The Big Housing Lie You Are Being Told

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Economic Ninja



➡ The housing market is becoming increasingly difficult for first-time buyers due to high prices and low mortgage rates, according to Janet Yellen. The government is planning to introduce measures similar to those in 2007, which could potentially lead to a real estate crash. The government is also considering offering tax credits to first-time buyers and those upgrading their homes. However, there are concerns that these measures could lead to an economic collapse similar to that of 2005-2006.
➡ The text discusses a potential financial trap set by the government, which involves monetizing second mortgages. This could lead to a temporary economic boost as people start borrowing against their homes, but it could also lead to a crash as house prices are already falling. The author warns that this situation is similar to the housing boom of 2003 to 2006, and advises caution, suggesting that people should focus on budgeting and financial planning to avoid falling into debt.
➡ This text encourages a shift in mindset from scarcity to abundance, emphasizing that everyone has what it takes to succeed. It discusses the importance of financial education and planning, using the example of a person who turned a side hustle into a main job and managed debt effectively. The author also warns about economic challenges and the importance of being prepared, while expressing a desire to help others improve their financial situations. The text ends with a call to action for people to share the message and a warning about government deception regarding the economy.


You’re being told a massive lie about the housing market. I noticed a story about Janet Yellen speaking about the housing market and its unaffordability. And there are people in this world, very few actually, that understand these real estate cycles and they love to play into these news stories and they love to make a news cycle, but there’s nothing new under the sun. I’m going to go over this story about on Yahoo Finance how Janet Yellen says it’s almost impossible for first time home buyers to enter the housing market. And then I’m going to share with you some information from the National association of Realtors and another story from 2006 and this will blow your mind.

And then I’m going to share a story about a subscriber because those that do not understand history or do not know history are doomed to repeat it. And that is not going to be my legacy. That is not going to be your legacy. The more we understand history, the more we absolutely know what is coming next. 100%. So the first story is Janet Yellen trying to do something. The government is about to shift and they are going to do something with mortgages that will blow your mind. But really it shouldn’t because they did the exact same thing in 2007.

I want you prepared for it. That’s why all my students and I’m not here to sell any courses. I have no sales going on right now. But there are four total lessons coming out. Two for the real estate crash course and two for the real estate bear market course. And they’re all going to be on mortgages. And the reason why, and I’m going to start focusing on this because there is going to be a trap set because banks can’t make any money and they’re convincing the government to go out and monetize all of the equity that’s sitting in all of the homes.

I’m looking over a valley right now of homes that are insanely priced. And it’s only because of interest rate fluctuations. The Federal Reserve doesn’t want you to understand this. Check out this story. Mortgage rates have been so low for so long that it has created a lock in effect where people don’t want to sell their homes to buy new ones for the fear of losing their attractive rates. That’s made it almost impossible for the first time homebuyers to enter the housing market. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said during her testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee.

She knows. Janet Yellen knows better than almost anyone because her only job in her life has been working for the Federal Reserve since the year, I want to say 1972, seven. I believe that’s the age she has seen so many interest rate cycles. It’s insane. She knows exactly what’s going on, but she’s a politician. She says with house prices having gone up and now much, with much higher interest rates and mortgage rates, it’s almost impossible for first time buyers, Yellen said. President Joe Biden has proposed a pair of tax credits to help solve this housing crisis.

The first proposed tax credit would provide 10,000 for first time home buyers. A separate $10,000 tax credit proposed for homeowners who sell their starter home to move into a bigger house. So, look, I’ve been doing videos on real estate for now, four years. I’ve told everyone the entire cycle. If people watch most of my videos, you understand all of this. As a matter of fact, type one, if you’ve been watching long enough where I started talking about, well, before, I said the government’s going to come out with a 40 year fixed mortgage plan that’s now done.

I said they’re going to start to give incentives to people with lower education financially, and that’s going to be minorities. Anyone other than white people. They did this exact same thing in 2005. Then I said they’re going to come out with, and the reason why they do that, and they say, if you are african american, if you’re hispanic, you get better rates than the white people. Why? This is just the facts. Okay? The fact is they do a ton of studies and they go, oh, well, different ethnic groups have lower financial iq, and they know this because of the type of schooling they get and their credit scores, and it’s all, it’s all screwed up, right? So they go out and they attack.

This is predatory lending on the government’s part. They go and, and lure you in. And just like in 2005, they got a lot of people, African Americans and Hispanics, into homes that plummeted in price. Now they’re sitting here telling you, oh, you know what? We don’t need to even mess with loan cost differentials or whatever the term is. I’m blanking out right now. You know what? If you have a lower credit score, we’re not going to find you. We’re going to find the evil people, the bad people. That’s what they’re saying. They’re trying to show them that have good credit scores and can get access to money.

That’s not fair. Well, this is how economies collapse. They did the exact same thing back in 2005, 2006. So check this out. I’m going to now read to you because this is the headline news. This is all over Yahoo finance, on Google, Janet Yellen’s bleeding heart for all the people that can’t afford homes. Trust me, she’s not going to care when her banks, and I mean her banks because she’s worked for the federal, federal freaking reserve since she was like a teenager. She now just bumped into the government because they love this incestuous relationship because it keeps this whole scam going.

Right? She’s not going to cry one bit for you when you’re losing your house because you bought a house that was overpriced and now it’s collapsing. All right, think about when I talked about the car markets. I said, don’t worry, it’s going to crash. And it actually lasted about eight months longer than I thought it would. I’m blown away. But then again, the banks were pulling rabbits out of the hat and giving loans to people they shouldn’t have. And now you’re seeing Ev’s collapsing and all kinds of car prices collapsing, right? Type two, if you remember those videos, and I only say it because there are a lot of new people on right now that we’re trying to wake up because I can guarantee you, let me ask you this.

How many of you, by a show of just throw out an emoji, right, are the type of person that really does care about sharing with your common man, even a total stranger at the grocery store aisle, hey, things are getting bad. You should get ready if you’re that kind of person. You’re like, even people I don’t know. Yeah, I’m warning my family and my friends because I care about them, but even people I don’t know, it’s like, guys, get ready. There is crap going down because, you know, not only because you have a love for your common man and you’re not a jerk and you’re not a narcissist.

But you got to think about it this way. You know that this is a lot bigger than you and I and that if we don’t warn more people, our economy is going to collapse regardless of. You could be the richest dude on your street. Try spending it when everybody else is dirt poor. It doesn’t work that way. It’s not a fun thing. Right? So check this out. This is from 2006. I’m going to show you a couple things. So this is from the liars in chief, the National association of Realtors. And I just say that because you have to understand their motive.

All right. Right. I’ve shown you the facts of the housing market collapsing. We’re already down 8%. What? In the last, oh, gosh, year and three months and on the same percentage basis, lost. I don’t care if how. Actually, it’s awesome because people are like, yeah, but the houses are so much more expensive. Yeah. That means they’re going to collapse even harder than what happened in 2006. On a percentage basis, average and median home price, we have now lost the same value as the entire entire great recession from 2006 to 20, almost ten. All right, cool. So that’s just, but that’s the federal reserve numbers telling you, right? No, everybody wants to talk about the NAR, and the NAR is predicated.

It’s self governing body that just popped up one day. And that’s how things happen. Somebody goes, I am now in charge. It’s like the World Economic Forum in the freaking who. Let me ask you this, how many type five, if you can’t stand the fact that these governing bodies like the WEF and the who, and please share this video, because, you know, when I start telling you truth like this and we all start getting fired up, the Algo’s going, ah, crap. Look at how many people understand what’s going on. You understand that these are just bodies of people that just got together and said, we are now in charge and we know everything.

This is, this is insane, right? Okay, so check this out. This is the national association for Realtors. They just popped up one day. They became themselves and, yeah, I get it. They started through Congress and they get their governing body. But just there’s a scheme behind it. All right? They make money when you buy and sell real estate. Why? Because their money, their funding comes from real estate agents, brokerages. All right? This is them writing in 2011. So it’s pretty unbiased. They look back, even though they were lying. Back in 22,005 to 2008, I was following them all like crazy.

Lawrence Young and that, that idiot and all these other people, right? These economists that went to school telling you houses aren’t falling. Houses aren’t falling. As a matter of fact, Ben Bernanke got before the whole nation and said, tamaria Bartiromo on CNBC, I don’t agree with your thoughts that housing is falling and we’ve fixed it. This is in 2005, right? So everybody was lying. I was selling all my homes. Saw the cycle clear as day. This is them talking in 2011 about what happened in 2006. Median age of home buyers. It says the typical age of homebuyers has remained at 39 years of age since 2007.

However, when looking closer, there are differences among first time home buyers and repeat homebuyers. The age of first time homebuyers fluctuates with households affordability. So remember what I just told you about Janet Yellen saying, just the bleeding heart. Oh, my gosh. First time homebuyers and young homebuyers just can’t get into the market. This is horrible. We need to do something. And they’re setting up a trap. They’re going to open up government funding for second mortgages at a lower line so that everybody, this is the trap. Now, I’m not joking. And this is why I’m going to start really focusing on mortgages pretty soon because there’s going to be some ways to make money from these mortgages that will blow your mind.

Okay. But there’s also a trap set up and they do know this. So they’re going to start monetizing second mortgages and they’re going to allow all these people with all these hundreds of thousands of dollars all over the country, and this is going to create a little mini boon, a mini boon in the economy. I could guarantee you nobody is talking about this on the Internet. So you see it here first, right. I gotta timestamp this video. What they’re gonna do is they’re going to say, Freddie Fannie is now buying mortgages under certain stipulations, situations, scenarios for second mortgages because second mortgages are super risky when it comes to banking.

Right. Especially on this kind of market. It is going to cause banks to go hog crazy and people are going to start borrowing money against their homes because they’re going to get to keep their first, the great rate and they’re going to tag on a 2040, $80,000 second at a much higher rate. But they don’t care because they’re going to do debt consolidation and it’s going to look amazing. It’s going to start in about eight weeks. All right. Nobody’s talking about this. It’s not in the news. Just watch what happens. So, so this is where, this is where, this is what happened back in 2000.

This, I’m going back to this. This is the NAR talking about what happened to first time homebuyers and how they couldn’t buy homes. The age of first time homebuyers fluctuates with household affordability from 2003 to 2006. During the housing boom, younger buyers had a more difficult time entering the market and the typical age rose to 32 in 2007. The typical age for first time home buyers fell to 31. And from 2008 to 2010, the typical age has remained at 30. Okay, so what I wanted to tell you about all of this stuff is there’s nothing freaking new going on.

The one big change is that house prices are twice as much today as they were back then. Well, good news, they’ve already fallen as much as they did back then during the great Recession, and they’re about to fall a lot more. However, there is this tiny little boon, and the government knows it. And they said, you know what we’re going to do? And this is going to cause hyperinflation and I’ll explain why. The big picture here, they’re going to monetize these second loans. The government’s going to take on this risk. Everything’s gonna crash. It’s gonna create a little boon for a while because people are gonna start buying cars.

They’re gonna start buying all these things with all their, their untapped equity. Then they’re gonna immediately find themselves underwater because houses are already falling in value right now. So then they’re gonna come out with pay option arms. Get ready. It’s coming. It’s not gonna come tomorrow. It’s gonna take a couple cycles. Sorry, a couple quarters, few quarters, because they’re going to see that not that many people can afford the people that are in serious debt already and are about to start slow paying or are running behind in the rears for their payments. They’re going to grab those 8%, 9% seconds to pay off their car, all these different loans, right? But by and large, a lot of people are going to hold back and go, ooh, this feels a little too comfortable.

And so what’s going to happen is pay option arms are going to come out to make the payments even lower because rich people know that poor people only care about their monthly income and the monthly out go. They don’t think about the future. Okay, so here we go. Check this out. This is a story out of CNN from July 5, 2006. Higher prices, higher rates, first time home buyer squeeze. It’s never easy buying your first home, but in the past year, it’s gotten a lot harder. It says what a difference a year makes when you’re in the market for a new home, especially if you’re a first time buyer.

Thanks to combined jump in mortgage interest rates and home prices, a starter home in many areas of the country could cost you several hundred dollars more per month today than if you bought it last year nationwide. Guys, this story is from 2006, mid 2006, and I’ll explain why it’s so important. The says median home prices rose at an annual rate of more than 10% in the first quarter of 2006, according to the National association of Realtors. Meanwhile, rates on adjustable rate mortgages, the most common for first time home buyers, are up more than a percentage point.

All right, let me stop there and explain. Do you remember I did this story I started talking about for a while there, how arms adjustable rate mortgages were exploding in usage? It’s still happening today. So the exact same thing happened in 2006. There’s nothing new under the sun. However, unlike back then, not only our home prices doubled, we have inflation nationwide and worldwide inflation, and we have the world walking away from the dollar. So what you have, and I’ve been warning you, prepping you for this, is the government is setting up the nation for the biggest con, the biggest scam, I think, in modern history before a presidential election.

They are salting the nation with paying people off their debts, and they are trying their hardest to keep this feeling. They’re printing money at such a massive pace, trying to monetize debt and trying to get you to think that everything’s okay, but it’s not. Now, I’m going to share a story with you, and I think this is very, very important. So from a subscriber, we’re going to call this person Jay. Now just think about this, and then I’ll, I’m gonna show you photos of something, too. Give me a quick sec. I’m trying to, trying to hide his identity.

All right. Says, greetings, sir. Just an update. I gave you some feedback in the past. Attached are two pics of the evolution of your budget sheet in my life. I don’t know if you remember, I gave out a budget sheet and talked about how to budget a long time ago. And then I put there in almost every single course I do. Because budgeting is the basis of a healthy finance, whether it be you’re trying to buy your first home, you’re trying to build a business, or you just want to get out of debt, period. Right? So I put these very similar style lessons in every course that I’ve ever done.

Now he says, it’s crude, I know, but I’ve stuck with it. And I’m happy to report everything’s going to be okay. We’ve canceled subscriptions, paid off bills, and minimized everything. We now buy our proteins from a grass fed farm twice a year in bulk and grow our own veggies. So groceries are minimum on the sheet. He’s talking about the budget. I’m going to show you a photo of it in a second. I initially took your real estate course, realized I was too poor, and then the side hustle course I’m going to change everybody’s thinking when it comes to I was too poor.

I don’t ever want to say I. I don’t ever want to hear anyone in ninja nation ever say that. I’m not chastising this, gentlemen, but I want you to do this right now. I want you to write down in the comments I have enough. And I want you to change your mindset from I’m too poor to I have enough. I have what it takes to make it. Once you start saying that out loud, you type it. You are enough. You have enough. You’ve got enough. You are. When you come from a mindset of plenty and abundance, everything’s going to change for you.

We are entering an absolute war in our nation right now for our children’s minds. Our lives are at jeopardy. We are in the first phase of a war, civil war. And that is economic. Please understand how serious this is. Sorry, I’ll get back to this. So he says, I realized I was too poor. And then the side hustle he did the side hustle course. I already made my side hustle my job three years ago to get more time for in his life. And after the courses and implementing what I learned from the courses started swinging the pendulum of debt in my favor.

I was able to hang on during the winter months thanks to the budget. And now business is popping off nicely. My household budget is on hand, is on hand a month in advance easily now too. Dude. I’m actually prepaying for my work products instead of net 30 or using a credit card. Life is good in the moment. In this moment. Thank you for taking the time for doing what you do. Even on small income scale, it works. Now, I said, if I use his story, please use discretion. But I’m going to show you. He sent me photos and they’re obviously a lot better on the computer, but he sent me photos of all last year’s because I said to keep all of your budgets throughout the year so you can go back on a yearly basis with your spouse and go review them.

And that’s what this is all about. Watching people not only go from not believing in themselves to believing in themselves, but I want to watch you guys look wherever you are right now. If you’re sitting at home, you’re working around the yard, you’re driving to work, you’re at work, I want you to just inside know that my goal is to see your life change for the better. And then what we’re going to do is we’re going to change this world financially. You can’t feed hungry people with good thoughts. You need money. You can’t clothe people. You can’t house them with smiles.

You definitely can’t do it by voting in tyrannical people. And that is what these politicians are promising to you while they steal the money. Think about what happened in Haiti. Oh, let’s raise a bunch of money. It never got there. Think about who stole that. We need to do it. We need to be. Our mission field is our own hometowns. My goal is to see you completely come through this, not only unscathed, but crushing it. And I want to see a million people. We’re going to have a million people in America alone getting ready for this as part of ninja Nation.

Thank you so much for sticking with me. Thank you to everybody that shares the videos on social media platforms and on your YouTube channels. And. And I really appreciate it. There’s a massive lie. The government is lying to you. It’s the exact same cycle, but way worse than what we saw in 2006. Hope you’re ready for it. The economic ninja is out..

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2007 real estate crash falling house prices financial trap in housing market first-time home buyers struggle government measures for housing market high housing market prices home upgrade tax credits Janet Yellen on real estate low mortgage rates impact monetizing second mortgages potential economic collapse tax credits for first-time buyers temporary economic boost from borrowing

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