RBN Authentic News (8 August 2024) | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Jim Fetzer On August 8, 2024 talks about how NATO planned to deploy 800,000 troops against Russia, but this is seen as unrealistic and purely propaganda. Meanwhile, a potential attack by Iran on Israel has been paused due to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s request to mediate. Putin sent a letter to Iran’s leaders asking them to hold off on military action against Israel while he tries to mediate. This comes after Israel’s assassinations of key figures, which have escalated tensions and could potentially lead to a wider regional conflict.
➡ Greg, who grew up in New Zealand and survived multiple assassination attempts, is believed to be qualified to be King John III of England. The article also discusses the anti-immigrant riots in England and Northern Ireland, which were sparked by misinformation about a violent attack. The FBI conducted a raid at the home of Scott Ritter due to concerns about violations of the Foreign Agent Registration Act, which Ritter denies. The article ends with an advertisement for a tea product and a promotion for an online course about the US Constitution.
➡ The speaker believes that powerful groups control the world’s money and influence society’s behavior. They argue that people need to resist these forces and stand up for their beliefs, even if it means facing consequences. The speaker also suggests that the current state of affairs is a form of divine judgment and things will worsen unless people take action. They end by emphasizing the importance of spending time with loved ones and supporting each other.
➡ This text discusses various political events and figures, including JD Vance’s ties to billionaire Peter Thiel and his potential run for presidency. It also mentions Kamala Harris’s lack of policy positions on her campaign website, and criticizes Tim Walz for his military record. The text also includes advertisements and promotions for various products and services.
➡ Tim Waltz, Kamala’s running mate, has been accused of falsely claiming military service honors, a federal crime known as stolen valor. Waltz’s views on free speech have raised concerns, as he believes there’s no guarantee of free speech on misinformation or hate speech. His ties to China and his stance on criminal justice reform have also been questioned. Meanwhile, Democrats are outspending Republicans two to one, and there are concerns about a peaceful transfer of power if Trump wins the 2025 election.
➡ Dave von Kleist promotes a product called Get More Tank that improves gas mileage, engine performance, and reduces emissions. It’s suitable for any gas or diesel engine and can extend the life of your equipment. The product is available at getmortank.com for $22.22 for a five-pack, with a 10% discount using the promo code Republic Broadcasting. The article also discusses an assassination attempt on former President Trump, suggesting the Secret Service failed to protect him. Lastly, it mentions a product called Susanna’s Secret, which offers affordable, 100% pure natural oils for various uses.
➡ The discussion revolves around concerns about the U.S. military’s readiness for conventional warfare, with some suggesting that the country might have to resort to nuclear weapons in a conflict. There’s also a debate about the physical standards of the military, with some arguing that they have been lowered over time. The conversation also touches on the potential threat of an invasion, with some suggesting that there might already be an invading force within the country. The discussion ends with a critique of the Israeli government and military, and a call for people to focus on doing good rather than complaining about others.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including personal beliefs about sexual preferences being private, the importance of population growth, historical injustices, and the need for people to be more involved in matters that count. They also express concerns about the economy, financial stress, and the importance of investing in gold and silver. The speaker emphasizes the power of the people, urging them to stop following orders blindly, to stop paying taxes that don’t benefit them, and to protect their children. They call for unity and focus on the real issues, suggesting that people should be more self-sufficient and less dependent on the system.
➡ The speaker is expressing concern about societal changes, advocating for a return to traditional ways of living. They also discuss the need for personal responsibility and strength in defending one’s beliefs. The conversation then shifts to conspiracy theories about the Kennedy assassination, suggesting it was an inside job involving various groups. The speaker emphasizes the importance of questioning official narratives and seeking truth.
➡ The speaker discusses various political topics, including conspiracy theories about a second shooter in the Trump assassination, the influence of the deep state, and the perceived incompetence of current political figures. They also mention an upcoming conference about healing through stem cell technology. The conversation then shifts to recent poll results, endorsements, and the influx of immigrants in certain states. The speaker expresses dissatisfaction with current political events and leaders.
➡ The speaker discusses various political issues, expressing dissatisfaction with the U.S. government’s support for immigrants and criticizing certain political figures. He also discusses historical events like the slave trade, emphasizing that England was not the primary participant. The speaker expresses strong support for Donald Trump and criticizes Kamala Harris, accusing her of promoting a race war. He also mentions a caller named Lauren, praising her intelligence and viewpoints. The conversation ends with other callers sharing their thoughts on various topics.


Casting network. Got a good reason? This is Jim Fetzer, your host, on authentic news, right here on RBM Live. This 8th day of August, 2024, NATO has a fantasy plan to deploy 800,000 troops against Russia. There’s no possible way that can happen. And were they to marshal an army, Russia would take it out. Ill fated, misconceived, has no purpose, purely propaganda. What is none of the above is that the anticipated strike by Iran against Israel appears to have been put on hold by virtue of Vladimir Putin asking to postpone it and offering to mediate. It’s unclear to me how you mediate assassinations, given the bodies are already dead.

Here you go. Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a personal letter to Iran’s leaders asking them to refrain from military action against Israel while he attempts to mediate between the two countries. According to sources knowledgeable about the matter, a letter was hand delivered by russian defense Minister Sergei Shogu, who arrived in Tehran on Monday. Shogu is slated secretary to the Supreme National Security Council of Iran and the chief of the general staff of the iranian armed forces. You also meet the new iranian president. Iran, of course, has declared it will retaliate against Iran for the July 31 assassination of a mosque leader, Ismail Hanye, widely attributed to the Mossad.

Israel, of course, it made no official comment about the killing, but it’s obvious they were responsible. So what’s going on here? Well, a couple of other stories are related here, namely, for example, the myth of the Iron Dome that the ghastly lie behind Israel’s supposedly impenetrable defense. But it appears, and I just discussed this with a colleague with excellent intel connections. Putin’s a business guy. Russia is thriving. The us sanction sanctions have had the ironic consequence of turning Russia into a massively successful business empire. Ricks and others, and he, it would appear, doesn’t want to mock things up.

I think Putin has a whole lot of interests at heart. And, like Donald Trump, may have a businessman’s approach to governments, which is a good idea, because businessmen like things to be stable, they like business to be regular and predictable and profitable. That was very much Trump’s approach to governing the United States, and it appears to be Putin’s approach to governing Russia. Meanwhile, we do have mint news reporting on Israel’s short sighted assassinations. With a series of high profile assassination that threatened to spark a regional war, Israel has raised the stakes once again. On July 30, it targeted Hezbollah leader Vaud Shoker in Beirut.

A day later, it killed Ishmael Hanya, Hamas lead ceasefire negotiator while he was in Tehran. The killing sent shock waves throughout the world. Both Hezbollah and Iran have vowed to respond, the former declaring the war had entered a new phase. Could we be hurtling toward a wider regional conflict? Everyone, including yours truly, has assumed that to be the case, but Putin’s intervention obviously alters the equation. Israel’s highly touted Iron Dome air defense batteries have been misfiring and causing civilian casualties in recent weeks, sparking controversy. The air defense system has constantly presented problems, including damaging infrastructure, proving cost ineffective, and failing to engage the number of target claimed by the israeli military.

On August 6, reports emerged that a hizballet drone attack on the israeli held city of Neha resulted in civilian casualties, leaving 13 wounded, one critically injured. However, israeli military quickly clarified the munition that hit the route four highway was actually a misfire tammer missile from a nearby Iron Dome air defense battery. This incident followed another about two weeks earlier when a bright jack dial exploded in the syrian druze village of Maja Shams, killing twelve children and injuring dozens more on a soccer field. While Israel blamed Hizmel in an attempted to drum up sectarian strife, the lebanese group rejected any involvement.

Locals from the illegally occupied Billy pointed fingers at the Iron Dome system, claiming they saw the missile flying from the Mount Hermon military site. An israeli paramedic also told an all arab tv reporter the shrapnel belonged to an Iron Dome missile, so it ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Meanwhile, Monda Weiss reports the world court has ended the Oslo ruse. The International Court of Justice ruling that international law protects the rights of Palestinians and that they need not negotiate with their oppressors for those rights, dealt a definitive blow to decades of western efforts to situate Israel outside the reach of international law.

Israel is on trial for genocide in the International Court of Justice. The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has requested arrest warrants for Israel’s leaders for crimes against humanity. Millions across the globe, Palestinians, Jews, Muslims, Christians, students, workers, others, or mobilized to challenge israeli settler colonialism, apartheid, and genocide. The 76 year old wall of impunity, built brick by brick by the US, the UK, and other western governments, is beginning to crumble. Further evidence came on July 19, when, in a stunning advisory opinion, the ICJ rule international law protects the rights of Palestinians that they need not negotiate with oppressors for those rights under Oslo or any other political framework, dealing a definitive blow to decades of us and western efforts to situate Israel outside the reach of the rule of law.

With that simple declaration, the court ended three decades of israeli exceptionalism built on the ruse of Oslo as a barrier to the application of international law. A most welcome development. Meanwhile, zero hit israeli group practice at red heifer ritual in front of Alaska mosque. A group of religious Israelis have been pictured practicing the ritual of the red heifer, which is meant to herald the building of a new jewish temple on the side of the al Azka Mo. Ask according to jewish petition, the ashes of a perfectly red heifer cow are needed for the ritual purification that would allow a third temple to be built in Jerusalem.

That temple, say radical jewish groups, must be constructed on the raised plateau in Jerusalem’s own city, old city known as Temple Mount for the Alaska Mount Mosque and the Dome of the rock shrine stand today. Well, it’s very interesting. Nick Kohlerstrom, who’s an historian at science from the UK. He’s done sensational work across a broad spectrum of issues, where Nick, Oli, Domegaard and I are perhaps the three most active exposers, investigators of false flag staged events. In this case, Nick and I did a series of three interviews about the Temple Mount and what’s going on here, these kinds of rituals, where they were done in 2020, but I’m including them in the list of shows today.

Here was Nick Colerstrom on the fictional history of Israel the 17 January 2020, Dick Kohlerston on praying to the wall, the 28 January 2020 and Nick Kohlerster Moore on the way lead wall the 26 March 2020. These are simply excellent. And they show that this wall, known as the wailing wall, isn’t a part of any previous jewish temple, but rather of a roman fortress that was built there in ancient times. I mean, it’s fascinating how much historical inaccuracy is embedded in many of these legends and myths. Meanwhile, turning to the UK, Brits are warned that merely retweeting information about the riots could be a criminal offense.

Zero hedge UK authorities have warned people that merely retweeting information about the riots could lead to criminal charges. Stephen Parkinson, director of public prosecutions, told Sky News. People do not even need to personally post the content themselves to be deemed to be committing an offense. Parkinson said social media users could be guilty of incitement to racial hatred if they post insulting or abusive content that is likely to stir up racial hatred. Just look how vague that is, how nervous. Here’s Sky News. We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media to look for this material and then follow up with Raz, the director of public prosecution of England.

A way of warn that sharing online material riots could be a no offense. I’m reminded of that huge warrant you get on video tele, you know, films when you play them on your tv, $250,000 fine and all that for copying videos. That’s a lot of intimidation because they have no real mechanism for enforcement. I’d say it’s similar here. This is nonsense. And it reminds me too, of in New Zealand. If you merely have the Christchurch video where supposedly we have this, these terrorist acts being performed at two different mosques, it’s totally amateurish. Anyone watch it will find it’s utterly unbelievable.

And yet they use that as the excuse to take guns away from residents of New England. They fabricated a case, totally artificial. And now today, if you even have it on your computer, you may be subject to a $10,000 fine. Well, if you want to know what the hell happened in New Zealand and the fraud perpetrated against them, just as we have Sandy Hook, Parkland, Orlando, Nashville, Uvalde, and a host of other perpetrated on us, all of which are equally fraudulent, go to my blog at James H. Fetzer.org. jim the the conspiracy guy.com. the 65 shows.

I think it might be the third down. You’re going to find the New Zealand Christchurch shooting hoax. You can watch the whole bloody thing for Greg Hallett and I go through it. Greg grew up in New Zealand, subject to multiple attempted assassins assassinations against him, and who, while it may be controversial, he seems to be qualified to be King John III of England. I mean, it’s a fascinating story. Anyway, check it out for what he and I have to say about the New Zealand phony shooting. Meanwhile, Mike king of the anti New York Times has a rather lengthy piece about the meaning of the staged events.

Here’s a part of what he has to say from across the board. The editorial board of the Anti New York Times, guided by the immortal spirit and feline instincts of co founder Sugar, the crazed conspiracy cat, detect the hidden hand of a familiar force orchestrating the spontaneous UK riots, which followed an alleged african on Ango triple murder stabbing event. From the slimes article, he refers to the New York Times as the New York slimes. When the Borkhand starmer was elected as prime minister last minute, he planned to tackle some of the long term issues bedeviling Britain.

Now he faces a more immediate and unexpected problem, one that is proving to be his government’s first major domestic test. England and Northern Ireland have been rocked by a week of anti immigrant riots that have gripped cities and towns and escalated over the weekend. Riots came in the wake of a live attack on a child’s dance class in the town of southeast near Liverpool that left three young girls dead. And the subsequent violence was driven by disinformation about the identity of the attacker, a rwandan. The spontaneous rioters, we are to believe, rampage through 15 towns and cities, injuring police officers, looting businesses, attacking moss, even saying a fire outside one hotel housing asylum seekers.

This business smells a lot like crystal nock. 1938. The anti Jewish Knight of the Broken Glass writes, a very mysterious origin which so embarrassed Nazi Germany and so infuriated the great one that Hitler for use newbies and armies. I’d say my parallel would be the George Floyd riots, which the new VP candidate, Kamala Harris, allowed to grow and flourish in Minnesota and then spread across the nation. Rioting, arson, looting. He didn’t take any measure to stop it. He appears to be very much behind it. I’d liken what’s going on in England to those events, but it appears to be spreading.

And for Mike King to suggest their stage is, to me, raising a lot of questions. The suggestion is made. I ought to invite Mike on my revolution radio show for us to discuss it at length, which I may very well do. Meanwhile, the FBI has conducted a raid, a raid at the home of Scott Ritter. So what in the world is going on here? Fairly shocking. Scott himself has responded to it. Let’s see if we can get him. The search warrant is related to concerns apparently the us government has about violations of the Foreign Agent Registration Act.

I will tell you right now, I am not in violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act. I have not done anything that would do it. And hopefully by executing the search warrant and taking the materials that they did, they will rapidly reach that conclusion. I will say that things like this have a chilling effect on free speech. There’s no doubt that I’m being targeted because of statements I’ve made about us policy in Ukraine. Being targeted because I have made an effort to try and improve relations between the United States and Russia, to try to bring about arms control, to bring a big about peace.

Apparently somebody in the us government takes umbrage at this, so they executed a search warrant. The FBI was extraordinarily professional. I have no complaints against the personnel that did this. I do have complaints against the personnel that caused this to happen. This has a chilling impact on free speech. The idea that you have a free speech right in America, when you execute it in a manner that the us government takes exception to, and they launch a search warrant, that is an intimidation factor. I can say that. No doubt about it, Scott reacting with great dignity in response to the form of harassment being imposed upon him.

I mentioned to begin with the fantasy of 800,000. Scott recently revealed the whole us military only has 450,000. We’re not prepared for any of this. Tahibo Tea Club’s original pure poudiarco super tea comes from the only tree in the world that fungus does not grow on. As a result, it naturally has antifungal, anti infection, antiviral, antibacterial, anti inflammation, and anti parasite properties. So the tea is great for healthy people because it helps build the immune system and it can truly be miraculous for someone fighting a potentially life threatening disease due to an infection, diabetes, or cancer.

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Recording, obtained by journalists and video creator Matt Ortalia, reveals how top officials within the campaign worked to label legitimate concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities as disinformation during the critical 2020 election cycle. In a series of posts on X or P detailed his findings from the Zoom call, the recording features Rob Floridi, the digital director for the Biden campaign who’s now deputy campaign manager Becca Reinkovich, who served as Biden’s rapid response director and later became the deputy director of digital strategy at the White House and Tim Duragon, the creator and lead analyst of the DNC counter disinformation program.

During the call, Florida candidly discusses a DNC strategic initiative to detect, track and censor misinformation, meaning narratives deemed harmful to Biden. He describes this initiative as critical and one of the more important decision made by the party in recent years. One of the smartest things I think the party did was over the past couple of years, they actually invested in a team that Tim runs, and you’ll hear from Tim to detect and track misinformation and misinformation narratives in the various corners of the Internet and actually go out and flag it the platforms as a violation of their policy.

How bad is that? Here’s a part of it. One of the smartest things that I think the party did itself was over the last couple of years, they actually invested in a team that Tim runs, and you’ll hear from Tim to detect and track misinformation and misinformation narratives in the sort of various corners of the Internet and then actually go out and flag it to platforms as a violation of their policy and so that work, I mean, the stuff that they did was a critical asset. That piece of infrastructure, I think, was one of the more important decisions that was made in, in sort of the party space over the last couple of years.

According to Ophelia, these mails obtained from clarity show that this counter information program extended into the White House after they stole the election and lied to voters about Biden’s mental acuity with efforts to pressure social media platforms like Facebook to censor conservative voices such as Tucker Carlson and Tomye Larvin. Yes, and they were very aggressive about it. Meanwhile, talk about disturbing. Covert Action magazine has published a fascinating piece, Sugar daddy of Trump’s VP as deep ties to the CIA. JD Vance’s top funder, Peter Thiel, co founder of the data analytics company, which has a CIA as a client, was an early investor in Facebook.

The CIA’s what dream? Surging in the bulls after surviving an assassination attempt, Donald Trump boosted his prospects of becoming the next president by nominating JD Vance. I don’t think so. Vance is an Ohio senator’s best selling memoir, hillbilly elegy position him as a politician who could empathize with people living in poverty in the rust Belt, hillbilly elergy recounts. Vance is bringing in a poor family. It also served as a sort of sociological examination of white working class Americans. Less well known about Vance are his intricate ties to billionaire Peter Thiele, who has enabled Vance’s political career.

According to the San Francisco Standard, it was Thiel who in 2017 hired Vance to work at his Silicon Valley Mithril capital firm and later invested heavily in Vances firm, Narya Capital. Thea then donated more than 15 million to Vance. The 2022 Senate campaign, in a square advance of Mar a Lago to badge over his never Trump stance deal also introduced Vance at David Sachs at chief Ombre, officer of PayPal, donated a million to Vance’s super PAC, you know, set a fundraiser for him. Steele’s connection to the CIA is apparently got hair down to his knee. Got to be a joker.

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Well, get this, Kamala Harris campaign website still has no platform or policy positions. Why do you suppose that is? Because Americans are going to find him repulsive. Despite having been the presumptive presidential nominee of the Democrat Party for over two weeks, Vice President Kamala Harris still has not posted a single policy position on our campaign website, as reported by Daily Caller. The campaign website, Kamala harris.com featured pages where a user can meet Kamala Harris and meet Tim walls to learn more information about the candidates, as well as a take action tab, a major campaign merchandise in multiple donation links.

Now she has reigned for president, I say, to continue protecting our freedom, delivering justice and expanding opportunity so that every american cannot just get by but get ahead, Harris’s bio reads on the website. However, the website is notoriously bereft of any platform page or lists of policy positions. By contrast, President Trump’s campaign website, Donald J. Trump.com, features a platform page labeled agenda 47 listing Trump’s policy priorities and number to order list starts with immigration as the top two points. The first means seal the border and stop the migrant invasion. The second carry out the large deportation operation in american history.

Other policies include lowering inflation, pursuit of energy, independent and no more taxes on tips. Well, there could be a lot more, but she has nothing absolutely berapped. John Robart very savvy fellow, writes Tim Wallace for VP. Are they serious? It’s like hiring Lenin to sell used cars. As governor of Minnesota, Tim fiddled while Minneapolis burned in the summer of Floyd, he said Biden was fit as a fiddle. It’s a few days before old Joe backed out of the race, remember? Actually died. Make a list of woke causes and Tim will sign on to everyone. He’s big on transgender treatments for kids.

He’s essentially making Minnesota sanctuary state for transgenderism. Choosing Tim adds fuel to the hypothesis that the deep state globalists want Trump to win so I can initiate a fallen winter of Floyd. Across the country, Gavin Newsom is drawing up his presidential plans for 2028. Tim’s wife is quite something, too. She said she left a window open during the Floyd riots in Minneapolis so she could smell burning tires. She liked the smell and what it meant. Kamala plus Tim. Since the people put Crazy Joe and Kamala’s in office in 2020, albeit with massive fraud, why not run two crazy people again? If they win, maybe they’ll pick Hillary for attorney general.

These people needed the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6. It missed the fact that they themselves are in the process of overthrowing every shred of constitutional government in America for power. The power of a monarchy, or of a communist dictatorship. There really isn’t any difference. Only the labels change. Too many people fail to see our reviews, to see what’s happening before their very eyes. I think he’s got it right. Meanwhile, JD Vance hits Tim Waltz on his shameful military record. Former President Trump running mate JD Vance torch Kamala’s vp pick Tim walls over his military record, telling his law enforcement audience that Walls didn’t dodge deployment to Iraq after preparing his unit to go there was shameful.

That’s speaking in front of the Macomb County Police Department during a campaign stop in Michigan. Harrison Waltz will be in Michigan later Wednesday, visiting Detroit in the evening after visiting Wisconsin earlier in the day. You know what bothered me about Tim Walsh as a Marine who served this country and uniform vans began when in the United States Marine Corps, when the United States of America asked me to go to Iraq to serve my country, I did it. I did what they asked me to do, and I did it honorably. And I’m proud of that service. When Tim Walz has asked us his country in Iraq, do you know what he did? He dropped out of the army.

It allowed his unit to go without him. In fact, he’s been criticized for that aggressively by a lot of people he served with. It’s true. It’s absolutely true. In fact, we have here now two veterans. This is from the Gateway Punta. Two veterans, in an exclusive 2009 video that has resurfaced, confront Tim Wallstaff over false Afghanistan service claims, told him that stolen Valor act violation could lead to jail time. The controversy surrounding military service has reservists following his selection as Kamala’s reign mate with accusations of stolen valor. Stolen valor refers to the act of falsely claiming military service honors or awards when it’s not earned to gain respect or other tangible benefits.

The Stolen Valor act of 2013 specifically makes it a federal crime to claim receipt of certain military awards fraudulently, with penalties including fines and imprisonment. Tim Waltz has consistently portrayed himself as a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom, us military operation in Afghanistan initiated after September 11. However, it has come to light at waltz never deployed to Afghanistan, nor did he engage in any combat operation during his military career, which was primarily in Italy, where he supported NATO forces but did not see action in the Middle east. Yes, I think this is gonna hurt. Meanwhile, it’s also true Kamala’s running mate, Tim Waltz, isn’t a fan of free speech.

While many legacy media outlets are gushing talking points about Kamala’s running mate being cuddly and joyful in a happy warrior, a nice guy, his take on free speech is worrisome. In an interview with MSNBC back in December 2022, Governor Walsh was discussing how to fix voting issues when he brought up what he called a massive misinformation campaign that Democrats have been fighting for two years. Part of what Waltz was referring to as misinformation were questions over COVID lockdowns and concern about election integrity following the 2020 election. At one point, all symphatically declared there is no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech when it comes to democracy.

Absolutely, categorically false. He really doesn’t understand the First Amendment. Years ago, it was the little things telling people to vote the day after the election and, you know, we kind of brush them off. Now we know it’s intimidation at the ballot box. It’s, it’s undermining the idea that mail in ballots aren’t legal. I think we need to push back on this. There, there’s no guarantee of free speech on misinformation or hate speech. And especially around our democracy, tell the truth, where the voting places are, who can vote, who’s able to be there. And watching some states continue to weaken the protections around the ballot, I think is what inspiring us to lean into this again.

All we’re asking is to make it as easy and simple as possible to exercise their right to vote and participate in our democracy. Really as simple and easy as possible for the Democrats to steal one election after another. Meanwhile, Tim Waltz ties to communist China demand attention. Get this, Vice President Kabbalah’s selection of Tim Walls was met with glee by many Democrats, also by Republicans the left use. Waltz is a midwestern progressive whose Minnesota nice Persona will a Paris win contestant state. But alongside a left wing record that’s sure to attract republican campaign fire, false, deep affection for communist China is also likely to attract attention.

He’s been there, may I say some 30 times. Many might ask, so what? All the Democrats insist Walz has advocated human rights and the cause of Tibet, a bugbear with a communist in Beijing. His long history with China raises uncomfortable question for anybody who understands how China works. It was an odd choice to visit China in 1989, fight as the regime was crushing dissent with tanks and the infamous Tiananmen Square massacre. This did nothing to diminish Walt’s admiration for Beijing. On his return from teaching in 1990, he told a local neighbor newspaper. I was treated exceptionally well.

There was no anti americanism whatsoever. He gushed that the police state had almost no crime, while Waltz allowed that the regime massacre as soon as the year before was less than ideal, he concluded, if they had the proper leadership, there are no limits on what they could accomplish. They are such kind, generous and capable people. Wow. Think about it. Meanwhile, criminal justice reform groups plead with Kamala to not call Trump a criminal. Vice President Kamala Harris, a presumptive Democrat nominee, had been facing criticism from criminal justice reform advocacy groups over campaign’s effort to label former President Trump as a criminal.

According to Fox, over 160 advocacy groups have sent an open letter to Harris demanding she stop using terms such as criminal and felon to describe Trump, who was convicted on 34 different criminal charges in a New York court case that widely described as politically motivated and illegal. There will be those who simplify a matchup between you and former President Trump is between a tough on crime prosecutor and a criminal, the letter reads. We hope you will resist this language and this framing is both harmful to us and harmful to your campaign, the letter says. The use of such language will only further stigmatize all criminals first, we believe you have been and will be a criminal justice reform leader.

And also words like criminal invalid, paint with a broad brush that stains more than 70 million Americans with criminal records, including the one in three black men who have felony convictions. Among the signatories were represented from groups such as the Bail Project and beauty after bars. She’s of course, going to continue regardless. Meanwhile, Chicago officials insist clearing out the hamlet’s camps is unrelated to the DNC. As the city of Chicago begins an unexpected crackdown on homeless encampments across the city, officials deny that the effort has anything to do with the upcoming denim Craig national Convention. In late August, Fox reports that such encampments were cleared out by city authorities.

One such encampment on July 17, when the Chicago tribes woke up Maura McCauley, managing deputy commissioner of Chicago Department of families and board citizens. McCawley told the papers that operation was fast tracked in time for the Democrat National Convention late August. There were worries that security officials that the convention would suddenly ask that the tent city be evacuated. A spokesman for the department contradicted that claim, thereafter insisting the operation was unrelated to the DNC. Mayor Brandon Johnson later issued his own statement, insisting DNC had no impact on the decision to clean out the camp. Obvious liars, ponies, fakes, all of these.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are outspending the Republicans by nearly two to one here we even have a graph showing how much they’re spending. It’s rather startling, the amount of money that they’re going out to spend here. Stunning, stunning, stunning stuff. Two to one. Meanwhile, oh, when asked if there will be a peaceful transfer of power in January 2025 of this new fake Joe Biden, he answers, if Trump wins. No, I’m not confident at all. Joe Biden sat down for a pre recorded interview with CB’s reporter Robert Costa. Interview was conducted on Sunday, well air in full on August 11.

Joe Biden’s not been seeing public for more than three days. CB’s played a clip from Biden’s interview. Are you confident that there will be a peaceful transfer of power in January 2025? CB’s news reporter Robert Acosta asked Biden if Trump wins. No, I’m not confident at all, Biden said before correcting himself. I mean, if Trump loses, I’m not confident at all. He means what he says. We don’t take him seriously. He means it all. Stuff about if we lose, there’ll be a bloodbath, there’ll have been a stolen election. Mine said the quiet part out loud before correcting himself.

Absolutely. The Democrats don’t want to give up power under any circumstances. Meanwhile, Josh Hawley was stunned when a secret service director made a scary confession. One of the most disturbing aspects of Secret Service security failure at Trump’s butler, Pennsylvania rally was a preparation that gunman was able to make before the event. He showed up before the rally with a range finder where a sniper spotted him and took a picture. And the guy was able to fly a drone on a pre programmed flight pattern around the fairground before the rally to further help him sort things out.

The Secret Service never used a drone at the Butler rally, even after local law enforcement offered them one for the event. Acting Secret Service director Ronald Rowe testified at a joint hearing. US Senator Josh Hawley grilled Roe about the agency not using a drone. I’m also told that local law enforcement offered secret service drones and you declined them. Is that true? So, senator one, I’ve been very transparent, forthcoming. The agency has not been transparency and forthcoming. So please, let’s not go there. Hawley fired back those wetland hearing ducking questions have the gall to say went forth, coming.

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The irony of this dreadful event is that while the agency was probably busy updating its how to fail at protecting a present handbook, Amanda actually managed to take aim at Trump during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. July 13 turned into a surreal nightmare when a shooter using a drone to scout the event unleashed chaos. The Secret Service technology was about as useful as a wet paper towel in this high stakes situation. There was a radio transmission alert regarding the shooter, which one would assume is a pretty critical event during a life threatening situation. But shockingly enough, the message never made it through without a functioning communication line.

Officers were left scratching their heads while the situation spiraled into mayhem. As a longtime serious student at JFK, Nigel Turner filmed episode number seven, the smoking guns of his Majesty series the men who killed Kennedy. He invited me to address 15 indication of secret service complicity in setting JFK up for the hit and covering it up, including leaving two agents behind at love Field, having all the vehicles in the wrong order by putting the presidential out in front so it’d be easy to identify for all the shooters, not welding the manhole covers, not closing the windows, ordering the 110th military unit to stand down, allowing the crowd to spill out into the street, allowing a turn from Houston on to Maine of more than 90 degrees, slowing the limousine down to around 11 miles an hour, actually bringing it to a halt, indeed plaza to make sure JFK would be killed, and then, of course, taking control of the x rays, the autopsy x rays and photographs at Bethesda, where the next time they turned up, they’ve been altered.

And of course, the whole movies under the control of the secret Service turn up having been altered, edited to remove, for example, the limo stop. I guarantee you none of these things happen by accident. All of them were planned, which means, and I think the conclusions inescapable. The Secret Service were complicit and setting up Trump for a hit in Butler, Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, Representative Angios statement following an FBI raid on his home and the seizure of his phone and APAC strikes again. Cory Bush’s primary loss exposes the power, the pro Israel money. Did you know that essential oils have had a multitude of natural health and skin uses in history, but have been somewhat forgotten by recent civilization? Susannah’s secret offers 100% pure natural oils at prices you can actually afford.

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Check us out@susannacecret.com. that’s Susanas secret.com. susanas secret.com. you’re listening to the Republic Broadcasting Network because you can handle the truth. Look at you all. See the love that’s sleeping. Welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBM Live, this 8th day of August, 2024, where I take your calls, several already to lined up Mike in Kentucky. What’s on your mind, my friend? Join the conversation. I was looking at your figures on military, and I think you might be. Are you referring to active duty, like just us army when you’re talking about the us military? I think you said something like 460,000 or what was the number you gave Scott Ritter? Yeah, Scott Ruz had 450,000.

So I was informed. What’s the, there’s a different. That would be active duty, I presume. Yes. Well, yeah, you’re probably just talking mainly combat troops because there’s, you start looking at all the different branches and I’m looking at macro trends and statistica calm. And what’s interesting is what they look at with the historical numbers. You can sort of see, like when George W. Bush made up for the Ronald Reagan years, there was a massive increase in 1998, 4%. There’s, some of these were even in George W. Bush. The, it’s like they cleaned them out because it went down 4% and then back up 4% before he left office.

Three, well, three point. Yeah, 2006 dropped 3.1% and then, boom, 3.81 in 2007 before he left office. And Barack Obama goes in there and by 2011, he drops it by another 3%. It seems like it’s interesting that it might be tied to whoever’s the chief army. What is it? Commander in chief of the Army, Navy, the president. But this says in 2020 it was 1,395,000. So you jump from macro trends over to where they break those down. It’s 461,000 in the active duty as of 2022. Just army. Then you look at Navy, that’s 340,000. But you got, you know, a lot of aircraft personnel to maintain those carriers.

Army National Guard, 329,000. That’s why when we do things like Iraq, they get all the National Guard called up. Of course, Iraq was. What is that? Seems like it was close to 300,000 km². Iraq is 300,000 km². So you got to have approximately one soldier for every square kilometer. That’s the, what is the big military college up in New York. They teach all this. West Point. West Point. Their rule of thumb is if you’re going to have an occupying army, it’s about one soldier per square kilometer. So what they did in Iraq was they called up 150,000 contractors and the rest of them was pieced together from army and National Guard.

Then you’ve got air National Guard is kind of concerning because it’s 104,000. You have to wonder, well, how many are those are involved in, you know, ground personnel, things like that, and increasingly using contractors to deliver the fuel. Army. So airport brothers up. Well, Mike, look, I appreciate all that. There’s a pre close correspondent, Scott was talking about his active duty army and saying that 450, that’s about writing, corresponds pretty closely to your number down by what, 10,000 or so. So I suspect two years old talking about. Yeah, go ahead. I’m just saying the two year old information and looking at other industries like the life insurance industry and how Covid exposed, how fragile that is with working age people dying off beyond what their amortization tables were.

So you have to consider that probably occurred with the military. So in the last four years the statistics are probably still in play, but it was on the increase by only a half a percent as we went into Covid a year. So, you know, you could probably find multiple sources for that. But yeah, 461,000, that’s two year old information. That’d be a big chunk to have lost since then going woke. They can’t meet their recruiting standards. None of the forces, not even the Marine Corps, can meet its recruiting standards. And it’s all very, very bad. The point he was making is we’re not prepared to fight a conventional war and therefore it’s going to be inevitable.

If we’re drawn into conflict that we’re going to resort to nukes. I think that really is the underlying message, Mike. Yeah, the mother of all bombs and all that fun stuff. But now you look at the other countries, at least what is disclosed. Nobody has the military. The US does. We spend ridiculous amounts more than like, the next 16 countries. And then, you know, even the boogeyman, China and Russia just don’t have. They have similar problems as far as recruiting and retaining people. It sounds like based on what I was looking at other sites year, you know, in the last few years because they keep hearing this, you know, about our military forces have been, whatever, diminished and cold.

And then you also have to look what is their overall health? You know, they’ve reduced, as you’re a former Marine, you know, what it did take to get through Ellis island. And then as they added women, they reduced the physical tests and requirements. So a Marine from the 1980s ain’t the same marine as far as the physical stamina and all that, unless there’s some elite unit, you know, that has to go through more training. Yeah, of course I was. Of course I was a commissioned officer. I went through inventory officer training Quantico. And then I was also trained as an artillery officer at Fort Sill Artillery and Missile school in Lawton, Oklahoma, before I was assigned to a unit in the Far east.

But I think Scott’s making the appropriate observation. Our military ain’t what it used to be. Which you are confirming, Mike, which I appreciate. Yeah, well, just look at army active duty, it sounds kind of small, but it’s. It’s probably over one 1.3 million. But, you know, everybody talks about China forming a coalition, like in that remake of Red dawn where it was Korea, China, and whoever else had formed a coalition wouldn’t use some technology to invade America. America is still so vast. It’s 9 million km². Even if you take all the rest of the world’s army and they really decide they’re going to come after America, they can’t put together an occupation force of 9 million troops plus all the support that it would take to logistics to keep them supplied, so.

And what if there is? What if there’s already an invading army of several million here, Mike? Are they skilled, trained troops? And where the equipment and food going to come from once they start attacking the infrastructure? I mean, that was what happened in a lot of the victims of Germany. They bought bridges, you know, the trains and all that. So they starved. But so many, so many of the migrants coming across are young military age men appear to be in very physical condition. They do not have their weapons with them. But as I’ve explained, over the years, I’ve tracked how agencies of the federal government, seemingly with no law enforcement responsibility, like the EPA, have acquired over a billion rounds of hollow point AM and all kinds of military ammunition, which I believe is stockpiled around the country just for them to pick up when the command comes.

That’s my take on it. Mike, go ahead. Like what’s called guerrilla warfare, where you capture the enemy’s supplies and. Well, except we’re providing them. Yeah, we’re setting it up for them. We’re going to direct them using the cell phones we’ve given them to, where these caches of ammo and weapons are to be found. And, well, you got an arm right. Right here in the USA. Well, you’re also aware that most. A lot of these Muslim. Whatever they’re called, not mosques, but they’re. They’re congregations that are smaller. They have their own arsenals. I heard of a guy that was a bag man taking money to a network of informants, late fifties, early sixties, and I was shocked to find out there was hundreds of mosques in a tri state area.

That’s kind of midwest, you know? Yeah, Midwest. I don’t want to really give away this. He was working for the FBI, sure enough clues to figure out who he was leaking information, but he would go meet nobody else. Want to do it? Meet three or 04:00 in the morning to hand money over to this network of informants. You were talking 60 some years ago that they had maintained a network of informants in just the muslim communities because they knew they had arms. Yeah. You know, in Middletown, Ohio, real quick that came home at 715 in the morning, 50 cars in the parking lot.

Each of them had four and five guys, license plates from Ecuador and wherever else in Central America. They were all speaking foreign language. And he decided he was going to film this because it was unusual. And they attacked him, stole his phone. So that’s never been explained. What the heck? That was 50 cars all lined up in rows. And once he started filming and they attacked him, they all ran back to their cars and bugged out. And the cops were on him like stink on crap because he tried to get his gun and fired warning shots.

All right, thank you, Mike. Do appreciate it. Hey, Francis, where you been, silly girl? Join the conversation. Hello, silly young man. Yes, it’s just silly. Viking, gallant, your disservice. I’ve been quite busy and listening in on what’s going on. And first off, to begin with, I have to applaud Andy yesterday or the day before dressing down a fellow human being, for that matter. So hats off to you, dude. I didn’t. I never thought I’d ever hear that. Secondly, Layla is a gem, absolute gem. She’s shown herself to be priceless as far as various material goes and so forth.

As far as the situation with the government and the military of Israel is concerned, in a word, can, well, more than one word, hands off of Iran and knock it off. Along with other countries that you like to attack. Knock it off. At least Putin. Russia is actually exhibiting some sense of common sense about this whole scenario. A lot of people would tend to disagree with that assessment. That’s fine. That’s their own train of thought, as well as the government of Iran, ancient Persia. I mean, it’s obvious that the government and the military structure in Israel are nothing more than bloody vampire Zionists, period.

That’s a bit of a stretch, isn’t it? But guess what? At the same time, what is a stretch? But I’m just finding the whole scenario ridiculous, especially, oh, by the way, almost, this almost, almost forgot one thing. Aside from the perpetuated so called assassination attempt on Trump and so forth, blah, blah, blah, I did come across two things that might find humorous. One was about Biden, joy boy, or genocide Joe, where there was two different videos of him talking, one of which apparently wasn’t him. It was actually with some special makeup or whatever, mask or whatever, because for one thing, the hairline was different, eyes didn’t blink, and the chin looked really off.

Now, who the dude was the actor was, I have no idea. But it was like, very obvious that this was somebody else. Also, in light of Trump, I know a lot of people like him and favor him and all that kind goes. That’s their down there bowling alley. Go figure. Not mine. But I did come across one interesting caricature or cartoon where Trump is standing there with the MM Project 2025 and him with a sledgehammer whacking the Statue of Liberty. Not statue of liberty. Might as well have been the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. When I saw that, it cracked me up and I laughed because I thought, yeah, that would tend to be about the agenda.

Yep, definitely. But anyway, aside from that, oh, as far as the thing about various practices say, well, this ethnic background is doing this and this and this, and they should be handling accordingly and so forth. You know something, when you start talking about various backgrounds, I don’t care what it is, and you start complaining about it. Guess what? Try looking in the mirror. You know, I mean, seriously, look in the mirror and see what you’ve done to help your fellow neighbor in some way, shape or form that day or that night, whichever, depending on where you are in the world.

There’s so much good that can be done. It’s not even silly. And complaining about others is not it? Especially since it’s being done in the name of Joshua ben Joseph, the Christian God, or whatever. Which reminds me of one other thing, too, that has not. What he taught has nothing to do with what I come to find out is Christian and nationalism, or whatever you want to call it, a zionist movement of a really sick ideology, harkening back to who knows what, when women had to be subservient and so forth, and ethnic backgrounds were subservient and so forth to various ethnic backgrounds that were not theirs.

You know what? This is 2024. We’re in a different millennia. People need to snap out of their stupor and wake up. Now, I am not addressing people about LBGT or whatever, their sexual preference or background or whatever that stays in their own bedroom, at their own house, or whatever. Do not bring that garbage on the street. If you want to practice it, that’s fine, but keep it in your own home. You know, I don’t go advertising my sexual preference or background out in the public, so why should you have the right to? I think you can do it.

I don’t think so. Anyway, with that, have a fun weekend. If I don’t talk to you otherwise, later. Thank you. Thank you, Francis. Let’s see. We got Lauren in Ohio. Lauren, it’s been a while. Welcome back. Yeah. How are you doing? Good. I tell you what, I love Francis, but I have to disagree. It’s not okay to be doing all this broken stuff. A whole community. If you’re a tranny or a sodomite or whatever, broken behavior that doesn’t reproduce, doesn’t make more people. God said, be fruitful and multiply. You can’t. If you can’t replace yourself, you’re at an end.

Americans have 1.8 babies. The Muslims coming in here have six babies on average. Now, what color do you think this country is going to be in 20 or 30 years? And you step, oh, it’s okay. No, it’s not okay. The reason this country looks like what it looks like is because white Christians came here because they weren’t going to be like the blacks and the Indians that their cousins in England slaved up and treated so badly. The colonies that they ran around, you know, doing, treating those people as sub people, when they tried to do that to their white cousins in America, they were like, kiss my ass.

How about not? I’m still a child of the living God. I’m not your slave. I’m not your dog. You don’t run me. You don’t run my energy. You don’t tell me what to do. You don’t limit me. What was our revolution about? Well, you’re not allowed to use the resources of the United States to make goods in your own country. You have to ship the timber to England and then have it made there and pay a tax stamp when you get it back. And the soldiers would come in your house, and if they found any furniture that you made off the trees, off of your land, they just burn it, break it all up.

These are criminals. These are robbers. Now, I’m going to quote Michael Yeon, and this is in support of Francis and Renee and all the women who are getting a hard time about saying, hey, man, y’all need to get up off your behinds, put down your golf clubs, turn off that tv, and get your butt involved in something that matters, like holding these government servants to account. You can’t do it if you don’t know the truth. You know, for all you atheists out there, you know, you’re fighting the thing. And you don’t even. You don’t even want to admit he exists.

They’re telling you. Yeah, we worship Lucifer. Yeah, that’s a serious problem there, buddy, because you’re. You can’t even fight. You’re not even in the fight. You don’t even know the whole board. It’s a board game. And you’ve got pieces completely missing because, well, I just don’t believe it. Well, I can’t serve a God that would let bad things happen. Oh, boy. Okay. The whole thing about the creator is he’s the guy that made this place, he’s the guy that made the rules, and he’s the one that says how things work. So when you do things like support sodomy and trans this and women in the workplace, instead of raising their children.

Hold on. You got a break. But I’ll give you the final thought right after this. Breaks up the rice. In the church where a wedding has been it’s in a dream. Waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it? For all the love, John Moore. From seven to ten with highly qualified guests Monday through Friday, we talk about a range of topics day to day helping you find you wait through the chaos in store John Lord, the Liberty man his website is 71. Visit thelibertynet.com John Moore from seven to ten and two living in John Moore the Liberty man wake up.

Stop wasting your own time today, my friends, Americans are more pessimistic about the economy that they have been in a very long time and it can be soul crushing to work as hard as you possibly can. Still not have enough money for all the bills. If you’re feeling a tremendous amount of stress about your finances, you ain’t alone. According to a recent survey, approximately half the entire population is struggling with mental health issues due to financial stress. 47% of adults say concerns about money have at least occasionally caused anxiety, stress, worrisome thoughts, loss of sleep, depression or other effects that according to bank rates latest money and mental health survey bank rate? Who in the hell is bank rate? Carl Kettlemarine Limited today at 6027-998-2146 5% of the people say their biggest concern is inflation and rising prices, and nearly 60% say there’s stress to rise from paying for everyday expenses such as groceries, utilities.

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Yeah, so. And I’m appreciating the extra time. I usually, I’m, you know, usually get a shorter amount of time because I kind of always say the same thing. But it is so important because I’m hearing people finally saying what I’ve been saying. We have all the power. All we have to do is stop doing what these people say, stop giving them our money and stop giving them access to our children. None of this would happen if you cut off those tax dollars, if you quit paying taxes. So they could fly people from their countries into your country and treat them better than you’re getting treated.

I mean, it’s kind of like what people trained their replacements because, well, I need the job and I’m going to train this indian to come and do my job. Like dude, that, you know, or we’re, I’m going to let them feel me up to get on the airplane because, well, I really need to go to wherever it is. And I’m thinking, you know, if we didn’t just put our foot down, they wouldn’t use a rapist scan. I mean, they think it’s funny raping you. It’s funny. It is funny. And when you get Trump advance in there, I’m telling you what you’re going to get.

Digital id, digital money. Vance’s company, that NARAL or whatever technology, it’s a mRNA technology, he supports all the stuff, all the tech, all the. And they say the things you want to hear, but then they do these horrible things to you. And because people think that we have to stay in this system. See that’s the trick. The system’s an illusion. All the stuff they’re throwing at us now is to get us to forget about the fact that they just killed millions of people with that Covid shot. They still won’t let you talk about it on the radio.

You don’t see it mainstream. I get kicked off of radio shows for talking about it. And they’re coming at you with the bird flu, they’re coming at you with mandatory vaccines. They’re getting the World Health Organization and James Rigovsky has a bunch of information to, you know, stop this World Health Organization treaty. It’s not a treaty. But again, it’s an illusion. They don’t have the power to do anything if we don’t cooperate. So we as a people have to. I’m sorry, stop bickering. Men against the women, whites against the blacks. Honey, we gotta unite in truth.

The truth is these are criminal killers. They’re coming for all of us. And if we don’t stop picking and poking at each other and start getting our magnifying glass on them, on what they’re doing and hold them to account or like what I’ve done, I don’t pay a whole lot of attention to it anymore. I just walked away. I don’t give them money, time or attention. I’m building, I’m making the world work. I’m finding meat at the local neighbor farmer. I’m growing food in the garden. I moved out of where the cities are so that we can have clean water and have a place to put our waste products.

You see what I’m saying? We have to go back to living the way God said live. They got us, remember, living in cities, it’s convenience and fun. The devil always gets you with convenience and fun until there’s no more convenience or fun. I looked at pictures from Ireland, honey. The streets were half brown, half brown, not speaking English. They couldn’t throw those people out if they wanted to. You got a bunch of old white women, old white men, young white women with children, and then the rest are the men. And there are more brown men who are willing to beat you to death.

I mean, they’ll take a female cop, rape her with the baton, beat her to death, okay? And this is what we’ve bred and built in this country. So all I’m saying is we have to stop doing stupid things. So if they’re teaching all these lies, don’t teach your children to write cursive. Don’t teach. Why are they in the schools? And don’t talk to me about, oh, we may have to learn to socialize. They’re going to get socialized, all right. With all these brown people in there raping them, with all these tranny boys in the girl’s bathroom, raping and beating your daughters.

And that. We continue to allow our children to participate. This is a weakness on the part of us, the people. My fault. My fix is my motto. We have all the power. So I’ll shut up. But I’m just saying. Beverage. Be inspired and check out Michael yan. We need men with testosterone. If you don’t have enough, start taking some tribulus terrestrials. You know, get your testosterone up. Get your balls up and defend this country with your brain. If you won’t defend it now with your mouth, you’re not going to defend it with a gun later. And remember, all those people they brought in here, they’re armed, too.

Okay, thanks, Lord. That was great. That was great. JP and Chicago joined the conversation. JPEG, are you there? Is JP there? Mike? We got him. One, two, testing, one, two. Can you hear me now? Yes, yes, go ahead. All right. I gotta say that beautiful women calling in. I gotta, God bless them. Gotta bless them all for their, you know, they got more kahunas and some of the guys calling in. But, um. Hey, I’d like to go back to the Kennedy assassination. You talked about that earlier. And just a quick brief on it. I did a remote view and I also had.

I did the research on it with my friend Michael Jaco. He’s a Navy Seal. He’s a public guy. He’s got a rumble page. But I identified the shooter as James E. Files. Now he was a green beret guy that was involved with the mob. He’s also doing black, works for the CIA. He’s the one that took the kill shot from the grassy gnoll. And he used, he describes everything and Michael Jacobs has a full interview on it. But what’s interesting is I cross referenced this with some of my CIA contacts and I say Tosh Plumlee was on the scene.

He identified that it was a planned operation. The secret Service backed down, they went the other way. They moved out of the way when he was getting shot. Everything you said. Hang on, hang on, hang on. We’ll be a break and we’ll go back to JFK. We’ll be right back with JP. Got to be a joker. He just do what he please. You are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to republicbroadcasting.org dot homeowners, if your lender has gone out of business or sold your transaction to another lender or servicer, you may be the victim of a wrongful foreclosure resulting in the loss of your home.

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That’s a shot you’re talking about just as Malcolm killed of the acting press secretary. So that was a simple matter of a bullet right through the head while pointing to his right town hall. The problem with his account is that there was a limo stop that set up his shot. That right temporal shot. Jack had been hit initially in the back, a five and a half inches blow that caused just the right spinal column, a second shot to the throat that actually passed through the windshield. But he appeared to be still alive. So the driver, by a prearranged plan, pulled the limousine to the left into a halt between two yellow stripes on the kerbine.

And there he was, hit in the back of the head first by a shot fired by the Daltex he slumped forward, Jackie eased him back up, and that’s when he was hit virtually simultaneously in both a right temple and this right side of the head. The Wright temple shot was fired from the intersection of the triple underpass in the big event fence by Frank Sturgis, not James Files. And the shot to the side of the head was fired from inside the sewer opening, apparently by Clyde. For Shaw, Sturgis was a mafia hit man. Foreshadow was the Israeli, the guy who hit him in the back of the head, washing the anti cavill Houston guy, anti Castro cuban guy who shot him in the back was a Dallas deputy sheriff.

So files account doesn’t add up, but I like the guy so damn much. And when I figured out his role here, and I called his wife and left a message, she said she hesitated telling him for a couple of weeks, but he just responded well, saying, well, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. Go ahead, JP. I just want, you know, PJ, I know a whole lot about this. Go ahead. I know I want to go down a rabbit hole with that, but the reason I’m bringing that up is because it was an inside gig. And we know, we know Rubenstein, Rubenstein, Ruby, okay, the, the jewish mob, that was a big cover up.

CIA was involved. We also know, you know, obviously we had the secret Service involved and we had the Dallas police involved. So the reason I bring that up, and we could argue about the minutia, everything. But what I reason I brought that up is because you fast forward to today with the Trump assassination, it very similar, okay? We had multiple shooters. My John Moore, he’s got a guy on Sam Andrews, he’s an expert sniper, worked for the state Department in Pentagon, but he’s one of the best snipers in the world and he trains in Missouri, the Freedom center, actually, I want to go there actually for some more training by them.

He’s going to be doing a, he’s being subpoenaed now to speak in front of Congress about the fact that there was a second shooter. The reason he backs this up is because of the sound. And there was also, you know, there was a guy coming from a higher position, he said from a longer distance, and it might have been a suppressed round, it could have been a 22, but that’s all going to be classified. We’re never going to know about it. But we know it was fishy and we know it was a setup, just like Trump.

It was the same kind of thing. So that’s why I brought that up. But where were, I think we have this deep state, brother, that is secretly running things. The jewish mob, the Federal Reserve, the banker elite. They’re controlling everything. And ever since Kennedy, they’ve been controlling these presidents ever since. And now we have a puppet president that’s half brain dead. And then we got a brain dead Kamala coming in there. You know what I mean? These. But we gotta look behind the scenes who’s really running things, you know? But I’m. Yeah, there’s like, there’s a call intercepted that Obama admitted to David Axelrod that he’s running the shop behind the scene.

Barack Obama, which is no surprise. Yeah, he’s going to go down as one of the great foul stanchest ever occupy the White House, sad to say. I mean, I was over in when he was elected, I voted for him twice. He turned out to be a rat and a traitor and despicable cat. Go ahead. I voted for him too. I voted for him too, brother. I thought he was an option for the future. And really there was no other. What do you got? A choice between a douchebag and a ham ham sandwich or a turd sandwich.

Real quick. I like plug something. Tomorrow we got John Moore. We’re going to be doing a lifewave Zoom conference. It’s at 04:00 x 39 Dot. John MooRe and myself, we’re going to be talking about lifewave and healings through stem cell technology. It’ll cure a lot of your ills and ailments. It’s tomorrow, Friday at 04:00 p.m. go to the libertyman.com, you go to that link and you, you’ll be able to talk to me live, John Moore live. And everybody that are interested in lifewave and healing your body through natural homeopathic medicine, we’re going to be talking about tomorrow night at four.

Thanks, JP. Glad to hear it. Glad to hear about it. Sammy in Las Vegas. We lost track of you, my friend. Join the conversation. Sammy. How you doing, professor? Good. I didn’t get to catch much of your, much of your early show today. Did you mention the Drudge report? No. Tell us, tell us. Did you see that? And you know, I’m not, so I’m not supporting either one of them. But according to the Drudge report, Kamala has. When Biden was running, Biden was down. Bye. Two points for Trump. Malcolm is up by eight points over Trump.

And the most exciting news, did you hear that Joe Rogan endorsed Bobby Kennedy? Oh, that’s interesting. I like that interest that the poll results are ridiculous. They’re getting these big turnouts because they’re piggybacking on concerts. They had one here in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, where they had a big turnout because they had a local musician who’s enormously popular. So they’re faking it. Kamala is totally fake. She’s not going anywhere. This guy Waltz has more problems than you can count. It’s interesting. Rogan endorsed Bobby Junior. It turns out Vance is being supported by a guy with ties to the CIA.

He doesn’t look good at all. And Waltz is at least equally bad. And Kamala doesn’t have a brain. I think RFK Junior may turn out to be a very popular choice, Sammy. I think you will, especially, you know, Joe Rogan’s got four or, like 300 million followers, and they’re mostly. They’re mostly conservatives. So if he goes with Bobby Kennedy, he’s going to pull up lot of votes from Trump, believe me. Well, you can’t have 300 million because that’s close to the population. You ask about 30 million, I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m sorry I smuggled speaker one.

Yeah, he’s a very popular guy. You know, I like Joe Rogan. I think he’s good. And I think it’s very significant that he’s endorsed Bobby Junior. I like that, Sammy. Tell me more. What else is on your plate? He says Bob is the only one that makes any sense. Yeah, why not the other? Total waste. I’m inclined to agree. I’m just. My faith in Trump has been severely shaken. I gotta tell you, this man’s pick. Just as I wanted Tulsi, you know, Sam, I wanted him to pick Tulsi. I thought she would be super, but. But I think Chelsea’s auto compromised herself.

You know, she’s a member of the. What is that? Un group? No, you’re talking about council on Foreign Relations. There’s a lot of people are member. I don’t think that means anything in particular, Sammy. My personal opinion. But go ahead, give us. Give us a final thought. Sammy, I’m always glad to have you here. That’s it for me, professor. Get to your next caller. Well, Sammy, I. I really like hearing from you, my friend. Keep them coming, Tom. Tom in Florida. Tom, welcome back. Yeah, listen, you know, I’m hearing a lot of these callers. Listen, first off, I just.

I want to say that was a really nice call by the lady from Ohio. Awesome. Really, really pertinent call that the lady from Ohio called in. Laura. Yes, that’s. Yes, that’s right. She’s mainly right on. We inherit CII and a lot of things. And I tell you, she made a really nice call there. However, let me go back to Sammy and let me go back to JB. Sammy, you’re hearing this poll about on Matt Juju. I met the kite, okay? He’s a kite. Don’t believe anything on that website because he’s a lion. Can I even rat smock? Okay, the putt.

And you’re not telling the truth. All Sammy. Because right now, in the polls that I just saw on Breitbart, Newsmax, and all these other drudge, they didn’t. You didn’t mention, Sammy, that Donald Trump’s won in the economy side of this by two and a half percent, but Donald Trump, two and a half percent. Whoever’s better on the economy, Kamala Harris and or Donald Trump. And Donald Trump’s leading right now on the economy. But that’s what you really have to look at. You can’t look at these kosher polls that are. That they’re pulling a bunch of homosexuals and all that.

I mean, give me a break. Stop that nonsense. Okay? So the real figures, Trump goes up by two and a half on the economy, okay? That’s smudge. Smudge bludgeoning, to tell you. Now, I want to go back. And by the way, there’s somebody on a show. I think she’s. I think she’s not drinking margaritas anymore. I’m glad to hear that. Really good. But, uh. Or she. Slow it down. But here’s. I want to go back to this. Um. I want to talk about what JB said yesterday. JB made a call yesterday. I don’t know if you remember that.

Okay. He was talking about, uh, little mogadishu in Minneapolis minute, Minnesota, and all these somalians coming in there. And he was talking about Blackhawk down. Okay, well, I had a friend of mine call me last night from, uh, Portland, Maine. Uh, Jim from Portland, Maine, and he’s basically telling that it looks like a third world banana republic over there. And Bangor mains, even worse. Bangor. They brought all these people. Obama, he brought all these Africans in the main state of Maine. Okay? So I’m saying myself, why would they. Why did they bring them to Maine? Why did they ship them into Delaware? Why don’t they take every illegal out of every state right now, the republican party, ship them right into Delaware.

If any of Abbott was smart, instead of shipping them up to Chicago or New York, he’d be shipping right into Delaware, right there in the city at Burlington, Delaware, whatever hell it is, whatever the city is, big city in Delaware is right next to Joe Biden’s house. And Joe Biden, she can get all the swinging. You know what she wants. Because, look, we’re not going to lie about this. She was making out with this Doug Emhoff on that stage in front of millions of people when she lifted locked lip with him. That was. I know. Never seen nothing like that in my life.

Jim. That was crazy. Now, however, I want to go back to Portland, Maine. I have a friend up there. He told me, Jim, I don’t know if you know this, and I want anybody in your audience to hear this, that in Portland, Maine, that the federal government, the United States government paying these, all these migrants their heating oil for the winter. But as white Americans, guess who’s flipping the bill for all these people are coming here from gangs and all that from Somalia and all these other countries like Lauren was mentioning. She’s absolutely right. She’s absolutely right.

Look at you. We got an irish, dirty irish president in there who’s allowed our country be invaded. You have this guy who’s won. This guy’s the vice president of Kamala Harris. This guy Tampon. Tim Tampon. Tim. Jim said that he will, if you build a wall 30 foot tall, he’ll invest in. Invest in a company that makes 35 foot ladders so all these illegals will come over the wall 35ft high. That guy right there should. He should not even have an opportunity to run for vice president, let alone any office. He’s promoting the invasion of our country.

He’s promoting the murders of our citizenry. And we are not a nation of immigrants first. We are a nation of citizenry first. Okay? And I want to also let Lorne know someone else. Lauren and Jim. Now, remember when a slave trade was going on, the triangle of trade, the biggest slave traders were not English. They were Portuguese, they were Spanish, they were French, and then they were the English. Okay? Actually, France had more slave trade going on than England. So England was number four in line. But it was, however, it was wrong. But it was Portugal that sent most of the slaves into Brazil.

And then it was Spain shipped all over South America in whatever they could. So I just want people here to know that that’s the truth of the matter is England was the slave country. But they. They knew they never had to trade slave trade like Portugal or Spain. No way. Germany never had slave action, slave trade. But. And you know, and a lot of people at that time in the United States were German American. Looks like I mean, Germans, you know, became american. Let’s not kid ourselves. And the Germans didn’t want. They didn’t want slaves because they said they’ll do the work themselves, their culture.

Now we got to go back to this Kamala communist. Harris. Jim and I brought this up, but I want JB and Jerry. I hope Jerry from Chicago calls in today. I’d like to hear from Jerry because they’re having a convention over there next week. Jim, you hear there? Are you there, Jim? Yeah, sure, Tom. Jim? Yes, go ahead. I want Jerry to call in. I was. I wanted a lowdown that’s going to go on to D on in the DNC. I heard there’s gonna be a lot of writing maybe around there, or they’re gonna do virtual whatever the heck they do.

But I want him to talk about Jamella Harris should not be able to run for president either, Jim, because she was actually really was trying to promote a race war with the Jesse small lot situation. And I found out I think she somehow kind of related to Jesse Small. I mean, I don’t know. She’s his aunt. I think she’s his aunt. Well, I don’t know if that’s the truth, but I do know they have a tape from her on YouTube where she’s basically defending Jesse Smollett and calling Donald Trump’s mega side of the aisle the voters a bunch of racist, basically, like they were looking to start a racial situation with Jesse Smollett.

This guy went to prison, and Kamala Harris should be in the prison with him because he was actually trying to promote a race over the Democrat party against republican party. That should never be allowed. They should never allow her to run for president. Can you imagine? She doesn’t win this election. It’ll be all kinds. We will be in a total revolution, Jim. There’s no question about it. I think we’re heading there. I think we’re. I think we’re heading there. Tom, give us a final. Well, the queers will. The queers will be involved in like they’ve never been before with this guy waltz in there, this tampons him because he wants to put tampons and boys bathrooms.

What kind of nonsense is this? And he’s a white trash would vote for that. All these New England imbeciles would vote for crap like that. You’ve got to be off your rocker, man. And you’re gonna take a woman like Lauren to basically straight up straight. A lot of these dumb, dumb, dumb lily white trash guys out because she’s right on target. We’re not even breeding. I have, I wish I had more kids. But, you know, Lord’s absolutely right. They like their lives. I don’t know what the hell. But I can tell you right now, Jim, we are looking at a very precarious situation if we don’t get Donald Trump in office.

I don’t care what any of your callers say about Donald Trump. Who would you, who’s the worst of these two characters, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump? And I would take Donald Trump as my president a million times over. Kamala Harris. And if people don’t want to vote for Trump, they’re, they’re off the rocker. Don’t even vote. Thanks. Thanks for the call, Tom. Good, good. Thanks, John in Michigan. John, welcome back. Hello, Jim. Go ahead. Okay, good, good. Yeah, Tom. Tom’s always good. And also, I just want to talk about Lauren for a minute. I love that lady.

She’s such a smart person. And she’s also a former pharmaceutical rep, I believe. And that’s why she can recommend a certain testosterone booster. The chemistry. She’s also, I think she had a show with John Stamp Miller on Republic at one time. It’s probably in the archive. And she’s also a black lady, which is fine with me. I have no problem with any race, her culture. She’s very intelligent by just the way that she talks and the fact that she’s home schooled her children is another wonderful thing. She’s a wonderful person. There’s a lot to offer when she calls, and I appreciate every time she does call, someday I would like to meet her.

She’s such a strong person as far as her beliefs. And what she’s talking to about is she’s a sovereign because she has given up her identity. The bankruptcy of 1933, which I keep bringing up, I think the caller from Florida is her name, Cindy, the one that calls in. That gives you a lot of good information. But she brought up the Federal register the last time I heard her on your show, and that’s part of the bankruptcy of 1933. And that was established by Roosevelt to bring in, bring in all these, bring in all these rogue agencies, which every part of the government is an agent.

Your schools, your county boards, everything is an agency. And they have to get their authority. They have to file their intent through the federal register. And it has from the street, basic criteria. It has to be applicable, which means it has, there has to be a good reason for, it has to be lawful, which most of these things that they’re doing aren’t lawful. And also it has to go through judicious review at times. So, Lauren, you’re really great, and I’m glad that someone brought up the fellow register. That’s the only way, I think, that we’re really going to be able to close all of these fraudulent governmental authorities because they, none of them are using the federal register to get their authority.

And that comes right from, well, Winterog. He used to have a show on RBN. We still archive that. If you listen to the last three years of his shows before he died, unfortunately, the same time around, John, I think they were both taken out. That’s my opinion. But that’s something that we really have to address as a middle register and to get all of these agents, start locally with your county health department. That’s what I’m doing here in northern Michigan and exposing the fact that they do not have the authority that people think they do. John, thank you.

Thank you for that. I want to bring in Jeff from Ottawa. Jeff, Ottawa, go ahead, give us your thoughts. Jeff. Hi. Hello. Yeah, I also like Lauren’s calls. My sister would love to talk to Lauren because my sister lives off grid on 88, who’s backed up on what they call crown land up here, which means basically wilderness. So she’s into all that stuff. The thing about what you have down the stage, yes. Everybody that you have running is a Zionist. They’re all controlled by Trump. He’s not a Christian, he’s jew. Why? Because in his book, he talks about his kabbalah teacher.

If you have a Kabbalah teacher, you can’t be a Christian, you’re a jew, period. End of story. The other people the same way. And same thing with RFK junior. Total zionist, 84% of your congress is controlled by a PAC. They’re traitors. By definition, they’re supposed to swear allegiance. Instead, they swear allegiance to Israel. They’re traitors. They should all be, in my opinion, they should be executed. That’s how I feel. They’re traitors. There’s no going back on that. The people who control things at the top are the Zionists, okay? They control state Street, Blackrock and vanguard, which controls the money, which pushes the sodomy everywhere, okay? On everybody.

Because they. If you don’t go along with them, your company, then they’ll just withhold your bonus, you know, or, you know, they can take you down. They control the money, and that controls everything. So until you get into a situation where getting money from AIPAC is the third rail, like Thomas Massey, he won. And so until you can get those people out. You have no hope. You’re just going to go from one Zionist creed to another. And I have absolutely no conscience up here. We have the same sort of garbage as you have there, as they have in London and Germany and all across what I call the satanic west.

And I stand by that because that’s what it is. It’s being judged, in my opinion, that God’s judging us, and things are going to get only worse. I do agree with Lauren in Ohio when she talks about not going along with what they say. They can’t. If we refuse, then it all falls off the rails. They only win by compliance up here when the mask mandates and all that stuff came in, I didn’t take the vac. I didn’t wear a mask. I walked in, okay, we have a little thing where you’re. Where they’re not supposed because of medical freedom.

They can’t force you to anyway, but they still try to. I just walked in everywhere. And if they wouldn’t let me play, let’s say, for example, playing in bands, I had to go into a. Into one of the, one of the military, what you guys call the, you know, where military people hang out sort of thing. What do they call those down the streets anyway? Couldn’t go in there with a backpack. So I just said. I just said, forget it. I’m not going to go in. I had to pay a price for that. You got to pay a price when you stand up and have a pair, and most people don’t.

They’re testosterone deficient. I wouldn’t do that. You go to a restaurant. I can’t go in. Then you can take your restaurant and stop it. That’s how I feel about it. Until people adopt that. If people have been like me up here, none of this would happen. Until people grow a set, as Lauren alluded to, and she’s absolutely right, there’s no hope. You got to get rid of all of the people who are dual citizens, okay? Like Finkel. Like, what’s the name? Merrick Finkel’s Garfunkel. That’s his real name. Not. Not Garland. The other one is noodleman. Not Doolin.

Until you get all the rid of these 80% of Biden’s cabinet. They’re Zionists. That’s where they all their agency. You’re occupied. You got to get rid of these people. You got to make it the third rail. And who stands behind those people with their mouth on their rear ends? The so called christians design. This is dispensational these people are traitors, too. Great call. I’m glad I got you in today, Jeff. Call again. Meanwhile, spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends, the people you love and care about. The war may not have begun yet, but it could be not far behind.

And support Rbna I want. Oh, I can buy a little help from my friend yes, I get by with a little help from my friend with a little help from my friend.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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