Event Horizon..Black Swan Spreading Its Wings..Prepare For NDE

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ The speaker warns of impending global changes, particularly a financial crisis originating from Japan that could significantly impact America. They also hint at potential political and natural disasters, urging listeners to prepare for difficult times ahead. The speaker suggests that while we can’t control these events, we can change ourselves, possibly through personal sacrifices or self-improvement. They emphasize the importance of prayer and resilience in the face of these challenges.
➡ The speaker is dealing with personal struggles, including aging parents with health issues and past near-death experiences. They also express concern about the current state of the world, feeling like we’re on the brink of a major global conflict. Despite the heavy topics, they try to keep their YouTube channel light and entertaining. They didn’t plan to become a podcaster, but they’re passionate about it and find it helps them cope with their feelings of anxiety and loneliness.
➡ The speaker is expressing his frustration and concern about the future, suggesting that tough times are ahead. He believes that everyone needs to prepare and support each other, possibly hinting at a financial crisis. He also mentions his past near-death experiences, using them as a metaphor for the challenges America might face. He ends by saying that the older generation will likely guide others through these difficult times.
➡ This text talks about how life was different when people had to communicate directly, without the use of phones or keyboards. It suggests that those who rely heavily on technology for communication may struggle in real-life situations. The speaker then mentions needing sleep and possibly meeting at “Nino’s corner tv”, before saying goodbye and wishing the listener a good night.


Hey, what’s up, everybody? Can you all hear me out there? I know it’s late. I know it’s real late. It’s like 115 am here, but just want to make sure everyone can hear me. Give me a thumbs up if you can hear me. I’ve been. I can’t sleep, first of all. You know, I do have a sleeping problem some. This tonight. It’s bad. I got a lot on my mind. There’s a lot going on. There’s a lot going on, folks. Um, I, uh, had a real long conversation with Juanito. Juan, he’s in, um, he is in, uh, in Japan right now.

And, and, uh, we had a long discussion. I talked to a few other people today. I, you know, I had Monica Crowley on today that’s going to be premiering tomorrow. Uh, but folks, if the black swan event is, it’s spreading its wings right now. Right now. And there’s some things that are gonna be coming as we go into October, November that are gonna be pretty damn devastating. And I got to be careful how I say this on fluff tube, because it’s fluff tube, but we’re in it. We’re in it, and things are gonna change. Things are gonna change for not just America, but they’re gonna change for everybody everywhere.

As if 2020 wasn’t enough, you know, the summer of discontent and protest is going to continue, probably get a lot more violent. You could probably see a lot of illegals getting involved. There’s something that’s coming in Japan, and that’s where Juan is right now. He’s in Japan. He’s going to be there for a while. He’s in Hiroshima right now. And I talked to him for a long while, and I had a long discussion with him. We were about to do a show. I think we’re going to do it tomorrow. Big time difference there. It’s like three in the afternoon there.

I stayed up late to talk to him. There’s some things coming, folks, and you better prepare. When Japan sneezes, America is going to catch a cold. And what’s coming is some kind of financial tidal wave. Right now, the yen is 35 at the lowest in 35 years, and it’s gonna keep dropping, and this is really gonna affect us. Not to mention it’s gonna be like the perfect storm that hits America. It’s gonna be like everything at once is gonna happen. There’ll be some counter punches in the court cases with Trump. There’s gonna be some counter punches that land that could stop the case even abruptly, could stop the whole thing just abruptly.

That only means they’re going to get more desperate and make some big moves. So these things are coming, and I’m not saying if it’s just when natural disaster, I don’t know. I’m starting to listen to Ryan Garcia and all that he talks about, you know, in the earthquake hitting LA. Very, very, very, I was told it’s very, very possible world changing stuff. And, you know, I know there’s a lot of stuff going on. I know there’s a lot of agitators out there. There’s a lot of people spreading a lot of bullshit out there, and there’s just nothing that I can do about it or really anybody can really do about it.

You get you people, you people have to pick your lane. You got to really pick your lane. Um, there will be no support for Japan whenever this happens like this. There’s just not going to be any support for them. Um, things are really going to escalate here, uh, to the point that, uh, it’s going to get so bad is that, you know, a near death experience is not, is not a bad hair day, folks. It’s just not a bad hair day. It’s gonna be like we’re living in the twilight zone if it’s not already like that, right? It’s already.

It’s already kind of feels that way. But what’s coming, it’s gonna be, ah, I hope you guys are preparing for with food. I hope you guys are getting stocked up and stuff like that. You know, there’s, there’s a lot of. We’re gonna, we’re gonna come into some very hard times. And a lot of people say, I’ll just sit back, enjoy the show. Sit back, enjoy the show. That really gets under my skin because, yeah, we’re in the fight. We’re in the fight. But everything is on the line and the black swan is spreading its wings. That’s just the best way I could tell you.

Like, right now, if it was, like, hunched in, about to spread its wings right now, it’s like, this is for what I’ve been told, like, it’s getting ready. And I don’t know. I I had a very long conversation. It’s really jarred me and give me, gave me goosebumps. And I don’t ever come on on here on YouTube and come on and talk like this or at one in the morning, 130 in the morning on it, you know, and I have to get up early in the morning. But I’m going to tell you right now, I had a very jarring conversation, conversation that I’ll continue with Juanito tomorrow.

But we’re in for some tough times, man. We’re in for some tough times. And I hope to God a lot of you that aren’t taking this serious, a lot of you that are just kind of thinking you’re going to watch this on tv and just nobody. It’s not going to affect you. You’re wrong. So. So someone on here saying, what the fuck is up, man? So I’m telling you what the fuck is up. I don’t see what you’re missing here. It’s gonna be the perfect storm. It’s gonna hit. This is the year. This is when it’s gonna hit.

And it’s gonna go from summer on. So it’s just imagine every day escalating from here on out. Counterpunches will be landed. A big scary event is coming. A scary van is coming. And you know how I am on fluff tube. I can’t be too, too specific on here, but scare. Scary stuff is coming, folks. I’m telling you, it’s not a bad hair day. It’s not a bad hair day. I’m not trying to be. I understand. I don’t. My moderators aren’t even up. My moderators aren’t even up. You know, the only thing I can say about this right now is, like, you can’t change the world, right? You can’t.

You can’t do anything about what’s happening. So the only thing that I can do for me and for all of you is, like, change yourself, maybe. I’m starting to fast a lot more. I know what’s looming. I know how crazy this is gonna be. And we might have no other option but to learn how to really fast. I mean, what if it gets to that level that you’re going to have to fast, whether you like it or not? I mean, this could get to world war two, Germany, levels like this. This could get really bad. Really, really bad and fast.

Um, there’s no stopping, mister t, okay? I’ll tell you that right now. But they’re gonna pull out all the stops. And this is for everyone’s fate. This is for everything on the line. So, um, and I’m trying to be vague as possible. So if. If I feel like I can’t fix a certain outcome or make a change, I’m trying to make a change with my podcasts, but if I’m doing very minimal here, I feel. So I’m just working on myself. And maybe that’s what we all need to do. Maybe. You know. You know, when I got sober and I just knew I had to be sober, I knew things were coming, and I just knew I had to straighten myself out.

I felt it. I felt it coming. I felt something looming, and I just had to change myself. So I did that. But tonight especially, I really feel like maybe each and every one of us just, you know, 500 people on here right now, maybe we all need to make some kind of a sacrifice or some change and create that vacuum for something to. Something positive to be filled in. I mean, we got a. If we can’t change the outside, let the world. We got to change something within is the way I feel like that’s what I’m trying to say here.

And as we come into this battle, this raging storm, that’s. We all can feel it. We all see it. Maybe just work on yourself, is what I’m saying. That’s. That’s. Maybe that’s the only thing we can do right now. Prayer is great. We’re gonna need God to get us through this. I don’t care what any of you are saying. I don’t really give a shit. I don’t care. You know, I don’t. I don’t care. What? Yeah, I just. I just know that this is gonna be heavy for all of us, man. So, you know, that’s all I’m saying.

I can’t believe how many people are actually up I can’t believe that this many people are up right now. Um, I’m freaked out. I’m going to Vegas beginning of June. My mom is not doing well. Hey, my parents aren’t doing well either. My parents. Today was a real bad day for my parents. I’ll tell you that right now. Thank you, Donnie. My parents today is like, you know, my dad was having seizures. My mom’s dementia is just off the charts. I know. Like they’re in their golden years, twilight years. It’s like, expect, you know, I live a life right now where I expect a call any day with terrible news.

I mean, that’s just the world I’m living in right now. And it’s hard. It’s really hard. And then if that’s not, you know, bad enough, right, you got all this other shit, you know, that I’m dealing with. And believe me, trolls are the least of my problems, you know. You know, I don’t ever come on here this late. But the discussion I had with Juanita was pretty jarring. And, you know, even with Monica Crowley. Monica Crowley? Is a big name in Fox and do even the doing discussion with her. I just realized where we are at.

Where we are truly at at this stage of the game, this. This stage in the war, and it’s scary shit, you know, I see people partying and drinking and still, you know, living life like nothing’s happening. And I just. I almost feel like I’m in a bad zombie movie. Like, this is like some shit that’s like, I see all the podcasters out there talking about, except for big Lou, big loose here. But, you know, most of them are just echo chambers just talking about this November election. Like. Like is if, oh, we got a win. Like, do they just not know what.

What’s going on? Do people just not. You guys just not have a grasp? I mean, it’s just. It’s just wild. And let me tell you something else, folks. A lot of people, I. Don’t worry. Don’t stress. I’m on bonus time. You’re talking to somebody who died twice. I’m not somebody that’s just some. Some dick off the street that’s just doing podcasts, man. Like, I’ve. I have flatlined twice. I lost two pints of blood when I got slit in the throat. I’m on bonus time. I’m not worried about that. Believe me when I tell you, when you take a knife to the jugular all the way up to your lip, okay, when that happens to you, life changes.

You have a different perspective. My whole boxing career got nuked. You know, I overdosed on drugs as well. I mean, there’s a lot of stuff that’s happened to me that I’m on. I’m on friggin bonus time, so I’m making the most of it, and I guess the most of it is doing what I’m doing right now. I guess this is what it is. And all I’m telling you all is prepare for this near death experience. It’s coming. We’re already really in it. You all know we’re in it. You all feel it. You all feel it. I’m gonna try my hardest to get one back on tomorrow.

I’m obviously not putting that on fluff tube, but it’s. You know, that guy’s been. That guy has been waiting 30 so to 40 years for this event. Can you imagine waiting your whole entire life for something like this? And he still remains pretty optimistic. He knows what’s coming, but he remains pretty optimistic on that we’re gonna win. But will there be casualties? Yeah, I’m trying to. And there’s another thing, too, folks. I’m trying to keep my YouTube fun because it’s such heavy shit that I’m trying to, like, really have some fun. So I try to pivot a little bit, talk about entertainment.

Do I really like to? Nah, not really. But I think it’s mirroring what’s happening in the political arena. I think the p. Diddy stuff, I think, you know, the cat Williams, Drake, Kendrick Lamar, all this stuff that’s happening, you know, I’m not sure if it’s a distraction exactly, but I know that it’s, it’s, it’s a. The walls are closing in on all these people. I know that. But that just means that, let’s just say the powers that be are gonna try that much harder to close the show. They were the way they want to do this.

And we all know that France just entered Ukraine. We know that. And the Olympics are in France. Are you kidding me? What do you guys think is gonna happen there? I’m talking to you guys just normally right now. I’m not. No, no. I’m not doing my morning skit. I’m not acting crazy. I’m not yelling. I’m not doing stuff like that. But what do you guys think is gonna happen in France? I mean, these athletes have to go there and perform, and you think that they’re gonna be. Do you think they’re gonna feel safe? I mean, folks, we’re in world war three.

This is it. Remember when you were a kid? At least? I do. I remember, like, talking about this time with my friends and family, like, oh, man, someday we’re going to be in a situation where, like, the middle east and Israel and, and Russia, we’re all going, and it’s fucking here. Like, we’re. That we’re there right now. We are where I, where I used to talk about with my friends. We’re there. We’re here. I I would have thought this never. I thought I would have been 80 years old when this happened. Maybe. Maybe my grandkids would see this day come.

No, it’s happening now in my forties. We’re here. And guess what? It’s just going to pick up. It’s just going to quicken. And this year is going to be a big year. This year is going to be a big year, folks. Summer is going to be hot going into October. What’s October? Red October. Every year. You don’t think there’s going to be any olympics? Man, I’m going to tell you what. I don’t either I feel like there’s something that’s going to affect that to make it more realistic when November rolls around. And I. Let me, let me ask you guys this.

Give me a thumbs up. And I’m just talking candidly here. I’m actually, let’s just pretend we’re having a beer together. I don’t drink, but let’s just say we’re just having a casual conversation. I’m having it with all 830 of you right now. Do you guys feel it? Do you guys feel what’s in the air? Like, it’s almost like that Phil Collins song, man. Like, you can feel it. Like, I feel everything has changed. Everything’s upside down. And I feel the energy, like, just pulsating. Like, it’s just there, man. It’s like, I know you guys feel this.

It’s, it’s, it’s. I know each and every one of us feel this. Yeah, it’s, it’s incredible. And I feel like, um. With the conversations that I have and the people that I talk to, it’s lonely. It’s lonely. It’s, it’s, um, you know, you, you take the chance of looking like an oddball or a nut, coming on late at night like this, talking the way I am, but tired of waiting. You’ll be wishing that you were still waiting when this happened because I. This is not. It’s going to get hard. It’s going to get hard, folks. It’s going to get really, really tough.

From my understanding on all this, and black swan has spread its wings and it’s. Think of it this way, every day, the frequency is turning up, turning up, turning up every day. Every day. Not every week, every day. And when you see me putting stuff up, back to the entertainment stuff, but when you see me putting stuff up on fluff tube and like P. Diddy or this and that, it’s because I need to take a break and get some peace of mind with my, with my life and just do something different, just pivot, talk about something else, because it’s just so heavy.

And that’s another reason I’m coming on tonight, because I don’t. I. It’s hard to just contain all this myself and not share it because it’s heavy, man. It’s heavy stuff. And I don’t even know how I got into it. I don’t. I’ll be honest with you, folks. That viral video I did back in 2020 was a complete accident and didn’t ask for any of this. I thought I’d be managing fighters maybe training fighters I did not think I’d be doing. I didn’t even know how to work YouTube when I first started. I didn’t know how YouTube worked.

I didn’t plan this. I didn’t set out to be a podcaster. I didn’t even know how to get on and turn on a laptop to work YouTube. I swear to God, I didn’t even know that worked. And here I am doing this now, and I got to tell you, um, it’s nothing I ever would have expected. I never would have thought that I’d be doing something like this. But I’m passionate about it, and I know the urgency, so maybe. Maybe that’s what made me qualified for this. I don’t know. David, it’s okay to talk about the cholas, okay? I personally.

Yeah. And by me coming on here and talking to you all, and I know you guys are on the same page as me, helps me keep my sanity. Because, folks, I’m telling you, every day, I think I wake up crazier. Every day I feel like I wake up crazier. And I do these morning shows, and I don’t even know, you know, I’ve taken some hits, you know, on social media, and I know that’s probably hindered some of my. My stuff, but, uh, I don’t know any other way now. I’m already in this. I’m already eyeballs deep in this, man, and I feel like I’m playing a crucial.

A crucial role in the awakening, I guess you could say. Maybe that’s really why my career was taken from me. I don’t know. Because I was this close to being heavyweight champion of the world, folks. This close. And it all got taken away from me. And I, you know what? Maybe I, at a soul level, sabotaged it. I don’t know. I don’t know. I look at a. I look at a lot of things that I’ve done in my life that I think I sabotaged, to be honest with you. Maybe it was for this time right now, I don’t know.

But I guess what I can. I guess all I can. I’ll close here and I’ll say this. I think we all need to network with each other. Maybe some of you talk with each other, get with your friends and family. I’m pretty sure a lot of them are wake by now and just say, hey, man, there’s some stuff that’s coming. We’re coming into some tough times, some hard times. And maybe, you know, talk to them and say, hey, what do you have. I have this. I have water. I have food. I have drums of gasoline. I have.

Here’s a meeting point where we can all meet. I don’t know. You know, for me, I have a community. I have some friends that I’m talking to. I got my ammo, I got my guns. I got buckets of food. You know, I got. And I, and things like that. I have a, I have a game plan. You know, in my mind, I know that there’s 13 to 15 cities that we might potentially lose, by the way, why do you think Mister t. Comes out and talks about freedom city, building new cities? That’s not just because he’s just throwing it out there, folks.

He’s letting the other side know we know what you’re going to do. So, you know, I, you know, I know. I understand how a lot of you, some of you are negative and some of you are pissed off. I don’t blame you. There’s. I’m. Trust me, you’ve heard me on my interviews where I’m just super frustrated and super pissed off, and I just want no part of this shit anymore. But, folks, this is a big shit sandwich we’re all gonna have to take a bite of. We might have to each eat a shit sandwich. Not even take a bite of it.

I don’t know. Me personally, I’m not really planning to, to travel after August, September. I think I’m gonna just kind of reign it in. And first of all, I don’t fly anywhere anyway. I’m. I drive most of time. I might take a hop in a skip flight, but I’m gonna start really raining that, you know, reining it in probably around August. I think we’re coming into some tough times, folks. So Juan is in Hiroshima, and he’s gonna be there for about. Well, he’s gonna be in Japan for about a month. I’m gonna bring him on Nino’s corner tv tomorrow.

Talk about the financial crisis. Tidal wave that’s coming. The counterpunch is coming. Something’s going to happen with the courts. Something’s going to happen with the courts, with Mister T, where they could just stop abruptly. I mean, we’re already seeing, we’re seeing, we’re already seeing what’s happening with Jack, you know who, Jack Smith. And there, there’s something that’s going to. A big counter punch is going to land and that might press them to go all in. All in. And so, you know, we may not just see one. We may see a series. We make this clear to you a series of events.

Pop up, pop up or one bop. But I heard it’s going to be like a domino effect to where we’re all confused, disoriented. We don’t know what’s going on, and I don’t know where to look for help. And obviously, no powers that be, they’re not going to help us. So we’re gonna have to look to each other. So in the midst of this chaos, make sure you have a good network of people and you could talk to, call. I’ve heard Congress was giving satellite phones. I heard that’s a smart thing to do. I was just talking to a friend who’s on Starlink.

You’re gonna need. You might need communication, folks. I’m not even. I’m not telling any of you what you don’t already kind of intuitively. You guys intuitively know this, right? I’m not just. Is this like a surprise to you? Give me a thumbs up. Can I get a thumbs up if I’m telling you something you already know? Can I get. Can I get a thumbs up if you intuitively know this? I’m not just pulling this out of my ass, you know. You guys, you guys do understand what I’m talking about. Remember, when Japan catches. When Japan sneezes, we catch a cold.

The yen is 35 years low, the lowest. There’s a financial tidal wave coming to America, folks. And I think that might be the first part of it. So the wings are spread, folks. I don’t have dates. I’m not gonna even try to do that. You know, I’ll leave that to Bo pony. Bo pony’s better at that than I am. But I think Bo ponies means well. I mean, you know, he does. He’s at the mark a couple times. So I’m gonna interview Juanito tomorrow. I’ll put that up on Nino’s corner tv. The Monica Crowley that I did.

The Monica Crowley. Don’t get mad at me. I know. I know a lot of you gonna get pissed off, but I just. It got too deep, too crazy. So I put the first, like, I don’t know, 15 minutes on fluff tube because I know you want to see Monica. She was a great interview. She talks about Nixon and, and Mister T and the relationship she had with both those men. And not like that, but you know what I mean? She worked for him. And then it goes into, when I asked her a question about the media, it went boom.

I hold up in direction, and I was like, wow. I didn’t think she was gonna go full, you know, like that. I didn’t know she was gonna do that. So me. So I was like, I can’t put this on fluff tube. So I said, let’s just keep going this direction, and I’ll edit it out. So the first 15 minutes is gonna go on fluff tube tomorrow. The rest will be on, you knows, corner tv. I’ll put one on Nino’s corner tv. I got a lot of good stuff. I got a lot of good guests coming up.

Um, but, um, yeah, I’ll meet you. I guess I’ll meet you guys over there. But, uh, the best thing I can say right now is prepare. Prepare. Because, uh, it’s gonna be not a bad hair day. It’s not gonna be a bad, hard hair day. Let me repeat that. It’s not gonna be something you can just watch on tv. And incredible times we’re living in, man. Incredible times. These are times I talked about as a kid, and I cannot believe we’re here. You know, I’m just gonna. I’m gonna leave with this. I told you. I’m gonna leave with one more thing.

I sometimes think that when I, when I passed away, when I die, when I. Those two near death experiences I personally went through in my life. That’s why when Juan says it as a near death experience, I understand it. I can digest that. I understand it. It hits every molecule in my body. I get what he’s saying when he says that, because I’ve experienced that personally. Not. Not like, whoo, I almost got in a car accident. That that’s not what happened to me. What happened to me personally. A knife went through my throat, miss my aorta, like, by a hair, to where the doctor sewing me up could see an abrasion on it.

It’s not something that, like, I didn’t just, like, miss something or I was gone twice in the same year. So I know when he explains that to me, that that’s gonna happen for America, I understand it. And it’s not like a close call. It’s not a close call. It’s not something that you’re going to watch on tv. It’s not something that you’re going to say, wow, that was almost. It’s not like that. It happens. It happens. And we come back from it, but we come back as a stronger country. We come back a better country. And you know what, folks? If you really, really think about it, this generation is so soft.

It kind of needs a waking up, doesn’t it? And I think the people that are going to be holding everyone’s hand through this are going to be the 40 and up. The people that have seen both sides of the. Of the spectrum that remember what life was like in the nineties, that was without Internet. That was life was like when you had to, you know, actually talk to people, communicate, have social skills, not hide behind your phone, hide behind a keyboard, acting tough, keyboard warriors, you know, keyboard bullies. All these guy. All these people, they’re not gonna fend well, okay? They’re not.

I’ll, uh. I’m out of here, man. I need to get some sleep. I’ll see you guys at Nino’s corner tv if you choose to go. If not, it’s all good. It’s all good. Don’t get mad at me. I’m out, folks. Later. You have a good night. Bye..

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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brink of major global conflict coping with near-death experiences dealing with aging parents health issues express impending global financial crisis importance of prayer in difficult times Japan's financial impact on America personal sacrifices for self-improvement podcasting to cope with loneliness preparing for political disasters resilience in face of challenges YouTube channel for anxiety relief

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