Texas Burn Back Better DEWs Putin Chemtrail Action Jack Ruby Framed Gaza | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ This episode of Gary King’s show features various topics and Jim Fetzer, including a discussion about Nola Blue, a panda bear from New Orleans, and a humorous skit about President Joe Biden on a game show. The show also praises the work of one five threenews.net, a news site that has faced censorship but continues to operate thanks to its tech-savvy leader, Jason Boss. The episode ends with a detailed explanation of directed energy weapons (DEWs), which are advanced, silent weapons that can disrupt electronic systems and potentially control minds. The discussion also covers the ethical issues surrounding DEWs and the need for protective measures against them.
➡ This text talks about the complex issue of directed energy weapons and their potential misuse. It also discusses a wildfire in Texas, suggesting it was intentionally started by the government to control the food supply, specifically beef, as the Texas panhandle is a major producer of beef in the U.S. The author believes these actions are part of a larger plan to force people into compliance with certain agendas. The text also mentions the importance of self-sufficiency in food and water supply, and the potential dangers of not being able to provide for oneself.
➡ The article discusses theories about weather manipulation and its potential impact on food supply, particularly in states like Florida and Texas. It suggests that extreme weather events could be used to control food production, which in turn controls the population. The article also mentions the idea of promoting insect consumption as an alternative to red meat, which the author finds absurd. Lastly, it talks about visible changes in the sky, possibly due to solar reduction management, and encourages readers to report these changes to their local air resources board.
➡ The writer is discussing various conspiracy theories and controversial topics. They talk about chemtrails, the belief that the government is harming its own people, and the idea that criticizing Israel is seen as anti-Semitic. They also question the Holocaust and suggest that the camps were not as horrific as commonly believed. Lastly, they touch on the theory that Saddam Hussein was taken out early in the Iraq invasion, but this was kept secret due to laws against assassinating foreign leaders.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and controversial topics, including claims that Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were not actually killed as reported, and that their deaths were staged for political gain. It also talks about protests against weapons provided by the U.S. to Israel, and the alleged brutality of Israel towards Palestinians. Lastly, it discusses the appointment of a non-U.S. citizen to the San Francisco Elections Commission, which has sparked controversy and debate about immigration and voting rights.
➡ This conversation discusses the speakers’ admiration for Vladimir Putin, viewing him as a defender of traditional values. They criticize the current state of America, mentioning issues like open borders and the welfare state. They also discuss a conspiracy theory about the JFK assassination, suggesting that the man who shot Lee Harvey Oswald was not Jack Ruby, but an FBI agent named James Bookout. They express frustration with the lack of attention this theory has received.


You. Welcome to episode 67 of Gary King’s Inconvenient truth, where Gary presents stories and video clips I don’t know are coming. From my spontaneous and unrehearsed response, it’s proven surprisingly popular. Gary, what do you got for me today? I’ve got something that gets more positive comments in anything else we do here. Her name is Nola Blue from New Orleans, Louisiana, and the panda bear. And I’m going to tell you right now, I’m a little out of breath.

We have chickens and she had the whole neighborhood in an uproar. She’s just running them down and herding them up like you’re supposed to do. So I guess I can’t get too mad for doing her job, right. She’s not turning them into tasty snacks. Well, that’s one thing. She’s a little small, but she definitely does her job. No doubt about it. Okay, now, one thing I’d like to mention as I take a sip, for some reason, coffee tastes better in a one five three news coffee cup.

So if you want to get one, go to one five three news and get your little swag there. They’re going to be a collector’s item, I think, one day. Excellent, Gary. Five threenews. net has been doing a terrific job. Even in the most difficult times of censorship, they have stood tall. I’m very proud of one five threenews. Net. Yeah, they’ve been attacked by several countries, but Jason Boss is so tech savvy, it’s amazing.

And he can get around them. And let me just tell you something. He worked for Google for a long time, and they used to have to run these computers by hand. Jason Boss is the one that developed the software that the computer runs its own diagnostics to take care of problems. That’s how badass Jason Boss is, and we’ve got him on our side. What else do you want? I’ve been a longtime supporter of Jason Boss.

Terrific guy. Yes. It’s where free speech, truly. In fact, many of these clips and you’ll hear are from him. All right, first thing we’re going to do, Joe Biden is on, wants to be a millionaire. Welcome to the show, Mr. President. Thank you, Dave. My name is Regis. Okay, now, Mr. President, you’re here to raise money for Alzheimer’s awareness. Can you tell us a bit more about that? I’m here to raise money to help find a cure for Alzheimer’s because I have what’s called a vested interest.

Dave Regis. Okay. All right then, Mr. President, let’s play who wants to be a millionaire? Question one for $100. Usually an easy one. Don’t worry. The USA is an acronym of the following phrase. The United States of A, Israel. B, Armenia. C, Iran, D, America. Ooh, tough one. It’s like I have to phone a friend. Good one, Mr. President. Yeah, no, seriously, though, I’m going to need some help.

Oh, okay. Who would you like to call? Let’s try Mitch McConnell. And where is Mitch calling from, Mr. President? He’s calling from right here in the United States of America. The United States of America. Yeah. Well, before we start the clock, would you care to explain how Mitch McConnell, a Republican, is on your list as a phono friend? Well, you see, Sam Regis, it’s true that Mitch and I are both in different political parties, but it’s important for us all to remember that although he may be a Republican and I may be a Democrat, at the end of the day, we’re both members of the Uni party.

We have Mitch on the line now, Mr. President. And your time starts now, Mitch. Us acting in the final states. A, Iranian. B, Armani. Four, Iraq. Seven in Iraq. Sorry, USA. Iraq is the final phase of the United States. Israel. Two, Armania, CI, rash. If the foot has a himalayas, for Christ’s sake. Mitch is asking you what the a in USA stands for. Mitch, are you there? His connection must have froze or something.

Give me the 50 50. Mr. President. Say, give me the 50 50, damn it. All right, computer, take away two wrong answers and leave Joe with the correct answer and one remaining wrong answer. Well, okay, I was leaning towards Armenia, so now I really don’t know what to think. I mean, you could always ask the audience and let a public vote make an important decision. I don’t think, you know, most people find it a pretty useful Lifeline, so shut up and let me think for a second.

Think, Joe, think. United States, us. That’s United States. USA. That’s it. The answer is a. A final answer, Joe. You had $0, and I’m afraid you still have $0. It’s the wrong answer. It is, of course, the United States of America, not the United States of Israel. You sure about that? Okay, now, professor. Well, I think that’s right, Gary. Are you sure about that? Yes. United States of Israel captures it.

Exactly. And of course, he does have a vested interest in dementia, since he’s a prime example thereof. It’s a very clever, smooth. I like it. I’ve run across it before, but excellent choice for today, Gary. Well done. All right, let me optimize for sound. Yeah, I thought I had a new one for you there, Dr. Fester. We try. All right. Now, one of the number one Paul is dead researchers is Tina Foster.

She’s going to give you her real name during this clip. She’s talking about dues, and I think she’s really a sharp, sharp next to Claire Coon, I think. In the dynamic landscape of modern warfare, directed energy weapons dues have emerged as a clandestine arsenal transcending the boundaries of traditional weaponry. These cutting edge devices deploy focus energy, electromagnetic radiation, lasers, or particle beams with surgical precision, providing strategic advantages and incapacitating electronic systems.

Dus operate in absolute silence, leaving no visible traces, and exist within the realm of classified technology. Their ability to conduct covert operations without immediate identification provides a distinct advantage to those who deploy these weapons, injecting complexity and intrigue into contemporary battlefield scenarios. Dues encompass a range of sophisticated technologies, each with unique capabilities. Laser based dews discreetly heat or obliterate targets without leaving a trace, showcasing precision and subtlety in strategic operations.

Microwave based variants influence electronic systems, communications, or biological tissues without visible physical evidence. Particle beam weapons induce structural damage or disrupt electronic systems with surgical precision. The diversity of due variants showcases technological advancements, enabling military forces to execute precision strikes, disrupt enemy systems, and maintain a strategic advantage. Beyond conventional applications, dues are enshrouded in speculation regarding potential mind control capabilities. The manipulation of brain functions through electromagnetic emissions suggest these weapons could influence thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, raising ethical dilemmas that challenge the very essence of cognitive autonomy.

Recent incidents exemplified by the Havana syndrome highlight urgent questions about the ethical deployment of dues and their potential implications for international relations. The alleged use of dues in these instances amplifies the urgency for a thorough examination of the ethical implications surrounding these enigmatic weapons. Defending against due exposure poses formidable challenges due to their covert and technologically advanced nature. While options such as physical barriers and specialized equipment exist, their effectiveness remains uncertain.

Recognizing symptoms associated with due attacks becomes crucial for timely response and mitigation, and this includes dizziness and headaches. The Havana act of 2021 responds to the unique challenges faced by individuals experiencing neurological attacks in the line of duty. Enacted on October 8, 2021, the act authorizes payments to personnel of the CIA and the Department of State who suffer qualifying brain injuries, outlining key provisions, reporting requirements, and regulations to ensure fair treatment.

Dues operate within the domain of highly classified military technology, contributing to skepticism and doubts among the public. The COVID nature of these weapons, coupled with the absence of easily observable evidence, challenges their acknowledgment and acceptance, especially for people who rely on official sources of information, covert warfare using dues offers advantages including inherent stealth and precision. The lack of concrete evidence or clear attribution provides plausible deniability to those employing these weapons.

However, ethical dilemmas arise concerning potential misuse, violations of international laws, and the lack of transparency. Recent revelations about a microwave weapons linked to the Havana syndrome underscore concerning trends. Multiple countries, including the United States, have developed such weapons, raising grave concerns about the safety of diplomats and officials and the potential for mass disruption. Without formal warfare, directed energy devices, particularly those using microwave technology, could be used in crowd control scenarios.

Their nonlethal nature could deter gatherings without resorting to traditional force. However, ethical and humanitarian implications, including potential harm to innocent bystanders, require careful consideration and regulation. Victims of directed energy attacks, such as those associated with the Havana syndrome, report a range of sudden and disconcerting symptoms. Identifying exposure based on symptoms alone is challenging, necessitating professional medical evaluation. The symptoms of dew exposure include severe headaches, dizziness, hearing, unusual sounds, cognitive issues, heightened sensitivity, nausea and vomiting, and sleep disturbances.

Protecting against due attacks involves awareness of the symptoms, potential physical barriers, and specialized equipment. However, the effectiveness of these measures remains uncertain, emphasizing the complex challenges of defending against these sophisticated technologies. Domestic legislation, military regulations, and human rights standards indirectly apply to duse laws governing emerging weapons technology. Internal military guidelines and adherence to human rights principles in the use of force are crucial aspects of the regulatory landscape.

The enigmatic world of directed energy weapons presents a complex interplay of technological advancements, ethical considerations, and international implications. This is Cynthia Hodges. I’m an attorney and author in Washington state. If you would like to get involved, please contact targeted UK. Their website is ww targeted survivor. com and they are also on gab and their handle is at TargetedUk. All right, that was a very nice introduction. Cynthia Hodges, AK 18, of Foster also has a brilliant introductory book on the use of body doubles in history that, to the best of my knowledge, has not been banned by Amazon.

com. I’d mentioned that in relation to legal issues with targeted individuals hit by directed energy weapons, Dr. Catherine Horton, who’s a phd in particle physics from Oxford, has led the legal challenge and I highly recommend checking out her work at stop seven. Catherine Horton has also done a four part version of how to spot a false flag, where I presented the basic proofs of a dozen or more of these phony issues and she added additional highly insightful comments to round it out.

Let how to spot a false flag parts one through four with Dr. Catherine Horton all right. Okay, as we speak there are fires burning in the panhandle of Texas, for God’s sakes. We have another wildfire that we know is obviously not a natural wildfire. Now, this wildfire is a little bit different than Maui, where we know that land grabs are involved, smart city development is involved. But this specifically is one to keep an eye on in Texas.

And this is why I’ve been warning about states like Texas and Florida being hotbeds for conservatives and christians to go to, because they’re going to feel safe, they’re going to feel that they have free speech, et cetera, and then things like this are going to occur. This is clearly if government started wildfire. And you could say to yourself, well, why? Well, let’s start here. Wildfire has burned over 500,000 acres in Texas.

500,000 acres. And of course. Well, why is that a big deal? Well, it’s a big deal because not only are people’s lives being ruined, not only are people’s homes being destroyed, not only is water being contaminated, but of course, farmers and ranchers are facing loss and destruction. And if you’re not aware, a lot of the beef produced in the United States of America comes from the Texas panhandle.

The Texas panhandle is what just got torched, and it got torched from all different angles. And we can’t look at any of this stuff anymore as coincidental as Mother Nature. This is them setting these fires. We know what their end game is, right? We know they want to see bugs. They tell us they don’t want to see meat, and nobody listens, right? People out there go, yeah. Even the libs, they go, yeah, well, I still want to get my mcdonald’s fixed or I still want to get my burger king fixed, right? So they’re still eating the way that they want to eat.

Well, the government’s not going to allow you to eat the way that you want to eat. The Texas panhandle is the nucleus of beef production, okay? It is responsible for 30% of the nation’s beef and 88% of Texas beef. So in other words, the Texas panhandle is where the beef is being manufactured, okay? And remember the famous quote from the guy who claims to be dead, Henry Kissinger, who controls the food supply, controls the people, who controls the energy, can control whole continents.

Who controls money, can control the world. They control all three. We obviously know they control money. We know that they’re trying to get full control over the energy grid with the green energy. And of course, the food supply is the most important. Really, food and water supply is the most important because you can’t live without either one. And if you don’t know how to get it on your own, you’re screwed.

And if you think you’re going to get it on your own, well, they have different plans for us. They know that people out there are thinking to themselves, well, I’m not going to go along, I’m not going to comply. They’re going to force you into complying. They’re going to force you into it by killing off so much of our food supply chain, whether it’s. Remember two years ago, three years ago, I covered on YouTube all the cattle that was just mysteriously upside down in Texas.

No explanation. They said it got too hot, it hit 101 degrees. Suddenly cattle can’t survive in 100 degree weather. It looks like every single one of them got a vaccine in its arm. Right, because they euthanized all of the cattle and then they just shrug their shoulders and blame it on the climate. That’s the same thing here. They don’t expect you to ask questions about it. We know that they were surprised, obviously, by Maui, by how much pushback there was because people were filming stuff there, they were showing the aftermaths there and they just dropped it.

Instead of going forward with the rock and Oprah pushing all this stuff with, oh, we got to care about Maui, of course we have to care about Maui. They didn’t want to bring attention to it anymore because they realized that too many people realized it wasn’t natural. Well, here’s another one that they’re going to get away with because people can go, oh, it’s Texas, it’s a Texas panhandle.

Oh, who really cares? Oh, it’s just a wildfire. Wild. And the more they get desensitized to these types of weather events, the more they’ll be conditioned not only into the carbon footprint, but into believing that the climate’s responsible. If everybody knew that a bunch of serial killers were setting arson, using direct energy weapons and killing civilians off, these people would be executed on the spot for what they’re doing.

They’re not just causing mass harm to people’s lives, uprooting people’s lives and killing people, they’re also destroying our way of life. Okay. They’re killing the food supply chain so that you have to comply. This is going to be one of the methods they use to get you to comply to taking the mark of the beast. So the story right now is the fast moving fires in the Texas panhandle have left some farmers and ranchers scrambling to protect their property.

I’m deeply concerned about the devastating wildfires raging through the Texas panhandle, said the Texas department of agricultural commissioner Sid Miller. These fires not only threaten lives and property, but also have a significant impact on our agriculture industry. We stand in solidarity with our farmers and ranchers facing loss and destruction. Our thoughts are with them during this challenging time, and we’re committed to supporting their recovery efforts in every step of the way.

So you’re going to see a spike, probably in beef prices, but eventually you’re going to see no beef available, okay? And a lot of people out there talking about what’s going on with the farmers in France, and I’m not saying that that’s not a natural, organic thing, but if you think for 1 second that these farmers protesting is going to stop them from what they’re doing, think again.

The protest does nothing. They need to produce their food, period. They need to ignore the government, period. They need to fight back against the government when they show up at their door and tell them they can’t grow food, period. But here’s the problem. The government is going to go forward and do things like this to people who don’t comply. They’re going to set your ranches on fire. They’re going to kill your food crops.

They’re going to kill your cattle, your ranch, whatever you have that has food, chickens. They are going to do this to people who do that. And if you’re a small farmer and you have a small ranch, you have plans in your head. They’re going to find out a way to make sure that that’s not yours. Remember I talked about the community gardens as well? That’s a big thing.

They want to know who has their own little farm and who’s growing on their own property. So that when stuff does hit the fan, they’re going to say, look, you’ve got a farm. You got to do the right thing. You got to share your farm with your neighbor. And I’m not saying, I’m not opposed to helping people out who are in need, but the problem is that these people who are the ones responsible, who are silencing us, who are calling us conspiracy nuts, are going to be the ones begging us for food when we’re trying to warn them about it.

And then they’re going to go, oh, well, I didn’t really understand. And they were such narcissistic aholes that they’re the ones who are responsible for feeding into the globalist agenda. So that’s part of the problem here. That we’re dealing with, we’re all going to face in the future. So this is obviously devastating, and this is going to be the first of many. You’re going to constantly see these stories about wildfires.

We saw California a few years ago, and again, I worry about these, okay, that are conservative states, like Florida, like Texas. I think they deliberately turned Florida from a liberal state. It was always a state that was a flip state. It was a state that went blue, went red, went blue. There’s a lot of states that are like that. It’s never been like this, except in California and Texas, where there’s permanent states that are permanent colors.

New York, always a liberal state because of New York City, but they’ve decided to make Florida red. And no, they’re going to hit Florida with so many different weather events, it’s going to be insane. But Texas is another one, okay? And then the Bible belt states are going to be very compromised by tornadoes and things like that. So remember, who controls the food, controls the people, and this is another way for them to control the food.

When you read that quote, the first thing you should think of when you see this fire, because I know now with the all right media, they try to play into some of this stuff like they’re actually discussing 15 minutes cities and smart cities because their handlers are telling them to. Because what are they going to do when they pop up? Pretend like they’re not here? They’re like, oh, it’s kind of stupid.

And then they’re also at the same time conditioning you with the technology to want to live in a smart city. But they’re not going to come out and talk about the government killing off the food supply. Okay? This is strategic. This is no different than a serial killer who commits arson on a family and a house. Okay, that one, I had to cut it off a little bit.

It was a little long. Well, Gary, that was long. But it’s also devastating. I hadn’t put together that these fires in a panhandle affect beef in our availability to red meat to consume. That’s clearly the objective here. The Rothschilds are going all out to promote a great reset. We’re supposed to eat bugs. Even though it’s an insanity from an evolutionary point of view, we are not lizards or toads.

We aren’t evolved to consume insects. And in fact, there are features of the exoskeleton of insects that are toxic to human beings. So the whole idea of eating bugs is absurd. Meat, red meat is the backbone of the american diet. And that they’re going after the panhandle here with this devastating fire that’s now consumed over a million acres of most devastating in Texas history is explicable. The Kissinger quotes are devastating.

Better. He had never made those observations because I’m sorry to say, they’ve been the motivation behind a lot of malfeasance taking place in the world today. Brilliant clip. Lengthy, yes, but nevertheless extraordinarily important in spite of its technical flaws. This next one is not quite as long, but I think it’s around 7 minutes. But this has been one of my pet peeves for a long time. Weather modification.

Hey, friends, Peggy hall, back with you from thehealthyamerican. org. Let’s talk about the skies, shall we? That was number one on my list of things that are bothering me. I think because it is so visible we can see it. It’s amazing that other people can’t see it. And if you have no idea what I’m talking about, take a look at this. How do you like them apples? You all are sending me these amazing photos that you’re taking.

And we’ve spoken earlier about the difference between spraying in the sky, which, solar reduction. I made a list here. Yes, solar reduction management. There are all sorts of things that they’re doing these days, and they’re not even hiding it. If this came from jet airplanes, wouldn’t there be more? You’re telling me there are only three planes that flew in this? And look at this pattern. This guy must go back to aeronautic school because it doesn’t look like he knows how to fly.

So we know that this is not the same as what is left behind in an airplane. I want to talk to you about a couple of places where you can make complaints. If you’re in California. And if you’re not, use it as a model for your own state. Take a look at these. Came from a healthy american. And in southern California, the skies will start out blue. It should be this color blue.

And they start doing this crazy spraying. Here’s a line right here that’s going to continue to spread. And then you start seeing things like this. So there’s the lines getting bigger and bigger, and it’s just so apparent. Take a look at this one. They’re getting really creative. I guess they’re getting bored. What in the world is this? You’re going to tell me that this is a flight pattern? You’re going to tell me this is the way that planes fly, only in this area and crisscrossing like that.

Yeah, no, that would be a big no. And then what happens is, and I’m so grateful for all of you sending me these images, then you’re telling me, after a few days of this, you will see those very heavy storms. And I do want to share with you also a quick video of a woman giving testimony at one of the county councils. And you’ll see exactly what she says.

I was unable to find that video that I wanted to share with you. That will have to be for another broadcast. But there was a woman that went to the board of supervisors and very clearly said to them, what are you going to be doing about this spraying? We know what you’re doing. We see what you’re doing. We’ve had the fallout analyzed. We know. Why are you remaining silent? We need to continue to rattle their cages.

Now, here’s something that you can do. I’m going to share my screen, and you may have something like this in your own state. In California. It’s called the California Air Resources Board. There are a couple of different places where you can make a complaint. The acronym is CARB. They call it Carb. Oh, yes. Isn’t that clever? And right here on the homepage, the road to zero emissions. Oh, gee, there’s so many videos in my future because these car companies are not going to be making these zero emission cars, because there’s no such thing.

Emissions are created when the cars are made and they cost more money. They’re worse on the roads. They go to the landfill, they’re much heavier. They catch on fire. They take longer to charge. You can’t drive that far. I’ve gone on and on and on and on about how it is not environmentally friendly. It is another gaslighting and hogwashing at the highest level. Anyway, what I wanted to share with you is this.

There are different. Here we are at the California Air Resources Board. You can click on the different California air districts and you’ll see that I am. Whoops. I wanted to take you over here. South coast, actually, I think this is the air quality management district. So there are a couple of places and you can make a complaint here. And this is exactly what I did. I went under about.

And then I went under, actually. Where did I find that? I went under contact. That’s it. And then I went under the online complaint system, and that’s where you can make your complaint. You can even upload files. So I know people that are doing this on a regular basis. They are sending in the photos. They’re saying, I think there’s something going wrong in the air? Would you please check it out? You are supposed to be in charge of the air quality in California, so I want to make a complaint.

So that’s one place where you can do it. You can also go to the California EPA. Now, it’s likely that your own state has an EPA. And that also is where I would go and click on the contact and I would let them know that there are violations happening in the environment. Now, friends, these are steps that you can take. Is it going to result in anything? I don’t know, but I know that not taking any steps is going to result in nothing.

I think it’s important that we rattle their cages. Just like we go to the board of supervisor meetings and people go to protests and they go to the school board meetings. We need to let them know that we are on to them. If you have a better idea, please let me know. I’m all about it. Yes, I am aware of geoengineering. Watch. I’ve had Dane wigginton on my show before.

We don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things, and I know there are people that love him and people that are cautious about what he has to say. I just wanted to answer that because whenever I talk about the air and the skies, people will say, you got to get in touch with Dane wiggington. And I have. That video is no longer on YouTube, but it is over at Rumble, and it is also over at my private channel, which is Peggy hall tv.

I’ve also done several videos with renee senm, and I know that she is raising funds to do some legal action. I think if that’s important to you, to follow her blog or her substac and see what she is up to. Now, I understand that it is a big hill to climb, but I think it’s very important that we continue to speak out against this. There has been legislation in some states.

It hasn’t really gone anywhere. I am following that and tracking that as well. And that also is definitely, those are steps in the right direction. So many of you are asking me, what can we do about these skies? There are a couple of things. Leave me a comment or email support@thehealthyamerican. org. Let me know the steps that you’ve taken. Have you gone and spoken at public events? Have you even just said to people, does that look normal to you? I mean, that’s just a simple way of opening up a conversation.

I have a video that I will link for you at the end of this one where I’m talking about opening up those conversations, and I have a subsec on that as well, with a written summary of questions and answers and ways that you can pose questions so that people can start asking and not accepting that all of that is natural. I never saw clouds like that when I was a child, and I want to get back to our blue skies.

So thanks, everybody, for being on board. Rather a short one for you today. I appreciate you being on board as a healthy american. Okay. Dr. Fesser, I fought chemtrails for ten years. I’ve gotten absolutely nowhere. I’ve gone to weather, to the news people, the weather people, they look at you with a deer in the headlights. So, well, here, of course, you’re right. And so is Peggy hall and so is Dane Wigginton.

And this has been going on and on and on and on. How is it that the government is not aware of chemtrails? It’s impossible. The government is not aware of chemtrails. The United States has radar coverage of virtually every cubic inch of airspace over the United States. They know perfectly well what planes are in the sky, where those planes are, what those planes are doing. The only explanation that puts the pieces together, Gary, is the air force isn’t responding because the air force is carrying out the chemtrail process.

And there was a time when I thought, my God, you mean our own department of is working on harming the health and welfare of the american people? Doesn’t that sound ridiculous? Turns out that DoD was even involved in Operation Warp Speed. And providing the vaccine has brought about the death of so many. And of course, as all these biolabs in Ukraine that are being used to develop biological weapons that are race or population specific, Gary, our department of Defense has sold us out.

I’m sorry to say we’re in dire straits because the government of the United States is out to murder the people of the United States. And it pains me to say it, Gary, but that is a bottom line. Yeah, I’d like to thank Michael Ivey for that clip. He’s one of the people that help us out with clips around here. Okay. Last week we had this particular clip which malfunctioned on us, and a dangerous guy from one five three news rounded it up and sent it to us, and we’re going to give it another try.

It’s a tremendous danger because the new religion is very seductive. It’s very soft and sweet and sticky, and it’s easy to go with it and lose the catholic faith. You have a new and different faith, a happy, clappy faith where everybody is nice, everybody is sweet. Nobody has original sin. The only sin that’s still left is nazi sin. That’s the new religion. And Hitler is the devil. The 6 million are the redeemer, which means that the jewish people are God.

That’s the religion today. And that’s deadly. Absolutely deadly. It’s got nothing to do with the catholic faith except that it’s a clever imitation of the catholic faith, because you get Auschwitz instead of Golgotha and the gas chamber instead of the cross. That’s deadly. But ask yourselves, what is the real religion of people today? What’s the real religion of the state today? Can I blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ? Does anybody worry? No problem.

Blaspheme as much as you like. Can I blaspheme against the Holocaust by saying that there were no gas chambers? Horror, horror, horror. Burn him at the stakes. He’s a heretic. There you can see what is the real religion of the government today, of politics today, and of the massive people today. And it’s not the catholic religion. Okay, Gary, you got to help me on this one. What exactly was he claiming? Honest to God, I had difficulty sorting it out.

What he’s saying is that you can blasphemy Jesus Christ all you want. Hitler’s the devil. But if you bring up anything about the Holocaust being fake or anything like that, then all hell breaks loose. And he says it’s basically, that’s the religion of today instead of the catholic religion, where you follow Jesus in that kind of way. Well, thank you for that clarification. Of course, I endorse that 100%.

I mean, it’s simply absurd. We even have a former israeli minister of education on with Amy Goodman years ago talking about when Amy raised a question of criticism of Israel and how they respond. And the minister said it’s a trick. If the criticism is in Europe, we bring up the Holocaust. If it’s in America, we call them anti semitic. There have been endless efforts now to extend the meaning of being anti semitic, to include any criticism of Israel or the actions of the israeli government, including genocide.

So absurdly, it’s anti semitic. If you object to Israel committing genocide on the palestinian people, this is a reduction to absurdity, Gary, of the whole effort to defend Israel and the malpractice, the grotesque conduct, the mass murder of the jewish people on the grounds and to criticize them as a form of anti semitism. Indeed, these people in Israel today aren’t even Semites. They’re descendants of the Kizarians in the region that is modern day Ukraine, not of the tribe of Judah.

Indeed, the palestinian people are more closely related to the genetic ancestors associated with Jesus Christ than are these people here who are claiming to be Semites, which is absolute, categorically false. It turns out to be a linguistic distinction where the Palestinians are Semites, but the Israelis are not, which means a point I’ve made many times in the past. Israel turns out to be the greatest practitioner of anti semitism in the world today.

And with regard to the Holocaust, you want to take a look at some of the excellent work that’s done. Nick Kolerstrom has a brilliant new book called Breaking the Spell, in which he had access to the british death books, where the British had cracked the german code and were able to access all of their records, which were extremely meticulous and detailed. We know, of course, the international committee of the Red Cross had previously reported that when they recalibrated their numbers based upon their records for the age, the sex, the ethnicity, the religion and the cause of death of inmates at all the tamps, their totals in 1993 turned out to be 296,081, none of whom died from being put to death in a gas chamber while they were using Cyclone B, which is a mild form of cyanide, to kill body lice because the body lice were spreading typhous and dysentery in the camps.

That was to maintain the health of the inmates, for the obvious reason, Gary, these were labor camps, and you can’t get work out of a corpse. Not only that, if you study, for example, the floor plan of Al Schwitz, you’ll see they had a symphony hall, a woodworking shop. They had a hospital with OBGYN facilities. They even had a brothel. Hitler was convinced by one of his generals the men would work harder if they knew they’d be rewarded with sex.

So he facilitated that happening. Hundreds and hundreds of babies were born in these camps. Coldstrom’s book has photograph after photograph substantiating the points I’m making here, my favorite being a photograph of the very fit and vigorous looking british soccer team at Auschwitz, which I featured on the back cover of my book. And I suppose we didn’t go to the moon either. What, you didn’t know there was a british soccer team at Auschwitz which was banned by Amazon.

Not because it debunks the moon landing, not because it addresses the death and replacement of Paul McCartney by a guy I consider to be an even better musician. Not because it explains how we took out Saddam Hussein on the 7 April 2003, just three weeks into the invasion of Iraq, but that Bush was unable to celebrate the occasion on the USS Lincoln off the coast of San Diego.

And that mission accomplished celebration turned out to be a fiasco because Donald Romseld, we believe, realized that three presidents, Carter, Reagan and Ford, had signed executive orders against the assassination of Ford leaders. So w had proclaimed that we got Saddam, which was even verified by Dick Cheney in the New York Times, reporting that his lifeless body had been dragged out of the rubble when a b one bomber hit a restaurant on the outskirts of Baghdad and killed Saddam, his two sons, and 50 or 60 members of his general staff.

He would have been acknowledging having violated the law, and thus he couldn’t admit it publicly. They found a body double and put him on trial and hanged him. But Joe Vials, who was a brilliant photojournalist from Australia, noticed a body double had bad teeth and an underbite where Saddam Hussein had good teeth and an overbite. I verified, even using the ace of spades from a deck of cards army had put out for the leading political figures in Iraq.

And Joe Vials had it exactly right. Plus, Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with 911. He was our man in Afghanistan. He was instrumental getting stinger missiles into the hands of the Mohajadine they used to shoot down soviet helicopters and planes. He was an officer in the CIA. Colonel Tim Hosman, an official from the agency, even visited him in a hospital in Dubai shortly before his death from his medical maladies.

It’s tough to get dialysis machines in and out of those caves in Afghanistan. Gara. He died on 15 December 2001, was buried in an unmarked grave in accordance with muslim tradition. Well, CNN and NBC, CNN and Fox News had caught up with his death by 2006. December 2001, it published articles that Osama was dead. But Barack Obama found it politically expedient to resuscitate the body and have him die again in a stage raid on a compound in Pakistan in order to proclaim himself the man who got the most wanted man in the world and posed it for a triumphal reelection.

It was all outrageous, phony, fraudulent. But topping all of that are essays by some of the leading experts on the Holocaust. Historical revisionists who want to get history right, unlike, say, current woke Americans who want to change history. Like you have this Gemini absurd AI mechanism giving you versions of black vikings and a black George Washington. They’re out. They get history wrong. Well, the revisionists like Robert Forissant, Thomas Dalton and Nicole Arstrom are seeking to get it right.

And for that reason, the book was banned, these essays on the Holocaust banned because of those essays after the ADL asked Amazon. com to ban any book that disputed the official narrative. That’s what you’re finding going on here, Gary, and I think that has it exactly right. And I could not be more in agreement. Believe it or not, I had a Nick collarstorm clip that I was about to play right behind this, but I can’t find it.

So next week we will play that clip. It was from one of your shows and a great show. If you want to go to Jim Fetzer’s bitchute channel with James Perloff, that was one of the best interviews I’ve heard in quite some time. Excellent. Okay. All right. We’re going to go to a college campus where some of these people are getting to be a little upset with Lockheed Martin.

And I’m just wondering as, let’s say, an intern working on as a systems engineer or a software engineer, I don’t know if you’d be able to speak on this, but would you be working on a small part of those systems? Are you working on projects with business impact? Would I be kind of doing like a small little side project, or would I be able to directly contribute to the murder of Palestine and children? Good question.

That you have a very impressive resume. During the 18 years that you spent working on the f 22 jets and the years since that you worked on the f 35. If you were to give an estimate, how many children do you think you’ve killed? I don’t even know how to answer that question, nor will I get to the shop. Thank you. Hey, boss. As a business major, company culture is a big factor when looking for internships, especially at a project manager position where you can spend most of your time working with others, what can you share about company culture and working with a team of genocide supporters and murderers? That’s another one I’m not going to answer because that’s not who I work with.

Okay. Well, Gary, it’s very appropriate that there should be protests against weapons the United States is providing to Israel to slaughter Palestinians. And I would like to see protests cropping up all over the country. What’s going to make the difference is when it becomes known to the general public that the Biden administration wants to send our sons and daughters to Israel to kill Palestinians, where we had this magnificent self sacrificing gesture of self immolation by a member of the air force who had received just such an order and set himself a fire in front of the israeli embassy in a protest over israeli slaughter.

The palestinian people. Gary he set a splendid example. But the story behind the story is that he had received orders to be sent to Israel for just such a purpose, which the american people don’t understand at all. Thus they sought to bury the real story here, namely that the Biden admin is so far all in with genocide. They’re not only sending the weapons from general dynamics, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and the like, the bombs, the artillery munitions being used to slaughter the Palestinians, which could end overnight if the Biden admin were simply to put a halt to it.

And where we’re now continuing to veto ceasefire resolutions or condemnation of Israel, even when they slaughter starving Palestinians who have come to a truck to obtain flour to make bread to survive their lives. Just that we had a case of a little seven year old girl trapped in a car where parents had been killed. Two medics who wanted to save her arranged with the IDF to conduct a rescue operation.

And when they got them in their sights, the IDF killed them. This is the brutality, the savagery of Israel today. And America must wake up to the grim reality that we’re up against. An adversary who has no scruples whatsoever, is sadistic and cruel and wants to kill us all. Okay, yeah, I don’t know how that even goes on today. It’s one of the biggest mysteries in my life.

All right, we’re talking about elections in California and we’ve. Wong well, she’s found in the german big fool out of me, dad. She found any german, he made misery. Did she found any Germ Peskin, president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, swears in appointee Kelly Wong to the San Francisco Elections Commission at city hall in San Francisco on February 14, 2024. The average person might say, so what? And who cares? And rightfully so.

But when it comes to this governmental decision, things are not as they appear. As the newest member of the San Francisco Elections Commission, a seven member civilian body that oversees and creates policy for the city’s Department of Elections, Kelly Wong isn’t legally allowed to vote. Kelly Wong, an immigrant rights advocate, is believed to be the first non U. S. Citizen appointed to the commission. Wong’s appointment is the result of a 2020 voter approved measure that removed the citizenship requirement to serve on San Francisco’s boards, commissions and advisory bodies.

Wong said she hopes her appointment is a beacon of hope for other immigrants living in the city. According to Wong’s LinkedIn profile, Wong has devoted her career to championing immigrant rights along with equity and inclusion. Many Americans are unhappy with this decision, questioning how a person who doesn’t even have voting rights of their own can head the elections commission. My guess is that people are concerned about the recent flood of illegals coming across the border and their future voting status.

Okay, we’ve been. Wong well, Gary, federal law does not allow non citizens to participate in federal elections. But at the local or state level, there can be great variation. And this is a very disturbing development. Needless to add, interviews that have been done with migrants coming across, they’re being asked who they’re going to vote for, and they’re all saying, oh, Biden, oh, Biden. And if he has to explain, and they say in Spanish, of course, because they don’t know a word of English, they say, oh, he’s a good man.

He likes us. He supports us. So we’re going to vote for Biden, not even realizing they’re not going to be legally entitled to vote. But long range, I have no doubt that’s among the multiple motives. We’re bringing in estimated 6 million illegals into the United States. And the flood is continuing and ongoing, and they’re going to stretch it out as long as they possibly can. They’re opposing those who want to get serious about the border.

And I just have to say the new speaker of the House, Livingston, is doing the right thing by not allowing further consideration of aid to Ukraine or Israel until we look after our southern border. The Biden admin is, of course, showing more concern about the borders of Ukraine and of Israel than it is about the borders of the United States of America. It’s disgusting. It’s about as repulsive as anything I’ve seen in my entire life.

Gary, in terms of the abuse of a position of authority, even outright treason being committed by an american government on the american people. All right, this is Putin saying that they’re getting more and more support as time goes on. I think many will agree that the tasks our ill wishers set out for themselves in their attempts to isolate Russia have failed. It is absolutely obvious. However, it is also clear that there are increasing amounts of supporters of Russia around the world.

This is especially true in what we call traditional values. Apparently, these values are not only ours. These traditional values are equally important for everyone who is in their right mind. I mean, not only our allied countries and friends, but also the so called unfriendly ones. The safety cushion, if you will, for such traditional values turned out to be significant and reliable. And we have many supporters in those countries as well.

Okay. Dr. Fetzer. Well, I’m a huge fan of Vladimir Putin. They were very upset with Dr. Carlson because when you see Putin, you realize this is a decent human being. He’s highly intelligent. He’s exceptionally knowledgeable. He’s utterly responsible. He’s not even a dictator. They call him a dictator. He’s a democratically elected president of Russia. There have been other presidents of Russia in the past. There’ll be other presidents of Russia in the future.

But look at the message he’s conveying here, and it’s absolutely accurate. Russia is a bastion of traditional christian moral values. Those are the values that correspond to those of most Americans, apart from the weak woke community, which has gone absolutely lunatic with transgender and soft on crime and legalizing, shoplifting and bringing in millions of illegals and really crushing America under a burden it cannot sustain, where every economist has recognized long since that you cannot combine open borders with a welfare state because it’ll inevitably collapse.

This is a cloud piven program by two professors from Columbia of ancient vintage. And here it’s being carried out today, merged with the clergy plan, divided by a jewish intellectual way back in the flood, Europe with immigrants from Africa to destroy their culture and civilization. Now the same is being applied here in the western hemisphere to destroy ours. The situation is as grim as it could possibly be.

And how remarkable it is that there’s a man who has such clarity of vision, such integrity and confidence in his own culture as Vladimir Putin, whom I regard as the only true statesman astride the world stage today. Gary, I’m sorry to say, if it were not urbutin, we’d already be annihilated. We wouldn’t be having this conversation because World War II would have already taken place. But mark my words, the west is trying very much to bring about precisely that result, and there’s no guarantee whatsoever that we are going to be spared the outcome.

All right, great response. Now, in case you don’t know, these two fellows on your screen have done at least 350 JFK shows over the last 14 years. And we’re going to play something that not many JFK researchers know about. It’s called the bag man. And this is going to take us up. Okay, here we go. One of the biggest, most telling things, which has been a bit obfuscated.

If you go online, YouTube or whatever, you’re not going to get this version. And they seem to cut it out. All right, so what we have going on, this is ruby. All right, so what we want. See this guy right here coming around? Okay, Gary, you’re talking about that. This is the scuffle in the basement of city hall the morning of 24 November, when Lee Oswald was being transferred to the county jail.

And this happened at 1130 in the morning, Jim, on this Sunday? Something like that, yeah. All right, go ahead, Gary. All right, so at the bottom of the Dallas police station. All right, now what’s happened? The shot has fired. Oswald has went. And then all these huge men gather around this person. And then suddenly, which is the most telling thing, I want you to catch that. Someone comes with a bag.

Here he comes right there. This guy here. But which side? Left to right. To left? Yeah, he’s about to put the bag over his head. Right here. This fella here? Right to left. Right. Here it comes. See the ball head? We’re talking about book out. We’re not talking about Jack Ruby. That’s right. I mean, why in the hell would they have a bag handy anyway? Replay that back and forth.

There goes the bag over his head, and then we’ll show you what happens further. Everyone blocks the site, and they haul him off to a room. Right? Here he comes again. Here he comes. Bald head, bag over. Boom. And then everyone closes in and blocks the camera from all angles like that. Hey, Gary, you got to send that to me so we can get some. Yeah. Oh, I have all the stills if you want to check them out.

Okay. All right, go ahead. All right, so there’s his last time. Bag over the head. Yeah. All right. Oh, and he’s lost his hat, by the way, obviously. Right. I noticed that there’s a little ball there. All right, so let me find the next one. It’s right here. Here we go. This is. Yeah, that was Dr. Petcher, I think. No, it wasn’t, Gary, just for background. What the public might not grasp initially is that I’m sorry, I messed up, and then they haul him into this room.

Just ask, why in the hell would they put a bag over the guy’s answer? But the point is, the public would be scratching their head, why the hell did. I’ll take it one step further. Oliver Stone would have had a field day with new. Come on. They don’t want to solve a case. I agree. Oliver Stone did not reach out to us about what he should put in his goddamn movie.

He has sold out. He should. Okay, Dr. Spencer, sorry about the. Well, Ralph Sinkay, who’s got a brilliant chiropractor, with whom I have had occasional, rather intense disagreement on certain points, astutely observed that the individual who is purported to have shot Lee Oswald in the basement. Larry said of the town hall, it’s a police department. If the police department’s in the town hall, then those two facts fit together.

During his transfer to county jail, which was unnecessary. There was no need to make the transfer, but they want to remove the witness who could blow the whole case apart. They weren’t visually confident Jack Ruby would do it, so they actually had a sub, a guy named bookout, James Bookout, an FBI agent, wear Ruby’s clothing so that during this whole event, Jack Ruby’s upstairs standing in his underwear with no idea what the world’s going on, while bookout steps forward and shoots Lee.

And you hear him moan. And then they close in and conceal. The identity is different than that. They’re going to attribute to Whitjack movie because it’s actually Jane book out. They put a bag over his head. I mean, the whole thing is outrageous. And I’ll tell you, Gary, except for Ralph Sin Kay’s dogged determination to sort these things out and his ability to see things in a different way than most of the public, I mean, the whole world thinks we witnessed on television Jack Ruby assassinating Lee Oswald when it was, in fact, a staged event.

I got to say, my hat is off to Ralph. He’s done some brilliant work on JFK. And even if we set aside all the cases where I think he may have got something wrong, he’s made exceptional contributions, Gary, for which I salute and applaud him. Thanks for sharing this. Something the public needs to know and otherwise would have no idea would be the case. It’s amazing the JFK community has not grabbed this and magnified it a thousand times more.

I mean, we’re really in as big a fight against the JFK so called research community than anything else. Gary, as many of my publications, I’ve been outing not only prominent individuals like Josiah Thompson and Robert Grodin as limited hangouts, but Gruber. Society after society by 20, I bet. I have outed 20 different subgroups within the JFK community that were working to conceal rather than reveal. So that’s what we’re up against.

This information abounds, whether it’s JFK, 911, the moon landing, Sandy Hook, you name it. The government does not want you to know the truth, which is one of the reasons why what Gary and I are doing here today and on other occasions may make a difference to you. All right. Okay. As our stands have run out, so is another end of an inconvenient truth show. Dr. Fetzer, I appreciate you being on the show again, and we’ll see you next week.

You got it, Gary. .

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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