Mask Case Settles For Over $9k, Shocking Vax Tech & ARISE USA! April 17, 2021 Update

If someone forwarded this web page to you, please Sign Up Here. Mask Case Settles For Over $9k, Shocking Vax Tech & ARISE USA! April 17, 2021 Update Great day Patriot,   Thank you to everyone who signed up and applied to be a State moderator inside My Patriots Network here yesterday!  Our team is going […]

THIS IS SHOCKING! Professor Teaches West Point Soldiers About Technology For Human Mind & DNA Control

MyPatriotsNetwork-THIS IS SHOCKING! Professor Teaches West Point Soldiers About Technology For Human Mind & DNA Control

Professor Charles Morgan gives a lecture at West Point to US soldiers in the Visual Information Division on the latest technology in the field of Bio-Warfare, DNA reprogramming and human cell exploitation. Take a look. This might shock you… Think this technology isn’t inside the vaccines? Think again!  It’s possible these vaccines not only change […]

First Mask Discrimination Case Settled For Over $9,000

This story isn’t “new”, but it’s news (and GOOD NEWS) to many people!  According to Kester Disability Rights on December 8, 2020… “A disabled woman assisted by Kester Disability Rights has been paid £7,000 in compensation by a service provider who refused her access to a service because she was unable to wear a face […]

MSM Shocking News, Ground Game MAFA Strategies & More! April 16, 2021 Update

MyPatriotsNetwork-MSM Shocking News, Ground Game MAFA Strategies & More! April 16, 2021 Update

If someone forwarded this web page to you, please Sign Up Here. MSM Shocking News, Ground Game MAFA Strategies & More! April 16, 2021 Update Great day Patriot,   So much going on. I’ve got some good stuff to share with you today. There will be many more exciting updates from us in the next couple […]

Pam Popper Explains Ground Game Strategies To Make Americans Free Again!

MyPatriotsNetwork-MSM Shocking News, Ground Game MAFA Strategies & More! April 16, 2021 Update

Ever heard of Pam Popper? Many have not… Pam has been operating beneath the radar, organizing and helping to liberate people all around the country from the tyranny that’s happening!  I was on a recent call with Pam.  I will just say this…  Pam is brilliant!  Her solution is so simple and effective. Pam is […]

MSM Won’t Tell You This! 68% Of Cases Decided By Court Found Election Fraud!

MyPatriotsNetwork-MSM Won’t Tell You This! 68% Of Cases Decided By Court Found Election Fraud!

There are a few people I pay close attention to. One of them recently is Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, which we shared in a post recently there. Anyway, on his Telegram, he shared a pretty interesting piece of data regarding election fraud in the 2020 election. Here’s what he wrote… So, while the mainstream media wants […]

MSM News! Why Do We Let Corporations Profit From Rape Videos?

MyPatriotsNetwork-MSM News! Why Do We Let Corporations Profit From Rape Videos?

Wow. There are at least SOME journalists still speaking the truth inside the mainstream media.  The NYTimes just released an opinion piece today exposing Xvideos and how they have been profitting from child rape videos.  The article says… “I’ve no problem with consensual adults making porn,” says a Canadian student. “Who cares?” The problem is […]

Big Win In Sex Trafficking Fight, Is Verizon Censoring & More! April 15, 2021 Update

MyPatriotsNetwork-Big Win In Sex Trafficking Fight, Is Verizon Censoring & More! April 15, 2021 Update

If someone forwarded this web page to you, please Sign Up Here. Big Win In Sex Trafficking Fight, Is Verizon Censoring & More! April 15, 2021 Update Great day Patriot,   I hope you’re taking new actions in your life and hopefully you’re thinking differently than you were a year ago. The mainstream is using their […]

Peggy Hall Shares A WIN In Fight Against Vaccine Passports

MyPatriotsNetwork-Peggy Hall Shares A WIN In Fight Against Vaccine Passports

Patriot Peggy Hall has another uplifting update to share!  She and many others are in southern California fighting for freedom. In this video, Peggy shares a win in their recent stand against vaccine passports. As of recording this post, Peggy’s video is on Youtube here. Learn more and support Peggy’s work at  Also in […]

Is Verizon Censoring Information On Their Customers Phones Now?

MyPatriotsNetwork-Is Verizon Censoring Information On Their Customers Phones Now?

Is Verizon now censoring information from their customers? CDMedia just reported they’ve had multiple people tell them their websites have not been loading on Verizon phones. Has censorship hit cellular networks? You better believe it will get worse before it gets better! I’m telling you… This is creating a GIANT opportunity! Any real Patriots that […]

How To Turn Your Savings Into Gold!

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