Mark Finchem – There Is A Pattern Of Election Rigging Evidence Is Clear Time To End The Endless | X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ X22 Report in this article talks about the dangers of using ibuprofen due to its potential risks like heart disease and kidney failure. It suggests using natural alternatives like omega three fatty acids, which can help prevent inflammation. The article also discusses a political issue where Mark Fincham, a state senate candidate in Arizona, is taking a lawsuit to the Supreme Court to ban voting machines. He believes these machines have malicious software and have been used to manipulate election results.
➡ The article talks about a court case involving voting machines that were allegedly used to cheat in elections. The machines, which were not certified or tested, were used in multiple states and counties, leading to questionable election results. The case is now in the U.S. Supreme Court, and if the machines are banned, it would apply to the entire country. The article also mentions a court ruling that the FDA must delete all social media posts about the use of ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment, and discusses a kit with emergency medications for COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.
➡ The text discusses a political debate about voting rights and immigration in the U.S. The speaker criticizes the Democratic party for allegedly encouraging illegal immigrants to vote, which they believe is a strategy to maintain power. They also express disappointment in the Republican party and predict that Joe Biden will be out of power by June. The speaker supports Donald Trump and believes he is a threat to the current political system because he wants to end ongoing wars and focus on U.S. defense. They also discuss the issue of open borders and the strain it puts on resources, suggesting that it’s part of a strategy to collapse capitalism.
➡ The speaker is running for the Arizona Senate to replace a current member who he believes is not truly representing Republican values. He aims to focus on election security, border control, education, transportation, and taxation. He also mentions his involvement with the Election Fairness Institute, which is engaged in litigation and research related to election processes. The speaker encourages support for his campaign and warns of the dangers of complacency in the face of perceived threats to American democracy.
➡ Mark is inviting people to an event at Mar a Lago and is worried that President Trump might be imprisoned next year. He also mentions his organization, the Election Fairness Institute, which doesn’t take government contracts and works for public interest. Additionally, he’s running for state senate and encourages people to write letters to the Supreme Court about a case he’s involved in.


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So go check out the special offer@getnativepath. com. X 22 or click the link in the description. Hi and welcome to the X 22 Report Spotlight. Today we have a returning guest, Mark Fincham. Mark is running for the state senate in Arizona. He runs the Election Fairness Institute, which is goefi. org dot. And I am very happy to have Mark on the X 22 report spotlight. Mark, welcome back to the Spotlight.

Thanks, Dave. I appreciate it. I always like talking with you and your guests because we get lots of really good feedback. And let’s just start off with what everyone is seeing right now. You and Kerry, you’re taking your lawsuit to the Supreme Court, and I guess you’re looking to ban the voting machines. And we all kind of know why because last time we had the election in 2022, what, like 60% of the voting machines didn’t work or something like that? So now you’re heading to the supreme Court.

Can you just tell everyone you know where you’re at, what you expect to happen, and just bring everyone up to date? Sure. Just to kind of revisit the genesis of the case in 2020, everybody knew something wasn’t quite right. And of course, there were mathematical algorithms that were used to analyze the vote, because the. The racketeers that did not want inspection or audit of the elections, they did everything they could to block access to the actual information.

So we knew something was not quite right. And there were a series of court cases that were filed. Nothing contrary to the propaganda media, and nothing was ever actually in court. The cases were not disproven. The cases, in fact, weren’t heard. That was the issue. So in April of 2022, Kerry and I filed suit in us district court, Arizona, because we had some evidence that there was something wrong with the machine code and that it could very well have malware.

Our objective was simply to cause transparency. That’s all we wanted. We just wanted to have the code on the machines analyzed for malware and boat flipping software. I mean, we know that that exists because Clint Kirst is the guy that wrote it. He said, yes, it does exist. In fact, any machine can have that kind of software, that kind of malware installed on it. Well, then, in August of.

I’m sorry, July 2022, our case was summarily dismissed by the US district court, Judge Tucci, an Obama appointee, and he said that our case was too speculative, we didn’t have enough. And what we were trying to do is warn the court, warning the american people, that the same thing that happened in 2020 would happen in 2022. And in a marvelous twist of irony, on the day of the election, Judge Tucci issues sanctions against Kerry and me and our attorneys for bringing a frivolous case.

Well, that’s the same day that in Maricopa county, the machines failed. So we predicted it. It happened, and we got spanked for. Well, we weren’t very happy about that. And through a number of different lawsuits, curling the Raffensperger in Georgia, Kerry’s lawsuit in Arizona, we were able to discover that there was indeed malicious software on these machines. So a fellow by the name of Ben Cotton. Ben is probably one of the best cyber security analysis guys on the planet.

He owns a company called Cypher. He’s the guy who found an intrusion into DoD software that they didn’t even know. It happened. So, not like this guy just rolled in from Kmart. Okay, we could go to the 9th circus court, and they just affirmed everything that the lower court had said. So here we are today, we filed a case in Us Supreme Court. Gosh, it’s got to be about a month ago now.

It has been docketed, which means they’re aware of the case, and they are receiving information. Well, now they also have a motion for expedited consideration, meaning this is something that’s very serious. We believe that it affects not just Arizona, but the entire nation, especially when we are able to prove that Maricopa county officials lied to the court. Now, the legal word is they misrepresented. No, they just outright lied.

Okay, let’s just be very clear. They lied about a number of things. Well, besides our motion for expedited review, we have now had a number of organizations come in beside us with the Mikas briefs, the latest of which is Maricopa County Republican committee. I believe that Arizona GOP is also going to come alongside of us. The Georgia GOP has filed an amendicus brief and so has Delaware. And they’re all very well written briefs.

And this is a question of national urgency. So now we are waiting the 19th, I believe tomorrow the court is going to have one of their meetings that they have in preparation for making a decision. Will they take the case up? Will they remain silent? Will they deny the case, denies access? Or will something else happen? Will they call for additional documentation, call for a response? Because the opposition, which is everybody from Marc Elias and his front groups all the way down to Maricopa county and G.

Gordon Liddy’s son, who is their attorney, all of them have been given an opportunity to respond to the case. So far, they haven’t done that. In fact, they ignored the case as though, no, we’re not even going to participate in that. Well, we’re kind of hoping that the court takes a very dim view of that and then spanks them a little bit. Our position is that every one of the attorneys that has been involved in this should be disbarred because they misrepresented that the court a number of key things, and those are three.

One, they claimed that the machines that were tabulating votes were tested with LNA testing. That’s logic and accuracy testing, meaning they turn on, you can run ballots through them and the ballots are counted. It’s a known number of ballots and no number of votes. Bubbles filled in. Well, they didn’t do that. They lied to the court. What they really did is they tested five spare machines. They didn’t test all the machines.

Five spares. Then behind closed doors and after the legal date to have them tested, they went about testing all the machines that were actually used in the field. They knew damn well that those machines would fail. And that’s what we were alleging. That was a planned event. Well, then we have the situation where we have 19 inch ballots on 20 inch paper, the reason that’s important is because the black boxes that are all the way around a ballot, they’re timing marks and they tell the scanner how to orient itself and what it’s likely to see and where to look for it, because they’re 19 inch images and the machine’s expecting 20 inch images.

They rejected these ballots at the tune of 7000 every 30 minutes. Wow. And early on they said, oh, well, it’s just a glitch and we fixed it. No, they didn’t fix it. It was forced hand adjudication, which, gosh, there’s a reason that you’re using machines. Why would you thwart the machines if, of course, you wanted to inject some other thing into the election itself? Well, that’s not the worst of it then.

They lied about certification of the software. They claimed that it was election assistance Commission approved certified software and that it had been certified by the state of Arizona, secretary of state’s office. There’s another lie. What they had done is they took the stock software, put it into escrow. As this is as a representation. This is the software we’re going to use, knowing full well that in the back end, in Maricopa County’s offices, they altered the software.

That’s right. They altered the software in an inserted vote flipping software malware. Then, as if that weren’t bad enough, they also have what are called the God keys. These are, it’s a folder with, you know, ones and zeros. It’s the keys that a super user can enter the system, insert new information, extract themselves and never be found out. There’s no log file on it, nothing. They would never be found out.

So they didn’t use the software that had been certified. They used this Frankenstein thing that they had created that was never certified. It was never tested. Well, there’s a reason. Now we now know why Mark Elias and all the front groups are doing everything they can to prevent a side by side comparison of a hand count of paper ballots with the machine count. Because they know damn well that they’re not going to match.

Absolutely, because that’s why. Yeah. So as you can imagine, this is perhaps one of the most important cases that the court will hear that has to do with elections. We have caught multiple states, multiple counties, using the same machines, using the same architecture. So we have every reason to believe that the same problem has occurred in all of those states where we saw just inexplicable results. So with the Supreme Court, how’s the Supreme Court.

Look, in Arizona. I mean, is it, is it lopsided all Democrats? Is it republican? Is it a mixture? Yeah. So the Supreme Court in Arizona, the state supreme court is the mishmash of Democrats and Republicans. But we’re in front of the US Supreme Court, right? Oh, that’s. So we didn’t did because we held in us court, we didn’t have. We bypassed the entire state court system, which has got its own problems.

Okay, so you’re the supreme court in Arizona. You bypassed that one right to the US Supreme Court. Yeah, because we filed in us district court. We did not file in the state court system here. Okay. How did you. It makes sense because when we’re alleging that the judges that are in Arizona are perhaps corrupt. Yeah. Take this case outside of Arizona. That’s why we went to us district court.

How did you get the software? Did you have a machine, did they allow you to have a machine to examine a machine and the software, well, it was through discovery. And I mean, we had a number of different court cases where an analysis of the software, I guess I’m not sure how Ben Cotton was able to get access to the machines in Arizona. I didn’t have anything to do with the evidence collection, but it was a machine in Maricopa county that was a tabulator used in 2022.

Now keep in mind, it’s the same set of circumstances for 2020. So our argument was not speculative. We warned the court this is going to happen in 2022 because you’ve done nothing to correct what happened in 2020. And sure as shooting it happened in 2022. Now, one of the things that we’re extremely concerned about is we’re headed like a freight train in a 2024. Right. And if port does not hear this case and prevents the use of those machines, we are likely to see one again, a selection, not an election.

If the US Supreme Court rules that these machines are banned, we can’t use them because they don’t work. They’re a cheating system. Is that banned for the entire country or is it just for Arizona? It would be for the entire country. It would be applicable all across the United States, wherever those machines are in use. Now, of course, there will be even more litigation after that, I’m sure.

Right. They’ll probably appeal and. Yeah, so, I mean, I expect the court to remand it back to the US district court and they’re going to slow walk this thing that the bottom line is, and you’ve reported on this so well, the deep state does not want any interruption to in their plan. That’s what this is about. They’re going to do everything they can to protect the selection process so that people like Ken Buck and Mike Gallagher and folks that are willing to sell this country out with an early resignation, turning Congress over to the Democrats who didn’t rightfully win the majority, that’s the deep state at work.

And if they can do anything to interfere with this case, to prevent it from being heard, from, prevent it from being applied, we’re asking for a, quite frankly, a permanent injunction against the use of these machines. And by way of doing that, we have to move to hand counting of paper ballots at the precinct level on election day. That’s about the only solution that we would accept at this point, because the county, Maricopa county, has proven that it has absolutely no problem whatsoever.

Lying to the court, bald faced lying to the court about any issue that affects elections. No. And we’ve seen them lie during court over and over and over, and they got caught in lies. But again, when the system is corrupt and you have the judges, they already have the ruling in their head, they already know which direction they’re going to go in. They don’t care if the person lies or doesn’t lie or anything like that.

So, but the thing is, is that this cheating is not just with the machines. Because if it was just the machines, you know, people would find out. You’d have to have enforcers and the people that are controlling the elections, like richer and the rest, those are like the thugs that are making sure that nobody can see anything, nobody can do anything. And it’s not just in Arizona. You saw it in Detroit.

I mean, you saw the bullies kick everyone out so they can go ahead and they can cheat. So this is on multiple levels where they need their, their thugs at the lower level, guarding their cheating system. Then you have to have the cheating system, and this is how it’s all run. And then you have to have the lawyers to protect the thugs and their cheating system. It is a pervasive racketeering scheme.

Yes. And for the mainstream propaganda apparatus, some people call them media, they don’t call them news anymore because what they’re serving up is nothing but propaganda. I mean, Joseph Goebbels would be very proud of american propaganda artists. I’m convinced of it at this point. But they, they are going to do everything they can to, you know, apply Saul Alinsky’s rules for radicals. Well, vilify the people that are going to do this, marginalize them, make them seem like imbeciles make that.

Well, okay, we’ve got the proof, so you can say that all you want to. In fact, I’m at the CSPOA convention in Las Vegas. That’s where I’m appearing on your show from. That’s the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers association. And we had a bunch of tropes here yesterday. Trolls, New York Times, Washington Post. Well, how do you know this and how do you know it’s called evidence? Okay, you’re in a group of law enforcement individuals.

We don’t speculate on things. This is evidence. It’s hard evidence. And you turn a blind eye to it that tells me you are nothing but fakes and frauds and propaganda artists. So one of the gals was trolling me the entire day yesterday, and I said, look, I just, I don’t deal with fake media. I don’t care if you’ve got credentials or not. I’ve never seen an accurate story out of the New York Times ever.

Yeah, credentials to push propaganda. So what are their credentials really mean? I mean, you don’t mean. Exactly. Exactly. Let me ask you this. I just wanted to get your take on this because the, the House speaker made an announcement with Trump about having everyone be registered voter id. You have to be an american citizen to vote. And let’s talk about protecting our health. It blows my mind that more people aren’t talking about this.

That on Thursday, March 21, the court ruled that the FDA must delete every social media post addressing the use of ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. It’s been determined that the FDA lied in their demonizing of ivermectin and other effective drugs for the last four years, vindicating doctors like doctor Peter McCullough, who stood despite every cancellation campaign. But the question so many people are still asking is, okay, but how do you get ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine? Most doctors still wont even consider prescribing it.

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What do you think the strategy was behind that? I think it’s a propaganda move on the part of the GOP. I have zero faith left in the GOP anymore at the national level. This is something that should have been done decades ago and to now come in at the 11th hour and say, oh, well, we need to have this. Oh, yeah. So the criminal in chief, Joe Biden, is going to sign off on that legislation, right? Uh huh.

And the Democrats who are importing people, I mean, here’s an example. I think you might be close to Florida. So in Florida, it’s illegal for a, an illegal, it’s illegal for an illegal to register to vote. Yet the federal government is encouraging a criminal act by telling illegals that they need to register to vote. I mean, you can’t make this stuff up. You really can’t. What, what they’ve done is they’ve turned the election process into a sham, and they’re trying to hold on desperately to the, the power that is slipping through their fingers because the american people are onto them.

So now they’re going to point to an election that is irredeemably compromised in 2024 and try and claim a false result. What do you mean by that? Well, they’re going to project that fill in the blank. It won’t be Joe Biden. I suspect Joe Biden’s going to be out of power sometime in June. I’m guessing. I just kind of put a pin on the donkey’s butt of June 13.

Whoever ends up being the Democrat nominee will do the same thing that Joe Biden did, campaign from the basement. And then they’ll point to a close election where, oh, well, Donald Trump it was a close margin. And Donald Trump’s going to continue to be a threat when in reality, the overwhelming population in the United States supports Donald Trump and does not support the ongoing criminal enterprise known as the uniparty.

And that’s not just the Democrats. That as key Republicans within the structure of our government, there is so much rot within the federal government. And I’m glad that General Flynn has finally released his movie. If you haven’t seen Flynn the movie, you got to see it. General Flynn walks through the hierarchy. Rot. And I would go as far as to say the cancer that we have seen take over our country while we thought people were looking out for our best interests, no, they were looking out for the best interests of our adversaries.

We see that in everything that is going on. Why are we sending billions and billions of dollars to the Ukraine? Well, because it’s a money laundering operation, that’s why. Absolutely. It keeps the defense industrial complex fed. The thing that, and I’ve said this maybe on your show before, the reason that Donald Trump is a threat is because he wants to end the endless wars. He wants to stop feeding the beast, the lifeblood of this nation and the finances of this nation, for engaging in wars all over the world that have nothing to do with us, even starting wars that should never have happened.

You know, General Flynn has talked a number of times about, and I think this comes from Sun Tzu, war is the failure of diplomacy. Yeah. Well, if that truly is the case, then the diplomats in the United States all need fired because we’re always at war. That is true. Yeah. Yeah, we’re always at war. So do you think, I mean, Trump, he put out a truth saying, since he’s having his trial in New York, that 200 million people are behind him.

I mean, if we know that the election system is a cheating system that they control, do you think, if we have to use this cheating system, do you think with enough people, do you think we can override it? Well, I think they’re going to do everything they can to cheat because they know that the people are not behind them. So they have to create the illusion the people are behind them.

That’s one of the reasons why they’re trying to register a bunch of illegal aliens right now. Most of the, and this, it makes sense that illegals probably are not going to go to the polls. Yeah, it’ll be very obvious that they’re probably not entitled to vote, enter the mail in ballot system. This whole thing has been architected very carefully to cover their tracks. So if you’ve got ballots that are coming in from people who do not have a right to vote in this country, and you have individuals like Adrian Fontez, who is the secretary of state in Arizona, the guy that arguably is holding the office that I was elected to.

This is the guy who says, well, we’ve got it figured out. You know, just because you don’t have a birth certificate, just because you don’t have proper id to demonstrate that you are a legal citizen doesn’t mean that you can’t vote. What kind of absurd gobbledygook is that? Yeah, well, the whole point is they want to overwhelm the american people, two thirds of the american people, 60% or better, they want to overwhelm the american people and the legitimate vote with illegitimate numbers.

And they can do that electronically. They can do that from ballot harvesting. I mean, when you’ve got ballot harvesting legal in California and Nevada, Democrat controlled states, you know that it’s not going to, all that is, is to propagate the lie, to continue to prop up a regime that is in power because of fraud. They’re terrified of the people actually taking control. Because the people take control. There’d be a lot of change around this place.

Whole lot of change. And that is why they hate Donald Trump. Donald Trump was going to interfere with their cash flow. It’s that simple. No, more complicated than that. By shutting down the war machine or at least dialing it back and focusing on the United States defense as opposed to engaging in offensive measures around the world. The defense industrial complex would still be making money, but they would be making money defending us instead of defending other people’s borders.

That’s what’s absurd about this. We don’t have our own border defended, but we’re in other countries defending theirs. Who can make up this nonsense? Well, the people that want to promote the idea that we should be an open borders nation, bullshit. No, no, no. We don’t have a nation if we don’t have a protected border. I agree completely. I mean, and I think, and when you look at the polls and everything, I think the people see it now.

I think they see that open borders, it doesn’t work. I mean, I saw out in New York when they were having a hearing and the illegals there, they’re complaining about the free food that they’re getting. And one of the councilwoman, they’re saying, listen, how much more do you think we can give you? How much more do you think you’re going to get? Who told you that? The roads were paved with gold here.

I mean, what did you expect when you came to this country? Because we’ve given you so much. We have nothing left to give you. And it’s amazing how they’re complaining that they’re not getting enough. And I think the people are getting very sick and tired of this. And they’re saying, you know something? I see it now. Maybe it sounded great in the beginning. Oh, yeah. Open borders. They want the same way of life.

But now I see the toll that is, that it’s taken on our cities, our states, the towns. And they’re seeing the crime. They’re seeing it all now. So that’s the real big lie. Yeah, it’s the real big lie and what we’re watching. And it’s unfortunate that in our public school system, government school system, we no longer teach important things. We teach this transgenderism garbage. And how about we talk about cloward and Piven, Francis Fox Piven, and I forget Claude’s first name.

I think it was Robert or Richard. They’re leftists from Harvard sociologists who basically came up with a construct that if you flood a nation’s borders with illegal entrance, you will overrun its ability to serve not just the people that are flooding the borders, but also the people who are paying the taxes. And it is designed to bring the collapse of capitalism. Well, apparently they’re married to the idea that we should spread misery across everybody as opposed to prosperity across everybody.

So that what we’re seeing is the application of coward and pigment right now in real life, it’s no longer theoretical. That’s exactly what they’re doing. And unfortunately, the american people were led down the primrose path. In fact, I find it just utterly ironic that the very cities that demanded they be sanctuary cities are the ones that are complaining now about how their own services are collapsing. Yep. Oh, we need more money from the federal government.

Well, I got news for you. There’s sunshine. There isn’t any more money. Just because we can print dollar bills doesn’t mean you got money coming. What you’re getting is you’re getting fiat currency that is debasing everything else. Congratulations. Welcome to socialism, which is the next step towards communism. But you’re looking to make a difference. You’re running for the Arizona Senate now, and what are you looking to do? Who are you up against? Well, we currently have a gentleman who.

He is a gentleman, but he’s also a Democrat, registered as a Republican. His voting record is very much Democrat. He was the liaison for, interestingly enough, the liaison for the Senate in the 2020 Arizona Senate forensic audit and did everything he could to undermine that audit. Fact, I was recruited to run for the Senate to replace him by people who are in the Senate right now. I said, we can’t have this guy coming back.

He rolls the caucus because we have a very narrow margin in the Arizona Senate, 16 Republicans, 14 Democrats. It only takes one member to abandon the caucus on important votes, and a bill will either go down or a Democrat policy will pass. Here’s our problem. If that happens in the House as well, which also has a one vote margin, we have a Democrat governor who will send sign any harebrained thing that comes through.

And there are some harebrained things that come through with the Democrats when they are able to put legislation together and get it passed out of the, out of the chamber. So I’m running to represent the rural interests. I’m a country boy. I identify 100% as a country boy. I am not a city dweller. I don’t do well in the city. I really enjoy the country life. So I’m in Prescott, Arizona, which, by the way, is the territorial, historic, territorial capital of Arizona before it came, became a state after it was cut off from the New Mexico territory.

So I aim to continue to pursue election security and transparency. We’ve got a border crisis that now touches every single county in Arizona. And quite frankly, every county in America is a border county because the Obama administration is shipping people by plane, bus, and train into every community in America to try and embed illegals into the fabric of America. It is almost like a virus that has been injected into our body.

And then, of course, we’ve got problems with education, with transportation, taxation. So it’s those things. I got an eight year voting record in the House of Representatives when I served earlier of being one of the most fiscally conservative members of the House and Senate. I plan to go back and do that very same thing. But you got to get there. And our primary is July 30. They moved it ahead by a week, thank heavens.

I’m actually glad to see that some people complain about it. But, yeah, July 30. And so we’re out raising money. In fact, we’ve got an event coming up, Mar a Lago next Thursday, July 25, that I’m hoping some of your listeners will consider getting a ticket to. It’s fairly inexpensive as far as Mar a Lago goes, and they can find that at finchem event. com. That’s Finchem event.

com. It takes money to get elected. I mean, it’s. And it’s about getting your message out. I’m thankful for channels like yourself, uh, Bannon and some of the other places that have given us a platform so that we can speak the truth to power. But it’s not enough because not everybody watches. Everybody should watch you. Right, Dave? They don’t. That’d be nice, but they don’t. Can you imagine having 200 million voters watching you? Geez, that, now that’s what you call platform.

Yeah, that’s a platform, yeah. That’d be the aircraft carrier of India. Yeah, absolutely. So for those people that can’t make it to Mar a Lago, how else can they help you out? They can just visit votefinchem. com. That’s votefinchem. com. And your listeners, by the way, have been so supportive with the election Fairness Institute. We’re engaged in a couple of different litigation actions and EFI basically does research and reporting.

And then we support individuals who, particularly with election process. We’ve got a case going on right now in Mojave County, Arizona, where the Arizona attorney general threatened a county supervisor with criminal charges for saying that he wanted to go to hand counting a paper ballots because he didn’t trust the machines. So it’s stuff like that that the election fairness institute is engaged in. Also the precinct mapping project Seth Keshel is running that.

Seth’s on our board. We’ve identified counties all over the United States and precincts within those counties for people to take a close look at because statistically their voter registration files look to be polluted. And we’ve had some really big wins. A number of counties have flushed people that have been on their voter rolls for decades. They’ve gotten them off the voter rolls because they don’t exist. So we’re doing lots of work.

But yeah, vote fincham. com for the political stuff, votefinchem. com. And then if folks want to take a look at what we’re doing with the election Fairness Institute, that’s go efi. org dot. I know I’ve thrown a whole bunch of URL’s to you. Yeah. Is most important right now is the finchamevent. com because we’re on the clock with that. We’ve got a button that up by April 21 is our deadline to give Mar a Lago the head count for the people that are going to be there.

Right. I mean, I’ll put those links at the bottom of the video. And I think what people are starting to realize is that the deep state, the ds, they have a lot of the institutions they have, a lot of the big companies and all behind them compared to us, where we’re looking at the people to help out. And I think as more and more people start to realize, like, you know something? No one’s coming to save us.

No, no. Big, gigantic, you know, corporation with tons of money. So I think it’s up to us to help and to push this through. And I think people are starting to realize that this is very much like a history student. This is very much like the french partisans fighting the nazi war machine. Yeah. They were fighting it with rudimentary weapons. And here you had the nazi war machine that had, you know, tanks, missiles, bombs.

They engaged in state terrorism. You know, they line people up and just shoot them. We’re dealing with that. And I believe that that is coming to America. When you have this. This evil power that is now running rampant through the american experience, when you have an FBI and a DOJ that is persecuting parents for standing up for their kids at school board meetings, we’re not far away from the kind of misbehavior that we saw in 1940 with the rise of the nazi party, we’re already seeing it.

So I’m very fearful for our children and our children’s children that they will not be able to grow up in the kind of nation that I grew up in now, maybe. I mean, it’s kind of got me asking the question. I’m 67 years old. How long has it been this way without me knowing it? I’ve lived a good life. I’ve had. God has blessed me with a lot of.

With a rich life experience, from employment to relationships to just the life that I’ve lived. How much of that is a sham? And I really. It grieves me to know that this has been at work for a long time. Yeah, I just think we’re all seeing it right now, and it’s being thrown into our face where you can’t unsee it, but I think the people experience it. That’s exactly right.

Yeah. Yeah. And I think the people are going to step up. I think that the more they see, the angrier they’re getting. And I. And when I speak to people, they’re getting angry. I said, well, that’s good. So. Because if you weren’t angry, you wouldn’t, you know, you wouldn’t do something. You wouldn’t say, you know, enough is enough. Because if you don’t see the chaos, if you don’t see what’s happening, you would just sit there and do nothing like we’ve been doing for quite a while.

So I think this is a good thing. And I think people are waking up, and I think this is going to work out in our favor in the end, because the people in the end will. I think when they rise up, they will. They will win against the evil that we’re fighting. So, um, I’m hoping. Yeah. But I. My concern is that they’re going to think that it’s a destination.

This is going to be a journey. Because evil will stop. No, no, evil will never stop. Always try to find a way to insert itself. Yes. So we’re playing whack mole here. Yeah, we’ll whack 1 mol and they’ll pop up someplace else. But I agree with you, Dave. I mean, the more people that are involved, the more people, because this is a populist nation. We need a people.

Right? We, the people have been asleep for a long time, and now it’s time for we, the people, to awaken and to stand their ground. Hey, Mark, thank you very much for being on the x 22 report spotlight once again. Just give the people the links and where they should go to see your work. Yeah. For the Mar a Lago event is coming. Well, it’ll be a week from today.

Oh, my gosh. A week from today. Mar a Lago. Finchamevent. com poolside reception, I think is $1,000. If you haven’t been to Mar a Lago, you really need to click on the link, get a ticket, and have that experience. Because I’m fearful that come this time next year, President Trump will either be president or he’ll be whisked away to prison on some false gulag charge. If people want to know what the election fairness institute is up to, they can go to goefi.

org. We are a 501 c three. So if people want to make a contribution that helps advance our work, and we do not accept contracts from any government entity whatsoever. We want this to be a company that’s run by the people, for the people, and for the people’s public interest. And then, of course, if folks want to support my campaign for state senate, it’s votefincham. com dot. Great.

I’ll put all the links at the bottom of the video. Mark, once again, thank you very much for being on the spotlight. I really appreciate it. Thank you, Dave. I appreciate all the work that you do. And by the way, folks can also write the Supreme Court and ask that they hear the case of Lake and Fincham v. Fontes et al. That’s Lake and Fincham v. Fontes. Fontes et al.

The court, from what I understand, actually does listen to the people when they get bombarded with letters. Don’t bother with an email campaign because it’s not gonna work. Phone calls, well, they can phone bank those. But when you write a letter and the Supreme Court’s address is out on the Internet, it means something to them. So thank you very much, Dave. I appreciate the time. Thank you very much.


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