RBN Authentic News (17 July 2024) | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ The Jim Fetzer article discusses a controversial event where Donald Trump was allegedly targeted in an assassination attempt. The author suggests that the incident might have been staged or allowed to happen by the Biden administration, with some even blaming Iran. However, the evidence, including video recordings and expert opinions, seems to contradict the official narrative. The author criticizes the FBI and Secret Service for their handling of the situation and suggests that the truth is being covered up.
➡ The text discusses various political events and theories, including an alleged plot to assassinate former President Trump, the potential for war with Russia, and the stance of various political figures on Iran. It also mentions the role of Ukraine and its relationship with Russia, as well as the potential for conflict in Europe. The text also criticizes certain actions and decisions made by political figures, suggesting a bias or specific viewpoint.
➡ The speaker believes that a recent incident involving security and a supposed shooter was a setup, with the real shooter targeting the crowd, not Trump. They suggest that Trump orchestrated this event himself, drawing parallels between his actions and biblical events, even going as far as to label him the Antichrist. The speaker also mentions a connection between Milwaukee, known for beer, and the nickname ‘the Beast’. They urge listeners to spend time with loved ones and support RBN, hinting at uncertain times ahead.
➡ The text discusses the political career and personal life of Vance, highlighting his transformation from a Trump critic to a supporter. It also mentions his stance on various issues, including his support for Israel and criticism of the Iraq war. The text also includes an advertisement for a fresh coffee brand, a new social media platform called TLB Talk, and a service offering legal help for homeowners with potentially defective mortgages. Lastly, it includes lyrics from a song expressing a need for help and support.
➡ The Republican Party’s new platform includes support for Israel and aims to strengthen alliances, but also controversially targets pro-Palestinian protesters on college campuses. Current projections suggest a potential landslide victory for Trump in the upcoming election. There are rumors of Democrats considering replacing Biden due to concerns about his mental competence, with Michelle Obama or Kamala Harris as potential replacements. Meanwhile, Biden’s campaign has been criticized for controlling interview questions and his public speeches have been marred by verbal blunders.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including Biden’s verbal mistakes, a new tool for meat processing companies called the Ease Off Model Easy Four, a product called Get More Tank that improves engine performance, positive customer reviews for a health product called Extendivite, and a legal case against former President Trump regarding classified documents. The text also mentions a radio show and various other topics.
➡ The speaker discusses their skepticism towards political figures like Obama and Vance, questioning their authenticity and the motives behind their rise to power. They express concern about the loss of control over personal and national matters, hinting at global conspiracies. They also criticize the current state of politics, particularly in relation to Trump, and express their dissatisfaction with the direction of the country.
➡ The text is a conversation from a radio show where various callers discuss their thoughts and concerns. They talk about disagreements, the importance of respectful dialogue, and share personal insights. Some callers also express their worries about the economy, inflation, and financial stress.
➡ The text discusses a hypothetical situation where Trump could have been assassinated, raising questions about who would have succeeded him and suggesting it might have been Nikki Haley. It also mentions suspicions about the shooter’s choice of weapon and attire, hinting at a possible conspiracy. The text ends with speculation about JD Vance, comparing him to Clinton and Obama, and suggesting he could be a potential successor if Trump were to die in office.
➡ The text discusses various political figures and their potential influence on American politics. It suggests that some individuals may be chosen for positions due to their connections or wealth, rather than their charisma or talent. The text also touches on conspiracy theories, such as rooms being bugged by foreign intelligence, and discusses the potential for manipulation of public opinion through propaganda. Lastly, it mentions concerns about immigration and the need for action in this area.
➡ The text is a conversation about the potential return of Donald Trump to the presidency, with some believing it would be beneficial for the country. There’s also discussion about an alleged assassination attempt on Trump, with some suggesting it was a poorly executed plan. The conversation also touches on various political figures and their influence, including speculation about President Biden potentially stepping down.


This is Jim Petzer, your host, on authentic news, right here on RBN Live, the 17th day of JDEv, July 2024. Much discussion and debate in the alternative community over whether this was simply a staged event or a real assassination effort that was clumsy, awkward, and amateurish. I find the latter. Trump, in my opinion, was not in on it. Imagine what would have happened had Trump been in on this. You got DHS running the show, Secret Service, FBI, they’d be swarming all over it. What could do more damage in the eyes of the public than to expose it? Donald J.

Trump participated in a fake assassination attempt. Frankly, it boggles the mind, the attitude of the Biden departments. The DOJ. Merrick Garland initially declares right off the bat there was only one shooter, when in fact, analysis of the acoustical evidence shows there were two. In addition, the FBI wants to have nothing to do with it. And the excuses coming from the Secret Service are beyond pathetic. There’s no way Trump could have run the risk when they would have been all over it, and it would have done him incalculable political damage. I mean permanent. Here’s an interesting piece.

All share parts the Trump assassination attempt was a green flag attempt. At the minimum, until we see evidence proving otherwise, we should assume the Biden White House was directly behind the shooting and attempted assassination of Donald Trump last weekend. None of the evidence we’ve seen thus far suggests otherwise. Some of you may have heard my speculation. If I had a pick, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta would have authorized this action. Joe Biden himself said just days before it was time to put a target on Trump. The law, fair cases against him have all failed. Assassination is the only remaining option because they can’t beat him in an election.

At a bare minimum, and now looks as though this event was a green flag attack. You probably heard a false flag many times over. That’s when the government surreptitiously kills its own citizen to further a political objective. Not right. No. False flag is simply an effort that’s blamed on a party other than the party responsible. It may or may not involve any actual killings, though typically there are just, you know, claims or assertions made. Sandy Hook, Boston bombing, Las Vegas, Orlando Uvalde, all classic false flags. Nobody died any of those events, with the possible exception of the Stephen Paddock, who is found in the suite on the 32nd floor.

Otherwise, nobody died at any of those. They were classic false flags. We have a lot of those in America, usually in the form of mass shootings. The ones I’m giving you examples of yes were purported mass shootings, when in fact they were totally vague. Fewer are familiar with the green flag. When a government knows an attack is coming, but allows it to happen, lets it happen, why should we consider the possibility the secret services allowed the attack on Trump? Well, first of all, they let the shooter walk into the kill zone carrying a ladder and arrival.

Then he crawled around on the roof for 26 minutes. As doesn’t a Trump supporter trying to alert the cops at Secret Service. There was a guy on the roof with a gun. Even though a sniper had the attacker in his sights the whole time, they allowed crooks to fire. Here they’re saying eight shots. He fired three, and a second sniper fired five. And then the sniper on the root took out the first shooter. Crooks. So there were altogether nine shots fired. They like to call facts like these clues in detective school. It’s not like the JFK assassination, where only video evidence was a grainy, shaky zapruder film.

Actually, that’s what you tend to see, but it’s actually much better than that. But in this case, hundreds were recording videos from different locations. We can tell their exact position in times they were recording based on Trump’s speech and the background. Everyday people are crowdsourcing the attempted assassination like never before. Someone ran audio through forensic analysis software deterrent. Three different calibers of guns were fired. There’s a shooter’s AR 15, the sniper rifle that took him out in an unidentified third weapon that went off at the end of the exchange that appears to have been a 22 caliber.

We know definitively three weapons were fired. As the FBI fumble farts around while pretending they’re trying to crack the case, they keep mysteriously finding nothing. First they pretended they couldn’t crack his phone. When they finally did, surprise, they found nothing. Next, they’ll try his laptop. A few days, they’re telling nothing there either. One police officer spotted the shooter well ahead of time, carrying a rifle around, even took a picture of him and forwarded to the Secret Service. They did nothing much more. He’s right. Meanwhile, here’s a top sniper confirming this was an inside job. The official narrative makes no sense at all.

One of the world’s top snipers has admitted the official narratives. Ryan Trump assassination attempt makes no sense. That he has no doubt. Crooks was not acting alone pointed Dallas Alexander, a veteran sniper from a team that held a world record for longest confirmed kill. It’s obvious the government had helped from an agency, an organization, or the government. Alexander, a 17 year veteran at the canadian armed forces, took to Instagram Sunday to share his expert opinion on what we’re not being told about the shooting at the Trump rally in Butler. He said, I’m very familiar with the layout of these types of things and what the job should be.

Referencing his 14 years as an elite sniper, including protection for the canadian prime minister and public advance, and yesterday would happen. I have no doubt in my mind the shooter had helped from somewhere within an agency, an organization or the government. Absolutely no doubt about it. The second I saw an aerial photo, what they were saying happened, it immediately made no sense to me. Referring to the rooftop or crooks had an unobstructed shot from about 400ft away. He’s got it right. Meanwhile, DC Draino, what’s up? A tweet. Trump assassination video shows him crying on the roof while multiple people point amount to police.

They yelled about him for almost an entire minute. It’s insane how the Secret Service allowed this amateur to almost kill Trump, but that was the idea. That was the plan. Meanwhile, the Secret Service comes up with the worst excuse ever to explain why she let Trump be shot. Biden’s Secret service director is, for lack of a better phrase, full of shite dei hire. Director Kimberly Cheadle is claiming her agency knew the rooftop, which made the assassination attempt possible, but chose not to put a team of snipers on because it was too dangerous. She claimed no snipers were posted on the roof because of its slope at its highest point.

And, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there, so we wouldn’t want to put someone up on a slope roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building from inside. Frankly, that’s just complete bullshite. The secret service snipers who ultimately ended up eliminating the would be assessed. We’re posted on a roof that’s even more sloped than one was left empty because of the safety hazard. She’s lying through her teeth. It’s very evident what happened here. They brought in, they took out Trump’s regular secret service detail. They put in a bunch of buffoons and amateurs, very inexperienced.

The head of the detail was from Pittsburgh with limited experience. The security zone they defined was hopelessly inadequate. Should have been at least twice as large, had a very odd notch in it to exclude the very building where crooks was located. Meanwhile, the Biden sanctioned Secret Service director won’t step down. Well, I’m telling you, hell has been raised over this. Meanwhile, demi good reports the FBI is already stonewalling the investigation. That’s because any adequate investigation would show it was a setup. That was an inside job. So they want to stay as far away as they can from any investigation.

And as I mentioned already, Merrick Garland declared there was only one shooter, which you already know to be false. Here again, as I reported yesterday, forensics say as many as three guns fired at Trump rally. There’s no doubt about it, a, b and c, a was crooks, b was a second sniper firing what appears to have been a 22 caliber, probably using 22 long rifle cartridges. Very, very accurate, these ranges. Here’s a 5.56 millimeter reality check. My colleague Mike Sparks has looked into this here. We’re talking about John Carmen explaining that what they sound like, not what you were hearing there in the videos from the reports.

Meanwhile, and this is very, very troublesome, efforts are being made to blame this on Iran. Now, let me tell you, obviously Iran had nothing to do with it. CNN allegation at Tehran was plotting an attack on the republican abolition. Political motives and objectives, said Iran’s foreign minister. Iran has declared reports it was plotting an assassination attempt on republican frontrunner Donald Trump has insisted he will still have to answer for killing one of Tehran’s top generals, Suleimani. This is classic israeli propaganda technique. On 911, which was an israeli op, we had a phone call come in from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine declaring that they were responsible, which was rubbish.

They immediately went to archival footage showing Palestinians rejoicing as though it were contemporaneous with the events in New York City. I was quite certain it was from a distant religious or political event and turned out to be exactly right. What’s going on here, and in that case, blame it on the Palestinians. I think maybe realizes that Ukraine is lost. So he’s going to focus all his effort on Iran. He’s going to try again to attack Trump. They’re going to try to blame it on Iran. He’s going to come here and address the Congress and incite the Congress to launch an all out war on Iran.

It’s a stupid plan, but they are so locked in to their modus operandi, this is what they are going to do. Offering source citing sources CNN reported Tuesday, us authorities had received information on an alleged plot by Tay ran to assassinate Trump, prompting the Secret Service to beef up security around the former president. Just nonsense. This did not stop a gunman, later identified as Thomas Matthew Crook, 20, from opening fire on Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The Republican narrowly survived the attempt, which killed one man, a fire chief, and injured two others. The assassin was killed by Trump security but they’d actually had him in their sights for as much as three minutes and should have taken him out right away when he required.

When he requested permission. Permission in order to take him out, it was denied. Why? Well, if you kill a patsy before he’s taken shots at Trump, you can’t blame the patsy. So they had to wait until he took his shots and then had him taken out. And that’s after his first three shots. And then, of course, when the protector, the counter sniper, took him out, blew off his head, we still had five more shots coming from the second sniper, which appear to have been the ones that killed the parties in the background, the fire chief and wounded two others.

On rumble yeah. I’m citing here a show called cave of mirrors with Brett Weinstein and Heather Heying. They have a show called evolutionary lands where these are two professors, or former professors of biology, or applying scientific reasoning to sort out what happened here, which of course is what I do. That is my business. Applying the techniques of scientific reasoning, the four stages of puzzlement, speculation, adaptation and explanation to all these historic events. So for an alternative, check out what they have to say. I provided the link. Meanwhile, even Zelensky is admitting that Russia should attend the next Ukraine summit.

Vladimir Voldemort Zelensky said Monday russian representative attend the next international summit on the Ukraine war. They marked a shift from what he had previously said, refusing to invite Russia, where he was pushing his peace formula. That was a complete russian withdrawal, reparations for damage to Ukraine, allowing Ukraine to join NATO. Just the most stupid stuff that you could only get from a zealot, a puppet of the zionist, which is of course the role he has played. I set a goal that in November we would have a fully ready plan, he said. I think representative Russia should be at the second summit.

His comments came as hungarian prime Minister Viktor Orban has been pushing a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine with visit to Kiev and Beijing for his efforts. Top EU officials are boycotting meetings held in Hungary, which is currently holding the use rotating presidency. These people are so shallow, so superficial. Meanwhile, Biden and the team appear to have put the US on a war footing. It looks like Joe Biden and his team have put us on a war of hooding with Russia. They did it with a memorandum on delegation and authorities. Democrats might even start a war before November.

Here it is. I’ve actually reported on it. Making delegations of authority to the secretary of defense as secretary of state and the secretary of energy. Really bad stuff. Here’s a tweet about it. We are now at war in Europe. We need to move to a war footing. We need to face Russia directly. Listen to british prime minister member of parliament Tobias El Wood. Seriously, are you willing to send your sons, your fathers, your brothers and friends into a hot war with Russia for the steep state owned by the war in Europe? We need to move to a war footing.

We are involved in that, mobilized our procurement processes, we’re gifting equipment. We need to face Russia directly and reckon that rather than leaving Ukraine to do all the work. Now let me add, all this nonsense about Iran having been responsible appears to be part of an orchestrated strategy. Thus responsible statescraft reports european parliament takes a hard line on Iran despite the country’s new president expressing interest in reengaging with the west, the European Parliament’s Iran delegation doesn’t appear interested. As Iran president elect Masood Pezekaon is sending messages of his readiness to reengage with the west. The newly elected european parliament seemed to be moving even further in the Hawkies direction.

That may be concluded from multiple appointments. I’ll be right back. Find your inner rebel at Dixie Republic, the world’s largest confederate store located in travelers rest, South Carolina. The anti white, antichrist, anti southern world ends at the asphalt welcome to God’s country. Log on to dixie republic.com to view our southern merchandise, from flags to t shirts to artwork at the store. Browse through our extensive collection of belt buckles and have a custom made leather belt handle handcrafted in our Johnny Rebs gun and leather shop. That’s dixierepublic.com, where you can meet all of your southern needs. Support those that support the network.

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The most important part of the Trump doctrine of foreign policy is you don’t commit America’s troops unless you really have to. But when you do, you punch, and you punch hard, he told Hannity. A lot of people recognize we need to do something with Iran, but not these weak little bombing runs, Van said, apparently referring to Biden’s airstrikes against shia militias in Iraq and Syria. If you’re going to punch the Iranians, you punch them hard. And that’s what Trump did when he took out Soleimani, referring to the 2020 assassination of the iranian general Qasim Suleimani, which was an outrageous act of violence.

It was a transgression of iraqi sovereignty. Suleimani was looted through Iraq under false prospects pretenses by the United States, and then he was assassinated with a drone attack. Despicable. Of all the action Donald Trump has taken in office, that, in my opinion, was the most malicious, the worst, and unconscionable. I could never forgive him for that. Meanwhile, Vance isn’t hiding his hawkishness on Iran. There’s a lot of stories about it. It isn’t news advance is an Iran hawk, but it’s notable. This bit of hardline posturing about Iran is one of the first things he did after becoming a vice presidential nominee.

Like Trump, Hans has some quite hawkish views, as I detail in my latest newsletter. This is Daniel Larrison. But he, and he isn’t hiding that. He also said, a lot of people recognize, you know, we need to do something with Iran, but not these weak little bombing runs. If we didn’t know who was speaking, we might be forgiven for thinking we’re listening to Tom Cotton or Lindsey Graham. Vance’s remarks raise a few questions. Why do we need to do something with Iran? How could it possibly be in the american interest to do more than weak little bombing runs against them? If the little bombing runs are unacceptably weak, how big a bombing campaign would Vance like to see? How many Americans in iranian lives should be put at risk in the name of doing something with Iran? Why should the UN be punching Iran in the first place? What does any of this have to do with the security of the United States? I doubt France has good answers for any of these questions.

And believe me, I, Jim Fetzer, are amp, profoundly concerned. Meanwhile, of course, Trump was lauded at the republican convention, his first public appearance as the assassination attempt. He has a nice bandage on his ear. I watched Sarah Huckabee Sanders last night give a very nice speech running a commentary about it. Trump’s there with Vance, of course. And apparently Eric Vance was keen on DJ. He has a background that looks impressive on his face. Two years through, Ohio state graduate, summa cum laude, Yale Law School graduate, our best in the country, where he was the editor of the Law Review.

That’s all very impressive, but if you go back deeper, you find he was a never trumper. He denounced Trump in no uncertain terms. He voted for Hillary. Now, anyone who in their right mind could vote for Hillary Clinton when Donald Trump was on a ticket is beyond me. When Trump was the alternative, he claims he was transformed by Trump performance in office during his first term, which is a plausible claim. You know, okay, maybe that’s right. Meanwhile, we have the epoch times with 39 things you should know about Vance. He’s 39 years old. He’s catholic. He’s married to a woman from India.

They have three children. He’s considered a populist conservative, grew up in a lower class family as a best selling authorization. There’s a movie adaptation of his book. He experienced the decline of the Rust belt, grew up in Ohio, considered rural Kentucky home. His parents divorced when he was a toddler. His original surname was Bauman. His mother suffered from substance abuse. He lived with his grandmother. His grandparents were Democrats. He’s a Marine Corps combat, Iraq combat vet. He has a dual undergraduate degree from Ohio State. He earned his JD from Yale. He was editor of the Yale Law Journal.

He’s closed with Peter Thiel. He was a venture capitalist. He sponsored programs to combat drug addiction. He was a CNN contributor. He wasn’t always pro Trump. His views evolved after Trump took office. He voted for Trump in 2020. He won a tough primary in a crowded field. He was Donald Trump junior s pick. He’s been in the Senate since January 2023. He has a conservative voting record. He’s worked across the aisle on legislation, served on three Senate panels, has a hold on all day OJ appointments. He wants abortion left to the states. He spoke in support of the United Auto Workers strike in 2023 and is critical of the iraqi war, critical of Ukraine aid, but supports Israel.

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Help me if you can. I’m feeling down and I do appreciate you being round. Help me get my feet back on the ground. Well, here’s a contrary point of view about Vance, Trump’s secret weapon, the genius of choosing Senator JD Vance’s VP by all accounts, Trump search for a running mate is entering the home stretch. Most reports had him down to a small number of picks. Bloomberg Trump has ruled out Vivek Ramaswamy, instead iron into the entourpreneur for a cabinet job. He told Ramaswami he won’t be his vp pick. I like Ramaswami a lot. Trump is known to change his mind.

He’s complained that Arkansas Governor Sarah Hackabee Sanders, one of his former press secretaries, waited too long to endorse him, that Katie Britt of Alabama botched her odds because of a widely panned response to Biden’s State of the Union. And but Trump with Trump, many expect Trump to choose a woman, a black or hispanic, operating on the thesis that Trump needs more diversity to get over the hump next fall. But that’s just not true. Meanwhile, revolvers view is picking a diverse candidate is not the way to go. Instead, they recommend Vance. As with any vice presidential choice, there are two primary factors.

Does it boost a presidential ticket chance of winning. And second, would it be desirable as an actual president? He claims. This article claims Vance enhances Trump’s strengths again. Take a step back to 2016 while everyone’s fed up with Mike Pence. Back in 216, he was a brilliant strategic choice. As a total political neo fight, Trump needed an experienced colleague to reassure voters that while he was bringing change, he wasn’t bringing chaos. 2024 is different. It turns out he would need to choose a running mate who emphasizes his strengths. What are they? Is overwhelming anti establishment credibility, hated by the right people.

That does appear to be true of him. And he has a reflective hatred of american political bullshite. He doesn’t fall for a repeat conducted screams like Ukraine is central to american security, or illegal immigrants do jobs Americans won’t. That gives him an unbeatable reputation, as I tell it like it is, unapologetic. American first, nationalism doesn’t pretend. The rest of the world people are just like Americans, has an intuitive ability to speak to the concerns and priorities of the forgotten man in middle America. It’s possible they’re claiming Vance reinforces all of these. But I’m telling you, I’m very, very troubled by what I’ve learned about Vance.

In the epic in the COVID he was all for the vax. All for the vax. He was insisting, you know, people who didn’t get the vax really weren’t patriotic Americans. And, you know, the platform now has been varied to include support for Israel and deportation of pro palestinian protest. This is absurd. This is unconstitutional. This is undemocratic. This is totally outrageous. The Republican Party posted its new platform, expected to be ratified at the convention. Israel is the only foreign country mentioned by name that the GOP vows to support. We will stand with Israel and seek peace in the Middle east states, referring to NATO allies.

Republicans will strengthen alliances by ensuring our allies must meet their obligation to invest in our common defense and by restoring peace to Europe. So far, so good. However, it also targets pro palestinian protesters on college campuses. One of its promises in all caps. Deport pro Hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again. I say every protester out there is a greater patriot than whoever wrote this. Absolutely outrageous. They’re not protesting Israel. They’re not supporting the mosque. There’s a point of palestinian people and opposing genocide. Give me a break. This is just outrageous and insulting.

Meanwhile, we have new reports that the secret Service has ramped up security based on intel. This is more of this nonsense of an iranian plot against Trump. Just utter nonsense. Remember, Iran is the most peace loving, great nation in the world, having not launched a war of aggression against any other state since 1770, 517 75. Let that sink in. Meanwhile, why was Fox allowed on the stage? Milwaukee, here’s some points. Emerald Robinson tweets, so Donald Trump was blacklisted by Fox News. Before that, Fox fired Tucker. Before that they blacklisted Mike Lindell. Before that they fired Lou Dobbs.

So why the RNC allow Fox onto the main stage? I think that’s a great question. They most certainly did not deserve to be there. Meanwhile, even CNN is projecting a landslide victory for Trump. Here we have leading report breaking current CNN projections. So GJT winning by a landslide, in my opinion, he could take all 50 states. Let’s listen. But this is our current CNN projection of where we are now. And look at this. If Donald Trump won, what we have here, dark red states, solid republican, light red states, leaning republican. If he won just those right there, he would already have the path to 270.

He would have 272 electoral votes. Look what is different, we have Wisconsin as a toss up. We have Pennsylvania as a toss up. Two critical states for Joe Biden. Michigan right now, another critical state for Biden, leaning Republican. Georgia, a state Biden flip, leaning Republican. Arizona, a toss up state that was a state Biden flip. Nevada, a state he won, leaning republican. This is the dire strait for Joe Biden right now on the first night of the republican convention. Tomorrow is 16 weeks to Election day. 16 weeks from tomorrow we count the votes. It is tough to change a map like this in that amount of time.

And here’s why Democrats are so worried, why so many Democrats are saying, mister president, please reconsider and get out of this race. Because right now, Trump is leading here and Trump is leaning here, leading here narrowly, but he’s ahead in those states. Trump is leading here. That’s 312 electoral votes. Trump is leading in this Nebraska congressional district. Let me change it that way. Nebraska does it by congressional district. That’s 313 electoral votes. And Democrats are warning that Trump may not be well ahead. It may still be margin of error, it might be a tie. But right now, Trump is competitive here.

That’s blue Virginia, that’s blue New Hampshire. So the warnings to the White House are Donald Trump could conceivably, if the current dynamics in the race hold, get 330 or more electoral votes. That’s what they believe. I think impact is going to be more. I don’t think anyone’s going to vote for the Democrats. And there’s been such solidification as support for Trump after the shooting. Unbelievable. Here we have a report that senior House Democrats are telling axios we’ve all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency. Nice to see a token of reality there. Meanwhile, Elon Musk is going to donate 45 million to President Trump per month.

Per month? 45 million per month. Fantastic for him. Meanwhile, of course, in a more mundane matter, Senator Bob Menendez was convicted on all charges in bribery and corruption schemes in New Jersey. This was widely anticipated. Everyone saw it coming. Meanwhile, Ted Cruz is delivering a scary warming about Michelle Obama. Now, let me just say, I do think they want to get Biden out of the way. Now, if Biden were assassinated, that would move up Kamala. Maybe they’d bring in. They got to have to appoint someone to be the vp. I would bet it would be Hillary has to be confirmed by the Senate.

If they can knock off Kamala, get her out of the race, maybe on tactical grounds that she’s nothing actually qualified to serve as president. From a constitutional point of view, they would bring in Michelle. Here’s what Cruz is saying. I think the Democrat party is freaking out right now. We’re seeing senators, house members, New York Times, NBC, George Clooney. Worth noting what they’re, why they’re freaking out, he said. Call Bernstein to report on CNN. To Clooney’s op ed from the New York Times. Democrats have known for at least six months Biden’s mentally incompetent run for reelection.

But Democrats, okay, they could blow up their biggest cub rub in american political history and conceal the fact that the commander in chief no longer possessed the faculties until after the election. So the question is, who will replace Cruz repeated his forecast. The odds of Democrats ditching Biden was 80%. He’d like to switch to either former first lady Michelle Obama or Vice President Kamala Harris. But I tell you, Kamala is no more popular than Joe. Indeed, by some polls, even less. Meanwhile, Megan Kelly has dropped a hammer on Joe for a desperate political stunt that’s here at Biden’s campaign is hanging by a thread.

After his nationally televised implosion during the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle, his handlers tried to do damage control by having him take part in a series of friendly interviews with Democrat top media allies in the wake of the debate. Open it at ease Democrats nerves. Biden’s first interview after the debate with a radio station in Milwaukee and another in Philadelphia that have predominantly black audiences. Milwaukee radio host Earl Ingram revealed that the Biden campaign gave him the questions he was allowed to ask the Democrat president and later requested that portions of the interview be edited to make Biden look better.

Philadelphia radio host Andrea Lawful Sanders was also fired after she publicly admitted to asking Biden questions that were fed to her by the Biden campaign. Biden’s first televised interview after the debate came with ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos, a former campaign hack for former President Bill Clinton. A sit down that was taped before it was aired, these tightly controlled interviews where the Biden campaign attempted to display his confidence. And remember, Stephen Obelisk said afterwards, I don’t think he can serve four more years. Even though they did their best. It’s not happening. Meanwhile, zero hedge by noble office speech marred by his latest huge gaffe, Americans can’t count on the Secret Service to secure a rooftop perch just 400 yards from Donald Trump podium.

But they can count on President Biden to deliver a huge verbal blunder every single time he’s in a major spotlight. Latest proof came Sunday evening as Biden delivered a special address to the american people from the resolute desk of the Oval Office. It was just a third time in his term that he used that setting. It imparts the highest gravitas to a presidential message, but only if the chief executive in question is capable of speaking, even roughly verbatim, the words that appear before him on a teleprompter. That is absolutely not the case with Joe Biden. Prompted by Saturday’s stunning assassination attempt at a rally in Pennsylvania that nearly killed Trump while taking the life of a spectator and critically injuring two others, Biden’s six minute speech centered on a call for Americans to lower the temperature in our politics.

Here’s a sampling. We cannot, we must not go down this road in America. There is no place in America for this kind of violence, for any violence ever. Period. No exceptions. We can’t allow this violence to be normalized. Politics must never be a battlefield or, God forbid, a killing field. Then, like clockwork, came the inevitable major league Biden malfunction. Instead of insisting that Americans settle their differences at the ballot box, Biden said political difference should be settled at the battle box. He then paused in what seemed like recognition of his error, only to reiterate the idea and again say, battle box.

Listen to him. But in America, resolve our difference at the battle box. You know, that’s how we do it at the battle block. Not with bullets. I mean, again. But in America, we resolve our difference at the battle box. You know, that’s how we do it at the battle box. Not with bullets. The flub was remarkable because it was the latest in a specific pattern in which Biden’s brain serves up a word or phrase that’s the opposite of what he’s trying to convey. The chief example was when introducing Ukrainian President Zelensky, he referred to him as president Putin, and a couple of hours later, at a highly anticipated high stake press conference, he told reporters, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be my vice president.

Did I think she’s not qualified to be president? Although Biden’s remarks have faced close scrutiny since the June 27 train wreck, presidential debate put even low info Americans on notice of his mental decline, virtually every media outlet on Sunday charitably quoted Biden is saying. Ballot box after more than two weeks of boosting the establishment coup that seeks to replace Biden in November on the ballot, maybe they thought that was their contribution to turning down the temperature. The battle box was far from Biden’s only verbal stomach. Elsewhere in his remarks, he made reference to the former Trump.

The former Trump a freudian, wishful thinking slip. We’d be remiss if we didn’t underscore the towering hypocrisy of Biden admonishing Americans against using heated rhetoric because he’s been in the forefront of the campaign to turn up a temperature right here at home. What would you say if I told you we have a new tool that will increase production and lower maintenance costs for your meat processing company and it would pay for itself in just six weeks when pigs fly. The new ease off model easy four replaces old spring style carcass droppers and is faster, safer and more reliable.

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Jack Smith to appeal Cannon dismissal of Trump classified doc case on the grounds that he was not properly appointed. It’s been pretty obvious he was not properly appointed, so how in the world is he going to try to weasel out of this one? Here’s the story. Special counsel Jack Smith is expected to appeal judge Eileen Cannon dismissal of a classified document case against former President Donald Trump. No timeline for Smith’s appeal has been given so far, but it is expected to go to the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals. However, the case could eventually reach the Supreme Court.

Cannon sided with Supreme Court Clarence Thomas on Monday when dismissing the federal case, claiming there was no federal statute cited by the Justice Department that authorized Smith appointment by Attorney General Merrick Garland. That would mean Smith has no authority to prosecute the case. The dismissal of the case deviates from the uniform conclusion of all previous courts to have considered the issue that the attorney general is statutorily authorized to appoint a special counsel, Smith’s office spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement obtained by the Hill. The Justice Department has authorized a special counsel to appeal the court’s order if the dismissal were overturned.

The case is still not expected to be heard before the November presidential election, Cannon said. The appointment clause in the Constitution is meant to give Congress the power to appoint a special counsel, not the Justice Department. A dismissal does not comment on the merits of the classified documents case. Just so you understand, he was appointed special prosecutor not even under his own supervision, which the attorney general can only do if it has Senate confirmation, which did not happen. Continuing the appointment clause is a critical constitutional restriction stemming from the separation of powers, and it gives to Congress a considered role in determining the propriety of vesting appointment power for inferior officers, Cannon wrote in a 93 page ruling.

The special counsel position effectively usurps that important legislative authority, transferring it to the head of the department and in the process threatening the structural liberty inherent in the separation of powers. She is, in my judgment, 100% correct. The ruling comes after the Supreme Court determined that Trump is immune from prosecution for official acts as president. But the dismissal centers on Thomas concurring opinion that question the constitutionality of the appointment to baby anybody I want somebody to love oh, I can find a little help from my friend I’m gonna try a little help from my friend do I get hired a little help from my friend yes, I can find a little help from my friend with a little hey there, this is sheila with hempaste by my nutri.

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You’re listening to Republic Broadcasting network because you can have handle the truth, but that’s sleeping. Why? My guitar gently at the floor and I see it needs sweeping still my guitar jeep welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBN Live, where I take your calls this 17th day of July, 2024. We have a lot of callers lined up already. Very pleased to welcome Layla back to the show. Layla, the mic is yours. Yeah, hi, Jim. I’m just wondering, how’s your hearing today? Are your ears. Yeah, yeah. Oh, goody. Nobody shot your ears stick out from your.

Your ears stick out from your skull or are they really close to your skull and with your hair covering the upper portion where the plastic surgeon says maybe cartilage and maybe skin was taken off and it’ll probably have to be removed, but it’ll just look like it’s just. Just a scar. I’m looking at 1000 images here on Getty Images now. Was it the left ear or the right ear that got, quote, shot close? The right. The right. The right ear. The right ear. Okay. The right ear. Both the right and the left ear are close to his skull, to a scalp.

There is no way that it’s going to. Just a strong bullet. I don’t know enough about ballistics and all that military stuff, but I got to wonder, this was done by a cosmetic surgeon well in advance with Hollywood’s little crap filled in over there. That’s my view now. Hey, I, you know, it was very. God, it just showed how brave Trump is because he did that. And he’s out there again today. I’m just so impressed with that man. I mean, he’s such a macho man. Anyway, I got another question for you on Vance. When I read, let me go back to Obama, when I heard about Obama’s life and I thought, holy cow, this guy’s really something else.

Not only. I mean, is he from the lower classes, being a man of color, but look at all the things he’s done. Graduated from such and such, editor of the law Review of Harvard, of all places. Wow, that is so impressive. Now, of course, I ask myself, I wonder how long they were nurturing him. So now this is just a question. Don’t shoot the messenger asking the question. How long do you think they’ve been nurturing JD Vance or je Vance, whatever his name is? I’m pretty upset about Vance, Leila, to tell you, I’m pretty upset about Vance.

So, you know I’m on your side. Go ahead. I thought you were upset with me for raising the question. Oh, yeah. The guy ain’t real. Did you miss? Did you miss? No, I’ve been. I’ve been talking about fans. He wants to hit a ran. He was big on, you know, the vax. He wanted everyone to be vaccinated. He’s an authoritarian. He voted for Hillary. He’s not a good choice. I’m sorry. America has enough white descendants of the founding peoples that they don’t need to go shopping to India for a bloody vp. Wife. Excuse me? Have some pride in your heritage, America.

God bless America. God bless our white christian heritage. You know, your point about the ears, your point about the years close to the head, that’s actually a good point. That bothers me. Yeah, but, Layla, why wouldn’t the Democrats be all over this if it was staged? Why wouldn’t they be all over it and expose him as a phony and a fraud? And they’re all part of the same game. We know that. Just like here in Canada, we’ve got a guy who’s illegitimate, safe from abortion because his mother didn’t have him aborted. She married another guy. And Justin Trudeau is really the son of Papa, Fidel Castro, and blah.

They’re all part of the same gang. They’re all working for the same donors around the world, for the same globalists. We no longer have control of our countries. We no longer have control of ourselves, of our devices, of our homes, of our food, of our clothing, of our loved ones. We’re lucky we don’t even own our bodies, because everything. When you’re unconscious, you have no idea what they’re doing with your organs. That’s why all over the world now, they have these humane, compassionate, kill them with dignity so that they can steal healthy organs. That’s why in Canada, a 27 year old girl who only has autism, which means her organs are not affected by drugs or by illness.

And her father went to court to try and prevent her from getting murdered, suicided by the government. But the Supreme Court found in favor of her right to make her own decision. Woman with autism is not intellectually compromised about the value of her life. So they killed her. And probably. And you know what? By the way, it’s death by donation. Anyone, when you donate an organ, they only anesthetize you. If you’re not already dead, they don’t want your organs. They’re already compromised. They anesthetize you, remove your organs so it’s called death by donation and not donation after death.

Anyway, I went way off track. I just wanted to talk about Vance. The whole thing is, of course, yeah, I’ll let you go. I think he may have made a colossal blunder for the following reason. They’ve not been 100% confident about Trump, because he talks about nationalism, America, making America great again. He doesn’t want to pursue the war in Ukraine, even though he seems all in for Israel and slaughtering Palestinians, which I find repulsive. Vance is even more zealous as a Zionist in Trump. So they might find it convenient to take out Trump and then inherit Vance as president, because they, you know, I think he made a go back, go back to 2019.

It was on Israel 24 tv, a meeting between Zelensky and Netanyahu. And I said to myself, the way they looked at each other and their speech, they’ve got something cooking. That was 2019, right after Zelenskyy, the so called actor comedian, was elected. Like the Ukrainians are, that, oh, by the way, a lot of the so called israeli reserve army are really the Ukrainians. Look at them. They’ve got that elongated oval face that caucasoid people have, or Slavs will have when they’re not fat. The slender slavs, they’re not the so called. And even the Jews that were supposedly the Jews of ancient times, they were the Greeks and the Romans, the ones who survived, because what’s his name, the guy who was a donkey dealer who became an emperor because there were so few emperors, he was the one who assaulted Jerusalem or Palestine of that whole era.

He killed all the rebels in Judea. He literally slaughtered them like there were mules or donkeys. There weren’t a very. There were very few left that escaped. Those who did went to Greece and to Rome, and they learned how to do things, how to run a brutal, cruel empire. So the Jews today, and I have to, I’ve got to quote one rabbi, just blew me away because I used to have respect for him. He said Palestine. He was walking and some guy yelled, thrust his fist in the air and yelled, free Palestine. Well, first of all, he said Palestine was a name created by the Romans to punish the rebel Jews.

And free. How can you free? What’s freedom? What is. Well, first of all, the guy lives in Canada. How old is Canada? If you’re going to talk, who named Canada? Not the indigenous people, like the jews claim they were from 3000 years ago. And hey, according to their folklore, they invaded to begin with. If they weren’t invading from Egypt, they were invading from Jericho with what’s his name, Joshua blowing Yehoshua, blowing his trumpet and telling God, make the sun stand still. They are so full of bullshit. And one last thing. The one thing I always noticed when I was around a jewish guy, they always brag, they’re so sexually wonderful.

But most of all, not only they’re going to give you the best ride you’ve ever had in your life, but they graduated cum laude, undergraduate, and then they graduated summa cum laude from their graduate degree, and then they went on to other studies. They are such braggers. And this guy Vance, I mean, they’re all in the same bucket. And I hope somebody pulls the plug out of the sink that’s holding the bucket up that they’re in. I hope they’ll sink someone, put them in a boat and send them out to the Mediterranean. Let them have a nice vacation on club med somewhere.

Sorry. I’m just joking here. God, give them life forever. Because I’m sure there are people ready to either refute me or to say, eh, I kind of agree. I’m most troubled by your point about the ears in proximity to the skull. I mean, if it’s an anatomically impossible shot, then we must be witnessing a fraud. I mean, this is very, very troubling because there’s so many reasons to think that this is a real but clumsy and amateurish assassination attempt. I would. I would hate to think. But what is your take, then, on Trump? Just, if you are right, what does that say about our politics today? Jim, my dear fetch or, Jim, my dear, dear friend, you must remember the first interview we did on bitchute.

You and I argued bitterly over Trump. You still believed in him because you needed to believe in America, as we all do. And I argued with you, and then I said, let’s stop arguing because you and I are not going to decide it. I think Trump is a blah, blah, blah. Can’t remember my words. I think it was January 12 or something, or maybe even earlier. But I’ve always disliked Trump. I ignored him when he was a braggadocio. Three year old throwing a temper tantrum. Look at me, world. I’m so gorgeous and I’m so rich, and I’m all glitz light on.

Are you still there? Everything that glitters is gold. Yeah. So I’ve always been opposed to him as president. He’s not even remotely qualified. He still talks like a three or a five year old throwing a temper tantrum or bragging he’s a dimwitley. So that’s. They’re going to get rid of him. Because Vance, theoretically, if he has a summa cum laude, is more intelligent. But, hell, Obama was a Harvard law review. All sorts of graduate degrees. Turns out his grandparents were CIA property, so there’s nothing. They own the whole thing. We. I don’t know. Hey, I’m in Canada.

I was seven. Hey, you forgot my birthday. I’m 79 now, on the 12th. But anyway, I’m told that it really doesn’t matter. All I got to do is to sit back and watch. Just a kid. To me, Leila, I’ll be 84 in December. Yeah, well, you know, you’re one of these unusual. Hey, maybe you got summa cum laude for your old age. I mean, hey, you sound like a young guy. You sure have the brains of a young guy. Well, I love your calls, everyone. We so appreciate you. Layla, you’re so wonderful. You have so much information, and you just are an inspiration to us all.

So you sure given me more to think about this, this butler event. I appreciate that. Okay, take care. Lots of hugs to everybody. Great call. Great call. Great call. John and Michigan. John, join the conversation. It’s John from Missouri, sir. Okay, John from Missouri. You got the wrong letter here. Go ahead. That’s okay. No worries. You know, the last time we talked. I know, I know. I kind of may have ruffled your feathers, Jim. I said, hey, you know, I know we were short on time. I didn’t realize that, and I apologize. That’s okay. One thing I don’t want to do is argue with.

Not a problem I don’t want to argue with, and I don’t want to argue with any of the guests on the show because I’ve been noticing a lot of that going on lately. And I don’t think that’s good because that enemy got us right where he wants us when we’re arguing with each other. And, you know, I got it. I gotta say, layla, I need you to email me st untrz@hotmail.com. that’s stuntrzotmail.com. i’d like to share some information with you. I study Hebrew, and I read ancient Hebrew and modern Hebrew. And you start from the right to the left, not the left to the right.

And I have all kinds of information I’d just like to share. And you’re cooling information, too. I just like to share with you. Even though we don’t agree on everything, I still would like to get to talk to you. Very interesting information from that woman. And, you know, I think all the callers we know when we’re on hold. That, that is a bunker song and we’re on hold. We just don’t like the programming of trying to tell us America’s great or take America back and like, it’s like Dolly Parton’s nine to five when they try to use that to get us to all work nine to five jobs.

We know that. I mean, we’re not that stupid. We know that’s a buffer song. That’s just a terrible song. We don’t like to hear it. That’s why people don’t want to stay on hold during that song. I want to end it with this. All I can say, jim, is if you don’t know what wrestling blood looks like and you’re going to give your cult, you know, wave to your cult as you get sniped, I can’t help you. I can’t help you. We’re being played like a fiddle. We still can’t even get to the bottom of JFK’s assassination and they’re going to try and tell us the real story.

I mean, this is just the craziest thing. And all I can say is, everybody, you better hold on your seatbelts and buckle in real tight because you haven’t seen nothing yet. It’s going to get way worse because while everybody worrying about the ways of the world, there are things in other worlds going on that you ain’t aware of. And when they come together, it’s going to be crazy. But anyways, Layla, please email me. Stunt rzotmail.com Jim, I love you and I love all your callers. Just, hey, man, we don’t need to be saying anything negative or bad about each other.

We are not going to agree with everything that everybody says. There’s no way. All the callers do make great points and they talk about things that not many people like to talk about. And that’s what I’m talking about. And I just want to thank everybody, and especially you, Jim, for having such a platform. I’m telling you, it’s the hottest thing in this country going right now. Ain’t nobody got no show like yours right now. And I just want to appreciate you and all your colleagues. Thank you very much. You guys have a great day. John, great call.

I’m glad you called back. Very glad. Chance in West Virginia, thank you, John. Yeah, call again. Chance in West Virginia. Join the conversation. Yes, gentlemen. Jimbo, I like your ears just the way they are. Jimbo, happy birthday, Layla. Oh, Jimbo, I came up with a campaign slogan for a beautiful vaccine trump and vaxx. Me, Vance. Yes, it’s. We give a brand new meaning to stick it to them all. You got it. You got it. You got it, Chance. That’s right, Jimba. Let me tell you how I see this whole Trump target practice thing ending up. Yeah, I mean, let’s face it.

You know that 20 year old Oswald Ray, you know, from the black rock Screen Actors Guild? He can’t sing like a canary or drop any dimes because, you know, he’s presently perpetual worm and maggots. Right. Now. So what they will do is this. They’ll throw two or three, preferably white male secret service agents under the bus. See, they can’t throw any white females under the bus because, you know, those Gloria Steinem alpha pit bull females will all get their crossless panties in a bunch. And the black lesbo boss, what’s her name? Cheadle. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you could forget about her, because the Dei dynamos and those LGBTQ whatever lunatics, they’ll all set their baby cribs on fire and shake their rattles real loud.

So, you know, Jim, when it’s all said and done, they can all say, well, see, I told you, you just can’t trust those damn white men, especially in those highly skilled and highly paid jobs anyhow, you know, just hand them all a mop and a toilet bowl brush and point them to the nearest crapper. And don’t forget to tell them to flush and put the damn toilet seat down. That’s how it’s going to all end up. Jimbo. Nice. Chance, got a final thought? The final thought is we’re screwed. We’re screwed. You want to laugh? But nevertheless.

Nevertheless, I like your ears, Jim. Just the way they are. Unpunctured, unpierced. Thank you, Chance. Enjoy hearing from you, Laura in Michigan. Laura, join a conversation. I’ll carry you over the break. Yeah, I’m gonna agree with Layla about one thing. He must have been groomed, because if he’s gone to Bilderberg meetings for seven years, he had to be in college when he was starting on to the Bilderberg meetings also, okay, he turned his head. You never know, your ear might go more if you turn your head. Well, I’m having trouble with all these people not believing it.

That bullet went into that poor man with the daughters and wife there. We know. There was a bullet. There was a bullet. Well, I still believe that Mila has raised a good question for further investigation. I mean, I’m not. I’m open to new evidence, an alternative in hypothesis. We’ll be right back with a Laura hello, hello, hello from beautiful Colorado. My name is Samuel Jungke and I am currently the lead Shilaji hunter and master herbalist for Colorado Shiloji company. In this video series, I will be discussing what we believe is the greatest of all adaptogenic superfoods and the single greatest natural healing remedy gifted to us by Mother Earth.

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That’s pretty disturbing. There were, by the way, some big companies, Laura. There were some, by the way, some big companies that put shorts on Trump’s truth, social and other Trump industries. In others, they’re predicting a dramatic drop in the price which would have happened had he died. So that’s further evidence that this was a real attempt. I mean, I think Layla raises a very significant question. Was it an anatomically possible shot to the ear? I’m going to pursue that. I know the right guy to ask about this, but I still believe it was a real effort to kill him and that, you know, if he had participated in a stage event, the Democrats would be all over it, but in fact, they’re running away from it.

That’s my present take, but I’m grateful to Layla for raising the question. Go ahead. Also, the shooter, the t shirt that he was wearing when he took the shot, I got this from a friend of mine. He said this podcaster that promotes militias, he said CNN was already trying to use it. This guy was in motion. Whatever. I don’t know myself. I don’t. I don’t listen to podcasters. Well, see, this is another aspect I find suspicious. He had an AR 15. Now, that’s the wrong weapon for this assignment. It’s got a magazine that hangs down. That means you couldn’t reduce your silhouette on the roof as, you know, for concealment or to make yourself less of a target.

He should have had a. Maybe even a Mauser, a bolt action rifle or something more appropriate for sniping. But the AR 15 is the gun that democrats love to demonize. So, you know, from their political point of view, that’s their weapon of choice, right? I mean, who told them to put this t shirt as particular t shirt on? That’s just another way of demonizing a group. Yeah. What? Malicious. What. What did the t shirt say, Laura? It’s from some podcast that promotes. Promotes militias. I don’t know the name of the guy. Other people are being probably.

No. Yeah. Yeah. I don’t listen to podcasters no, but they would be. Yeah. Be anti militia, of course. Anti gun, anti militia. And want to make hay here. Those shorts are really important, by the way, as proof of foreknowledge of Trump’s death, or what they expected would be his death. Yeah. So go ahead, you got more. Laura, did I lose you? I just think this. I just think that people gotta. They’re so scared to believe anything anymore. Yeah. Just. They won’t believe anything. Well, there’s an awful lot we know that man was hit behind him. That man died.

Yes, yes, yes. The fire chief died, two others died. You can actually see him fall, you know, in some of the videos, and there’s so many videos here, I think this is a real hard one to fake. It was just done a very clumsy, amateurish manner. Laura, give us a. Give us a final thought. Saved himself. Trump saved himself. The Secret Service didn’t do anything. He saved himself. He got done this. This wasn’t his regular detail. This was a bunch of amateurs and clowns they brought in just for the sake of being able to explain it away on the basis of confidence.

Yeah, but Laura, right, final thought. Everybody there used, I heard on Fox News, they’re trying to use the iranian thing, you know, trying to bring Iran, and they think that they get Iran demonized. All the trumpers will go, oh, we gotta join the army so we can get those Iranians, you know. Right, right. That’s, that’s a BB net. Yeah. Whose scheme? Have no doubt, when he comes to Washington, he’s gonna be insisting the United States attacks Iran. It’s all ridiculous beyond words, but that’s what they do. It’s just outrageous. Laura, final thought. That’s it. Thank you.

Thank you. Great to have you here. Always. Nick in Arizona. Join Rick and we’ll carry you over the break. Rick? Oh, yeah. Okay, well, anybody, you can believe all what you want to believe. Only thing I think is that if this was real, that Secret Service agent lady would be fired immediately. But that’s not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about JD Vance. Now, JD Vance has a lot of things in common with a couple other presidents, with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. They both, all three of them came out of nowhere, okay? They all went to the Ivy League law school.

Clinton and Vance went to Yale, and Barack Obama went to Harvard. And all three were raised by their grandmother. Rich. Stand by. I like all this. Standby. We’ll be right back with you right after this breaks in a jarved, you are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to republicbroadcasting.org dot homeowners if your lender has gone out of business or sold your transaction to another lender or servicer, you may be the victim of a wrongful foreclosure resulting in the loss of your home. If you’ve already lost your home, are in foreclosure, or even in good standing, you can challenge the mortgage transactions illegal issue and your property can be restored to you and your foreclosure can be stopped or reversed and the mortgage transaction declared unenforceable.

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Visit the libertyland.com remember John Moore from seven to ten and two days. John Moore, the Liberty Mandev. Here come old flat top. He come grooving up slowly. Got you. I bought holy roller. He got down to his knee. Got to be a joker. He just do what he. Rick, I’m very interested in what you’re saying about Vance. Carry on. Well, it’s just, you know, it’s a, it. They got a lot in common. They’ve got, you know, the same profile. One thing about Vance, he has no resources. You know, I mean, he comes from a, you know, he does probably come from a, you know, a poverty youth, but somehow, some way he made it.

He got into the Marine corps, you know, and I don’t mean if he really was in the Marine Corps, who knows, Yale. He also went to Cambridge, you know. But I’m just saying there’s a real commonality here between Clinton, Obama and Vance is all three of them are raised by the grandmother. And when you look about it, these Democrats that were in office, they bought, nobody bombed more people than Clinton and Obama. Obama did the same thing. Bush, they’re all bombing brown skinned people. And that’s what’s going to happen. You know, Trump, you know, he could, you know, he’s going to be elected in.

And he could live, he may not live a year, he could die. You know, he’s 78 years old. And they got their boy, you know, they got this Vance guy in there. He’s a puppeteer extraordinaire. This guy has no power. It’s like Doug Bergamde. He was supposed to be on the list to be vice president. I knew they weren’t going to pick him. This guy has got serious power. He comes from a state with their own state bank. He’s a billionaire from Bill Gates. There’s no way they want that type of guy in there. This is how this works.

Doctor Fetzer in Las Vegas. The casino manager never promotes anybody to be his assistant with real talent because he’s afraid he’s going to get their job. In this case, this JD Vance guy has no charisma. He has no real personality. He fits the bill. He’s got a multicultural family. That’s the future they’re going to push. And you know, these, like yesterday Dan was talking about going around the country and seeing if these people from India, they’re all owning all our hotels on the highways and these truck stops in 711, these people are connected to Israel through the diamond industry.

And you can bet you can believe that all these hotels and stuff that these Indians, they are bugged these rooms are, these rooms are bugged by serious israeli intelligence operatives. There is a connection between India and Israel. Thanks for. Trump may have set himself up for being taken out in favor of Vance because when Trump talks about America first and make America great again, that makes the Israelis nervous. They want total dedication. I think they might want to take, get Trump advance elected and then take out Trump so Vance can move up and be their boy.

I worry about that and all. Let’s talk about Iran, which is totally unjustified. There’s no good reason for any animosity toward Iran. Just speaks of zionist zealotry. Like BB is writing his speeches. Yep. All right, well, have a good day and happy birthday when it comes around for Layla. Thank you for calling, Rick. Tom in Florida. Tom, join Tom. Tom, did we lose you? Let’s see. Dave in New York. We’ll get Tom when he’s back. Dave in New York, join Dave. Hello, Jim. Yes. When I walk outside in the morning, I stick my finger up and see which way the wind’s blowing.

Maybe that’s the way we have to deal with things. We don’t know what’s going to happen next. And it’s interesting. People can, our minds can be messed with, we can mess with reality. We can create viewpoints. And when I saw this, this Trump shooting thing, I asked myself question, I said, why is he standing up, raising his hand, his fist and saying, fight, fight, when he’s in plain view of possibly another shooter? And then he also did it in the limo. And so to me, that was very concerning what was going on there. And then a green Bray pointed out to me, and he’s on the network here, he pointed out to me, he said, President Trump is an alpha male warrior.

His actions after being shot are the actions of an alpha male warrior. Well, that’s very reasonable. And that could explain it. So we have different interpretations, can come from the same information. And there’s people that are believing this and not believing this, as you have said previously in the show here. But furthermore, there is propaganda that comes out, propaganda of the sort that makes false statements. And one of these false statements was made in a video by Greg Reese on fallacies of virology. And we’ve talked about this before, but he says in here, basically, that isolation has never been done with a virus.

Oh, okay. Yeah, that’s what he said. There, there was another article, and this article was discussed on John Moore’s show one day, revealed the SARS Cov two sequencing sham was the title of it. It says some background by the 1980s, virology still had yet to find and isolate a single virus. It still hasn’t. But when I look at a separate review article and there’s a whole bunch of publications related to this, the review article is a guide to the crystallographic analysis of isochedral viruses, 20 sided viruses Alexander McPherson and Stephen B. Larsen 2015. In this article I find a table table one, crystallization precipitants for viruses solved by x ray diffraction as reported in the protein database PDB.

And it lists, it shows that there were 108 different crystals that were made using precipitants such as polyethylene glycol with molecular weight less than 1000 or 1000 to 8000 or ammonium sulfate. They have crystallized and published for 108 different viruses. So Jim, why do we accept at face value such propaganda that’s put out so easily, disbelieving all the technology and research that’s been done without refuting it? There had to be 108 publications here, you know. Yeah, that’s great. Yeah. I will copy a little bit of this information and put it in the comment on your show so people can look at a few important points there.

And if you know there’s a point, it’s different looking at a virus that’s isolated from a plant versus an insect or an animal. It’s much easier to isolate them from a plant and they can explain this a little bit. Okay. So no, no, no, stick around 1 second. Personally I’ve been open, you know, I’ve been, I. My inclination is to believe that the science of virology is legitimate. The question about the existence of the COVID virus being a whole nother question. But what you’re essentially arguing is there’s massive studies for the existence of viruses. Virology is a viable science.

But that does leave open all the questions we’ve confronted about the coronavirus. Am I correct in my interpretation of what you said? Well, yes, but, and even further, Jim, wouldn’t it be great if we had a lot of confusion and inexplicable information out there that can lean people in all different directions on whether SARS cov two exists? Yeah. Create more disturbance in people’s minds and between people. Good call Dave. I’m glad you called. Call again. Yeah, thank you. We got Tom back. Tom, join the conversation. Yeah. Good day everybody. Hey Jim. First off, I just wanted like to know for everybody on RBN soliciting.

I like them to punch up Ted Cruz’s speech last night at the RNC. It was amazing. Jim, you should play a couple minutes of it. I hope you do those. Cruz really hit at home. And I even got to say Rubio was pretty tough, too. What he said about our country being invaded. It was amazing what speech cruise did. Now, listen, Jim, we got to remember who’s running Pennsylvania. You got Shapiro and a jew. You got Fetterman’s a jew. Most of their house members in that their state house are jewish. Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders, Dick Blumenthal.

How are all these jews getting all these powerful positions, Jim, when they’re 1.8% of the population? I got to know what the answer is. How? What are they doing, Mark? What are they doing to get. Tom, it’s called money. Okay? Money. The Rothschild is a rock. It’s a Rothschild empire buying up America. You know, american. They’re even using our own money. We send this money to Israel, they turn around and buy our politician with our own american taxpayer money. Tom, it’s. It’s really not that complicated, okay? Now, Jim, you got this. Eric Soros with his frog looking, the froggy old fart old man, and he’s gonna marry an arab woman called Uma Abidine that used to have a wiener, was married to Anthony Weiner, a jew.

He’s a jew, and now he’s very sloppy. Second and I, Aluma Abedin, who already had a kid with wiener, now this is getting filthy. The whole thing’s filth. And I looked at Soros, was going around paying these antifa people $1800. You go smash up wind stores and all that during the Black Lives Matter nonsense with Floyd, Pink Floyd. Well, you know, as you know, Tom, Huma and Hillary had a torrid affair. They were long time involved. Involved. And they mutually murdered a 14 year old girl for adrenochrome. It’s all grotesque and on the weiner laptop. Oh, exactly.

But I do believe Hillary also had an affair with Johnny re. I mean, Janet Reno. I think Janet Reno, at one time, something happened with that Reno and Hillary, or maybe who? I don’t know what happened. Maybe they caught each other cheating or something. I think Hillary was so upset that Waco was getting so much attention in the news when she wanted to promote her health care agenda that she had Bill force Janet Reno to attack the compound and kill everyone there just because she wanted more publicity for her health care. That’s how I think that went down.

Yeah, I agree. I just hope chance is not so often pessimistic. I want a chance to realize, come January, we’ll put their feet to the fire and we’re going to see what Trump’s going to do with this immigration invasion. That’s where he’s got to focus his energy at. What Ted Cruz did last night was an amazing speech. He was bringing out the women’s names who were murdered, even brought out. Kate Steinle was on a San Francisco pier, murdered by a guy who was deported five times. Say that he let the criminal go. I mean, Jim, we are definitely run by Marxists, there’s no question.

Yeah, I agree. I agree. I agree, Tom. Yeah, well, I gotta say, Jim, I think a lot of good things are gonna come out in the second Trump administration. I really do. I gotta be optimistic and not be a pessimist. You know, I think Trump, if he does get back there, he’s gonna be like the bull in a time shop. He’s only got four years to finish out his, uh, his, uh, duties, and I think he’s going to do a lot of great things for this country, honestly do. Tom, I got a bumbling more on Tom.

I want that to be the case. I want that to be the case. Let’s hope we’re right in placing any confidence in this guy. I hope you are right, Tom, and give us, give us a final thought. Tom, my final thought is this time, if you notice, Donald Trump’s not bringing out that Jared Kushner and his daughter Ivanka. It’s all about the sun. It’s Eric and Don Junior and their wife, I think, made a pivot. He’s not going to be pivoted by that jewish kosher Kabbalah nonsense, which they do, was she should make Kirsteners switch to Christianity.

I mean, Vance looks like an even bigger zionist. And Trump. Tom, I’m sorry to say I’m really upset about this. Tom, thanks for the call. I think he may be Hindu. He’s a Hindu. I look forward to your next call, Tom. Thank you so much. Meanwhile, Bruce in Texas. Bruce, join the conversation. Bruce. Hey, Jim. Hey. I think we were saved by Dei. I mean, they tried to kill. I’m all on board with Dei and the DOJ. They are so incompetent, it’s unbelievable. Embarrassing, really. They can’t even call off an assassination of the president anymore. Hey, I want you to.

Hey, I followed your work on 911. Of course, we differ on a few things, but I think that was your best work there was on 911. And also, I’m sure you’re familiar with the phrase that came out of the movie, all the president’s men. It always followed the money. Yeah, follow the money. By the way, deep Throat, wasn’t this obscure FBI official depot was Henry Kissinger. I mean, that the name. It was Henry the K. Yeah, go ahead, give us more. Right. And then continuing on with 911, you recall the, the airline stock that were shorted on September? Sure, yeah, sure.

Both United and American, it traced right back to the CIA. Exactly. Well, here we go. This is from a financial. I sent you the link so you can look at it yourself from a financial website. After an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump would sent shockwaves to the us political landscape. Trump media, NasdAQ DJT shares surged more than 60% in the early trading hours on Monday before retracting by 20%. So it bumped up quite a bit and came back down. Yeah, but there were shorts. But there were shorts put up with Bruce. There were shorts expecting the Trump stock was going to fall because he was dead.

How bad is that? That’s prior knowledge. That’s exactly like 911. Of course. Yes. Hundred percent. Yeah. And, okay, that’s all I have. And people are jumping through hoops saying that, you know, that, that Donald Trump takes his, you know, you can see the nick on his ear in some pictures, you know, like where the earlobe, you know, I had a cat that hot shot at with a 22, a neighbor, and it grazed his head. He had this car. I mean, so it happened, you know, it. As long as it’s, as long as it’s anatomically possible. I’m still buying that.

It was a legitimate assassination attempt that was done by amateurs and it got wasted. It was ridiculous. It was a clown show. Thanks for calling, Bruce. Thank you for calling Joe in Florida. Joe, you’re always welcome here. Your thoughts? Hey, Jim. Yeah, thanks for taking the call. Yeah, I think you’re right to keep the focus on that as the narrative about the Trump assassination attempt. It is real. But here’s the way I think I can explain it. I thought about this even better. So there’s no doubt that Trump has fans among the Chabad, Likudnik, jewish terrorists that are in control there committing a genocide.

Okay. So it’s, it’s a little confusing to see that, how much they kind of love him and he loves them, and that’s the zio side of it. But the far greater and much more powerful faction of Jews, for lack of a better term, these are the globalist Jews, these are called the Soros Jews. These are the people that have the influence, much, much more powerful, and they’re the ones that want him dead. Okay. They’re the group, George Soros, and then the Kagan cabal, Robert Kagan and his war criminal, bloodthirsty wife, Newland Victoria Nuland. They have the ability to, like Princess Soros, send hundreds of millions of dollars, help the coup in 2014 to set up that fake government, which they’ve been controlling in Ukraine, as the means that they would launch their jewish war against Russia.

But what else do they have? They have domestic power. They have the ability to do crimes in the US. Okay. Because they’re connected with the Nuland gang. I think Mayorkas is a part of this. And so we come to this layout of the shooting assassination syndicates trial. It’s interesting you pointed this out. Thank you for pointing this out. So today, this secret Service head, what a joke. She’s saying, well, the reason why we thought the roof is too slow, we wanted to secure it from inside the building. What a load of B’s. But to me, very important is this is directly contradictory.

I’m sure you picked this up from the first thing she said. What was the first thing she said? This cheadle person. She says, oh, we’ve had that building outside of the zone of security. Okay, well, you know, to me, this is very interesting. She changes the story the day later. Why? Because to me, that’s the real story. And she let it slip. Why? Because that’s their plausible deniability. They say, oh, this wasn’t our zone of security. We’re going to blame it on the locals. Right? But that’s exactly how they do these operations, because they think that’s their plausibility.

Nobody bought it. But if you say, well, this area, which everyone’s pointed out is less than 400ft away from the point where Trump was speaking, is somehow outside of security, to me, that’s what you link mayorkist, the other jewish cabal that is running this president, this Biden, has not ever been running this country. We know the Jews, the cabal of Jews that are in every office, every cabinet level, including Mayorkas, who’s ultimately in control of the secret service. They’re the ones that have been running the country. So there we have the connection. Right? They know, for instance, that if Trump gets into power, it’s the same people who are outraged at this.

International momentum is growing for the peace plan. Victor Orban has got the sign off of President Xi of China. He went directly speaking from President Putin in Russia, flew to President Trump and got his, I believe, his agreement. And then two days later, oh, how, what a coincidence. He’s being shot at and his head is almost blown off. These are the people we have to focus on. My opinion here, I’ll say the last thing is, how do we know that we’re living under a jewish tyranny? Because it’s when the Jew says they don’t want to anymore.

You’re gone. Now this is what I’m saying about Trump. Biden. So what’s the breaking news today? Congressman Adam Schiffde is saying Biden should drop out, and there seems to be momentum. I think actually Biden is going to drop out next week. So it’s very convenient to me. Is this a coincidence? The same jew who coordinated the Jew coup against President Trump with the indictment? Remember that cabal of Jews? And Nadler was part of it, but Adam Schiff was really leading that dooku. Now all sudden he’s caught red handed leading this jew coup. Not that I have any empathy for Biden, that he’s a disgrace, but how interesting that the same person, the jew who says, oh, we don’t, we don’t want Biden anymore.

Now watch, I think Biden’s going to drop out. This is the Jewish we live under. Joey’s a weather vein. Schiff is shi, he’s just a disgusting excrement of. But you’re right, he’s a weather pain. You’re absolutely right. Biden’s going to drop out. You got it, Joe. Good stuff. Good stuff. Thank you very much, my friend. Meanwhile, Mark and Georgia. Mark join the conversation. Mark. Okay, so I didn’t catch all of the comments Layla said about freaking his ear, but Layla said something last Friday and she was talking about, oh, you guys need to freaking not want General Flynn to be the vp pick because General Flynn lined up all these military people as they were blowing chauffeurs up in the air as Trump was flying around above him in a helicopter.

And he was probably getting his freaking jollies off trying to capture that essence and getting off on the notion that he’s being praised, like God. So here’s the thing. All these arguments about, oh, freaking, you know, security freaking didn’t do this or whatever, all these arguments are arguments of the dog being wagged by the tail. There were two freaking people supposedly spotted up on that roof. If you look at the image, the rifle is very far away from that kid. That kid was drugged and he was talked into being part of the security team. Somebody else shot at people in the crowd.

They didn’t shoot at Trump. He faked it with his hand going up and he never saw blood on his hand. Or his, or his cuff. When he came back up, they put freaking stuff on his ear. When they dog piled on him, the secret Service guys did. And that kid freaking, they waited for the other shooter, the other actual inside guides. That freaking was the assassin for the people in the crowd. They waited for him to get out of the way before they took the shot and freaking blew away the kid and left him as a pasty.

The reason Trump took this freaking hit and he set it up himself. And people are not going to want to believe this because they’re so invested in him, because he is the Antichrist. That is his role. He went down on freaking Saturday. It was all symbolic. He went down on Saturday and he came up on Monday. Look at the Bible. Jesus Christ died supposedly on Friday, came back on Sunday. Trump went on Saturday, he came back Monday. Just one year, one day difference. And when did they have the convention in Milwaukee? What’s Milwaukee known for? Milwaukee’s known for beer.

What’s the most popular beer? It’s known for old Milwaukee and Milwaukee’s best. What’s one of them known for? Their nickname is called the Beast. This is how you guys are being played. I was going to call in last week and I called him before and said, look, you need to look up all the notions that freaking Donald Trump fits every freaking characteristic, 27 characteristics that’s in the Bible, that freaking perfectly, perfectly and even by name, call him the Antichrist. You guys are so stupid you can’t figure it out. Thanks for sharing, Mark. We’re glad to hear from you.

Meanwhile, we’ll get you on. Jeff in Utah, James in Vancouver. Call early tomorrow, I’ll get you on. Spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends and people you love and care about, because we do not know how much time we have left. And support RBN, my friend, with a little help from my friends.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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assassination plot against Trump Biden administration alleged involvement criticism of Iraq war defective mortgage legal help Donald Trump assassination attempt controversy FBI and Secret Service criticism Iran's role in Trump assassination attempt political events and theories potential war with Russia Republican Party support for Israel Trump as Antichrist theory Ukraine's role in European conflict Vance's political transformation

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