Homeschool Mom Of 4 Tackled Arrested For Not Taking The COVID Shot: SettingBrushFires

Posted in: News, Patriots, SettingBrushFires



➡ SettingBrushFires channel discusses the Sons of Liberty is a group that believes in the principles that America was built on, which they think are important for a fair society. They use the Bible and the Constitution to guide them, not political sides. The host, Tim Brown, welcomes everyone to their radio show, regardless of their beliefs. He shares a funny story about a technical issue he had during the show and introduces a guest, Michelle, who moved to Florida due to issues with forced vaccinations.
➡ The person in the article used to support Democrats, thinking they cared about people. But they realized that the free things Democrats offer aren’t really free and come with strings attached. They also learned that language can be manipulated to make bad things seem okay. They experienced discrimination because they didn’t want to wear a mask and had a miscarriage at home because hospitals wouldn’t treat them. They compared the current situation to World War II and were accused of antisemitism for doing so. They believe that people should follow the law, not just do what their political party wants.
➡ A woman was arrested at the Massachusetts state Capitol while trying to meet her elected representatives. She was protesting against human rights violations and the lack of response from her representatives. After her arrest, she faced backlash from her community and even her family. She believes her arrest was meant to stop her from protesting.
➡ A woman named Michelle talks about how she used to trust her political party, but now she doesn’t because they were silent on issues she cared about. She also talks about how she was arrested for not wanting to get a vaccine shot and was charged with trespassing and assault. She was forced to wear a mask in court, even though the judge wasn’t wearing one. She feels like she’s being treated unfairly and is trying to stay brave.
➡ A group of people, including the speaker, protested against vaccine mandates and got into trouble with the law. They feel they are being treated unfairly because they are still facing charges while others have had theirs dropped. The speaker believes they are being targeted because they challenged a popular political figure. They are worried about the future, fearing they won’t get a fair trial and that this situation could drag on for years.
➡ A group of people feel wrongly accused of being bad and causing trouble. They believe they are being treated unfairly, like not being allowed in certain places and being watched all the time. They feel ignored and unsupported, even by groups that usually help people. They are encouraged to stay strong and believe that they will overcome these challenges.


Hello, the save the wretch like me. I won’t. The Sons of Liberty is a politically neutral organization. We believe that the judeo christian ethic has provided the principles upon which this nation was founded. It is our belief that these principles provide not only the foundation and framework for american government and society, but are also essential to the maintenance of a fair and just society. Hello. Program content is based on a christian biblical worldview.

One of you said to me recently that we shouldn’t rock the boat. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I want to tell you that I am a boat rock. Good day, America. Welcome Christians, conservatives, constitutionalists, liberals, libertarians, communists, Islamists, Lgbtqrstv, wxYZ people, all the boat ruckers in the house and anybody else I may have missed. To the Sons of Liberty radio show here on red state talk radio, where we use the Bible and the constitution not to use on the right or the left, but who is on the straight and narrow.

I’m your host, Tim Brown. Coming to you live from the US occupied state of South Carolina, the editor@sonsolibertimedia. com. And for our muslim friends, I’m the infidel that Allah warns you about. I hold to the book the Bible as the authoritative word of God. Glad that you guys have joined us this morning. If you’d like to check us out online, please do so. Sonsoflibertyradio. com and also sonsofalibertimedia.

com. In fact, if you’re listening by way of the radio, and I don’t know why that came up that way, we’ve had some problems this morning. One of the big ones for me was I accidentally unplugged my earphones. So I’m going to apologize to my guests because I couldn’t hear. And I was like, this doesn’t make sense because it’s really connected and everything. And I couldn’t hear the music and I couldn’t hear anything.

And all of a sudden, apparently my extended plug came undone. Maybe I stepped away from it or something. Anyway, I’ve got the wrong thing up here. Let me fix that because we’re going to need this in the show. So you guys know, I’m working off of the backup computer. So this has been a challenge. But I’ll tell you what, overall, I’m thankful to God that we have something that we can stream with, and that’s a good thing.

And this was just my error. Okay? So anyway, if you want to check us out, sonsoflibertyradio. com. Sonsoflibertymedia. com in fact, if you’re listening by way of the radio, you want to watch the video portion of the radio show. That’s right, you can see the face that’s made for radio. Head over to sonslibertymedia. com. There you’re going to see two videos at the top of the page. One on the left side is Bradley’s show from yesterday.

So if you missed that, you want to catch it, you can do so up until 03:00 this afternoon, at which time he’ll be live in that area. On the right side of the page is where we’re at. Click on the play button. Blow it up. Whatever device you got, look for the rumble icon, bottom right hand corner. Click on that. Join us in the chat on Rumble. Got a lot of friends over there this morning.

So good morning, you guys. Good to see you. And while you’re over there, please subscribe to that channel, Sonsofliberty Radio Live. Also, we’re streaming live on beforetsnews. com. Appreciate Mike on his team giving us a spot over there as well. Back to sonsolibertymedia. com. Right up under where we’re streaming live is where you can find our email newsletter. Sign up please do that. All our articles for the day go out right to your inbox late afternoon, early evening eastern time, and that includes the morning show archive.

So again, here’s yesterday’s we talked about the doctrine of the ascension. So everything we talked about, the videos and all that other stuff, even some bonus videos that you guys, I don’t play on here, but I do collect them on my personal channel on Rumble and setting brush fires. So if you guys want to check that out, you can do so. And today’s will also be in there as well.

And then finally, our store is available. You can get there right off of sonsoflibertymedia. com. The link is at the top of the page. And then also you can go there directly at thesuns of liberty. Don’t forget the in front of it, thesunsofliberty squarespace. com. And we are highlighting Bradley’s book. All the profits are pointing to the front. The soldier of the cross is still available. Both books are $10.

The bundle for the soldier of the cross, if you want it with the t shirt and the dog tag, that starts at $34. That depends. The price change depends on the size of your shirt. Okay. All right. So you guys can check that out in the store, and we appreciate all your support. Okay? I’m hoping everything’s good because I did hear Michelle saying, hello. Is anybody listening? During the intro there? That’s what you guys are hearing.

And again, that was all my fault. Yeah, sometimes I provide comic relief, as you guys know. And so that’s what’s going on here. But this morning, we’ve got a special guest with us. Our friend Maya Hahn actually recommended that we bring Michelle on, so I reached out to her. She’s from up in Boston. How do those guys talk? Because Bradley and I were down in Florida together, like, years ago.

We went and sat in one of the hot tubs right outside the pool. The kids are playing in the pool. The old men are sitting in the hot tub, and this guy comes down, and he’s from Boston. He’s got this. I mean, I can’t even do it, but it’s a very thick accent this guy has. And we had a great conversation, but he was funny to listen to, and he thought it was funny listening to us.

Well, he thought it was funny listening to me because I got a southern draw because I’m a redneck down here in South Carolina. But that’s what he did. So, anyway, we got a special guest on, and Michelle has been through some things here. I think from my understanding, Michelle comes maybe from a different political kind of background and mindset than many of you listening. And yet Michelle has come to the same conclusion we’re coming to, and that is those who are supposed to serve us are becoming a bunch of tyrants.

And, boy, you’re going to be amazed at her story and what she has. Michelle Elfindi. I hope I said that correct. Welcome to the sons of liberty. Great to see you. Thank you. So, wanted to make. We wanted to make sure everything was working, and here am. So it’s okay. This is what the problem was right there, this little connection. Right? Plug in. Come completely apart. So, anyway, it’s great to have you on.

Now, tell us a little bit about yourself. You’re a homeschool mom, so you got a lot in common with our family, with other families out there. Right? You live in the north. I did. I am from Boston, and we say park the car in. Um. But I live in Florida now. Because of all the persecution that I was dealing with, my husband decided to relocate us to Florida, where he had a different job opportunity.

So it wasn’t that we moved to Florida because it’s a free state. This is a global issue, I believe, with these lockdowns and everything, but because we just really needed to get away from a place where I am being selectively persecuted because I decided to stand up to the government against these forced vaccinations. And it’s not funny. It’s very scary. It is very scary. But I chuckle because I just can’t believe it’s happening.

Yeah, it is kind of because you’re living your life and then all of a sudden you’ve been made a criminal because of a choice you made. Not to put a deadly poison or biblical reference would be a sorcery, a pharmaceutical, a pharmacia into your body, because I guess you can speak for yourself, but I would assume you understand I don’t need those things, those poisons, and they don’t even tell me what’s in them or anything else.

I don’t need that stuff in my body. And you were just trying to go into courthouse. But before we get into all that, just so people understand who you are, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? You can make it three, 5 minutes, something like that. Just let people know who you, Tim. Well, really, the decision was because of my background as a lefty. You mentioned that I had a different background.

I voted Democrat my entire life because that’s what I was told to do, instructed to do. That’s how my family votes. And I’m told, my body, my choice, my body, my choice, my body, my choice. And so when it came time to make the decision, I put that in air quotes, the decision to get a vaccine, I should put that in air quotes, too. Vaccine. I thought that I had a choice, but it turns out I didn’t really have a choice.

They were going to insist upon it. And that really made me wonder, like, wait, why? So this is where the suspicions came and the conflict arose. So again, I was a lefty. I pat myself on the head now and think how I could have ever voted for Hillary Clinton ten or 15 years ago, whenever that was. And I also was a supporter of Bernie Sanders whenever that was as well.

And I just thought that Democrats were the party of compassion and supporting people. And turns out, no, that none of these freebies are for free, that they actually come with a strong sense of return. And it really was a very eye opening experience to later learn that these people wanted me to inject whatever into my blood in order to get that doughnut or in order to get that free housing or whatever they were offering.

So it’s a slippery slope, and I feel more awake now. But at the same time, I don’t want to underestimate all of the evil that is out there because there’s just so much that I’m still not aware of. Yeah. And a lot of this comes. You were saying that you were taught a certain thing, and you grew up thinking that. And let me ask you, did you ever question any of those things? Because I think that kind of plays into what we’re looking at.

Did you ever question any of these things at all privately, in your own mind, or in conversation with friends? You say, my body, my choice, and I know what that leads to. That’s the issue of the murder of the unborn. Did you think that was okay to do? You were taught that was okay to do. Do you see that different now? I do see different now, especially being a mother of four.

And before I left Boston, while we were moving, I was eight weeks pregnant, and I suffered a miscarriage, I truly believe, because of the stress of this persecution. And I was forced to have the miscarriage at my home because six hospitals in Massachusetts and two in New Hampshire refused to treat me because I couldn’t or wouldn’t wear a face mask. And so I’ll be very real here. That I had to pass my baby with my husband all by myself.

And it was a truly horrific, but also humbling experience. And I did see my baby. And to see a baby ever so small, but it was still a baby, really puts it into perspective that this baby, at eight weeks old, what does a baby look like when they’re 24 weeks old? That is an incredibly big baby. And it just blows my mind that anybody would think that that’s okay.

But they really do separate the issue and make it seem like that. It’s sort of like chicken and chicken nuggets. You don’t think that you’re eating chicken. You think you’re eating nuggets and don’t realize that it’s, in fact, chicken, that it was a living being before. So there’s a lot of separation and manipulation in regards to word choices to try and disassociate the acts of violence involved. Okay.

All right, good. I’m glad you said that, because this is stuff we talked about on the show many times, is that the Marxists, what they will do is they will manipulate the language so that you get accustomed to hearing certain words. We see it all the time now. Instead of adultery, we call it affair. Instead of sodomy, we call it gay. And so they change the language in order to help the people feel a little bit better about the evil things that are being done.

And so instead of murdering your unborn baby, we talk about abortion or termination see, that doesn’t sound as. It’s not a gut punch, if you will, to call what they’re doing, doing. But I’m glad that you see that. And I think it helps maybe some people, I know there’s some people who are in the chat. One lady, at least from the Boston area, and she goes, we got out of there, too, because all this stuff.

But you’ve got this going on now. Help us here. You’ve got this kind of mindset. I’m going to play this video in just a second where you are actually, it looks like. Are you trying to get into a courthouse? Is that what you’re trying to do? It was actually the state capitol, state House. It’s the Massachusetts State House. And I was peacefully trying to enter. I know that get in is true, but I wasn’t trying to break and enter.

I wasn’t climbing a fence or anything like that. I was trying to peacefully access the state house that was finally open to the public because the Massachusetts state House had been closed longer than any state house in the country and only opened because protesters, and I don’t even like to use the word protester either, because there’s a negative connotation there, but that people had challenged and said, open up.

Open up. Come on. Why are you still closed? You are elected officials. What is the emergency? What authority do you have to have this building closed? And that happened in early February 2022. And then they being the leaders of the Senate, Massachusetts Senate, finally decided to open the building to the public at the end of the month, which was late February 2022. And myself and a few other moms, fired, healthcare workers, immigrants, a diverse bunch, went there on March 1 to try and peacefully enter like the public can during public hours and see our elected representatives and or to tour the building because there are tours available, you are allowed to walk around.

You don’t need a pass except for then they decided that you need to have a vax pass or you need to have a proof of negative COVID test. So let me ask you, did you feel like what you may have read in Nazi Germany? And they’re going, furline, give me your papers. Show your papers. Furline. It was exactly the same. And coincidentally, I had read a book. I can’t recall the title, but it was about the approaching World War II in France.

And I was like, this is the same. Like checkpoints, ration cards. It was exactly the same. And when I began to speak out publicly about the looming vaccine mandates and then there being vaccine mandates in Boston, friends people that I had shared food with, broke bread with many times told me that I was awful to associate this, but it is the same. It’s the exact same. And it really broke my heart that these people could not see the correlation and accuse me of racism or antisemitism because I was suggesting such.

How did antisemitism get in that? Because of suggesting that these were like Nazis. Therefore, I’m speaking down on what jewish people really suffered with that. I’m not suffering the jewish people. Okay, so you’re equating what you’re going through with what people went through in the Holocaust, which, by the way, look, we’ve had some jewish people. Well, let me put it this way, because everybody knows what I think.

Biblically, we have people who call themselves Jews, who are not Jews, they’re not true Jews, but they still recognize that what’s going on here with the shots and everything, they’re not vaccines. All this health care scare is straight out of Nazi Germany because that’s exactly what they were doing to the people then and there. It wasn’t just with quote unquote vaccines. It was with a number of tests and things that they were putting people through.

So I think you’re right on track there. I think this cry of anti semitism, in my opinion, all this stuff where they’re trying to make themselves out as victims, all that falls on deaf ears. If somebody does a person who calls themselves a jew and is not any harm, any wrong, if you’re out to murder them or any of that, you’re wrong and you need to repent of that.

Okay. Right. I’ll just clarify. I don’t even recall that being a jewish person who said that to me. Okay. It was another know on Facebook who said that when I correlated the checkpoints, the checkpoints of today with the checkpoints of World War II as being the same, or at least similar, they had said, that is anti semitism. That’s just stupid. Well, it’s gaslighting. Yeah, that’s exactly what it is.

Because, excuse me, I have been stopped. I’m stopped and criminalized and I’m segregated and discriminated against. I can’t go through. The brown shirts are not letting me in. How is that not the, like, really? Yeah. Well, one of the things, Michelle, I think people are already hearing know, you said you’re a lefty. Now, we don’t play the right left Republican Democrat thing. You’re either on the side of the law or you’re lawless.

That’s what you are. This right left stuff, Bradley’s got a great little thing for it. He says it’s political language to make the truth sound or the lies sound truthful. That’s the whole thing. And that’s what we get. We say, oh, well, the Democrats are in charge, so they can just do whatever they want. No, they can’t. The law is the boundaries. It’s supposed to be the chains that hold them in place.

And neither can Republicans either. But they play that game, too. They let the Republicans do whatever they want to do outside the law and everything else. I want to play people just this little video. It’s only a little over a minute. This is your encounter there at the Massachusetts state Capitol. And I want people to pay attention to what goes on. Again, people, I don’t know how to say it.

I don’t try to broad brush. I do think there are some, probably some good men within police departments. Okay. But they’re few and far between from what I’m seeing. This is not a few bad apples. Sometimes we find entire police departments that are so corrupt, they have to disband the whole police department. And we’ve done stories on that in towns. But this one right here, I just want you guys to check this out.

Now. You guys on the radio, I’ll try to narrate a little bit. Now, is your husband here in this video? No, he was at home with the children, but coincidentally, he was watching on Facebook Live, the poor man. He actually saw me get violently arrested. And it was horrible to call him from jail. And he was so scared and so upset that that had occurred. And. Are you okay? Are you okay? I wasn’t expecting him to have been watching it, but it was terrifying what happened.

Okay. All right, here’s the video. And again, I’ll try to narrate some of this for you guys as we play it. Okay? Stop blocking people’s legal right ahead. Yeah, no, that’s it. Okay, so she’s trying to go through. There’s people standing all in your way. It looks like they’ve arrested one guy. Then they push you against the wall. Now you’ve got two cops pulling you by the arms.

You get pulled down to the ground. Now we’ve got two more cops coming in and trying to hold you down with your face to the ground. That’s unnecessary. And they’re handcuffing you. And then you got two other guys behind him. So you got about six or seven cops here all around making this arrest. Now, it’s been more than two years later, they won’t drop the charges against you.

Now, this guy here, he was also arrested. There’s a gentleman here and I think there was a lady at the front. I don’t know if she was arrested or not. All of the agents of the state, and that’s what they are, they’re agents of the state, had their little slave mask on. And this isn’t you talking. This is somebody else screaming. We have every right to be in there and you guys are going to be personally responsible for this.

Civil charges will be brought to you. Okay? So somebody else is letting them know this. Arrest those people because you’ve already been taken off and arrested. They were looking for a reasonable accommodation. Okay? And you’re personally. All right, so, Michelle, here we are. We’ve got this going on. You’ve basically been tackled and kind of forced to the ground. They’ve arrested you. What were you going in here for? I was trying to meet my elected representatives, okay.

Because for months now, they had not responded to emails, responded to phone calls. There was no accountability in regards to these human rights violations that they were enabling. I mean, silence is compliance. They were just trying to fly under the radar using Zoom. And now that the building had been open, it was time to knock on some doors. Okay. All right. One of the things I want people to see, though, and we talk about this quite often, Bradley travels the country a lot more than I do, and he sees people from all over, from all the states.

And one of the things he says is, I’m not seeing these people that they’re talking about who are, quote unquote, as you said, your mindset was before. But what I want people to see is whatever your mindset was before, if it was in direct opposition to me or anybody listening here, you even got what was going on here. You were seeing it, too. So I think this is sort of a common ground area to where we go to.

To say, look, even Michelle, who is quote unquote the lefty, she’s following all of the stuff that’s bad, the ideology that you’ve been taught, even you wake up and you go, wait a minute, there is something really, and you did this before you were arrested because obviously you were going to go right back in there and say, look, you have no authority. And see, I think that’s the thing you’re looking for.

The people gave you authority. They delegated authority to you to do certain things, and we didn’t delegate you to do to be in matters of our health, tell us what we put in our bodies. Or any of this kind of stuff. I want people to catch that because I think that’s very important that you saw that even with the mindset and the upbringing that you had and the thinking that you had, you saw that government was way out of line in what they were doing concerning this, quote unquote, health.

Cris. I think that’s a big deal for people to pay attention to was terrible. It was absolutely terrifying because in Boston, by spring, summer, 2021, there was an expectation that we were going to, quote, get back to normal. But then they decided to ramp things up and started talking about forced vaccination, vax, passports, and it was just so od, so terrifying how they would escalate. What we had begun to realize was a non issue and no longer was Covid, the emergency.

The emergency was the government trying to assert control over our body. That’s right. Yeah. And when they do that, then they can start doing whatever they want. For instance, we’ve seen our friend Scott Shera, his 19 year old daughter with down syndrome, targeted in the hospital. And they killed her. They killed her with their drugs. I mean, it was intentional. There’s no. Oh, this was an accident. No, they were purposely doing this.

We have our. Yeah, our nurse and nutritionist, Kate Shimrani, on every Saturday, and she’s telling us about what they’ve done to her daughter, misdiagnose her, and then start giving her experimental drugs because they didn’t have any data on them. So they were performing experiments. I mean, to me, they were looking to target and kill her daughter. And she got her out of the hospital, got her home, and is taking care of her there.

She’s still very sick, but she’s taking care of her. So this is an issue in which they are targeting us, Michelle, and this is no different than Nazi Germany. They are killing Americans. They’re cold blooded killing Americans. And even putting out any of these shots, let alone having fascist government come in with fascist corporate America and push these things on the people in order to try to kill us.

I don’t see how anybody can come to any other conclusion when they see, especially some of the Pfizer documents that have come out showing they knew it was killing people. They knew it was injuring people from the first test that they did, the first trials that they did. So this is a pretty big deal. Okay, so you were arrested. What happened after your arrest? Take us through a little bit of a timeline up until now as to what happened after your arrest.

Right. I was arrested on March 1, 2022. So it’s almost been two years. And immediately after that arrest, neighbors, people that I thought had been my friends, six people reported me and I guess my husband to DCF, which is the department of children and Families, and also my estranged sister and mother, petitioned guardianship of my children. So that was also very hard to have that happen. And it really put a wrench in me protesting, which is, I believe, exactly the purpose.

That’s why I was arrested as well. I believe that I was arrested because for two months prior to me going there that day, I had been visiting museums and libraries, challenging these mandates with my baby strollers, with my kids. Say what? Yeah, we went to the constitution museum in Boston and was kicked out because I did not show proof of vaccine at the constitution museum in Boston. So these people have no sense of reflection.

The people that are operating our historic don’t, they just don’t care. Oh, yeah. Look, I completely agree with that. I went through a TSA in Texas back in September. I think it was easiest TSA I’ve ever been through. And it was funny, the guy sitting, know, checking you as you go through the luggage thing and all this. He goes, boy, I really like that shirt. It’s one of our sons of liberty shirts that know cowards didn’t make the republic and cowards are not going to preserve it.

And I just said, well, if you like it so much, why are you working as an agent of the state, violating the people’s rights? And he just kind of looked at me like, what? I was in agreement with you, man. Why are you making this a thing? Well, if you’re going to violate the law, you don’t really think that shirt’s pretty cool because it’s a republic. That means law rules over men, not men doing whatever they want to to rule over other men.

And so I get that. But I’m sure some people are sitting here going, this lady is a quote unquote lefty, and she’s already going to the museum. This is before the state capitol. You’re going to museums and you’re challenging. See, this is what I’m saying. We’re not that far off. There are differences, distinctions of where people have been taught. But I think inherently, people do see the right and wrong in the issue.

And I think that’s part Michelle of the image of God. Even though it’s marred in the fall and our sin messes with us even down to our core. The fact of the matter is we still bear the image of God. It’s marred, and that image is in righteousness and holiness. And you were seeing something that was unrighteous, unholy, unlawful, and you were challenging that. You were calling it out.

I think that’s a good thing. And I just want people to put in their mind that you have a different mindset than many of the people, or you did have that than the people here. Now, the question I have is, how has this affected you? And we’re going to get into what you guys are doing now in the process of all this, how has this affected you in your thinking? Did you step back and start rethinking a bunch of different things and have you come to different conclusions, say, on the issue of body, my body, my choice concerning abortion or other things like that? How has this changed you? Yes, as we previously discussed, I think that, again, at least in Massachusetts, and I don’t think that it’s unfair to say probably throughout the, you know, growing up, you typically vote along your party line, and as you had said, it’s based on what your family believes.

Even I saw a news clip last night of a young adult saying, I’m just voting whoever my parents told me to vote for. It’s not uncommon. So when I have experienced this and saw that the Democrats, the people that were progressive, the party that I thought, the team that I thought that I was on, they were the ones who were saying, show your papers, get a shot. You have to do it.

Or they were silent on the issue. To me, that made them evil, that made them liars, and therefore whatever else came out of their mouth, I could not trust. So when they’re now saying, we have to focus on climate change, I have red flags. I have total red flags. Amen. That’s very od for me because throughout my entire higher educational experience, I was taught about climate change and have environmental background.

So it’s a big wake up call there. But again, how can I trust, I don’t want to put any stock into what these people have. If they’re saying look this way, I want to look the other way. Yeah, I think that’s wisdom right there. I really do. By the way, if you guys want to call in, you got a question for Michelle or you got a comment, please stick on the subject.

8361-9985-5809-9855 you got a question for Michelle or comment on what’s going on? We’d love to hear from you. Michelle. One of the things is that we talk about the scripture here. Our foundations are the Bible and the constitution. Now in the constitution, article one gives the 18 to 21 things, depending on how you number them. Things that we authorized our federal congress to do, or our forefathers authorized the federal congress to do.

And none of those have anything to do with health care, not a one of them. We didn’t give that to them. That is not their duty. Yet. They want to write law, they want to fund it, they want to do all these kinds of things. If you can’t write law for it, you can’t fund it. So that’s our constitution on it. Now, the Bible tells us that the Lord is our healer.

Jehovah Rapha, he is our healer. It tells us that the life of the flesh is in the blood. Moses says this 1500 years before Christ. Now we’re expounding on that. Look, I think people knew it back then. The more I think. I don’t think the ancient cultures were as primitive as a lot of people say. I think they were very advanced in their understanding and technologies and stuff like that.

But we have the Bible telling us the life of the flesh is in the blood. This is exactly where they’re going with the shots. It’s directly into our blood. We’re seeing the blood clots, we’re seeing all kinds of cognitive issues, we’re seeing skin diseases, we’re seeing what they’re calling turbo cancers, very aggressive cancers. All this stuff coming from these shots, you said, no, I’m not going to take that.

I’m not going to put that in my body because I don’t trust it. I don’t trust what’s going on here and now. When they arrest you, they don’t charge you with not being quote unquote vaccinated. What do they charge you with? They charged us. Me? Excuse me? They charged me with trespassing, disorderly conduct and assault. And what is the basis for that? What’s the basis for them calling you trespassing? Because I didn’t see anybody telling you no, you need to leave.

They didn’t tell you. You’re very astute, Tim. There were no trespassing signs when I walked into the tent because they had a tent set up that was essentially blocking the door. They were cattling people through this tent. When I walked into the tent, nobody said to me, stop. You are trespassing. Please turn around or you will be arrested. There were no warnings like that. However, there were warnings giving to two other women who walked into the tent after I was violently arrested and thrown to the ground.

So they were provided that warning. They were provided that opportunity, but I was not. So they’re just slapping on charges. And in addition, this whole, I didn’t assault you, you assaulted me back and forth is very typical. I’m not sure if you saw the reporter in Canada for Rebel news who was. He was also slammed. Oh, yeah, we played him, David, last week. Yeah, we played what happened with him as well.

That’s exactly what happened to me when, as soon as I saw that video, I said, that’s me. That’s what happened to guy. The cop ran up to him and held him down and said, I’m charging you with assault. And the reporter is like, whoa, whoa. No, that’s not what happened. It’s opposite land. And so that was what occurred to myself. And when I was brought into the courtroom, prior to being brought into the court, I was forced to wear a mask.

And I tried very hard to not put the mask on, but I was surrounded by people, all these court officers. The court appointed lawyer. Put it on, put it on, put it on. You’re going to spend the night in jail if you don’t. You’re going to spend the night in jail if you don’t. Go home to your kids. Go home to your kids. Go home to your kids.

And finally I caved and I put it on. And as soon as I walked into the courtroom, my legs are shackled. By the way. I see that the judge was not wearing a mask. So it’s this constant two tier system. Do as I say, not as I do system. Okay. All right. Yeah. And that’s part of the thing that some people do realize. Once they go through this and say, they say they’re going to submit to this, all of a sudden their eyes get open to what they’ve done, what they’ve submitted to.

And I’m curious, did they threaten you with more jail if you didn’t put the mask on? They threatened you with more charges? Is that what they were doing? They said that I would sleep, that I would not be able to be arraigned and would have to stay overnight in jail if I did not put on the mask. And as a mother of three at the time, one of them was a small infant, and I’ve never even had a parking ticket before.

This was very challenging for me, so I decided to put it on just so I could go home to my children. And now I wish that I didn’t. I wish that I had just not put on the mask, of course, that I had stuck it out. But it’s hard because scary things happen in jail, and I’m not a prisoner. I’m a hostage and you don’t know what could happen.

So it takes a lot of empowerment to be brave and righteous, and a lot of faith is involved. And I’m doing my best every day to stay brave because I’m being severely persecuted here. Along with five or six other vax protesters in the Boston area, we have found through our legal team that the district attorney has had at least 114 arrests since George Floyd, and almost 100% of those have been dismissed near immediately.

Except for us. Except for the five or six that have either been arrested or unlawfully presented with some type of civil charge. Trumped up civil charge. And not only have we not been offered any type of dismissal or that sort, we’re being selectively prosecuted. Excuse me for coming on two years. And this district attorney wrote a press release in February 2022 that said that what we were doing as protesters of these life saving vaccine mandates, he called it, was a threat to our.

We had no place in the society that we were racist and misogynist, that every type of these words that they’re constantly using. Yeah. They’re just throwing out names to see what will stick to you, aren’t they? Yes. Throwing darts at the dartboard and seeing what will stick. Like you said. And as I had mentioned, we were a diverse group of people. I believe I had mentioned this. I was arrested with a black man.

And the woman that was in the video, who you may not have heard her in the background, but she was screaming, don’t hurt her. Don’t hurt her, referring to me. And she also screamed, this is not America. She’s a vietnamese immigrant, but she knows very well that this is not what America is supposed to. Yep. Yeah. And that’s the point. This is the thing, I think that’s so great, Michelle, is that.

And I don’t mean the situation is great. I wish we met under different circumstances, but this is what I want people to see. We are really not that divided. Now, look, if people are going to engage in criminal activity, sodomy, lesbian, all that’s against the law. It’s against God’s law, okay? And it’s at our foundations and the state laws, state statutes and all that other. If you’re going to engage in that, that’s one thing.

But all these people from different backgrounds and all of that, all recognize that what’s going on by the agents of the state, by the government is wrong. So we’re not divided. We’re really united in a lot of this. I want people to kind of get that. And I understand some people are still in the mindset of what you grew up with and things. Okay, tell us what’s going on now.

It’s been more than two years. You say they’ve dropped all the charges from all these other people they put on, but there’s a handful of you, including yourself, that they’re keeping the charges in place. What’s gone on in these two plus years? I mean, have you had different Court dates? If you have, what’s happened? What’s going on now? What’s your representative, your attorneys? I hate to even bring those guys into it.

What are they doing for you? It’s almost been two years. I was incorrect on that video when I said two plus years. It’s almost been two years. And coincidentally, today, I have another court hearing, and I happen to have it be on Zoom because I did move across the country with permission. And although they have threatened to force me to go back, luckily, they ended up reneging that.

And I hate to even say like they’re doing me any favors, because they’re not. They are not compassionate people. They’re very evil. And even me having to use Zoom is an inconvenience and undue hardship. As a mother of four at this state, we are still trying to collect evidence, and I recently hired a new lawyer who is more pursuing the direction of this select demonstrating the selective prosecution.

He’s the one who has collected, excuse me, these statistics showing that the district attorney is prosecuting based on his politics. If I was using a megaphone instead to say, drag queens are great, then I would not have statistically been arrested. And. Or if I was, then I would have had my charges dismissed. And that’s just evident based on what’s happened since George Floyd, it’s very clear that I have been approached by the police in the past and told, you need a permit for that megaphone.

And yet then I see pictures all over the media, on social media of these democratic causes, using megaphones, and I’m like, wait, I thought that you needed a permit for that megaphone. And I don’t believe anybody needs a permit to use a megaphone. I don’t think that those people should be arrested. However, I am upset that I am being threatened. Arrest that I was arrested and that I’m being persecuted as if it’s the Salem witch trials.

Yeah. When we’ve done protests and things, one of the things I found out is, yeah, you have a voice. You can be as loud as you want with your voice. But when you start using amplification. Okay. That’s a whole different issue. So I understand why there’s a permit for amplification. There’s not one that I know of. If you use your voice as loud as you want, but it’s kind of funny.

They’ll talk about amplification, the decibels issues, and they never come out there with a decibel meter to actually read it. And I know all about that stuff because I used to use decibel meters, installing fire alarm systems in apartments and stuff like that. So I know that you have to test those things. And if you’re going to have a code that’s written for that and you’re going to be doing something to somebody, well, then you need to test it.

And most of those guys never do any of that. They just say, oh, we think it’s loud enough, whatever. But the fact of the matter is you were calling out some of this stuff, you’ve been through that. What’s on the agenda going forward? I mean, what are you looking at as far as dealing with this in the coming weeks or months, or is this going to be something that drags out for years? It could be for years.

I don’t want to go to trial because I don’t believe that I could get a fair trial. And I am also being denied evidence, requested evidence. Can I ask why you don’t think you’ll get a fair trial? Well, at one point, the prosecutor’s office tried to dismiss two of my charges. They offered to dismiss two of the charges, not the assault, but the disorderly conduct, and the other one is trespassing.

They offered to do that and the judge talked her out of it. The judge was like, why would you want to dismiss these? And on what grounds? And it’s like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Why are you, what is this, a judge, jury and executioner? They’re not necessarily supposed to do that, but it’s all a club. And they are very upset that myself and the other protesters, namely Catherine Vitali, Shannon Llewellyn and Sean Nelson, were challenging the democratic darling who is Mayor Michelle Wu, a young, small asian woman who has been put so much investment into.

And we really blew up her spot by calling her out on this evil, evilness and using megaphones and using their words back at them, saying, my body, my choice. Amen. Instead, now we are being hammered very hard. And an enemy list was released, received in a FOIA, a public record request. We saw that a list of names by her chief was sent to the police and there’s about 15 or so names and I’m on it.

I’m one of the names. And I’ve also done many record requests and found that the FBI and regional intelligence center was monitoring my social media. I’ve seen public records requests of them having lifted pictures of me off of social media. And also surveillance cameras. Confidential warnings were sent specifically about me to museums throughout the Boston area. And those warnings said, not that this woman is unvaccinated, be careful, she’s going to spread Covid.

Instead, these warnings said, watch out. This woman comes with her babies and a video camera and talks bad about the mandate. Well, that’s something to be scared of right there, isn’t it? But let’s put it in perspective. This Michelle Wu, she is an easily controlled puppet. She is not doing things on her own. As you said, her chief put this together, right? This is who you got the it was.

Well, yes, it was email sent by him, but that guy is a bag man. He literally follows with her purse. Yeah, but she’s being controlled too. Don’t think she’s thinking on her own. She’s dumber in a box of hammer. She really is. In fact, we saw where she was creating or she had a press conference and she was speaking and the people were just drowning her out. That was us.

That was you guys? Oh, that was you guys. Okay. It was constant. It was constant. As soon as she said, we’re going to do vax passports, then from then on we continued to find out where she was going to be and challenge her at all cost. And these are the cost. The cost are now that we have been arrested, we’re being persecuted, we have to pay. Our kids have been threatened to be taken away from us, and we’ve also been defamed in the media.

And until now, people continue to accuse me of racism, which is totally uncalled for. But like you said, you just believe what you’re told. And so these people are told that we’re white supremacist and we’ve been accused of violence, which is also totally not accurate. Words don’t hurt. What hurts is being stuck by a needle. And we’re the victims. They’re the evil doers, they’re the oppressors. They’re the ones who segregated spaces and stopped our access to city hall.

They stopped our access to the constitution museum. They had me followed throughout the zoo like a criminal. And I don’t doubt for a second that they’ve also been spying on us. Not only just on social media, but with spyware like stingrays and putting us in gang databases because these politicians are so concerned, these progressive politicians are so concerned about their constituents being put on in gang databases and their constituents being spied on with stingray equipment.

But what about me? What about the vax protesters? What about the people that are having their names put on list because they’re dissidents? Are you also not going to be equally concerned? Maybe I was better off if I just murdered somebody. Would I then get the help of the ACLU? Because right now the ACLU doesn’t want to assist me. Yeah, you probably would get their help. You absolutely probably would get their help.

Let me bring this in because we got about 2 minutes here, Michelle, and normally I ask the person for a final word of exhortation for the people. They already hear what you’re doing. They already hear what you’ve kind of been thrust into, and they see the changes that it’s making in you, and they see you. You know, I applaud. Do do. Because there’s a lot of people who won’t learn it even after they go through this stuff.

They’ll just keep submitting and they don’t have their eyes open. But I want to give you this as a word of encouragement. And people know that I bring this up. I brought it up all during the convids. This is psalm 91. This is what it says. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, this is Yahweh.

He is my refuge and my fortress. My God in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust. His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, like 10:00 when you got to be in for a curfew because Covid kind of runs around after ten, I guess it’s not running around during the day.

And thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the error that flyeth by day, nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and they’re fallen folks, and 10,000 at thy right hand, and they’re falling. But it shall not come nigh. Thee not come nigh who? The one who hides himself in the shadow of the Almighty.

And he goes on and he says, only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked because thou hast made the Lord which is my refuge, even the most high thy habitation. You know, Michelle, I’m wishing you well in this because I want to see victory for you and for the other people that you’re not just standing for yourself, you’re standing for other people.

People don’t realize that. And maybe even sometimes the people standing don’t realize that. But I want to encourage you. Hide yourself in the shadow of the Almighty. He will fight the battles for you. You just got to be willing to step up there and do them and he’ll do the rest. Okay, Michelle, hang on. I’ll say goodbye to you off air. Thank you for joining us, guys. Catch Bradley at three and lord willing, we’re going to see you back here in the morning.

06:00 a. m. Bright and early. Talk to you then. .

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