and stocky Napolitano is widely believed to be in the closet, shall we say, in advance of the event, the headlines blared, Obama sends message by naming Sochi delegation.

Now, these individuals were not delegates who just happened to be homosexual. No, they were sent to Sochi precisely because they were homosexual. About an hour or so prior to what would turn out to be a truly unforgettable opening ceremony, little Bobby Costas, the odious sports reporter hosting american tv coverage, interviewed Obama, the absent via satellite, the self important Costas had already peppered his audience with snide, anti russian zingers.

As expected. As planned, Costas allowed Obongo to stick his own knife into Putin. With Costas playing the role of straight man, the comedian in chief delivered his rehearsed and wholly inappropriate punchlines before to a national audience. He Putin does have a public style where he likes to sit back and look a little bored during the course of joint interviews. My sense is that’s part of his shtick back home politically, as wanting to look like the tough guy.

Us politicians have a different style. We tend to smile once in a while. No class of bongo. Let’s see what you say to that judo master Putin’s face in a ring. But the propaganda blitz was soon dealt a silencing blow. The opening ceremony at Soshi was jaw dropping spectacle that even the envious losers of America’s chattering class had to admire. The proud people of a new Russia put on a dazzling technological feast for the census, highlighting the history, music, dance, architecture, science, art, and literature of the 100 year old nation.

One could not help but be struck by the difference between the russian celebration of sport and half culture versus the worsening degeneracy of Americans annual Super bowl halftime show. Janet Jackson’s flashed breast, Madonna’s gyrating pelvis, Beyonce’s barely clad, earth shaking ass and black panther salutes, et cetera. The only glitch in the otherwise flawless show was the failure of one of five giant Olympic rings to fully expand and light up.

Astute observers were quick to notice that the unopened ring just happened to be the very ring which represented the Americas. This is only conjecture, of course, but could this glitch have been Putin’s version of a sicilian message, his way of acknowledging the rude absence of America’s politicians? Maybe in another apparent insult to anti gay Russia, the Olympic team from Germany and oh so progressive nation, which now permits animals to be tied up and raped in fast spreading bestiality brothels, marched into the opening ceremonies wearing hideous multicolored rainbow uniforms, the unmistakable theme of the international homosexuality and transgenderism.

Crossdressers, the tv talking heads assured us that the unprecedented rainbow design had nothing to do with gay rights. But astute observers weren’t buying the coincidence claim. Due to her own concerns over human rights, German Chancellor Angela Merkel also skipped the so she ceremony, the manly Mrs. Merkel hypocrisy exceeds that of a bongo. You see, in free and democratic Germany, parents who get caught homeschooling their children can be stripped of custody and sent to prison.

Likewise, scholars who dare to question the conventional account of World War II are also thrown in jail. In the upside down world of the frumpy Frau Merkel, shielding children from the homosexual propaganda or homeschooling them, or defending your historic cathedrals from the pornographic trespassers is regarded as an affront to the conscience of the international community. Bow your heads. On the other hand, allowing the most deranged and debased lunatics to tie up and rape dogs, sheep, goats, and yamas in for profit erotic zoos is considered a form of tolerance for alternative lifestyles.

This has me curious. I’m pauses here. This is page 113, and this is number ten of I’m like chapter 16, church bestiality brothels that just can’t be bestiality. Brothels are spreading through Germany, warns campaigner, as abusers turn to sex with animals as lifestyle choice. Holy crap. Did anybody ever heard of this? I had never heard of this. It’s disgusting. Wow, man. Good God, Putin is right. The globalist west is sick.

Sick in its mind, sick in its heart, sick in its soul. During the first week of the games, the deranged lunatics of Pussy Riot, who had recently been released from prison, showed up in Soshi to stage another protest song. This time they brought along fake russian guards, or Cossacks, as part of the show. As the group began to sing, the fake uniformed, pro Putin Cossacks chased them away, pretending to whip the girls as cameras rolled for the world to see.

Toward the end of the games, Bobby Costas, that self aggrandalizing, lying little lily Livtard, again swerved into politics, sanctimoniously delivering a primetime monologue attacking Russia’s human rights record. No mentions of the US transgressions such as Iraq, Libya, predator drones, torture camps, NGo plots, et cetera. But no amount of propaganda could overshadow the renewed spirit so clearly evident in Putin’s resurgent Russia. The Russian Olympics went on to win more medals me, the Russian Olympians went on to win more medals than any other country, overtaking the US on the final day of Putin’s games.

To cap off Putin’s and Russia’s proud day in the sun, the closing ceremonies turned out to be just as stunning and just as educational as the grand opening. But Russia’s moment did not last very long. Near the end of the games, with an NGO orchestrated crisis about the climax in Ukraine, the anti Putin drumbeat resumed at fever pitch. What could Vladimir Putin possibly have done to merit such disrespect and enmity from America’s PRC predatory ruling class? Has Russia bombed sovereign nations into submission? No, that was the United States did that.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya? Has Russia set up torture camps for prisoners of war? No, that was the United States that did that in Guantanamo and Abu grabe. Has Russia killed women, elderly and children with predator drones? No, the United States did that. Pakistan, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia. Has Russia used subversion to foment spontaneous protests and internal coups of foreign governments? No, that was the United States that did that.

Georgia, Ukraine, twice. Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, Venezuela, Brazil, and many more. Is Russia threatening to attack any other country? No, that’s the United States doing that. North Korea, Iran, Lebanon, Syria. So what crime did Vladimir Putin is really guilty of? Two things. Let us reiterate. Number one refusing to allow his people to be controlled by the architects of globalism. Putin the unipolar world refers to a world in which there is one master, one sovereign, one center of authority, one center of force, one center of decision making.

This is pernicious at its basis. There can be no moral foundations for modern civilization. Two blocking Israel’s long awaited holy war against Syria and Iran. Hillary Clinton I do not believe that Russia and China are paying any price at all for standing up, nothing at all for standing up on behalf of the Assad regime. The only way that will change is if every nation represented here directly and urgently makes it clear that Russia and China will pay a price.

Emphasis added it is only the magical alchemy of the news media illusion makers that has transformed peaceful Russia into a threat to world peace, nothing more. In recent years, Hollywood and the New York ad agencies have also joined the propaganda blitz, albeit in a very subtle way. In 2013, the long dead genre of antisoviet dramas returned with an FX Fox affiliate series, the Americans, produced by an actual retired CIA agent, Joe Weisberg.

On Super Bowl Sunday of 2014, a comical Eminem’s candy commercial featured murderous russian gangsters threatening to cut up and eat the giant living Eminem, which they had kidnapped and thrown into the trunk of a car in March 2014. The latest Muppets movie featured a nose picking russian villain, Kermit the frog’s evil lookalike Constantine and Tina Fey, as a stern russian camp guard in a siberian gulag. That same month saw the rerelease of the Cold.

That same month saw the rerelease of the old anti soviet comic book Rocky and Bullwinkle. Can the return of the classic Cold War era tv cartoon be far behind? In September of 2014, during a segment of the WWE’s widely viewed Monday night Raw fake wrestling matches, Rusev, a russian bad guy who espouses anti american views, and his slutty looking manager Lana, came to the ring to taunt another character called the Big show.

The american hero responded by tearing down a huge russian flag and throwing to the floor of the ring as the crowd cheered. USA. USA. USA. This subtle, drip drip campaign, though seemingly fun and harmless on its face, is indeed penetrating to the public mind. The most effective forms of marketing are those which influence your subconscious perception without you even realizing it. The masters of manipulation know all too well how to control your buying habits, and they want us to buy in to their related ideas of anti putinism, antirussianism, and maybe, just maybe, world War three.

Far fetched, you say? Wait until you read the next chapter. All right. So that takes us up to section four. So we’re about halfway done. About halfway done. Let’s see here. Yeah. Tiger Baby is starting to kind of get a little bit more comfortable, looks like. Let’s see. I wondered that, too. I’m looking at your sodom and Gomorrah. I’ll pull this over here. So my eyes are more centered.

He’s actually being pretty good. Yeah, his markings are fantastic. That’s why he reached out to me when I told him what I was doing about breeding. He’s like, dude. He’s like. He sent me some pictures. And I’m like, oh, hell, yeah. Let’s see. The creator made us a promise, hence the rainbow, to never flood the earth again. Yes. Two things. One, God keeps his promises. Yes, I agree.

The rainbow flag was. Or the rainbow was hijacked. Yes, it was hijacked. And if you look at the rainbow flag, I mean, how many colors are in the rainbow? Seven. How many colors are on the rainbow flag? Six. That is not accidental. Susan said I never. That’s news to me, but we only get the official narrative. Yeah. I presume, Susan, you’re talking about the german zoos. It. For me, when it comes to the whole homosexual thing, what consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of my business.

I don’t advocate that lifestyle. I don’t condone that lifestyle. But it’s not for me to say again, what consenting adults do behind closed doors is their own business. As long as you don’t harm children or force people into something, it’s none of my business. That said, I would never, ever make it so that people are forced to accept that lifestyle. Just wouldn’t do it. I know. He’s adorable, isn’t he? When I went to go get him today, the people said that he’s very calm and just chill.

Let me see here. Okay. Come here, buddy. Baby. Buddy. Yeah. He likes being up on my shoulder, though. Twelve weeks. Twelve weeks. Hi. What are you doing? Let’s see here. What is that there? YfC or yf? Twelve. I always say yfc. It’s like my scarf. Exactly. His markings are fantastic, though. I will say he is absolutely gorgeous. I’m waiting for him to get a little older because I’m imagining that his markings are going to mature very well with age.

They showed me a picture of the father and. Wow. Stunning. Just absolutely stunning. Looking for yesterday? Run. Yes. I’m glad you liked the show yesterday, special Ed. I really liked. That was a really good show, actually. You know what? I haven’t talked to ghosts in a couple of days, but I’m going to be reaching out to him actually, when I get done here tonight, very likely. And we’re going to get that situation fixed so that we can do call in, I’m sure.

So. But anyway, tomorrow I think I may do. Just reading your comment, j fig. Sorry. Didn’t mean to cut myself off there mid sentence. The Nino Alpha show on NATO. Yeah, it was a good show. Now, did you watch the one on Nino’s corner or did you watch the one that was public? Because I don’t know if he put the one that we did for Nino’s corner. Okay.

So you got to see the good one. Yeah, I’ll be uploading that here in the next day or two. Probably what I’ll do is I’m just going to bring both of them together and upload them as one file. So let’s see. I was trying to think of something. Another thing tomorrow I may do. I wanted to do it, wanted to do it earlier this week, but then actually, I forgot I wasn’t feeling very good on Monday.

I, I wanted to play that thing on MLK and how he was a communist because I think that’s a big deal. If we have another year, I don’t know what I’ll do. Election plus one. Yeah. I don’t know what that means. I don’t know what that means. I just don’t know. It’s there. You can see for you it’s obviously in the drops. But what does that mean? I don’t.

So anyhow, all right, guys, well, we’re hit the two hour mark tonight, so I’m going to go ahead and call it here. How are you guys liking, just out of curiosity, how are you guys liking the war against Putin? Give me some feedback. Let me know what. Bless you. Let me know what you guys are thinking about this because I’m finding it very interesting. Well, thank you, Susan.

I appreciate know I like information that is, I, I think it is good to put out information that is not the same thing that everybody else is doing. And I strive to be unique in that way. I see so many people out there putting out things that’s just with kind of their take on stuff. And one of the reasons why I love history and talking about historical information is it’s things that you’ve never heard before.

So it’s like giving an alternative view. Now, I ain’t saying it’s 100% right, but it’s different. And that is what I try to pride myself in presenting to people is a different perspective. So thank you, Izzy. I really appreciate that. I really appreciate that. Thank you for that as well. I just want to put out stuff that’s unique and keeps me, I don’t want to say on the cutting edge.

That’s not the right word, but it separates me from a lot of other people out there on the. On the net just because I’m doing things that aren’t, like, I’m not copying somebody else. Yeah. And that’s too. Obviously, you will hear me. Oh, come here, budy. Come on. It feels like he’s falling. You’ll obviously hear me talk about at times. You’ll hear me put out things of a conjective nature where I’m prognosticating on potentials, potential outcomes.

But I always do that and give a caveat that, hey, is this something to consider? Kind of like when I asked last night about the potential of chinese immigrants coming here, are they coming here to pile on, or are they coming here as potential protectors? I don’t know. That’s a difficult question to answer. I don’t know if that’s what’s going to happen, and I’m certainly not going to die on that hill saying that they are, but.

You want to get down, buddy? Come here. I don’t know if that’s exactly what’s going to happen. I don’t know. But I think it would be unwise to not even consider that. I put that thought out to both Alpha and Nino when I was doing that show, and they categorically rejected it. Didn’t even really want me to even talk about it. Come on, buddy. Wouldn’t even listen, which I thought was a little bit of.

I don’t know, that kind of left a little bit of a sour taste in my mouth. Um, you know, I. I think it’s unwise to not consider every potential. Let’s see the alphanina argument. 70,000 troops are non american. Tell me I’m not understanding that. Odie and I understand that. Listen, and I’m not saying that they’re good. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m just saying, is it possible that they potentially are doing something that is acting in our benefit? I don’t know.

I think it’s important to remain as vigilant as possible and be as independent as we possibly can, having the ability to protect ourselves. Look up the total troops. Most are not american. Unsteadfast. Yeah. Do I taste good? And he’s well, I don’t know if. Yes, Kamie. I love my little creatures. I love my fur babies. I’m looking forward to putting together the snow and the silver one with some of these just to see what I can get in terms of, like, cross breeding, the different colors and whatnot.

Not american. Doesn’t mean they’re not righteous people. Exactly. Precisely. And not from USA, unless they are dedicated detachments. Yeah, possibly. Yeah, I know. The cute patriot grandma, the snow with the blue eyes. Oh, she’s absolutely gorgeous. Let me see one secondary. Yeah, that link worked. That link to work. Sling scottish Highland cattle. I don’t know if any of you guys are aware that my mother’s mother was Wallace and were descended from John Wallace, which was William Wallace’s brother, and yes, the William Wallace of Braveheart fame.

That is the blood coursing through my veins. So, yes, indeed, braveheart. Well, I’m not suggesting that they, Armano, don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. I’m not saying that they are coming here legally and that they won’t leave. I’m saying maybe they are. Does the possibility exist that, yes, they are coming here illegally, but they’re coming here illegally because they are coming here in a defensive nature against the forces that are sending people here.

I’m not saying that we should bank on that. By no stretch of the imagination. We shouldn’t count on that. But, I mean, is it a possibility? You know, is it a possibility? That’s all I’m asking. It may not be. I don’t know. So, no, I don’t think. No, I don’t. I don’t think they have anything to do with our military at all. And again, this is just, I’m I’m just spitballing here.

Is it possible that they’re coming here to work clandestinely with people who were doing things on our behalf behind the scenes? That’s all I’m saying. Again, I reiterate, I do not believe that we should be counting on that. Well, I’m going to respectfully disagree. I think the fact that we believe that the Chinese hate us is what the media want us to believe. If you go over to China, and I know people who’ve made multiple trips to China, and they love us, the people of China love us.

They love Trump. Oh, absolutely. Jfigs, I’m stocking up as agreed. And yes, special ed, absolutely, we must remain vigilant, head on a swivel. The only thing we can count on is ourselves and people within our immediate community. So immediate circles. Absolutely that is true yarn. Yes. The people are different from the CCP. And hear me, what I am, by no stretch of the imagination, am I saying that that is exactly what’s going on? I’m not saying that.

I’m just posing the question. That’s all. So. But because I don’t know, I do believe that there’s a lot of people out there who have our back. What I’m saying, I’m not suggesting that the people that are, if they are coming here, I don’t think that they’re coming here to stay. I don’t think that they’re going to be here in perpetuity. If they are coming here as people to help, they’re not coming here to stay.

We’ll see. Again, I don’t know. Like I said, I’m just throwing it out there. I don’t know. You’re right. We will see. Time will tell. Time will be the think. You know what Rob talked about last night in terms of what’s coming with March 11, with the stock market and the bond market and a lot of that stuff, it’s going to be very interesting. It’s exactly why I’m trying to do.

Just trying to do a lot of stuff involved with preps. Right, special ed? Exactly right. I find it extraordinarily interesting that if you say anything that people disagree with, even on our side of the fence, it’s like, man, it’s like the crabs in a bucket. Well, and you know what? I’m glad you said that yarn because I don’t think that the CCP is. See, the CCP obviously is in China, but I don’t think that the CCP represents all of China.

And I agree with that creed as well. I don’t trust the CCP at. Yeah, and I question who the CCP is. I mean, is yi. The CCP. Is Yi fighting against the know? I don’t know. On the face of it, he represents the CCP. But how do we know that he isn’t an agent of change working against the CCP? I don’t. Oh, the prophecy peddlers. I love that the CCP is controlled by our deep state.

I understand what you’re saying there yarn, but I think that’s kind of. That’s a grossly oversimplification. I don’t know if I can agree with that. As it said, that’s drawing a lot of things in and saying a lot in a very short sentence that I don’t know if you can dwindle it down and can make it that concise. I understand what you’re saying, and there may be some merit to that, but I don’t know if that’s.

I mean, that’s. That’s. That’s a broad statement, and I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I agree 100% with that, but I understand what you’re trying to say, but I just. I don’t think I can get it. I don’t think I can get on board with that. Concise. Um. Too many people are being let in. Do we really know if they’re. I don’t think any.

I don’t. It’s. It’s. It’s time that we discontinue letting anybody in. But, I mean, shoot. They’ve been saying that. They don’t say. What am I trying to say? The. I mean, they’ve been leave. They think they’ve been letting people. Oops, sorry. They’ve been letting people in for decades. This isn’t anything brand new. The whole thing of letting all these people come in is. I mean, shoot, I think it was like in the 90s when they talked about all.

How the CIA was bringing people in. Are you guys familiar with Sibel Edmonds and Gladio B? So, Operation Gladio, obviously, was when the NATO used, basically, they had the stay behind army, and they would do terror attacks to make people hate. They would blame these terror attacks on the communists and make people hate the Communists. Well, Gladio B was essentially the same thing, but it shifted the enemy from communists to fundamental Islam, and that’s what Gladio B was.

And they started doing that shoot in the 80s. She actually started laying the foundation for that in the 70s with Brzinski. Yeah, exactly. Oh, you worked for ice. I would be very interested to talk to you, Creed. Now, it wasn’t ice back then, though. Wasn’t ice created in, like, 2007, 2006 time frame? Because prior to ice, it was. What was it? Ins? Am I. Do I have that correct? Prior to ice, it was ins, and then.

Yeah, it went from ins to ice. They changed their mission statement, and then they brought in customs, if I remember correctly. Maybe I’m getting it. I may not have it exactly right. Yeah, it. I had a friend who went to interview for an ice position. You. They see so crates socrates. I’m joking, obviously. Special ed. No keyboard. Budy. He’s getting a little bit more adventurous as he becomes more comfortable.

Oh, budy, come here’s. I got to keep him away from the keyboard because he keeps wanting to jump on the keyboard. He’s gorgeous, but he’s not a very good typer. Yeah, exactly. Bill and Ted so crates. Somebody got the joke. Oh, they all about. You have to know about Bengals, man. They climb everywhere. You see my models behind me. I had to take them all down. By the way, I did a hybrid of the.

I kept my books, but what I did is I took my picture, I made it a little bit more dim, so you still see the books, but I stood out a little bit more. So it was a balancing act. I’m thinking about doing a YouTube channel for the Bengals. So that’s what I’m thinking about doing. The bingles are so much fun. They really are. I really enjoy them.

All right, well, I spent about 20 minutes extra here just chatting with you guys in the chat, so I’m going to kill it from here and I’ve got to go feed all my careers and just get ready to kind of go enjoy the evening. I got to call ghost as well. So, anyway, enjoyed spending my Wednesday evening with you all or a portion of it, and I will be back tomorrow with bells on and see if we can’t tackle more of the.

Let’s see. I’m curious here to see, just as, just looking at the, looking at the sections, section four is the new cold war and probably take about, probably take a couple of days to get through that violent coup in Ukraine, the russian invasion on Crimea, war on Donbass, Russia’s war against ISIS, killing Russians, the war on Russia’s athletes, and the election of Putin and Trump. So it looks to me like what he did was he did an updated version.

Let me see when this was done. Yeah, this is a 2017 edition, so it’s got a little bit extra information. So good. Very good. All right, everybody. Well, hey, you all have a wonderful evening, and I look forward to chatting with you guys or seeing you guys in Manana. So have a great evening, everybody. Good night. .

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