President TRUMP rising in POLLS! Precipice here! Exposure! PRAY!

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



Site: : complete summary text presention: 8-23-23-president-trump-rising-in-polls-precipice-here-exposure-pray

– The text predominantly discusses the political climate and the active role of President Trump in encouraging patriotism and combating perceived corruption within the state. It mentions the dissatisfaction of Trump’s supporters with current government policies leading to their unified support for him, and their enduring promise to reclaim and preserve America’s glory and values. It also cites Trump’s objectives for his administration like reissuing executive orders, reforming intelligence agencies, cracking down on government leaks, and implementing term limits for members of Congress.- The text discusses a viewpoint that suggests supporters of Donald Trump may turn against him once evidence is presented in court. It also highlights concerns about left-wing law professors who argue that the 14th Amendment bars Trump from running for office again, regardless of a criminal conviction. The author criticizes alleged plans to use this to prevent Trump’s potential run in the 2024 election. The author also shares disapproval of an individual named Victoria Newland, who has allegedly caused conflicts and crises. The text ends with a warning about increasing restrictions for not submitting biometric data or complying with COVID-19 regulations, citing the situation in China as an example.- The Rothschild-controlled central banks have been accused of reducing the purchasing power of global currencies to increase their influence and control. This has been highlighted by the changes in what the dollar could buy, such as the cost of Hershey’s chocolate bars and oranges significantly rising over the years due to inflation. Increasing money supply and the preparation for the central bank digital currency are some of the contributing factors to this situation. There’s also concern about the alleged use of money as a social control tool and restrictions on bank accounts for certain individuals or conservative groups. Furthermore, there are rumors about actors playing politicians, potentially misleading the public on significant decisions and events.
– The speaker appears to suggest theories about deep-state interferences, the existence of direct energy weapons and demonic symbolism amidst the backdrop of global events such as the fires in Hawaii, pandemic and political issues. The speaker outroariously underscores loss as a result of these alleged actions and emphasizes the importance of self-sustenance, and constant vigilance against what they perceive as threatening forces.’
– The speaker criticizes the state of infrastructure and services in Hawaii, particularly its airports, and reflect on the broader issues affecting major cities in the U.S such as climate change, economic decline, and ineffective leadership. The speaker also highlights personal narratives about life lessons and emphasizes the importance of resilient faith and hope amidst challenges.


Site: : full summary text presention: 8-23-23-president-trump-rising-in-polls-precipice-here-exposure-pray

Well, the amount of truth flowing through the airwaves is astounding. The message of President Trump and many behind the are starting to touch the lives of those across our Earth who probably weren’t paying attention. The Maui Fire seems to be one area that folks are starting to share, and even most diehard liberals are noticing something’s off. We’re going to find out about that. Some other things that have shared on Ukraine from Colonel McGregor, and we’ll see where else we travel today. Let’s hang in there.

They come from different walks of life, but all have one thing in common. They want their country back. Parents who want to take back control of their children’s education veterans tired of being kicked to the curb. They believe in protecting the sanctity of life, securing our borders, standing for the flag, kneeling for God above, and an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work.

Hillary made fun of them. You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Biden called them a threat. The MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. And DeSantis. Degradingly called them listless vessels. No, they aren’t, Ron. They’re great Americans who know there’s one person who will always have their backs. I’m Donald J. Trump, and I approve this message.

What a commercial. I’m just in the nick of time. They get this one out. I mean, right after all of the listless vessels were out there, we learned once again that we’re called names. Those that stand for freedom, who stand before our Second Amendment, our First Amendment, those who stand against the tyranny of the deep state, those who had a chance to experience what it was like to have a real leader run not only the United States, but to tell the other countries, hey, we’re about making America great again. You guys want to join? Created great trade deals, got our factories back up and running. A lot of them back in America, brought a lot of our jobs back. And most folks were experiencing that for just a little while, while he was getting attacked day after day and still getting attacked. And so while we had a chance to feel something amazing, watch our inflation go down, watch the jobs increase throughout the nation, we got a chance to feel it. And then it was all taken away, stolen in the blink of an eye. It was allowed to be stolen so that we could someday watch these folks deteriorate, these folks who stole the election, who are trying everything they can to lie their way through and take away our liberties. They’re going to be taken away, and we’re looking forward to that day. But they’re doing everything legally. It’s not easy. President Trump retrouthed this one, and it’s amazing. If you pay attention to the words, you’ll catch that it’s probably from the Intel Board, directly from it.

We elected traitors to govern us. We allowed evil to prey on us. Those who claimed to represent us gave us false hope, made false promises. The evil and corruption only grew. This is more than party politics. This is about restoring old glory. This is about saving our land and our people from those who wish us harm. This is about preserving our republic. This is about preserving our safety. This is about restoring our strength. This is about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is about protecting our children. This is about saving America.

All of that can be found on 2436 the entire world is watching. Patriots from around the world are praying for America. For far too long we have been silent and allowed our bands of strength that we once formed to defend freedom and liberty to deteriorate. We became divided and weak. We elected traitors to govern us. We allowed evil to prey on us. Those who claimed to represent us gave us false hope. The evil and corruption only grew.

Now, it’s interesting because I see this right here. Patriots from around the world are praying for American I believe the intro that I played today is an older one from a couple of years ago that was put together to still relevant today. And it just so happens the one that I picked happens to have this statement in there and I didn’t do that on purpose. I’m just noticing all of a sudden as I’m reading this to you that guess what? This seems to be put together in more ways than we can imagine, right? Spiritually speaking.

And so there it is on the left and then on the right. We are all God’s children. We’re fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, brothers and sisters. We do not look at race. We don’t look at skin color. We’re united in these United States of America for God and country. Please answer the call and vote god bless America.

So again, as I’m reading this, I’m just reminded number one, we do not worship President Trump. I believe as we go through scripture, there are many times throughout the Bible that show us where God raises up leaders to destroy evil. You can go through start in Genesis one, work your way through and you’ll find story after story where evil where evil people who think that they’re going to destroy nations or people. There’s a boomerang that continually happens when leaders step up to the plate. Do you guys remember the story of Esther Haman had the gallows ready to take out Mordecai, yet they were used on him at the very last moment when it seemed like he had the upper hand. He was taken out when he was the most prideful. We have Moses. We have David, the king who came out at such a time where he lifted up a stone that everyone in this earth talks about and he flung it and nailed the giant, and the Philistines took off.

So as this continues, this attack against President Trump, it seems like it only makes him stronger, especially in the polls that were shown on Communist News Network, trump’s lead is even larger. So these are three polls that were out over the last week. Look at these leads for Donald Trump. He’s at 62%. The CBS News. You go poll 57% at Quinnipiac University, 53% in the Fox News poll. Look at where DeSantis is in all these polls. Look how far back he is. He doesn’t crack 20% in any of them. So in Iowa, you have that 20 plus point lead for Donald Trump that’s actually smaller than the lead we see nationally, where we see these leads of 35, 40, near 50 points in this particular case. And these agents, these trained agents to bring propaganda and change the minds of all the people, the enemy of the people, are standing there frozen, as if, oh my goodness, we don’t want to see this.

And I always look at these poll numbers and I wonder what is going on behind the scenes? Are these even real? Could President Trump be at 70% to 75% and DeSantis only at five to ten? And they don’t want us to know, and they have to stretch it just a little bit, but they can’t handle what he is doing and what he stands for.

Now, here’s a reminder that we need every now and then on his fight against the deep state, the evil ones. Okay, remember this. Here’s my plan to dismantle the deep state and reclaim our democracy from Washington corruption once and for all. And corruption it is. First, I will immediately reissue my 2020 executive order restoring the President’s authority to remove rogue bureaucrats, and I will wield that power very aggressively. Second, we will clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus, and there are plenty of them. The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled so that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left’s political enemies, which they’re doing now at a level that nobody can believe even possible. Third, we will totally reform FISA courts, which are so corrupt that the judges seemingly do not care when they are lied to in warrant applications. So many judges have seen so many applications that they know were wrong, or at least they must have known they do nothing about it. They’re lied to. Fourth, to expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart, we will establish a truth and reconciliation commission to declassify and publish all documents on deep state spying, censorship, and corruption. And there are plenty of them. Fifth, we will launch a major crackdown on government.Leakers who collude with the fake news to deliberately weave false narratives and to subvert our government and our democracy. When possible, we will press criminal charges.

6th, we will make every inspector general’s office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee so they do not become the protectors of the deep state.

7th. I will ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people, or that they are not spying on someone’s campaign like they spied on my campaign.

8th. We will continue the effort launched by the Trump administration to move parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington swamp. Just as I moved the Bureau of Land Management to Colorado, as many as 100,000 government positions could be moved out, and I mean immediately, of Washington to places filled with patriots who love America and they really do love America.

9th I will work to ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate. So they deal with these companies and they regulate these companies, and then they want to take jobs from these companies. Doesn’t work that way. Such a public display cannot go on, and it’s taking place all the time, like with Big Pharma.

Finally, I will push a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress. This is how I will shatter the deep state and restore government that is controlled by the people and for the people. Thank you very much. Amen.

So put a stop to these folks that sit in power for so long, folks like Trader Gowdy, who we used to watch and think, man, this guy’s so powerful, he’s so smart. He’s attacking Hillary. He’s just giving her an uppercut, a left hook, right hook, and he just seems to be knocking out the deep state, yet they’re still there.

And here’s his comments when it comes to his full support of President Trump, right? No, not at all. He is traitor. Gowdy I don’t I think Donald Trump’s supporters are going to remain his supporters unless and until a trial begins and you see some evidence and some cross examination or until somebody makes the point on the weaponization of DOJ. Look, Mr. President, with all due respect, you hired Jeff Sessions, you hired Bill Barr, you hired Rod Rosenstein, you kept Jim Comey, and you hired Chris Ray. So if you think the department’s weaponized, where should we look for the blame until that point’s made? If it can be made, then no, we’ll see. Starting to see it. Are your eyes opening? Because I was in shock when I first noticed this guy a long time ago. Something just didn’t seem right. Didn’t sit well with me on him at all.

One more time. I think Donald Trump’s supporters are going to remain his supporters unless and until a trial begins and you see some evidence and some cross examination or until somebody makes the point on the weaponization of DOJ. Look. Oh, the weaponization of DOJ. Make the point because he’s the one that weaponized it, right? He hired all these people. When the people start seeing the evidence pop up in the courtroom, who he really know? That’s when they’ll turn on him and go after the people, support the right people.

I mean, he’s probably part of this whole group that shows us Charlie Kirk, this whole thing from The Atlantic. The Constitution prohibits Trump from ever being president again. The Atlantic. The only question is whether American citizens today can uphold that commitment. Oh, is that right? In case you thought the legal offensive against President Trump wasn’t sinister enough, left wing law professors are now arguing that the 14th Amendment bars Trump from running for office again without any criminal conviction. They’re arguing, in effect, that he is guilty until proven innocent. And they claim that any government official is empowered to pass this judgment on him. The obvious purpose of this is a backup plan. Even if all of Jack Smith and Fannie Willis’s rigged charges fail, their plan is to get swing state radicals like Adrian Fontez in Arizona or Benson in Michigan to unilaterally kick Trump off the ballot in order to make the 2024 election unwinnable. Nobody is a bigger enemy of democratic elections or our Constitution than elite Democrats. A lot of folks angry about that, huh?

And so it makes, you know, we see all of these folks going after President Trump who’s done nothing wrong, and yet those who committed serious crimes were put on the chop. No, Trader Gowdy went after Clinton and Benghazi and all that, and they just get by with it. They don’t pull the legal cases out properly. They don’t have the things put together in such a way that would put them away for good. Oh, no, it’s all a show. But then when a real president shows up, somebody who actually wins an election for real and shocks the deep state, and then you wonder why they’re after him. What has he done? A few mean tweets, they say, and I brought this up before for those that are new, and I’ll say it again, be really careful when those who say they are of a certain persuasion, of a large group of followers like the churches or whatever, and they say, well, he’s just not morally proper for our country. He doesn’t talk right. He says a couple of bad words, and we can’t support that. Well, go and look at their backgrounds and their lifestyles and tell me if you’re not throwing stones in the wrong direction.

Never have we seen anything like this before. I didn’t. Never think I’d see anything like it. When a conservative who stands for the right of life, for babies to get attacked by those that are supposed to be supporting him, astonishing. It’s enough to make you feel awkward, doesn’t it?

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What is the Ukrainian objective? I think more and more Ukrainians just want to survive this and that’s becoming very hard. And Zelensky and the radicals around him are basically committed to fighting this war to the last Ukrainian. And of course, I’m sure that Mr. Zelensky and his friends are anxious at some point to retire to their estates in Florida or Venice or Cyprus to collect on the billions that they’ve managed to steal or siphon from all the aid that we’ve provided. Remember, Ukraine is probably one of the most corrupt places in the world. A friend of mine who had spent time in the old Soviet Union and also lived in Mexico came back from a visit to Mexico and he said, it’s hard to believe this, but Ukraine is more corrupt than Mexico. Wow. And I think that’s true. So this is a world class disaster. 14 million Ukrainians have left the nation, presumably never to return, because when they’re asked in Germany or France or Croatia or Spain or wherever they go, we will never go back. So what are you going to do with this?

Uh huh. Great interview with Colonel McGregor, with Tucker Carlson. It’s in the description box below. And guys, just a reminder, when you go underneath the video, you’re going to find that almost everything I share, there are links to those below. Just scroll down just like I’m showing you onThe screen. I try to copy and paste all the links so that you guys can see the headlines and run to them yourselves and you can share it with folks, share it out there to the public and more. And so he had a chance to talk about Ukraine, got into the details there, and he also called out Victoria Newland as a long-term neocon? Who is Victoria Newland? Oh, goodness gracious. All these hard questions. I do not know Victoria Newland personally. I know Fred Kagan and his brother Bob is married to her, and she’s a long-term committed neocon. This is someone I would not characterize as either Democrat or Republican. These are people with this agenda. And the agenda says, until the entire world is garrisoned by US forces and is converted forcibly to some form of democracy that we approve of, the world will not be safe, and we must continue to fight. And I think in the case of Russia, Russia has special appeal because I think these people have ancestors who came from that region of the world and have a permanent axe to grind with the Russians, which, of course, I don’t think most Americans do. And nor do I think anybody in government should shape policy based on whatever unhappiness their ancestors experienced in a place like Russia. So that’s a nutshell, but I think that’s enough. And wherever she goes, usually there is conflict, crisis, and fighting. And she’s a strong opponent of fighting to the last Ukrainian. Do you think have relevant experience that would qualify her to be in charge of this war? Well, obviously, she, you know, it’s sort of like asking somebody who has never snaked a drain or replaced a garbage disposal to be a plumber. And I think we have a lot of those in Washington. She’s not the only one. So, no, I don’t think she understands the gravity of the situation. She doesn’t. And if you go out, you’ll find plenty of information on this. Empire of Lies shows us this one from Glenn Greenwald, who said the US began openly touting NATO’s expansion into Ukraine in 2008 under Bush. That was when now CIA director Bill Burns wrote his memo warning that was a red line for all in Russia, not just Putin, and would trigger war in Crimea and Donbas. Guess who was U.S. Ambassador to NATO then? Empire of Lies says, everywhere Victoria Newland goes, death and destruction follows. How can we stop this demon before she starts World War Three? More and more of this information has been falling into our laps, and we’ve been learning about different people who are in government, who are in positions of power, who have been manipulating and trying all they can to get their way against the right of we the people. The rights of we the people. We did not vote for that. Yet they seemingly love to cause problems, start wars and more. And we wouldn’t have known all of this had President Trump never won in 2016, shaken things up and doing what he’s doing now and waking us up and getting us to the precipice. That’s right. The deep state is still doing all they can to destroy us. They think that they can still use their puppets, their puppets to talk us through and get rid of President Trump. I believe that all of their resources are dying out and more, yet they still have control in some areas of this Earth. One of them would be China. No. Digital ID. Well, you can’t buy food. So the latest in this dystopian outrage that is now all of China apparently is I once again cannot buy food. A couple days ago, my uncle and my cousin helped me get a cell phone that is linked to a Chinese. So I’m going to read this because it’s kind of loud for those background noise that those just listening in aren’t watching. So the latest in this dystopian outrage that is now all of China, and this is somebody speaking, I believe, from China, says apparently it’s once again, I cannot buy food. A couple of days ago, my uncle and my cousin helped me get a cell phone that is linked to a Chinese bank card so that I could buy anything. Now, this is her speaking. I’m just reading the words that she says that are hard to hear. Okay, but now apparently she says it has been flagged for some reason. Yeah. And I have to pass facial recognition, identity verification, which is insane because all I want to do is just spend my gift card balance on this debit card. So watch this. So she’s trying to show her face on her phone. She’s doing the face, the screen. She has to open the mouth. Face the screen. Do not cover your chin, it says as she’s facing the screen. Face the screen, it says. She continues to try to open her mouth like it asked her to, and she does all of this, says, Please wait. And then, boom, facial recognition doesn’t work. So now the cousin who set this up for her, well, can’t use the gift card. So when the COVID operation and subsequent vaccine push happened, the masses had very little warning what would be coming, and therefore were completely unprepared for it. As a result, millions went along with the first, the terrible tyrannical restrictions, and then even worse, the shot. When the time comes for businesses to start shutting people out for not submitting their biometric data, injecting themselves with a demonic poison in order to use the legal tender issued in ostensible good faith by their governments, no one anywhere will be able to say they were not warned. No one. Have we watched this play out through the banking system and more the control? We’ve watched the dollar’s worth crumble. This chart right here that you’re looking at shows you look what you could buy with the dollar. And look how it’s changing now. The Rothschild controlled central banks have been lowering the purchase power of currencies around the world for a century. So their little club becomes more powerful by each and every day. Almost reminds you of Pharaoh and Egypt and how they constantly brought everyone into slavery. So back in, let’s see, 1920, time frame before that Federal Reserve Act creates a central bank. That’s 1913, I believe. Then you go to 1930, US President Roosevelt criminalizes the possession of gold. And then around 1940, a little bit after, Bretton Woods agreement establishes the gold standard in the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Then you get to 1970, the gold standard is abandoned, and the currencies are no longer linked to gold. Then you get to around a little bit before 2010. It says quantitative easing begins in response to the financial crisis. And then 2020, the US money supply grew by 3.8 trillion in 2020, equal to 20% of all dollars ever created. So your purchasing power back in 1913, for a buck, you could get 30 Hershey’s bars. Now it’s $26. To get 30 Hershey’s bars, 17 oranges. In 1971, you paid a dollar, you get 17 oranges. Now it’s $6.39. Are you guys following this? We talk about this at length in the interview that I did with Dr. Kirk Elliott this week. I encourage you to check it out. It’s in the Rumble in the Description box below. You can just go to Gold and actually reach out to him, and he’ll talk to you or somebody on his team. And we talked about the M Two money supply and its effect on the Earth. One, simply because withdrawals are greater than deposits, people need money to live on. Number two, I believe with that drastic reduction, the Fed is pulling money out of the system in preparation for central bank digital currency because they don’t want to have paper alongside their digital currency. You can’t tax private transactions. You can’t tax that people aren’t recording, right? So you got to get rid of paper. You got to get rid of those private transactions. Their goal is complete people domination. People don’t believe me, but it’s in their own words. And the Federal Register in 2020. The Federal Reserve federal docket. Op. 1670 from 2019, says what it says money is a means of exchange. It’s a store of value. It’s a unit of value. So let’s define that unit of value. $20 bill, $20 store of value. You hope that that $20 bill is still worth $20 down the road with inflation, it’s not. And a unit of exchange, you give that to somebody at 711 in exchange for a slurpee. Right? Right. That’s what money is for.They added the fourth definition of money being social control. The Federal Reserve’s. Words, not mine. So now we’re seeing all these people that are social conservatives, their bank accounts are being frozen. Dr. Merkula closed up bank accounts and for him and his staff and everybody, right? And then you had what we’ve already talked Nigel Farage. But I was talking to the editor at Gateway Pundit this week, right? And so I was talking to him. It’s like Joe. What about Gateway Pundit? We got our bank account shut off, too. It’s like, wow, all these folks being controlled. He said it was coming months ago, and it’s happening right in front of us. Got to keep our eyes open to all of this.

So, folks, just want to let you know we’re at to keep in touch with us. You can go there and actually sign up for our newsletter, which you can receive updates when our videos come out and more. Got some great updates coming about. Some things that we have planned for next year you don’t want to miss.

You can also click on our shop and get all of our gear. We’ve got the golfing gear that’s in now. A darker shirt you can see showing there on your screen. We have the new Luke 817 shirt. We have the and we know visors that you don’t want to miss out on. We also have our back in stock hats. Yeah, the retro trekker hats. The flag hats are back. A lot of folks are grabbing those off the shelves and more.

And don’t forget, the book, my autobiography that we finished is available. We reduced the price and it’s got free shipping. Now. We also have signed copies for you. If you get the men’s OC packs or women’s AUC packs, you can get those. So just encourage you to wear those. You’re part of our family. Everywhere you go and you walk around wearing our gear, folks will walk up to you and just say, hey, I listened to that show also, and before you know it, you’ve got new friends.

Okay, so here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. People wanted to hear it. They wanted to hear it. You did a fantastic job. And I have to say this, we are going to help you win in the landscape. Let’s send Chris Christie yesterday night at Taco Bell. Pretty good. We love that. And G 817 just shared that for all to see. Outstanding work for that comedian.

And so I just wanted to show you as we have the real President Trump having fun. You have this that came out recently on video. I wanted to share with you guys about we keep talking about Biden and somebody’s playing him, the real Biden is gone. And just check this out. It’s really cool. You saw, you know, where actors get listed for their parts in a movie. In a movie. In a movie. Rudolph sworn in as us. President in 2021. Original title was joe Biden is sworn in. But now this dropped yesterday, I believe. I search it today, and now I find just Joe Biden. But when you scroll down on this page, here’s what you get. Yeah. You get Arthur. Arthur Roberts. And we can’t find information on this one yet, but what do we tell people? Here’s just another view of the actors playing Jill and Joe. And what have we been telling everybody? You’re watching a movie. Yeah. So as. This plays out, more folks are putting clues together. And whether you want to believe it or not, it’s still interesting. I went to find it myself on IMDb, and there’s Arthur Roberts, and they even have him playing a role where he plays the president. Joe Biden portrays him in press conferences, on television and more. Just interesting how that all plays out.

Other things that are interesting are the GH 17 catches on all types of comms that come to us that we need, we hold on to, and we say, you know what? This is very important. I believe so when President Trump put out, I will be very busy tomorrow night. Enjoy. He posted that at 04:13 p.m.. Just reverse that mirror. Three, one, four. And guess what? You got to be the autist that we know you are. It’s about to break. Godspeed, patriots.

Not only that, Dan Scavino posts a 15 2nd video at 11:47 p.m.. All you got to do is go look that up 1147. You find out there’s some pretty cool things. They’re coming soon to a theater near you. Speaking of movie number 15, yeah, there’s more good people than bad. And that’s good to know. That’s good to know because we sometimes think there’s more bad people than good. Soros is targeted important moment in time. The picture will be the signifier and the answer for Q will be coming. Where we go one, we go all. So that’s great. Comms. Just love to see that.

We had this cover of Time magazine. Does this ride ever end? And I believe they used to have DeSantis on the front, but now they’ve got him back here and he doesn’t look too happy. Oh, all the exposure of all these people. And then you wonder, how can folks impersonate others? Here’s just a reminder clip for you guys that are watching the videos. Check this out for those that are listening in. We have a guy who’s professional at making masks look real. And that music is pretty creepy. The jaws music. Oh, boy. How about that? So you can see these masks playing out. Folks just have to put them on. And that’s where you wonder what’s wrong with Kamala’s neck? Looks like it’s peeling off. Never seen a neck look quite like that unless it’s, I don’t know, almost looks like it’s got a leak, like a water leak, and it’s filling up the neck area. What’s going on with these people? Got some more references to different ways that they mask falls apart and more. And then you see this with the CGI video. You can see the different color in the face compared to the neck. Or is it a mask? Sometimes I wonder if it’s just a CGI work. You can see this right here. Look. See, the mask is either falling apart and it wasn’t done properly or they just don’t know what they’re doing. Let’s see, where else do we see masks? You can look at this on your right side of your screen. And she peels off for my lashes and they’re slowly peeling away the full mask. It looks like a real person. And then when the whole mask is peeled off, you’re pretty much in shock because that person under the mask is completely different than what they saw. Interesting how they play all this out for you to see. Oh boy. Then you got Federman’s been going around social media lately. Check this out. The difference in all the federmans, you got the left space looking guy and then you got another guy with a lot of wrinkles, different type of smile, funky looking nose. Then you got a guy in the right with a different shaped head. Then you got the guy in the bottom left and the guy in the middle, the guy in the bottom right. Six different guys. Makes you wonder what’s going on there. So as this plays out, the evil ones who go out and do ritualistic demonic acts against people which we’ve talked about in past videos. And I’m going to show you some more of that here in a moment. Actually, you know what, I think I’m going to go ahead and take you there now. I’m just going to go ahead and show you since we’re here talking about all of Maui, I wanted to go through this in detail again with some new things that we have. If you guys didn’t know Mountain Dew had a drink called Maui Burst Dew. D-E-W what would do equal direct energy weapon. Now I’m going to play this video for you in a second, which is very enlightening. But first, just as a reminder, I was looking for a video, last video of what a direct energy weapon would do. Here’s the History Channel, just showing us a quick clip of that. The world’s first airborne directed energy weapon, the airborne laser, also known as the ABL. Just mounting the ABL requires one of the most sophisticated and elaborate modifications in history. The entire nose section is removed and retrofitted and the world’s largest titanium plate is installed to hold the enormous turret mounted laser in place. The ABL system is designed to find, track and destroy an enemy target in theAir and on the ground. It can loiter at 40,000ft for 5 hours, refuel in midair and destroy a target 60 miles away in less than a second. Wow. In less than a second, 60 miles away.

And so folks would then ask the question as I’ve had conversations with my own family members, well, if President Trump is still commander in chief, as you claim that you believe he is, then how could this play out? Why would it happen? And I believe, as we’ve been sharing from Q, the Stormwriter and others, that there’s a deep state pocket of bad guys that are pulling these off. And I believe that my hope is the military will go up and grab these, shoot them down and get rid of them. But the loss of life is very difficult for us to imagine. Why even let this play out, folks? We’re in a battle, we’re in a war. We’re in not just a physical, but a spiritual war.

We know that they did all they could to depopulate the Earth. We know that they’re trying to lock us down again. Brave enough to inject unknown substances right into their arms. People were very brave to do that. They didn’t know what was in the substance, but boy, put it inside my body. But they were afraid to breathe air. Remember that. You got eva. She says they can stick their new variant, their face diapers and their gene therapy where the sun doesn’t shine. When we said never again, we meant never again. Resist much, obey little because there’s talk possibly that you never know that there’s possibility that they’re going to try to lock people down again. I mean that’s flying around. They’re trying to put fear into everybody again and you just never know.

But while this is playing out, once again you go back to the Dew, the direct energy weapon. Isn’t it interesting that they just happen to have a Mountain Dew? D-E-W maui burst. Patriots. You guys all remember Mountain Dew, maui Burst, the direct energy weapon. The vocal says that the wind, the storm came from the east, which never happened, all the way from the mountain to the city of Lahaina. Now is that a coincidence? Mountain, back in the days there used to be a false god of molech, moloch, whatever you want to say. But they used to sacrifice children in the fire, did you know that? Some of the local told me that most of the victims in Lahaina were children. They send the children at home. They don’t tell you that, but it was. Now this person lives on the island. You believe in witchcraft? Listen to this.

At some point I will make a major donation after all of the smoke and ashes have settled here and we figure out what the rebuilding is going to look like. This is going to be a long, difficult process now because I’m telling you there’s something dark happening and you have to realize the fight that you’re fighting. These guys are demonic with their demonic symbolism. O stands for the circle of sacrifice. Same with this guy. The O represents in the ritual of darkness, a ritual circle where they have the ritual sacrifice, occult witchcraft. It’s a ritual circle which stands for west in French. But these circles, that’s where you know what they do in it. Now did we just witness one of the greatest human sacrifice? Did we just witness one of the greatest ritual sacrifices? We fight against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. This ritual circle, this witch, the o these demonic forces, they sit in high places and they think we’ll never catch them in the act and they’ll get by with it, is what they think. And they continue to tout that information in front of us. And I think I showed this to you in the last video. But again, listen to the numbers that play out as Biden tours their fire. Ravage Maui, president within 6 hours. 6 hours met our needs with the federal movement. 6 hours. Six. Six. As this guy reaches up and he hits the left eye in a really strange way. Got to keep our eyes open. I’m not accusing Mountain Dew of anything. I’m saying never know that the dark forces can work behind the scenes to get these creators to put something together. They don’t even realize they’re being controlled to put together. Who knows? I know that things aren’t adding up the way that they’re telling us the narrative. And I’m going to remind people as this plays out, we can’t forget what they are doing and how this adds up for those that are kind of going, scratching their heads and saying something doesn’t seem right.

Now I’ve been talking to family members, my wife has been talking to friends who all of a sudden are stating, hey, did you see what’s going on in Maui with the fires? Yeah, something doesn’t seem right, doesn’t add up. And I’m talking about folks who are diehard liberals who are good friends. We try not to bring up too much of the politics because sometimes it gets heated. But they are now saying they’re interested in hearing what our thoughts are on this.

Well, one of the video clips that somebody put out, let’s see if I have it here. Oh yeah, remember we had the lasers? Very interesting to watch considering what we saw with the blue car. Watch what happens when you have a direct energy weapon, a laser when it sprays down on the earth, the yellow, the reds. But when it goes on blue, there’s no effect. It goes on the green one. It’s burning it up, the white one. But when it goes on blue, nothing’s happening. I wanted to show you that.

Now what’s interesting is how many coincidences are you willing to accept? Wall Street Ape shows us because completely untouched are blue umbrellas and blue cars and that Maui fire. Now we find out that Oprah’s Maui Hawaiian mansion has a blue roof. What are the ODS? It’s amazing. The Maui Lahaino Hawaii fires were a domestic terrorist attack is what we believe. And so you’ll notice that a lot of these homes are blue, blue roofs. And then again, as you go and look at what happened, many were claiming that they were boxed in mina and the police were not letting people drive through. Okay? So if you’re looking at your screen, they’re going to fucking bark. So you’ll see we’re all trapped down in here. They’re blocking off all exits and everyone is just stuck. Everyone’s just stuck. I mean, people are putting these videos out. We’re noticing it even more so. And then when you go over to these news briefings, what’s really weird is you don’t care what’s going on. This doesn’t seem normal. Watch what happens behind the do you see what I see? As this lady is doing the signals with her hands. Look at that very demonic wind to the little land again. Do you see what I see? What dates the hands doing the weird looking? Do you see? Guys, see that? All you have to do is do your research and look up when they do this with their hands, what it means. And then you can see that right there? Look at that. See that? Six, six, six with the hand. And then the devil horns. Devil horns. What is going on? Why are they doing this and flaunting it in front of us? It just doesn’t seem normal.

Again, why are they lying to us? If all the people in the world 9 billion inhabitants stood next to each other four people per 1 entire human population would fit on an area the size of the Istrian Peninsula. If each person in the world were provided with a space of about 1000 grow food for themselves the entire human population would fit on an area equivalent to the size of Brazil. If each four member family were provided with a space of about 700 grow food for themselves the entire human population would fit on an area equivalent to Iran. In 2019, it was estimated that there were approximately 7.7 billion people in the world. Almost all the necessary vegetable quantities for a four member family can be produced on about 200 garden space. It is known that arable land currently covers an area of about 31 million square kilometer. On this land, the vegetable quantities needed to feed 155,000,000,000 people. Oh, wow. Ultra peppy lives matter. Ever notice how majority of patriots and conspiracy theorists are self sufficient while the most of the brainwashed folks create sheep are dependent on the.Government? We create with our own bare hands, know how to build our own homes, produce, and tinker with cars whose destinies we control. We are knowledgeable about firearms and know how to use them. Our active hobbies produce value in the world. This is why the elite cabal fears us. We cannot be easily controlled. Their goal was to infiltrate society and teach us that slavery is necessary for safety. But what have they actually created? All they know is destruction, chaos, and war. It is the people of humble origin, the self-sufficient creators, who truly keep this world moving. We answer to God alone, and as the events unfold, we notice more and more problems. Before we move on from this topic, let me show you something from Maui. Residents are protesting Biden’s response to the recent events. Some signs greeting the president were honest and tough, saying “you’re late” or making references to his initial answer about the deaths. Many people are angry, mainly because of the slow pace of federal help. It’s been two weeks since the incident, and it seems like he missed his window of opportunity. Let’s hear from someone else. They have something to say about Biden and building a better community or better homes. Unfortunately, they disagree with his statement. According to them, there is no replacing what has been lost, and there is no better. This sentiment may make Hawaii’s residents question whether those who voted for Biden truly understand the reality of the situation and the true nature of those in power. Furthermore, Biden’s remarks about the recent fire in Maui were seen as insensitive and inappropriate. When he joked about the hot ground, it angered many locals who believe that the number of deaths reported by the media is much lower than the actual number. This incident, coupled with his falling asleep during a speech and his lack of awareness as a leader, raises concerns about his ability to effectively address and handle such crises. Personally, I have been to Hawaii multiple times and have noticed the poor state of the airport. Walking for miles in the heat to reach baggage claim, searching for rental car services in tiny places, gives a different impression of Hawaii compared to what was expected. This discrepancy raises questions about how things have ended up this way, especially since Hawaii is known for its beauty and should be more well-maintained. The same issues can be seen in other big cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, DC, and New York, prompting the question of when people will wake up and demand real change and competent leaders. The constant narrative of climate change being the enemy and the need to decarbonize comes across as a means to control us. They want to push us towards electric cars and total control. They want the ability to push a button and deny us basic necessities like banking or transportation. It is reminiscent of things we have studied before. In addition, there is ongoing concern about the flow of money into Ukraine and the lack of addressing urgent issues in places like Ohio, where there was a derailment and chemical spill that affected thousands of people, with the water still not fit to drink. It seems like America is always last on the list of priorities, with everyday Americans being the least considered. This cannot continue. Change is necessary, and though it may feel like we are being pushed towards the edge, we must stand up and prevent ourselves from falling into the abyss.We’re not going to fly with you tomorrow. We’re done with you. Goodbye. Because of whatever rules that we had set that time when they were teenagers, my wife’s parents were there, wife’s sisters were there. And they’re like, why isn’t your husband doing anything? Why is he not going to get them? And I said, let it play out. Everything’s going to be fine. They’ll come back. They need to learn a lesson. Let them stay outside.

Sure enough, around 03:00 in the morning, the door opens, they walk in. Next day we’re all packing. We’re getting ready to go to the airport. And my wife’s parents are wondering, how did he know? Sisters wondering how did he know they were coming back? And they had mosquito bites all over their entire body. And they were out there hungry and thirsty and they realized, we don’t want to miss that flight tomorrow and I’m getting eaten by mosquitoes. I’m going back.

They had to learn the hard way. They wanted it their way. They wanted their freedom in a certain way. But you know what? There were certain rules they had to abide by and they had to stick to them. And if they didn’t, there was going to be some pain. And that pain taught them a lesson. And we are going through a lot of that now. And the hope is that everyone except for probably the last three to 5% will be awake someday and we’ll be able to enjoy this earth once again and be able to share the truth of Christ with everyone.

For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, once again, thank you for all that you continue to do in and through our lives. As we continue to struggle with the information that comes forward from Maui. We lift all of those people up to you that are hurting. We ask that those that are flying in, those that have the truth to share with them comfort to bring to those that it’s hard to bring comfort to. Those that have lost family members that need someone to just hug them and pray with them. Father, would you give us the ability to see that and to realize your protection over them is immense. Your love for them is beyond measure. May we receive stories like that soon. This battle is very difficult for many. May somehow through your word, may it be opened for all of us to see and read and realize you know what’s best for us, that you are in control. And in the end we know you win. But please Lord, use us. Send us to speak to those who just need a loving hand at these times. Lord, we know, we know many that are hurting. Please guide and direct us, protect us, our families from the enemy who wants to destroy us. And we thank you for the daily bread you continue to provide for us. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Folks, thank you for tuning in. Thank you for subscribing and hitting that share button, the like button. We appreciate that. Again, thank you for your prayers. You guys are so good to us. We have some really good things that we planned coming up and we’ll be able to share that soon. For now, this is Lt saying Simplify with them. We know. Signing out.


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