Riots Earthquakes Child Predators and CIVIL WAR. Its all Happening Now! | RichieFromBoston

Posted in: News, Patriots, RichieFromBoston



➡ Richie from Boston shares his concerns about current global events in 2024. He mentions escalating tensions in Israel, banks increasing their capital reserves, and civil unrest in the UK. He also criticizes the representation of Christianity in the media and advises people to convert their money into physical assets due to potential economic instability.


Hey, what’s up? It’s Richie from Boston. It’s the 7th. It’s August. It’s 2024. And since I got home on Friday, I have wrestled with how to present all of this information at one time because so much is going on. It is incredibly unbelievable to me that this is all happening and people aren’t in the streets flooding the supermarkets, hitting up their local Walmarts, their local ammunition stores, hitting up their banks, et cetera, because all hell is breaking loose on earth right now. Israel has created a situation where we’re literally sending aircraft carrier warships and troops to Israel while the rest of the world is experiencing things that are on a biblical level.

I have no other way to explain it. So I’m going to try as best as I can. Here we go. Sir, that would be a three or four front war against Israel, the likes of which we have not seen since 1967 or even 1973 breaking news at 10 tonight, a 5.2 earthquake near Bakersfield. The shaking felt across Southern California. Now, this was the view, as you can see the camera shaking from Santa Monica. It’s me, Gregor Manorino, Wednesday, August 7, 2024. I really think you and I have to start thinking, I mean, we already, all of us here are levels above most other people when it comes to understanding the current situation, what’s going on, why it’s happening.

But things are happening here that we really have to consider. I want to start off with, this is something that’s going under the radar right now, and you could do your own research on this, but it appears that the big banks are starting to boost their capital reserves. This is obviously a tell that something is brewing. You see, these institutions do not want to boost reserves. They want to lend out all they can. That’s how they will rape everybody, seriously. But the fact that these institutions, and it’s not just the banks, corporations are trying to raise capital here, why? What do they know that you’re not supposed to know? You understand? Welcome back to Fox 13 News.

Well, Israel is bracing for a potential large-scale attack in response to the assassinations of senior Hamas and Hezbollah leaders. The United States has sent more forces into the region. As Rebecca Caster reports, those moves come. As President Biden says, his focus is on deescalating tensions through a diplomatic approach. The rioting that’s going on in the United Kingdom right now, and it is brutal. You just saw the guy get attacked by two police dogs at one time. Here’s the thing. They’re protesting about all the immigrants in Holiday Inn and hotels. That’s where they’re at, a Holiday Inn.

Well, think about all the illegals in our country that are still swarming in while everybody’s been distracted with Trump getting shot and Biden stepping down and Kamala and this, that, and the other thing. This is all going to come home to roost without a doubt because that’s the game plan. It always has been the game plan. You see what I’m saying? They pretty much threw the gauntlet down at the Olympics to get this entire thing started because this was a complete absolute abomination. This was an absolute slap in the face to every person that walks this earth that claims that they are a Christian.

It’s unbelievable to me that this even occurred and people are still watching it. You’ve got a guy that’s literally competing, that’s been, was convicted and did 13 months in prison for raping a 12 year old. I’m sorry, a 13 year old. But this doesn’t end. This is, this is them declaring their intentions to everybody involved, in my opinion. And Americans are just sitting home, watching this, drinking this in, just thinking, oh, it’s LBGTQ because everybody’s got somebody they know that is now in part of the LBGTQ. But the thing is, is the elites aren’t promoting any specific gender, gender, quote unquote.

What they’re promoting is Baphomet. Baphomet and they are literally shitting on Christianity. They wouldn’t dare do this with any other religion and they don’t. Just Christianity because they know for a fact that there’s 2 billion Christians that won’t do anything because that’s been the track record. They mess with the Muslims, they get jihad. They mess with other religions, something bad happens. But they don’t. They mess with the Christianity because there is only one God and it’s Jesus Christ. And they know this, they know this. And that’s why they make such a mockery out of all this.

But this was a huge declaration, in my opinion. And it should be your opinion too, because it’s pretty dang obvious as far as what I can see. This is horrendous, but it doesn’t end. According to them, the earthquake that just conveniently hit the West Coast, while the East Coast is getting hit with a hurricane, was a very shallow earthquake. You know, shallow, not a deep earthquake like a natural one. A shallow one, like something you’d create with high frequency active auroral research project or something along those lines. Because yes, they could create an earthquake in an area with a handheld device.

Imagine what they can do with all those Doppler radars that are all over the United States. The depth was only 7 miles, so that’s very shallow and that’s why people all the way down to Los Angeles felt this earthquake tonight. Again, happening at 909. Let’s go in for a tighter view. There’s Bakersfield and then right there at Metler, one of the last stops before you get on the grapevine, is where all that activity is. At least 36 aftershocks, ranging from 2.5 to 4.5. And I took a close look at the faults right in that exact zone.

And there’s some unnamed faults discovered in 1952. It’s also close to the Wheeler Ridge fault. Think about everything that’s happened in 2024. We had a total eclipse that everybody was freaking out about. They were freaking this out. They were calling for national emergencies, everything else. And it turns out there was no moon. And I was very reluctant to say this originally because I didn’t want to sound like a complete conspiracy theorist, but many other people came to the same conclusion. We’ve had Donald Trump get magically shot in the air. He’s getting shot, but the people in the background are just sitting there.

Nobody’s running like they always would because it’s all staged. It is what it is. Trump’s not one of us. Trump isn’t for you. He isn’t for me. He’s been backed by Israel twice. He became a billionaire two times because Israel propped him up both times and he’s already shown his love for the Zionist people of the world, which ain’t us or shouldn’t be us. In my opinion, Trump is not a Christian and I’m pretty sure he said it recently. So we’ve got earthquakes, we’ve got storms, we’ve got civil unrest, we’ve got people burning down hotels full of Muslim asylum seekers.

We have banks and corporations suddenly amassing large amounts of cash reserves. You know why? Because they’re going to take your bank account, period. That’s exactly why they ran the national debt up as high as they did. And if you were smart, get your money out of the bank, turn it into physical gold, silver and lead right now. Because this could happen tomorrow as far as we know, seriously, because everything we’ve ever talked about is literally coming to fruition. We have absolute chaos on every corner of the earth right now. How much more of a warning do you possibly need? So that’s the UK, but let’s not forget them.

We had this major worldwide power outage that shut down all the computers. And let’s not forget that they put out Civil War 2024 coming this spring. Remember that? Well, I’ll tell you what, Civil War in the United States is going to be far worse than it is in the UK because the police won’t be using batons, dogs and shields. The police will be using SWAT teams, Bearcats, armored vehicles and automatic weapons. But fortunately, Americans can actually stand up to that for the most part. But here’s the deal. Hit your knees. You need to pray. The biggest weapon we possibly have is prayer.

And the reason it’s not working is because not enough people do it seriously, daily, no pun intended, and religiously. Other religions, especially the Muslims, the fastest growing religion on earth, they pray daily, multiple times a day, in quite the ritual to their God. And Allah is the devil. Period. That’s all there is to it. If that hurts your feelings, it is what it is. And why is it they’re flooding all the countries with these people from the largest growing religion on earth? Because it’s the plan. These guys are taking over this entire place and they want us to take each other out.

And they’ve already shown us how to do it in movies like Civil War and Leave the World Behind. Think about what’s come out in 2024 and think about what’s happening right now and think about what I told you. There will not be another election. You heard Trump. Vote any way you can. You’ll never have to do it again. It doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever at all. And Donald Trump, even if he was one of us, who he isn’t, but if he was one of us, one man couldn’t turn this entire thing around because Satan’s minions are sprinkled throughout everything.

Our military, our special forces, our government, our police officers. Why do you think so many of these people get caught being pedophiles? I mean, it just happened again and this guy was a big time. Well, you look. What are you doing, Marcus? You’re trying to meet a 13 year old boy? Yeah, you’re trying to meet a 13 year old boy? You want to take him to get a milkshake, right, Marcus? This guy was a prosecutor in the Bronx and he had to resign after allegedly being caught trying to have sex with a 13 year old boy.

This is what these people do because they’re evil. And these are the people in power. These are the people that are loudest. This is happening right now. I don’t know what else to tell you. I don’t know what else to say. We’re in it. It’s happening. You need to be ready or don’t just wait. Hopefully somebody else will take care of it. Former Israeli diplomat to the U.S. Alon Pincus. Once is a scenario in which they are dragged into the conflict. We’re also following breaking news from the Middle East tonight where U.S. personnel have been injured after a suspected rocket attack hit Al Assad Air Base in Iraq.

Today’s attack. Biden and Vice President Harris sitting down with the National Security Council in the Situation Room Monday to discuss the latest developments in the Middle East. Israel and the Iranian backed militant group Hezbollah have exchanged strikes frequently since war broke out in Gaza nearly 10 months ago. But over the weekend, the United States deployed an additional fighter jet and Navy warships to the region. And President Biden and his team are working the phones to ensure other partners in the region such as Jordan and Sudan are committed to deescalating tensions and encouraging a ceasefire. We’re at a critical moment for the region.

And it is important that all parties take steps over the coming days to refrain from escalation and calm tensions. One of the tweets that Elon Musk put out was that civil war was inevitable. Everyone is shocked by the scenes that we’ve seen. For more than a week, riots breaking out in city after city. Cars torched in northeast England. Fires raging in Belfast in northern Ireland. This hotel used to house asylum seekers set ablaze. Well, next to the United Kingdom, where far-right rhetoric has fueled the flame of racial hatred, triggering riots across the country. Mosques have been attacked, hotels, housing asylum seekers damaged and broken into.

And police have been targeted with petrol bombs. The source of it all is a tragic stabbing that saw three young girls killed last month as the community was still grieving. Misinformation began to spread on social media, claiming that the suspect was a Muslim refugee. The suspect currently is in custody, was born in Wales to Rwandan parents. Muslim people, we’re not terrorists. That’s how I feel like. I feel like we’re being threatened. It’s not safe. Amid the chaos, counter-protesters pushing back. Why is this happening? The immediate trigger, the murder last week of three young girls in a horrific stabbing spree.

And show a great blessing, the blessing of a new Middle East. And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying, come and see. And I saw, and behold, a white horse. There’s a man going round taking names, and he decides who to free and who to blame. Everybody will be treated all the same. There’ll be a golden ladder reaching down when the man comes around. The hairs on your arm will stand up at the terror in each sip and in each sip. Will you partake of that last offered cup or disappear into the pottery ground when the man comes around? Hear the trumpets, hear the vipers, 100 million angels singing.

Multitudes are marching to the big cuddle of rum. Voices calling, voices crying. Some are born and some are dying. It’s Alpha and Omega’s kingdom come. And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree. The virgins are all trimming their wigs. The whirlwind is in the thorn tree. It’s hard for thee to kick against the priest. Till Armageddon, no shalom, no shalom. Then the father hen will call his chickens home. The wise man will bow down before the throne. And at his feet they’ll cast their golden crowns when the man comes around. Whoever is unjust, let him be unjust too.

Whoever is righteous, let him be righteous still. Whoever is filthy, let him be filthy still. Listen to the words long written down. When the man comes around. Hear the trumpets, hear the vipers, 100 million angels singing. Multitudes are marching to the big cuddle of rum. Voices calling, voices crying. Some are born and some are dying. It’s Alpha and Omega’s kingdom come. And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree. The virgins are all trimming their wigs. The whirlwind is in the thorn tree. It’s hard for thee to kick against the priest. In measured 100 weight and penny pound.

When the man comes around. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts. And I looked and behold a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death. And hell followed with him. Thank you. [tr:trw].

See more of RichieFromBoston on their Public Channel and the MPN RichieFromBoston channel.


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banks increasing capital reserves 2024 Christianity representation in media criticism converting money into physical assets advice economic instability concerns 2024 escalating tensions in Israel 2024 financial advice for economic instability. impact of global events on economy Richie from Boston 2024 global events Richie from Boston's views on global issues UK civil unrest 2024

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