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This Is What The Second Wave Looks Like!
April 30, 2021 Update
Great day Patriot,
Today is a day to wake up and smell the coffee.
You’ll see why in the first story.
Today is yet another reminder to prepare for the worst and also take action to create the world you want to live in.
We must be aware of the truth in order to make the best, most accurate decisions in our life.
Be well,
“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.”
The Future Is Here: Second Wave of Covid Creates Mass Cremations In India
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It’s only just begun.
Wait til you see what happens tomorrow…
God Bless
P.S. Be sure to follow our Telegram channel here!
Todays Tip
Tip of the day: Focus on what’s most important to you. With so much going on in the world, it’s easy to be distracted with things. So, focus on what’s most important to you.
Focus on a cause you are passionate about and are willing to actually stand up and fight for.
It all begins with you.
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