Getting a Second Choice | The David Knight Show

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➡ The David Knight Show talks about how Dr. George Delgado, a pro-life doctor who has developed a method to reverse the effects of the abortion pill. He believes it’s important to share this information so women who regret taking the abortion pill can have a second chance. The process involves using progesterone, a hormone that’s been used to prevent miscarriages since the 1950s. A study in 2018 showed that this method saved 64% to 68% of pregnancies, with no increase in birth defects and a lower rate of preterm delivery compared to the general population.


This article from Lifesite News. This is about a medical doctor, Doctor George Delgado, who is also pro life. And he says, we have a protocol that we can use to reverse this abortion pill. And that has become the go to means of abortion for many people. After this Supreme Court decision and the actions in a lot of these different states, as they call him, a pioneer of the life saving abortion pill reversal protocol, he encouraged a pro life gathering to proclaim the truth about the sanctity of human life, especially for women in crisis.

He said, it’s important to speak the truth about life and about the abortion pill reversal in our respective areas of influence so that women can have a second chance at choice. At choice. Think about that. You know, they make a choice and say, well, I’m going to take the abortion pill and kill the baby. And they think about it. I would rather I had not made that choice.

If they regret that they would like to have another choice, well, he gives them another choice up to a certain point. And so, and he’s also a Christian. He said chemical abortion consists of two drugs, mefa pristone. If I’m pronouncing that, I just usually call it mephistopheles and misoprostol. The Mephistopheles blocks progesterone in the pregnant mother’s system and starves the unborn baby of nutrients. Then the misoprostol, taken a day or so after the Mephistopheles, causes the woman to go into labor.

And if the chemical abortion is successful, she will deliver her deceased child. Isn’t that nice? And because they want to do this now by mail, you don’t have a physician looking to see if the baby is too far advanced, too physically large, because that’s going to vary based on person to person. So they’re not looking to that and they’re not there to help you to deliver that dead baby.

Well, what could possibly be wrong with that, right? You’re going to see a lot. This is not about women’s health. It’s about killing people. And if they can get the mother, people like Bill Gates are just fine with that. So the, it now accounts for well over half of all us abortions. Proponents in the abortion industry, media and beyond work to quash awareness and success of the APR protocol as it represents.

The antidote to chemical abortion demonstrates the fact that many women regret the abortion choice after they’ve taken that pill. If a woman has taken the first chemical abortion drug, mephistopheles, we’ll call it, and experiences regret if she acts quickly enough, she may be able to save her child through the abortion pill reversal. The progesterone protocol used in the abortion pill reversal process has been routinely and safely used to combat miscarriages since the 1950s.

So if you’re going to block the mephistopheles, then this protocol is just simple. It’s like, well, let’s put in more progesterone, and we’ll get around that blockage. A 2018 peer reviewed study showed positive results with APR, with 64% to 68% of the pregnancy saved, no increase in birth defects, and lower preterm delivery rate than the general population. He said, those who are baptized, here’s this christian thing. He says, be a prophetic voice.

He said, those of you who are baptized have the mission to spread the gospel. We are there to be a prophetic voice. He said. Now, a lot of times, you know, I talked about how words change. You know, if you look up in a regular dictionary, you’ll see prophetic. It is always about predicting the future. Now, 100% about predicting the future. I’ve talked about hope in the past, hope at the time that it was used in some of the early english translations, like the King James version, that meant confident expectation.

But now that english word has changed, even though the underlying greek word has not changed and the concept has not changed, we have changed the meaning of english words over some of these translations. And so they continue, though, to use these same words, even though their english meaning has changed. And so the same thing is really true of prophetic voice, right? If you go back and you look at the original use of that in some of these many places where it was used, many times it was used to predict the future.

But we have Ezekiel, for example, in the valley of dry bones. And God says to him, prophesy to these bones. He’s not telling him to predict the future for these bones, even though this is, this whole passage is kind of a. A symbolic prophecy of the future. But what he’s saying is, speak to these bones. And actually, if you look at the original word there, what it really means is a speech that kind of bubbles up, that kind of pours forth with a lot of emotion.

It was frequently used of people doing songs. And so what he’s talking about here is a very enthusiastic, emotional state of mind speaking to them. And I think that’s what this doctor means when he says, we need to be a prophetic voice. He says, I want to educate you and make you enthusiastic prophets about abortion pill reversal, because too few people know about it these days. Too few women who need it, too few people who could influence them in their time of crisis.

So he said, I want you to know that using abortion pill reversal is safe. It is effective. Women who are given that second chance in life are extremely grateful. They have shared that gratitude and they have been extremely grateful. Even the times when we have been unsuccessful, that’s about a third of the time, and the baby has died anyway. They are still extremely grateful because they had a chance to try to save their babies, and this has given them a redemptive effect.

He says this is why prayers for these women are very important, too. He says they’ll have a change of heart, that they will have a change of heart, and that they will accept that grace and forgiveness from the Lord. He told the pro life gathering that is estimated now in 2024, that at least 65% of all abortions in the United States are chemical abortions. Way more than half.

He had been told that as well. The chemical abortion rate in Nebraska was 75% of all abortions. This is why they’re moving to. So that’s why, you know, if you, if you know about this and you know somebody who is pregnant, considering an abortion, that’s why you need to be able to let them know. He says it’s also a great opportunity because remember, anytime the devil pounces, God can always turn that into good.

So remember, that’s the prophetic message, is that this bad News is an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to save more lives. It’s an opportunity to save the physical life of the Preborn baby who’s being threatened, who’s on now death row. And it’s an opportunity to save the spiritual life of that mother. So they have calculated that over 5000 documented births have taken place of people who have already taken that abortion pill after they give them the reversal protocol.

Babies who have been saved from mephistopheles, we’ve helped women, and that’s just their organization, heartbeat International, saving 5000 lives. We have helped women in all 50 states, in about 70 different countries. We’ve helped to spawn regional networks in Australia, Russia, Switzerland and Canada. So this is truly an international project, one that is really bearing fruit right now, no pun intended, protect life. Michigan did a report and they wanted to see how that whether or not showing victim photography would change people’s minds.

And so they said they sent this out to 1200 adults and they asked questions about their views on abortion while depicting various images. One group would answer questions while looking at an image of an abortion victim. But the other group would answer the same questions while looking at a generic pro life message. So let’s give people a pro life message. Let’s show the beauty of children, the wonder of childhood.

You know, we got kid running through the field or something, I guess. I don’t know. Or then you would show them the anti murder images. Okay, here’s, here’s the murder, here’s the murder victim and all the, with all the blood and everything else. What did they find? They found 31% of respondents harbored negative feelings towards pro lifers to begin with. Polo said that serves as a baseline figure.

No matter what pro lifers do, roughly a third of the people will always oppose them and their message. That’s a given. But then the interesting results came when the victim imagery was used, negative feelings toward pro lifers actually increased from 31% to 40%. It made people mad to see that. And they got mad at the pro life people for showing that image. Isn’t that interesting? How dare you show that to me? It’s like, how dare you support that happening.

At the same time, however, negative feelings toward abortion also increased, of course. And so he believes that’s a positive sign of what he calls intellectual distress and said, you got to put people in this intellectual distress. You got to make them uncomfortable to actually change their minds. He said, you know what you’re looking at here? You got, you got a hardcore group of people, about a third of them, that are never going to change their mind.

And you probably got a hardcore group of people, about a third of them maybe, that are going to support life. And what we’re looking at is who’s going to change the hearts and minds of that mushy middle? The people who are lukewarm about this stuff. And a lot of them would get upset, you’re showing this to me. But then they would also get upset with the murder as well.

And so he said, when we’re thinking about, okay, how can we be strategic with our time, our investment, our persuasion strategy? We should be looking at what moves that middle. They’re most moved by victim imagery and they’re least likely to feel upset at pro lifers for using it. However, one discouraging result of the survey showed that decreased support for abortion did not translate to a concomitant level of increased support for abortion bans.

Isn’t that amazing? So yeah, we show these pictures of a murder to these kids and they don’t want to ban the murder. Oh, yeah, I don’t like murder, but let’s not ban it. I mean, that’s what they’re saying, right? He says he’s not surprised by this. He says he notes how the persuadable, mushy middle also doesn’t consider abortion a sufficiently major issue to warrant sudden changes to their political identity.

That’s an interesting way to put it. Your political identity. Right. People have a political identity. That’s who I am. I’m a Democrat, I’m a Republican, I’m a libertarian, I’m a Green party, I’m an independent, whatever. That’s my political identity. And that has become so important to Americans, hasn’t it? That’s not something that was around at the beginning of this country. The founders hated political parties for good reason.

They were wise, and they knew how political parties would be used to control people, how they would be used to supplant people when it comes to issues and policies like this. So these people care more about their political identity and who they vote for. They got an attachment to that avatar that represents their political identity. Yeah, they’re not, they don’t care about the donkey and the elephant thing, but they do care about the Biden and the Trump, don’t they? The people that are there.

Big part of their political identity. And so they care about that more than they care about babies being ripped apart. That disturbs them to see it. But their real loyalty is to that political identity. That’s what I say. It is a religion and it is idolatry. He believes that the pro life movement needs to lead with our victim, the unborn child. More often, he says, the movement needs to uncompromisingly defend the humanity of the unborn, even if it means losing some conservative allies who are only opportunistically pro life.

The David Knight show is a critical thinking super spreader. If you’ve been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight show, please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread farther. People have to trust me. I mean, trust the science. Wear your mask, take your vaccine. Don’t ask questions. Using free speech to free minds.

It’s the David Knight show. .

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