Insider Tells All – Banks Are About To Fail | I Allegedly

Posted in: I Allegedly, News, Patriots



➡ Dan from I Allegedly warns of an impending crisis in the commercial real estate sector. He cites insider information revealing that banks like Flag Star Bank and Zion Bank Corp have significantly more loans than their total worth, indicating a potential collapse. He also mentions a report from Florida Atlantic University highlighting more banks at risk due to commercial real estate. Dan suggests that this situation could lead to businesses and banks going under, and advises having an emergency fund in place.
➡ The shipping industry is facing a downturn, with less shipping happening now than in a long time. Commercial real estate is also in a precarious situation, with a potential collapse looming. Banks may start shutting down, causing issues with access to money. Despite these challenges, credit unions are considered safer than banks. Also, there’s a warning about timeshare scams and a story about a wrongful death lawsuit leading to the closure of 48 Subway stores.
➡ The speaker is concerned about the rapid changes in financial news and the impact on workers, especially those in industries like Subway stores. They encourage sharing thoughts and staying informed through their email list, warning of potential banking issues that could lead to businesses closing. They also appreciate the global community for their contributions to the discussion.


Hey it’s Dan! Welcome back! I’ve got a good one for you today because this is I allegedly and commercial real estate is about to explode. It’s going to have such a huge problem and we have an insider that stepped forward and gave me a bunch of information that is absolutely amazing. Okay? So please first of all we have an email going out it’s going to be a big one because it’s got financial information how to prepare and things like that. Join the email list. The easiest way to join the email list is you know use your phone and take a picture of this right here and you can join the email list or use the link below.

Guys sign up make sure you can do that right away. Like, subscribe and comment in the video as well. Today we have a sponsor Private Internet Access. First things first I have an insider that steps forward that’s in the commercial banking industry and I am NOT allowed to say anything about this person. I can’t use their name and they don’t even want me to say if it’s a man or a woman but what they told me was absolutely staggering and they said I want you to look at these two banks first Dan and then this report that was issued and the first bank is Flag Star Bank.

Now the problem with Flag Star Bank and its commercial real estate, think about what I’m telling you. They have loans that are due that are past due. Huge problem. They’ve brought new staff in to collect on these loans because they are past due. They have a problem where they have 51 billion dollars in loans. Okay, we throw numbers out now where we don’t even think about this anymore. The only problem with that, think about this, they have 51 billion dollars in loans and the bank is only worth nine point three billion dollars.

So they’ve got 553 percent more loans than what the bank is worth. 553 percent more than what the bank is worth. Now guys, I literally pulled over to make this video and I’m like, oh my god, I got to get this thing out there right away. So there’s that. Now that’s bad. There are 67 banks that are in huge trouble right now and we’ve glanced on that. People are like, oh it’s so boring hearing about banking. Guys, this is going to collapse on a Friday night and it’s gonna be like it’s no big deal but it is a big deal.

It’s huge because what’s happening right now is they’re propping these things up with matchsticks and with playing cards. The next one is Zion bank corp and here’s another stellar one where Zion has commercial real estate loans with 26 billion dollars right now. The 26 billion dollars again, hey man, that’s half of Flagstaff, it’s no big deal. It’s a huge deal because the bank is only worth 5.8 billion dollars. That’s it guys, that’s it. So they’ve got 440 percent more loans than what the bank is worth. Now the problem with this is the banks are coming they’re calling these loans and they’re hiring staff to foreclose.

Then they’re reaching out to my buddy who I can talk to and he’s like, wow Dan there’s just so many different banks. Banks I’ve never heard of are reaching out to us now so there’s that. You’re going to see hotels go out of business this summer. You’re going to see people that own small businesses are going to have their landlords foreclosed on like you’ve never seen before. Just gonna start happening because enough is enough is enough. They let these people go on forever thinking that there was going to be some magical rate drop and now they cannot afford this.

The interest rates have gone up so much and doubled and tripled that these people cannot refinance these places. They are at good ones good buildings right now 30 and 40 percent occupancy. 40 percent that would be bankruptcy bill in any other lifetime but now oh wow we’ve got 40 percent we could probably unload this property. That is insane guys it’s absolutely crazy then occupancy is one thing the other thing is we have occupancy they’re just not paying their rent. So you’ve got businesses that are out there in these buildings that are not paying their rent right now think about that. Think about how bad that is and the banks have got a tenant in there that they cannot collect on.

You know these people aren’t paying their rent. So big fat squirrel right there he’s living large so one thing that was pointed out to me by this person. Dan take a look at this report because this report is amazing Florida Atlantic University huh never heard of it they did a report on data analysis on more banks at risk of going down because of commercial real estate. This is absolutely amazing now this report is below and you can read it and you should read it because this will terrify you. This will make you realize wow they really lied to us this is really much worse than we thought. It is nowhere near a problem that can be solved if you are sniffing glue thinking that hey they’re gonna drop interest rates a quarter of a point a half a point one percent it wouldn’t make a difference.

You’re going to see people that are going to go out of business like you’ve never seen before. You’re going to see commercial real estate companies go out of business. The banks are in huge trouble because they have they have more loans outstanding than the total assets of the company. Think about that okay how much money do you have in your checking account? Got five thousand dollars okay. I’ve got a hundred thousand dollars in bills right now well let’s just cash it out and let’s you know pay everything off. Well you have five grand Dan and you also have hundred thousand dollars. The math doesn’t work on all this stuff.

Now all these people you know the average bank right now is 300% more debt than they have an equity. Think about that think about if you owned your house that way my house you know it’s worth a hundred thousand and I owe three hundred thousand on it. You would be out of business you would be done you would be foreclosed upon you would lose that property you know hands down it would just happen goodbye. Let’s take it bye Dan time to get up a couple things about this you know they did it an exposure test. I mean this is thing is fascinating it’s so good and you have to read it so you know the serious development of banking system and the commercial real estate rebel Cole a PhD of economics said this is you know with commercial property sound at a serious discount and not being able to get adequate tenants.

You know it’s going to be a they’re going to have to come down and sell these properties at a reduced price and it’s going to take a huge toll in these banks. Now we have to have a banking relationship you have to have online banking to pay your bills you have to have that. But I’m telling you this is it this is where you have to have money out of the bank if you were on a fixed income. Have at least ten percent of what you would make in a month so you could have that in your life. You need to have an emergency fund anyways because when all of a sudden something happens and the internet goes down or there’s a hacking or something like that.

The CDK thing with the automobiles should have taught these auto industry people that they should have had a backup. Well no and think about this when that gets turned back on I read a report today that I won’t you know won’t bore you guys with. They say it may take five years to fix the damage that was done from that one cyber attack. Because the infrastructure of some of these places are completely destroyed right now and some individual dealerships may have to be built from the ground up to get their loan and their sales systems up. But this report I mean it’s amazing the US Bank exposure to real estate. I mean this thing is amazing 157 largest banks you know that have more than ten billion dollars in assets.

There is not one of them out there that’s doing good there’s not one bank in this batch of the 67 that are doing well. So get ready because you can walk into a credit union you can walk into a bank and say what is the majority of your type of loans that you do. Now Bank of America you’re gonna talk to some tool in the loan department who’s gonna tell you how great they’re doing it at everything’s great. But a credit union they’re a little more trusting oh we do a lot of auto loans Dan this is our forte as auto loans. Then you look at places like BMO that used to be Bank of Montreal BMO they’re into independent trucking.

They love trucks so those guys man oh man right now they’re out there trying to get through that industry. It’s done guys look at FedEx look at UPS look at the United you know the postal system is down there is less shipping now than there has been in an incredibly long time. But the commercial real estate read this report it is stellar it is absolutely stellar and the fact that this person told me to go and look at this because the thing that they told me and as I read it on my father companies mentioned a couple times in here.

And I appreciate this if you guys ever have inside information and you don’t want anything said about you let me know guys I’m not gonna tell it you’re not gonna you know give your name or anything. But this person didn’t want to say male or female or anything or which department don’t say you know that I’m in the south don’t say that I you know I’m you know anywhere. It was really specific but with that I appreciate this and you guys should appreciate this too because the exposure and what these people have is unbelievable and this report is stellar. Take a look at it today and let me know what you think about this because it’s going to collapse before our eyes guys.

We’re going to have a problem there’s no two ways about this so get yourself ready and what’s going to happen guys miraculously on a Friday night they’re going to start shutting banks down and you’re not going to have access to it. But I don’t believe these internet outages I don’t believe these things are not coincidental I believe none of that stuff. So let me know what you think about this and just a quick video today because I’m really furious over this but if you want to be stupid if you want to buy a house right now don’t buy it through a realtor right now. Contact banks directly because what’s going to happen is they don’t the majority of them don’t have a system and a way to sell you the banks.

But they’re going to get this you know Dan I really love that you tell people to do this because what’s going to happen is one thing I’ve been tasked for is to set up a program or we can sell properties and start listing our REO properties our real estate owned properties. Because in addition to the commercial space we’re going to have a tremendous amount of residential space that’s going to be residential units that are going to be unloaded right now. Now here is the thing they’re going to give people one last chance pay up or else they’re not going to refinance these people.

Not a chance if somebody has not made their payments for two years or longer in some cases they’re not going to do that. My buddy Doug who does the personal foreclosures is doing half a dozen foreclosures today. Hey Dan gonna go it’s just getting busier slowly but surely but the dam is about to break remember that. So let me know what you think about

this and take a look at it but again credit unions are safer than banks in general. They’re all in a precarious spot right now but I have people that have written me that have three and four different financial institutions in their lives right now. Rightfully so what would you do what would you do if you could not get money for 10 days look at the CDK hack that’s going on what its ninth day now. And these people can’t sell cars right now and as tight as the car industry was as bad as it was how do you think they’re doing right now.

They’re doing horribly folks come on get real get real. Let me know what you think about this so far. Let’s talk about our sponsor private Internet access VPN a VPN is a virtual private network and what it does it makes it so that whenever you go from your device cell phone computer laptop tablet to any website you have a tunnel of encryption that makes it so the bad guys cannot see you. The government cannot see you the hackers cannot get access to your keystrokes. All of my IT people that are setting up my social media company are all working with PIO it’s the best one. Dan that’s a great company you had them before they were a sponsor they’re fantastic the nerds love this place.

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I don’t want them to go through anything on my computer on my devices and what protects that is private Internet access. You don’t want people to be able to see your banking information or anything like that check it out today use the link below and save 83%. It’s absolutely the deal of the year check it out number one rated plus they’ve also been the I allegedly part of the year for two years in a row. Use the link below and save 83% today now one thing I like to do is get away we’ve talked about this skipping out in the middle of the day find someplace to be by yourself.

I’ve got the half season pass so I like going to a daytime ballgame and skipping out from everybody and it’s a great place. I’ve got good seats we donate the seats if you guys have a charity or anybody in Southern California that can benefit from this I’ve done this a bunch we’ve donated the seats. I’ve had subscribers have their grandkids come to town and they wanted the seats and we’ve donated them for that but the seats are stellar. Reach out let me know and let’s go watch again they’re playing the Oakland A’s and my friend is a huge Oakland A’s fan and I just you know you know I blame that on bad parenting.

But you know he’s here and he got the seats and I just held one of them for myself so go check it out now those are seats check that out. Now this is fascinating because the story comes from the New York Post Jill and Joe Biden refinance their house I’m not kidding I’m not making this 20 times and they pulled out a total of 4.2 million dollars from their house refi refi refi refi wow. The house was really three hundred fifty thousand dollars and now it’s just miraculous it’s worth a lot more money so isn’t that fascinating so check that story out below. The next thing is the FBI has issued warnings for people that own timeshares they don’t want you to fall for scams right now where people say hey listen we could hey Dan you want a timeshare.

We can get you out of your timeshare contact us today and we’ll take care of it and then what they do is tell these people that they got out of the timeshare and then they go out and list to the timeshare and say hey do you want to stay in this place for free they find out the date and do it and then you owe more money. You owe your maintenance fees you’re locked out of your account horrible stuff horrible stuff the IRS has issued an apology and the apology is to billionaire Ken Griffin who used to who runs Citadel and used to live in Chicago and now moved to Florida and the apology starts with him and hundreds of other people’s.

There was a guy that worked there a contractor who wouldn’t it be cool to pull rich people’s you know tax returns and see what they’re making it what they what they say they may Wow. This guy did this and Ken Griffin found out about he was on that list so they issued an apology to him and other people but read that story below. And then the final story and this is what’s wild this one this one comes from the UK which is not that’s not that I get stories from the UK all the time but this is a story that should be reported here over the UK and that is somebody that owns 48 subway stores just had a wrongful death lawsuit for an employee that wanted to transfer and ended up dying and they’re in one of the locations.

The family sued and they lost the lawsuit well now they’re closing 48 locations but again because of the precarious nature of a subway franchise you know these people are not making any money and they are losing these stores you know at a record pace. But how many people work in 48 subway stores that’s the worst part of this whole thing that I just that’s what just makes me stay up at night guys with this stuff it really does because people you know don’t look at the workers it’s sad it really is.

So you know share your thoughts on this stuff it’s getting crazy that we get new financial news on a daily basis and sometimes we have to get it from other countries because we’re not getting this stuff here isn’t that don’t you guys find that interesting because I do and I love everybody from Canada everybody from around the world Stephen in the UK that sends me stuff on a regular basis all the doctors Don I mean Charles Doug everybody you guys are fantastic but this is amazing. Okay so don’t forget to join the email list once again see this put your cell phone up to that freeze the the image and take a picture of that and it’ll take your right to the signup page for not on the email list. I get people the right me go hey add me to the email list we don’t have time to do that to be honest with you it’s not to be snooty or anything like that but I’m the guy working seven days a week right now so please let me know what you think about this.

Get yourself ready for the banking problem because what’s going to happen is they’re going to act like it’s a big shock and oh my gosh can you believe this just happened it is going to be catastrophic and you’re going to see businesses go out of business right now remember that so let me know what you think about all this. Like, subscribe, comment, share it with your friends and enemies and I will see you guys very soon thanks for being here.



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credit union safety downturn in shipping industry emergency fund for business collapse Flag Star Bank financial risk Florida Atlantic University banking report impact on Subway workers impending commercial real estate crisis insider information on bank loans potential bank shutdowns potential banking rapid changes in financial news Subway stores wrongful death lawsuit timeshare scams warning Zion Bank Corp financial instability

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