Is the American Dream Officially Dead? | I Allegedly

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots



➡ Dan from I Allegedly in this video discusses the rising costs of living and healthcare in the United States. It highlights the case of a woman who was asked to pay upfront for her daughter’s surgery, which is becoming a common practice due to increased medical bills. The video also talks about the high cost of living, stating that a family needs to earn $150,000 just to get by in 29 out of 50 states. Lastly, it mentions the increasing crime rates and the challenges faced by the commercial real estate sector due to remote working.


Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back. You’re watching I allegedly and I’ve got a good one for you today because you need to prepare yourself. You need to prepare yourself to pay in advance and there’s a lot to cover today. Please hit the like button. Please subscribe to the channel. Comment on the video and today we have a sponsor. Thank you for watching. Think about this. For those of us with Donald’s insurance right now, I want you to prepare yourself because let’s just say you’re not going to meet your deductible or let’s just say that they’re going to not pay for a surgery or Heather McConney is in Florida right now.

And it’s in Merritt Island is where she’s at. And the worst part about this is her daughter is having tonsil and adenoid surgery and they’re like, no, no, you’re going to pay for the surgery up front because most likely this isn’t going to be enough, you know, to meet your deductible and you’re going to have to pay in advance. So she’s stressing out about this. She can’t afford this. But this is wrong guys because what normally happens is you go in, they do the procedure. Okay, the daughter’s sick. That her needs help. And they do the procedure and then they send you a bill afterwards and you can pay it down.

No, not in Heather’s case. Pay up. Pay up, you deadbeat. Pay in advance. You’re going to see this more and more right now because the hospitals just don’t care. They don’t, you know, they’re not bending on this stuff. If it’s an emergency, they will pay. Now, here’s the thing. Medical bills have gone up substantially since 2021. Okay, after the pandemic, more and more people cannot afford to make these payments right now. So what are they doing? Just denying access to this. So it’s terrible. If you walk into an emergency room, they’re supposed to treat you, but, and then bill you later.

Okay, that’s how it’s supposed to work. But this is something you’re going to see more and more of right now. Another thing is that no one can deny how inflation is destroying the American family and the average household. And here’s the thing. If you are by yourself, you know, you’re you. Okay, my kids are moved out. I’m by myself right now. I’ve got to take care of Dan. It is so much more expensive to live today than it was six months ago. Did I move? Did I buy a new car? No, none of that. That’s just paying for life right now is absolutely catastrophic.

Now, we’ve heard the figures, but how about this one? To be considered normal and get by a family needs to make $100,000 in the 50 states, but 29 of those 50 states here in the United States, they say that you need to make $150,000 just to get by. That’s not that’s not being wealthy. That’s not vacationing. That’s not spending money hand over fist. That is just to get by. It’s $150,000. Who can afford this guys? Who can afford this? Now, these are all backed by stories below. Check out the stories below because people need to see this stuff.

Yesterday, we talked about how one of the cruise lines was hiring 10,000 people because things were so good. And then I’ve got another story today where we’re a second. The average family can’t afford to travel right now. People can’t afford to go on trips, so they’re cutting back. They’re cutting making trips shorter. My son is graduating from college and we’re thrilled to go in the next couple of weeks to see him walk down the aisle and do this. So many people are getting denied this right now and I would be upset, not for myself, but for my son for all his hard work because he needs to be celebrated for this fact that he did this on his own.

And this trip is a fortune guys. It’s not cheap. Airfare is not cheap to fly me and my daughter out there to see him. The hotels are absolutely double what they were last time we checked six months ago. Not because we did it early, just because rates for hotels are going through the roof right now. Very, very common right now. That’s what we’re seeing. So people are not traveling. People are not spending the money, but it cost the average family a hundred and fifty grand a year just to get by. That’s eating. That’s putting gas in the car.

That is getting to school. That’s nothing extra. And now I am telling you, as a sport parent, when my son was younger, we spent a fortune on sports right now. And I have so many people that write me and tell me how it’s just completely out of hand. And if you have a kid that’s in multiple sports and he’s considered athletic, oh my God. I’m sorry. I really apologize because you can’t afford it. And the school’s just hundred dollar a year to death. And people just don’t get it. So Heather McConan or daughter, I feel sorry for them.

I feel sorry for so many people right now that are going through this. And things have just gotten out of hand and there’s a lot more to cover in this video. And let me get into it with you. Let’s talk about our sponsor, Patriot Gold Group. You know, one thing that we keep hearing about is experts talking about 70s inflation and how it could come back. Here’s a stat for you. Gold shot up in the 1970s. Gold went up 240% in the 1970s because of that inflationary spike. Silver shot up 315%. What if that happened today? Gold would go through the roof, which is where it’s headed right now.

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Here are some things that you can’t deny right now. Let’s face it. People are fed up right now. Todd Johnson owns Strips Chicken in Waldo. It’s Kansas City area restaurant. He owns two other restaurants. Cannot take the crime. Cannot take the break-ins. He’s had over half a dozen break-ins in his restaurant. You know what? I’m done. Effective immediately. I’m closing the joint. I’m not dealing with this anymore because these people aren’t prosecuted. And what he did, think about this. This had the break-ins get curtailed because he stopped taking cash. We are a cashless business. No cash.

They would break in at night. They would steal everything. Break into the registers thinking that somebody would be stupid enough to leave cash in your cash register at night. No. It’s gotten out of control. Crime is a problem. I don’t know if you saw the video of the bus driver in Los Angeles. Paul must have walked on one of the free rides. No. Start slugging the bus driver. So the bus drivers in Los Angeles yesterday took on a strike. It said, we’re not working. We’re not doing this. You guys need to prosecute these people. You need to protect us.

The police need to do something about this. And again, the police want to arrest these people. It’s the DA that doesn’t want to prosecute anybody. And again, just search the video because this woman came on board when she was told, though, was just swinging away and hitting the bus driver. Nobody should go to work and have to deal with that just like they shouldn’t have to deal with crime. But this is the chaos and the insanity that we’re all subjected to. Okay. That bad. Real estate. Real estate is at a crossroads right now, especially commercial real estate.

Let’s forget about the houses for a sec. 1440 Broadway is a beautiful 25 story building that just defaulted on a $400 million loan. Okay. Done, guys. Done. You have $900 billion worth of real estate that has to be refinanced in between now and the end of the year. How’s that going to happen? It’s not going to happen with all the remote working that we’ve talked about with everybody that doesn’t want to go downtown and go to the office. It is destroying communities and destroying neighborhoods. And, you know, you walk amongst these buildings and you think they’re full and they’re not.

People cannot afford the rent. People cannot afford to pay employees to come downtown now. So call this whatever you want. You know, I’m telling you this right now. It is crazy because I get half the people that write me and tell me that it’s me, Mr. Doom and Gloom. You don’t think things are bad. I’m telling you guys, I’m a realist right now. When you have foreclosure companies and you have divorce lawyers that are, that are, hey, these are getting really busy right now. Because people are starting to break right now. They have no money. And when you have commercial lenders that are going to go out of business, you’re going to have hundreds of banks go out of business.

There’s 282 banks that we know of. We don’t know the names, but we know these banks are in trouble. I have people around me that sit there and from subscribers to friends to family members to family members, friends, acquaintances. Can you ask this guy if he can find it if my bank is in trouble? They just have three branches. I’m telling you guys, walk into that bank and ask for a financial statement from the bank. Where are you guys at? Do you have too many risky loans? Ask that. You know, how are your deposits? What are you guys going to do? And again, the FDIC insurance, the last bank that went down, I want you to think about this, there was something like $6 billion that was eviscerated because people had multiple accounts and only had $250,000 in protection from the FDIC.

The FDIC is out of money right now. Imagine this. You’ve only got so much money to pay your bills. The FDID’s, the FDIC is the same way. They don’t have an unlimited amount of money. You can call it whatever you want. These people are going to run out of money. They say if there was 18 bank payers, it would be done. 18. And we’re talking about 200 in trouble. Now you’ve got this commercial real estate that’s completely upside down. It is an absolute joke. So, you know, and again, out of control. One thing that keeps happening is the Atlanta Fed is talking about how our gross domestic product is much lower than their telenis.

It’s not at 4.2%. And things are completely bad. They are bad, guys. Name an industry doing well right now. Seriously, that’s flourishing right now. You have so many people that sell equipment, that sell products that no one is buying right now. And the people that are spending money right now are basically borrowing money to, you know, get by right now. Real success. Look at this. Even I can write that. Nice thing. Letters. Lit. It’s coming close. I walk on this office. But let me know what you think about this so far, guys, because keep your eyes open.

Get real with everything right now. Trim your costs. The best thing that you can do financially is cut back right now. Cut back any way you can. And if you have a big family, you know, everybody’s got to eat. Kids need new shoes all the time. And again, when I was a parent of young children, that was the one thing that floored me was they would grow out of clothes. They would, they would, you know, what do you mean you need a new bat? I mean, it would just be crazy because it was constant. And it was constant chaos.

I have friends that have never had children and never understood the demand of having children. So when you have single parents and you hear about people having surgery, then you have to pay for the surgery up front. This is sad, guys. It really, really is. Because this is only going to get more stringent with these banks and with other places where pay us or we won’t do it. So what happens if it’s life threatening? Are they going to start doing that too? We’ll see. We’ll see. So, love these small lakes. It’s kind of a neat place to come walk around peaceful.

How about this? Boeing had three plane crashes in two days. Great story below talking about how people were terrified running off the plane, you know, Africa. But again, Boeing 737. Hello, hello, hello, hello. Are these things safe? You know, again, my daughter flew on a Boeing plane and then they said, listen, we need to sit by the door. And she’s there by that the invisible door that could get sucked out. And it’s like, why am I doing this? You know, leave this open for other people. So what’s going to happen with Boeing? Okay. Retirement. Think about this.

Only 4% of the people that are retired right now. 4% not 40% not 48% 4% of the people say that they’re living their dream retirement right now. Now, that’s not having our roles raised and a massage every day. That’s getting by and having a nice place to live. You don’t have to worry about making the payment on your grandkids with you and living a decent life. You know, but travel every now and then. 4% of the people are doing that right now. I’m telling you guys, no matter how old you are, if you’re young watching this, prepare yourself financially.

If you’re older, clean up your debt. Make it so that you can get by on less. Get by on less. That’s the key to everything. It’s the key to your business. It’s the key to everything. It’s the key to being on the same page financially with your spouse and your mates and everything like that. And I’m telling you, roommates, everybody, okay? It is expensive to eat right now. It is absolutely outrageous to go out to dinner. And, you know, I have someone who’s a discount shopper who I know and does all this meal prep and reads all these books.

I’m simply cooking. I mean, I’m not like, we should have her on someday because there’s so many things you can do. But her whole thing is like, look at the Costco meals that are pre-made. Look at the stuffed bell peppers. Look at the meatloaf and mashed potatoes and gravy. Cut it in half. Freeze part of it. Eat part of it. You can eat that inexpensively. Samwiches. We joke about Subway. She’s like, where could you buy four sandwiches for $12? You can’t. Costco makes them fresh. And if you make a custom order, if you say, hey, listen, add a little extra mail, they have to make the sandwich just fresh and you can schedule the pickup.

You know what I mean? Okay. Next thing, Sam Ash, the music stores that we’ve talked about. This is sad. They filed for bankruptcy, guys. They couldn’t get the emergency funding. And all the stories that I heard about this and the meetings they had with the banks couldn’t do it for the simple fact that is music going to be big. Are people going to be able to afford a guitar for $500? No. So now all of Sam Ash’s locations after 100 years are going out of business, which is tragic. The kids today, not only do you need sports, you need music, you need an outlet.

Okay. Speaking of kids, schools that have banned cell phones in the classroom had productivity go up over 60%. Imagine that. You had bullying go down. You had social unrest go down by having people not be reliant on their phone. Now, I’m telling you something. This was the greatest thing. When my late girlfriend Lisa was alive and she taught lawyers to pass the bar exam, she would have these cram session classes and would insist that these lawyers to be some existing lawyers from other jurisdictions, whatever, they had to turn their cell phone in. They had a cell phone pouch on the wall that everybody had to turn it in so you could learn.

You had to turn your laptop off and you had to take notes by hand. Some people would just freak out over this. And it was absolutely crazy because what it would do would make them work on paying attention, taking notes and being the lawyer. You know, it really was effective. But this is what’s happening with these kids that are banning getting their cell phones taken away from them. They’re much more productive. The final, final story of this video, just a quick video for you this morning was, you know, we talk about food, food prices. I still think that junk food, these fast food restaurants, the majority of them are horrible.

Okay, Wendy’s just has a 50-piece nugget box. Okay? Nug party. Have a nug party. Okay? 50 pieces of nuggets. 50, 5-0 for $15. Now, okay? I’ve never been a big nugget fan, but that’s a lot of nuggets, okay? And it’s 15 bucks. So hurry out to Wendy’s and get yourself 50 nuggets. 50. Okay? College dorms are like, huh? Let’s go get it now. Anyways, please don’t forget to hit the like button. Please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel. Get ready to pay up front, guys. And get ready to, you need to make more money to survive right now.

So onward and upward, you want to get ahold of me? Hello at I’ll see you guys very soon.

See more of I Allegedly on their Public Channel and the MPN I Allegedly channel.


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000 to survive in the US challenges in commercial real estate sector cost of living in 29 out of 50 states earning $150 high medical bills in the United States impact of remote working on commercial real estate increasing crime rates in the US increasing healthcare costs in the US rising costs of living in the United States upfront payment for medical surgeries

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