Germany’s political landscape is changing as anti-establishment parties gain popularity, causing a setback for Chancellor Schultz’s coalition government. Pavel Dabrov, the founder of social media site Telegram, is facing legal consequences for refusing to cooperate with government requests. Meanwhile, there’s a crackdown on journalists and activists critical of Israel, and a product called is being promoted as a way to save money on gas and reduce emissions. Lastly, VP Kamala Harris is being accused of changing her political stance to win votes, according to Bernie Sanders.
The speaker discusses concerns about immigration in various parts of the world, including Columbus, Ireland, and England. They believe that small communities are being overwhelmed by large numbers of immigrants, and they attribute this to a conspiracy led by Jewish individuals. They also express frustration about perceived double standards, such as Israel’s strict immigration policies and the acceptance of gay marriage in the West. The speaker ends by encouraging listeners to spend time with loved ones and support their cause.
Sanders believes Harris is not abandoning her progressive ideals, but rather being practical to win the election. The article suggests that Harris’s debate strategy will likely focus on criticizing Trump’s personality and actions, rather than discussing policy. It also mentions a crisis in Springfield, Ohio, where the local population is overwhelmed by Haitian immigrants. The article ends with a call for local authorities to help these immigrants integrate better into the community.
A resident in Swingfield, Ohio, is distressed due to Haitian migrants causing trouble in her neighborhood. She feels unsafe and unsupported by local authorities. Meanwhile, there are concerns about the growing presence of a dangerous Venezuelan gang in New York City. In other news, there’s a debate about job losses among native-born Americans, with some blaming the influx of immigrants. Lastly, there’s political tension with former Vice President Dick Cheney endorsing Kamala Harris for president, and ongoing disputes about the 2020 election results in Georgia.
Minnesota’s governor and other officials are under investigation for a COVID fraud case involving misuse of $250 million meant for feeding children. In other news, Susanna’s Secret offers affordable, 100% pure essential oils with various uses, including fighting mold and bacteria. Additionally, Jeff Bennett advises buying gold to protect existing wealth, not to make money. Lastly, a new tool, the ease off model easy four, promises to increase production and lower maintenance costs for meat processing companies.
The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories and personal beliefs about political figures and events, including allegations of cheating, blackmail, and manipulation. They express strong dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, suggesting that the country is in a bad state due to perceived corruption and deceit. They also voice concerns about immigration and the legal system, arguing that it unfairly protects illegal immigrants at the expense of citizens.
The text discusses various issues, including the speaker’s frustration with people disrespecting their home and language, their admiration for Kyle Rittenhouse’s self-defense actions, and their concern over the situation in Springfield. They also express disappointment in politicians and the current state of law enforcement. The speaker suggests that neighborhood watch groups are important for community safety. The text ends with a promotion for a Colorado company selling high-quality, pasture-raised meats.
As a member of Wild Pastures, you’ll support principled farmers and receive nutrient-rich, sustainable meats. The text also discusses a radio show where callers discuss political issues, including a controversial voting bill and immigration. The conversation also touches on the potential unity of biker groups against illegal immigration and the practice of voodoo in South Florida. The text ends with an advertisement for a service that helps homeowners with potentially illegal mortgages.
The text discusses a product called ‘Get More Tank’ that improves gas mileage and engine performance, potentially saving users money. It also delves into a heated debate about immigration, with some expressing concerns about the impact of immigrants on local communities and the economy. The conversation also touches on political issues, with some participants expressing support for Donald Trump and others criticizing him.
The text discusses various topics, including allegations against Eisenhower, the process of electing presidential electors, and the need for proof of citizenship to vote. It also touches on the production of vaccines and the state of America. The conversation includes multiple speakers, each sharing their thoughts and concerns on these subjects.
That means I one side gains as the other side’s lost. You have a constant amount or quantity. It’s just how it’s divided. The national myth, let’s indulge that preposterous arrogance for a moment is that and accept is that it is an exceptional nation in the history of the world. It is supposedly the indispensable leader of the free world, a paragon, a democratic virtue. And it possesses the most powerful and benevolent military force the world has ever seen. Thankfully, many decent american citizens know this is a propaganda hogwash. Still, it’s political class and complacent mass media view the United States as a world supreme unipower.
All other nations but play homage to this consummate hegemon. Therein lies a fatal contradiction. This untenable definition is essential for justifying its presumed privileges. And yet, by doing so, the US cannot brook any genuine equality or mutual respect essential for peaceful multilateral relations. It must be the top dog at all costs. That is a definition of imperialism. The commitments are aggression, belligerence, lawlessness and duplicity, of course, all concealed with impossibly virtuous rhetoric or in short, propaganda. So called allies are merely servile functionaries to augment american global ambitions. Hence, when the real world does not match the mythical notions of the US, there is consequently an ineluctable existential crisis.
The zero sum all dominant demands of the would be hegemon are not achievable in this situation. The hegemonic power behaves like a drunk in a bar who’s refused another drink. May have been violence are virtually inevitable. American narcissism denies the US as an empire. It is preferred to pretend it’s a power is benign and ever so magnanimous. Leaving such vanity aside, the US is an empire with military garrison dotted around the world to ensure its economic and political interests are enforced down the barrel of a gun. No nation has conducted as many wars as the United States in its 248 year history.
My dear colleague Scott Bennett was excellent intel sources who’s been to Russia featured on Sputnik, RT and other russian venues many times. Reports to me today Russia was attacked by 144 drones by the United States, NATO, Britain, France, Germany and its allies through its proxy Ukraine. Russia needs to turn this into a strategic tactical advantage by introducing communication talking points into diplomatic, media and international theaters of operation by Wednesday. Russia should respond immediately in the following ways. Number one, demand an emergency session of the United nations discussing how the US is trying to provoke a war with Russia to cover up its global economic financial collapse, which is occurring, and the existential threat the BricS nation boast to american financial enslavement of the world, to the US dollar and the United States to how the regime of Joe Biden is trying to trigger a war with Russia and Iran and China simultaneously to capture and enslave its own people in America and suspend the election and transform America into a believe state.
Three, and that Europe is about to collapse into anarchy, which is exactly what the United States wants and plan to do by destruction of the Nord stream pipeline. Four and the UN will have to make very real preparations to transfer its location as a result of the collapse of New York under the migrant invasion, which the US is committing against its own people and constitution by opening its borders and allowing the foreign invasion. Fifth, Russia needs to make direct appeals to the United nations that the american people are being held captive by a rogue and increasingly desperate government regime.
Six the Russian Federation invites Americans to leave who share traditional family values of religion, natural married children, and peace and productivity. And given that these goals no longer exist in America, the russian people will never bow down to fascism or lunatic war agendas, woke agendas that are anti family and anti God, for those are the only values we’re fighting for and dying for, which the russian people, government and military are more than prepared while the european american governments are not. Excellent, excellent statement from Scott. Meanwhile, is the US losing the battle against Iran back Houthis? The answer, no doubt, is yes.
The US and its western allies seem unable to curb the increasing Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, and a navy commander may have offered some insight into the reason not to anger Iran. I don’t think so. On Warden Carroll’s YouTube episode titled Admiral tells the real truth about battling the Houthis in the Red Sea, a us navy commander from the Dwight D. Eisenhower courier strike group said he suggested more aggressive strikes on the Houthis. But Bartley was told to avoid that by higher command. The alleged instruction was to avoid large scale counter strikes against the iranian proxy force due to the balance of deterrence with the Islamic Republic of Iran, where Admiral Mark Maguiz was a commander of the strike group during an eight deployment of the Red Sea.
That defeat defended commercial ships. Iran International has reached out to rear admiral to the US Navy and CENtcoM for comment. Was unable to secure an interview in time for publication. Remember, the Houthis have been under assault by the Saudis, by the British, by the Americans. They’re not succeeding. The Houthis are too tough. Meanwhile, israeli torture chambers are new and are what provoked the violence of October 7. Jonathan Cook reports, if you can’t see the causal link between the israeli abuse of generation of Palestinians and Hamas crimes and you have no insight into human nature, you don’t understand yourself.
For many years I lived just up the road from the Megano prison in northern Israel, where new film of irish guard torturing Palestinians en masse have been published by Israel Sorets newspaper. I drove back my dibbo prison on hundreds of occasions. Over time, I came to barely notice the squat gray buildings surrounded by watchtowers and razor wire. Here we have footage unloaded to israeli media depicts israeli occupation forces collectively torturing Palestinians held in the Medido prison. The video shows prisoners lying face down on the grounds, hand tied behind their back, while being terrorized by dogs. Here’s a bit of it.
My best estimate, that was about 100 israeli prisoners. Meanwhile, Kevin Barrett writes about israeli rapists and the depravity of the zionist mind. Anyone doubts that Israel isn’t a silent brother, criminally insane, and that the lunatics are in charge must not be following news about the said diamond torture facility after a scandal erupted in early August following the arrest of nine israeli reserve soldiers on charges of gang raping a palestinian hostage with a stick. They were only charged because the crime was caught on camera, so he has pushed the israeli authority to go through the motions of a pro forma prosecution.
In the world’s eyes, the scandal was that only nine of the torturers at Sid Olman had been arrested. Israel’s most notorious torture camp, said Daemon, had long been the site of regular and systematic inflection of the most brave forms of torture imaginable. Human rights lawyers Khalid Mat Heinrich, one of the few outside observers who’s managed to get inside the torture prison, said the treatment is more horrifying than anything we have heard about Abu Ghraibe or Guantanamo. According to the israeli newspaper, that 30 palestinian hostage had been tortured to death at Sidhelman since last fall. But in Israel, the scandal was that the nine gang rapists had been arrested immediately.
A right to rape movement broke out, supported by a chorus of voices throughout much of the israeli mediaev and featuring pro rape protesters gathering to show the rabid support for sexual violence at many locations around the country. Kevin’s got it right. Meanwhile, the president of Turkey calls for a greater islamic alliance to combat israeli expansionism. Saturday, Turkey’s president Recep Erwin issued a blistering speech at an islamic school association event near Istanbul, once again condemning Israel. But this time he ratcheted the rhetoric up as his remark came a day after a turkish american woman was shot during a protest by israeli troops in the West Bank.
Heroin essentially called for an islamic uprising against a jewish state, saying that a muslim alliance of countries and population is needed against what he called the growing threat of expansionism from Israel. The only step that will stop israeli arrogance, israeli banditry and israeli state terrorism is the alliance of islamic countries. Well, that’s certainly one solution, but I haven’t seen him do anything really concrete to oppose the atrocities in Israel. Meanwhile, Germany is reeling in the wake of the AfD election victories. The german residents of Saxony and Thuringia awoke to a radical new political landscape as the alternative for Germany received more than double as many votes as the three parties that make up the federal conditional government, the center left social democrats, environmental greens and neoliberal free Democrats combined.
This marks the first in any german state since nazi rule. The results represent a major setback to Chancellor Schultz struggling coalition government and demonstrate the increasing breakup of the political landscape insurgent popularity of anti establishment properties across the continent. Schultz labeled the losses for his government bitter and called upon mainstream party to build governments without right wing extremists not at recognizing that the american the german people have been pushed to the right by the policies of their own government. Meanwhile, telegram faces a reckoning in Europe. Other founders should be aware. Among the leaders of the world’s biggest social media site, Telegram founder Pavel Dabrov has always been an outsider.
Unlike Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, he never appeared on Capitol Hill to apologize for past mistakes. Unlike TikTok’s show Zhu, he never signed up for a five hour grilling by Congress about whether Zam is pine on America and like X or Twitter’s Elon Musk, he’s never taken part in an awkward photo op where he says how much new regulation is aligned with my thinking. Instead, he’s met ears cultivating Telegram’s image as a proudly anti authority platform, which, by the way, I applaud. In practice, this has been ignoring various government requests to either take down content or hand over the identities of telegram users suspected of serious crimes.
Well, just today, the protestant government is regarded as a serious crime. To this day, we have disclosed zero bytes of user data to third parties, including government. Now, of course, we know he’s facing the consequences. He’s been indicted on charges including publicity of enabling a range of crimes and refusing to communicate information or document with french authorities. Very bad, as we know. Meanwhile, it’s just part of a western crackdown on journalists and activists who are critical of Israel. As the ceasefire deal drifts further out of reach due to a dispute over the Philadelphia corridor, western governments are ramming up their media and activism crackdowns, from the detention of UK based journalist Richard Redhurst and Sarah Wilkinson to the FBI raid on former marine intel officer Scott Ritter, US Marshall questioning of jewish activist Jacob Berger upon his return from a humanitarian trip to Egypt, we delve into the evolving information landscape.
The Jerusalem post wrote last week that anti Israel activist Sarah Wilkinson was arrested by british police. According to the Beirut based outlet to which she contributes. The Lebanon Mina uncensored, said its writer. Wilkinson was arrested for supporting the palestinian resistance combat anti semitism movement set on social media. She had praised October 7 as incredible and wished Hamas godspeed. Meanwhile, adjunct props eurocentrism, non existent far right organization, fuel the british riots son of rwandan immigrants and sacred bounty of diversity Axel Rudaku Banto recently stabbed eleven children at a dance party. What has become a weekly occurrence in occupied Europe.
Brits, in turn, is one might expect that eleven of their children were stabbed in public by a foreigner for no discernible reason. In response, the corporate media blames everyone but the feral immigrants with knives and racist vendettas put in their heads by NGO propagandists. Scapegoats include misinformation, racism, English Defense League, a phantom organization, eurocentrism. It’s absurd, very similar to what goes on here. And excusing every crime committed by immigrants is the United States losing Asia. A conversation with Lance Gatling I suspect most of you have never heard of Lance Gatlingen. He’s a friend and one of the most interesting, engaging intellectual I know.
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Got to be a joker. He just do what he please. The next story raises aggression. Whether the Democrat female leadership is all brainless. We know Kamala is a moron. We know AOC earns that title occasional cortex legitimately. Here’s Nancy Pelosi declaring a Trump Harris debate mean not happen. What’s going on here? Let’s get it. The most immediate thought everyone has hearing that says, why will Kamala back out? Fake an illness? No, not Kamala. According to Pelosi, no. Nancy suggests it quite strongly. She does not expect President Trump to show up. What an extremely strange thing to say.
It even led the interview to ask, you know something I don’t know. Here. Here it is. Let’s hear a bit of this conversation. What advice would you give Donald Trump for the debate? You’re super close. I know you are close in a way. That’s my advice. Yeah. Do you think he’s going to show up? I do. You do? Yeah. You think? Yeah. Do you know something I don’t know? I know cowardice when I see it. Here’s a comment, Justin. Nancy Pelosi is casting doubt troubleshoot for the debate. Do you know something I don’t know? I know cowardice when I see it.
Pelosi is a communist lunatic. Let’s stop acting like she’s got all of her marbles. I agree with that. She’s way over the hill. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders says the quiet part out loud, admitting Harris is lying to be elected. She supported Sanctuary city’s, opposed death penalties and champion a criminal justice reform plan. Craig called soft on crime. Harris embraced a Green new deal and Medicare for all. In her sanitize, she’s been part of an admin pushing for massive government spending and extreme climate policies. Her history is clear. Harris is no moderate. She’s a true blue progressive who blends whichever way the far left wind blows.
Yet these days, Harris is trying to repackage herself. Facing a skeptical electorate, she’s attempting to present a more pragmatic front. Don’t be fooled. Her recent nods to middle ground policies are nothing more than political posturing. Even Bernie Sanders isn’t buying it. I think we have a clip here of Bernie talking about how this is nothing legit. She’s simply lying, as he would put it. She’s being pragmatic in order to get herself elected from just the news during Sunday interview on Meet the Press, Bernie Sanders said he still considers VP Kamala Harris to be a progressive who isn’t abandoning her ideals, but is merely being pragmatic on her changing positions in order to win.
When asked my host, Kristen Welker, if he thinks Harris is abandoning her progressive ideal, Sanders responded, no, I don’t think she’s abandoning her ideals. I think she’s trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election. In other words, lying through her teeth. The zero hedge has a really fascinating piece entirely. There’s no debate, meaning on all the major issues, there’s really no room for any doubt about where everyone stands as the news trucks and security details become lining the street of my neighborhood in Philadelphia, obstructing traffic, causing general chaos over the next few days, leading to tonight’s debate.
Part of me wonders if I’m being crass and partisan when I shrug and wonder what there is to actually debate. As I wrote about last week, the substance of what Kamala is going to bring to the debate stage will have very little to do with policy will instead likely rely on jabs about Trump’s personality, mistruths about media hoaxes like Charlottesville and statements ascribing to Trump things he has publicly disavowed, like project 2025. This gaslighting campaign will likely be combined with strategic flip flopping to acquiesce to policy positions that were Trump’s to begin with. We’ve already seen this leading into the debate.
First it was stealing the no tax on tips policy. Then it was reversing her stance on fracking. Then it was claiming she’s not for electric vehicle mandate. Then it was using photographs at Trump border while an advertisement claiming she’s tough on immigration. How absurd is this? The cold, hard facts are when it comes to policy, there is no debate. And so today turns mostly into an exercise on how to run a crisis public relations campaign by Kamala Harris while Trump does what he can, always does bludgeonous way Helena Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been, lives in a dream, waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for all I want the truth.
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But you can learn how to play the game. It’s easy. Well, here are three stories that explain why if somebody doesn’t show up tonight, it’s not going to be Donald Trump. Kamala Harris Staff panicking it cut her mic after she went off script and humiliatingly exposed her huge weakness. Can’t take it anymore. Residents of Springfield, Ohio, beg for help after 20,000 Haitians overwhelmed the city. Eat local wildlife and their dogs and cats. Senator Rick Scott to Newsmax Afghanistan report pretty damn. First about panicking when she goes off script is because she start talking in gibberish. I believe this is something she learned as a child that she was so incapable of being coherent.
That was she would start simply start babbling to conceal during the event. This was, she broke away from the teleprompter to share her thoughts on her newly invented talking point. The duality of democracy our election is about understanding the importance of this beautiful country of ours in terms of what we stand for around the globe. As a democracy, she began. As a democracy, we know there’s a duality to the nature of democracy. On the one hand, incredible strength when it is intact, what it does for its people to protect and defend their rights. Incredibly strong and incredibly fragile.
She rambled and she pitched. It’s only as strong as our willingness to fight for it. And that’s what this campaign is all about. And immediately, a clip of Kamala’s weird talking point created a feeding frenzy on social media as it went viral online. These word salads are the best she can do. Now this is the story that I think ought to be the front page of every newspaper in the country. The city of Springfield, Ohio, population 60,000, has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 haitian illegals who’ve flocked to the city, exacerbating a significant housing crisis, according to city officials.
And eating pets and wildlife, according to locals. Here we got a photograph of a guy. I’m not quite sure what he’s carrying, but it looked pretty weird. During that August 27 commission, local residents at Haitians were in the park grabbing dogs, cutting their heads off and eating them. Here is the president. Listen to him. I think it’s like, kind of odd that, like a guy like me has to come out from doing what I do on a daily basis to have fun, because I see what’s going on in these streets, and I see you guys are sitting up there in comfy chairs and suits.
Like, and I’m getting out here every day and I’m broadcasting this, and you guys are just sitting up there and suits up. Like, I really challenge you guys to get out here and do something. These Haitians are running into trash cans. They’re running into buildings. They’re running into. They flipping cars in the middle of the street. I don’t know how, like, y’all can be comfortable with this. Like, I don’t know, like, who’s getting paid from it. I feel like. I honestly feel like someone’s getting paid from it. In the background, they dropping. You got a bunch of people on a bus getting dropped off at a gas station to come down here.
I know a single mom that facetimed me tonight, facetimed me this morning at the welfare office that really need, like, that really needs something. And it’s nothing but immigrants over there. And I don’t even wanna, like, seem like I’m coming down on the immigrants. Cause it’s the people that’s bringing them down here. Cause wherever they’re at, that’s what they’re used to, bro. They’re in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and eating them. Like, y’all get the highway state patrol down here every week. And then y’all get, like, a task force for the highway state patrol.
And they look for guns and they look for dope and this and that and the fort, that. Same people that y’all got riding up and down limestone, doing u turns, pulling people over for blinkers and pulling people over for, like, going left to center in like, a couple miles over. Like, y’all can take them same people, the highway state patrol, and you can take them in every single one of these silver charges and dodge Durango’s, and y’all can take them to sunset, and y’all can park them right over there, and y’all can teach people how to drive.
Since the highway state patrol know so much how to know so much about traffic laws and know what to do in traffic, they need to. Y’all pay them. They can go around, teach these Haitians how to drive because this is getting a bow. I’m getting thousands of views on. On these. And it’s going to get bigger, and it’s only going to get worse. And y’all sitting up there in these chairs. Y’all, all. Y’all need to get out here and do something. Y’all making hundreds of $1,000. Y’all need to put on a t shirt and some crocs, and then y’all need to come out here in these streets and y’all need to go out here.
Here’s another. Here’s another report. This is just awful. Absolutely a heartbreaking moment. Swingfield, Ohio, resident does may or she can’t take it anymore as haitian migrants squat on her lawn litter yard and harass her and her elderly husband daily. The mayor of Springfield does not want people to see this. Thank you. I live at 426 Northwestern Avenue. Miss Skinner, who I’m not trying to put on the spot, is my neighbor. Just talk to me, ma’am. Thank you so much. And I’m done with what I’m seeing. It is so unsafe in my neighborhood anymore. I have the homeless that we’re trying to camp out, and I have made concessions with them, and I try to help them the best I can to keep them from trying to squat on my property, but it is so unsafe.
I have men that cannot speak English in my front yard, screaming at me, throwing mattresses in my front yard, throwing trash in my front yard, and I can’t look at me. I weigh 95 pounds. I couldn’t defend myself if I had to. My husband is elderly. And last night, after living in this home for 45 years, he said, Noel, guess what? It’s time to pack up and move. He said, we can’t do this anymore. He said, it’s killing both of us mentally. I don’t understand what you expect of us as citizens. I mean, I understand that here under temporary protected status, and you’re protecting them.
And I understand that our city services are overwhelmed and understaffed. But who’s protecting us? If we’re protecting them? Who’s protecting me? I want out of this town. I am sorry. Please give me a reason to stay. Thank you. Unbelievable. Absolutely right. This is going to happen all over the country. All over the country. Do you think you could dump millions of people in the United States when they have no skills, they don’t even know the language, they have no ability to work. You can give them temporary shelter and support. What do you think is going to happen? This is so colossaly stupid.
Anyone who votes for Democrats or Kamala, remember she was a border czar, needs to have their head examined. Senator Rick Stott, afghan report. Pretty damn. Senator Rick Stock of Florida. Join Newsmax to discuss a pretty damning report detailing the Biden Harris administration pull out from Afghanistan three years ago saying the president vice president cared more about the optics than how many people died. Scott told Rob Schmidt tonight at Biden and Vice President Harris had ignored advice from dissenters and led american service members right into a disaster. Well, Bree damming right said of the report Sunday by House Republicans, it wasn’t just dissenters, it was generals.
You know, think of those 13 servicemen and women who died in their families, what they think of this. Think of all the military men and women put all the effort into trying to create freedom in Afghanistan, prevent terrorism, and then the president just walks away leaving by the way, billions in equipment there. Absolutely unbelievable. Trump of course blames Harris for the disaster. Remember she boasted she was the last one in the room with Joe. The chaotic us troop withdrawal from Afghanistan continues to cast a long shadow when that even VP Harris can escape. As she gears up her next campaign push, Levy ask it under Biden’s watch have left many question that commentative administration.
Recently, former President Trump did not hold back in laying the blame squarely at the feet of Harrison Biden. Of course, of course he is a commander in chief. She was the last one in the room. Meanwhile, James O’Keefe obtains US army docs exposing violent venezuelan gang threat in New York City where the National Guard is reportedly on high alert. Investigative journalist James O’Keefe has obtained leaked US army docs revealing the growing threat of the venezuelan criminal organization in New York City. The trend I gua, one of Venezuela most dangerous gangs, has reportedly established a foothold in key neighborhoods across Brooklyn, the Bronx and Williamsburg, with an estimate 400 members currently residing in those areas.
It’s only going to get worse. It’s only going to get worse. Are the ABC hosts of the debate tonight even going to ask questions about these issues? Are they even going to ask? Meanwhile, Senator Blinken visits Haiti. He can go down to Haiti all he wants. What we need is to get the Haitian back to Haiti, not our secretary of state. As us backed police fail to wrest control from gangs, Secretary of Lincoln is traveling dating to show support for the us backed government and kenyan police in their struggle for legitimacy. The Kenyans have been unable to take border prints from the gangs and paramilitary groups.
While the White House considering changing the status of the mission in Haiti to a us peacekeeping force. Well, that’s all just fine and dandy. You worry about Haiti down in Haiti. We’re worried about the Haitians right here in America. Meanwhile, the great replacement continues. 1.3 million native born Americans have lost their jobs, replaced by 635,000 immigrants at the start of the year. Many months after we first pointed out the biggest undulatory of the labor market was a great replacement of dating born workers with foreign born, most of whom were subsequently undocumented immigrants, that is to say, illegals.
We asked, how is it the ongoing replacement? Is that what it is of us workers? Is not the biggest political talking point right now, considering that since October 20, 1980, born us workers have lost 1.4 million jobs over the same period, foreign warren have gained 3 million jobs. Hell of a question. I mean, they’re just destroying the country. Meanwhile, shock and awe. Dick slithers out of his neocon lair to endorse Kamala over the depraved Tron. Look who slithered out of his neocon lair with no regrets. To publicly endorse Kamala for president, former VP and lifelong Republican Dick Cheney.
And then Friday he will vote for Biden VP over republican candidate Donald Trump, issuing a stern warning to the president that the former president can never be trusted with power again. Give me a break. The blood curdling pot meat kettle irony of that statement coming from Dick Shakinochenia’s side. It’s entirely to be expected in a post global war on terror world. Apparently everyone conveniently forgot where G. H. W. Bush regularly pals around with the likes of Ellen DeGeneres. Yes, degenerate. Meanwhile, Caitlin Johnstone says it’s actually the Trump party versus the Cheney party, one of Earth’s most evil living being, Dick Darth Vader.
Cheney has officially endorsed Kamala for president, one of Earth’s most evil in our nation 248 history. There’s never been an individual’s a greater threat or republican than Donald Trump. Chetty was a charter signatory to the notorious neoconservative think tank project for the new american century, and his vice president played a leading role in the Bush administration soaring war mongering, militarism and authoritarianism, including, most famously, the invasion of Iraq. He has a blood of millions on his hands and should be living out the rest of his miserable life in a cage. Let me tell you too, as Murdoch explained in his book Rupert Murdoch crossing the Rubicon, Dick Cheney was the executive director of 911 from a bunker beneath the White House.
Absolutely outrageous. What’s going on here? Meanwhile, are you surprised? Democrat operative move to burn Trump supporters from the Georgia election board. They’re gearing up to steal it again. Perhaps no state better represents the reverberation from the 2020 election on Americans electoral process in Georgia following Biden conquest, a pivotal swing state in 2020 by major forms of theft. It became a central focus of claims of election fraud on behalf of President Trump. While a political climate following the alleged legal action has regressed to a mean that it’s become more favorable to Trump, the vestiges of the turmoil from the last presidential election have remained unresolved in Georgia, threatening to lay the groundwork for another contentious election certification process because the Democrats are seeking to take control.
Here’s another Trump vows to punish election cheaters to the full extent of the law. This is a great promise, but obviously he’s got to get into office in order to do it. And they, because they’re the cheaters and they know he means what he’s saying, they’re going to work as hard as they can to keep him out of office. Trump warned of long term present sentences for anybody who undermines a democratic process, including illegal voters and corrupt officials. Cease and desist I together with many attorneys and legal scholars, I’m watching the sanctity of the 2024 election very closely because I know better than most the rampant cheating and skill duggery that taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 and in the 2022 as well, I would add.
Meanwhile, House committee subpoenas Democrat VP candidate Tim Walls over a Minnesota Covid fraud case. The House Education and Workforce Committee has issued a subpoena for Minnesota governor Wall street going a non profit accused of depriving the government during the COVID scam damage the Minnesota base feeding our future has been accused of misusing 250 million in taxpayer funds that were meant to go to hungry children. I’m not surprised the House education has issued subpoenas to the Governor Tim Wall’s Minnesota Department of Education and US Department of Agriculture for how they responded to what federal prosecutors have called the largest pandemic fraud schemes in the country.
The subpoenas, obtained by NBC News, demand that Waltz Minnesota commissioner of Education Jesse Willie Jett, us agricultural Secretary Tom Visak, and Agriculture inspector general Phyllis Fong turnover documents considering oversight of the nonprofit feeding our future. Did you know that essential oils have had a multitude of natural health and skin uses in history, but have been somewhat forgotten by recent civilization? Susanna’s secret offers 100% pure natural oils at prices you can actually afford. Do you have a house or office with a musty smell or mold? Studies have shown that essential oils like the one in our thief and robbers blend, will kill or inhibit mold, viruses, bacteria and fungus just diffuse with it, and you will see the long lasting effects that even synthetic chemicals don’t achieve.
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Don’t ever look at the price as a barrier. Look at it as an incentive. Number three, don’t buy its paper pretenders. We talked about that a lot. Buy gold, buy the real thing in the form of coins and bullion. Fourth, don’t fall prey to glitzy television or Facebook ads. Do your due diligence instead. And that’s what I try to provide you with and have for 26 and a half years on the air and 30 years in this profession. Fifth, don’t allow naysayers to divert your interest. Allow yourself the right to protect your interests as you see fit.
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You know I need some help. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody’s help in any way now. But now these days are gone, I’m not so self assured now. I’ll find a chain of mind and open up the doors. Help me if you can. I’m feeling six final stories. I mention them and follow up with one. All hell broke loose at CNN after RFK junior handed them the horrible news. Basically that in the name of preserving democracy, the Democrats are destroying it. Meanwhile, Biden Navy secretary warned sailors against partisan activity before being cut off, before being reprimanded himself for having.
For having endorsed Biden. The most important is, I mean, I lost the coverage here momentarily. Right. The key one is a former FBI agent says that Barack Obama is an intelligence asset. And I think we have to recognize that’s terribly serious. I’m going to pull up what he had to say because that’s the most important story here. Of course. Meanwhile, here it comes. Former FBI explains Obama and intel asset. Listen to this. Something unbelievable happened for us and the FBI. We were getting lots of rumors about this high level asset that worked for several intelligence agencies at the same time.
He worked for the saudi intelligence service, he worked for the CIA, and he was being developed as a political asset in Chicago, Illinois. He was not even a United States, but it was said that he was a student visa and that he was a national from another country. In 2008, everyone in the intelligence structure found out who he was. It was this individual, whose name I don’t like to say, who became president in 2008 of the United States. And I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States. The office of President of the United States.
One of his code names was Renegade. His real name was Barry Sortoro, but he adopted a different name for his political career when they ran him for president. The cabal. Basically, this was the culmination of so many of their plans for so many years. His mission was to destroy the United States from within one institution at a time. One of the things he did, of course, was he defunded our military. He brought down the resources that they got. But then he ordered our military, in many, many instances and in various theaters, to attack our allies and to defend and supply and help our enemies.
That’s exactly how he created ISIS. He would say publicly that the military were going to bomb our enemies, but then he would have the military actually bomb enemies of ISIS. Do you need anybody? I just need someone to love to be anybody I want somebody to love oh, I can buy a little help from my friends I’m gonna drive a little help from my friend? Do I get high with my friends? Yes, I get five? A little help from my friend? With a little help from my friend what would you say if I told you we have a new tool that will increase production and lower maintenance costs for your meat processing company? And it would pay for itself in just six weeks when pigs fly, the new ease off model easy four replaces old spring style carcass droppers and is faster, safer, and more reliable.
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Summersville, Missouri 417-932-6419 you can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to Republic Broadcasting network. Visit today because you can handle the truth. Look at you see the love that’s sleeping why my guitar gently at the floor and I see it needs sweeping still my guitar can we? Welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBN Live, this 10th day of September, 2024, where I take your calls. Our lines are open. Our phones are working. You won’t have to wait. Great day to call in. We begin with JB in Chicago. JB, welcome back. Yeah.
Hey, Jim. Great show today. And you’re right on the mark with Barack Hussein Obama. I’ve been many remote views on him, and I see him as an antichrist figure. The black one. Nostradamus calls him the black one. The third antichrist agent renegade, right on the mark. That was his code name. And he rose to power in Chicago. And on the Kirovan and midnight show, I did a full brief on this one. My first shows, that was years ago on Kira, red and midnight. But I broke down how he got the power through basically cheating elections. Cheating elections and murdering anybody around him was murdered, like all the gay boys in his choir at the Reverend Wright Church murdered.
The only guys that survived around his circle, his gay circle, were people that turned state evidence and a few other, you know, few other people. But he rose to power that way, and so he must have had CIA connections. His father. When I looked down the rabbit hole, his father was, I believe, an ex spook or grandfather. I mean, grandfather on the mother’s side. And she comes from a jewish banker, english jewish banker family. So he’s connected with the, I think, the elites out of London, and he’s doing a fantastic job at destroying America. I mean, if you think about it, this is his third term.
If he gets in with Kamala, that will be his fourth term. And this country’s done you put a fork in it. I mean, that’s my opinion. Jim, what do you think about that? Well, I think you’re right, JP. I think you’re absolutely right. And because he was gay, I mean, he had this torrid affair with Rom Emanuel in the bathhouses of Chicago. He was easy to control, but he had this upbringing in an intel and in a communist environment. So that, I mean, he was primed. They gave him all kinds of COVID sealed his records. That was his first act as president, to seal his education records so wouldn’t be exposed.
He was at Columbia as a foreign student. I’ve seen what purports to be a student id, and it says right on it, foreign student. I mean, I think this guy turns out to be absolute scandal. And of course, being married to another man, pretending to have children, this is all just disgusting. And I’m convinced that it’s their own perversions that have led to all this transgender absurdity about boys and girls being interchangeable, promoting all this rubbish, complete rubbish, because they want to feel normal. They want to normalize perversity. So they are right smack dab in the middle.
I think, JD, that’s the agenda, too. And the sex thing that you had a word for, it was a three word anagram. Sex magic or sex manipulation. He was on one of your shows. But the thing is that he blackmailed everybody. Rahm Emanuel, they got rid of Daley by, I think, Rahm Emanuel drive. For him to get in there, they had to get rid of the Daley. So they got Daley’s brother to go into the state Department. He got some job with Obama. So Daley backed out. And that’s when Rahm Emanuel has been put in there, and they’ve been putting in democratic mayors here in Chicago ever since.
Rahm Emanuel, it hasn’t been legitimate. They’ve all been cheating. So Obama’s Mo, from the very beginning, he cheated a little old lady, a little old black lady, alderman lady, by throwing out her signature because he said, oh, we can’t read the signatures. At the last minute, he threw her votes out. And she was the alderman for like ten years. So he got her removed. And then the second race he won was a state senate seat, which was a sex scandal. The woman from, she was a Borg lady on Star Trek, the ginger. Real tight, real tight, sexy woman.
But she had multiple affairs, multiple men, and that got out. So Ryan had to drop out. So it was Jim, it was Mike Dicka. They put Mike Dick in there against Obama. And, you know, Obama won. So every race he’s been in, it’s been cheating. And now we got, we got dominion cheating. We got score card and hammer. It’s a CIA cheating mechanism. We got the Covid-19 and the mail in fraud. I mean, everything. His whole Mo is cheating communists, like his real father, Frank Marshall Davis, card carrying communist professors from Hawaii, also from Chicago. And then you got Bill Ayers.
So. And then Hillary Clinton’s all tied in with it. And then you got the globalists all connected. You really got to put these pieces together, Jim, and it takes a very, a lot of work, and you’ve been doing it, and a lot of keyboard warriors have been doing it here also. I got to stay Scott Bennett. He’s from your old San Francisco area, but I’m going to be reposting his video with Michael Jacob, my buddy named Seal. And that’s a good video I’ll be posting up this afternoon. But he really breaks down the Kazarian mob. I mean, he goes right after him and he goes after all the dirty business they’ve been doing over the years.
And that’s where we’re at. 911. We got Bush, and then we got Obama. And now you got the Cheney coming out of the dark Vader, real quick, just to tap it, just a final thought. Cheney, you know how he got his. You know how he got his new heart? He had a heart failure right after 911. You know how he got his new heart? I’m scared to ask. Well, there was a young military officer that had the same blood type as him, which was rare, I believe. And he got run over. Just happened to get run over right on Washington, DC, right down the block from Dick Cheney’s place, just happened to be run over.
Yep. And that’s the heart that Dick Cheney, Darth Vader got was from a young officer that was whacked, most likely whacked. And, you know, they have everything to lose, these people, because what they’ve done to our country, what they’ve done 911, what they’ve done with ISIS, what they’ve done. Torturing and terrorizing people, what they’ve done with bio weapons. I mean, people think that’s gone away. No, that 60% of their population has long term physical problems thanks to autoimmune diseases and turbo cancers. And that was mostly brought about by Obama and his Obamacare. Everybody blames Trump for that.
You’re wrong. You got to go back to Obamacare. He’s the one that pushed that socialized communist medicine. And that’s where we’re at today. I think we have an antichrist running our country today. Jim, I’m sorry to say that you’re not very religious, but we’re in a bad state. I’ve been agnostic, but I recognize evil when I see it. And Obama turns out to be evil, even though at the time of his election, I thought it was a great step forward for America to elect a black president. Dig beneath the surface. You begin to discover he’s a deceiver, a liar, a cheater.
I have no doubt murders were committed to protect, keep a secret his gay past. Yeah, right there at Martha’s Vineyard. You know, it’s outrageous. The following days got cuts on his hand covered by band aids, he’s got a black eye. And people don’t put two. And together the day before you got a dead chef who’s in 3ft of water and where he was actually a very good swimmer. The whole story was preposterous. JB, you are right on top of it. I so appreciate that. You’re making wonderful contributions. Thank you. And you know one thing, that’s why I supported Trump.
That’s me and the white hats. And I have to say, I lost my career. I lost everything. I haven’t seen my son in years because of open court cases and law fair in Wisconsin. And you know what? I did that. I did that for a country. I took a bullet for our country and for our constitution. And I tell you, if we don’t get Trump in, this country’s doomed. It’s that bad. It really is that bad, Jim. JB, we got to figure out a way to get together. I mean, I want to meet you. Send me an email.
Use let’s figure something out. I think you’re just doing a terrific job, Jim, at moonrock jB, thank you so much. Just simply super. Francis, North Carolina. Silly girl. Welcome back. Well, hello, young man. It’s the infamous silly viking gal. Your disservice, go figure. Anyway, I wish you a fun week, for that matter. Oh, and listening to JP, I thought that he had a show there on RBM because his voice sounds awfully familiar, but I could be wrong about that. That’s just me. As far as the Antichrist, or whatever you want to call him is concerned, I thought they were supposed to sit on the high seat of the temple and Israel, Jerusalem, whatever the case might be, when they come to power or authority or control or whatever have you.
So I kind of, you know, whatever. I have my own perception about that fiasco. Good figure. As far as this debate coming up is concerned, I got better things to do than to watch that b at. I mean, come on, it’s all rigged to begin with and so I have more important things to focus on in life. I mean, come, let’s get real. But I have to admit, the thing about the folks are coming in illegally, immigrant wise and so forth, is really. I don’t like to talk about it, but you know something? It has to be addressed because obviously the politicians are basically screwing the everyday person regardless of what party it is, regardless of what their religious background is.
Whoo. Using it like a crutch when a person like that can break into someone’s house and they get shot at by the person who lives in a house, owns that house to protect themselves because that person, that illegal immigrant, could cause harm or death to someone in the family, and yet they are being protected by the legal system currently in the US. Then riddle me this. Does that mean that the people that are coming in here illegally are getting diplomatic protection, much like an office or a government official in some other country? If it is, then this legal system here in the US is really screwed.
Because why should they get diplomatic immunity against breaking into someone’s home, assaulting the family to the point of murdering the family, let alone sexually assaulting whoever they want to, and squatting at the same bloody effin time. I mean, what is wrong with this picture? And yet a lot of people think, oh, that’s, you know, let’s be expected. What can you do? A lot. If I have someone doing that to my home, I’m sorry, their ass is mine, period. You’re not going to do that to me. If you try to claim diplomatic immunity, I’m sorry, you picked the wrong mother to do that.
Pull that’s done on because I’ll find someone that can toast your tail and put in jail, or better yet, ship your tail back to the country you came from because you don’t belong here and let alone you apparently don’t, can’t speak English and never tried. Now, if I go to another country to visit, I’m going to try and learn what the language is, at least in courtesy, how to speak the language. If I’m going for a visit as a tourist or whatever, I’m not going to go there and try to live there and squat on someone that lives there already.
I mean, where’s the logic in that? I don’t think so. But aside from that, I have to admit though, this past Friday, it would have been interesting to call in, but apparently since your phone lines were so messed up or whatever, and I only heard the one number to call in at the beginning of the second hour and no other time, I was like, okay, what’s the story here? So I hope you had a fun weekend. We’re good. Well, we’re glad you caught up, Francis. Give us a final thought. Well, my final thought is for the.
I come to comprehend it, that one of the political bodies that are behind the aspect of the palestinian people being injured or murdered because they want to get that beachfront property, as I call it, over in Gaza, so their family members can build condos. As I comprehend it, I could be wrong for their own selfish purposes. You know what? That is so wrong with so many levels, it’s not even silly. So, quite frankly, I’ve not seen one politician worth their salt that deserves to be in the hot seat up there because they’re all paid off. And that’s all there is to it.
Later. Have a great week. Thank you. Thank you. Miles from Maine. Welcome back, Miles. Your latest thoughts? Did we lose Miles? Julie, did we lose Miles? Yeah. Miles. Go ahead. Go, go, go. Yeah. Yeah. I think, you know, these people in Springfield, what they need to do, as they need to just overwhelm their city council meeting, their county commission meeting, the governor’s office, and they need to just tell them, look, you’re not serving or protecting, but here’s what we’re doing here. You might want to get these people out of here because we got a party coming and we’ve invited our special guests.
These 20,000, or whoever they are here, aren’t invited, but we got a couple of guests we’re inviting. One guy’s name is Carl Ritt. Kyle Rittenhouse. And the other guy’s name is George Zimmerman. And you’re probably not going to want to attend with them there. I’m a huge fan of Kyle rittenhouse. Man, did he handle himself so well. Such a young man. He was just superb. He was under attack, trying to kill him. He took out two, wounded the third, and then he was prosecuted. When it was clear self defense, legal experts reviewed the case and said there wasn’t any question about it.
The fact that he had the right to defend himself exactly as he did. Miles, tell me more. Go ahead. Exactly. I mean, it should be called the kyle Rittenhouse academy, and he should be training every american how to defend themselves. And then they should. They should be training every jurist. Every jurist, every juror, and everybody who might be on a, on a juror selection that, look, this is what you’re going to have to do because they’re loading the debt. And if we’re going to get this country back, one thing we have to have is the rule of law.
And when people come and overthrow you in your home, in your castle, you know, on your property, you know, and do these different things, and you have no recourse, that just shows you’re not even american with rights, that somebody who’s not an american has more rights than you. I hope tonight at the debate, this Springfield situation is front and center, putting 20,000 Haitian dumping them on a little community of about 50,000 where they’re now eating their pets. I mean, it’s not just a wildlife, it’s squatting on our lawn. Can you imagine what they’re doing on the lawn? I mean, it’s just disgusting.
And this is all brought about unnecessarily, totally unnecessary by these Democrats who, Miles, can there be any other explanation than the desire to destroy America? I can’t find any other reason in the world for this to be happening. No, it’s just plain depravity. And, you know, a lot of people’s animals are precious and family members to them, you know? Yeah, even, yeah. So, I mean, if somebody’s defending their family member against these people and they, and they should, you know, run into whatever force necessary they need, you know, we’re supposed to be afforded that under american jurisprudence, and we’re just not even being insured our rights.
But, you know, I haven’t heard, I haven’t heard a word about law enforcement or the state police or the governor expressing any concern about what’s happening in Springfield. And we can thank Biden Harris for this. I just love the timing because if it is, if it isn’t centered during the debate, you know, those ABC hosts are on the take that they’re totally biased. This is such a crucial development, and it exposes a sham of the Democrat plan to destroy America. Miles, love your calls. Give us a closing thought. Well, it just shows the importance for neighborhood watch groups and stuff like that to be able to take care of their communities because there’s not even anything else.
There’s not any other tragedy going on. And they can’t handle this. You know, I mean, nobody went as far as going there and arresting four or five of them, them, let alone however many they got, and showing them that, you know, this is what’s going to happen. But if something’s not done, I mean, we’re just going to continue to spiral under into chaos and nobody ever knows what to do about it. That’s funny, because when I was growing up, they knew what to do about everything and now they can’t solve the simplest things. But I do want to say one thing too.
That I thank JP for all that he’s done. God bless him and thank him. And we need 200 million other jps and some. Yeah, really good. Thank you Jim. Thank you Miles. You call again. I like your calls. We’ll be right back after this break. Now I find the chamber mine I’ll open up the door hello, hello, hello from beautiful Colorado. My name is Samuel Jungke and I am currently the lead Shilaji hunter and master herbalist for Colorado Shilaji company. In this video series I will be discussing what we believe is the greatest of all adaptogenic superfoods and the single greatest natural healing remedy gifted to us by mother earth.
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Beef, poultry and pork raised the way nature intended. Helena Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been lives in a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for? All come from Tom, what do you think about this former FBI explaining Obama is an tell agency asset? Are you surprised? Tom, you there? Aren’t you? Tom in Florida? Tom, are you there? Yeah, I’m here. Hey, I haven’t hired Jim. I just want to say, yeah, wonderful, wonderful show and a magnificent call by miles.
That call was magnificent, man. Right on target. I’ll tell you, he was right on target today. And I got to tell you, Jim, I don’t know if all you guys know on RBN what’s going on, but at 05:00 there’s a big thing going on. You know about it, Jim, at 05:00 in Congress. Tell us, tell us, tell us. They’re taking the vote again on this, on this bill that pushes on. You have to be a citizen of the country to vote. And at 05:00 you’ll be taking a vote. And if supposedly there’s seven more demon rats that might jump ship and might jump on what the Republicans, the bill already passed, but now they’re trying to the pat it in this Chucky fucking Schumer, this dirty zionist hike is going to try to stop it.
But if he does, they’re going to primary every one of these dirty demon rats in Ohio and everywhere else, and they’re going to get primary with hundreds of millions of dollars on November 5. How can Chuck Schumer oppose a bill that simply requires you be a citizen. Devoted american elections. I mean, of course you should be a citizen. So what he’s saying is, no, no, no. He wants to corrupt the citizen, the system, by having nonsense of anyone he can dredge up. I mean, this is such a disgrace. Well, Jim, you’re absolutely right. What you said yesterday, they ought to kick him out.
They ought to rail his ass right out of. Right out of that Senate. He should be held for treason. He said yes, right? And he’s retarded. He’s a dirty. He’s a dirty schmucke. He’s a putt, and he needs to be taken out of that Senate right away. And the military said they’re not going to do something right. Now I’m going to tell you what Miles was saying is awesome. You know, they keep messing around at Springfield in Ohio. What’s going to happen when he’s one of these bikers, when all these biker groups unite, when the outlaws, the Mongols, the hell’s angels, and they all get together and say, you’re not going to kill another one of our american citizens.
We might fight amongst us, but we’re not going to fight anymore. We’re going to unite against this illegal invasion of our country. What will happen if you got 1 million bikers pulling into Springfield, Ohio? That’d be chaos. If you had 100,000, 50,000, 10,000, 10,000 bikers in Springfield, Ohio, would shake the coordination, it would shake the nation in its core. But they’re gonna say, you’re not gonna kill any more of our citizens, Tom. What the hell do you do with them? What the hell do you do with them? You do like David Dwight Eisenhower did Operation Wetback.
You deport them all back. And he did it in two, three years. He got rid of two and a half million in three years in 1955 and 1956. Eisenhower and he used yellow bird school buses that Carmella Harris said that she was on when supposedly Joe Biden’s a racist. That’s how they got rid of those illegals back in 1956 on yellow bird school busters. Look it up. That’s how Eisenhower, a general of the night of world War two, did. He got rid of 2.5 million, 2.6 million illegals out of the, out of the United States, a three year period.
Donald Trump could get rid of 20 million in probably a five year period. That’s how you do it. And I’m telling Jim, if these bikers jump and they start saying, you’re not going to kill, come here illegally in this country and start getting all this free stuff. And these are, we’re talking all these different biker groups. I mean, it could happen. Who knows? They might unite under one banner. I don’t know what’s going to happen with that. But I can tell you this, Jim, they’re having to vote at 05:00 today. And if anybody, Jim, on your audience, and I guarantee you this, and you can ask anybody that knows me, if anybody in that RB and audience knows about Haitians, it’s me.
I live in South Florida. What do you want me to tell you about him, Jim? Would you like me to start? Yeah, like to start, Jim. Go ahead. Tell you one thing. Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton got ripped off the Haitians in Haiti when they had the earthquake. That’s why the Haitians at that time didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 in Florida. If she would have got the haitian community in Florida in 2016, it would have been a really close rate here. But she stole so many millions of dollars, her and Bill slick Willie. That’s why they got filthy, filthy rich by stealing all that earthquake money and whatever.
But I’m going to tell you what the Haitians do, Jim, down here, you know, here, Cuba, the Spanish and the Cubans, they bring a thing called panteria. Are you familiar with that, Jim? This is voodoo. Yes, they do voodoo all over here in south Florida on the courthouse steps. Jim, when you go to Miami Dade county courthouse or Broward County Courthouse, you’ll see hundreds and hundreds of pennies flown on the courthouse. Then with chicken blood on them. They throw chicken blood over a hundred penny american currency. Pennies. It’s not. Yeah, they’re not called pennies. They’re called cents.
No, it’s nothing as a penny. Tell the scent. And what they do is they pour blood all over the scent. And you know what they do? They put curses on all the judges in the chamber or the lawyers. That’s what they do. They do voodoo like crazy. They do all kinds of black magic stuff. Zombies all over the place. And I tell you, here in south Florida, Jim, there’s dead animals. You can’t even find a cat. A little Haiti, they eat them. They eat all the cats, Jim. You might find a couple dogs running around down over.
You’ll never find cats. You know. You know, I’m a cat guy, Tom. I’ve had some cats I cared about tremendously. If I discovered somebody had killed and eaten one of my cats, I cannot imagine what I would have done. It would have been very, very serious. I’ll hang on, Jim, for my last thought. But yeah, I’ll hang on. I want to tell you something else. Thank you, Tony. Hang on. Can I. Hang on? Hang on. It’s in a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the who is it? For all you are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network.
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They’re not coming here to compliment these people. They’re coming. Eat our lunch and take our jobs and eat our animals, and we’ll rape our women and murder a lot of them. It’s just insanity. But I just got to say this, Jim. Tonight is the debate, that whole debate, like Miles said, it should be about immigration. There’s no other thing that communist news networks should be talking about except immigration. I’ve been saying that for years and years. What else in the economy, the economy is being crippled because these people are getting our health, our health care. They’re destroying our hospitalization.
It’s horrible what’s happening in this country. And white America better wake up, because let me tell you, here in south Florida, there’s not even one white male or female in the Bobby Dade county commission. So that’s the motives of operandi, to bring all these people in. Eventually, up there in Springfield, Ohio, all those blacks will be multiplying like rabbits, and they won’t have nobody left there, okay? Look what they’ve done to Bangor, Maine. Look what they’ve done to Portland, Maine. Portland, Maine and Bangor, Maine are by Somalians. And guess what? The state of Maine does not even vote Republican anymore, Jim, because you brought all those people from Africa in there.
The vote. Vote vote Democrat. Free. Free. One for me. One for me. Went for me. All free. Free. Jim, we have been annihilated and if Donald Trump doesn’t talk about this, we were looking at an all out civil war. I’ve been saying it for a year, over a year now, because these people are not coming here to compliment. They’re coming to take us and wipe us out. And they’re not doing even our language, Jim. They’re not speaking our language. They’re not doing our culture. And guess what we’re looking at? Disaster. Utter disaster. And it’s a shame.
We got these disastrous democrats and power. They all need to be locked up and put in jail and they’re going to have the vote today at 05:00. Jim. So you need to watch that at 05:00 I do think we’re reaching a point of crisis. Tom. I think your message has never been more timely. Thank you, Tom. Don’t be surprised that the bikers unite. Don’t be surprised. Tom. Thanks, Jim. Great call. Jim in Michigan. Jim, join a conversation. Jim, it’s always good to follow Joe Pesci. You know, he says like Joe Pesci so much. But how you doing today, Jim good.
Good. Jim. Well, I guess the reason I’m calling is, is that, you know, they put 20,000 haitian immigrants and that little Springfield, I think it is Ohio. The whole thing is, you may talk about, and I’m thinking, okay, if I was a resident in Springfield, I would probably think the police should probably do something and they are doing something, and then I would think that the governor, okay, or the sheriff would. My biggest thing is that this is all pre planned. They’re going to put them in a situation where there’s going to be a point where they’re going to shut the money off to these migrants.
But I’m wondering why the government, the governor of Ohio, I don’t, I think he’s a Republican. I don’t really quite know for sure, but I’m thinking he’s just get the national Guard, go down there. Oh, yeah, go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. He should go there and go. Okay, Springfield guys, you are illegal aliens. And put them on bus and get the national Guard down there with the local sheriff and please put them on buses and send them to Washington, DC. You know, that’s the one who’s giving them license to do all the crap they’re doing. Same thing with Aurora, Colorado.
They’re not doing anything. And what’s the message you’re sending is just go ahead, do what you want because there’s no consequences anymore. So I think we have to look at where do we put the blame? And we already know where the blame is at. It’s the mayor or the governor and we know it’s the government. Is it, is it Mayor Garland? Anyways, he’s promoting most of this stuff. Those are the guilty people, right? The immigrants are just pawns in the game and they’re going to go there. And because they’re from a country where, I don’t know, maybe the iq is not as high, but they, you know, most of them don’t even know how to use the toilet.
I’m thinking they cannot come into our country and not just cause violence and chaos and the american people, I’m thinking the way they want to start a revolution in here is to put all these people, allow them to own firearms. What they can’t, but most of them do already. And then just to get to a point where it’s so hellish that the local citizens go, okay, that’s enough, and then we go off into a complete chaos. I think it’s going to happen. I think it’s going to happen, Jim. I think it’s going to happen. This is an impossible situation deliberately created by Biden, Harris, Admin, no doubt, Obama, Soros.
It’s a good thing. We have to know. We have to know who to blame. And that’s where we should concentrate on as putting pressure on these people. Because I’m just thinking of Donald Trump gets in. I think what they’re most afraid of is the fact there’s gonna be a lot of people going to prison which have a fair trial and if you’re guilty. But I think most of these people are guilty of treason anyhow. I think that. I think they are scared witless and that’s why they’re opposed him so strongly. They know they’re gonna pay a price for all their past offenses against America.
I think you’re right, Jim. Well, we’ll see too. In any congressional, you know, whatever the Congress does whenever they do these hearings and stuff, nothing has ever come of any of them. So we can’t even kind of those. You’re right. You’re right about that. Do a committee and this guy looks good. That guy looks good. But what happened? Nothing. I mean, look back in our history, whether it be Waco, Oklahoma City bombing, just name anything and they’re impotent. I’m sorry, nothing ever happens. They do the committees and they do the stage show for everybody to go and then nothing ever happens.
So I tell you what, it’s going to have to come differently. So, Jim, thanks. Love your program, my friend. Good call. Good God. Jim, thanks. Thank you, Cynthia in California. Join the conversation. Cynthia, welcome back. Thank you. Thank you. I’m bringing this comment because of your first caller, who seems to be probably supporting Trump. And people have to remember that Trump himself admitted he’s not a Christian, despite the fact he was shilling for bibles not a month or so before that. And so he converted to Shabbat Judaism, which I understand is a talmudic version. And they believe they do not have to tell the truth to christians.
You only have to tell the truth to another jew. And no one’s life is worth even, I mean, the fingernail from a jew is worth more than the life of a goy. And so I know that many jews do not ascribe to that or actually maybe even unaware of what is in the Talmud, but I do. And this comes after. Well, anyway, I won’t give you that personal information, but I’m saying that there may be a worldwide jewish conspiracy and supremacy. And so some of the people are recruited into it because they believe there was a Holocaust.
And we know now from looking at the old records, there was not a jewish Holocaust. There was a Holocaust of german citizens after the war, when Eisenhower apparently gave permission for abuse of the german citizens. And he is known, by the way, to have had some connections with some prominent communists early in his career. And he really is very suspect because of that behavior where he let german prisoners of war die in camps. And he is known to have let thousands of american prisoners of the Germans be taken into the Soviet Union, never to appear again.
Now, that’s Mike Gatty from your, from one of your radio hosts who came up with that, from his work dealing with the prisoners of the people who were prisoners of war that were not returned from Vietnam and other areas, that our government throws our men under the bus whenever it’s convenient for them. So keep in mind, Cynthia. Cynthia, I do infer, therefore, that you’re voting for Harris Walshe. Absolutely not. I am trying, really hard working, you know, online, trying to tell people that we need to go back to the constitution and we get to elect the presidential electors instead.
What’s been happening is the major parties have been selecting people they want to be presidential electors. And when you vote for their candidate, that means de facto that their people who are presidential electors will be in. But you never even say their names. You never see their names. That’s the name that are supposed to be on the ballot is the name of presidential electors and is one for every 30,000 persons. We haven’t done this in many generations because state legislatures were bribed into letting the major parties choose the electors. We’ve got to take it back. And we need a grassroots effort to find decent individuals with enough skill and acumen and business experience and maybe some military experience.
Maybe that would be okay. I would vote for you for President Jim Fetter, saying that they would, they would promote you as president. If you have a government pension, you can’t actually serve as a presidential electorate. I don’t know what you have. I do have Social Security, but, you know, I’m a bit up there. I mean, I’ll be 84 in December. So probably, you know, probably not the right time. But I appreciate the thought. Believe me, I do. And I understand what you meant by suggesting that. So, Cynthia, give us a final thought. Give us a final thought.
So start using the word. Clergy clan is a jewish conspiracy to flood western countries because they tried to kill all the Christians with the black death. The black death is known now that it was a poisoning and the Jews were chased out of Europe because people caught on that they had tried to be poisoned, their men, because they targeted the wells of Christ that christian working men would be using. Cynthia, thank you. That’s hard to figure out. Thank you for all. Thank you for all of that. Cynthia, thank you for all of that. All of that.
Dan in Idaho. Dan, join a conversation. Dan, are you there? Idaho? Yeah, I’m here. Do you hear me? Go ahead. Yes, we can. But the order of proof of citizenship, does that mean that I’m going to have to prove that I’m a citizen? I wouldn’t imagine it would, yeah, but I mean, there are going to be all kinds of ways you’re going to be able to do it. I don’t think you’re going to have a problem. You’ve been voting regularly, blah, blah, blah. It’s not going to be a big deal. It’s just going to weed out non citizens illegals.
I mean, that’s the idea which the Democrats are trying to stack the deck with all these illegals who clearly do not have the right to vote. But if they, if they have to prove that they’re a citizen, you know, it’s going to end up just like going through the TSA, check checkpoints in the airport. Everybody has to, not just Arabs, but everybody otherwise is discriminated. Are you, are you concerned you could not prove you were a citizen of the United. No, no, I can prove it because I have a certificate, but. Good, good. That’ll do, I’m sure.
Discharge papers from the military, passports, all that. They’re going to be lots of ways to do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I’m just saying, you know, that’s. That’s what it’s going to be. If they get immigrants to have to prove id. Everybody’s going to have to. Yeah, you’re right. That’s the idea. Everyone who votes has improved their citizen and entitled to vote. That is the idea. You’re absolutely right. I expect for most of driver’s licenses, in all probability gonna work, but we’ll see. In some place like California, legals are given driver’s license and automatically register to vote.
That’s obviously, I have to show my id every time I vote. Everybody good? Good, good. Yeah. Dan, thank. Thank you for the. Thank you for the call. Thank you very much, Dan. Glad you called in. Tom in Utah. Tom, you are so patient, my friend. Go ahead, Tom, give us your thoughts. Hi, James. Just relative to the word I, let’s see. Work, feed and logistics, they’re incongruent because it takes so much time and energy and resources to produce millions of vials of injections, right? Yeah. Hundreds of thousands of gallons of blood and slaughterhouse waste to produce the vaccines.
And then you got to put them in cryogenic storage until you’re ready to use them. And that means there are months and months and months, if not years, to create millions of vaccines. I’m so worried about what’s happened, Tom. I’m so worried about what happened in Palestine. They seem to have generated a fake polio pandemic, and 100,000 of these little palestinian kids were inoculated. I’m certain they use the COVID vax. I mean, they’re not getting a polio thing. They’re getting something that’s potentially going to kill them. That’s the idea. That whole process is. It’s rather crude, but it is lengthy.
Takes time to accumulate all that material. We’re talking about thousands, if nothing, hundreds of thousands of gallons. And then you got to disperse that in vials and then take, you know, half a dozen or a dozen shots out of. Out of a vial. I mean, the whole idea of warp speed, they were prepared long before warp speed was even considered. Oh, sure. That’s all I can tell you. We all agree there are even patents or patents for these vaccines around Tom that way predates the alleged COVID pandemic. Well, as far as I’m concerned, the patents are just a paper joke.
It makes you believe that they have, have authorship or ownership over certain things, which they really don’t. It’s just a matter of paper. It’s like anything else in the court. If we say it is, it is. If we say it isn’t, it isn’t. Well, I’ve had enough dealing with the courts to understand how unreliable and inauthentic they can be. Believe me, Tom, it’s unbelievable what’s happened to America. We’re a mere shadow of our former self. And I don’t see, absent Trump’s election, I don’t see any way we’re going to recover. By the way, I got flames of injustice back up and working.
Flames of at the same. Whatever the, whatever the court says is. Whatever the court says is not flames of that’s a website you run, right, Tom? Yeah. Flames of yeah. Defending a Gulf war victim. A Gulf war victim. I’m still looking for people that have ideas on the records. How do we recover records these Gulf war. Anyone out there, if you know a Gulf war, please get a hold of Tom, go by flames of you’ll find contact information there. Correct, Tom? Exactly. Hey. And you’ll actually see the facts that were never introduced in the court.
Yes, yes. Yes. Tom. Understood. Much appreciated. Thanks very much. Very much. Peter in Los Angeles. Join the conversation. Peter, welcome back. Hey, Jim, I just wanted to say, to start off with, yeah, it would be great to have proof of citizenship to be, to vote. And that’s, of course, it ought to be that way. It should be that. It has to be that way. California, it’s against the law to even ask for a person’s identification at the polls. Think about that. Isn’t that insane? Isn’t that insane? I’m a poll worker. I volunteered for poll working six or seven times.
And you’re not even allowed, it’s by law. You’re not even allowed to ask for. You can look at a person and see they don’t speak a lick of English. You know, tamales are dripping from their underarms, and yet, you know, you’re not allowed to ask for their identification at all. California’s just got star graving mad, Peter. Right. It’s not only California. There’s other states that have the same sort of laws. But California is 54 electoral votes. I think it’s probably the same in New York, actually. I don’t think you’re allowed to ask for idea in New York either.
And that’s another, what, 50? That’s 104 of the 535 electoral votes right there. Right. But it is interesting. My brother in law is from Springfield. I’m from Ohio. I go down to, I’ve been to Springfield many, many times. It’s a small community. And Columbus, Ohio, it’s about 45 or 50 minutes outside of Columbus, like a little bit west southwest of Columbus. But Columbus has been long overrun with Somalis. And now the Haitians are being put into little towns like they’re doing around the world in Ireland and England, where they’ll drop 200 or 500, you know, people that come in, illegals or whatever you want to call them, into some small community that may only have 1000, there’s no defense against it.
Yes. And it’s really horrible. And the female caller, the lady caller, I didn’t catch her name because I came in a little late. But who was talking about the international Jews conspiracy? Duhdeh. Yes, she’s absolutely right. A couple of years ago, Barbara Specter. Remember Barbara Specter? She was from Sweden. She, turns out she’s a cousin of the Rothschilds, but she was in Sweden and she came out, look at Barbara Spector. I’ll send it to you. And she came out about in Sweden how the Jews have an obligation to take over immigration that Europe cannot allow to be able to remain Europe.
And the Jews have a special obligation to make sure that is so. And she was appointed to a lot of national and even international confabs to push this agenda. And apparently she’s a Rothschild cousin. But this has been going on for years. Try being an illegal immigrant in Israel if you’re not a jew. Try that. Right. Try to get out of their concentration camps with their remote controlled machine guns and robot machine guns patrolling outside of the walls of Gaza for 20 years. I mean, it’s ridiculous. We’re not allowed to have a wall, but they have a wall.
So, I mean, it’s such a double standard. We’re supposed to swallow gay marriage here, but Israel doesn’t have to swallow it. And whoever was speaking earlier about demonstrating in favor of raping palestinian men and women in custody without any trial, I mean, what are you going to say? We’re in the grips of a cabal of which jewish supremacists who own the west, they own it, lock, stock and barrel, from the media to the banking system, the legislatures and the presidencies and so on. And they have been. And look at us. Look at the west, look at Canada and the United States.
Look at Europe. Is there a country in Europe that would have been really, that you would have recognized 25 years ago. And frankly, there’s not, you know, Ireland, the Irish will be a minority in Ireland by 2040. Think about that. And then. I love that Conor McGregor is running for president. Hell, he couldn’t do worse than the people who are there now. You know, I love that they’re starting to be like a backlash, a nativist backlash. I fear it’s too late, but at least there’s a start. Despite all the propaganda and the fixing of the media and the deplatforming of anybody who speaks out against it, the election numbers from Germany and Thuringia and other provinces in Germany are.
It’s pretty clear there’s a real backlash. And they will do anything to squash it, of course. Yes. So, but again, what Tom from Florida says is completely right. Immigration is a huge problem. But, and again, I want to say that’s only a symptom of the problem. It’s there because the Jews have rammed it down our throats. It’s the Jews that are the problem. Yes. I don’t think there’s any doubt about it. Any doubt about it. Tom, a final thought. No, that’s it for me. All right. You guys are playing Alabama. Jim, I’m worried. Is it going to be painful to watch? Is it going to be painful? I think it will be.
You know, a couple of years ago, you guys handed LSU their ass when they came up there. Yeah. Yeah. I’ve been telling you, we got a totally different team now and all this. They’re actually paying players to go to different schools now. You know, Ohio State, I’m told, spent 20 mil. Peter, do you know that? To bring in, we only had seven transfers? Yeah, but we’re not out of the ordinary. I’m Ohio third. Then we’re not out of the ordinary at all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You ex Gentile. I’m sorry didn’t get call in tomorrow.
I’ll get you on, Gentile. I’ll get you on for sure. Meanwhile, everyone spend as much time with your family, your friends and people you love and care about, because we do not know how much time we have left and support RBN. Thank you, Jim. Thank you, Julie. Have a good evening. You, too. Bye.