RBN Authentic News (13 December 2023)

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots

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➡ On December 13th, 2022, ongoing conflict between Israeli forces and Palestinians in Gaza has resulted in a significant loss of life, with Israeli airstrikes causing significant damage, including the intentional bombing of Al Jazeera journalists’ homes. These events are happening amid increasing global opposition to Israeli actions, and warnings from Iran about potential explosions in the Middle East if the situation continues to escalate. Furthermore, Israeli forces have started pumping seawater into Gaza tunnels, posing environmental risks. Lastly, there is political tension as Netanyahu hints at extending violence to the West Bank amid negotiations for a cease-fire and prisoner exchanges.
➡ The United States is accused of complicity in genocide and is perceived negatively by the global community because of its unwillingness to support immediate ceasefires. There’s a widespread assertion that the US rejected a ceasefire in a recent UN security vote due to the influence of Israeli Zionist Jews in the government. Furthermore, developments in Ukraine suggest it’s on the brink of military collapse. Also, changes in Russia’s space and defense administration hint at potential power shifts. Meanwhile, there are arguments that truth-telling websites struggle financially and have challenges in standing up against the established narrative of the mainstream media.
➡ The discussed topic revolves around concerns over the US surveillance state post 9/11, with apprehension over its extension and potentially even further expansion under the Biden administration. The discourse also involves various legal cases associated with former President Trump, questioning the fairness of their proceedings. The criticism extends to Hillary Clinton and Biden’s handling of secure materials.
➡ Hunter Biden, amidst heated controversy, refuses to comply with a GOP subpoena, telling Congress that he will testify publicly only under his conditions. This refusal may affect formalizing the House impeachment inquiry regarding President Biden’s involvement in the Biden family business.➡ Further disputes within the Democratic Party occur as the North Carolina Democratic Jewish Caucus was rejected as an affiliate of the state Democratic Party, with implications of this move potentially influencing voting behavior in 2024, threatening the party’s future.
➡ Legal allegations emerge against 5G technology, with a lawsuit backed by Bobby Jr’s children’s health defense arguing an Idaho resident suffered significant heart problems, allegedly due to a nearby cell tower’s radio frequency radiation.
➡ Climate conference delegates underscore the need for transitioning away from fossil fuels despite skepticism about the correlation between CO2 levels and earth’s temperature, arguing that without CO2, life could not exist on earth.
➡ The Biden administration faces backlash from 19 state attorneys general for a proposed rule that disqualifies prospective foster parents who do not affirm LGBTQ rules due to their Christian faith.
➡ Suspicious online listings suggestive of child trafficking raise concerns, with allegations centering around various ecommerce platforms, with Etsy being called into question due to listings that seemingly use code words for illegal activities.
➡ The text details an upcoming conference featuring talks on a range of topics including adaptogenic superfoods like Shilaji, false flags and conspiracy theories, Netflix’s race swapping accusations, and independent political voices. There are also personal testimonials about the effectiveness of Extendovite, a product aimed at extending life and improving health.
➡ The conversation discusses the potential misuse of surveillance technology, manipulation via mass media, and conspiracy theories related to major events and governmental actions. It also briefly touches upon pressing immigration issues.
➡ The speaker talks about their dissatisfaction with the political scenario, involving figures like Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, the immigration crisis, and issues related to the Jewish community. Subsequent discussion revolves around attitudes towards the English language in America, acknowledging the importance of gold, and international relations with Israel. The speaker also touches on social issues in California, expressing concern about resources like water being strained by immigrants.
➡ In the conversation, they discuss the potential impeachment of President Biden, the likelihood of a passed resolution by the House, its fate in the Senate, the role of individual politicians in this situation, and speculation about who will run in the 2024 elections. There are also mentions of various talks at an upcoming conference and the investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings.
➡ The House Republicans are considering an impeachment inquiry into potential charges of bribery, abuse of power, and obstruction against the Biden administration. While House Speaker Mike Johnson insists the inquiry is a legal decision inspired by constitutional responsibility, others highlight the political implications, suggesting the vote might also be a strategic move to satisfy hardliners and achieve bipartisan deals.
➡ The text revolves around a conversation discussing political issues, mainly the controversial political actions in California and the questionable legality and motivations of some politicians. The dialogue suggests there is a dire need for a more trustworthy authority, proposing Donald Trump as the potential answer. The text also touches on the situation in Israel, expressing concern over its global influence and manipulative tactics, with a suggestion that there might be a nefarious satanic undercurrent among some of its most influential figures. Finally, the text advises people to cherish their loved ones, as the future is uncertain.


Today because you can handle. It’s got a good reason but taking the easy way out got a good reason for taking the easy way out. Now she was a dead trip up one way ticket. It took me so long to find out. I found out. This is Jim Fetzer, your host on authentic news right here on RBN Live. This 13th day of December, 2022 23 simulcasting on speak free radio, the beat goes on.

The massacre continues. Operational cost of blood day 67 israeli forces storm Kamal Odwin hospital in Bitley. Of course, take another hospital. You know what a threat they pose to israeli civilians in the IDF. Casualties 18,412 plus killed 50,000 wounded in the Gaza Strip 279 Palestinian killed in the occupied West bank in east Jerusalem. Israel revised its estimate October SAP down from 1400 to 1147, I estimate over half of whom were actually killed by the IDF.

435 israeli soldiers killed since October 7. Israeli media reports over 5000 injurers, citing military sources. Key developments israeli war jets bombed the house of al Jazeera correspondent Anna al Sharif, killing his father Jamal, 65, in Jubila’s block five neighborhood. Al Sharif is the third al Jazeera journalist to see his family members killed in israeli bombardment. It’s no accident, by the way. Israeli forces have killed 86 journalists in Gaza since October 7.

However, media workers whose relatives were killed far exceed that number. Rescue teams have recovered 23 bodies buried under the rubble following the bombardment of the Kala family home in that neighborhood. Israeli military announced 20 soldiers killed in friendly fire in Gaza, 13 mistakenly identified as terrorists. Guthi rebels launch missile on vessels scheduled to dock in Israel’s ashdowed port set on fire near the Babel Mandib Strait. Lots going on here.

Moreover, we have a report from the truth seeker and israeli colonel and other commanders among ten killed in Gaza over the past day. Israeli military says ten of its troops were killed on Tuesday during the aggression against a besieged Gaza Strip. A senior israeli colonel who commanded a forward base of an elite infantry unit was killed in Gaza. Isaac bin Basat, 44, was killed along with seven under Israelis on Tuesday in an ambush by palestinian fighters.

They’re doing a great job in my opinion. From the point of view of military. I applaud Moss. I repeat a story of yesterday. UN General assembly has voted overwhelmingly to adopt a resolution demanding a cease fire in Gaza as global opposition to the US backed israeli massacre of Palestine continues to rise. 193 members in the General assembly, of whom 153 countries supported the resolution. Ten voted against, 23 abstain.

The resolution expresses grave concern over the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip. And the suffering of the palestinian civilian population, emphasizing palestinian and israeli civilian populations must be protected in accordance with international humanitarian law. But this reflects is growing worldwide opposition to what Israel is doing in Palestine, meanwhile profoundly disturbing. Israel begins pumping salt water into Hamas Gaza’s tunnels. I hope it wouldn’t come to this, but I’m not surprised it has.

These are sadistic, vicious, ruthless monsters who are slaughtering a basically peaceful and very humane population. Israel’s military has begun pumping seawater into mosque’s vast complex at tunnels in Gaza, according to U. S. Official briefed on the operation, part of an intensive effort to destroy the underground infrastructure that has underpinned the group’s operations. The move to flood the tunnels with water from the Mediterranean, which is in an early stage, is one of several techniques Israel is using to try to clear and destroy the tunnels.

A spokesperson for the israeli defense ministry declined to comment. Israeli officials say Hamas underground system has been key to its operations on a battlefield. The tunnel system, they say, is used by Hamas to maneuver fighters across the battlefield and store the group’s rockets and munitions, and enables the group leader to command and control their forces. Israel also believes some hostages are being held inside the tunnel. That’ll go down as collateral damage.

Mind you, I’ve spoken with an engineer about this. It has a potential to contaminate all the freshwater wells in the vicinity, making the area uninhabitable for centuries. Uninhabitable for centuries. But these sadists just don’t care. Meanwhile, significantly, Iran threatens a big explosion in the Middle east if Israel continues to kill terrorists while it’s happening, the Islamic Republic of Iran threatened a big explosion could unfold in the Middle east if Israel continues to hunt down the Mos.

Terrorists responsible for were told murdering 1200 Israelis on October 7. At least every week we receive a message from the US telling us us bases in Syria and Iraq are targeted by some groups, says the iranian foreign minister. At any moment, there’s a possibility of a big explosion in the region, one not controllable by any party. I believe it it might be better sooner than later. Meanwhile, Netanyahu hints at expanding colonial violence to the occupied West bank.

This guy, of course, is the most vicious of the vicious. PM Netanyahu made an erroneous but revealing statement during Monday’s Knesset meeting of the foreign affairs and security committee. The difference between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority is only that Hamas wants to destroy us here and now, and the PA wants to do it in stages. I was speaking of the hypothesis that the PA returned to governing role in Gaza, which runs against Israel’s interests, are implications of expanding colonial aggression in the occupied West bank.

Using the terror narrative as the pretext. You can count on that coming. Meanwhile, israeli forces have attacked a UNRWA school in northern Gaza. A video showing the moment israeli forces blew up a school building in northern Gaza. The military said it was used as an Amos outpost and soldiers can be heard cheering in the background. UN schools and buildings continue to be targeted by Israel while also being used as shelters for thousands of displaced Palestinians, which from the israeli point of view makes them inviting targets.

Meanwhile, here’s Scott Ritter suggesting that Hezbollah will take all of Galilee and north Israel if the hostages, all the palestinian hostages, are not released. Let’s keep in mind where the IDF was when the truce started. They were getting their butts kicked up north by Hezbollah, literally having billions of dollars of intelligence and security infrastructure wiped away along with dozens of tanks. There he is. I don’t know. They were all quiet, but hopefully they’ll be quiet.

I don’t know what’s going on out in front of my yard right now. The fact is they were losing the war against Hezbollah and they were fought to a standstill by Hamas. Let’s remember that Benjamin Netanyahu said at the beginning of this, we will never accept a ceasefire. We will never trade prisoners. And yet here we are, day six of a ceasefire that he never was going to accept, and they’re trading prisoners that he said they were never going to exchange.

Why? Because Hamas fought them to a standstill the day before this ceasefire kicked in. They don’t call this ceasefire now they’re calling it a pause because he said he would never accept a ceasefire. Israeli battalions were withdrawn from Gaza because they were beat, because they wouldn’t fight anymore, because the men were scared, because the officers wouldn’t execute the orders. Why? Because Hamas wasn’t beat. Hamas was fighting and fighting very well, destroying hundreds of vehicles, killing scores of Israelis.

The Israelis were fought to a standstill. And so Benjamin Netanyahu did what he had to do. He was under a lot of pressure to get these hostages out. So he did what he said he wouldn’t do. He accepted a truce, a ceasefire, and he started exchanging. Now we’re in a situation where he has backed himself into a corner rhetorically. He keeps talking about defeating the strategic defeat of Hamas.

He doesn’t understand the following. The moment he initiates reinitiates conflict in Gaza, a, they’re going to be beat badly by Hamas. B, Hezbollah is coming in like he’s never seen Hezbollah come in before the israeli media just admitted what I’ve been saying all along, that Israel can’t stop Hezbollah, that if Hezbollah wants to take the galilee, Hezbollah will take the galilee and there’s nothing that Israel could do to stop them.

This is the situation that Netanyahu finds himself in. So he now has to weigh politically what’s best to go back to war and get beat, because they will get beat, or to continue this truce and try to buy time politically by getting more prisoners out. The problem is they got rid of the easy ones, the women and the children. Now what’s left are the soldiers and the men, which means that Hamas is going to extract a higher price.

Hamas wants all the prisoners released. All the hostages, you were right to point out, when you grab somebody off the street, put them in a prison without any charges, without due process, that’s not a prisoner, that’s a hostage. So Israel’s holding thousands. Hamas wants them. So Netanyahu is in a very difficult place politically. I think Scott Ritter, of course, got it right. Now, that was a bit dated of a couple of days ago, but that’s a situation in which Netanyahu has found himself meanwhile, and this is all too true, and the whole world appreciates that the United States is complicit in genocide.

This is from strategic culture. It goes back all the way to a UN security vote on the eigth. But this is dated. The twelveth demanding an immediate humanitarian ceasefire failed because US used its veto power as a sole defending vote. The US ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas Greenfeld, did not cast the damning vote. She sent her assistant instead, shielding herself from the disgust of the international community.

Thomas Greenfeld is a direct descendant of african slaves held in Africa without citizenship or human rights, similar to the palestinian people. Today, Secretary of state Blinken met with Qatar PM and minister of foreign affairs ahead of the December eigth meeting with the Arabist Islamic ministerial committee. Summit envisioned the meeting would take place prior to the UN vote so they could present their case as to why a ceasefire to save children’s lives should be supported by the United States.

Instead, Lincoln waited until after the US voted no and the ceasefire was an impossibility to sit around the table with the Arab islamic ministerial committee, who all looked dejected and hopeless. They told Blinken they reject the US israeli aggression against the palestinian people in Gaza, engulfed on the US to assume its responsibility and take the necessary measures to push Israel toward an immediate ceasefire. They called for a lifting of the siege, which prevents adequate amounts of humanitarian aid into Gaza, but it’s not happening.

Why? Because the US government is staffed by israeli Zionist Jews who are acting on behalf of Israel and who could care less about the United States. That’s how it is. We have to have a sub to it. Meanwhile, U. S. Has threatened to kill the Yemen peace deal over a houthi attack on Red Sea shipping. Anywar. com the US is threatening to kill a peace plan for Yemen that was negotiating between the Houthis and the Saudis.

If the Houthis continue attacking shipping in the Red Sea, which a group has been doing in response to Israel’s assault on Gaza, good for them, the Guardian reported. The Houthis and Saudis have reached a peace deal that could satisfy all the major parties involved, even the Southern Transition Council. A UAE back group wants to see the restoration of north and South Yemen as two separate countries, as they were before Yemen was unified in 1990.

A vise plan has been presented to the UN, but the details have not been disclosed to the public. According to the Guardian, the agreement involves three phases in a potential us plan to redesignate the Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization could prevent the first phase from being implemented. Of course, the US is going to block peace agreements any way it can. That has been our role. Historically, America has become a terrorist organization.

Meanwhile, turning to Ukraine, the situation is very grim. Ukraine’s elite 47th Mechanized Brigade has been surrounded and is low on ammunition. A critical front faces collapse. Ukraine’s elite 47th Mechanized Brigade, stationed in the town of Adevika in the disputed Donesk region, has been surrounded and forced to contend with growing ammunition shortages, according to multiple reports from ukrainian and western sources. British reports indicate the brigade was meant to attack a russian column before it linked up with assault infantry on the northern flank, but failed to do so due to a lack of ammunition.

Well, that tells it all. The situation is very grim. Ukraine has lost. Meanwhile, we’ve had several developments regarding the russian boisterous space chief Dmitry Rogueson, who’s a blustering head of the stay’s program. Out of position point. A big shake up in the Russian Gov. Herman being replaced by Yuri Borisov, russian deputy prime minister of space and defense, bringing an end to Rogozin’s dynamic reign as general director of the country space program.

He’s been in charge of Ross Comos since his appointment as director in 2018. Prior to that, deputy prime minister since 2011 overseeing space and defense. But now there’s been an attempt to kill him. Rather stunning. He was targeted in a restaurant by sophisticated french made weaponry, where the key question becomes how it was known he was there. Brigozen, who was wounded but not killed, has said he saw from space what weapon he was wounded with and is preparing to take revenge.

Dmitry Ragozan, who was wounded in a restaurant in Doneesk on New Year’s Eve, said with the help of satellite images. Wow. This is back from January with a satellite. He had precisely located the howitzer that was fired at him in preparing a fake revenge. My understanding is Ragozen is a Persona non grata because he’s an enthusiast russian nationalists. We’ll see what make up right back after Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been.

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This website, he writes, continues to be read in every country in the world and continues to have committed donors who keep it alive. But my quarterly appeals bring inadequate reader response, meaning he’s hurting. Aren’t we all? Truth tellers are slandered every day by alleged fact checkers and verification sites such as Newsguard and I recently exposed. I find it extraordinary that Americans can be so stupid as to believe snake oil salesmen, anyone can be set up by control the explanation money to be a fact checker or a verification site.

If you look at the personnel involved in these slander websites, which is all they are, there’s no sense, no one of any consequence or achievement. All of them are persons of zero accomplishment other than in the art of slander. Does it occur to American to wonder who sets up these sites for the purposes of suppressing truth and discrediting truth tellers? Probably not. Most Americans still think they live in a free, democratic country.

A few remaining truth tellers face a dilemma. Why continue? What’s the use? An individual voice cannot be heard when up against billions of dollars in unanimous voice of printed tv, media, government, corporate America, and the endless websites established by the establishment to control the explanation, the narrative, all a website has as an indication of its worth is its reader’s financial support. If that support is not there, then the website has no purpose.

If truth tellers pulled up, America will have no alternative to the tyranny of the blue bill. I disagree with Paul. A website has purpose. I’ve never been driven by money. I have very limited funds, but it’s never mattered to me as long as I could pay my bills, keep a roof over my family’s know, keep us going. That’s all that’s mattered. So I think Paul may be slightly, ever so slightly exaggerating the purpose of a website, most certainly mine, whether it’s the video, whether it’s the blog, whether it’s twitter, is anything but making money.

I could care less about money. I care about truth. I know he does, too. Meanwhile, we have a report to be concerned about spying on America. Listen to this, Jim Jordan, Glenn Grunwald talking about the surveillance state in which we live. But first, Glenn Greenwald, there’s probably no issue on which I have focused more as a journalist than the issue of illegal, warrantless domestic spying en masse, perpetrated by the United States government on the american population.

And as we’ve recounted before, the history of the US security state. Embedded in it was the idea that the US security state will always be directed exclusively to foreign countries and never directed inward. And it was after 911 when really for the first time, en masse, the US security state, the powers of the NSA and the CIA and the FBI started being focused overwhelmingly on the domestic population.

Obviously, the FBI had abused its powers domestically before, but never in the systemic way that 911 permitted. And it wasn’t just in the year or two when fears were high. When it happened, that was when those fears were exploited to justify the imposition of these new powers. And yet they never went away. The assurance at the time was, oh, don’t worry, this is very temporary, just to get this crisis of terrorism under control.

And once we do, we’re going to give those powers back. And of course, that never happened. Now we’re going to have Senator Mike Leon in just a little bit, because it’s time for a very important new vote about whether to extend these warrantless buying powers used against american citizens for another five years. And there’s a real chance this time to stop it. But at the same time, there’s a bipartisan effort underway in conjunction with the White House, the Biden White House, not only to extend those powers, but to dangerously expand them even further than they’ve ever been up until this point.

I want you to appreciate that Joe Biden, the guy they call Joe Biden, who wanders around naked in the White House in the middle of the night and doesn’t know his own identity, has nothing to do with this. It’s all behind the scenes. Barack Obama and his henchmen who are pulling the strings, all profoundly troubling. Meanwhile, well, the Supreme Court agreeing to hear a case that could have ramification for Trump, other cases before Donald Trump.

The Supreme Court Wednesday agreed to hear an appeal brought by a man charged with offenses related to the January 6 assault on the Capitol, a case that could have major impact on the criminal prosecution of former President Trump. Except, of course, all these people thought they were just visiting the Capitol for the most part, apart from the FBI assets and Stooges who are being provocative, the whole op having been run by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

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Consultations are free and we provide a free title search to confirm if your mortgage has legal defects. Email tom@republicbroadcasting. org t o m@republicbroadcasting. org well, here’s that rebart I began the discussing. It’s actually from NBC News that justices are going to hear a case brought by defendant Joseph Fisher seeking to dismiss a charge accusing him of obstructing an official proceeding, namely the certification by Congress of President Biden’s election victory, which was disrupted by a mob of Trump supporters.

Now, actually, that’s not true. They hadn’t reached the point of talking about the vote. They were on the verge of discussing evidence of voter fraud and election theft. That’s why it was skillfully arranged. Like Pelosi, Schumer, the FBI in the mayor of Washington make these things happen, where most of the patriotic civilians thought they were just peacefully protesting, as they believed to be their right under the First Amendment.

Trump, remember, had told him to peacefully and patriotically protest statements that were edited out by the January 6 commission. And now, of course, we know they have destroyed their video deposition because you had one witness after another that wasn’t conforming to their predetermined package of conclusions. Just outrageous. Meanwhile, there are multiple websites devoted to tracking the legal cases involving Trump. Here’s one called justsecurity. org. On both criminal and civil litigation fronts, former President Trump faces a bevy of lawsuits investigation, with more cases likely to follow.

Some are civil suits stemming from his pre presidential business dealings. That’s in New York. That case has already been refuted by the bankers who extended the loan, saying they were perfectly satisfied with Trump’s collateral, meaning there’s no victim there. Trump paid them back with interest. They were fat and heavy. It’s partisan Democrats abusing the legal system to make a case where there is no case at all. Others are defamation claims from women he allegedly assaulted.

Remember that one from E. Jean Carroll who claimed she was assaulted in Bloomingdale and can’t even remember the year? I say find any victim of rape who can’t remember the minute, the hour, the day when they were assaulted. Those are genuine victims. This is totally fake. And would you believe the New York legislature actually created an exemption because the statute of limitations had run out to allow this totally frivolous case to be filed? How disgusting.

More still are criminal probes in civil action that scrutinizes attempts to overthrow the results of the 2020 election, one being in Georgia. It’s all based on his saying, we want to find the votes, let’s find the votes, because he knew the polls had showed he was going to win in Georgia, just as he was going to win all over the United States. They try to make a mountain out of a molehill, it comes to nothing.

And of course, then we have the classified documents case in Florida, and I guarantee 100% that also is not going to go anywhere. Indeed, there’s overwhelming evidence that Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, when he was vice president, violated, committed the kind of crimes they’re accusing Trump. But Trump actually had a secure vault that always had been approved by the National Archives, even investigated by the FBI. He had the right to the documents he had as president with the ultimate declassification authority.

But Biden at the time was only vice president. He had some of that secure material stored in his garage with his precious corvete. What a scumbag. And Hillary, we all know, deleted a server and some 33,000 emails. And what has the government done to prosecute? Not a damn thing. Here you want to talk about someone with Hootspah? Hunter Biden is insisting he’s not going to comply with a GOP subpoena.

He accuses mega Republicans of invading his privacy in a public statement. This is just, frankly absurd. Hunter Biden held a short press conference on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning to announce he will not comply with House Oversight committee’s lawful subpoena. He was scheduled to appear for a closed door deposition at 09:30 a. m. The House Republicans say they’re now moving to hold him in contempt of Congress as appropriate.

Eric Swalwell, Democrat of California remember, bang bang, fang fang. This is a guy who had an affair with a chinese spy and his lawyer Abby Lowell, standing nearby, Hunter once again offered to testify publicly rather than first appear for a closed door deposition as is normally done. In other words, Hunter Biden is trying to tell Congress how to conduct its investigations. Here’s a second report about it from Breitbart.

Hunter Biden made clear during a press conference Wednesday that would be today that it will only testify under his own rules and will not comply with House investigators lawful subpoena that compelled him to testify behind closed doors at 09:30 a. m. This morning. His failure to appear before the House will likely be a factor in formalizing the House impeachment inquiry vote Wednesday evening, that’s tonight. Regarding President Biden’s involvement in the Biden family business, I mean, the degree of corruption is frankly staggering.

In fact, it’s underlined by this very, very interesting report. A mob boss told Jesse Waters one shocking thing about Joe Biden. Former Gambino crime family underboss Sammy the bowl gravano served as a government star witness in a trial that said mob boss John Gotti to jail, where he later died in prison. He’s well versed in FBI probes and cover ups. In an appearance on Jesse Waters Fox News show, Grabiano expressed shock the FBI and justice department have allowed the Biden family to have way with from their alleged foreign influence paddling scheme.

It’s mind blowing. I don’t understand how the country is just sitting back listening to these things and no action is being taken, Gravano told waters. The Forto Gambino crime family soldier said he had associates who served 22 lifetime sentences for this kind of stuff, 22 lifetime sentences. He’s basically saying there was a time when there was a degree of law and order in this country, but no longer.

Meanwhile, a democratic leader claims that jewish caucus is going to end the party. Well, that’s interesting. As a result of their affiliation, the North Carolina Democratic Jewish Caucus had been accused by Ryan Jenkins, chairman of the North Carolina Progressive Democrat Caucus, of ending the party with 17 votes against, 16 in favor and 17 abstentions. The jewish caucus was rejected and is an affiliate of the state Democratic Party.

Last week, air threatening the ones who voted to abstain or targeting every single person who either didn’t come. He said of the members that if the jewish caucus decide to connect with the North Carolina Democrat Party, many progressive caucus members would be opposed and might not vote in 2024. Thus, he’s suggesting they could basically bring an end to the party. Meanwhile, the children’s health events, this is Bobby Jr’s company funds lawsuit on behalf of a man who says a horizon cell tower triggered life threatening cardiac events.

I’ve heard a lot about this. If you dig into it, these 5g towers, I’m convinced, are a serious threat to our health. An Idaho man alleging the radio frequency radiation emitted by a cell tower installed next to his home triggered more than 15 episodes of atrial fibrillation. That’s, of course, heart palpitations irregular today sued Verizon and other companies involved in the operation of the tower. Henry Hank Allen, age 53, said his electromagnetic sensitivity makes him vulnerable to life threatening cardiac episodes, which began in April 2021 when Verizon activated the tower.

I’m glad Bobby’s children health defense is assisting. Meanwhile, at the climate summit, a single sentence offers some hope. To wit, last night, as North America’s left delegates from around the world concluded the global Climate conference in Dubai, when the chair, local oilman Satan al Jabur, quickly gavebled through. An agreement included a sense calling for transitioning away from fossil fuels and energy systems in a just, orderly and equitable manner.

Lehman ought seem like much. It is, after all, the single most obvious thing one could possibly say about climate change, if you believe in it, akin to an effort to reduce my headache, I’m transitioning away from hitting myself in the forehead with a hammer. By itself, it’ll accomplish nothing. But you see, the whole thing is predicated on a fraud. There’s 600 million years of world history. There’s no correlation between the amount of co2 in the atmosphere and the temperature of earth.

They are totally unconnected. Plus, co2 not only cools earth in four different ways, but is indispensable to the production of water and air. In other words, without co2, life could not exist on earth. Meanwhile, Biden said something pretty bizarre. In my opinion, you’re not going to be allowed to be a foster parent if you believe in christian values. I mean, get this, Chuck Calesto tweeted. Christians are not allowed to be foster parents in Biden’s America.

Those who do not affirm the LGBTQ rules because of their christian faith will be deemed unsafe by the Biden administration and ultimately rejected as foster parent candidates. Unreal. Thus, I’m very pleased as a gateway budget reports 19 state attorneys general urged the Biden regime to reconsider the proposed rule that disqualifies christian families who do not affirm LGBTQ rules from becoming foster parents. Frankly, it’s absurd. Attorneys general from 19 states have been a joint letter opposing a recent rule proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Impacting foster care placements a contentious rule officially titled safe and appropriate Foster Care Placement requirements, title four E and four B was published in the Federal Register on September 28, 2023, under the citation, 88 Fed. Reg. 66, 752. It aims to establish guidelines for foster care placement with a specific focus on respecting and affirming the selfidentified gender identities of children in the foster care system. Among its stipulations, the rule mandates that foster parents acknowledge and use a child’s a child’s chosen name and pronouns and permit them to dress in a manner consistent with their gender identity.

According to the American Family association, those who do not affirm the LGBTQ rules because of their christian faith will be deemed unsafe by the Biden administration and ultimately rejected as foster parent candidates. Can you believe that in the United States of America? Meanwhile, Citizen Watch report potential child trafficking site on EPsi Etsy taken down pizza delivery for $9,000 Liz Cronkin tweets is child trafficking taking place on Etsy? There’s a lot of suspicious lessing on Etsy that have people wondering if child porn or children are for sale for sex.

On the ecommerce site, for example, there’s a picture of a pizza listed for sale for $9,000. This takes me back to my research on Pizzagate, where it turned out that Barack Obama had spent 35,000 taxpayer dollars in order to fly pizza and hot dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House. Now, taken literally, this is absurd. The White House will not accept food from outside sources to circumvent the risk of poisoning.

Number two, if you’re talking about real pizza and hot dog, flying them in from Chicago would be ridiculous because they’d be soggy and inedible by the time they arrive. But in the language of pedo speak, hot dogs are little boy pizza, little girls. So what’s going on here? I think it’s perfectly legit. When you got a pizza delivery for 9000, they’re selling you a little girl for $9,000.

By the way, there are other websites like Mayfair that seem to be also involved, from reports I’ve read in trafficking children. Meanwhile, won’t someone save us from the Covid-19 inquiry on the truth seeker? As Scotty once said, I can’t take it, captain. If I have to read, see or hear one more legacy media report about the monumental farce that is the UK’s Covid-19 inquiry, I fear my brain will batter my soul to death.

Why on earth is anyone taking it seriously? I’m sorry. I think millions of brits have been hypnotized. Independent inquiry are you on acid? Believing the Covid-19 inquiry will reveal anything even remotely real is like trusting the outcome of internal police investigations into deaths of parties in police custody. It’s like asking Crippa to review food safety standards or Tony Blair to investigate war crimes. It is beyond ridiculous. I never needed anybody’s help in any way now these days are gone I’m not so self assured now I find the chain of mine and open up the door help me welcome to my fourth annual false Wagon Conspiracies Conference 2023, a virtual event on the 16th and 17 December.

Outstanding speakers Ace Baker, Brian Davidson, Fred Locker, Donald Jeffries, Stephanie Sledge, Dr. Meryl Ness, Giuseppe van Vanguenic, Gobian Dr. Reed Labo, Jack Mullen, Joe Olsen, Brian Davidson, Monique Lucan, Scott Bennett, Nick Colestrom, Bruce Winter, Ron Avery, Miriam Hanane, John Kaminsky, Sarah Westall, Dr. Catherine Horton this is something you don’t want to miss. 500 presume tickets are available. Register now. Go to false flags and conspiracyconference. com tickets to get it now.

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Wow. Unbelievable. Once again, Netflix is under fire. Fracusations of race swapping following the release of the new series Painkiller. Painkiller uses fictional events that dramatize the true story of the real Sackler family and the lawsuit filed against Purdue Pharma over opioid manufacturing and the subsequent opioid crisis. Assistant U. S. Attorneys Owen Foster and Michael Drescher, in addition to other staff members of the Vermont U. S. Attorney’s office, were among the real life investigators who are critical to the case.

While painkiller includes a character based on real life U. S. Attorney John Brownlee, the series introduced a composite character to represent the other key staffers. Actress Uso Aduba is the fictional champion investigator Eddie Flowers, who brings a case against Purdue Pharma, and she, of course, is black Screen Rant reports the decision to create a composite character was for the sake of their story, and the show’s creators needed to ensure that the hero of the television series had one singular face.

And that is where Adubu Azetti came in. I saw a preview of the Netflix show and notice the story’s intrepid, wily hero. Edie Flowers is a black girl boss fed prosecutor who single handedly takes down the Sackler family and thought it was weird I’d never heard of this person, and that she’s not a more prominent public figure since she perfectly ticks every lib fantasy box, strutting, cunning, courageous, sassy, and who outsmarts her evil big farm antagonist.

But of course, when I looked it up, it turns out Eddie Flowers isn’t real, they just made her up. That 1 minute pitch, by the way, for the false flag and conspiracies conference beat me to the punch. Let me say it’s this Saturday and Sunday and it’s organized in the following way. The first four speakers on Saturday ace Baker false flags have been so what? Brian Davidson using the earliest and most reliable evidence standard to evaluate false flags.

Fred Luchter further abuse of an octogenarian Holocaust denier James Fetzer JFK what we know now that we didn’t know then each 55 minutes followed by a question period. Check it out on my blog. You don’t want to miss right back I just need someone to love I want somebody to love oh, I can buy help from my friend gonna try little help from my friend I get high little help from my friend I get by a little help from my friend with a little help from my friend close corporate media dominates the american opinion finding independent voices that counter this avalanche is becoming increasingly difficult.

With the endless corruption running rampant throughout our government, independent voices are needed more than ever to battle the offensive against our freedoms and liberties. As a listener of RBN, no one understands this concept better than you. Now it’s up to you to do your part. The time has come for you to take action and begin broadcasting the truth to hundreds or thousands of people every month. Sound impossible? Quite the contrary.

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Let it be heard. You’re listening to real talk radio only on the Republic Broadcasting Network. Sleeping it what my guitar gently weeps at the floor and I see sweeping feel my guitar taking weed welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBN Live, where I take your calls. The lines are open, completely open. If you ever wanted to seize the opportunity, this is a good time to do it.

I’ll continue talking about the conference after those first four presentations, which run from 09:00 a. m. To 01:00 p. m. Central time. I have a discussion period. Open questions for Ace Baker, Brian Davidson, Fred Loter and me. The second group of presentations includes Donald Jeffries, masking the truth, how Covid-19 destroyed civil liberties and shut down the world. Stephanie Sledge exposing a truth about Trump PPP during COVID Dr.

Meryl Nass biological warfare and the whose biosecurity agenda. Then a question period with Jeffries Stephanie Meryl Nass. Then we have Giuseppengulo kill bill before he kills us all. Joaquin Egopian elites genocide against the human race. Dr. Rema Labo the conspiracy is real. Now how do we fix that? 09:00 p. m. Jack Mullen privacy and freedom and then questioned with Giuseppe IVF angula Joaquin Agopian Rima lay bawa. Jack Mullen that’s Saturday.

A return to Sunday as occasion permits. Meanwhile, we have Kathleen in Texas. Kathleen, join the conversation. Hey, Jim, wonderful your shows. I never miss your shows. And I also love listening to now that you gave all of us low tech people the call in the listen line for revolution radio. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, eleven to one central time. I never miss it. It was great today, so thank you for that.

But anyway, the reason I called you had said that the tickets are free, is that right? For your. Yeah, the tickets are free, 100% free. Okay. So for somebody who has a landline and no Internet, is there a number for me to call to get a free ticket and the number of the Zoom number? Kathleen, that’s a great question. Let me take out when you find out if you could give it to Mike or Julie that would be.

Sure, sure. That’s good. I mean, looking at the ticket page. I’ll check with Lauren who is assisting me with the conference and make a point of getting that information out tomorrow. Kathleen, and thank you for those kind words about the revolution radio show. I appreciate that. I’m doing interviews virtually every show there I’m doing as an interview. So I have a guest on for. I give a 30 minutes recap of major news stories and a guest for an hour and then take questions the last 30 minutes.

So I’m really glad, Kathleen, I really appreciate your remarks. Oh, but they’re great. And then Leila’s call Monday, what she said and her emotion was what should be said and it was beautiful, just like it was because what’s going on, we shouldn’t be so calm about it. So I was very happy to hear her emotional talk on Monday. Okay, well, thank you, Jim. You have a wonderful Christmas.

And tomorrow I know that I can call in the station and Mike will have that information. How a low tech person, like a phone number where I could call and get the zoom number. Terrific. Absolutely terrific. Kathleen, I can’t. Thank you. Wonderful, wonderful. Mike, Kentucky. Mike in Kentucky. Join the conversation Mike. Hey. One of the best things about the RBN, however, is the archives. You can go back and share the programs out on social media and be able to put the word out in multiple directions, bicycling out the awareness of the network in your program.

I don’t know if other radio networks have such extensive archives going back, I don’t know, 15 years. That’s a great point, Mike. I’d like that. Well, and I do that often. I encourage callers to go back and listen to their own calls and share it out with friends and family, because frankly, we get, and I have been myself, quite demonized and ran down, even though I could prove what I claim and is seen as eccentric viewpoints.

But why is that? And I think we need to change some of the terms we use, like the idea of false flag. False flag itself is an incomplete description of what we see going on. Who has the means and motives to do a lot of these things. A better term would be state crime and the ability to shut down exposure of the true culprits as well as finger or set up the patsies and scapegoats and have access to the technology to do that, being a mass surveillance, to find patsies, to set up and corral and steer toward being the patsy, find stunt doubles that even spouses would recognize.

Well, yeah, that was my husband that did that. That’s where this face recognition database is so insidious because they can find stunt doubles and corral these stunt doubles to be where they need to be, like rent a rider truck or be a year to year contract employee of a university in a small town as a composition instructor or something, and look like the guy that is the bus driver that you’re going to set up to be the terrorist because he’s in the militia or something.

You just start to use your imagination about what they could do with this fast surveillance networks on people tracking everywhere they go with their phones, being able to duplicate their voice prints, being able to get into the devices, replace data, and then erase the footprints where they went in and falsified data in a phone even. And of course, ensure prosecution publicly. If the person is dead and the public doesn’t believe it, they continue to maintain the, the false story by controlling the press because, hey, maybe they’ve got dirt on the press.

I’m trying to remember who the. There’s one of the CIA directors reportedly said something like, you could buy a reporter cheaper than a good call girl. Yeah, you have to have a dirt on that reporter because you’re monitoring all his communications, where he hangs out in bars, if he’s cheating on his wife, cheating on his taxes, or even if he isn’t cheating on his taxes, you can just threaten to audit the guy into oblivion, and he’ll be paying forever for lawyers to try to defend himself.

So go along and write the story the way we want it written, or else we’ll take care of you. You can go along, or we’ll destroy you. That’s the kind of power that this government has. And we can’t just blame our government, because since 1979, the Israelis have had this tech domination program called Taupiot. They’ve infiltrated the processors down to the kernel. They used to call it the kernel inside computers with hidden operating systems.

A lot of this has been exposed. But you try to tell people about it, and they’re like, that’s conspiracy theory. And you can even send. I’ll send you some links. Okay. The german government, when they found out about the Snowden leaks, which I think is disingenuous, that. What was her name? Angela Merkel. Nobody told her her phone was insecure. Come on, come on. She had to have known her phone was insecure.

But they started putting their phones in metal boxes so they could have government meetings with some assurance of privacy, in a room, playing music. And then they go to a separate room and have their government meetings. So the american public needs to be aware of that. You don’t have that kind of security. You don’t have that kind of awareness. And people say, well, I’ve got nothing to hide.

Sure you don’t. Until you do, until all of a sudden, you’re set up. And because of your political activism, there’s no freedom of association. If they’re tracking all of our known associates and you decide you’re going to go to a political meeting. Oh, well, now, all those people in that room are now directly associated with you and your ex key score file and your IC reach file. Fourth amendment be damned.

Facing your accusers be damned. First amendment is gone. The entire legal system is scrapped. And we don’t have the ability to use this data they’re collecting on us. In our own defense, a friend of mine was attacked by four Ecuadorians at 07:00 in the morning. He decided he’s going to film this unusual 50 cars in the parking lot where his music studio is. They accost him, steal his phone.

He’s trying to record them on Instagram. Can he get the special operations division to give him the data they would use to prosecute him? No. That’s not equal justice. They’ve scrapped the entire legal system. Our government is pirate, and it’s controlled by the Israelis, who has this technology to control the world. Mike, you’re making so many wonderful points. Fascinating. Yeah. The phrase false flag actually originated in pirate times, when the pirates would target a vessel and they raise a flag of a friendly nation to that nation.

And then when they approach, they bring down the false flag and run up the skull and bones. When they attack, it’s come to know attributing responsibility to an event to someone other than those actually responsible. Thus claiming Lee Oswald shot JFK when he wasn’t even one of the. Turns out to be eight different shooters. Or that Sir Ann Sihan called Bobby when it was a security guard beside Bobby.

Or that 19 islamic terrorists were responsible for 911 when it was the CIA, the neocons, and the Department of Defense and the Mosaic. You’re spot on. Israelis were shadowing them. And instantly, when some of them got arrested for dancing around in New Jersey, making a spectacle of themselves, they started saying, look, we’re not the problem. Palestinians are the problem. And I think the US government let the Israelis think that they were going to finger the Palestinians, and they went after all those other countries in the new american century document, went after Afghanistan and went after Saddam Hussein.

The Israelis were going along, led along thinking that the Palestinians were going to be the fall guy, I believe. Oh, that was a plan, of course. Yeah. The not, they’re not lying still. They’re up in everything. They’ve got all the dirt they need and all of our politicians. They manufacture the intel chips in Israel to put secret operating systems in there. Somebody gave them the software for the sessionizers that ring our entire country with all of the fiber optic of the world basically bottlenecked through the US, so they can siphon out the information on everybody, sift it, sort it, collate it, and figure out who to go know, find the dirt on any target that they want to manipulate.

And that’s how they do this, what’s called force multiplier, even though there’s, what, 15 million of them. They got russian allies, there’s ethnic Russians all through Tel Aviv. So they’ve got a false adversarial relationship publicly with Russia while they’re actually in bed with them. Fascinating. Yeah. William, I’ll let you go. But that’s just tip of the ice. I’ve been looking at this years. Yeah, well, you know your stuff.

What a wonderful call, Mike. I can’t thank you enough. You’re welcome. Real pleasure. Call again. Meanwhile, Tom in Florida. I don’t have to encourage you to call again. You’re right here on the spot, Tom. Well, yeah, Mike gave me an awakening. That was a good call. He woke me up to something. I was thinking about what reason I called you, Jim. I was just watching Brightmart news and I was just watching.

Jim. Professor Jim, do you see what’s going on at the border with these Venezuelans draping themselves in venezuelan flags instead of Columbia? Tell us, Tom. I don’t. Illegals that are coming in our border, they’re actually draping themselves into their own flag. Venezuelans. Ecuadorians. And by the way, the Ecuadorians, okay, they have american currency in Ecuador. Why are they coming here? They use american dollars over there. Why are they coming to the United States, Jim? What about the reparations that’s never coming back to this money, to billions and billions of dollars.

Yeah. By the way, Biden’s giving them lots of free stuff, Tom. As sheriff said, they’re getting $5,000 debit cards right off the bat. Well, listen here, Jim. Here’s the reason I called, too. But first, I called about this Senate in a Congress right now. This guy, Brian Babbin, I believe is a congressman. He’s this proposed a bill, there’ll be no more anchor babies. And they’re getting Trump ready for coming in.

Know when the presidency he’s going to win. There’s no doubt in my mind that Trump is going to destroy tumbling, fumbling Biden. That guy’s a total imbecile. I believe his son’s going to jail for five years. I think Biden’s going to go to jail when it’s all over. He’s a crook. I mean, just by the sheer fact, Jim, what’s going on in California? Jim, you realize, and anybody can, I hope somebody from California calls in and explains to me, you got 8 million people in the state of California that actually were illegally in this state of California driving with driver’s license.

Now, what about the fumes? Where’s the Green New Deal, Jim? Where’s this Green new deal about energy and water? There’s no water in California, supposedly. So now you’re going to have eight to 20 million more illegals drinking the Californians water. What in the hell is this, Jim? Who the hell do these criminals think they’re getting away with? And Mike was talking about the Jews. Well, you know what? Those Jews, they’re kabbalists, a lot of them.

And you know, there’s some christian Jews who believe in the son of God, like I told you the other day, those ones who believe in Jesus Christ, those Jews are not even considered Jews. That’s how demonic these people are. That’s how talmudic monsters they are. They’re absolute monsters. You’re talking about Dicky Durbin. He’s a Jew. All these senators. Blumenthal said he went to Vietnam. Jew. Bernie Sanders, marxist communist.

Russia loves Russia. Had a honeymoon over there. Jew. They’re all Jews. Look at the supreme Court. Jim, how many Jews are on the supreme Court, do you know? I think six, if I’m not mistaken. Let’s see. I know it’s been all Catholics and Jews. It was six of one and three of the other, last time I record, I recollect. But my final thought is we got might be five Catholics and four Jews today.

I don’t know the latest count. Yeah, that’s probably about right, but yeah, Jim, look at what’s going on right now with this illegal incursion into our country. You’re bringing illegal aliens. Some states don’t even have 8 million people in their state. What I say, jim, let’s take all these illegals and ship them into Delaware with all those lily white. Yeah. Joe Biden. Every illegal alien should go to Delaware or New Jersey right in those two states, and we’ll have this problem.

Tom, that’s a great solution, except I think they all got to be shipped back to where they came from. Trump is that if he gets in, he’s going to run the biggest deportation program in american history, and we need it. Well, Jim, I want to get a job doing it. I would like to be one of those border agents. I’m going to sign up. I want to sign up to do that.

If they only do us a part time job for two years, I would love to be one of those agents. It could solve the unemployment problem. And when you get rid of all the illegals, then you have more jobs for Americans. That’s right. Absolutely right. And you know what? Exactly right. And all these illegals, they’re going to go back, and you know what? We’ll teach them English for the time they’ve been here.

Maybe they’ll make those latin countries speak English. Maybe they won’t be so corrupt. Maybe they’ll learn the english language and go back and start their businesses over there. Bring them back, teach them English. Let them go back there and learn English. I believe the United States should have an official language of English so we can communicate with one another and coordinate efforts for the common good. Tom, I think it’s absurd you can be raised and live a whole life and die in the US and never speak a word of English.

Unbelievable. Well, that happens here in, you know, Jim, I could go on and on for hours on your show, but I know you got other callers, but can you imagine? They come in here, get small, they get 1% business loans. They’re getting better health care than we get. Jim, it’s appalling. It’s disgusting. Tom, your calls are great. Keep them coming, Tom. Keep them coming. I’ll be right back.

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Basically it just confirms to me what I’ve always said for the longest time. I’m sure a lot of people got ticked off by it and I really don’t care that basically Israel, the government, the military or whatnot is the pimp. And guess who’s the whore? The US government military is the whore and as a result they’re basically raping so much from the US it’s not even silly. The question is, when is the government and the military of the US going to put a stop to that and tell the pimp to go roast somewhere? Not that they probably follow same deity, but still.

Well, you know what BB said this is in 1990, that the United States is the golden calf. We’re going to second dry chop it into pieces and leave it as nothing but the world’s largest welfare state. Because that’s what we do with countries we hate. This is BB Net Yahoo who’s slaughtering Palestinians using weapons provided by the United States. He regards us as a country they hate and they’re only using us and abusing us.

Yes, I think what you’re saying is spot on, Francis. Well, I’ll put this way, if they’re not careful, the US is going to find itself in the ditch. If not a hole, a black pit that worth been beaten the crap out of, sucked dry just like what you just stated, as well as left to die and being pissed on for good measure. Yes, with that I’ll have a shunning for the holidays and you can have a mixed drink or whatever.

And the people in the Gaza, of what I’ve read so far in the local news is absolutely reprehensible that they’ve actually started making note of what the israeli government and the military have been doing to the people. I mean, that would be unheard of here in the states. Yeah. And the whole world bears responsibility for sitting around and doing nothing about it. Thank you. If I had someone do that here at my home, I’d be like, dude, you better make sure you take me out because I’m going to take you out in the process.

Anyway. Enough out of me. Have a great, wonderful later. Thank you, Francis. Have a good one, James. Also in North Carolina. James, join the conversation. Unmute. James, are you there? Can you hear me? Yeah, we can now. Go ahead. Go. I’m just, what do you think the chances are of the House being able to pass this resolution on an impeachment inquiry? I don’t think it’s been voted on yet, has it? Well, the House can pass it because they have the majority controlled.

None of the democrats I expect, are going to support it. The question would become what would be its fate in the Senate, where obviously a situation much more iffy. But if you take out the dead democrats or the brain dead, if you take out Federman and now we got Feinstein out of the picture, how long has she been deceased? Who knows? Maybe there’s just a chance, a barest chance it could even pass through the Senate.

But remember, the House, the House brings the impeachment, holds a trial. I mean, does the investigation and turns the charges over to the Senate for it to actually conduct a, but, but Biden, his corruption is so mean, it just boggles a mind. James, you there? What prompted my question is I saw Mitt Romney on Meet the Press Sunday and he’s not going to vote for it. And there’s such a thin majority in the House, I think only five, that if they get a few more, you saw what happened with the vote to the, the rhinos gathered just enough to get him out and this could happen.

Mean, is Mitt still in the Senate? I mean, he’s just a disgrace. This guy is useless. He was a vulture capitalist. He’d take companies that were thriving and sell them off for parts. I mean, he is, in my opinion, a despicable person of very low character and doesn’t deserve even a platform. Certainly no one should pay any attention to Mitt Romney. But I think, yeah, I do think they’re going to pass an impeachment resolution should have been done a long time ago.

I mean, just over the border. Allowing the open border is more than sufficient to have impeached a guy, but I guarantee you he’s not going to be on the ticket in 2024. They got to get a fresh face. I still think it’ll be Gavin Newsom, notwithstanding that DeSantis took him apart during the debate. I still think most likely Democrat ticket is Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama. I think that’s the most oh, there’s some weird Michelle and Brock seem to be involved in some movie that’s coming out now that has a lot of really weird satanic aspects.

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I need somebody. Not just anybody, you know I need someone. When I was younger, so much younger than today I never needed anybody’s help in any way. Now it’s now these days are gone I’m not so self assured now I find a change of mind I don’t love the doors help me if you can I’m feeling down and I do appreciate you being around. Help me get my feet back on the ground well, James, if you’re still there, I’d welcome further thoughts you might have.

But I do believe, yes, that an impeachment motion is going to pass the house. And since James is now gone, let me just say the lines are completely open. If anyone would like to get a word in edgewise, you’ve never had a better opportunity. Right now, calling to RBN will get you on the air. Meanwhile, I was going through the program for the conference this weekend. I finished with Saturday, Sunday 17 December.

Begin with Joe Olsen, the corrupt Lone Star state, the Mafia, CIA, George Bush and more. Followed by Brian Davidson, how false flags drive security apparatus spending. Then Monique Lucas, the curious case of two and a half plus one half George Floyd’s. Two and a half plus one half George Floyd’s. Then having a question period with Joe Olsen, Brian Davidson and Monique Lucans. Meanwhile. Then at 01:00, Scott Bennett.

What I saw in the Dunbass, Scott has gone to Ukraine. He’s been doing interviews on RT and other networks. He’s a former army intelligence psyops officer. He knows the score. It’ll be a fascinating report to hear from him, followed by Nick Kohlerstra in Ukraine, the just war. Nick has a new book about it and he’s going to share it with us. 03:00 RuSS Winter, the Israel Hamas false flag.

I can’t wait to hear that one. Ron Avery, the homeland of the Jews, the greatest lie ever told, which has to do with the claim of the Israelis to the land of Palestine. Followed by a question answer session with Scott Bennet, Nick Kohlistrom, Russ Winter, Ron Avery. Then in the evening, Miriam Hanane, the descent of journalism in a techno fascism age in how to navigate for truth. Then, John Kaminsky, religion is a mind control device.

Sarah Westall, longtime journalist, neurowarfare the brain is the battlefield. Then Dr. Catherine Horton, how to fight back. Dr. Horton, who has spoken at my previous conferences, is an expert in leading the legal fight against the use of electronic warfare on what are known as targeted individuals. Followed by the question session with Marion High name John Kaminsky, Sarah Westall and Dr. Catherine Horton. Meanwhile, let’s see if we get the latest on impeachment.

Maybe there is a late report on impeachment. Let’s see what we can dig up here. Watch live White House old hearings. House Republicans to vote on Biden impeachment vote to formalize Biden impeachment. Inquiring House coming here’s one just 3 hours ago. Let’s check this one out, see what it has to say. They’re now, of course, running ads in advance before you can get to the actual news report.

Very clever how they’re utilizing the Internet for these purposes. But I’m sparing you the advertising. Let’s see what we can get in terms of a news report. Now. Hopefully, we’re about to have access. Why am I not hearing? Oh, because there we go this afternoon on whether it will authorize a formal impeachment inquiry into President Biden. That’s right. Several House Republicans are hoping to launch the investigation despite concerns from some members of their own party.

The nearly year long investigation is focused on the business dealings of the Biden family, and while it has raised some ethical questions, it has not provided any evidence of the president’s alleged wrongdoing. That’s an important detail. The White House denies all of the allegations. Now, if the vote passes, the House Republicans could look into potential charges of bribery, abuse of power, and obstruction. House Speaker Mike Johnson says the inquiry is not politically driven.

We have no choice to fulfill our constitutional responsibility. We have to take the next step. We’re not making a political decision. It’s not, it’s a legal decision. So people have feelings about it one way or the other. We can’t prejudge the outcome. The constitution does not permit us to do so. CBS News congressional correspondent Scott McFarland joins us now from Capitol Hill. Scott, I want to get your reaction to what we just heard from the House speaker saying it’s not political, but House Republicans are a bit divided about this impeachment inquiry, what’s going on.

That really is a fundamental point. He says it’s a legal decision, not a political decision. When the House votes likely in the 05:00 p. m. Eastern time hour today, they will have more power for their investigation. It will help underwrite it with more legitimacy when they come time to subpoena people and interview people and do the things you do as part of an impeachment inquiry, it solidifies the footing legally.

But, yeah, there are political implications. What this does immediately is uses the word impeachment and Biden in the same sentence. And that could water down the term when, oh, by the way, Republicans are poised to nominate a twice impeached nominee for the White House to run against President Biden. But it also extends things. It gives them the capability, if not the likelihood over the next several months to continue saying impeachment and Biden.

So it has both legal and political implications. Democrats argue it’s pure politics. Mike Johnson just there says it’s all about legality. No, it’s a good point, Scott. There are political benefits for Republicans to take this specific charge, even though there’s no direct evidence of President Biden’s wrongdoing. Talk to us more about the timing and why that’s beneficial for Republicans. It’s interesting timing, to put it mildly, if not specifically designed timing.

They are doing this. They’re having this impeachment inquiry vote just as they’re ready to leave town for the holidays and leave town with a whole lot of things still to do, including come to an agreement to fund the government and avoid a shutdown, come to some type of agreement on immigration reform, which would also help them pass needed aid for Ukraine. They’re leaving that behind to go home for the holidays, potentially.

But tying this one up and wrapping up this impeachment inquiry vote, maybe it softens the ground for compromises with Democrats by satisfying the hardliners, the Freedom Caucus members, on an impeachment vote before they seek those hardliners help in a bipartisan deal to keep the government open. But also, and I think this is worth underscoring, it kind of halts or arrests momentum for the impeachment inquiry because they’re launching it, then they’re leaving.

And that may be either by design or a consequence of the timing, can talk to us about what the next steps will be. If this passes, there’s a process that would likely lead to subpoenas and interviews and document requests. And one of the arguments the House speaker and some Republicans, even in bluish moderate districts, have made is that the White House hasn’t been forthcoming releasing records that have been requested by Congress.

That’s how they’re justifying an impeachment inquiry vote. So no doubt over the next few weeks and months, they would renew those document requests and have the leverage of a formal impeachment inquiry vote to do so. They were going to get kickback on any investigation without solidifying that this is a formal impeachment inquiry, and they are poised to do that today. The House Republican majority is painfully narrow. Just three votes can be lost, but they’re confident they have the votes or else it wouldn’t be on the calendar.

All right, Scott McFarlane, we appreciate the update. Thank you. And that host has said there wasn’t any evidence. That’s just completely absurd. I’ll go back and track it down. But meanwhile, we have a call from Karen in Panama. Karen, join the conversation. Hi, Jim. How you doing? This? Yeah. I’ve always wanted to ask this question of somebody, and they’re always talking about Israel with the Samson option that they can blow up the world because they’ve got nuclear warheads planted all over the place.

Now, Israel is such a small country. How in the world could they have nuclear warheads somehow hidden in a country that small, away from any of their population centers? If you look at the countries that have nuclear silos, Russia, Pakistan, United States, China, on and on, they’re usually pretty good sized countries with lots of landmass. How could Israel have all of these nuclear weapons? And what kind of an insane country would allow Israel to put nuclear warheads into their country? I just always wanted to ask somebody this, and, yeah, what’s under a cloak of diplomacy? See, diplomatic luggage isn’t allowed to be inspected.

It’s not that Israel has icbms. It’s that Israel has column suitcase nukes that position in the capitals of Europe and in, I don’t know, quite a few cities here in the United States. Now the question becomes the detectability of those nukes. I’ve heard conflicting stories about it. I have no doubt whatsoever, by the way, that Israel has positioned those nukes in the major capitals of the west and in the largest cities in the United States.

But because of their components, radioactivity, these are devices that are detectable. And I’ve heard from a source that I consider to be highly reliable that the nukes that they planted have been neutralized. But I’d hate for us to have to cross a bridge to test that proposition. So you’re asking a good question, Karen. They’ve also benefited from spies. They got a lot of atomic secrets from spies, Jonathan Pollard being the most notable that have given Israel information.

They’ve been very clever in infiltrating governments that they have targeted. None more so than the, that’s, that’s basically, how can you keep the United States as an ally when you’ve got a knife to their throat that, well, you’re either going to go along with our program, our zionist program, or we’re going to blow up La or Chicago or probably New York. Too many Jews living there. It just seems preposterous to me that anybody in their right mind would go along with all of this.

I mean, it just doesn’t seem even rational. Well, look at it this way. Jeffrey Epstein was running an israeli op to get goods on prominent american political and industry leaders so they could blackmail them to cooperate with the israeli agenda. And it seems to have worked like a charm. Plus, you may have heard me talk about the pledge. Cynthia McKinney on iranian television in 2011 revealed the pledge, which is that.

I’m familiar with that. Yeah. Every new member of Congress is asked to sign a pledge to put the interest ahead of Israel, ahead of even those of the United States. And they sign like mad. Eight years or so, this friend of mine asked me if I knew how many members of the then current Congress had not signed the pledge. And when I admitted I didn’t, he held up one finger of one hand.

There was only one member of Congress at the time. And then you look at the key position, the secretary of the treasury, the secretary of homeland security, the attorney general, the secretary of state, they’re all dual US Israeli citizens, and they put their Israeli citizen just let you know. Yeah, that’s why I left the United States, because honestly, I see it’s kind of a hopeless situation because the american people, I mean, I read a lot of stuff on Uns and Paul Craig Roberts, and even Paul Craig Roberts come around.

He’s saying all the time that the people in the United States are so dumbed down. I listen to Jeff rent, he says the same thing. The people are so dumbed down that there’s just no hope. All they do is they stick their face into a telephone and get on social media, and that’s their life. They have no life out in the real world. I mean, I’m old enough to remember actually going out and protesting.

I didn’t protest the Vietnam War. I was too young for that. But we were still active in our community. And the kids today know, they don’t care about know. I know. That’s it. Like a pacifier. There’s cell phones in their, you got, you got so many great points there. We’ve now been joined by two others, but I really appreciate the call, Karen, I’m going to tune in. I’m going to go to your blog because I’m familiar with that.

That’s going to be like 10:00 in the morning on Saturday. Yeah, well, it’s not at the blog. You can go to the blog to get the ticket to watch. It’s going to be from 09:00 a. m. Central to 10:00 p. m. In the evening. It’d be 10:00 eastern then. Oh, I’m looking forward to that. That just sounds wonderful. I’m familiar with so many of those people. Thank you so much.

Jim, Revy, Karen, talk to you later. Thanks for a very nice call. Gregory in California. Gregory, join the conversation. Hello, James. Good to hear that you’re doing good. Hanging in there. Beautiful day out today. Yeah. I was thinking about something you said during the show. I used to know this creek Indian, and what he told me was the people of that nation caught anybody in a lie, they would just shun them.

They wouldn’t talk to them anymore because they wouldn’t figure out, they couldn’t rely on them to, not if we did that to all these people, especially those monsters in Congress and Senate and all that. If we did that to them, what are they going to do? We refuse to vote for them anymore. Well, that’s a pipe dream because they just vote for themselves and declare themselves dictators. But, yeah, it’s pretty damn, I must say.

Yeah. Great. And with all the vote fraud and election theft, we’re up against a real difficult situation. Fortunately, there’s been so much attention focused on since 2020, it’s going to be a whole lot harder to steal the election next time around. But I take nothing for granted. Trump can do a lot of good for the nation if he can get back in office, and it appears that he won by a huge margin.

My best estimate, he got over 100 million votes in Biden, 37. That shows you how bad it is and why they’re so desperate to bring in illegals, they’re even getting them signed up to vote when they first come across. That’s in their paperwork. Gregory, how bad is that? We got a sheriff down in Arizona explain. They’re being given $5,000 debit cards when they come across a border right off the bat.

Then $2,200 a month and food and shelter in green cards. I mean, it’s disgusting what’s going on here. It’s amazing how long we’ve allowed all this to happen for. As long as it has. It just. Well, they had to get somebody who is incompetent, so it could all be done behind the scene. Barack Obama is the key player, I have no doubt, in bringing about the destruction of the country.

It’s just happening at a phenomenal rate. The lawlessness, the crime, all the illegals. It’s really happening almost overnight. It seems we desperately need to get a responsible party back in office, and that, as I see it, is Donald Trump. Well, that’s a sad card to play, but you’re probably right, Gregory. He’s got a huge following. And even if he’s flawed, I believe he really does care about America.

First, he secured our borders. He made us energy independent. The economy was chugging along so well that the lowest earning wage earners were seeing their wages rise at the highest rate. That’s in part because to get rid of the illegals who undermine those who have the lowest paying jobs, I mean, it’s horrific. But Biden’s doing all this quite deliberately. Gregory, do you have a final thought? Great show.

Tallyho. And be free. If you, you. Thank you. Gregory, a pleasure. Glad to have you here. Layla, I’m delighted you’ve called in your thoughts. Yeah. With regard to Karen’s question, how can Israel plant or initiate this kind of global disaster? First of all, it’s never underestimate their evil capacity. And remember, they’ve had a couple of centuries, at minimum, in order to put all of their players into positions where they can fulfill whatever objective they have.

And secondly, they’re so good at lying and just being so deceitful, it could just be something to intimidate people. They may not have the power. This is the problem with when the first ones who issued the Balfour Declaration, Lloyd George, when he was prime minister, one of the things that was in a document or a book that was written by a historian is that he had this exaggerated belief that the Jews had this phenomenal power.

Now, certainly they’ve been able with money and over the centuries to put people into place. Remember, they had a lot of international organizations, and one of the organizations was to plant people that they had recruited with this concept of being jewish, a fraudulent identity. And we can discuss that another time or it’s going to come out. I think people already recognize that. But anyway, they planted people, basically their stooges, all over the world.

They’ve had the money to do it and to keep them supported in one way or another. They’ve also got the influence through all the legislatures in different governmental institutions around the world. Nothing is beyond their scope. And one thing that they do have done, for example, what I researched with regard to how they were setting up the takeover of Palestine was how they left absolutely nothing untouched. And everything was very deceitful.

Everything was covered. They used people. They threw them away. Even if people were sincerely jewish in their ideology, they would gladly dispose of them. Because these people who were the elite, the plotters, the ones, the strategists, they have absolutely no morals. They have no genuine religious ideology other than what I believe might be the closest to satanism on earth within the human form. I genuinely believe that now.

So I would not put anything past them. They have people all over the place, whichever way they can do it. I believe that the Samson option may actually exist. And then again, it may just be a ploy, just something to intimidate people and bring them into line. It’s hard. I’ve had reports lately that radioactivity studies have shown those weapons are in those capitals. So I do not think it’s just a boy.

I do think it’s real. But think of how disgusting it is. This is a population that declares they’re going to take the whole world down if they are treated the way they want to be treated. I mean, this is repulsive behavior any way you cut it. It is disgusting. They’re being ejected from UN. Their ejection from the UN is fully justifiable under these circumstances, as I see it.

Well, they should never have been admitted to the UN, but they used the most deceitful tactics in the years leading up to the UN vote. They bought all the primary people and they also had the influence with the Nobel brothers to give the ones, for example, Lester Pearson. He had absolutely no justification for being awarded the Nobel Prize because the work that he got the prize for was actually done by Dag Hammershold and Ralph Bunch.

And Dag Hammershold was murdered by these. Yeah, I believe they do have some kind of destructive capacity that they’ve planted globally because they’ve had the time to do it. They’ve had the resources with regard to money and people who would sell their knowledge to them. And even if it weren’t so, I mean, we’ve always known that there are insane people or diabolical people who, if I can’t have what I want, I’ll make sure that nobody does.

And then again, if these people are a sinister, and there is such a thing as a satanic presence, then even if they die or amongst, they don’t actually die, because the spirit of evil may well live on. It’s obviously survived for, if not hundreds of years. It’s been thousands of years. Humanity, if you go back to the earliest history that we’ve been able to uncover, has always been capable of horrendous cruelty and sadism.

And they certainly have brought it to a fine art. They’ve refined the skill of cruelty and sadism to the most indifferent point, where they glory in it, no longer hide it. And even now, even though they’ve had that resolution voted on by the UNGA, calling for an immediate ceasefire, what have they done? Nothing. They’re just telling you, I’m going to do whatever I want. What are you going to do about it? And I condemn the arab countries who have the capacity to make a difference.

And they’re sitting back and letting it all go to waste. They’re just sitting back because they’re waiting for the Palestinians to be disposed of and they’ll make their business deals. Layla, keep your wonderful calls coming. Meanwhile, everyone spend as much time with your family, your friends and people you love and care about. We do not know how much time we have left. Support RBN. It’s all here for you.

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