Testing the ALL NEW Studios at Stew Peters HQ

Posted in: News, Patriots, Stew Peters Network



➡ The speaker is testing a new studio setup and experiencing some technical difficulties. Despite these issues, he is excited about the new studio and its features, including a beautiful desk and multiple camera angles. He also mentions a platform called “locals” as a way to find them and expresses gratitude for his team and supporters. The speaker ends by promising to return soon and thanking his audience.


People can hear me, but nobody can see me. Yeah, I see that. Yeah, we’re testing. We’re testing. Let us know if you can hear us or see us. It’d be great to know. The new studios are great, guys. You wouldn’t believe this. I mean, with the exception of the fact that you can’t see me. Everything is great other than that. We’re live on Rumble. We’re live on. I don’t know which one. White logo, I think. Here, I can just look real quick. Let’s see what we got on X. X says that I’m live, and that there’s, yep, there’s people here.

Alright, let’s see. Nope, there’s nothing. It’s just all we have is that Rumble logo. Let’s see what we got on X. You know, we’re just trying to figure out the quirks and the snags, guys. I mean, that’s no big deal, right? Let’s see what we got on X. Yep, there we go. Alright. Okay, so we’re just trying to figure this out. Once you guys get a glimpse inside of this studio, if we’re able to deliver that to you, I think you’re gonna like it. I also think that the people of China are gonna love the taste of US beef.

Here we go. Oh, okay. Interesting. There we go. Yeah. OBS scene. Okay, there we go. Now, still nothing. It should be that. Yeah. Oh, wait, no, you have to click start streaming and you have to put the and you have to put the Okay, so now we’re live. So check this out, guys, the new duds. Now we definitely have a few other angles we can, we can go over here, we can go to the light. Look at this. Look at this beautiful desk built by none other than my good friend, Carl. We’ve got a spot for guests to come and sit down with me.

If they dare, we would we would imagine that this spot will probably be vacant quite a few times because I you know, people don’t want to have the conversation. Let’s check out this camera here. Look at that one. Oh, yeah, this is this is when we have guests on and I’m, you know, virtual guests. So here it is. This is the the new studio facility where we’re beta testing, we’re alpha testing, we’re Bravo testing. This is awesome. I do want everyone to know also by the way that locals is is really the way to find us.

So if you go to the rumble channel and you’re right below there and it says Stu Crew big red button where it says Stu Crew, we’d really like you to join it. Go to that wide angle again. Let’s see this desk this beautiful look at that beautiful desk. Unbelievable. This is this is actually I gotta be honest man, it’s it’s really humbling. It’s really humbling and it’s really it’s really something to to go from sitting in front of a single camera every day to being able to look around and look at guests and I mean, just see this amazing facility.

It’s just it’s really something. All glory to God Almighty. Thank you Jesus. We are at the precipice of a major victory. We are absolutely we’re going to take control. There’s there’s just no question. The the the corporate media oh look at now I can hear uh there we go and then you can actually if you click on the little things you can actually highlight some of these comments as well so where it says like yeah the the little uh three dots there to the right there you go and then pin boom there it is unbelievable i-g downie 2017 ben was stu since week one the truth will keep you growing bro thank you congratulations you earned it thank you laurin we appreciate that yeah i mean this is uh this is gonna be this is gonna be unbelievable we have to figure out how to run all of this stuff because clearly uh if i could give you a behind the scenes look there’s really no way for me to do that is there right now actually no i have my phone here i’d love to be able to go live from that and show you guys what’s happening in front of me right now uh all of the best people all the most awesome people god has really put together quite the team here there’s there’s no way that one man can just do this by himself no team of people can do them by this this has to be divinely inspired all glory to god thank you jesus christ wow hi from new zealand great upgrade the fake news are writing their obituaries as we speak they’re done yes i mean this is this is obviously i mean look at this unbelievable unbelievable so we will be back we will be back from here very soon uh thank you for being here as part of the test the first look at the stupider studios right here the wide angle and by the way the uh the uncancellable studio is down the hall that’s coming up i will do a whole like tour of the entire facility that we built out here for the stupiders network we got multiple studios in here we’ve got a a nice little conference room we have a nice little break room this is going to be this site no different location floor uh we’re in a very undisclosed location you look sunburned i do i know well it’s been hot and i don’t put that poisonous spf stuff on uh so thank you stick 1776 we’re going to be back uh very soon but uh until then thank you very much for being here god bless you you

See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.


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beautiful desk in studio features of new studio finding team on locals gratitude for team and supporters multiple camera angles in studio new studio setup review returning to studio soon technical difficulties in new studio thanking studio audience using locals platform

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