Proof that the Economy is Collapsing in Real Time | I Allegedly




➡ I Allegedly talks about how the economy is struggling with many companies laying off employees, including large corporations like John Deere moving manufacturing to Mexico. WARN, a system that requires companies to give 60 days notice before layoffs, is being used more frequently. Additionally, the court system in California is facing budget cuts, leading to slower proceedings and staff reductions. Lastly, the city of Orange, California is planning to raise sales tax to cover a budget shortfall, which could negatively impact local businesses.
➡ Redbox, a DVD rental company with 27,000 locations, was bought by Chicken Soup for the Gold, which assumed its $335 million debt, now totaling half a billion dollars. The new owners hoped to use Redbox as a platform for selling books and DVDs, but the business is failing due to the decline of DVD rentals and the rise of streaming. The film industry is also struggling, with fewer jobs available. Additionally, Citibank is settling a lawsuit over robocalls, and there’s an ongoing scam where people are falsely told they’ve missed jury duty and must pay a fine.


Hey, it’s Dan, welcome back. Where in the world is Dan today? Anyways, I got a good one for you today. I have proof that the economy is absolutely collapsing right before us, and please comment in the video, please share it, and today we have a sponsor, Patriot Gold. But first things first, there is something called WARN, which is the worker adjustment retraining notification. And what this does is it was set up a few years back to where if you have a company that has more than 100 employees that are about to be laid off, you have to send 60 days notices to the employees and also to the city and community.

So what this does is it makes it so that people are not blindsided by, we got laid off. Now this also includes businesses that have 50 employees in one location, and this has served, you know, throughout the United States. This has been done, and the idea is that we’re going to notify the community about this and not have any issues, not get sued, people’s rights are not going to be violated, and things like this. Now this is just California, and this is to give you an idea, because I’ve had so many people send me things from Wisconsin and different states, and this is just the last 30 days.

In the last 30 days, we had Herbalife, get rid of 325 jobs in California, Gary Industries 21, MonarchLith117, Maddie Machine, got rid of 13, and this guy walked by with a tray of food, and on-time staffing got three, hybrid promotions got rid of six in Huntington Beach. The idea with this is that you can see all these different companies. Some have, you know, 200 success valley farms, 200, and the idea with this guys is, you know, charter communications cable company, they got rid of 430, and it’s just getting worse. Now what you’re seeing is some of these companies on this list don’t have a hundred employees, they have six, they have five.

Why are they doing this notification? They don’t want to get sued. They want to show you that this is the beginning of this, and what they don’t want to do is lay people off today to talk to an HR director. They don’t want to lay somebody off today and then have it be that, oh, they got sued because when they laid off another 75 people, you know, there was an issue. So everybody’s preparing themselves. Now, once again, to go along with the theme of the fact that the economy is collapsing, John Deere is the largest tractor company in the world.

John Deere is getting rid of all manufacturing here in the States, and they are coming to Mexico. Isn’t that lovely? So, gonna move, you know, 600 jobs to Mexico right now from the United States, which is just, to me, it’s like un-American when you see that. But, again, this is the shape of things right now. This is the fact that no one’s making money. This is the fact that when you have places like Wisconsin that have another group of people that are getting laid off, I mean, it’s terrible, absolutely terrible.

And, you know, the three companies can read the story in Wisconsin, but the John Deere thing that really bothered me because people are not farming right now. People kind of afford farm equipment. Also, this goes to what we’re seeing with used farm equipment right now. That’s the best thing you can do. Don’t buy anything you want to buy right now, cars, car equipment, anything like that you should be buying used right now. You should not be going out and investing in brand new because they’re available out there, and the liquidators are out there, and people thought that they were going to have a farm with, you know, 200 people, and now they’ve got 28.

So, look at things like that, guys, because that’s what’s changing everything right now. You know, so you haven’t seen anything yet. Bob’s, the discount furniture retailer, filed for bankruptcy, and they’re done. Every single one of their stores is going to be liquidated right now, and the problem with that is all those jobs, which they anticipate that there’s about 40 jobs per store plus delivery driver, and a few years back, I think it was 2018, Bob’s came to Southern California, the discount retailer. It’s got the kind of the clowny little stick figure individual who’s, you know, hey Bob’s got the great deals.

It just never took over, and they were expensive, the delivery costs are too high, and it was a real problem, but everybody’s gone. Everybody’s gone from the stores, and you’re going to see that more and more. You know, car dealerships right now that are victims of that CDK hacking, and that’s where they can’t sell cars, they can’t write service orders. They’re saying that right now, the total loss in business is 1 billion dollars today. They’re never going to make up for this, and you’re going to see more and more job layoffs in the car industry.

You’re going to see more and more bankruptcies in the car industry. With everything that we’re being fed right now politically, that everything’s okay, it’s all good, don’t worry about it. You have nothing but layoffs. Now, one thing that really struck me was that Michael is an attorney and runs a legal group. My late girlfriend who was a law professor, one thing that she did, she would participate because she trained law students to pass the bar, so she would be involved with all these different law groups. Michael’s law group got a letter from the Superior Court of Los Angeles.

Think about this. There is a 97 billion dollar shortfall in the state. They’re going to cut back and eliminate a huge percentage of money to California. There’s 97 million dollars that’s being cut from courthouses. Well, think about this. If you’ve ever sued anybody, if you’ve ever been the victim of crime and you wanted to get justice in this person, slow down, baby, because it’s going to be worse and worse and worse. You’re not going to have, you know, court proceed in a timely fashion. It’s not going to happen, and Michael brought up the story about there’s a shortfall and they’re going to cut back step.

Think about this. If you work in the Superior Court system throughout California, and you may hate your job, guess what? They will write you a check for $35,000 to get you out of here between now and the end of the year. So you could get a $35,000 payday to get, to get, be gone. Now, you can’t get rehired for, after they start rehiring for at least a year or two. They’ve got rules. You can read everything on this, but the idea with this is they’re going to cut staff. The inefficiency of the court system right now, ask any lawyer.

You know, they don’t want to sit there and complain about this because they have cases that have to be heard, and this is devastating right now to all these people. So with this happening, they’re sick of this, and it’s only going to get worse. City of Orange, California has a $20-plus million shortfall. We’re not going to fix that. We’re going to raise sales tax half a percent in our city, and we’re going to get that money directly, and it’s going to fix our budget. No, guys, it’s not fair, because here’s what they want to do.

They want to have it for 10 years, and then after 10 years, it falls off. No. Here’s what happens when they do this that much, is that electronics stores suffer. Car dealerships hate it because they got to collect another half a percent, and there’s a bunch of car dealerships in Orange, California that I know of first life. So they’ll afford all these different car dealerships, the Nissan dealerships, all the small dealerships that are on Chapman Avenue and Catella. They hate stuff like this, so it’s just escalating, guys, right before our eyes.

Let’s talk about our sponsor, Patriot Gold Group. You know, the price of gold has shot up substantially since I started doing these commercials in the last two years. Right now, gold is at $2,300 an ounce, and experts say it’s only going to go higher. Call Patriot Gold today, 888-330-1431, and get a free investor guide. Find out about getting into precious metals. The best thing you can do is work on your retirement plan with precious metals to hedge against everything that’s going to happen. The chaos in our, you know, economy is not going to slow down, and you know, between now and election day and the end of the year, it’s going to be absolute mayhem.

Protect yourself. Call Patriot Gold today. They’re number one rated for eight years in a row. Contact them today, 888-330-1431. Let them know that I allegedly sent you, and also, if you don’t want to call, just use the link below and contact Patriot Gold directly. Okay? Do what so many of you have done before. Contact Patriot Gold today before it’s too late. I’m gonna finish this video of these last few stories. It’s nice when nobody’s walking around the boat. Okay? Beautiful. Nobody’s out next door either, you know? It’s nice. So, few things just to finish this video.

The first one is, here’s a retailer with 27,000 locations that fit the dust, and it is Redbox. You’ve seen these outside markets, outside convenience stores, drug stores, where you can rent DVDs. Now, in 2022, this company was purchased by Chicken Soup for the Gold, and that company wanted to diversify, and what it was also gonna do is they sell books, self-help, things like that. Done a lot of good in the world, but one thing that they wanted to do was they thought it would be the perfect portal to have, hey, you’ve written a book, you’ve written a DVD, you could get it out to all our clients out in our 27,000 locations.

The only problem was, these people that bought this place assumed the $335 million in debt. They now have half a billion dollars in debt from renting those DVDs. When was the last time you guys rented a DVD? Seriously, I can’t remember. Talking to my friends, talking to everybody, you know? Just, nobody knows when they’ve done it. Look at this place. It’s just nobody out here. It’s kind of cool. So, with that, you have this business that’s this debt hound, and I don’t think it’s gonna make, I think it’s gonna be liquidated, and they’re gonna lose half a billion dollars.

They have over 50,000 predators right now. This thing is an absolute, unmitigated disaster at this point. You know, there are businesses that come and go. There are industries that come and go. Streaming is the way to go. You don’t go to the movies like you used to, and plus movies, now in this boat, there’s movies that were in the theater three weeks ago. Hello, okay? You have to watch those in my room, okay? It’s nuts. It’s not what it was, and it’s destroyed an entire industry. That’s why nobody’s working.

Now, in the film industry, let’s talk about that. People cannot get jobs in Hollywood right now. There are no associate producers. There’s no script runners. There’s no casting people. The people that are out there, minimal. Minimal amount of work that’s being done. It’s absolute, complete, and utter chaos when it comes to this right now. So, you know, you haven’t seen anything yet, guys. You haven’t seen anything yet, but you’re going to see more businesses like this go down. When was the last time you guys saw, you know, rented a DVD? I mean, I see these things at Walmart.

The thing I used to get a kick out of was looking at, looking at good old, you know, John McClain movies were Bruce Willis movies, where he would make a movie, and he would work for four, six days, and they’d pay him three million bucks, and he’d be in the movie for six minutes. But absolute chaos. A couple other things. Citibank has a settlement agreement right now for millions of dollars, even if you were never a Citibank customer. Around the country, and this didn’t happen much in California, as it did in other states, where they went out and they did a robocall.

And if you were the victim of a robocall from Citibank, you have money. Come and look at that thing below. There are so many class action lawsuits, and Joseph sent me a great site called, where you can get the latest transaction. So thank you, Joseph, for that, and everybody take a look at this, because you’re gonna see things out there. The final, final warning, in addition to the struggling economy, is that people try to step up the scams during, you know, bad times, during tough times like right now.

The latest scam that the FBI is warning people about is that they’re calling people and saying, Dan, you missed jury duty. We have a federal warrant for your arrest for not showing up for jury duty. Oh, really? Well, how can I get rid of this? Should I hire an attorney? No, you can pay a fine today, and we’ll send you a receipt, and people are falling for this. So watch what you guys pay for, watch what you guys do. If you’re not sure, check it out, too. Plus, I mean, if you’ve ever done jury duty, I mean, I’ve had, you know, I’ve had courts from the wrong jurisdiction send me jury duty before.

Yeah, I can’t, I can’t drive, you know, a hundred miles to go to court every day and do this. Oh, okay, we’ll fix that. Different mistakes happen, guys, but don’t let people, you know, do this to you. Isn’t that wild? It’s another boat. It’s kind of, kind of empty. Okay, so show your thoughts and all this stuff, guys. Reach out with any questions. I love your stories. Hello at Onward and upward, guys. I’ll see you very soon. [tr:trw].

See more of I Allegedly on their Public Channel and the MPN I Allegedly channel.



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