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➡ Peggy Hall, from, recounts the 2020 Thanksgiving event held at a public park during California’s strict Covid-19 restrictions. She encourages her viewers to continue resisting infringements on their freedoms, as they did during the restrictive measures for the said holiday.


Hey friends, Peggy hall back with you from thehealthyamerican. org. The video that I’m about to share with you is actually a top hit, meaning it’s one of my favorites and yours as well. This was recorded back in 2020 over Thanksgiving, and the governor of California told everybody to stay home, not have more than a certain number of people at your house. You had all sort sorts of restrictions and I want to share with you exactly what we did at the healthy american so what I’ve got for you is footage of a Thanksgiving event that we had at a public park and I’m going to read to you.

The voiceover is actually me reading the government’s orders in terms of what we, the people were supposed to do over that Thanksgiving Day. So I hope you’re going to enjoy it and I hope that this will be an inspiration for you to continue to stand up and to never give in, give up or give over your freedom. From the California Department of Public Health and the California governor mandatory requirements for all gatherings gatherings that include more than three households are prohibited.

This includes everyone present, including hosts and guests. Remember, the smaller the number of people, the safer. Participating in multiple gatherings with different households or groups is strongly discouraged. The host should collect names and addresses of all attendees in case contact tracing is needed later. All gatherings must be held outside. A gathering of no more than three households is permitted in a public park or outdoor space, even if unrelated gatherings are occurring in the same park or outdoor space.

Mixing between group gatherings is not allowed. This would constitute a gathering exceeding the permitted size. Everyone at a gathering must maintain at least a six foot physical distance from others at all times. Seating must provide at least 6ft of distance in all directions, front to back and side to side between different households. Shared items should not be used during a gathering. Any food or beverages must be in single serve disposable containers.

Selfserve items from communal containers should not be used. Everyone should frequently wash their hands with soap and water. Face coverings must be worn in accordance with the guidelines. People at gatherings may remove their face coverings briefly to eat or drink as long as they stay at least 6ft away from everyone and they put their face covering back on as soon as they are done eating or drinking. Gatherings should be short 2 hours or less.

Singing, chanting and shouting are strongly discouraged. All people who are singing or chanting should wear a face covering at all times while singing or chanting. People who are singing, shouting or chanting are strongly encouraged to maintain physical distancing beyond 6ft. People who are singing or chanting are strongly encouraged to do so at or below the volume of a normal speaking voice. Instrumental music is allowed as long as the musicians are from one of the three households present.

Playing of wind instruments, such as a trumpet or clarinet is strongly discouraged. Drop off holiday meals for older loved ones so that they can stay home. Remember, only invite a maximum of two households to your gatherings. These holiday tips are from the California Department of Public Health guidance for gatherings. .


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