NEW SHOW: Tuesdays With Mike | NWO Crash Course Episode 7 Untold History Channel

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➡ The speaker is the host of the Untold History Channel. They had a watch party recently where they talked about things like the Waco incident and Vince Foster’s involvement. They planned to talk a lot about the Clintons, especially what they did in the ’90s.

➡ Afterwards, the speaker talked about what Bill Clinton did, his time as a Rhodes scholar, and the sexual assault claims against him. The speaker thinks that Clinton was put in important jobs, like being governor of Arkansas, by a powerful group of people.

➡ Sam Walton made a transportation system using things like trucks, trains, and ships. This made global shipping quicker, but it also made it easier for people to do illegal things like human smuggling. Hillary Clinton’s secret service code name is Evergreen, which is also the name of a big shipping company.

➡ The text talks about politics when the Clintons were leading. People didn’t like Bill Clinton much after two years because of things like tax raises and Hillary’s failed plan for health care. In the 1994 elections, the Republicans won a lot, which was a way for people to show they didn’t like what the Clintons were doing. But after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, people started to like Bill Clinton again. The text also says that Hillary is important in some powerful global groups.

➡ The text talks about what happened in the mid to late ’90s, like bubble and the start of the Internet. It mentions political changes, especially the Republican party, Al Gore, and Bill Clinton. The text says this was a time when the economy grew and politics changed, but some people weren’t happy with how things were going.

➡ The text talks about several plane crashes that involved the Kennedy family, and suggests that there might be a conspiracy. It also says that 9/11 was a very important event in U.S. history. The text ends by talking about Steve Largent, Jim Ryan, and Helen Chennawer as important people from that time.

➡ The speaker questions if some famous quotes, like one from Woodrow Wilson, are real. They think many quotes have been changed or made up, and we should check original sources to see if they’re true. They also guess about conspiracies, like the CIA and Mossad having a role in the 9/11 attacks and Donald Trump ending wars.

➡ They talk about the wrong information about the attacks, like false blames and controversies. One controversy involves the “dancing Israelis”, a group of people who were celebrating on the day of the attacks and got arrested. It turns out they were just caught in the confusion and big arrest after the attacks. They also talk about Zim, an Israeli shipping company that moved from the World Trade Center a few weeks before the attacks, and Larry Silverstein’s family who didn’t go to work that day. The speaker hints that there are reasons behind these incidents.

➡ An Israeli company, Otigo, was said to have been warned to stay away from the World Trade Center on 9/11, but no one talked about it again.

➡ The text also mentions that some global groups benefited from what happened after 9/11. However, plans like making Israel bigger or controlling Central Asia reportedly didn’t work. Trump and Putin were two important people who changed these plans.


Live, brother. How you doing? Welcome to the Untold History Channel. I’m out of practice. I haven’t done anything since literally Friday of last week. So it was interesting on the watch party because every Friday I do a watch party. I did a show on Waco and whole hadn’t I thought I’d seen that documentary in the past. And, man, seeing that documentary gave me a whole new perspective on Vince Foster.

Right. Yeah. Because I never really dove into that too deeply. As far as motive. Well, I don’t know what the motive was. They still don’t know what the motive was. But the fact that it happened, the Vince Foster thing, he felt terrible because of all the kids that were killed at Waco. And he said, the FBI lied to me. I can’t believe the FBI lied to me. And he was having a terrible guilt complex about that.

And next thing you know, he’s dead. Yeah. We ended last week kind of talking about the Clintons in the 90s. But I think I said, you know what? I think we’re going to hit that home again even a little bit more so because there’s so much about the Clintons that I don’t even. I mean, shoot, we could probably devote one whole show to that. It’s so much there.

But. How are you doing, man? It’s been a minute since I’ve seen you. Yeah. You’re still at Nino’s place? I guess I’m still at Nino’s. The audience doesn’t get the joke. Earlier today, Nino and I and Mike, we did a show together with Dave Steteker talking about Q and was, I think I surprised Mike. I don’t think he expected me to be there. But anyway, that was the inside joke.

But anyway, I’m going to let you kind of be the driver here and talk about the Clintons. Well, I remember well, because that was the decade of my awakening, I would say. It began 1990, when Papa Bush got us into Iraq and started talking about new world order and all that stuff perked my ears up. And then it steadily progressed. By the time the decade is over, I had reached the bottom of the rabbit hole in 99, which was when I got my first computer.

I was a late adapter, 98 or 99. And then I discovered the great one, and that completed it. So my whole awakening is bookended by the Clintons were obviously a big part of that. Eight years in office. But that was an installation job. Normally it seems like the cabal, when they install a precedent, they’ve got a stable of horses and then they let the game play out. And if they own them all, sometimes they want a Republican for certain reasons.

Right? Other times they want a Democrat for certain reasons. But there are certain candidates who are tapped early on, very young, and it’s already projected. Okay? This guy, he’s a total loyalist to our calls. He’ll do anything. He’s a tremendous asset for us. And they’re thinking ahead 1520 years to put the person in the White House. And really, the only two I could think of that would fit that description would be Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Yeah. And then you could add Hillary Clinton, but that didn’t work out so well for them, thanks to Mr. Trump. But that’s how it was with Bill Clinton. He had these affiliations and he had this magical protective force that just made things go away for him. We harken back to his college. Okay? He was selected to be a Rhodes scholar. He went to Oxford. Okay? So that’s always a sign that somebody’s being tapped for bigger and better.

Right? You know what? Touch on that just for a brief moment. Because a lot of people don’t understand the Rhodes thing with Rhodesia and Cecil Rhodes. They don’t understand that. Yeah, well, the Rhodes scholarship is named after Cecil Rhodes. Big time globalist insider, hooked up with the Rothschild. That’s who Rhodesia was named after. But the scholarship itself, you qualify for it. But it’s not so much an academic scholarship as it is a political one.

Correct. It’s like an indoctrination into their way of thinking. Yeah. And I remember Ross Perot once said in 92, when he was making some waves, he actually made a comment. He says, you know, bill Clayton, he went over there to Oxford to learn about the one world. I was surprised when he said that. That’s what it is. So that’s an indicator that they’ve already grooming you for bigger and better.

But in his case, it was really grooming for the absolute top position. Something much bigger than the governor of Arkansas, by the way, while he was at ox. He never finished his program there. Did you know that? Ron? Did I lose you? Can you hear me? I can hear you now. I lost you for a while. I’m having technical issues. Is that you or me? I can hear you.

Should I try? Can you hear me? Come back. Can you hear me now? I can always hear you. I can’t hear you. Can you hear me? Okay. Yes. No. Hello? How’s my. Can you hear me? I can’t hear you. Fucking. Hold on, guys. Sorry, I’m. Yeah, it’s not that I can’t hear him. It’s. I know it’s my computer. I think Mike’s coming back. I apologize, guys. And I’ve been having all kinds of technical issues, so that’s why I haven’t done a show.

I brought my computer to do it, and it’s been one cluster after another, so I was hoping that I wasn’t going to have that issue tonight, but he’s trying to come back, though. Anyway, I got here, just a little brief here. I got here to Nino’s and been hanging out and. Can you hear me? I can hear you. Okay. Yes, I can hear you now. Okay. I went out and came back in.

We’re good. Can you see me? No, but I think that’s on my end, that problem. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Well, as long as you can hear me, we’re. And as long as people can see my handsome face, we’re left off. We’re talking about the road scholarship program. And I had asked you, and I think this where we cut off, if you were aware that Bill Clinton never finished his road scholarship program.

I am aware that he didn’t finish, yes, because he never actually got the scholarship or he never got the degree or whatever it was. That’s very unusual for any Rhodes scholar, especially for someone as ambitious as Bill Clinton. But do you know why he didn’t finish it? Or at least the allegation, which is very credible. There is a woman who claims she was raped, english woman, by the student bill Clinton.

And when she complained to the authorities, nothing happened, because he’s protected by this magical force. However, they had to hush it up and send him away. So he did not finish. Interesting. So that’s very consistent with all the other stuff we know about this degenerate bastard. We know he’s a rapist, but he did not finish the road scholarship program. And I forget this woman’s name. She came forth some years ago.

She said that was why she reported it. Nothing happened to him. But he couldn’t finish the know. Again, there’s an indicator here that already at that young age, he’s under protection. And that’s the CIA. That’s the deep state, the left wing of the deep state. Grooming him as a very young man, he becomes attorney general of, again, very know. We talked earlier about how Tedy Roosevelt went from police commissioner to president in, what, three years? Really remarkable.

So this is kind of similar to that. So then from attorney general, where he again raped a woman, Juanita Broderick. Assaulted her, raped her twice, bit her lip, and then Hillary threatened her to be quiet. She did not come forth. She would have ended up dead for sure. And then he becomes governor of Arkansas, young man, still, he’s in his mid late 30s, governor of a state, attends Bilderberger meeting as governor, or he might have attended as attorney general, I’m not sure.

But he attended the Bilderberger meeting in Badenbad in Germany. And then the next thing you know, badabing. He’s the kid from Little Rock. Out of nowhere. They play that up just like they did to Jimmy Carter, the peanut farmer from Georgia. Comes out of nowhere, comes out of know. They create these fake backstories for the know, make you look like some kind of underdog, some kind of someone out of the establishment from the middle of the country of the south.

Right? But it was all an illusion. And there he was, 1992, elected president, early 40s, maybe. I tend to think that he was placed as governor of Arkansas because that was a cover operation for the CIA’s drug program in the 80s because they were running all that stuff through Arkansas. Yeah, that certainly fit perfectly with what they were doing out of Arkansas. And one of the prior governors of Arkansas was Lawrence Rockefeller.

Okay, interesting. He had the nice hooker. Sam Walton was army intelligence. I didn’t know. Yeah, yeah. And he was rewarded with big contracts. Know with was what was one of the first things that Sam Walton was pioneering all of the transportation, the intramodal transportation with the cargo containers and the trucks, because we could put on a truck, a train or a ship. That’s why whenever you see a train roll by and it says intermodal, because it has a container.

The intermodal transportation is cargo. It’s all the cargo containers. And they sped up cargo shipping through the world over. But by doing it that way, they also were able to do human trafficking and all the other stuff. Yeah, containers is. That’s their smuggling vehicle of choice, either shipping or by train, which is why Hillary’s code name, secret service code name, which she selected is Evergreen, big shipping company, Evergreen.

Going back to that duper’s delight, that satanic duper’s delight that they derive from putting things in your. And the evergreen, if you really want to get deep into, like, the evergreen, that’s what they use on the trees at Christmas because that’s the celebration. Christmas isn’t the celebration of Christ’s birth. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the sun at the lowest point in the sky and it starts to rise because the 25th is right after the solstice.

What the hell does a tree have to do with Christ? Doesn’t have anything to do with Christ. It has everything to do with fertility and green. Now we’re celebrating the coming green season of spring. But anyway, that just shows you how far back this goes. I’m saying that. But anyway, Evergreen is a big deal. Yeah, it is. And the Clintons were, I don’t know, maybe it just seems od that they were so exalted like this because they were meant to have 16 years, eight for him and eight for her.

Okay. Right. Not back to back, but 16 years. So I think apart from what we see or can kind of see and piece together overtly from the globalist organizations, the intelligence networks, et cetera, there’s a deeper level of things that are occult and satanic. And there may be people on those levels who outrank some of the people that we think are at the top. Correct. It just seems like she was plugged into that because she’s another one.

I was telling Nino this the last time I was on his show, that the night of the election, I didn’t even stay up in 2016. I said, she’s anointed. Whatever they need to do, whatever votes they got to flip by a computer, there’s no stopping her. And I was really shocked the next day. I didn’t understand the military was behind Trump at the time, but I was really confused.

They said how she ranks so high up there in this hierarchy of evil. I could not understand how she did not win the presidency. I mean, with the Obama thing, that was different because he was just as important. They wanted him in there. They wanted, again, the duper’s delight. They wanted to have a tranny, a homosexual and a tranny as president. And first dude, that was big for them.

But they weren’t bumping off Hillary. And I believe what happened is they were going back and forth because Hillary wanted it bad and so did Obama. And then there was a Bilderberger meeting in Virginia. And after the Bilderberger meeting, it’s like Hillary backed off and supported Obama. And it was clear back know, you know, Alex Jones was claiming back then that he had like an inside track to build a.

And I believe he does. There’s people that leak stuff. But he was saying back then that a deal was made. It was going to be Obama for eight and Hillary for eight. So they kissed and made up and it looked like we were headed that am of the, I’m of the opinion that the military ensured that she did not win the presidency. Yeah, well, Q told us that.

Q tells us that. In fact, what Q says is we were not going to allow another Pos, piece of shit satanist to become president again. And it also tells us that they were prepared to go with the military coup option in the event that they couldn’t stop her. Okay. But they were able to stop great campaigns for Trump. The stuff that the Trump campaign did digitally was really state of the art stuff.

But at some point, there’s something with the computers, they’re probably, because what they do, the CIA, they have overseas locations where they do this know, and they flip the votes or something. And with the NSA hackers, they could have just flipped them back. Let me pause you there for a second, Kathy. I know Alex Jones said he talked to Q. That’s a load of shit. Nobody talks to talk to.

He’s, he’s lying on that. I mean, on the, you know, it’s different because I can see things leaking out of know. Daniel Estelin would be there every year, and there’s always some delegates who might let a few crumbs up. I mean, it’s not like a secret mean, compared to other things. Bilderberger is almost like an, you know, nobody talks to Q. We don’t know who. Right. No, that’s exactly.

Well, I think we have a pretty good idea of who he might be, but we don’t know. But we’ll talk about that towards the end. As I mentioned earlier, I was talking about Clintons and everything that happened in the, mentioned that I watched that thing on Waco, and, man, it was very interesting to see a lot of things because I hadn’t seen much about that. I didn’t know that one of the snipers who had actually fired into the Branch davidian compound, Mount Carmel, was the same sniper who killed, what was it? Weaver.

The Weavers up in Ruby Ridge, Idaho. No way. Yeah. And they had an army delta team on the ground running operation during that operation. Yeah. They were using special forces during that operation. Yeah. And then two years later to the day on April 19 of 1995, then they blew up the Murray building. And the Murray building is where a lot of the records for a lot of the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, the Whitewater records, a lot of that stuff was being housed in the mean, it’s, it’s important to note that two years into the Clinton presidency, his popularity was like through the.

Okay, his name was dirt. Why? Because they pushed their agenda so hard those two years. They figured, we’ve got the Democrat Congress, we’re in the White House. They went for as much as they can get the tax increases. And Hillary was trying to get the communist health care scheme put into place. So they really pushed it hard. And it was a big backlash in this country. This was the heyday of Rush Limbaugh.

He even had a tv show. He would attack them mercilessly. So there was a huge anti Clinton backlash building up in this country, as well as a lot of independence and moderates. Guy, these people are too radical. And Hillary was just despised because she’s just a nasty bitch. Bill Clinton at least has the ability to put on a facade and seem likable. You could almost imagine yourself hanging out, having a drink with the guy and having a laugh.

They said that he was one of the most charming men ever. Yeah, everybody loved him. Hillary didn’t have that ability, though. She couldn’t fake it. She just. A lot of people don’t know that she was kicked off of the Watergate committee. Yeah, she was so freaking corrupt, they couldn’t even keep. She was on the committee of one of the congressmen who was persecuting Nixon. But even by his standards, the dishonest stuff she was doing, he wasn’t comfortable with.

So, yeah, she was kicked off of that, but she was really loathed and despised. And you had the election, the midterm election in 94, which was a complete landslide. The Republicans took everything, the House, the Senate. You go down to the states. They won so many state houses. It was just a total historic route because it was a pushback against the leftist marxist radicalism of the Clintons. I remember that.

And that was the first time the Republicans had control of the House of Representatives in what, like 30 years or something. Not since Eisenhower sold out the republican party in 54. He engineered that. So, yeah, about 40 years or so. Yeah, they were a big majority because then you had the Watergate babies after they screwed Nixon and they brainwashed the country against Nixon. And that brought a bunch of Democrats in the midterm elections of 74.

So they had massive majority and they flipped. I mean, it was a real bloodbath. And it went all the way down to the state houses. So they had a problem. Not just the Clintons had a problem, but even more on a more broader scale. Just the marxist globalist agenda had a problem. You have malicious forming in this country, just people becoming active and informed. But that all went away.

April 19, 1995, false flag. They blamed it on the militias. They blamed it on Rush Limbaugh to be a v. McVeigh. They said did it because of Waco and all that stuff went away. And Bill Clinton did what he does best. He showed up real pious looking, bites his, know, I feel your republicans just backed off and then they blew up the, they, that’s when the. com thing started to happen.

And then remember, what was it? Oh, Al Gore invented email or the Internet or something. Al Gore claimed that he invented the Internet or something like that, but that was when they released the Internet. And how much of the Internet is the release is debatable now because we don’t know if the Internet being released was not necessarily a weapon that the military used to counter what Clinton’s did.

With chronology, I’m not sure of the timeline if the Internet was released before Oklahoma or after. But the economy exploded with the. com bubble, and it happened right around 95 ish, 95, 96. And it was a short lived bubble. But I remember the mid to late 90s. Those were good times. People had money in their pocket. Well, they did. I mean, you had an accommodating fed, but you also, now, he continued to do his damage, but he was smart enough to move to the center, so to speak.

Some of the excesses were tempered by Newt Gingrich in the Congress. Right. With the contract. Gingrich, he also derailed the republican revolution. He really watered it down. But at the same, same time, the rest of the Clinton presidency was not so extremely radical as the first two years. And that was out of political necessity. Just being pragmatic. I’m looking back now, how much of the contract with America was real? How much of that was that more deep state stuff to try to pacify the right a little bit, to give them a little bit of a bone, so to speak, to make them think that they were actually having an impact.

Yeah, there was no fundamental reversal, of course, and many of those Republicans were true outsiders. A lot of them would be considered like MAGA by today’s standards, who were elected. They kind of got know, because you had Gingrich and Dole just kind of reining them know. It’s like, okay, well, we’ll slow Clinton down. We’re not going to have a revolution. There was no revolution. So a lot of them quit.

They were short lived. People like Steve Largent, the great wide receiver from football, and Jim Ryan, the great Olympic runner, Helen Chennawer. I mean, there was a really core group of solid people were elected to Congress, and it was made known to know we’re not changing things here. We’re going to tweak a few things, we’re going to pause the radicalism, and that’s it. So nothing really came out of the 94 revolution.

Nothing revolutionary came out of it, but it could have if it had not been watered down. Well, let’s see here. After the Clintons, then you had that still kind of, almost kind of in line with the mean. It’s, uh. We now know that he was going to run for Senate, New York state. Okay. And who coveted that seat? Hillary, the carpet bagger at the tail end of the Clinton years.

She was already moving her stuff out to New York, going to be a New York citizen and run for Senate. She would never have beaten JFK Jr. I mean, no. Have put. So that was problematic on two ends for these satanic globalists. I mean, one, all of a sudden their golden girl is facing a roadblock. Okay. And two, the guy blocking her, by the way, his father and his uncle and his other uncle and his other uncle have all been murdered by the cabal.

And he’s going to be a us senator. Young, charming, handsome, the Kennedy name, pop, skipping a jump away from the white. They had to nip that in the, you know, his plane goes down. How convenient. And so now you have the oldest son of Papa Joe Kennedy, the patriarch Joseph Kennedy. His plane just blows up during World War II on a routine mission. It wasn’t combat, just blows up.

Then you have the daughter, Kathleen Kennedy. Small plane goes down in France. Then you have Ted Kennedy. Small plane goes down. Passengers are killed, he survives. And then, of course, we know what happened to John and Bobby. And now you have yet another fatal plane crash. Four fatal plane crashes. Although Teddy survived this, it was still a fatal crash. Come on. This defies the laws of probability. Statistically, I believe that was the moment that pushed Trump over the edge and he ran for president that same next year.

Reform party. Remember that? That’s right. Yeah. He didn’t get it. Pap Buchanan got he. I don’t think there was any kind of plan in place back then, though. I just think he was, like, on his own doing it. If there was a plan, it was way too much of it in its infancy for them to be able to act upon it. Yeah, it would have never worked back, you know? I don’t think it would have worked, but I believe that’s what pushed him over the edge.

Is Hillary and her pals, her satanic devil pals, murdering. There is. There’s the rumor out there that he didn’t die, that he knew he was going to get and that no body was found, and there may be some validity to that. I don’t know. But who knows I keep the mind open to anything. Certainly there’s some strange things about that. They buried him at sea. Catholics, Kennedys are like, at least the facade is the big catholic, irish Catholic family.

Catholics don’t do that. So that was strange. Yeah, it’s almost like. Almost like certainly he had to know if he was going to pursue anything political, that he was going to be hunted just like all of his uncles and aunts who were murdered. So I mean, that’s interesting, but you put it over there, something happens in the future, I’ll take a look at it. But I don’t like when some of these people profess to be anons go out almost stating with certainty that, oh, he’s alive, he’s coming back.

You don’t know that. And then you make us look stupid. Right. Agree. I know one. A piece of data. I know one over here. Yeah, I know one. Oh, my God. I’m not going to say the name, but I know one. And it’s like nonstop I’m in a group with her and I just kind of probably let the cat out of the bag, but I’m not going to say the name, but it is just nonstop.

Yeah. You wonder if some of these are plants because I remember there was a demo in Houston and there were people showing up with trumpet Q flags some years ago or Dallas, not Houston. And they said on such and such a date JFK Jr. Is coming, he’s going to reveal himself. And the media had a field day with know he never showed up, obviously. Right. And it know this is what the QAnon put know simple minds who haven’t studied this.

A lot of them, they hear all, you’re those people. You see JFK is alive. So you wonder how much of this is just planted to make us look bad. I mean, it’s okay to note a couple of things, but the people who promote it as if they have some kind of inside knowledge and it’s a fact. I really wonder about them. Right. So then we have 911. Now we could probably do 5 hours on 911.

I’m actually doing a crash course booklet on 911 similar to my crash course nwo booklet. I’ll probably have that out in February. Nice, small, concise, same concept, 60 pages maybe. Crash course? That really? That’ll be nice with it. Yeah, that’d be solid because that’s a huge deal in the altering of the trajectory of our country because they completely restructured the government and everything that was done as a result of the Patriot act.

Basically Obama came in and manipulated and just. He basically picked up the ball and kept going forward with it. Yeah. But it all was as a result of 911. When you talk about 911, we’re basically getting into. I mean, I. I know that you’re. It’s. It’s. You have different things in the book, but, I mean, it’s like, 911. 911 is the. Is. Is one of the most seminal moments of the past 20 years in terms of how far off the cliff we’ve fell.

Yeah. It’s one of those history. All three moments. What do they call it? A watershed moment. I rank it up there. The big ones for me of the last century were the assassination of McKinley, because what that led to after Teddy Roosevelt got in there, the other one would be Pearl harbor. Yes. And the assassination of JFK and then 911, all four of them had momentous, permanent, lasting consequences far beyond the event itself.

Change course of history. History. I’d add one to that list. And that’d be the Federal Reserve. Yeah, of course. Although that was an event in a different way. They passed the law, they put the bank in there. Nobody even knew what it meant. But as far as those type of events, like, oh, my God, the president was shot or oh, my God, those type of things where everybody knows where they were that day.

Right. Yeah, I get that. I see where you’re going with that. And. Yeah, you’re right, because not everybody remembers where they were when they passed the Federal Reserve act. I’ll never forget that day. Oh, only if. But if they only knew. Right? Yeah, but in the scheme of things, that’s even bigger than all the other ones. Yeah, I know. I question the validity of the Woodrow Wilson quote.

I mean, I don’t question whether or not he said it or not, but I questioned the sincerity. The one about the biggest men are afraid. No, I’m a most unhappy man. I’ve unwittingly destroyed my country. I’ve never been able to confirm that. Yeah. Either it’s grossly out of context or it’s made up. There’s a lot of that going. Yeah. You know what I’m talking about. You know, the quote unquote.

I know what you. Yeah, yeah. I don’t think he ever said just. I don’t know if he said know. There’s also a false one that’s attributed to JFK where he says, I intend to inform the american people about this conspiracy before. He never said that. He did have that speech where he spoke about secret societies and so on, but I don’t know. These things take on a life of their own on the Internet.

That’s why I always preach, go to the original source. Show me the original source, not what somebody else says. Well, I guess just to save time, I don’t have the copy of the book right here in front of me. And I looked ahead to 911. I didn’t look past 911. So I thought that we would have enough to talk about. But 911 is kind of not one of those things that I think we really need to.

We could talk about 911. Yeah. I mean, I’m sure most of your readers understand that one pretty well. Yeah. Deep state, Mossad, CIA, blew up the towers and perpetual war ever since, wars, which, again, Mr. Trump ended. So that’s the deal with 911, but that’s one of the big ones that’s got to be exposed. And I will say this, I do see some positive indicators that at the end of this journey, 911 truth is on the agenda.

I believe that, yes, I believe that to be true because there’s no way Trump has made so many comments. And his boy Vivek, who was his planted mouthpiece, has as well. So, boy, that would be something. You know what? Let’s talk about. Otherwise, what the hell are we doing if we don’t disclose that? Let’s talk about that, because I think that’s a big deal. Yeah, I think that it is for a number of reasons.

I mean, one, it’s still kind of contemporary. Okay? It’s 21 years ago. So anybody who’s over the age of, say, 35 remembers it well, even with the constant remembrances, it’s not like Pearl harbor or the assassination of McKinley. If that were just. Hey, did you know that they killed know and they put Teddy in there? Those bastards. That guy was brainwashed. He wasn’t no long. So it’s not going to work or even Pearl harbor and even JFK to some extent.

But 911 happening in this day and age of universal tv, everybody knows that. Even people who are like, maybe not born yet, okay, they’re in their, they were very young. They still know what it was we commemorated every year. Pause that for a second. Okay. So somebody in the chat just says, can you touch on specifically how the Mossad was involved with 911? It’s an honest question. Well, if you go to real, I’ll talk about that, but I would also.

Sometimes things can’t explain. Do you have an hour? Where do. My booklet comes out. But if you go to realnewsandhistory. com. Realnewsandhistory. com, you go to the article section, scroll around. I’ve got a few articles on the subject, but my book will be out in a month. It’ll blow people’s mind who are new to this subject. But essentially the massage fingerprints were all over. 911. We start with the dancing Israelis.

Okay. Yeah. On that day, 911, five men were arrested after numerous people reported seeing them celebrating, taking pictures, high fiving, et cetera. And the story was on the front page of the Bergen record, north New Jersey paper here, five men detained, suspected as conspirators. That was on September twelveth, the next day. And then you read in the article, they were Israelis. They were detained for 40 days by the FBI.

Obviously, this is like local FBI acting on their own. They’re like, we got something here. It turned out that these guys were treated roughly, they’re interrogated roughly. They really gave them a hard time. They isolated them. 40 days. They held them. That story appeared one day, September twelveth. The next day, nothing. There was some follow up reports. ABC News, New York Times. They put a spin on it.

And the spin was that there was a dragnet. They were rounding up all these foreigners after 911. And these guys just got caught up in the dragnet. It’s bullshit. Because they were the first five and the only five arrested that day. What they did to cover it up in the subsequent days, they start rounding up illegal aliens, Pakistanis and Bangladesh. And they threw them all together so they could say, oh, well, they got caught in the drag.

Know. They just arrested a bunch of people. Yeah. And five of them happened to be Israelis. A bunch of other ones were other countries. That was the trick. They were the only five arrested that day. And they were held, and they were treated very roughly because they knew that they were up to something. And then after 40 days, higher ups from the FBI or the DOJ answering to Cheney and so on, they let them go.

And they went back to Israel. And they even did interviews on israeli tv. They said, well, we were filming. Know this is a story. We were there to document the event. Yeah, we were there to document the event. What event? Yeah. No, they knew. And all the witnesses reported this, said, they said they knew in advance. They were in a location, prime location in Jersey City, New Jersey.

We had the best view of the towers. They knew in busted. I was saying that rhetorically. Yeah, what’s that? I was saying that rhetorically. Yeah. Because that was what they responded to. At the bottom line is we come from a country that experiences terrorism every day, and we were just there to document the event. Right. That was their line. We’re just taking pictures. Is that why the FBI held you for 40 days and abused you? Come on.

But that’s just one element. There’s so much more. And you add it up. After a while, the mind is blown. In August 2001, a shipping company called Zim Navigation is really owned. It’s part public, part private, major companies. I think it’s like 9th in the world. Zim. You may have seen their containers on the road. Zim offices in the World Trade center. They moved out in August 3, four weeks before they moved to Virginia.

And then there’s like a story a few days later and the company spokesman and says, yeah, we saw those towers come down and we counted our blessings, how lucky we were. And the official story is they left the World Trade center to move to Virginia because the rent was much cheaper. Really? The 9th largest shipping company in the world, you can’t afford the rent? Yeah. And they blew off, I think it was like a $50,000 lease.

It was like $50,000 to break their lease or something like that. That’s right. Yeah. So they’re worried about saving money, but they broke their lease. Okay, Larry Silverstein, who owned the lease for World Trade center one, World Trade center two, and a third skyscraper, 600ft in its own right, massive, which came down later that afternoon. A lot of people don’t even know about that. Still seven. He has breakfast every morning, like clockwork, at the windows of the world restaurant on the top floor to North Tower.

Okay. That particular day was not at work. He later said, well, I had a wife dentist appointment. Yeah. And he wasn’t going to go. But then his wife insisted. His wife saved his life. She insisted. No, you’ve got to go to the doctor. You got to go to doctor. His son Roger, his daughter Linda also worked at the World Trade center. They were running late that day. All three Silversteins survived.

Silverstein, once a week for several years, spoke on the phone with BB Netanyahu leading up to 911. Where did I get that from? Israeli newspaper. They were very tight. Silverstein, big Zionist in Netanyahu. So all of these people who weren’t at work that day, you have the dancing Israelis, but there’s a lot more you’re not even touching on. Obviously, you’re going to need this protective support of the higher apparatus of treasonous elements in the american military forces and intelligence agencies.

But if you read the cue Post, Mossad is at the top of the hierarchy. The one thing, Mike, you didn’t talk about was jewish. Was it a jewish social media website where they literally warned people to stay out of southern Manhattan. That was Otigo. It was a messaging service. And again, this is in the israeli newspapers. There were a couple workers at Otigo in Israel and they were freaked out.

They reported to their bosses that we got warnings. There were warnings given, even though they’re in Israel, to stay away from the World Trade center this morning. And they reported to the israeli authorities. They reported to FBI, mainstream media, and they were looking into it, but we never heard about it again. Who sent those messages to employees of an israeli company, Otigo. And then, of course, who benefited? What did we do after that? We went to war with Israel’s mortal.

You know, you have the two ruling factions in this global mafia, and there’s some overlap. You’ve got the one world globalist Marxists who really don’t care about Israel. Soros is no friend of Israel, believe it or not, even though he’s jewish, he’s more of a globalist one worlder. He looks at Yahoo as like a troublemaker who makes it harder to bring about a world government. And then you got the Israel firsters.

Hardcore. So they’re powerful factions. But on this, they made common cause because it advanced both agendas. Israel wanted to blow up the whole region and expand and create a greater Israel from the Euphrates to the Nile. That was their agenda. And then the know, the Sauros and the Brzinski, they wanted to go right to Central Asia, which they did in Afghanistan, Pakistan. Brzinsky writes about this in his book in 1998.

They were warning amongst themselves that we’ve got to. Now that the Soviet Union is split up, we’ve got to make sure that we get to control Central Asia. We can’t have China or resurgent Russia come back in and exert their influence perfectly. If you really want to go to tickle your eyesight, go look up nur sultan, N-U-R-S-U-L-T-A-N which is the capital city of Kazakhstan. And look at the architecture in that city.

Yeah. The good news is, after 20 years of bloodshed and expense and horror, not just us troops, all those innocent people over there, all that death and terror and misery, it’s finally come to an end. And the other man who played a key role in this is Vladimir Putin. And Russia has now asserted not dominance, but protective influence over Central Asia. China, too. That project is over. The greater Israel project is over.

So everything that they wanted out of 911, it failed. It came at a tremendous cost, but thankfully it failed because of Trump and Putin. Had it not been for them, too. This would still be going on, the endless wars ultimately culminating in world War three. And I want to touch a little bit on the Vivek situation because that came out of left field. He said something. And then Trump did a tweet or a truth post.

And I’m here with Nino here. And Nino will hear nothing of the Vivek thing. Being positive, I’m like, dude, you can’t, I’m not sold on that. And you got to keep an open mind. And he’s like, absolutely not. He will not hear it. So anyway, I’m like, I’m not going to fight that fight. You don’t want to fight me. No, but I do think that there is some.

You just said that Vivek was Trump’s mouthpiece. My question about Vivek is that the video of him where he was questioning, I think it was in 2004 when he asked, was it John Kerry? He asked the question of John Kerry when he was running for president about something. And there was two people who got up and asked questions that day. One was Vivek Ramaswamy and the other one was, you know, I just like that.

When I saw that, I was like, interesting. That caught my eye because he was asking a Democrat question at a Democrat function with Pete Buttigieg. What was the question? Was he challenging him? Yeah. Well, it was something. I don’t remember exactly what the question was. I’ll find the clip and send it to you. But that said, just because he was maybe that person back then, things change and people change.

You look at what was his name? Thomas Soul. Thomas Soul was a freaking Marxist. And then he changed. He became, well, people change. Or people may be out of ambition. They see which way the wind’s blowing it. It could be a lot of things, but I can only focus on what I’m seeing now as to what he’s done. And he’s not some major player that we should overly concern ourselves with.

But I just found it fascinating that out of nowhere, he starts talking about, he doesn’t believe the 911 story. He said that on Tucker Carlson show. He said that in one of the debates. Then he starts talking about January 6 was an inside job. And then he talked about 911. So he used the term inside job very close to 911. This is in the debates. So that’s definitely planting some seeds there.

And it’s consistent with the things that Trump has said about 911. Now, he dropped out. He’s supporting Trump. He was with Trump today in New Hampshire. Right. So I’m not overly concerned either way, about him, the man. My point is that it was music to my ears to hear anybody drop those things. Those are bombs in a republican debate. He says, I don’t believe the story of 911.

There’s more to it. We’ve got to find out. That’s seed that he’s planted in people’s minds. But now he’s out of the picture. But I don’t think completely out of the picture yet. He might have another role. He may have another think. You know, we always like to give people some hope. And I think the biggest shot in the arm should have come from the fact that Trump absolutely destroyed the field last night.

Yeah, well, this was all scripted. I mean, this is the plan. He’s just going to roll and more and more momentum. And it’s not just like the republican nomination. It’s just this aura of this unstoppable force. That’s what’s at play here. That’s what this whole thing is about. It’s a movie. It’s all staged. It’s all scripted. These candidates all know that. And frankly, I’ve always believed that the purpose of the DeSantis so called splitting with Trump was to smoke out all the rats, all the rhinos went to DeSantis.

But you look closely at his background, all the earmarks of Navy intel is JAg. He was JAg. He’s been at Guantanamo, okay? He’s one of the founding members of the Congressional Freedom Caucus. And everybody started hating him, which is a good thing, because it built up his street cred and he smoked out all the rats. Trump knows now because of know who jumped. I didn’t think about that.

Yeah, I called that thing as a setup two years ago because DeSantis’s background was just too solid. And now all of a sudden, he’s going to bite the hand that feeds him. And he ran a shitty campaign, but he smoked people out. And who was it? Kash Patel actually put a truth out there. This was after I made my speculation and I went back to that and I said, you see, Kash Patel posted, he says, you know, one good thing about the DeSantis campaign is it really showed us who’s on our side.

Of course, he spun it as if it was an unintended consequence. But no, that’s what it’s about. Trump, this is the kind of stuff, this is like Don Corleone stuff. It’s brilliant. But this whole thing now is just being scripted as Trump the unstoppable, Trump the inevitable. And this is how the media now is even talking about it. That’s exactly right. They’re absolutely saying that. They asked that guy, Frank Lunst the other day, if you had to bet $100,000, who would you put it on? And he’s like, right, Trump as an establishment insider scumbag.

Okay, saying that. The old Frank lunts would have said, well, Trump is still vulnerable, but now he’s contributing to know Trump aura of inevitability. And this is all, it’s just beautiful how it’s playing. So by the time the moment comes that he’s going to be either reinstalled or elected in November, either way, it’s almost like even the people who don’t like him pretty soon are going to be resigned to Trump the inevitable.

That’s exactly what we want because we want him to be, at least temporarily, we want him to be the king. It’s going to be interesting to see. Well, guys, we’re going to cut it off. I’m going to do a hard stop on the hour tonight because I’ve got a lot of stuff to do to get ready, and I’m getting on the road in the morning to head home.

So I don’t know if I’ll be doing a show tomorrow. It depends on what time I get back. But definitely, you will look for something from me on Thursday. So absolutely, we’ll do something on Thursday. And I am aware that the part two of the weatherman that I was supposed to play didn’t play. I apologize for that. But I’m not on my computer and I can’t do anything about it until I get.

So anyway, apologize for the technical difficulties. I would have done more, but I just didn’t have the firepower, so to speak. So, Mike, good to see you again today. Twice. Twice in one day. Hey, don’t forget, everybody. Realnewsandhistory. com Ron Smallr okay. You get all my books there and you get a special offer. Real history. Realnewsandhistory. com r Smallr Ron Smallr yeah, that’s that. We’ll see everybody, each other again next Tuesday.

You drive safe tomorrow. I appreciate that, brother. I’m going to text you a little bit later because we got some stuff, more stuff to talk about. But anyway, thanks, everybody. Have a great day. Enjoy your evening. And we’ll see you on Thursday if I don’t see you tomorrow. So take care. Okay. Bye.

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