Rigged NFL, Subliminal Disney, Gov Stores, Pride Tax, Censorship Laws, and City Zombies

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots


Rigged NFL, Subliminal Disney, Gov Stores, Pride Tax, Censorship Laws, and City Zombies


➡ This text discusses the host’s views on various controversial topics including globalist elites, the influence of technology on NFL games, and the economic crisis in inner cities. It particularly criticizes the government’s handling of these issues and expresses conspiracy theories about these situations.
➡ Joe Rogan’s perspective that majority of looters during riots are white and not black gets criticized, as critics argue that it’s incorrect. There’s shared concern that America is slowly descending into a state of lawlessness, influenced by policies they tie to the Democrats. Subliminal messaging, especially in media like Disney films, is also raised as a topic, pointing out potentially inappropriate content concealed within children’s movies.
➡ The text criticizes Disney’s recent pro-LGBTQ+ activities, arguing they stray from family-friendly content and are sexually provocative. It also expresses disapproval of the cost and portrayal of LGBTQ+ communities in Pride events, associating them with a global depopulation agenda. Lastly, it discusses a recent victory in Australian sovereignty over the World Health Organization, where proposed changes that could compromise state sovereignty and freedoms were dropped.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the potential effects of a vaccine containing graphene oxide, which is sensitive to 5G electromagnetism, and the ramifications of a potential public health emergency declared by Health and Human Services. It speculates on concerns regarding undeclared pathogens in vaccines as well as the social and political consequences of a future global health crisis. The text also comments on the political landscape, speculating on chances for Biden’s early exit and potential successors.
➡ The speaker alleges a series of political conspiracies, including a speculated switch in Democratic presidential candidates and claims about Michelle Obama’s gender identity. Furthermore, he criticizes Kamala Harris’s performance, brands the United Nations as a force for evil, and shares concern about Google’s alleged web censorship efforts. He also discusses the spreading of the drug Xylozine (also known as “trank”) across Philadelphia and other major US cities causing terrifying zombie-like states, placing blame on Democrat policies. Lastly, he warns of a dystopian future under Democratic control.


Fun. Welcome to episode number 50, believe it or not, gary King’s inconvenient Truths, where Gary presents videos and stories that I don’t know are coming for my spontaneous and unrehearsed response, which have proven surprisingly popular. Gary, take it away. I love bringing the shows, and I love everyone commenting in the section, including Dr. Fesser. All right, we’re going to start out with a little upbeat. Got to go upbeat sometimes.

Here’s a little song I wrote you might want to hear it in your pot. You’ll owe nothing and be happy ain’t got no cash, ain’t got no car but 24 booster shots in your arm owe nothing, be happy you can’t even buy shit in their store because of your low social credit score be happy whoa. You will own nothing and be happy be happy and eat some bugs all right, let’s kick off the 50th.

Gary that’s completely brilliant. Of course, when he says, you’ll own nothing, be happy, he’s not talking about him and the globalist elitists. They’re going to own everything. We’re going to own nothing. We’re supposed to be happy, I think, because of the graphene oxide put into the Jab, that creates a mind brain interface. So they’re going to be able to affect our thoughts by these cell towers and induce in us false beliefs, moods, attitudes.

So we’re happy owing nothing. Would you be happier with no car, no house, no home, no entertainment center, no computer, no nothing? Gary. I mean, the whole idea is as absurd as it gets. But there you have the Master of the Universe class schwab, sitting on his high horse and telling us we’re going to own nothing because they’re going to own everything, and we’re going to be happy, not of our own accord, but because we’ve been reduced to the status of robots.

This is a disgrace, but I guarantee you 100% it’s what they have in mind. And I surmise a principal reason for the jab. Good one, Gary. Good one. Okay, we’re going to keep it light just a little bit longer before we get hardcore is rigged over, and then Mike Williams just goes up and snatches that ball one handed only, and let me get my full speed inbound one handed catches in the NFL didn’t used to be a thing.

That all changed when Odell Beckham did this. And now George Pickens does this. There’s one key factor that has contributed to all these spectacular gravity defying catches. You see the gloves the players are wearing? NFL uses magnets in the balls to rig games. The NFL is putting computer chips inside the game balls. Don’t believe me? Google it. Now, I discussed in my last video that I believe that these computer chips can be turned into an electromagnet, and thus you can have the ball be manipulated with magnets and technology and cause, let’s say, a field goal that was going to be good to bounce off the uprights instead.

Now, this isn’t the only way that this technology is being used. I also believe that this very same magnetic technology is being implemented into the player’s gloves, especially wide receivers, making all those awesome one handed catches that they routinely seem to make much easier when the ball is sticking to their hands, literally. Hi, I’m Colin loeffler with the minnesota Vikings, and this is the ultimate reception. Now every kid can catch like a pro.

Come take a look. Ultimate Reception is the most innovative youth sports entertainment product in years. Players using an Ultimate Reception football and gloves are so effective they are not allowed in any high school or NCAA football game. Ultimate Reception features a patent pending magnetic grip system that literally makes the ball stick to your hand. And with the smallest, strongest magnets in the world on your side, it usually only takes one hand.

Okay, Dr. Fencer. Gary, that’s fascinating. I’ll tell you, I got a correspondent who for years has been sending me predictions about who’s going to win games based on the betting line, and I’ve never known him to be wrong. I’ve witnessed rigged games with the NFL myself. When the Seahawks were playing the Patriots and Sherman caught a ball on the 1 YD line, it was going to be an upset.

They had four downs to go, 1 YD. They had a great band back named lynch, but instead of giving it to lynch to run it in, a pass was made. I mean, my God, this was terrible. Right into the hands of the Patriots. And then there was a deliberate offside by the Seahawks to give them a little breathing room so they couldn’t be caught in the end zone and know, score.

I mean, it was just disgusting. And that’s when I fell out of love with NFL. I’m not surprised by this. I’ve seen a couple of those catches. They are spectacular. They are unreal, as we now can see, meaning they weren’t natural. They were brought about by modern technology, which unfortunately can be used for better or for worse, since the NFL only claims to be performing entertainment. Yeah, so on the back, Russell Wilson, by the way, who played us spectacular year here at Wisconsin before he went to the Seahawks.

I mean, these NFL players are actors. They got a script and now they’re aided by new props, magnets in the gloves and in the ball. Gary if anyone were prepared for further disillusionment of approach sports, this ought to seal the deal for. And don’t forget, the New Orleans Saints were kept out of the Super Bowl, new Orleans Saints by the Rams. If you remember, he just hit him so hard, it was the most obvious pass interference and it was not called.

So the refs have a little bit to do with it. It just takes a little penalty here and know, when they have a pick six, you just call it back. So, yeah, I’m hip to the sports. I still love the Saints and I watch it knowing that okay, we’re going to shift gears into looting. We’ve got three clips in a row. Not as stupid as this though. The Chicago mayor proposes city owned grocery stores as Walmart and Whole Foods exit, leaving a food desert.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson said he wants to open city owned grocery stores to serve neighborhoods that have become food deserts. After four Walmart stores end a Whole Foods closed, four other Chicago Walmarts are still open, which the chain said in a statement, continue to face the same business difficulties. But we think this decision gives us the best chance to help keep them open. Serving the community. When the Post reached out to Walmart for comment, a company spokesperson pointed to the April press release which said that collectively, our Chicago stores have not been profitable since we first opened nearly 17 years ago.

Oh look, another very clear case of the problem reaction solution paradigm. Grocery and department stores are leaving inner cities in droves due to theft. But instead of doing the obvious and prosecuting the criminals, open Soviet style breadlines and make all those communist wet dreams come true. Leftists often say that the uptick in recent crime is not the result of soft policies on crime, but it’s the result of poor families having to steal bread for their children and they will pretty much do anything in their power to force their retarded statements into reality.

So why is this uptick in crime happening? Well, let’s think about it. Do we think this has to do with the fact that there’s record unemployment in the United States right now? The fact that people are at a level of economic desperation that we have not seen since the Great Recession? Maybe this has to do with the fact that people aren’t paying their rent and are scared to pay their rent.

And so they go out and they need to feed their child and they don’t have money, so they’re put in a position where they feel like they either need to shop, list some bread, or go hungry that night. Is bread a euphemism for literally everything? Okay, well, of course I think she’s wonderful and AOC is a blithering idiot and she’s excusing mass looting. I mean, how can these stores stay open when they’re being looted? And of course, it’s all been the Democrats, the party of AOC, that’s been promoting it.

They’ve discriminalized looting. Great cities like San Francisco, Seattle, Portland are being reduced to rubble. The crime is skyrocketing. Once you begin legalizing lower level crimes like shoplifting, which drive retailers out of the market. In New York, you have whole blocks and blocks of high end cities that have suffered so much from shoplifting and looting. They can no longer stay in New York. They’re getting the hell out of Dodge.

And what that means is that the income the city would have derived from all of their business is lost to the city. So it has lower and lower amount of revenue to expend on increasing levels of crime. It’s a death spiral for the cities. And there you have AOC cheerleading for it. She is a disgrace. But then she’s a perfect representative of the Democratic Party, which has just thrown America into turmoil by its lawlessness and encouragement of criminal activities revolving toward justice, dropping bail for suspect, putting serious felons back on the street so they can commit more crimes.

Gary, this is a catastrophe. And it was all brought about by the policies of the party that occasional cortex represents. All right, here’s Joe Rogan’s take on the whole thing here. I’ve always been a little suspicious of Joe Rogan. I’ve been searching for it, but I just can’t find the same news channel that Joe Rogan is watching. Maybe it has something to do with a parallel universe. What do you think is the answer? You see a lot of these fucking young white kids, and they’re just running in to get free Nikes.

And that’s really what’s going on. I’ve watched about a hundred videos of people looting. I might have seen four black people it’s all these white kids stealing sneakers. And that’s really what’s going on. These riots are good. You’ve seen a lot of these fucking young white kids, and they’re just running in to get free Nikes. And that’s really what’s going on. I’ve watched about 100 videos of people looting.

I might have seen four black people it’s all these white kids stealing sneakers. And that’s really what’s going on. These riots are good. I’ve seen a lot of these fucking young white kids and running in to get free night. And that’s really what’s going on. I’ve watched about 100 videos of people looting. I might have seen four black people and just running to get free what’s going on? About videos of people looting.

I might have seen four black people it’s always white kids stealing sneakers. And that’s really what’s going on. These riots are good. You’ve seen a lot of these fucking young everybody must eat and this is running to get free Nike. That’s really what’s going on. I’ve watched about 100 videos of people looting. I might have seen four black people it’s always white kids stealing sneakers. And that’s really what’s going on.

These riots are good. You’ve seen a lot of these fucking young white kids, and they’re just running to get free night. That’s really what’s going on. I’ve watched about a hundred videos of people looting. I might have seen four kids stealing sneakers, about a hundred videos of people looting. I might have seen four black people it’s all these white kids stealing sneakers. Listen, that’s really what’s going on.

These riots are good. I’ve seen a lot of these fucking young white kids, and they just run in to get free Nikes. And that’s really what’s going on. I’ve watched about 100 videos of people looting. I might have seen four black people. It’s all these white kids stealing sneakers. And that’s really what’s going on. Okay. Bizarre, watching that looting. No doubt about Jerry. Go ahead, go ahead. That looting thing, that’s just unbelievable.

You’re saying Joe Rogan isn’t acknowledging it? That’s outrageous. I agree. Hundreds of these and you might find four white kids interspersed among thousands of blacks. It’s the devolution of American wait, Dr. Fetcher, he said that it’s all the white kids doing all the looting. And he only saw four black kids in all the hundreds of videos that he’s seen. That’s unbelievable. Gary, I understand Rogan is on the wrong side of this.

Gary, I get that. What we’re seeing there is the mean. It’s roughly a hundred or to one ratio of black to white. And if Joe Rogan is, as it were, suggesting, it’s white kids doing the damage, he has his head where the sun doesn’t shine. I lose respect for Joe Rogan, who many have admired as a truth speaker for the nation. I mean, that’s so far removed, it’s embarrassingly bad.

Gary, I’m very, very sad by all of this. Rogan on the one hand, and the grim reality on the other. All right, well, I like it when a black person describes what the heck is really going on, and we’re going to let him do it. We’ll get mad when I say this, but you could tell you out here with the white folks because everything is out. Ain’t no niggas standing around begging, Can I pump your gas? And they even got the snacks out.

Look, you can get your snacks and get it yourself. You can’t do that in the hood. They won’t have that shit out in the hood. Look, oil and everything. Them niggas will steal this shit soon as they put it out. It ain’t about living white. It’s about living right. With that said, stay on point. That was wonderful, Gary. I like that very much. To the point. It isn’t about living white.

It’s about living right. And we’ve lost it. We’ve lost. The Democrats have lost a sense of civil society and moral obligation and adhering to the law. It’s been their deliberate policy. They’re out to destroy America. And I’m sorry to say, Gary, they’re having a great deal of success. It is happening right around us as we speak. All right, how about a little perspective on things right here? This can kind of sober you up a little bit, I think.

Good afternoon. How much do you pay for rent here? 25,000. Monthly or yearly? Yearly. Okay. Please, can you take me to your place? What do you do here? Is that fish? I drive fish. You drive fish there. Okay. So are this your children? Is that sweet? Sweets. Wow. Are they not going to fall? Do your stones fall? Yeah, inside this water? Sometimes you enter inside water. Take it.

Wow. Where do you have your bath, have we? Good day. So this is your bedroom. What do you do for a living? I know they do anything. How many do you make in a month? When? When you sell your fish. 2000? 3000? 20,000. Error. Okay, Gary, you’re looking this is prophetic. The United States is moving in that direction. I mean, you think it’s only Nigeria. There’s a plan here to destroy America.

I mean, the destruction is going to be quite thorough and extensive. It’s going to reach out of the urbans into the suburban and eventually to the rural areas. None of us are going to be safe from roving gangs that want to take every single thing we possess. Gary, if you’re not armed, if you’re not locked and loaded, you’re going to be easy prey, easy pickens, and probably in short order, dead.

So I just say every American, you got to brace yourself. Wake up to the reality the Democrat Party has gone full. Communists are trying to destroy America. They’re doing everything they can to accomplish that goal and you are on their list. Okay, we’re going to shift gears. I’ve always found this subject interesting. Every day our senses are being constantly bombarded by subliminal messages that are found in TV, movies and advertisements.

The subliminal messages we are subjected to are unrecognizable by the conscious mind and only recognizable in our subconscious mind. The messages and imagery are passively absorbed and then stored in our subconscious where propagandists deliberately implant artificial thoughts which in turn can affect our actions and attitudes later in life have shown that less than 1 minute after the viewer begins to watch television. The brain switches from beta level consciousness associated with active and logical thought to alpha level, which is associated with passive acceptance and suggestibility.

This is why advertisers spend billions of dollars a year on commercials as well as product placement within TV shows. Getting in your head. Has Disney been secretly placing sexually explicit subliminal messages in their animated children’s movies? And is there a more sinister reason for these messages? I’m John Doe. Let’s take a closer look. Closer. Oh, is that a smoked turkey leg in your pocket or are you just wait a second.

You can’t joke like that, Doe. This is a children’s movie. Oh, hey, this looks pretty wholesome. I wonder what the forecast in Africa is today. Simba looks like it’s partly cloudy with a chance of sex. That definitely spells out sex. I thought The Lion King was a children’s movie. Let’s check the poster to be sure. Oh, and how about the poster for Tangled for a little more subliminal advertising? And apparently in Agrabah, good teenagers take off their clothes.

And here’s Jessica Rabbit flapping some panejo while a Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct still don’t believe Disney’s peddling sex in their animated movies. I am not making this stuff up people. That was really in there. And this next one is just disturbing. Although with recent rumors surrounding ex Pope Benedict. This one seems like legitimate satire. Now, a Disney rep might say, to which I would reply, god damn it, give me somebody who speaks English.

It’s just one of our randy animators having a goof with one of his animator pals. But is a golden foot long Jeff Stryker monster dong with a suction cup base really the kind of practical joke that you want on the COVID of the video cassette that you give to your eight year old nephew at his Chuck E. Cheese birthday party? I am so sorry, Kenny. No, not unless you are Jerry Sandusky or whoa.

Okay, Dr. Petcher. Jerry, that was all very troubling and, I’m sorry to say, very true. And the Jessica Rabbit thing, of course, was quite outrageous. But there was a whole lot of other stuff. There subliminal sex, no question about it. That Disney should have gone full woke, and promoting transgender and all that has been a disgrace. They’ve been at war with Ron DeSantis down in Florida, where DeSantis has the moral high ground and the state legislature behind him.

This is a contest Disney cannot win. But what disgusts me is that we have historically grown up to think that Disney was a family friendly company, that it was promoting the interests of children and families, when it turns out that subliminally, that’s just not the case. I like this clip. I think it’s appropriate to call out. I don’t know how widespread the practice is, but Disney ought to be abstaining from anything remotely provocative sexually, especially in everything they have to do with children.

It’s an outrage, it’s insulting, and it’s wrong. Okay. The Cost of an LGBTQ Parade the small town of Coburg, Ontario, hosted its first ever Pride event this past summer, and I have the access to Information documents to finally share with you showing just how much this event cost taxpayers and how much the drag performers were paid for their crucial engagements with children. Tamara Yugalini here with rebel news.

And thanks to your generosity and support@rebelinvestigates. com, I was able to file an Access to Information request with the town of Coburg to determine just how much the drag performers from Oliver talents were paid for their engagement to parade in the streets of downtown Coburg, which is a small town about an hour east of Toronto. The main event was a child and family centric engagement that included two separate drag queen storytime endeavors.

I had previously requested the basic budget allowance and information to include in my original reports on this subject, wherein I went downtown to witness the events for myself and check in to gauge the appropriateness of this event for children given. The drag queens are typically sexually charged, often clown like caricatures of women with glamorous and exaggerated costumes. Now, despite the fact that I had previously reached out to the mayor of Coburg, who was elected in the fall of last year 2022, whose second pillar of campaign promises included transparent and accountable governance.

I did not receive a response about the cost of this event or specifically how much the private contractor Oliver Talents was paid, so I had to file an ATIP to obtain this information, and here is what it showed the whole weekend coined Pride welcome to Coburg. Cost $7,000. The quote provided by Oliver Talents breaks down the following on Friday, June 2, they hosted a street bingo and show.

They would apparently provide bingo stuff and put on a show. It would feature the bell of the ball that’s Babe Kelly, Oliver close off Rocker, close off Nikki Chin and demand attention. Saturday, June 3, was the main events. It included part of the Pride parade, two drag story times throughout the day, a quote DJ unquote and performances throughout the day with mingling and pictures. Oliver Talent events received approximately one third of the total cost of the Pride event $2,500 for their town sponsored events.

I think it’s safe to say that the main event itself likely garnered the majority of that $2,500 cost, which is where I had been reporting. In case you need a refresher, here is a quick clip of how that went when the bell of the ball shied away from the camera and attempted to intimidate me with name calling when I would not acquiesce to his unreasonable demands. I can’t hear you well, Gary.

Listen, I don’t think that specific event is overly telling, except that it’s in a relatively small town. But I do think the idea of Pride events for people who are gay or lesbian or bi or transgender or whatever is ridiculous. Why should we be proud of those who deviate from the norms of society and engage in non reproductive sex? Now, if they want to do it, that’s just fine and dandy with me.

Different strokes for different folks. But why should it be a public spectacle? Why should we take pride in those who are deviating from the standards of society without heterosexual relationship? We have no children. And I think that’s part of the agenda here, to distract young people who had otherwise become parents from pursuing heterosexual relations that could culminate in keeping society populated with reproductive sex into non reproductive sexual activities.

I can’t see a greater warrant for that. In other words, I think all this emphasis on gay and lesbian and bi and tranny and all that is part of the global depopulation agenda, Gary, and we ought to see through it. But while I respect the right of everyone, every adult, every consenting adult, to engage in whatever sexual activities they want with other consenting adults, there’s no reason to make a spectacle, to take pride in it.

It’s just your choice, your body, your choice. Do it, but leave it the hell away from me and everyone else who may not share your values. I mean, it’s gone far beyond a point of acceptability, in my judgment. Gary, I find this contemptible. That particular clip I found was unique because of the cost and being able to have an FYI and just see just what it does cost to have these events.

We have enough problems this week represents a rare victory for Australian let me just say this real quick. This is Australia and no one’s been kicked around with COVID more than Australia, so this is supposedly a victory. This week represents a rare victory for Australian sovereignty, a victory for common sense, decency and humanity, and a victory against the sprawling monster of unelected, unaccountable foreign bureaucrats at the United Nations World Health Organization.

You’ll recall the World Health Organization proposed to change their health regulations that guide member states in the event of a disease outbreak like COVID. From guiding member states to being mandatory on member states, including Australia, this would have represented a complete destruction of Australian sovereignty and a fundamental reimagining of the powers of the World Health Organization. Last December, the liberal national Morrison Joyce government voted in favour of these changes.

Yet many sensible countries voted against and the proposal was lost. Undaunted, the United Nations World Health Organization tried again this year. After months of heavy criticism, one Nation and those opposing these measures have had a huge win. The final report from the International Health Regulations Review Committee, released this week, has dropped the proposed changes. The United Nations World Health Organization will remain an advisory body. Dystopian demands, such as allowing the World Health Organization to make binding health orders overriding state and federal control have been tossed out.

This includes the proposed powers that would have allowed the World Health Organization to control systems for proof of vaccination or vaccination status, quarantine procedures, citizen travel and mobility, forced vaccination lockouts, lockdowns, mandatory detention and other completely unacceptable infringements on people. Gone is the universal health passport or vaccine passport that was going to control the ability of citizens to travel between countries in a permanent capacity. It was decided that this would raise ethical and discriminatory concerns.

A global digital vaccine passport will no longer be developed under the Committee’s powers. For now, the Committee will remain confined to actual public health emergencies rather than potential health risks, undefined removing the widely held fear that their scope could be extended to climate lockdowns and other human rights abuses, which would have been possible because the United Nations World Health Organization had proposed to remove human rights completely from the regulations.

After a backlash, the Committee now strongly recommends the retention of the existing text, which is, quote, full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons. As an overarching principle, this is a critical backdown. The World Health Organization Committee working on these changes has just recommitted to its fundamental human rights pledge. In defiance of the proposed amendments, the findings of the Committee agreed with the concerns that One Nation raised regarding threats to sovereignty.

In their final report, the committee said it was, quote, concerned that the proposals may unduly impinge on the sovereignty of state parties and make recommendations binding instead of voluntary. In the end, the committee validated the fears raised on the international stage and within what’s left of the free press. Okay, well, listen, you got to understand, the World Health Organization has gone over to the dark side. The head is tedros.

Guy was a terrorist in his own nation. He has no medical background. The idea he should be the head of the who is ridiculous and insulting, but revealing because it’s become a criminal organization. In my opinion, no one ought to have any respect for the who or its head or even the United Nations when it comes to matters medical. We have a big enough struggle right here in the United States to have our own physicians not succumb to the temptation provided by funding for declaring a patient to be COVID, and more funding if you put them on a ventilator, and more money for every body that is declared to have died from COVID This is a massive expenditure by the Rothschild banking empire to create a false impression of there being a pandemic to rush people like sheep to get the vax, which is not only not safer and not effective, but is bringing about consequences that are devastating, including the introduction of this graphene oxide into the bodies of those who have been ejected where I’m apprehensive as to what the future holds because graphene oxide is very sensitive to 5g electromagnetism and can have devastating effects on the body.

I’m worried about this, Gary, as a looming threat for everyone who received the vax. All right, we’ve got a story about that. In fact, let me get it up here. If I can. Hold on. Having a little issue. I got to move something. Okay, sorry about that. In recent times, I had sent to you a number of documents that actually support what you said. And our biggest concern, the reason Doc Chambers and I are here today is we work as a team to understand both the science and legal ramifications.

And what I wanted to impart to you is under 42 CFR, part 70 and 71, that’s the enabling statute for Health and Human Services to assume power upon the declaration of a public health emergency. They’ve already done that, as you indicated with the COVID crisis that has resulted in the suspension of our Constitution. It’s already happened. The next one is coming. In that statute, you will see that Marburg is already identified.

You will note that the Prep Act has a Marburg provision that allows for additional spending when invoked. The Health and Human Services has already invoked the Marburg provision, meaning they’ve already parted ways with money and spent it under the HHS enabling statute to build quarantine camps, amongst other things, throughout the United States. We interrupted two, one of which was in Cochise County, Arizona, where. They were going to build a $1.

9 million facility that houses the now merged four branches under HHS. The Judiciary, Law Enforcement, corrections and Public Health are now all one and the same, and they’re all housed in the same facility. So all of these quarantine centers are there. We understand that there could have been a marburg release that Dr. Chambers will get into. We think that one has already happened. We know that marburg is not particularly contagious, but it has an extraordinarily high rate of fatality.

And we know the mechanism by which this will be released. And that is inside of these shots that people already received. Inside the lipid nanoparticles, the hydrogel, there exists pathogens inside of the particles that have not yet opened. Those pathogens are chimeric. They include E. Coli, marburg, ebola staphylococcus, and brewers yeast, amongst others. We know that upon the broadcast from the 5g system that is now employed across the United States the world, for that matter, when they broadcast an 18 GHz signal for 1 minute three different times as a pulse, it will cause those lipid nanoparticles to swell and release these pathogenic contents, thereby causing a Marlberg epidemic that they’ve already spent the money on.

It’s already done right. The Marlberg epidemic for purposes of law has happened, and now we just need the actual disaster to happen. And there’s actually worse parts to it than that, including the one p three six gene deletion that effectively will turn those poor people into zombies. Okay, Dr. Fetcher, eight minute clip. I’m just terribly worried, I mean profoundly concerned that Tod Callender has it right. I can’t remember a nationwide test of an alarm system announced worldwide, worldwide it looks like 02:00 on Wednesday is going to be the death knell for millions upon millions of Americans who receive the vaccine.

I wish I could tell you not to take this seriously. My opinion, and I’ve been besieged with reports about this I must have eight or ten from diverse sources warning that this is the plan. Whatever happens, ignore the damn warning. Don’t let yourself to be exposed. I don’t know if it can be evaded, but do your best to evade it if it takes three blasts, don’t let yourself be subjected to three blasts.

If you’re the first, shut it off. Get away. Plug your ears. I’m telling you, Gary, this is serious. Because if everyone who has a vax and as I observed has that graphene oxide in their system or the know, either way, if it’s the marburg going to be activated, this is a very nasty blow. And I’m reminded Bill Gates told us, well, the public didn’t seem very affected by COVID, but wait till the next one.

So Bill Gates is among the planners, the sadistic monsters behind the genocidal agenda to use vaccines that we think are going to be helping us, to kill us and mass. And I’m sorry to say this appears to me to be the next step in that program of mass extermination of human beings so a tiny elite can own the world and we, whoever survives, own nothing. But cheer up, you’re going to be happy because your thoughts are no longer going to be your I’m very, very troubled and I want everyone to pay attention to this very disturbing message.

Boy, I hope you’re wrong on that one, Dr. Fester. This almost seems trivial after that, but we’ve got an article here where Senator Cruz sees potential for Biden’s early exit from the race in favor of you know who polling. It’s very bad. It’s not getting any better for Biden. It’s getting better for Trump. I mean, even neck and neck means, I think, a landslide. Trump up is you almost never see that in presidential polling these days.

The Republican leading, they certainly seem to be willing to take some shots, the media does at Biden. Now I wonder if they see the writing on the know. I really think they do because the whole world has seen know it’s playing out on a global stage. We see the decline from Joe biden. He’s getting worse by the day. It’s not even debatable at this point. And he’s constantly, he’s confused, he’s aloof, he’s unaware of his surroundings and what’s going on.

It’s not about age, quite frankly. I’m not an ageist. It’s about stamina and stability and mental acuity and he doesn’t have any of those things and obviously Trump does. The polls reflect it, as you have mentioned. And the media, I think they actually, finally are seeing what we all see from Joe Biden or at least willing to talk about it now, right? Because normally they were the marketing PR arm for the Democrats and for Joe Biden, but now they’re even willing to take a shot at and we see it from the Democrats coming from the inside, not even supporting, you know, Kamala Harris and her comments and reflections.

They see the polling, they know they’re going to need to swap this team out because this is not a team that’s going to win or get it across the finish line against President Trump. And are they too late is the question. The filing deadline for Nevada is a month from tomorrow. To get somebody else in there. And if somebody decides they’re going to primary Biden, that’s a really big are they, are they making this decision too? Like, it seems like the powers that be are realizing that they’ve got a huge issue here and I wonder if it’s too late to fix it.

Right. The problem is, Rob, is if they go ahead and take Biden out, they say he’s unable or unfit to serve or he has some medical issues, then it’s Kamala Harris. They really don’t want her. So I think they’re trying to get him across the finish line, quote, unquote, of his presidency and substitute someone in like a Gavin Newsom or a Michelle Obama or tag them together to try to know Trump.

I don’t think Michelle Obama is going to want to be on the campaign trail for an extended period of time against President Trump. I don’t think Gavin Newsom would mind it, but nevertheless, he’s being know team player and warming the bench seat till Sleepy Joe has to go for an eternal nap and just retire and step off the plate. But we’re seeing this cracks across the board in the Biden 2024 campaign.

You see Trump surging, like you mentioned, the Real Clear Politics poll that aggregates and is very reliable shows that he’s crushing it. And Biden is literally I believe Rob only going to go lower from here. And you see that the Democrats are now willing to take shots. You see that they’re willing to go after Hunter Biden with these indictments and the charges against him. The gun charges are just scratching the surface of the corruption, fire violations, lobbying, all the above influence peddling across the whole board.

And there’s real facts and evidence. This isn’t like a partisan hack job. Yeah, I still just feel like all right, Dr. Fester, that’s a long clip. So go ahead and let you comment there. We’ve only got about 810 minutes left. Well, Gary. Of course, Kimberly. Guildhoyle has it right. See, they’re going to be clauses in they’re not going to run anyone against Biden until it’s too late. And then when Biden withdraws, they can’t possibly run with him.

Everyone despises him. He’s obviously incompetent. They want to steal it again, but they got to have a plausible explanation. Nobody would believe if Biden were to win again. Nobody. So what they have to do is have a switch. In other words, after the deadline for anyone to run. And evidently, by the way, RFK Jr. Has declared he’s going to run as an independent. I thought he should run as libertarian myself because libertarians are excellent at getting access to the ballot, which is what he needs.

But apparently he’s going to run as an independent. They’re going to wait till after the deadline. Biden is going to either retire because cognitive incompetence, physical reasons, or because he pardons Hunter and steps down. I don’t know how they get rid of Kamala, but I guarantee you they want to go with Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama. And Gavin newsom is Gruesome newsome and Michelle is a man. I mean, how are the public going to know? You talk about your tranny.

Well, there you got world class tranny, a man with breast implants. I’ve exposed this so many times, so many ways. Anyone has any doubt. Go to my blog@jameshfetser. org and look at events and under events. You see my past three false flags and conspiracy conference. And for 2020, you can go to the archives and check out Deception Galore, staging Hate Crimes and more, where I go through a lot of the evidence and we have more that Michelle is, in fact a man born.

Michael Levon Robinson, and he got plenty of photographs before she underwent her transformation. Where he’s with Brock and no breasts because he’s a man. And there’s much, much more. And you can see in other photographs that Michelle has a package most women do not have. Check it out. Deception galore, staging hate crimes and more on my blog@jameshfetzer. org. So that’s how they’re going to do it. They’re clauses that if something happened to the candidate after the deadline, but before the convention, the DNC and the RNC, two for that matter, can appoint anyone they want.

Remember, these are private companies. They have no legal obligation even to conduct caucuses or primaries. That’s all window dressing for the public to think they’re participating in a democratic process. Well, just think about it. Kamala didn’t even make it to Iowa. Kamala was so bad, she didn’t even make it to Iowa. And you had the son of George Soros telling the Democrat party that she would be the running mate for Joe Biden.

I mean, this is all disgraceful. And everyone in Washington knows this isn’t a real Joe. This is a fake. This is an imposter. They didn’t win the election. Everything phony. This isn’t just Hollywood coming to Washington, DC. This is a travesty of deception on the American people, which is becoming the stock in trade for today’s Democratic Party. Okay, on to this is about a month old. It’s about censorship.

New global Internet censorship began today. This was August the 7th. Google’s new global censorship tool was introduced today at 09:10 a. m. Via an email press release. Instead of global Internet censorship, google calls it fact check tools. Its purpose is to eliminate dissent on any topic Google selects. Their partners are the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Plus, 71 pages of other partners are listed in the fine print on this website.

Google’s algorithms are designed to delete websites that criticize topics such as COVID-19 statistics, the World Bank, the FBI’s crime statistics, farm GKB a one world global government. Other topics include global warming statistics provided by the IPCC and many others. The algorithms are Google’s last ditch attempt to control the Internet before people worldwide can no longer access it. The goal is to have one point of view. Google calls it data commons.

All data supports one global government. Under the United Nations banner, google has the only say on what news gets read or blocked from the Internet, and this helps with the new social credit score system that is coming. All right, well, I mean, everything she’s saying seems to me to be right. I at one point thought the United Nations was a great force for good in the world. Harry Truman acknowledged in retrospect that establishing the CIA was the greatest mistake he ever made.

I think retroactively. The founding of the United Nations has so far outgrown its original, relatively limited purpose that I think it’s no longer a force for good. I would support its removal of the headquarters from New York. I would get the hell out, get the UN out. They become a propaganda center. I no longer believe in the United Nations, sad to say, because I care about this country and its future, and I want the whole world to thrive and prosper.

But the United Nations, exemplified by the World Health Organization being run by a terrorist, has become a force for evil, sad to say, destructive. Not constructive in the way in which Russia, for example, even if it allowed to present its case to the UN, in my opinion, it’s deplorable, it’s outrageous, and it’s wrong. Okay, about the zombie apocalypse, is this what they mean? I think they’ve had success.

Zombie drug is sweeping through America right now. Eerie footage coming out of Philadelphia shows crowds of people slouched over but still standing. The insane part is that this is a common scene in almost every major city in America. They look like they are conscious, but not at the same time. The drug they are on is called Xylozine, or more commonly known as trank. It is known to place people into a zombie like state where they are unable to move and seem to lose all awareness.

People using the drug are put into a complete trance and can be seen walking around like an animal. The drug causes infections of the limbs, which most commonly result in amputations. It has been described as being so addictive that even a single accidental hit of it could get you hooked. Trank is now in about 90% of Philadelphia’s drug supply and can be commonly found in low income areas of almost all US cities.

You can walk downtown right now and most likely see people like this. Looks like it’s time to get out of America for a little bit. Gary that’s horrifying. I had no idea this drug they’re talking about, but God, look at that. I mean that’s philadelphia. That’s a Democrat controlled city. You’re going to find similar in San Francisco. Chicago. Portland, seattle. I mean, these are the deliberate policies of the Democrat Party that are inducing the destruction of America.

They may think they’re going to rebuild order out of chaos. A new communist egalitarian society where everyone is treated exactly the same, where there’s no such thing as excellence or accomplishment or merit. Everyone’s going to be dependent on the government just for their very survival. This is a dystopian future that I do not want opposed with all my being. And I think every American who believes in this nation will join me in that sediment.

This is a catastrophe, and have no doubt about it, it’s going to move forward because they’re rigging the election so that you can’t do anything about it. JFK observed that those who make peaceful reform impossible make violent revolution inevitable. Gary it may very well be coming, and sooner than we could possibly have thought. All right. Dr. Fetcher, this has been inconvenient truths number 50. I appreciate every single time you’ve been here.

And it’s also my birthday, so I got to go, and I’ve got plans for today. All right? Happy birthday, Gary. I’m delighted. You’re wonderful. Thanks so much. You had a great idea with this series. You got have a great day. You got it. See you next time. .


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