Future Arms Race: Northrop Grumman’s Cutting-Edge Laser Tech & China’s Infinite Laser

Laser weapons breakthroughs are creating a new arms race.

Compact Lasers for the U.S. Military and China’s Game-Changing Cooling System In an era where military technology is constantly evolving, two significant developments have caught our attention recently. Northrop Grumman, a leading defense contractor, has introduced a groundbreaking laser system for the U.S. military, while China claims to have made a major breakthrough in laser […]

Pentagon’s Robot Army to Counter China in New Era of Machine Warfare

The US military is embracing robotic soldiers.

In a game-changing move, the U.S. is preparing to deploy thousands of autonomous military systems (Robot Army) Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks heralds this as a counter to China’s increasing global influence. A new era in warfare is upon us, and it’s automated. Curious about what this means for the future of global conflict? Read more! 🤖

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