The Housing Shortage…


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➡ This article talks about the current shortage of houses to buy. It suggests that the shortage might not really be as bad as a lot of people say it is. Even though some news articles say things are getting better, this article hints that might not be the full story.

➡ The article mentions a small increase in the number of houses for sale, about 4.9%, but the writer believes this doesn’t mean the housing crisis is getting better.

➡ The article points out that there are quite a few houses sitting empty in the market. More are being added because older homeowners are dying and leaving their homes to their children. These children often can’t afford to keep the houses or they choose to sell them.

➡ The article adds that while there are fewer single-family houses since 2008, there are actually more housing units available if you count places like apartment buildings. This fact often gets left out when people talk about the housing market.

➡ The writer suspects that hedge funds buying up properties is a big deal in the housing market. They expect that as the value of these properties goes down, many hedge funds will start to sell these properties in the next year.

➡ Lastly, the article chats about worries over pension funds investing in things related to house and commercial property loans. The writer thinks this is dangerous because the housing market is still not stable.


Everybody, economic ninja here. I hope you’re doing well. We’re going to talk about the housing shortage, and it is a lie or it’s a deception or quite frankly, it’s because most people don’t understand how a housing crisis even comes into existence, how it goes away, and it’s going to go away in the news in 2024. I’m going to explain all of that. I know it sounds crazy, but we’re going to go through a story in Fox Business, and it’s entitled the housing shortage is finally starting to ease.

But it’s not what you think. And I am going to show you throughout this year, actually, you’re going to see the results because my students are absolutely on fire. Everyone that has a real estate crash course, how to prepare for the real estate crash. A new lesson just dropped last night. It’s about what you need to do before you get a mortgage. Go take a look at that.

So excited for this year. Let me also say one thing before I jump into this. That channel that you guys went and checked out, this new channel on YouTube, it’s entitled this will make you rich. If you could do me a favor, hashtag that and hashtag this will make you rich channel, I will pin somebody’s comment down below. And it is actually trending on YouTube. In the first seven days, it’s on fire.

And later this week on that channel, I’ve been told that they’re going to be putting out charts and graphs, all this fancy editing, showing you what’s exactly happening with the housing market. All right, so it’s going to go from very simple, basic stuff to Harvard Econ graduate stuff. All right, I know it sounds crazy, but I know a guy that knows some stuff. All right, here we go.

The housing shortage is finally starting to ease. It says the number of homes for sale on the market rose for the second straight month in December as a severe housing shortage finally begins to ease. I’m going to explain. This is not actually the case. A new report from realtor. com shows that the total number of homes for sale, including homes that were under contract but not yet sold, rose by 4.

9% in December compared to the same time a year ago. So 4. 9% more inventory. We’re talking nationwide, just so you know, than a year ago. All right, I’m out looking for properties right now. My students are going to know why? Because I’m picking a special property to start a new corporation with a new llc. I know, and it sounds crazy. You’re like, hey, wait a minute. There hasn’t been a housing crash yet.

I know because I buy properties, right? So I don’t blow my money. There are vacant homes all over the place where I’m looking vacant. This is interesting to me, what I believe you’re starting to see, and there’s one common thread. The people living in it, you could tell, had older taste. So they were older people. And what I’m seeing is I was a real estate agent. One thing that we came across was when parents die, the Homes go to the kids.

The kids already have their homes. They’re already established. And even if they wanted to keep it, they can’t because they’re just not in a financial position. Or they see dollar Signs, they want to sell it, liquidate the money, split it all up, and they could use it for themselves. Right? Nothing wrong with that. And we are seeing these homes sitting on the market, completely vacant, and days on market are extending.

Now, what is happening that nobody wants to tell you in the news is, for the last 14 years, ever since around 2010, multifamily properties. Those Are buildings of five units or larger. We’re talking all the way up to like, hundreds of units have exploded. So there are more actual housing units in AmErICA today, way more than there were in 2008. And everyone likes to, there’s these people on the Internet that Tout themselves as these home pros, but they were in High school during the GrEAt recession.

Some of them work for HUD, some of them work for FAnnie and FrEddIE. Some of them work for all these different organizations. Right? And like I said, they didn’t go through the last one. They weren’t investors in the LaST ONe. And they’ll always cite new homes. Single family homes have fallen. Nothing like 2008. Well, here’s the point. In 2008, the homes being built did this, and then they declined.

And now they’re taking up just a little bit. Well, all those homes in America actually still exist. There wasn’t a big tornado that took them all out. Big flood, big earthquake. They’re all still there. Okay. The difference is hedge funds have been buying them up. And that’s the plan that I have for us to go and attack, because there’s going to be some hedge funds to start liquidating.

As a matter of fact, they’ve already started. In 2023, we saw one of the largest buyers of homes, single family homes in the country, become a net seller. And this is going to accelerate in 2024. Why? Because they have shareholders and investors to deal with. That’s just a fact. They’re starting to see property values coming down. I don’t care. There’s people. They’re always like, not my town. And I’m like, yeah, copy.

It’ll take me five minutes to destroy your thought, because all we got to do is get on realtor. com. I’ve done it so many times before. There’s home price drops everywhere. Why? Because there is more inventory. Like, this story is talking about hitting the market, and it’s accelerating. All right? 2024 is going to be a year of acceleration. So if you’re not ready for it, I don’t know.

I’m going to tell you this. I’ve got a video coming out on, because I told you, I stopped selling that course, and it’s going up. I’m about to start selling it for $2,500, right? You’ll see me talking about it on this channel. But I put the power in all of my students hands because I’m like, all right, I put the knowledge in your hands on how to be a success prior to, during, and after a real estate crisis.

And now I want to put the money in your hands. So I took all of my students and says, if you love this course, if it’s changed your life, you go promote it, and you get 50% of the money, which actually equates to more than half because I pay the fees on my half. And I have a student that went out and bought his first, didn’t believe in himself to buy his own home, as now in a duplex.

And he bought it. Right? It’s cash flowing, 17% cash on cash. He’s crushing it. And he’s about to do some refinance and some fancy stuff, footwork with it in the next six months. Putting in an LLC, doing it all properly. Right? The stuff that they won’t teach you on the Internet because he doesn’t sell books. There’s a lot more to it than just cash flow. And so I’m having him.

I’m putting a video out on real estate ninja, and we put his link down, and I want to see my students go and inspire other people. And I’m not joking, hundreds of thousands of people this year to go out and get ready for this event, and then they use the money that they make by helping inspire other people and coaching people to go and buy homes with you.

See, I’ve got plans, and it’s not because I’m some fancy guy. I’m just a dude with a brooc in a dream. Right, but you’re not being told all the things, there’s investigations going on right now at the highest level in the mortgage industry with Freddie Mac, we have CMBs that I. Please, I hope you understand this. As CMBs continue to collapse, they are collapsing fast. Just the other day I did that story about the teachers pension fund in California having to pull a $10 billion loan, in their words, not mine, so that it will stabilize liquidity issues so that they are not forced to conduct a fire sale.

Their words, not mine, of their commercial mortgage backed assets. I’ve been telling you that these assets that are piss poor, they’re not doing well, they’re in your pension funds. And every time a pension fund, and we’re talking about one of the largest pension funds in the country. It’s not just them. Every pension fund has both residential and commercial mortgage paper, mortgage backed securities. It’s just paper. It’s a REIT.

It’s nothing. It’s vaporware. Okay? They just have the right to a certain percentage of the profit. And just so you know, not all of that profit goes to your pension because there’s so many hands, grubby little hands. I used to work with these companies, my brokerage. I was a co owner. I had two partners on a brokerage. That’s what we did. We negotiated big tens of millions of dollars worth of properties, pension funds.

But it wasn’t the pension fund that got. It was a third party company. I didn’t name them. They’re big. But that’s what I specialized in. That’s why I started the company, because I knew how to speak to people because of things I did in the past. So there’s a plan. It says right here, inventory in the south, they’re going to talk about different areas. Oh, it says right here across the US, we’re seeing improvements.

This is from Fox Business. We’re seeing improvements in inventory levels. It’s not going to be an improvement. It’s going to be a collapse, because as more of this news hits the market, more sellers are going to, okay. And they’re going to get aggressive with their dropping rates. Across the US, we’re seeing improvements in inventory levels, especially in the south. Danielle Hale from realtor. com. Chief economist. Economist, just so you know, there’s multiple chief economists@realtor.

com. One of them shouldn’t be there for sure because he was wrong in 2007. He’s wrong now. Inventory in the south surged by 7. 7%. Hey, thank you so much, McNugget, for the super chat. Hey, I’ve got to tell you honestly, that channel that I just told you about, this will make you rich. It is trending in the search algos right now. If you type in you’ve never seen it, just search in YouTube.

This will, it will pop to the top. And I’m telling you, this year, I know some guys that are going to take financial education from the very basic. You’ll see there’s only like five videos on there. Very basic. We’re going to get people out of debt. We’re going to build their confidence. This year is like no other year you’ve ever seen in finance and in crushing it. I’m not joking.

And we’re going to bring people to Harvard. Econ grads. I’m not joking. We’re going to teach sections out of that and I’m going to make it so palatable. Not me. There’s these guys that are going to make it so palatable it’ll blow your mind and we’re going to absolutely crush it. This is the year that the common man and woman, the middle class, the lower middle class becomes wealthy.

I’m not kidding. I’m not joking. If you will discipline yourself, there are a lot of changes. I haven’t made the big announcement yet, but I’ll just do it right now. I’m putting my money where my mouth is. I said there’s never been a better time to start businesses than during a collapse. There is never more opportunities than when things are bad. And I’ve given everything up and I’ve left California.

I haven’t made the official video yet, but it’s time. It’s time to think big, act differently. Think clearly and act decisively. Let’s put it that way. We say that in the fire service all the time. You know, fudge, I don’t hate this stuff, but I’ll just do it. I am going to drop over 50 pounds this year. I’m going to do it. I need to do it. I need to think clearly.

It’s a race, but we’re in the last innings. None of this would be possible without Jesus Christ. And you, you are going to watch. And I don’t want you to watch. I want you to be a part of it. Ninja Nation. I want you to be prepared and not scared. I want you to be excited. There’s no doom and gloom. I report the news and there’s things that are getting bad and they’re going to go get worse.

When you’re ready for it, you’re excited. You’re firing up on all four cylinders now Ninja Nation is a v eight. Inventory is increasing. Hedge funds are starting to sell. I looked at six foreclosure properties in an area, a small area the other day. They’re picking up and they’re not a foreclosure full for their reos. They’ve already went through the foreclosure process. The bank bought them and they’re selling them.

Hey, Neil says he’s got over 3300 subs. Go check out Neil. Neil’s awesome. Neil’s a good guy. He’s a moderator on this channel. I’m trying to talk Carlos, the other moderator on this channel is starting a channel to help restaurant tours. If you guys think he should do that, why don’t you let him know in the comments section? Because he’s got a lot of experience. He’s got a level head.

He’s got a lot of passion too. This is your year. If you choose, I’m going to drop 50 pounds. Do it with me. You’ve already seen probably some of the weight loss videos. I want to inspire you to live the greatest life you’ve ever lived in the middle of straight up chaos. I hope you guys got something out of this. Thank you to everybody that’s going to hashtag, this will make you rich, and this will make you rich.

Channel whoever hashtags both of them together. I will go ahead and pin it on this video. Thank you so much. Ninja is out. Bye. .


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