Israels Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK America And Palestine by Matthew Tower | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Jim Fetzer presents a discussion on the complex relationship between the U.S., Israel, and Palestine. It suggests that Israel has manipulated U.S. foreign policy to its advantage, particularly in relation to the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent Middle East wars. The text also alleges that Israel has long-term plans for the genocide and subjugation of the Palestinian people. Lastly, it highlights JFK’s opposition to Israel’s nuclear weapons program and expansionist plans, contrasting it with Lyndon Johnson’s pro-Israel stance.
➡ In the 1960s, Israel gained control over territories in the West Bank, Gaza, and parts of Egypt and Syria. This was opposed by JFK, who wanted Palestinian refugees to return to their homes or be compensated. JFK’s plan would have disrupted Israel’s majority status, which was established through forced displacement of Palestinians and changing of land names. JFK’s assassination is suggested to have been beneficial for Israel, as his policies were against their interests, including their nuclear weapons project and their influence in American politics.
➡ This text emphasizes the importance of truth and action for the betterment of the country. It suggests that the tragic events of 9/11 were manipulated and encourages people to speak out about it. The text also highlights the hope for a brighter future, where people rise from the shadows, remembering their roots and striving for freedom. It ends with a religious note, stating that truth will set people free and acknowledging Christ as king.
➡ In an effort to gain support from Zionist Jewish voters, Truman backed the 1947 partition vote and quickly recognized Israeli statehood in 1948, despite objections. This led to a complex situation involving political maneuvering, bribery, and pressure tactics to secure UN votes for the partition plan. The partition of Palestine and the establishment of Israel were controversial and led to ongoing conflict. The article also suggests that JFK’s presidency was seen as a threat to Israel’s goals, leading to conspiracy theories about his assassination.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories surrounding the JFK assassination, the role of Israel, and the USS Liberty incident during the Six-Day War. It suggests that Lee Oswald was innocent and that the assassination was orchestrated by Zionist Jewish mobsters. It also alleges that Israel planned to use the USS Liberty incident to draw the U.S. into the war. The text further claims that the U.S. and Israel were close to starting a nuclear war, with other NATO countries possibly involved.
➡ During the Six Day War, British and American forces were on high alert in Cyprus, hinting at their knowledge of the conflict. This article also discusses Operation Northwards, a plan to tarnish Fidel Castro’s reputation and justify an American attack on Cuba. It suggests that the attack on the USS Liberty might have been a similar tactic. The article also delves into the assassination of Robert Kennedy, suggesting CIA and Israeli involvement, and the potential political ambitions of JFK Junior, who was suspected to be investigating his father’s and uncle’s assassinations.
➡ A terrorist group led by Mr. Begin and Mr. Netanyahu, who later became prime ministers, was involved in several violent acts, including bombing the King David Hotel and invading Lebanon. They also started the Netanyahu Institute, promoting the idea of fighting terrorism. The article suggests that Israel had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, citing the behavior of a group known as the Dancing Israelis and a prediction made by Israel’s founding spymaster. The article also claims that the U.S. investigation into these events was shut down by the White House, leading to a series of wars and the ongoing war on terror.
➡ The text suggests that the U.S. has been involved in numerous wars, primarily for Israel’s benefit. It alleges that certain influential figures with dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship have manipulated U.S. foreign policy to serve Israel’s interests. The text also claims that the U.S.’s ‘War on Terror’ has been used as a justification for military action in countries not directly linked to 9/11. Lastly, it discusses a supposed Israeli plan to dominate the Middle East by causing division and conflict among neighboring countries.
➡ The text discusses various geopolitical issues, including the dissolution of Syria and Iraq’s military power, which is seen as beneficial to Israel. It also mentions the destruction of cities like Mosul and Raqqa under the guise of fighting ISIS, and the support for Kurdish independence in areas rich in oil. The text also delves into conspiracy theories about the Kennedy assassination and the alleged involvement of the CIA, as well as the influence of secret societies and the Mossad’s covert operations. Lastly, it criticizes the excessive secrecy and censorship in the U.S. government.
➡ The text discusses the idea that powerful, undemocratic forces within the US government can influence election outcomes and other major events. It suggests that these forces, possibly from the intelligence community, have been involved in significant incidents, including the JFK assassination. The text also implies that the US government is heavily influenced by Israel and the CIA, and that this relationship has led to various issues, including potential election rigging and the withholding of classified documents. Lastly, it mentions that certain individuals within the government may not believe in the democratic institutions of the US.
➡ This text discusses the complex relationship between the United States and Israel, highlighting instances of espionage, theft of technology, and political manipulation. It also mentions controversial events like the 9/11 attacks and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, suggesting that Israel might not be a true ally or friend to the U.S. The text also includes personal accounts of individuals protesting against Israeli actions, emphasizing the human cost of these conflicts. Lastly, it questions the integrity of the U.S. government and its allegiance to truth and justice.


Palestine was hardly Britain’s to give away. A young John F. Kennedy wrote in a 1939 letter to his father. He further remarked, after all, the country has been Arabic for the last few hundred years. You want answers? I think I’m entitled. You want answers? I want the truth. You can’t handle the truth. To be in deception, to be in fear, to be deceived, is a much worse place to be than to have some truth. Like it says in the Bible, the truth will set you free, and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Here’s an Israeli confessing the truth. Washington is Israel’s most subservient colony. The government’s been taken over. The date I say it was concrete, that there was a coup and we lost our government was November 22. Yes. Assassination of Kennedy. I’m a former Zionist and a former jew. Let’s go on a journey together to uncover the truth. I think Americans largely get it. They know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. On 911, why was this israeli woman smiling? Well, big catastrophe, and I’m israeli, and I hope that now people understand what we have to deal with, the kind of people that we’re dealing with on a day to day basis.

This is World Trade center seven, which wasn’t even hit by an airplane on 911. Free fell into its own footprint at the speed of gravity and was an obvious controlled demolition. One of Benjamin Netanyahus closest friends, Larry Silverstein, a major zionist financier of Israel who was deeply connected with numerous israeli terrorist leaders such as Yitzhak Shamir and Ariel Sharon, leased the World Trade center shortly before 911 for a mere $14 million when the twin towers collapsed. In controlled demolitions engineered by the israeli Mossad, Silverstein worked through his buddy Elliot Spitzer, the pro Israel zionist governor of New York, to use an insurance scam that pocketed him a $4.5 billion windfall.

Elliot Spitzer. He got me the four and a half billion dollars. We got very, very lucky. It was very, very good for the family, very good for us, and we were very, very fortunate. We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the twin towers and Pentagon and the american struggle in Iraq, the israeli Mariev newspaper quoted Benjamin Netanyahu as saying in April 2008. He reportedly added that these events swung american public opinion in israeli favor. And I hope that now people understand what we have to deal with, the kind of people that we’re dealing with on a day to day basis.

Israel’s main strategic goal with Operation 911 was to spread panic and terrorize the public into hating Arabs and Muslims so that Americans would support perpetual Middle east wars on behalf of Israel. Whats the truth about al Qaeda? Who was blamed for 911 and the so called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria? Or Isis? Both were created by Israels Mossad and the CIA, who used them as puppets to deceive the public and fabricate phony justifications for us wars, primarily to advance Israel’s goal to create a Middle east empire. From the Jordan river to the Middle east. That’s all ours.

It was promised to us. There’s no palestinian nation. There’s a fight between the good and the bad, the good and the evil. We will Shifa hospital, all the hospitals, all the tunnels and kill them all. It’s about time. We are the center of the world. Now here’s former CIA director and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo dancing with the israeli army, apparently to celebrate the joint israeli us genocide in Gaza. Israel has been planning the total genocide, expulsion and subjugation of the palestinian people for many years. In February 2008, israeli general Matan Vilni threatened Palestinians in Gaza with a bigger holocaust.

In 2017, israeli finance minister Betzalel Smotrich unveiled Israel’s blueprint to commit genocide against the Palestinians in the decisive plan, also known as the subjugation plan. When asked if he intended to slaughter entire palestinian families, including women and children, Smotrich said, in war as in war, everyone knows that what happened in October 7 was an israeli setup. Everyone knows what look at in Smilo. It was an israeli setup. This is Israel’s 911. This is Israel’s 911. Israel used its 2nd 911, the October 7, 2023 incident, as the justification to implement the decisive plan genocide of Palestinians, that Smotrich publicly announced six years earlier.

All night I’ve been removing bodies from beneath the rubble. Dead children. We pulled them from three locations. And I would like to use the rest of my time to say how appalled I am that people are bringing up the Holocaust. Do not use other genocides to describe this one. I have been. You’ve seen footage of shredded children’s bodies. That’s my taxpayer dollars. So I think we should kill them all, if that makes you feel better. Washington is Israel’s most subservient colony. What kind of a peace do I mean? And what kind of a peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by american weapons of war.

Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace. The kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living. They are the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and build a better life for their children. Not merely peace for Americans, but peace for all men and women. Not merely peace in our time, but peace in all time. JFK supported palestinian refugee rights, opposed Israel’s nuclear weapons program and expansionist war plans, and tried to force AIPAC to register as a foreign agent from the moment he took office in January 1961.

Preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States, so help me God. JFK made it crystal clear that nuclear weapon non proliferation was a pillar of his presidency as part of his quest for global disarmament, the abolition of nuclear weapons and all weapons of war, and ending the capacity of all nations to wage war. His zionist vice president, Lyndon Johnson, who was primarily loyal to Israel, did not share JFK’s values. I have already taken steps to coordinate and expand our disarmament effort and to make arms control a central goal of our national policy under my direction.

The deadly arms race and the huge resources it absorbs have too long overshadowed all else we must do. We must prevent that arms racing from spreading to new nations, to new nuclear powers. Not only was LBJ opposed to every aspect of JFK’s peace and disarmament policies, Johnson in the 1940s had illegally shipped weapons in boxes marked Texas grapefruit to zionist terrorist militias who ethnically cleansed the Palestinians in the 1948 Nakba. Neither JFK nor his brother and confidant Robert Kennedy, wanted LBJ in the White House, as revealed by JFK’s widow, Jackie Kennedy. It was only months after her husband’s assassination when a 34 year old widow sat down to record more than 8 hours of recollections about her husband and his most private thoughts while they were still fresh.

JFK and his brother Bobby on Lyndon Johnson, the new president. Bobby told me this later, and I know Jack said it to me sometimes. He said, oh, God, can you ever imagine what would happen to the country if Lyndon was president? So many times you’d say it, or if there was ever a problem. Lyndon Johnson was a pathological liar, as reported by Bobby Kennedy, who said, LBJ lies all the time. I’m telling you, he just lies continually about everything. He lies even when he doesn’t have to lie. Speaking of lies, by May of 1963, JFK was furious at Israel for lying to him constantly about their nuclear weapons program.

Kennedy delivered a near ultimatum to israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, allow meaningful american inspections of Israel’s reactor in Dimona to prove it wasn’t being used for nuclear weapons or Israel would risk losing all american and western support. Also, Ben Gurion established his ambition to abolish partition and expand to the whole of Palestine. As far back as 1937 when Israel attempted to conquer the Gaza Strip and the egyptian Sinai peninsula, seize the Suez Canal and overthrow Egypts President Nasser with help from Britain and France in the 1956 to 57 Suez crisis, President Eisenhower kicked Israel out of Egypt using boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel.

Lyndon Johnson, the leader of the Senate in 1957, strongly opposed Eisenhowers sanctions against Israel. But President Eisenhower overruled him and told Israel to pound sand and withdraw. JFK, who was also a senator in 1957, did not rush to Israels defense or attempt to undermine Eisenhowers sanctions against Israel the way LBJ had thousands of Israelis demonstrate in Jerusalem against withdrawal from Gaza and Aqaba. Mister Ben Gurion, the premier enters to announce the government’s decision to the Nesset Israels parliament. Nearly the entire world applauded the Eisenhower administration for compelling the israeli aggressor to back off. The american ambassador in Egypt said the US has suddenly emerged as a real champion of right.

Eisenhowers handling of the crisis was a high point of his presidency. It upheld the authority and moral stance of the United nations and the ideals of the United States. Israel learned an important lesson from this humiliating retreat. The only way Israel would be able to conquer and hold onto the West Bank, Gaza and vast tracts of egyptian and syrian territory in the 1960s was by placing a zionist puppet they could control. In the White House. President Kennedy had a warm and cooperative relationship with Egypts President Nasser whom Ben Gurion hysterically denounced as a would be Hitler without any factual basis.

We want to be friendly to all the world. We want to participate in the case of peace. We want to cooperate with the world to avoid war. We have to defend our territory against aggression and we insist about gaining the rights of the Arabs of Palestine. The 1 million refugees we are insisting and we are calling to give the Palestine refugees their rights, their territory and their land and their homes. Overthrowing Egypts President Nasser was one of Israels numerous objectives that JFK opposed. Additionally, JFK was in sync with President Nasser in putting enormous diplomatic pressure on Israels ben Gurion to allow hundreds of thousands of palestinian refugees to return to their homes or be given the option of compensation and resettlement.

This would have largely reversed Ben Gurions plan Dalit which Palestinians call the nakba or catastrophe in which Ben Gurion and other zionist terrorist leaders masterminded the ethnic cleansing of Palestine using terrorism and the mass slaughter of civilians to expel 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and destroy 530 palestinian villages. Palestinians who fled often carried only enough to stay away for a few weeks, hoping they’d eventually return home. A lot of them lock their doors, put their key in their pocket, and then move to safer ground. When you leave the house and you take your key with you, it’s because you’re planning to go home.

In the case of the Palestinians, those refugees weren’t allowed to return. Refugees trying to return were often shot at. Zionist paramilitary operations also tried to prevent them from returning again by destroying the villages. That act of preventing their return compounded the nekba. So the Nekba is both the forcible displacement of Palestinians from their homes and lands and country, as well as preventing them to return. Once the fighting was over, palestinian society was dismembered, crushed. More than half of the palestinian people became refugees, stateless, dispossessed of their land. Over time, the state of Israel covered up the physical evidence of an Arab Palestine place.

Names were often changed from arabic ones to hebrew ones. The jewish national fund embarked on a massive effort to plant thousands of acres of pine forests and recreational areas on top of hundreds of ruined palestinian villages. Even though these forests have now grown into big pine trees, Palestinians have not forgotten their homelands. JFKs proposed return of hundreds of thousands of palestinian refugees would have upended Israels violently engineered zionist jewish majority status. Prior to Ben Gurion’s operation Dalit in 1948, Jews constituted only one third of the population of historic Palestine. Even after massive immigration from Europe over the prior decade.

In 1947, Jews controlled only 7% of the land of Palestine before zionist militias stole huge amounts of palestinian land to create the state of Israel. Furthermore, JFKs refugee return would have de facto blocked Israels long game, maximalist Middle east ambition to create a massive greater Israel empire. From the Euphrates river to the Nile river, what zionist rabbis called the Promised Land, swallowing all of Palestine and Jordan, plus large chunks of Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and all of Lebanon. Ben Gurion utterly resisted JFK’s palestinian refugee return plan and wrote in the fall of 1962, Israel will fight against this implementation down to the last man.

In fact, the zionist stern gang. Terrorist leader Yitzhak Shamir, who later became the 7th prime minister of Israel, oversaw the assassination of UN peace mediator Count Phelke Bernadotte in 1948, in large part because Bernadotte, also like JFK and President Nasser, wanted the palestinian refugees to be able to return to their homes on the 17 September 1948, Count Volcker Bernadotte landed at Kalandia airport north of Jerusalem, heading towards the YMCA. The three car convoy was suddenly halted. An army jeep pulled out from a side street to block the road. Three men in israeli army fatigues sprang out of the jeep.

Then suddenly the count opens the window of his car so he can see what’s happening. Then they identify him and Yehoshua Cohen goes to the car, puts his Schmeiser submachine gun in through the window, and unloads on everyone sitting in the rear seat. By 05:00 in the afternoon, Bernadotte lay dead in hospital. Politicians and diplomats representing their countries at the UN meeting in Paris came to Orly airport to pay their last respects. Following the Bernadotte slaying, Israels Prime Minister David Ben Gurion granted a general amnesty to all the guilty parties. He chose assassin Yehoshua Cohen to be his close friend and personal bodyguard at kibbutz Siddebokr in the Negev.

Ben Gurion created and supervised the Mossad, and Yitzhak Shamir became the Mossad director of assassinations, a position Shamir held at the time of the JFK assassination in 1963. For Israel, the JFK assassination was the sequel to the Bernadotte assassination 15 years earlier. On top of everything else, JFK was livid at Israels lobbyists in America, such as Abraham Feinberg and Isaiah Kennan, for shamelessly attempting to spy his entire Middle east foreign policy. During the 1960 presidential campaign, he directed his attorney general and brother RFK to register the American Zionist Council, the predecessor to AIPAC, as a foreign agent.

An attorney who worked for Israels lobbyists wrote that this effort would eventually destroy the entire zionist movement. Had the Kennedy brothers registration efforts succeeded, it likely would have resulted in the end of the state of Israel, because these same american zionist lobbyists for Israel, such as Abraham Feinberg, would have been exposed for funding Israels nuclear weapons project contrary to JFKs entire foreign policy. Furthermore, Israels agents in America were illegally and treasonously stealing nuclear weapons materials from the NUmec Apollo uranium plant in Apollo, Pennsylvania, and smuggling them to Israel. Ryan Dawson reports in his documentary that the NUmec nuclear holding company was a den of Zionists.

Their directors were Ivan J. Novik, a future zionist organization of America president, and David Lowenthal, a refugee smuggler for Israel who fought in the 1956 war. The FBI has photographs of lowenthal shaking hands with David Ben Gurion and Moshe Dayan, Israel’s military chief of staff from 1953 to 1958. Thel’s partner was doctor Zalman Shapiro, the president of NUMEC and also the Zionist Organization of America chapter president of Pennsylvania. The American Zionist Council was pumping out propaganda about every aspect of Israel’s nuclear program to deceive the american public. These treasonous lobbyists who claimed to be Americans but were loyal to Israel, lied and said Israel’s nuclear reactor in Dimona was built for peaceful purposes and couldn’t possibly produce a bomb.

If the Kennedy brothers had succeeded in registering the American Zionist Council as a foreign agent, which would have subjected all their records and finances to federal scrutiny, the entire nuclear weapons theft operation would likely have been unmasked. And had JFK found out about it, he certainly would have ended all military and economic aid to Israel as he threatened to do three times starting in May of 1963. Israel would likely have collapsed given its total dependency on american aid. Also, JFK might have asked the United nations to rescind its 1949 vote that granted member state status to Israel.

JFK might even have asked the UN to rescind its 1947 vote that partitioned Palestine like a crazy quilt and designated huge amounts of land to zionist Jews who didnt even own that land. And flushing, Long island, the General assembly of the United nations has made its decision on Palestine. The map shows what partition means. The jewish state colored light the arab state dark Jaffa to go to the Arabs Jerusalem internationalized no arab state voted for the 1947 partition of Palestine. The arab delegates declare boycott as the final roll call has begun in the face of total opposition from all arab nations, including the Palestinians, the zionist movement used bribery, threats and even an assassination attempt against President Truman to pass the 1947 UN partition of Palestine vote by the necessary two thirds.

Supermajority. The US State Department had strenuously opposed the partition of Palestine in the creation of the state of Israel. Considering both to be contrary to american principles and us interests against indigenous palestinian wishes and a violation of democratic principles. The joint Chiefs warned that the zionist strategy will seek to involve the United States in a continuously widening and deepening series of operations intended to secure maximum jewish objectives. US Secretary of Defense James Forrestal said the partition plan and creation of Israel could endanger us national security. Despite all this, US President Harry Truman supported both the partition of Palestine and recognition of Israel.

Yitzhak Shamirs terrorist Stern gang attempted to assassinate Truman in the summer of 1947, a few months before the partition vote. Harry Trumans daughter Margaret disclosed this incident in her biography of her father. Yitzhak Shamirs Stern gang mailed letter bombs to Truman and senior White House staff members that could have killed or maimed them. Although the Secret Service intercepted the letters, Truman got the message loud and clear. As a result of both this threat against his life and in an attempt to appease domestic zionist jewish voters and collect zionist campaign funds, Truman both supported the 1947 partition vote and rushed to recognize israeli statehood in 1948 against the objections of his diplomatic advisors.

We had several other people in the country, even among the Jews, the Zionists particularly, who were against anything that is to be done. If they couldn’t have the whole of Palestine and everything handed to them on a silver plate so they wouldn’t have to do anything, it couldn’t be done. We had to take it in small doses. You can’t move five or 6 million people out of a country and fill it up with five or 6 million more and expect both sets of them to be pleased. We had all sorts of objections to everything that was done.

Something had to be done. We went ahead and done it and had it done, and now it’s working out. Eventually I think we’ll have them all satisfied, but it’s going to take a great deal of time yet to get the job done. In fact, it was Abraham Feinberg, the same treasonous lobbyist who later funded Israel’s nuclear weapons program and tried to buy JFK’s Middle east foreign policy, who would finance Trumans whistle stop election campaign in 1948. Furthermore, the zionist president of United Fruit company Samuel Zemurri worked directly with future israeli president Chaim Weizmann to flagrantly buy UN votes for the November 1947 partition plan.

Zemuri asked each leader in the region two questions how do you intend to vote on partition and can your vote be changed? Zemuri told Weizmann that every vote from Mexico to Colombia was for sale. Zionists used every trick imaginable to pressure and cajole world leaders. Costa Ricas president Jose Figueres reportedly received a blank checkbook. Haiti was promised economic aid if it would change its original vote opposing partition. Zionist financier and longtime presidential advisor Bernard Baruch told France it would lose us aid if it voted against partition. The wives of latin american country delegates received mink coats.

In the end, all the zionist threats and bribery resulted in the UN passing the partition plan, despite all arab countries opposing it and with no support from the Palestinians who actually owned Palestine. Thus the UN vote to partition. Palestine was a zionist controlled political rubber stamp on the zionist theft of Palestine. It wasnt a binding vote, just an advisory opinion, but it was used as an excuse to steal the country even David Ben Gurion later admitted that the Zionists had stolen Palestine. Ben Gurion said in a conversation with zionist leader Nahum Goldman, quote, why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an arab leader, I would never make terms with Israel.

That is natural. We have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel. It’s true. But 2000 years ago? And what is that to them? There has been anti Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz. But was that their fault? They only see one thing. We have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that the atrocious historical crime of the partition of Palestine and the theft of the country would eventually have been called into question for JFK if he’d found out about the new mech zionist nuclear weapons smuggling operation.

One revelation would have led to more questions and more revelations of zionist crimes. Had the public found out Israel was stealing nuclear weapons materials from the Pennsylvania plant Israel at minimum, would have been permanently exiled from american halls of power. Ben Gurion’s high hopes were very different than JFKs. In addition to acquiring nuclear weapons, conquering more territory in the Middle east stopping the return of palestinian refugees and preventing AIPAC from being registered as a foreign agent David Ben Gurion had another major long term goal for Israel that could never be accomplished with JFK in the way.

The creation of a jewish Zionist one world government with Jerusalem as the global capital. This scenario is borne out by none other than Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, one of the great founders of Israel. Recorded in an astonishing article in look magazine. Ben Gurion predicted that a one world system presided over by Jerusalem will be set up in the near future. All continents will become united in a world alliance at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished and there will be no more war in Jerusalem. The United Nations, a truly United nations will build a shrine of the prophets to serve the federated union of all continents.

This will be the seat of the Supreme Court of mankind to settle all controversies among the federated continents as prophesied by Isaiah. While Ben Gurion’s goal was a zionist peace in which Israel would conquer and rule the world according to the Torah or Hebrew Bible also known as the Old Testament JFK’s christian faith and american ideals informed his vision of a very different kind of peace. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living. The kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and build a better life.

For their children. Not merely peace for Americans, but peace for all men and women. Not merely peace in our time, but peace in all time. The Kennedy presidency was an existential crisis for Israel on every conceivable level. Let us move up the steep and difficult path towards comprehensive disarmament, securing mutual confidence through mutual verification, and building the institutions of peace as we dismantle the engines of war. Israel’s back was against the wall. For Israel to survive and achieve all its goals in the 1960s, JFK had to go from Dallas, Texas. The flash apparently official president Kennedy died at 01:00 p.m.

Central Standard Time 02:00 Eastern Standard Time some 38 minutes ago. November 22, 1963 the CIA, Israel Zionists and a coalition of power elites overthrow the US government. Co opted israeli agent James Jesus Angleton, the most powerful man at the CIA at the time, orchestrated the assassination of JFK and the COVID up on behalf of both former CIA director Alan Dulles and Israels founding Prime Minister David Ben Gurion. Books such as JFK and the Unspeakable and the Devils chessboard name Angleton as a major player in the assassination. What neither book says is that CIA deputy director Robert Amory, one of the only honest CIA leaders with honor and integrity, correctly named Angleton to be a co opted israeli agent in October 1956, as revealed by another honest CIA agent, Crane Evelyn.

In his memoir Ropes of Sand, Israel held blackmail power over Alan Dulles, which ensured Angleton could get away with advancing Israels entire agenda, including the illegal smuggling of nuclear weapons materials out of the US. Crane Evelyn also says Engelton turned over most of the CIAS Middle east intelligence responsibilities to Israel. Angleton, pictured here with future Mossad director Ephraim Halevi, coordinated CIA Mossad operations to cover the entire Middle east and Africa. Thus the Mossad used their zionist loyalist Angleton to execute a coup of the CIA and take over nearly the entire CIA in the 1950s, long before JFK took office.

After Ben Gurion resigned as Israels prime minister on June 16, 1963, five months before the assassination, Halevi disclosed that Angleton met privately in person with Ben Gurion to transact business at Ben Gurions home in Sidiboker, Israel. With respect to us relations with Israel, Angleton ran a shadow government within the CIA. Angletons counterintelligence program was a CIA within the CIA, sealed from scrutiny and accountable to no one. Yet supported by an almost unlimited budget, Angletons israeli partners worked closely with him to prepare for the Dallas coup. The Mossads Yitzhak Shamir reportedly hired at least one of the JFK assassination team members.

Through a french intelligence contact, the Mossad and Shamir’s daughter confirmed Shamir was stationed in Paris during his tenure as director of assassinations. Shamir ran the Kadon, the ultra elite team known as the Mossad within the Mossad. Israeli press disclosed that the Mossad hired Adolf Hitler’s number one former commando, Otto Skorzeny, for ongoing assassination jobs starting in 1962. HP Alberelli reports Otto Skorzeny played a key role in the JFK assassination. Numerous zionist fingerprints are found all over the Dallas coup and the COVID up. The leader of Israel’s operations directorate and future israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was in Dallas, Texas, on the day of the JFK assassination.

According to Rabin’s widow, he was allegedly on a military briefing tour. Two weeks after the assassination, Rabin was promoted to chief of staff of the israeli military. The national Crime syndicate, which was mostly zionist and mostly jewish, played a major role in the assassination. Two different contacts who possess direct knowledge of the incident told me that organized crime boss and zionist Jew Paul Dorfman angrily pushed Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy up against a concrete column at a democratic fundraiser in San Francisco. At the Sheraton Palace Hotel’s grand court, Dorfman said to RFK, look, you son of a bitch, I put your brother in the White House and I can take him out.

In the weeks prior to the JFK assassination, Paul Dorfman’s stepson, Alan Dorfman, paid off Jacob Leon Rubinstein, aka Jack Ruby, the zionist jewish mobster who was charged with shooting and killing Lee Oswald, Engelton’s chosen scapegoat and Patsy for the JFK assassination. A paraffin test showed that the entire case against Oswald was a big lie. These charges, I like some legal representation. These police officers have not allowed me to have any. I’m just a patsy. Not only was Lee Oswald innocent of all charges, he loved President Kennedy and reportedly saved the president’s life a few weeks before Dallas by warning about an earlier assassination attempt that was being set up in Chicago for November 2, 1963.

Former secret service agent Abraham Bolden, who is loyal to JFK, is a living witness who testifies that this plot was funded by Israelis. I do know that in October over 1963, there was another information that was gathered by the secret service informant in Chicago that said that the president was about to be assassinated and that it was a done deal, that the money had been put up by israeli souls. When Rabbi Hillel Silverman interviewed Jack Ruby in prison, Ruby said, I did it for the jewish people. Ruby was a strong supporter of Israel, had traveled to Israel and had run guns illegally to Israel.

The Dorfmans and Jack Ruby were underlings of Meyer Lansky the zionist jewish chairman of the National Crime Syndicate and its infamous assassinations arm murder, Inc. Lansky was the most powerful mobster in the US. He was the actual godfather. He played a crucial role running guns to Israel for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. And he closely collaborated with CIA leadership on numerous operations including drug trafficking and assassination plots against Fidel Castro. In 1970, Lansky fled to Israel to escape tax evasion charges. Another CIA agent who was a zionist jewish spy loyal to Israel, Reuben Ephron, opened Oswalds mail on an ongoing basis before the assassination under Angletons direction.

Pro Israel zionist media such as the New York Times played a key role in disseminating Angleton’s lone gunman lie. Pinning the blame on Oswald. I can solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute. I will faithfully execute United States and will to the best of my building and will to be left to my building reserve serve pact then constitution of the United States Constitution of the United States they are the founders and rulers of the usurped states of Zionism and the Central Intelligence Agency. We have lived in the US ZcIa empire of lies ever since. The six day war in the Middle east between Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Syria is underway.

A spy ship, very lightly armed but bristling with antennae steams into the Mediterranean to eavesdrop on the conflict. With the war reaching its climax, israeli jets and motor torpedo boats launch an unprovoked attack on the ship. They drop napalm and strafe its decks with rockets, cannon fire and armor piercing rounds before trying to sink it with torpedoes. We had no way to defend ourselves and it was just. Were just slaughtered. And they shot up the life rafts that were put into the water and they shot the ones that were still on board the ship throughout the attack.

The ship flies the stars and stripes, the flag of the United States of America. Its name, the USS Liberty, is freshly painted on its stern. If the Israelis had succeeded in sinking the ship without leaving any witnesses or survivors Egypt would have been accused of the crime and the United States would have been drawn into the war and sided with Israel. In a presentation to surviving USS Liberty crewmen, journalist Peter Haunham reports. The intended purpose of the Operation Cyanide false flag was to create an excuse and pretext to launch a joint israeli us nuclear strike against Egypt.

President Nasser of Egypt was squarely in Israel’s crosshairs, multiple countries were on a hair trigger alert for a global nuclear war. What happened to you guys on June 8, 1967 was actually a seminal moment in world history. And yet the true story has been buried by your government. And the reason is that what happened was so shaming, not just to Israel, but to America too. Only by a hairstyle. Avoid a nuclear exchange. The superpowers nearly led us into a third world war. From late 1966 onwards, there were us military personnel, experts stationed in Tel Aviv, helping with Operation Sinai and planning for a forthcoming war against Egypt.

In other words, it wasn’t to defend Israel from an attack by Egypt. It was to promote an attack by Israel on Egypt. Their objective was to launch an invasion of Jordan and grab territory in the West bank and the old city of Jerusalem, which was considered historical areas of the Jews. By the time the liberty reached its position close to the egyptian coast, Israel had conquered the Sinai. Its troops were close to the Suez Canal. Underneath liberty there was a Polaris submarine, the USS Andrew Jackson, which had followed your ship all the way from Spain. Remember, a submarine like that has only one purpose and that is to strike against an enemy with nuclear weapons in the event of a nuclear war.

As the attack unfolded and the 6th Fleet got a message from the liberty that you were being attacked, instead of sending planes to your rescue, they started a counterattack on Cairo. Nuclear armed planes were dispatched from the US America, a huge aircraft carrier, to bomb Cairo. So these planes launched from the USS America reach within three minutes of dropping these nuclear weapons on Cairo, we laughed from several sources. They were well over egyptian territory when an order came through for them to urgently return to base. A panic stricken Robert McNamara and his president Lyndon Johnson came on the line and ordered the recall.

Altogether 50 planes were dispatched towards Egypt and after their recall, every one had to be counted in. It is reminiscent of Doctor Strangelove. Added to this, a powerful amphibious landing force was dispatched to land near El Alamein. And you could only assume that they were due to head for Cairo too. When it had to be recalled, it was clear the mission was a fiasco. But of course it was also an outrage because Egypt had not conducted the attack on the liberty. It was the Israelis. It’s quite well known now that Israel had been attempting to complete its first nuclear weapon outdoor their secret nuclear weapons plant in the Nekhev desert.

By the summer of 1967, the CIA had intelligence that Habomb was near completion. As your ship neared its position, I now can say that this nuclear weapon was ready to be detonated you were going to be in the fallout zone of where the bomb was going to go off. And it nearly did go off. There were teams in Israel ready to fly in helicopters with this device and detonate it in place. It was a suicide mission because they didn’t have timing mechanisms for the bomb. They had to run a very long wire nearly a mile to a detonator and set it off themselves.

And of course, being a mile from a bomb like that was likely to end in their deaths. Again, it’s got shades of Doctor Strangeman, one of the brave volunteers who was due to go on the mission, has spoken to me in Dieto, and he asked for me to say, this man understood that the bomb was going to be detonated on a mountain in the Sinai desert. The operation to place a bomb in Egypt was called Operation Samson, which indicates it was a sort of suicide emission, a last ditch measure. And some of these people have indicated that the Americans knew about it, that they knew what Israel was up to.

We must consider whether this was another reason why USS Liberty was sent close to the proposed blast area, or is it just a bizarre coincidence? I doubt it. It is no exaggeration to say that we were close to world War three. America’s strategic air command was controlled from a huge underground nerve center in Azazona. Its role was to launch a nuclear blitzkrieg on Russia and China. Its primary means of doing that were b 52 nuclear armed bombers. Before the liberty attack, these bombers were put on high alert. I interviewed a pilot of a B 52 who was on high alert in California, and he was placed in that position before the Liberty attack.

We also know that in Arizona, at SAC headquarters, similar measures were in place. And it’s interesting, isn’t it, that the involvement of the SAC suggests that other countries should well have known what was going on, because North Shia nuclear war involved NATO. And the involvement of SAC suggests America and Israel were not the only countries that might have been involved in events of that period. Sac was, of course, hooked into NATO, which was based in Europe. NATO was led by an american, general, Lemnica, who also had a second job, which was being in charge of us forces in Europe, including the Mediterranean.

These countries, members of NATO, probably knew something about this emergency and are also holding secrets about the six Day war. Bretton was in a perfect position to keep an eye on what was going on. It had amazing electronic listening facilities in Cyprus. One crucial piece of evidence came to me recently, and that is that a squadron of lightning aircraft, which were trained and designed to counter a soviet nuclear attack were on high alert in Cyprus for the whole duration of the six Day war. So what did Britain know about the six Day war that they’ve never told us about? Further supporting evidence is that british intelligence agents were working alongside american personnel in Israel as part of Operation Sinai in 1966, planning the war against Egypt.

How do I know this? I have interviewed people who were there who confirm it. This is such a complex story. It is understandable. We are still searching for answers. But even after more than 50 years it is vitally important that we keep searching, not just from a historical perspective, but because it still has a barrier on modern world problems, not least the palestinian problem. I want to end with another story. In the early sixties, long before the Six Day War, a plan called Operation northwards was drawn up by the Pentagon. The idea was to blacken the character of Fidel Castro, label the country Cuba as an aggressor and create a castles bellae a justification for America launching an attack on the country.

When Operation northwards was brought to Kennedy in the Oval Office he was horrified. It had numerous black ops that he strongly disapproved of. The man who brought that plan to him was General Lyman Lemnica, the guy who was in charge of us forces in Europe during the six Day War. Kennedy was so furious that within months he had Lemnitz dispatched to Europe. He considered him to be a highly dangerous man. He was a hawk, virulently anti communist and prepared to do almost anything to get rid of the Soviet Union, including launch a nuclear war. The Northwoods plan proposed many provocations, but one in particular is relevant.

It recommended that an american ship should be sailed into Havana harbor where it would blow up. This would then be blamed on Cuba giving an excuse to America to invade. The idea as far as the joint chiefs of Staff were concerned, and Leblanc in particular, the use of nukes were not of the agenda in that eventuality. We therefore must whether the attack on the liberty was modeled on these sort of dirty tricks tactics because they are so similar in terms of the detail. You only have to see what has been happening in Gaza in the last month to see that what happened in the Six Day war has had ramifications all through the decades.

The plight of the Palestinians is still the same. The story has not yet ended. I am announcing today my candidacy for the presidency of the United States. I run for the presidency because I want the Democratic Party and the United States of America to stand for hope instead of despair for reconciliation of men instead of the growing risk of world war Robert Kennedy had infuriated zionist leaders by supporting an invasion investigation aimed at registering the American Zionist Council as a foreign agent, which would have considerably hindered its efficiency. After the assassination of John Kennedy, the American Zionist Council escaped this procedure and its lobbying division, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

AIPAC, became the most powerful lobby in the United States and an indispensable instrument for the corruption and intimidation of american elected officials and for the control of american foreign policy. When he ran for president in 1968. Senator Kennedy planned to reopen the investigation into JFK’s assassination, which would have exposed both the CIA and Israel’s role, as well as their collaboration with LBJ in the false flag attack on the USS Liberty in 1967. They had no other option but to stop him. What has been going on within the United States over the period of the last three years, the divisions, the violence, the disenchantment with our society, we can start to work together.

We are a great country and a compassionate country, and I intend to make that my basis for running and over the period of election. Now it’s on to Chicago and let’s win there. Senator Robert Francis Kennedy died at 01:44 a.m. The CIA and Zionists chose to falsely blame the assassination of Robert Kennedy on palestinian American Sirhan Sirhan, who could not possibly have fired the fatal shots that killed RFK. They selected Sirhan as their brainwashed scapegoat in order to stir up hatred and loathing of Palestinians and increase american support for Israel. Zionist fingerprints are once again found on the RFK assassination.

James Jesus Angleton reportedly kept RFK autopsy photos in his safe as if they were some sort of memento or trophy. Both Lisa Peace and David Talbot named CIA agent Robert Mayhew as the orchestrator of the RFK assassination. Mayhew’s close friend and notorious zionist gun runner Hank Greenspun bylined preposterous false trail stories in his Las Vegas sun newspaper, claiming that Fidel Castro was responsible for both Kennedy assassinations, yet another lie in Angleton’s wilderness of mirrors. He called me up one night and he said, I’ve been thinking a lot about great men. It occurs to me that it would be kind of a cakewalk for me to become a great man.

I mean, everybody expects me to be a great man. I’m perfectly positioned. I can just do it. And he said, but I’ve been reading a lot of biographies of great men all the way through history, and I’m realizing that not one of them seems to have been a good guy at home and I wonder if it wouldn’t be a much more interesting challenge in my position to set out at this point and see if I couldn’t make myself a good man. JFK Junior was widely known to be planning to run for office, most likely for Senate, in November of 2000.

The CIA and the Mossad couldnt let him anywhere near elected office because he would obviously make it his unyielding mission to uncover the full truth about the assassinations of his uncle and his father. JFK Junior published an issue of George magazine focused on analyzing conspiracies. One of the stories Kennedy published indicated an israeli intelligence role in the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, the israeli prime minister who had softened his attitude toward the Palestinians. Netanyahu also had played an obvious and very public role in the rabin assassination. The Mossad could not tolerate a high profile Kennedy digging up dirt on Israel, which, if it had been exposed at that time, could possibly have caused a near disintegration of israeli society.

Four eyewitnesses at Caldwell airport saw former president George Hw Bush and his son, Texas governor George W. Bush, with two members of the Mossad, Michael Harari and General Rafael Elton, the day before the tragic flight. Good evening. Divers today found the bodies of John Kennedy, his wife and her sister in the wreckage of his plane at the bottom of the ocean off Martha’s vineyard. In a day of fast breaking developments, recovery teams got to work retrieving remains and wreckage. A memorial mass was set for Friday in New York. The president and the first lady will be there.

And the Kennedy family made plans for a possible burial at sea. Less than two months before the JFK junior assassination, CB’s, which is a CIA and zionist affiliate, published a story about his father’s coffin being dumped at sea, which was likely predictive programming, and an announcement about what they planned to do to JFK Junior. The humiliation ritual was clear in the claim that Bobby Kennedy wanted his brother’s coffin dumped at sea. And Bobby would have wanted to retain all physical evidence related to the crime in order to eventually prove that there was in fact a vast conspiracy.

In the next instant, with this time misses, Kennedy apparently looking on a second shot. The third total shot hit the president’s head. His head could be seen to move violently forward. We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the american public believes is false, CIA director William Casey said in February 1981. We talked for a long time on the phone about two weeks before he died. I said, you remember that conversation we had about being a good man. And he said, of course, I think about it a lot. And I said, well, I just want you to know that you have wildly, spectacularly achieved that objective.

I mean, you are as good a man as I know you are as clear a case of what I consider to be virtue in an adult male that I can think of. The Cabal had to take him out, both to keep the secrets of their past crimes hidden and make sure JFK Junior was not in a position of power to disrupt future crimes such as 911. What happened in 1977 was that Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, the former former heads of the zionist terrorist gang the Irgun, and Lehi, the Stern Gang, these two parties had created a coalition of all their former terrorist buddies.

And Netanyahu’s in there, the revisionist Zionists. They came to power in Israel. And this is when the plan for 911 began. Menachem Begin is known as the father of terrorism. He’s the founder of the Likwid party. He was born in Russia, came to Palestine in 42, became leader of the Irgun in 44, which was a terrorist group. Bombed the King David Hotel, killing 93 people. British headquarters in 1946, then was involved in the massacre of the Dir Yasin village, which was meant to scare the Palestinians to fleeing, which many did. And he created the Likud party in 1973, became prime minister in 77, and promptly invaded Lebanon in 1978.

This is the emblem of the Irgun, which he was the head of. It’s a jewish terrorist group, and it’s connected to the Netanyahu family, because Mister Netanyahu’s father was the director of this movement, the Irgun, the new zionist organization since 1940. Here is both Mister Begin and Netanyahu. These men are cut from the same cloth. This is the group that they belong to. The great group that they have allegiance to is a group of terrorists. In 1974, a british journalist asked Mister Begin, he said, how does it feel in the light of all that’s going on, to be seen as the father of terrorism in the Middle east? And begins said, in the Middle east, he said, in all the world.

So he put on himself the mantle of being the father of terrorism in all the world. And in 1979, this man, Bibi Netanyahu, he’d been working in Boston for a Rothschild company called Boston Consulting Group. He went back, this is his father. And they started something called the Netanyahu Institute, in which they began promoting the idea of terrorism being the scourge that the west has to fight. And they had a conference in 1979 called the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism and George Bush spoke at the conference and spoke in support of this preemptive strikes against nations that are supporting terrorism.

On September 23, 1979, less than three months after the Jerusalem conference, which was actually the International Conference of Terrorism, Israel’s founding spymaster and former Mossad chief Isser Harel predicted that Arabs would attack the tallest building in New York City. He made that prediction to this man, Michael Evans, a zionist jewish Christian evangelist from Texas. That was 20 years before 911. Mister Evans said, do you think that terrorism will come to America? And if so, where and why? This is 1979, Harel said, I fear it will come to you in America. America has the power but not the will to fight terrorism.

As to the where, Harel said, New York City is a symbol of freedom and capitalism. It’s likely they will attack. They will strike the Empire State Building, your tallest building and symbol of your power. He pretended to be ignorant about the tallest building. Following the conference, Benjamin Netanyahu made a career promoting the so called war on terrorism, and he somehow also predicted 911. I wrote a book in 1995, and I said that if the west doesn’t wake up to the suicidal nature of militant Islamic, the next thing you’ll see is the militant Islamists bringing down the World Trade Center.

911 was a false flag terror atrocity that was designed to instill fear and rage in the american population so that we would accept and we would get behind this war on terror. And I have to say it succeeded very well. I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at headquarters Marine Corps, and I made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 911 was a Mossad operation. Period. They did 911. They did it. One of the clues to Israel’s involvement in the 911 attacks is the behavior of a group of individuals known as the Dancing Israelis.

They were seen by various witnesses standing on the roof of a van bearing the urban moving system’s low and parked in Jersey City. They were rejoicing and taking pictures of themselves just as the first plane hit the north tower. And I could see that they were like, happy, you know, they didn’t look shock to me. According to ABC’s 2020, when the van belonging to the cheering Israelis was stopped by the police, the driver of the van, Sivan Kurtzberg, told the officers, we are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problem are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem.

Why did he feel that the Palestinians were a problem for the NYPD? The five dancing Israelis were held for a total of 71 days in a Brooklyn jail before being quietly returned to Israel on the inconsequential charge of visa violation. Three of them were later invited to an israeli tv show in November 2000 where one of them stated, our purpose was to document the event. Our purpose was to document the event, which implies prior knowledge of the event. And we’re late tonight that two suspects are in FBI custody after a truckload of explosives was discovered around the George Washington bridge.

That bridge links New York to New Jersey over the Hudson river. The FBI has two suspects in hand. Said the truck, enough explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington Bridge. Here’s what the Jerusalem Post reported on 12th September 2001. Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New York. At least two of the detained Israelis were agents working for the Mossad, the israeli intelligence agency, and that urban moving systems, the employer of the five Israelis, was a front operation. This was confirmed by two former CIA officers and they noted that movers vans are a common intelligence cover.

The five dancing Israelis are just the tip of a vast iceberg. In September 2001, federal law enforcement was busy dismantling the largest israeli spy ring ever discovered on american soil. Since September 11, more than 60 Israelis have been arrested or detained either under the new patriot antiterrorism law or for immigration violations. A handful of active israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States. None of these leads were thoroughly investigated. The reason is that in 2001, the head of the Justice Department’s criminal division was Michael Chertoff, the son of a rabbi and a Mossad agent.

All israeli spies arrested by the FBI, including the dancing Israelis, owe him their impunity and repatriation to Israel. Chertoff is a key man in the 911 operation. There was no question but that the order to close down the investigation came from the White House. It was immediately assumed at CIA headquarters that this basically was going to be a cover up so that the Israelis would not be implicated in any way in 911. 911 was a policy coup that brought us a global war on terror and a series of disastrous wars across the region. What happened in 911 is we didn’t have a strategy.

We didn’t have bipartisan agreement, we didn’t have american understanding of it, and we had instead a policy coup in this country. A couple a policy coup. Some hard nosed people took over the direction of american policy and they never bothered to inform the rest of us, they call it the long war. The war on terror is a suitable title because the war on terror is the longest and most expensive war, foreign war in us history. Turning 911 into an excuse for Israel to use its us battering ram to take out israeli targets was a long term plan as far back as 1990, when Netanyahu served as Israel’s deputy foreign minister.

He claimed Iraq had a nuclear program that was, quote, fast accelerating. In an interview on NBC News Today show in December 1990, Netanyahu warned of what he called Saddam Hussein’s weapons of destruction. The question is really how do we ensure that these weapons of destruction, these missiles, these chemicals, chemical weapons, the nuclear program that is fast accelerating in Iraq, that these do not pose a threat? This is an issue for the entire international community. Netanyahu’s weapons of mass destruction lies were even more extreme a decade later. There is no question what’s whatsoever that Saddam is seeking and is working and is advancing towards the development of nuclear weapons.

No question whatsoever. Saddam Hussein has gone to elaborate lengths, spent enormous sums taking great risks to build and keep weapons of mass destruction. No one can seem to prove to this point that Iraq poses an imminent threat to this country or to any other nation. Do you believe that action can be taken against Saddam only after he builds nuclear bombs and uses them? The US administration recently admitted, after months and months of talk that there’s no evidence of Iraq being tied to September 11. And do the various critics, especially overseas, believe that a clear connection between Saddam and September 11 must be established before we have a right to prevent the next September 11? Well, I think not.

An israeli think tank concocted the 2003 Iraq war all the way back in 1996. In a clean break, a new strategy for securing the realm, israeli neoconservatives proposed both removing Saddam Hussein from power and weakening Syria. Cleanbreak co authors such as Richard Perle and other Israel loyal neocons such as Paul Wolfowitz and Elliot Abrams played leading roles in the project for a new american century. The think tanks rebuilding Americas defenses whitepaper, published in September of 2000 called for a new Pearl harbor as a casus belli for a series of us wars, mostly on behalf of Israel.

By way of deception, Israel and the Mossad did war with the new Pearl harbor and executed a controlled demolition of american sanity. The zionist neocons had called for a new Pearl harbor in order to affect the change they needed to see. Israel loyal Neocon and clean break co author Douglas Fife, who also served as the US undersecretary of defense, was the architect of the 2003 us invasion of Iraq. Another Israel loyal Neocon and Cleanbreak co author David Wormser wrote a memo several days after 911 stating the US should hit a non al Qaeda target such as Iraq.

Many of the neocons hold dual us israeli citizenship and they are primarily loyal to Israel. Their project for a new american century was more accurately the project for a new zionist century. So what they needed is the United States military to come in and to basically fight their wars for them. Right after 911, about ten days after 911, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and deputy secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the joint staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me and he said, sir, you gotta come in and talk to me a second.

He says, we’ve made the decision we’re going to war with Iraq. This was on or about the 20 September. I said, we’re going to war with Iraq. Why? He said, I don’t know. I said, well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al Qaeda? He said, no, no. He says, there’s nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq. So I came back to see him a few weeks later and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, are we still going to war with Iraq? And he said, oh, it’s worse than that.

He reached over on his desk, he picked up a piece of paper and he said, I just got this down from upstairs, meaning the secretary of defense’s office today. And he said, this is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing off Iran. The war on terror is not just a name, it’s authorization, it’s a title. It’s authorization and funding. And it was passed three days after 911 by the authorization to use military force, which basically gave the president the authority to wage war against anybody he thought was behind 911.

So these are some of the places where the authorization used military force has been invoked. Was Eritrea, was Somalia? Were they involved in 911? Was Libya involved in 911? Are all these countries involved in 911? No, of course they’re not. But the authorization use military force based on 911 crime has opened up the pandora’s box for american open ended warfighting across the Middle east around the world. Actually, the fraudulent war on terror is based on the official myth of 911. I know what America is. America is something that can easily be moved, moved to the right direction.

They won’t get in our way. 80% of Americans support us. It’s absurd. Netanyahu, king of Israel he didn’t know he was being recorded. In the run up to 911, Netanyahu had helped preparing to move America from friends such as Larry Silverstein, a wealthy zionist backer of the Israel bonds program that supports israeli apartheid and human rights abuses. Netanyahu and Silverstein were so close. They spoke every Sunday afternoon. I had the pleasure of working pretty much with every prime minister of Israel from Yitzhak Shamir forward. I said to myself, wouldn’t it be fantastic if I could own the twin Towers? We got very, very lucky.

The governor of New York, George Pataky, decided one day that maybe it would be good to privatize the ownership of the World Trade center. So I got a call from the governor’s office. They said, would you ever consider owning the World Trade center? It was very, very good for the family, very good for us. And we were very, very fortunate. On the morning of 911, I’m getting ready, getting dressed to go to the dermatologist. I have light colored hair, light skin. The sun is a disaster for me. I can’t take the sun. She said, okay, but you’re going to the dermatologist.

You’re going this morning, not going downtown. We got very, very lucky. And I had an obligation to collect the insurance proceeds from the policies. A new governor was just elected, Elliot Spitzer, an old friend who I knew well. I said, elliot, if you don’t help me, I’ll never collect from the insurance companies. And guess what? He listened. And he said, you know what? You’re entitled. I’m going to get you the money. And in six months, he copied the four and a half billion dollars. We got very, very lucky. Here’s Colin Powell at the UN, spreading israeli Mossad and CIA lies that tricked and scared large segments of us and western public opinion into supporting the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq.

For example, they can produce anthrax and botulinum toxin. In fact, they can produce enough dry biological agent in a single month to kill thousands upon thousands of people. And dry agent of this type is the most lethal form for human beings. Iraq has mobile biological research laboratories in addition to the production facilities I mentioned earlier, who were the sources of Colin Powell’s scary story about non existent iraqi weapons of mass destruction. One of them was criminal zionist propagandist Judith Miller, who ginned up multiple stories claiming Iraq had wmds for the New York Times. The New York Times is a dedicated zionist propaganda vehicle well known for its unbroken track record of printing completely false and or distorted information about Israel, Palestine and the Middle east for decades to advance Israels interests.

A more accurate name for this publication would be the new US ZcIA lies or the new zionist lies. Judith Miller was deeply connected with zionist neocon Louis Scooter Libby, who was both an attorney for Mossad agent Mark Rich and the chief of staff to Dick Cheney. Scooter Libby, who slate magazine called the most significant intellectual influence behind the invasion of Iraq, also delivered to Colin Powell fraudulent reports claiming Iraq was an imminent threat to the US and Saddam Hussein was linked to 911. In his memoir, Colin Powell castigated both Louis Libbys false reports about Iraq, as well as the CIA for providing totally inaccurate information that Powell used in his UN presentation.

As the world knows, no weapons of mass destruction were ever found. There were none. If we had known there were no weapons of mass destruction, there would have been no war. Now, what’s going on here is that an israeli plan known as the Yenon plan, which was articulated in 1982, is being put into effect so that countries are being balkanized. That is, they’re being broken up into ethnic statelets. They’re causing friction between the various ethnic groups, breaking them up into ethnic statelets. That’s the name of the game in Syria. That’s what they did in Iraq. That’s what’s happened in Libya, etcetera.

This is the israeli plan to dominate the Middle east by breaking up the large arab states and breaking up their armies and breaking the countries into pieces like Yugoslavia. There will be no competition for Israel and Israel will have hegemony over the entire region. If you take out Saddam, Saddams regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region. Zionist plan for the Middle east is in large part taking shape. Is this coincidence was psychic? We in the west are victims of a long held agenda, not of our making, and without a doubt, not in our interest.

We’re waging war for another entity, for another nation, for another interest. That’s not ours and we’re paying for it. Our sons and daughters are fighting it. And this is the partition of Palestine. When it happened in 1947, Menachem begin rejected it. We had several other people in the country, even among the Jews, the Zionists particularly, who were against anything that was to be done. If they couldn’t have the whole of Palestine and everything handed to them on a silver plate so they wouldn’t have to do anything, it couldn’t be done. We had to take it in small doses.

You can’t move five or 6 million people out of a country and fill it up with five or 6 million more and expect both sets of them to be pleased. Jerusalem was and will forever be our capital. And Eretz Israel will be restored to the people of Israel, all of it and forever. This is to give you an idea what Eretz Israel means. It means the land of Israel. And according to people like Menachem begin, it extends from the Nile river to the Euphrates. And this area right here is the kurdish area, which happens to be occupied by the United States.

This is all Syria right here. This is where the United States is occupying one third of Syria. These are the various ethnic communities, religions, factions in Iraq and Syria. And from the Yanon plan, Yanon said the dissolution of Syria in Iraq is Israel’s primary target. On the eastern front. The dissolution of the military power of these states serves as the primary short term target. We had all sorts of objections to everything that was done. Something had to be done. We went ahead and done it and had it done, and now it’s working out. Eventually, I think we’ll have them all satisfied, but it’s going to take a great deal of time yet to get the job done.

This is exactly what we did when we went to Iraq. First in 1991 and then again in 2003, we destroyed the iraqi military. If you remember, one of the first things that happened is when we got into Iraq, we disbanded the entire military, sent everybody home. No more jobs, no entitlements, nothing. So the military went away. And in Syria, we’ve been trying to do the same thing for the last seven years. Now. This is another break area here, periwinkle, is the area of the Kurds. And this area is where most of the oil is. And the United States and Israel are supporting the kurdish independence.

This area here in northern Iraq and this part of northern Syria. And in pursuing that, the largest holder of the reserves in this Kurdistan area of Iraq is a company called Janelle Energy, which is a Rothschild company. So they’re going after the strategic assets. And these two cities, Mosul and Raqqa, were targets of the american anti terrorist attacks last summer, which destroyed those cities. Destroyed them. Here’s Mosul. In June of 2017. The great mosque of al Nuri, destroyed. In the battle of Mosul, the Americans, we put our artillery around the cities and just pounded them for months.

And that has a price. Here’s Syria, the other city in Raqqa in Syria, October 2017. At least half the city is totally destroyed. We said we were fighting ISIS, but under the pretext of fighting ISIS, we destroyed the cities. ISIS is the target. And they put that target wherever they want and then destroy everything around the target. From the Jordan river to the Middle east. That’s all ours. It was promised to us one week before the. How do you call that? The World Center, World Trade center. Those two great edifices of tremendous architecture, they were destroyed, I mean, in such a way that nobody still understands what happened.

How come they were brought down in such a massive way? One week before, one of the great rabbis in Israel, Hasidi Shabbat, and had more. He came to visit with some people, some of his disciples in the car. They prayed, Minha with minyan in front of everybody passing in Manhattan, were right there near the world center. After he finished the dhavni, the prayer, he said, say bye bye to those buildings, because you are not going to see them no more. I mean, it’s unbelievable. There will be two big buildings in the land of Edom, which today we relate the word Edom to America.

And those are the biggest. They have the tallest buildings in the world, and they will be totally. They will be brought down completely, and that will be the sign of the beginning of tremendous wars that will end only in the coming of the mashiach. He said, say bye bye to those buildings because you are not going to see them no more. I mean, unbelievable. I hear the voices, and I read the front page, and I know the speculation, but I’m the decider, and I decide what is best. The decision of one man to lie. A wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq.

Biden just reclassified the Kennedy documents 60 years after his assassination. Why in the world would we be continuing to hide the truth about the Kennedy assassination 60 years later? And of course, the answer is obvious, because it implicates not individuals, but institutions and reveals them as complicit in a murder and in the overthrow of the US government. And the US government is complicit in the overthrow of the US government. And that’s the truth. I know that for a fact because I interviewed someone who saw the documents. We spoke to someone who had access to these still hidden CIA documents, a person who is deeply familiar with what they contain.

We asked this person directly, did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy, an american president? And here’s the reply we received verbatim. The answer is yes, I believe they were involved. It’s a whole different country from what we thought it was. It’s all fake. Secrecy is incompatible with democracy. That’s not democracy. It’s something else. And don’t insult me by calling it democracy, because it’s very much not United States. We have over a billion federal documents that remain classified. A billion. So that’s a democracy. That is not a democracy. In JFK’s famous speech warning about the nefarious power of secret societies, Kennedy likely gave us a coded warning about Israel’s ultimate goal of global domination.

He must have known about this plan, because prior to becoming president, JFK had multiple private meetings with Benjamin Friedman, a former zionist Jew who became christian and attempted to warn members of the government about the ultimate zionist ambition. The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society. And we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings. Today, no war has been declared. And however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack.

Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared. No borders have been crossed by marching troops. No missiles have been fired. The Mossads, Sayanim, or covert zionist helper agents, constitutes exactly the kind of secret society JFK warned against. Every word of his speech applies to the Mossad Saynim. The Syanim are ten of thousands of people, Jews, Zionists, who are member, probably of the Naibrite. For instance, Nybrid is the jewish masonry who occupy high level in all the societies. I mean, you can imagine 5000 cyanim in New York, only in the business area, 5000 Siam in Los Angeles, in the production area, in the artistic area, and in France, in London, you can imagine a thousand cyanim in the medias.

And they receive orders from the Mossad, from a department of the Mossad called the War department. All these people who have their work, who work normally, they are citizens. I mean, they work in a bank, they are political, they are publishers. But when the Mossad call them and tell them, look, I need information, for instance, I need that all the Sayanim all over the world say that this person, for instance, the secretary general of the United nations, has said something antisemitic. And you see all over the world, in Europe, in New York, the medias, you have the impression, I mean, when I discovered that, I understood.

Because suddenly you open a newspaper, you listen to radio, you hear a politician, everybody says, the secretary general of the United States said, something antisemitic. I mean, the poor guy. And why? Because the Mossad gave the order to do that. If anything, Cohen understates the power of the Mossad syonym. Some of them are assassins who obviously have been tasked in the past with eliminating those who expose zionist crimes. The Sean appear to be a precise implementation of the protocols of the elders of Zion in order to place our agents and helpers everywhere to advance the jewish zionist conquest of the world that David Ben Gurion referenced in look magazine.

Journalist Christopher Boleyn has stated his belief that the protocols of the elders of Zion are likely meeting notes from a Binet Brith chapter. Everyone alive today should read the protocols of the elders of Zion, given that the zionist israeli jewish conquest of the world, which is now entering its end game, seems to fit that document accurately. Another protocol the zionist movement has used very effectively in its quest to dominate the world is blackmail. Epstein island was a Mossad blackmail operation. And recently it was reported that the Mossad blackmailed Bill Clinton using Monica Lewinsky. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.

Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment that I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.

Within the US government, there are forces wholly beyond democratic control. These forces are more powerful than the elected officials that supposedly oversee them. These forces can affect election outcomes. They can even hide their complicity in the murder of an american president. In other words, they can do pretty much anything they want. They constitute a government within a government, mocking by their very existence the idea of democracy. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies, by day, it is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. In my last conversation with President Trump in the White House, he called me a lot, and this is after January 6, so it’s two weeks before or a week before he’s leaving office. I said, how you doing? He said, not too well. And he went off into a tangent about what he thought happened with the election. I said, you know, you made a promise to the public many times and to me privately that you haven’t kept.

What? What? I’ll take care of it right now. I said, you promised you would release the records of the JFK assassination. He said to me, judge, if they showed you what they showed me, you wouldn’t have released it either. And I said, who’s they? And what did they show you? And then he said, judge, someday when we’re on the phone. And then he raised his voice, and there aren’t 15 people listening to the phone call back to a normal voice, I’ll tell you. Oh, my God. This makes it sound even worse. Who are they? Probably somebody in the intelligence community.

What did they show him? JFK’s brains blown out. The actual reason the CIA has insisted every puppet president illegally withhold the full JFK assassination files is if our criminal zionist regime ever disclosed the truth that Israel and the CIA killed JFK, the entire US ZCIA regime and its relationship with genocidal Israel would be completely delegitimized. The public would demand the declassification of all 1 billion classified documents held by the illegitimate US ZCIA regiment, which would obviously reveal decades of atrocious crimes. This is it. You know, it was said by one person that after the Kennedy assassination, there has been no president.

They have only been factotums of the system since then. Factotum. A handyman or servant employed to do all kinds of work around the house, an employee or official having many different responsibilities, and it may well be the most decisive event in modern american history. Jeffrey Sachs is correct. We have had no legitimate president. Since November 22, 1963, all have been servants of Israel and the CIA. If any tried to exercise meaningful, independent judgment as Jimmy Carter attempted, the cabal removed them from office. Virtually every election has been a choice between one zionist puppet, such as Biden, and another zionist puppet, such as Trump.

Israel has the ability to buy elections outright or even rig the elections in collaboration with the CIA. As Monica Wesak wrote in her book, JFK was America’s last president. Incidentally, I had dinner with Mike Pompeo, I don’t know, three weeks ago, and he said something really interesting to me. Wait, you had dinner with Mike Pompeo? He turned to me and, like, looked me down in the eye and he said, the entire upper echelon of that agency is made up of individuals who do not believe in the democratic institutions of the United States of America. That’s a quote, but.

So it was Mike Pompeo who convinced Trump not to release this file. And it was a guy who won, worked for Mike Pompeo texted me the day after I revealed that those files showed CIA complicity in your uncle’s death, which they do, because I talked to someone who read them and I said that on Fox News, and I got a text from a guy who works for Mike Pompeo informing me that I had just broken federal law and that anyone who had told me that was a felon because we had revealed classified information. And I said, wait a second, that classified information suggests the US government was involved in the murder of an american president? Yeah, that’s Mike Pompeo’s position on that.

So it’s a little bit weird for him to say. And he was also behind keeping convincing Trump not to pardon Assange. Actually, Mike Pompeo plotted to assassinate journalist and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Yeah, well, you know, that confirms my earlier assessment of. Of Mike Barbale. Makes me wonder, are we just a shell company for Israel? Just a shell company for Israel? Just a shell company for Israel. Israel is not a colony of America whose leaders serve at the pleasure of the party in power in Washington. In reality, the opposite is true. Us puppet politicians serve at the pleasure of Israel and the CIA, which is mostly a Mossad field station.

How powerful is AIPAC, the israeli lobby that fervently supports Israels genocidal goals and dictates us foreign policy in the Middle east? In an interview with Jeffrey Goldberg, the zionist propagandist in chief of the Atlantic, former AIPAC official and israeli super spy Stephen Rosen made it crystal clear who actually runs the US government. Steve Rosen, for two and a half decades, I was a senior official of APEC, the American Israel Public affairs committee. Rosen said, you see this napkin? In 24 hours, we could have the signatures of 70 senators on this napkin. If you went back to 1948 and you had two alternative futures, one with the state of Israel and one without a state of Israel.

The United States, from a security point of view, would be much better off without Israel. In point of fact, all aid to Israel is actually illegal. Senator Stuart Symington successfully sponsored and passed legislation in 1976 outlawing all military and economic aid to undeclared nuclear weapon powers such as Israel at the behest of their AIPAC puppet masters. The US Congress has ignored the Symington amendment for nearly half a century and has pretended that Israel doesnt even have nuclear weapons. At the 1960 democratic convention, Symington was JFKs original choice to be vice president before Zionists muscled him out and used blackmail to replace him with their puppet LBJ.

Setting the stage for the 1963 Dallas couple, Christopher Boleyn reports that Chicago’s zionist political machine chieftain Jacob Arvey led the blackmail operation to put LBJ onto the ticket, and in so doing, Zionists took advantage of JFK as a trojan horse to get LBJ into the White House. If JFK and RFK had succeeded in forcing AIPAC to register as the agent of a foreign government, which it obviously is, the US might today be an independent country and not a zionist colony of Israel. If this capital crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain is our commitment to our aid, and I don’t even call it aid, our cooperation with Israel.

I think that by now it is very clear to many of us, including the israeli leadership, that Washington is Israel’s most subservient colony. We live in an occupied government right now we live in a government that’s occupied our nation’s occupied. And trying to work within this occupied government for 911 truths when the whole deck is stacked against you is very difficult. Israel is no ally. Also, it is actually not a friend. If the United States goes to war with Iran, it will not be because Tehran actually threatens America. It will be because Israel and its powerful lobby in the US have succeeded in creating an essentially false casus belli to mandate such action.

Israel interferes in american elections. It has corrupted our congress. Its head of government publicly rebukes our own head of state. Its intelligence officers actually provide alarmist and inaccurate private briefings for american senators on Capitol Hill. One other very good reason why Israel should not receive billions of dollars in military assistance annually is its persistent espionage against the United States. Friends of Israel stole enriched uranium from a Pennsylvania refinery to create a nuclear arsenal. Arnon Milchan, a Hollywood producer born in Israel, arranged for the illegal purchase of 800 nuclear triggers. Israeli arms dealer, super spy and nuclear weapons trigger smuggler Arnon Milchin was the executive producer and chief financier of Oliver Stone’s JFK film, which made no mention of Israel’s nuclear weapons program and did not examine Israel’s multiple motivations to remove JFK and replace him with zionist loyalist LBJ.

From Israel’s perspective, solely blaming the CIA and the US military establishment for the assassination of JFK is a convenient half truth that shields Israel from scrutiny. Someday, somewhere, someone may find out the damn truth. We better israeli super spy Arnon Milchin also produced three Hollywood productions that foreshadowed Operation 911 the Medusa touch in 1976, which featured an airplane crashing into a skyscraper fight club in 1999 with multiple controlled demolitions of financial district skyscrapers and the pilot episode of the Lone Gunmen, first aired March 4, 2001, in which hijackers attempt to fly an airplane into the World Trade center using remote controlled autopilot.

Israel, which relies on Washington for political cover and international fora like the UN, does not spy discreetly, largely because it knows that few in Washington will seek to hold it to account. There were, for example, no consequences for the Israelis when israeli Mossad intelligence officers using passports and pretending to be Americans, recruited terrorists to carry out attacks inside Iran. Israelis using us passports in that fashion put every american traveler at risk. Israel has obtained significant advantage by systematically stealing american technology with both military and civilian applications. The US developed technology is then reversed, engineered, and used by the Israelis to support their own exports.

A general Accounting office examination of espionage directed against american defense and security industries described how israeli citizens residing in the US had stolen sensitive technology to manufacture artillery gun tubes, obtained classified plans for reconnaissance systems, and passed sensitive aerospace designs to unauthorized users. The GAO concluded that Israel conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the United States of any us ally. FBI counterintelligence officer John Cole has reported how many cases of israeli espionage are dropped under orders from the Justice Department. He provides a conservative estimate of 125 viable investigations into israeli espionage involving both american citizens and Israelis that were stopped due to political pressure.

So the answer to the question is Israel an ally of the United States? Is most definitely no. Is it even a friend? If you judge Israel by its record on how it interacts with the american government and people, I think the answer would also have to be no. On November 22, 2012, the 49th anniversary of Israel and the CIA assassinating JFK and lying about it, the US army committed open treason in Israel. 911 has led directly 60,000 Americans dead and wounded. According to an FBI report, an israeli employee of urban moving systems, one of the many Mossad front companies involved in operation 911 stated, give us 20 years and will take over your media and destroy your country.

End quote. It’s about time we stop apologizing for our support for Israel. There’s no apology to be made. None. When I was a young senator, I say, if I were a jew, I’d be a zionist. I am a zionist. You don’t have to be a jew to be a Zionist. Progress occurs in the Middle east when everyone knows there’s simply no space between the United States in Israel. I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the prime minister of Israel, his Excellency Benjamin Netanyahu. No matter on which side of the aisle you sit, you stand with Israel, and we will send a clear signal that there is no daylight between America and our most reliable ally, the state of Israel.

I love Israel. I love Israel. My personal prediction is that probably sooner than any of us realize or would like to envision, Israel is going to pull off another 911. Another USS liberty. Everyone knows what happened in October 7 was an israeli setup. Everyone knows what look at in Shino. It was an israeli setup. What happened in October 7 was an israeli setup. Heat. Another 911 hit. Another 911 hit. Another 911. Since this terrorist attack took place, we’ve seen it described as Israel’s 911. But for a nation the size of Israel, it was like 15. 911.

When the US military ordered air force members such as Aaron Bushnell to report for duty for Israel and participate in the israeli genocide in Gaza, Bushnell’s reaction was less jubilant than Mike Pompeos is. Aaron Bushnell. I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force, and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest. But compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal. Can I help you, sir? Hey.

Free passage. Free passage. Free passing. Free pastors. The night before his protest, Aaron Bushnell disclosed classified information to a friend confirming us troops were on the ground in Gaza and were killing large numbers of Palestinians, underscoring that it’s a joint us israeli genocide. This aligns with a deleted White House Instagram post showing us delta forces deployed for Israel’s so called war in Gaza as early as October 20, 2023. Bushnell, who frequently volunteered to serve homeless people in San Antonio, Texas, posted the following on social media just before his protest. Many of us like to ask ourselves, what would I do if I was alive during slavery or the Jim Crow south or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide? The answer is you’re doing it right now.

If you’re wondering if Aaron had planned this out prior in advance, the answer is yes. Aaron had made a will, and he specified that his savings should be donated to the Palestine Children’s relief fund. With Bushnell on the ground, a security guard in front of the israeli embassy rushed to point a gun at him while an american voice said, I don’t need guns. I need fire extinguishers. I don’t need guns. I need fire people. After Bushnell passed away, the israeli Mossad commentary account on X labeled this courageous american an enemy and celebrated his demise. A flood of Israelis and Zionists heaped scorn, mockery and insults on Bushnell and his sacrifice.

Bushnell is not the first American to die protesting israeli war crimes. When 23 year old Rachel Quarry traveled to Gaza to non violently oppose Israel’s systematic and illegal demolition of palestinian homes in 2003, the israeli military intentionally ran her over with the blade of a weaponized caterpillar bulldozer and murdered her. She was at eye level with the driver of the bulldozer. She was up. Her head and upper torso were actually above the blade of the bulldozer, so he could very clearly see that she was there, her and her orange fluorescent jacket that she was wearing. But instead of stopping at this point, he continued forward until she was sucked all the way underneath the bulldozer.

Israel’s chief pathologist reportedly then harvested her organs, something he previously admitted doing to other victims. In 2013, soldiers in the most immoral army on earth through a Rachel quarry pancake party to celebrate Israel’s victory, flattening her. I’ve been here for about a month and a half now, and this is definitely the most difficult situation that I’ve ever seen in the time that I’ve been here. Children have been shot and killed. On the. On the 30 January, the israeli military bulldozed the two largest water wells, destroying over half of Rafa’s water supply. What I’m witnessing here is a very systematic destruction of people’s ability to survive, and that is incredibly horrifying.

The current israeli government, I don’t have a great deal of faith that they’re going to listen to any message from me. I think it has become clear that this government does not care about the safety of its own people and doesn’t care at all about the lives of palestinian people. People’s lives here are almost completely controlled by the israeli government. I think Americans largely get it. They know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. Washington is Israel’s most subservient colony. It’s a whole different country from what we thought it was. It’s all fake.

I pledge allegiance to the false flags of the usurped states of Zionism and the Central Intelligence Agency, and to the propaganda for which it stands. One fascist empire of lies, playing God unaccountable with coups, wars, assassinations, terrorism, ethnic cleansing, and genocide for all. And once the terror network has nuclear weapons, it is only a matter of time before those weapons will be used. You cannot prevent a dictator who has used terrorism in the past, who cavorts and supports and encourages terror organizations from using this weapon by giving it to someone, by having them threaten to use it against his enemies.

So I have very little sympathy for what has become of that state. It’s a. It’s a satanic state. You know, you look at the polls, 60% of Israelis, 60% say Israel’s not using enough force in government. Someday, somewhere, someone may find out the damn truth. We better. We better. Or we might just as well build ourselves another government like the declaration of Independence says to when the old one ain’t working. Patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its government. Individual human beings have to create justice, and this is not easy, because the truth often poses a threat to power, and one often has to fight power at great risk to themselves.

The truth is the most important value we have, because if the truth does not endure, if the government murders truth, if we cannot respect the hearts of these people, and this is not the country in which I was born and is certainly not the country that I want dying. Tennyson wrote, authority forgets a dying king. This was never more true than for John F. Kennedy, whose murder was probably one of the most terrible moments in the history of our country. That’s not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

Do not forget your dying king. Show this world that this is still a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. Nothing as long as you live will ever be more important. It’s up to you. Free America and Palestine from Zionism. If you found this video moving, share it with everyone you know we can yet free humanity. It’s going to require all of us to say three magic words. Israel did 911. We have to say it loud and proud. We have to shout it from the rooftops. Israel did 911. Israel cast a satanic curse on the entire world on September 11, 2001.

If we all say Israel did 911, it’s going to break the curse because all of the conflicts, all of the violence, all of the wars have been manipulated through deceit. When we tell the truth, it will set us free. For more content, visit where I will post future episodes and follow me on X at Truth Tower pod they pretend that it’s forgotten. Somewhere some more flowers grow on the withered stones of destroyed homes. Somewhere the lights still in the window you see that we are rising out there, they’re coming no longer in the shadows. All the ghosts they change the names and the signs.

But it’s in our hearts these words are written. And I’m the children who don’t know their homes. They will walk the streets from which they are forbidden. You see that we are rising. Our day is surely coming. No longer in the shadows, how the ghosts do you see? Hatha had moved to the asm of the old ones now past on. But it’s their blood our hearts are pumping. They will walk with us when we return to their towns. Whose names will live again. You see that we are rising. Our day is surely coming. No longer in the shadows of the ghost.

DC we see that we are rising. It is gone. We will return. You see that we are rising. Our days. I think it’s your shadow I think once the day you see, I think you see, you see that we are blessing. I think it’s your faith. No longer in my shadow I think, you see, you see that we are rising. Out they come. No longer in the shadow I think most of. And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Do not forget your dying king. Christ is king.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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Import Israel control over West Bank and Gaza in 1960s Israel manipulation of US foreign policy Israel's influence in American politics Israel's plans for Palestinian subjugation JFK assassination and Israel's interests JFK opposition to Israel's nuclear program JFK vs Lyndon Johnson's Israel stance JFK's plan for Palestinian refugees US Israel Palestine relationship

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