Ray McGovern : The intricate tapestry of global espionage | Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom

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➡ Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom Channel is asking if the secret service agencies of America, Britain, and Israel would allow their agents to ignore or even help in harmful actions against innocent people. It mentions a man named Budanov, who is in charge of military intelligence for Ukraine and is known for his involvement in dangerous operations. The text also refers to a mysterious interview given by Victoria Newland, who seems to have some connection to these events.


Is the mentality of mi six and CIA. And I’ll throw Masad in there and you can take Massad out if you think it’s irrelevant to the rest of the question, Ray, but is the mentality of the operations branches of those entities, not the people that analyze data like you and Larry, but the people who did what Jack Devine did to stage coups and overthrow governments, is that mentality such that they would participate in, facilitate, or look the other way as innocents were slaughtered? I mean, these people in the theater were totally and utterly innocent of any known wrongdoing.

And most of them were young people. Would the american government, the british government, the israeli government, allow their intelligence, senior intelligence people, to behave that way? They would. Now, let’s accept the Israelis here. Put them aside. The British and the Americans. Some of their operatives in Ukraine undoubtedly knew what Budanov feast behind this and Victoria Newland had in mind. Who’s Budanov? Budanov is the head of military intelligence.

He’s the guy that specializes in these kind of, what the Russians used to call bokria dialla, wet operations. Okay. He’s in charge of military intelligence for Ukraine? That’s correct, yeah. Sorry, go ahead, please, Ray. He is russian, by the way. His parents voted Russia anyhow, so he’s the guy. He would be the interlocutor with Victoria Newland last time she was there. And again, that very curious interview that she gave just before she got back on the plane, it was not in any office or any studio.

It was on a street, and she improvised. You say they’re going to be nasty surprises for Mr. Poochie. Well, your commentators under Larry and my thing on Friday were very perspicacious because they immediately, half of them put together right away. So, yeah, I think that it’s not as, but the mentality of that branch of intel in Mi six and CIA does not have moral qualms about knowingly allowing innocence to be slaughtered.

No matter what kind of an oath, to what kind of a constitution, to what kind of moral values they have sworn. The CIA and Mi six are out of the control of their political leaders. In this case. I would imagine that even Director Burns is not fully informed of what these guys do. They have plenty of money, they have plenty of capabilities with ormaments and so forth. They’re free to do what the hell they want to do.

If they get a nod from Victoria Nolan, not necessarily from President Biden, they’ll do it because they can. These are the same guys that blew up the Nordstream pipeline. Okay? They’ll do it because they can. And there’s no rain in on this. The president is authorized by the National Security Act, 1947. It says that the director of central intelligence can perform such other functions and duties as the president can from time to time, direct.

So the president is sort of the head of this Gestapo. He’s not answerable to anyone. And the Gestapo itself doesn’t always tell the president what’s going on, doesn’t even tell the secretary of state. I don’t know what happened in this case, but it wouldn’t put it past the folks on the ground there in Kiev, not necessarily the folks on the ground in Washington, to know what was being planned and not at all be surprised and be prepared immediately with a cover story.

We didn’t do it. Ukraine didn’t do it. We know who did it. It was ISIS. .

See more of Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom on their Public Channel and the MPN Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom channel.


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American British Israeli secret service Budanov dangerous operations Budanov military intelligence Ukraine Budanov's role in Ukraine intelligence harmful actions against innocent people secret service agencies America secret service agencies Britain secret service agencies Israel secret service involvement in harmful actions unethical secret service operations Victoria Victoria Newland connection secret service Victoria Newland mysterious interview

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