Man Arrested After Kroger Toddler Issue Men Robbed After Being Lured Into Hotel Room Jordan Chiles | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels

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➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels talks about how two men were tricked into attending a party at a hotel in Memphis, where they were robbed at gunpoint by three men. The incident was recorded by one of the women who had invited the victims. The stolen items included iPhones, Apple watches, and shoes. The police are still investigating the case and no suspects have been arrested yet.


Men were lured into a Memphis hotel room, so for those of y’all that are not familiar with the finesse, I’ma break it down for you. So you see the woman out there? You see the woman over there on the right? Caught on camera video shows two men robbed at gunpoint at a hotel in northeast Memphis. Police tell us this happened just after 9 Saturday night and tonight police are still searching for the three men involved. Fox 13’s Sierra Jordan breaks down the armed robbery. She has the latest information. Two young men came here to Hotel Elite for a party, but that party turned into a robbery after they were held at gunpoint and it was all caught on camera.

I can’t even imagine nothing like that. That’s why I don’t go to hotels, baby. I got my house. Take a look at the security video. Police say three women invited two men into a room for a party at Hotel Elite on Summer Avenue. You see the group walking inside the hotel. Look at these little scallywags. Look at the little scallywags. Listen, man. It’s the oldest trick in the book and I keep telling these young guys on a regular basis, don’t you get caught up chasing a little scallywag. Don’t give her your location.

Don’t take her to your house. Don’t go to no hotel room with her. It’s not safe. You know, the safest thing for you to still have your head at the end of the day by the end of 2024 and for you to still be in good health and not be in a wheelchair and not shut up, right, is to just align yourself with a group of people. That’s why we got the bag chaser. So you ain’t got to be out here with these scallywags. It’s safe with the chaser. Shout out to my rich friends, Rachon.

I’m going to be reading that super chat shortly. When you go out here, all right, and you think that this woman is giving you motion and she love it. Oh man, she’s feeling me. Hey, dog, it’s three of them and they inviting two of us to a hotel room. It’s a set up. It’s a set up. It’s a set up. Trust and believe you are food out here in these streets, especially when they some little scallywags. Hotel room. Then three are men come in and police say threatened to kill other men. Seconds later, one of the women starts recording the men getting robbed.

People, they should not, you know, use that. They think it’s funny. They think it’s hilarious. iPhones, Apple watches and shoes were stolen from both victims. You can’t walk around being safe. Like you have to have a gun. And if they see you without it, they look at you like a target. We went to the hotel’s management office for answers on the security policy. We spoke to the manager on the phone. I was off. It was on Saturday. You would have to speak with my boss about let me say it. Let me say this.

This ain’t got nothing to do with the hotel security policy. This don’t have nothing zero zilch nada. We like to hold business owners accountable for the things that they should be accountable for. But this in particular don’t have nothing to do with the hotel security policy. This is people doing egregious things, setting up other people and doing stuff that they’re not supposed to do in the first place. This don’t have nothing to do with the hotel. We spoke to a woman staying at the hotel about her concerns with security. She did not want to be on camera to protect her identity.

They have security here at night, though. But that’s the thing. I don’t like half the time they’re here half the time they’re not in this gate right there. It’s broken. It’s trash. Nothing to do with. We reached out to Memphis police for an update on the robbery. They say they have no suspects in custody, but the investigation continues. If you have any information related, let us know in the comments below. Let me tell you something about this guy. This guy is getting more sassy by the day. This guy is getting more sassy by the day.

It’s a lot. It’s a lot to deal with. Look, this is what we do. We get distracted over here on the Millionaire Morning Show. Let’s continue. It was a disturbing sight for many shoppers who were here in the parking lot of this Kroger on Five Folks Road Wednesday afternoon, a man repeatedly hitting and screaming at a small child. Now, a bystander recorded video of the incident that has since gone viral. We do want to warn you it may be difficult to watch. That is totally uncalled for what I thought hurt me. Self on video of a Wednesday afternoon visit to this Kroger in Lilburn has become a trending topic online as it appears to show a Snellville man’s aggressive parenting style on full display.

In the video obtained by Fox 5, 44-year-old James Collins can be seen striking a three-year-old child in the backseat of his truck and yelling at the toddler after he’d apparently had an accident. Gwinnett County Police say it has been viewed and shared thousands of times online. Amanda Martin, a frequent shopper at this Kroger, says she saw it in a Facebook post. Martin says she was glad someone spoke up, never want to put yourself in danger, but obviously, you know, they were afraid for the child. Shopper Elena de Brazil says she would have done the same thing.

Gwinnett County Police confirmed Saturday they were aware of the video and had assigned the case to a detective. Within hours, they announced Collins had been arrested and charged with first-degree cruelty to children. Now, Gwinnett Police say the child suffered minor injuries and is currently being cared for by other family members. The Department of Family and Child Services was- He’ll be back out. He’ll be back out. You have his kid. It’s not even going to be a thing. I can just tell you that right now. All right, so couple different things, couple different thoughts on this.

Number one, one of the reasons why officials were worried about children during the pandemic is because of the amount of abuse and the things that they endured in their household. And in a lot of instances, school was the only place for them to be able to have safety and the potential to be able to report anything that was going on to them at the house. And so when you see stuff like this happen, this is not abnormal. This is very, very normal. The problem with it, the biggest problem with it, is that it happened to a toddler.

Because I can’t imagine anybody that is three years old and under, in any way, shape, or form, ever deserving that type of abuse. Now, I see some people in the chat and they’re saying, y’all need to mind y’all business. All right, cool. The next time that you’re getting your head knocked off, we just going to walk on by, we ain’t going to worry about you, and we’re going to let the chips fall where they may. You see what I’m saying? You see how you start to play a dangerous game when you tell people to mind your business? Back when I was growing up, we lived in an environment where the neighbors were participatory, and that’s where community came from.

We had neighborhood watch. We had older people that would wait and pay attention. And when you got into the house to make sure that everything, or if anything was off, or you got home a little bit too late, they would call to find out and make sure that you was okay. Because that’s not normal for you to be coming in at that time of the night. And so we so busy getting caught up in the devil’s playground and doing things that we’re not supposed to do. And that’s the only time that you tell people to mind their business.

The only time that I’ve ever heard somebody say, mind your business, is when you was doing something that you wasn’t supposed to do. Because I’m never going to be problematic with somebody that’s overly concerned about my safety. So we pick and choose when we want that to apply. Oh, mind your business because I’m doing something I ain’t supposed to do. Shut up, lady, you and Karen. But then when it comes to your own safety and compromising the things that you’re supposed to do, how come ain’t nobody helped me? And let me also say this before we go over to the next story.

Everybody not meant to be a parent. Everybody not meant to be a parent. When I said that we need to take competency courses, and we need to be able to take care of these children, and so on and so forth, I get so much pushback. But this is an example of why everybody is not meant to be a parent. Anyways, moving on. Last but not least, Jordan Childs was stripped of her bronze medal as a result, and she was ordered to return it back even after taking pictures and holding it up for the camera.

All right, now to the Olympics. And that unfortunate news for American gymnast Jordan Childs, the 23-year-old Olympian, being forced to return her bronze medal. It comes after the sport’s highest court overturned her ruling that brought her the bronze medal in the video with the very latest this morning. Omar, what’s going on? Yeah, good morning, Megan and Lauren. We can tell you from heroics to heartbreak, the floor exercise fiasco in Paris has sparked an Olympic-sized controversy. This morning, the International Olympic Committee announcing that Jordan Childs must now return that bronze medal she won in the Paris Olympics floor exercise after sport’s highest court said her score was judged improperly.

That decision came less than 24 hours after the court of arbitration for sport voided a scoring appeal made by Team USA coach Cecile Landy during the competition that vaulted Jordan Childs onto the podium. The IOC announcing it is now- Quentin, you said she gets to keep it? That’s my official Olympian. This is my official Olympic correspondent and sports correspondent, Quentin. He will be at the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles, ladies and gentlemen. Now reallocating the bronze from Monday’s women’s floor final to Romanian Anna Barbossu. Childs originally placed fifth during Monday’s final floor exercise, but Team USA coach Cecile Landy called for an inquiry on her score.

Moments later, the judges upgraded Childs’ score, giving her enough points to place third. The CAS ruled Saturday that the on-floor appeal by Landy to have point one added to Childs’ score came outside the one-minute window allowed by the International Gymnastics Federation. Landy’s inquiry came one minute and four seconds after the score was posted. USA Gymnastics and the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee said they were devastated by the CAS ruling, adding that throughout this appeals process, Jordan has been subject to consistent, utterly baseless and extremely hurtful attacks on social media.

Treatment that no athlete should be subject to, they said. Childs posting this on her Instagram page saying that she is taking this time and removing herself on social media for her mental health. Teammate Simone Biles also posted a message on Instagram supporting Jordan Childs saying, sending you so much love, Jordan. Keep your chin up, Olympic champ. We love you. And Childs’ sister coming to her defense as well saying, in the history of the Olympics, no one has ever been stripped of their medal in a situation like this. Her sister went on to say, there are two ways you can be stripped of a medal, cheating or doping, and Jordan did neither.

The IOC says in a statement, it will be in touch with the US Olympic Committee regarding the return of Childs’ bronze medal and will work with the Romanian Olympic Committee to discuss a reallocation ceremony to honor Barbossu. That’s the latest for now here live in the studio this morning. Lauren, Megan, we’ll send it back. Oh, oh, I feel so bad for her. Listen, this is just the way that things go. I do think that the judges need to be held accountable, but it is what it is. I don’t really care about their Olympics like that because of the way that they disrespected my Jesus.

And then on top of that, uh, I heard that it was two tough boxers, uh, that beat up all little women. Anyways, anyways, ladies and gentlemen, that is your quick hits. Thank you. [tr:trw].

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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crime in Memphis Memphis hotel robbery no suspects arrested yet ongoing police investigation recorded crime incident robbery at gunpoint robbery victims stolen iPhones and Apple watches stolen items recovery theft at party theft of shoes tricked into attending party

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