Iran Raises Red Flag Of Revenge..Expect An Attack By Monday!?? | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ This David Nino Rodriguez podcast discusses potential civil unrest in America, focusing on the escalating tensions between Israel and Iran. The host expresses concern about the future of the U.S. economy and promotes investing in gold. The conversation then shifts to recent events in the Middle East, including an incident where a missile hit a soccer field and the assassination of a Hamas negotiator. The hosts speculate that these events could lead to a large-scale conflict, possibly involving other countries and impacting global economies.
➡ The speaker believes that the U.S. is in danger from internal agencies rather than external threats like Iran. They predict that upcoming events, possibly related to the election, will be blamed on Iran. They also discuss a recent prisoner swap between the U.S. and Russia, and anticipate a response from Iran towards Israel. The speaker warns of potential war and its devastating effects, including the possibility of a draft and the use of immigrants in the military. They express concern about the U.S.’s military capability and suggest that any aggression towards Iran could be a trap.


All right, folks. Welcome to Nino’s Got a very important episode for you right now. This podcast is going to be fire. We’re going to be talking about civil unrest coming to America on the back channel, just how that will happen on Nino’s First, we’re going to just kind of do a broad stroke of everything on here. I talked to Scott. I explained the rules in the dressing room. No low bunches. Keep everything above the belt. In case of a knockdown, run to the neutral corner. Please, Scott. I know how bad you want to go all in on this, but let’s keep this for YouTube.

YouTube, apparently. We’ll go to the back channel. We’ll go. There, okay? All right, folks. Get your noble gold. Are you worried about the future of the U.S. economy? Because I am. With so much uncertainty in the air, it’s natural to fret about the security of your retirement savings, but there’s no one asset that stands the test of time except gold. For centuries, gold has been the hedge against market, volatility, and economic instability. With a gold IRA from Noble Gold Invest, you can harness the power of precious metals to help protect your financial future.

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You’re going to need it. Noble Gold investments will give you up to 10 one-ounce silver Trump coins or a 10-ounce silver American flag bar. If you open up a qualified account, go to, get started today, folks. All right, Scott. Iran raises red flag of revenge, dude. This is it. We’re not stopping this now, right? Well, let’s understand how this all just happened, and it’s still unfolding. Israel and Iran have always had a very antagonistic relationship, of course. You’ve got Israel firing. Well, first of all, claiming to control the Golan Heights, which Trump had given them, which was part of Syria.

And on these Golan Heights recently was playing a soccer team that a missile apparently landed onto the field and killed a bunch of kid soccer players. Well, the Israelis accused Hezbollah of doing that, and Hezbollah said they didn’t do that. It was a iron dome missile fired from Israel that actually had went off course and struck this soccer field. So Israel, in turn, used this. Okay, so hold on, hold on. I think I know where you’re going with this one. So it’s an FF. Well, it’s an event that happened, but the Israelis tried to redefine it as an intentional attack by Hezbollah, where the Hezbollah have said it was not an attack by us.

It was an Israeli missile fired to shoot down another missile that went haywire and hit its own people in its own field. So there was an accidental quality to this. But nevertheless, the Israelis have taken this, and as they do, better than those people. Hold on, hold on. Don’t go, don’t go. So I know where you’re going. Just keep it clean. They’re able to, should we say, in a clown-like fashion, redefine the language in which it appeared that they were victims. So subsequently, they used that as an excuse to fire a missile into the bedroom of the Hamas negotiator who was in Iran.

Usually he’s in Qatar doing negotiations between Israel and Hamas to return. So they knew what he was at in a big visiting and they with pinpoint accuracy, they took him out with a missile. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He was visiting in Iran as part of the new president of Iran’s presidential ceremony. He was just sworn in. So this and a lot of all the Muslim leaders from around the world went there. So this Hamas envoy who’s been targeted for a long time went to this event, and they fired a missile into his apartment where he was staying and killed him.

Now, there’s spies we know that did this. But this was, again, firing a missile into a negotiator, the diplomat, the negotiator that was determining Israel-Palestine relations and the return of prisoners versus the stopping of the Gaza War. He was just kind of like the messenger guy. Yeah, that’s all he was. He was the diplomat. He was the messenger. He was the envoy. But see, this is a particular resonance in Iran and Middle East cultures, because when you come to their country, you are a guest. You’re considered a guest. You’re considered under their protection.

You’re considered completely neutral. And by Israel doing this, they have offended and outraged the entire population. So now Iran is planning and plotting its counter-strike, its revenge operation, if you will. But it’s not going to be just Iran. You’re now going to see Hezbollah, Yemen, Iran probably doing 10 times as big of a drone missile strike as they did last time. And it will occur after the three days of mourning, which end, I think, Friday. So we’re speculating between Friday and Monday, this counter-revenge move is going to kick off. And I’ve speculated that you’re going to have an annihilation of the commercial sectors of Israel.

All innocent people. Well, I mean, people who will be in these buildings, yeah, but they’ll probably strike at night. So they’ll strike supermarkets, banks, Apple stores, shoe stores, luxury stores, furniture stores, internet. You know, they’ll strike all of the luxury items that Israel and its people live off of. But Scott, this to me seems like they baited them into the situation. Israel knows exactly what they were doing. And now we’re in Israel. And we’ll talk about that in the back channel. Don’t say it on YouTube. No, they might write in saying that.

Yeah, I think that’s valid. I do think that’s valid. They want to create a war by any means necessary. That’s Netanyahu came over to the Congress and, you know, regurgitated his spittle before the little birds in the Congress halls who clapped like seals at the old speech that he gave in 2003. He gave the same speech in 2020. Now that he knows he has the funding and the money and he has America backing them, it’s it’s go time. Well, that’s, you know, that’s very precarious, because I don’t think he has the American people backing him.

But he has Congress, right? I mean, they’re not the American people, but Congress, I will put it this way. They’re on thin ice. And they’re about to break through because once you initiate American troops and money to Israel to to engage in a war against Hezbollah, Iraqi forces, Syrian forces, Iranian forces, Yemeni forces that are trying to start of the Palestinian people, now you’ve entered a whole World War Three and plus Russia and China are going to be on the side of Iran and the countries that are on the that are allowing American missile bases and Air Force bases to stay there like Qatar, they’re going to go neutral.

They’re not going to allow American bases to be flying or planning or plotting offensive operations out of Qatar against Iran. That’s not going to happen. Here’s where my mind goes with this. And I feel like this is the most perfectly concocted and like engineered situation America could be in because who are we bringing over here? Unvetted immigrants every day that a lot of them are Hamas and Hezbollah. I mean, they’re here. Mr. Oh, the president, Mr. Oh, I know people hate when I do this, but I got to do it, folks.

Mr. Oh, brought them here in his term. A lot of them. A lot of them are dear, dear, dear, dear born Michigan or dear Lake Michigan, whatever. What’s the place in Michigan? Yeah, capital, Muslim capital, whatever. Yeah, there’s a lot here. And how do you think they’re going to take to this? So we bring all these Muslims here, we bring all these people from that region of the world and then back Israel. Now we’re going back. So to me, this is very, very orchestrated, Scott. Well, am I right in saying that? Yeah, you are to an extent.

But see, the main consideration I’ve always said is the the hijacking of the Muslim card by the FBI by the CIA by the Mossad, we have no further to look than 911. Let’s go to the back channel to talk about this. I know we’re going with this. So but we are looking at war from Iran just to give my YouTube audience something. We are looking at a full scale war probably by my we’re not we’re not looking at them attacking the United States. They’re not going to do that. That’s that’s not part of their diplomatic strategy.

They do not want a conflict. They want containment, containment of Israel. That means they’re not going to inflame the United States people or the British people or the German or the French people. They’re they’re not going to do that. But what about rogue in our country? They will not engage in activities against the United States. So you don’t feel like the immigrants here have their we’re not in any danger right now from Iran with no, I think we’re in more danger by the three letter agencies that will hijack movement as they know.

That’s well, that’s kind of what that’s what I mean. That’s what I want to talk about on the back channel because they will they will and we’ve said this before. This is nothing new. We’ve said for a series of months, the election will lead up to all of these firecrackers popping off. They’re going to blame that the country Iran for these sort of things. We know the hook knows black, black hair. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. They’re the ones who will be responsible. All right. We’re doing this for YouTube.

But they may also take a second pop at our orange haired friend or Kamala Harris and blame it on. Right. Okay. All right. Let’s get to the back channel. All right, folks. See you. See you at Nino’s Corner.TV. This is going to be fired. Here’s one other thing to remember. They just did a prisoner swap. If people don’t know, the Russians and the Americans just did a prisoner swap. So you have like 16 Americans who have been released from Russia and you’ve got a bunch of Russians that were released back. So there’s. All right, but we should see a response from Iran on Israel by Monday, you think? Yeah, I think Monday is going to kick it off and you’re going to see the same drone strikes that you saw the first time only probably 10 times as devastating.

And you’ll see and hear all the propaganda that war has come. War is this. We need to help Israel and the fact. Here we go. We’re off to the races. It’ll break the American economies back if we get into that. Plus, any ships that are used in offensive ways, you’ll find mysterious Russian hypersonic missiles fired at them and you’ll see a lot of sunken ships. This is a battle that we can’t win. And McGregor said it and Ritter said it and I’ve said it and others. We do not have the military capability.

We do not have the soldiers that have the maturity or the experience. We do not have the weapons technology to do countermeasures. And they are quite quite upset by what’s happening, which is why which is why they would implement the draft, correct? I think they will try and justify a draft and they’ll also initiate their immigrant draft. They’re going to do all this before the election. All hell is going to break loose. And I’ll tell you if Trump starts walking down that path, like he said, if they Trump said this quote, if they assassinate me, I hope they wipe Iran off the map.

Well, he’s just inviting Israel to do exactly that and blame it on Iran. All right, let’s get to the back channel. All right, folks, we’ll see you at Nino’s Corner.TV. We’re going to dive deep into this and we’re going to go all in. [tr:trw].

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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assassination of Hamas negotiator civil unrest in America podcast election events blamed on Iran escalating tensions between Israel and Iran future of U.S. economy impact of conflict on global economies investing in gold advice missile hit soccer field potential Iran potential large-scale conflict recent Middle East events U.S. internal agencies danger U.S. Russia prisoner swap

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