Major Black Swan Event Predicted To Hit In 2024 On CBS News!!



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➡ CBS National Security correspondent Catherine Herridge predicts a game-changing “Black Swan” event in 2024 that will have high impact and is hard to predict. This event is being anticipated and prepared for by many, exacerbating existing divisions and creating fertile ground for adversaries like North Korea, China, and Iran to exploit.


You. What’s up, folks? Welcome to Nino’s Corner Fluff tube Edition. So it’s finally hitting the mainstream. It’s finally getting out there that there could be a black swan event in 2024. Well, if you’ve been on Nino’s corner dot tv and been following myself and many of my guests, we’ve been talking about this for a very long time, in fact, to the point that I’m not even looking towards an election.

I’m looking towards this event. Catherine Herridge predicts black Swan event in 2024 fertile ground for our adversaries. CBS national security correspondent Catherine Herridge offers a dark prediction for 2024 during a year end panel on Face the Nation. So this was on face the Nation, folks. Catherine Herridge, born May 18, 1964, is a CBS News investigative correspondent currently based in Washington, DC. She began her role at CBS in November 2019 after leaving her role as chief intelligence correspondence for Fox News Channel.

She had hosted the Saturday edition of Weekend Live. So a lot of you don’t start paying attention until, I know a lot of normies are like this. You don’t pay attention until it hits the mainstream. And once they start talking about it, your little antennas go up. So I’m going to go ahead and share the screen right here and show you what she’s talking about. 2024 may be the year of a black swan event.

This is a national security event with high impact. That’s very hard to predict. So, folks, I’m not even looking towards the election. This is the event. This is what changes the game. This is the event both sides know about. They know it’s coming to this. This is what both sides are gaming for. This right here predict. There are a number of concerns. I have that factor into that.

Not only this sort of enduring heightened threat level, and we’re so divided in this country in ways that we haven’t. So see, folks, everyone’s gaming this out right now. How is this going to go down? I’m going to have wano saving on probably tomorrow. I think tomorrow to be talking more in depth about this, we’re going to dig deep into type. This is the desired event both sides want, folks.

This is it right here. It’s not going to the cycle in November, if you know what I’m talking about, seen before. And I think that just creates fertile ground for our adversaries like North Korea, China and Iran. And that’s what concerns me most. So here we are, folks. This is where it’s at. It looks to me like this is where it’s headed. If you’ve been on Nino’s corner tv, this is what we’ve been talking about a very long time.

A very long time. And I’ll stop sharing the screen there. And, folks, this is it. This is what we’re coming to right here. And it’s finally hitting the mainstream. Someone finally brought it out. Catherine Herridge finally brings it out. If you’ve been on Nino’s corner tv, you’ve known about this for the last three years. So we’re coming to that pinnacle, that final moment. And my last three shows on Ninoscorner tv have been talking about 2024.

And what can we expect, folks? You need to prepare. You have got to prepare. I think we all kind of know. A friend once told me that owned a ranch, he always knew when a storm was brewing, when a storm was coming, because the birds started flying a little bit lower, the cattle started bunching together. And that’s what we’re seeing in America, folks. And you know as well as I do, all these immigrants that are flooding the border, not a good thing.

It’s not a good thing. And will they be activated at certain times? Just posing the question, could all things happen at once? Could all these things cultivate and happen at one time? I think that’s what we might be looking at. And then you got predictive programming with predictive programming with leave the world behind. And then the other movie that’s coming on Netflix, Civil War. They’re priming you for this.

They’re priming you for this moment. And it’s coming to it, folks. And I think we all know 2024 is going to be the final battle, the deciding year. It’s come down to this. Give me your thoughts down below. Give me your comments down below. What do you think? Black swan event. Me personally, it’s inevitable. It’s coming. All right, folks, later. .


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