Ep 3425b – [KH] Next Do You Attack The King At The Beginning Or End Of The Game? Timing Is Everything | X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ This X22 Report podcast episode discusses concerns about political manipulation, potential health crises, and border control issues. The host, Dave, warns about potential threats to American health and promotes a home emergency kit for protection. He also criticizes Kamala Harris and her team, accusing them of faking poll numbers and crowd sizes. Lastly, he discusses border control issues, suggesting that the current administration is not properly managing immigration and may be allowing dangerous individuals into the country.
➡ The article discusses concerns about potential fraud in immigration applications, with patterns of identical answers and use of fake Social Security numbers. It suggests that Kamala Harris, as the border czar, is responsible for these issues. The article also discusses the panic among the ‘deep state players’ and their attempts to control the flow of information, including censorship and potential shutdowns of platforms like Google. It ends by comparing the current situation to the American Revolutionary War, suggesting that people are fighting for their rights and freedom of speech.
➡ The text discusses the current political climate in the UK and the US, highlighting the people’s growing dissatisfaction with their governments. It suggests that people are reaching their breaking point due to economic instability, safety concerns, and potential threats of nuclear war. The text also mentions potential conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, and speculates about possible distractions from an upcoming interview with Elon Musk. Lastly, it touches on the upcoming US presidential election, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the push for vaccinations and boosters.
➡ The text discusses various topics including the push for mail-in ballots, the effectiveness of vaccines, gender issues in sports, tax relief services, and political matters. It criticizes the handling of the pandemic and the push for vaccines, questions the fairness of allowing men to compete in women’s sports, and promotes a tax relief firm. It also discusses the 2028 Olympics, the role of the people in government, and criticizes certain political figures.
➡ The text discusses allegations of manipulation and deceit in political campaigns, particularly focusing on Kamala Harris. It suggests that images of crowds at her rallies were artificially generated and that her campaign team was involved in spreading fake photos. The text also speculates that Harris and Tim Waltz are merely placeholders until the Democratic National Convention (DNC), hinting at a potential change in candidates. It ends by suggesting that these tactics could lead moderate Democrats to switch their support to Trump.
➡ The text discusses various political theories and events, including the idea that artificial intelligence and social media can be used to manipulate political campaigns. It also suggests that former President Obama and current Vice President Kamala Harris may be involved in some sort of political scheme. The text also mentions a lawsuit by former President Trump against Joe Biden’s Department of Justice, and an alleged assassination attempt on Trump. Lastly, it discusses poll numbers and the potential for election manipulation.
➡ Trump claims he’s leading in the presidential race and is confident of winning despite obstacles like fake news. He believes there’s widespread support for audits of voter registration to ensure only citizens are voting. Trump is expected to appear on a platform called ‘X’, which is causing panic among his opponents who are trying to stop him. He plans to use this platform to reveal the truth and show that he’s in control.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the Ax 22 report. My name is Dave. In this episode 3425 bn. Today’s date is August 12, 2024, and the title of the episode is next move. Kamala Harris attack the king. At the beginning or end of the game. Timing is everything. Let’s talk about our health. America. Pay attention. We’re living in perilous times. Assassination attempts, coups, seeking to take over our government, cybersecurity threats, and we’re just heating up now. Forbes just put out an article that our government is handing 176 million to Moderna to whip up an mRNA bird flu vaccine.

They’re gearing up for the next big plandemic, and we can’t trust the establishment with our health any longer. We must take matters into our own hands now. I’m protecting my family with contagion emergency kit from the wellness company. And now you can, too. This kit is no joke. It’s your frontline defense against whatever they throw at us next. It comes packed with ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, Z pactamiflu, along with a nebulizer so you can rest easy knowing that you have an emergency meds on hand, along with a guidebook for safe use. Every family in America needs at least one of these kits.

It’s like having an urgent care in the comfort of your own home. Get your contagion emergency kit now for as low as the cost of a single doctor’s visit. At the end of the day, just have the these life saving medications on hand, and you won’t have to think about it. Be proactive, be prepared, and take control of your health. Don’t wait for the next crisis. Go to TWC Health X 22 and grab your contagion emergency kit right now. That’s TWC Health X 22. Use code X 22, which will save you $30 at checkout. Or just click the link in the description.

Kits are only available in the US. Let’s get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news. Now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters. You could see they’re putting everything that they have into Kamala Harris, and they are trying to do whatever they possibly can to make her look like she’s something incredible. But it is now all falling apart. The poll numbers you could see aren’t real. A lot of the pictures that they’re showing of these gigantic crowds, they aren’t real. They’re using black curtains in the arenas because they don’t want you to see the empty seats.

So they have been manipulating everything from the very, very beginning. And everything that we’re seeing is absolutely fake. And when you start to look at her VP pick, everything that he has done is fake. So basically, you’re looking at a fake presidential nominee and a fake VP nominee. Remember, they didn’t get any votes. The delegates didn’t say, this is our pick. Basically what they did is they voted for Biden. The powers that be decided to know something. He’s not going to be able to pull this off. We’re going to have to do the old switcheroo, but we just can’t jump over Kamala.

So we need to have her as a stepping stone. This is just like a pause before they get to the real candidates. And while we’re doing that, we’ll build her up. We’ll build up the whole thing, manipulate the poll numbers and use the same exact campaign tactics as Obama because Obama is really in charge of all of this. And when you start to look right now, you can see that right now we’re with Kamala, but the next move is going to remove most likely Kamala or waltz or both of them. And the actual real player is going to come into focus.

Now, this could be Barack Obama. It could be Michelle Obama, depending on how they work this out. Maybe we could sprinkle in a little Hillary Clinton in this. Also, because you have to remember, this is a game of chest. You attack the king at the beginning or end of the game. I do believe you attack the king at the end of the game. What do you do before that? You get rid of all the pawns. You get rid of the knight. You get rid of the rook. And what has Trump been doing? He’s been getting rid of all of these individuals.

And now we’re in the fourth quarter. And remember, timing is everything. Plus, what did Trump do today? Well, he’s going to have an interview with Elon Musk on X. He decided to start posting on X, which means that brings us closer and closer to that famous tweet that we all know about my fellow Americans, which I do believe that is going to be timed perfectly. And you can see that all roads lead to who? Obama. It has from the very, very beginning. And I do believe Trump wants to put him front and center. Now, once again, Obama and team, they realize that Kamala is not going to be able to pull this off.

They know that this is fake. They know that they created the polls. They know they, they’ve been holding back on certain polls. They’ve been manipulating everything. And remember, from the very, very beginning, to get rid of Biden, what do they have to do? They actually had to tell the truth. Oh, look, Trump is going to beat him in a landslide. Oh, Trump is going to win Biden, you’re not going to be able to make it. They did this to get rid of him. Then they turned everything around. And now to keep Kamala as the potential nominee, to keep this in place, they need to make it look like that she is the one, she is the ultimate person who’s going to beat Trump.

But again, it’s all a lie. You see, they manipulate everything to get what they want. And I do believe the next move is to actually remove Kamala, remove Walt and replace them. Because again, if you’re going to cheat in the election, you’re going to need people that are going to do halfway decent in the polls. You need your base to vote for you. Do you really think waltz right now and Kamala, they’re the pick. Think about why they lined up all white guys for the VP pick. Why didn’t they pick a black individual? Why didn’t they pick a black male? Why didn’t they pick a black woman? Why didn’t they pick a white woman? Why? Because no one would have a problem with them removing a white male to bring in a black male to bring in a white woman.

It makes it a lot easier for them. Plus, to remove Kamala, they could replace her with another black woman. That’s why she has become black. Remember, one black woman for another black woman. So we’re going to have to see how this all plays out. This is going to be very interesting, but I think the timing for everything is absolutely perfect. I do believe the downfall of Kamala is going to be the border. The border is going to be her downfall. Already we could see her copying Trump with no taxes on tips. That isn’t working out well.

The fake news is trying to spin that as best they possibly can. But again, if she’s going to copy Trump, you might as well just get the original. Why would you want to copy you wouldn’t you want the original guy who said it, who actually came up with the plan, who had the smarts to come up with the plan? And I think the people now are seeing this very, very clearly. Remember the Dei hire? They can’t think on their own. They have to cheat. It’s the only way they know. And I think the people, they see this.

But when you look at the border, we’re starting to see certain things are happening. At the border, we know there’s a lot of terrorists that came over the border. We know that the deep state players, Mayorkas and the rest, remember, they tried to impeach him. But again, the DS block that they’re not actually doing DNA tests at the border. They don’t even know who’s coming over the border. But they really don’t care because they want the criminals in this country. They want the terrorists in this country. Remember, they’re not doing anything to help the country. They’re doing everything to destroy the country.

If your plan is to destroy the country, well, you don’t care who comes in the country as long as they obey. And if you’re going to give them everything, if you’re going to tell them, listen, you can come here free, they’re going to do what you want. So if you’re going to destroy the country, you bring in the worst of the worst. And that’s exactly what’s happening. But we’ve come to find out from leak government memo. It confirms that the whistleblower were targeted by the border agency after exporting exposing federal DNA collection law was not filed for immigration violations.

So basically all these deaths, the whistleblower blowers are saying they were preventable. But again, who didn’t do this? Who didn’t want to have the DNA test? Katherine Herrich responded to this and said the Internal Homeland Security directive could not be more clear. The border agency is required to collect DNA samples from non United States persons in detention for immigration violations. This is an investigative tool that identifies violent crimes suspects and has solved cold cases. So who’s responsible for all this? Oh, that’s right, Mayorkas may Orcus is directly responded responsible for this? And who is above Mayorkas? Oh, that’s right.

It’s the border czar. Who’s the border czar? That is Kamala Harris. And there you go. And when you look at the border, Kamala’s illegals, they use the same exact answers on 10,000 parole applications. So a report from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. They identified patterns, trends and potential fraud indicators and it led to the program known as CHNV. So fair, which is the Federation of American Immigration Reform, reported and showed the use of fake Social Security numbers, including Social Security numbers of deceased individuals and the use of false phone numbers. In fact, it said 24 of the thousand most used sponsors Social Security numbers belong to deceased individuals.

Fair wrote that obviously fake Social Security numbers were often used by sponsors such as all ones or 123-45-6789 or all sixes, proving that fraudulent data was being brazenly provided to the government. The USCIS report also showed that some addresses were used over and over by multiple applicants. The report said that 100 addresses were listed on more than 19,000 immigration applications. Many of the immigrants seeking entry applied for locations that included a mobile park home, a warehouse, and a storage unit. Multiple applications came from the same IP address, and 51,133 applications came from 100 ip addresses. The report also noted that identical answers appeared on multiple applications, noting that the same answer to one question appeared on more than 10,000 applications.

So basically, they could have just printed these off and just handed them out because that’s really what they’re doing. It almost reminds me of what they did during the 2020 election and all the other elections beyond that. So that is very interesting. And they’re just continually using fake information to get these people in here and who’s responsible for all this? So when you see the crime, when you see the rapes, when you see the murders, it all is going back to Kamala Harris. And I do believe when we see an event in this country, the people are going to really wake up.

They’re going to realize that she is responsible for all this. Remember, she’s out there telling everyone that she did a great job. The border secure. She’s not the border czar. Even though multiple times Biden said she is the border czar. The fake news even said she was the border czar. So I do believe in the end, everything is going to come back to haunt her. And you could see that the deep state players, they know this. They know they’re not going to be able to get around this, but they need her right now as a placeholder.

Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the following. Kamala Harris was put in the sole charge of the border, and it quickly became the worst and most dangerous border in history. As president, Harris will completely destroy our country. Absolutely. Because whatever she did as vp, what do you think she’s going to do as the president is going to be ten times worse. Because remember, their mission is not to make America great again. Their mission is to destroy this country at every turn. And you can see this is what they are pushing right now. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we know that as the deep state players, as they’re panicking, which they are right now, because remember, they wouldn’t be doing all of this if they weren’t panicked.

They would have left Biden in place. If their cheating system was working, they wouldn’t they wouldn’t swap him out, they wouldn’t manipulate the polls, they wouldn’t have to do all of these things if they were truly in control. This tells you everything you need to know. They’re panicking, they’re scrambling, they don’t know what to do. And they’re going to keep doing this, because, again, they’re not in control of the situation, they’re not in control of the flow of information. And this tells you everything you need to know when you’re watching this play out. I mean, when the EU writes a letter to Elon saying, don’t put Trump on your x platform, this is panic.

You see, if they were in control, they wouldn’t have to worry about that. When you’re not in control and you’re weak, what do you do? You panic and you do all these different things to try to get back into control, and they’re trying to get back into control with the flow of information. You could already see it out in the UK. The UK right now is putting people in jail, censoring. This is going to spread to the EU, they’re going to try to do it here in the US. It’s all going to fail and fail big time.

And what’s very interesting is that Google went down this morning, search engine, YouTube and other services, all of a sudden they had major, major outages. And what’s very interesting is it began around 09:00 a.m. and it is plaguing users in the US, the UK, and parts of Europe and also Asia and South America. But it looks like it was really hit hard out in the UK, which is very, very interesting, unusual. Wales put this out and said, Trump says Google has to be careful or it will be shut down. Hmm. Remember, they were running a monopoly and now they have to be careful or they will be shut down.

Well, didn’t we just see Venezuela shut down x in their country, trying to control the flow of information? It’s not going to work. They will try to censor, they will try to control inflammation. And when they lose control of information, what are they going to do? They are going to basically just shut it all down, because if they can’t control it, just shut it all down and make sure nobody sees anything except for the fake news. This is what they’re going to try to do. But again, they don’t control a lot of the platforms. We know that Elon Musk has contracts with the government.

I do believe Trumpet and Elon have been working together, setting everything up. So there can still be communications in this country. And I do believe even if the deep state players bring down their social media platforms, it’s going to be a lot harder to bring down the other platforms because they don’t control them. So does that mean they’re going to try to stop people from reaching those sites? Yes, they might. But I do believe Trump at the patriots, they have countermeasures in place. Do I think the Internet’s going to go down? I don’t think the entire Internet’s going to go down.

I think it’ll be sporadic in certain areas, but I don’t think the whole thing is going to go down. I think they’ll probably use, uh, different malware to try to prevent people from reaching certain sites. But I think in the end, this is all going to fail just like everything else. Now, the other thing that we can see happening is out in the UK, the deep state players, they’re becoming so desperate that they’re going around arresting people, because when the people aren’t on the same page as the government, they feel that this is misinformation or disinformation.

See, we like to call that the truth. We like to call that facts. But the deep state players, they don’t like facts or truth getting out there. So what do they have done? They decided to push this entire agenda in arresting, terrorizing people, making them afraid, making them self censor. They did this back in 2020, if you remember. And even before that, here in the United States, they had people afraid to say certain words. People afraid to say election fraud. People afraid to say Covid is a scam, it’s a pandemic. The vaccines don’t work. So they tried to make people self censor.

They’re trying to do this out in the UK, and they’re trying to spread this to the entire world. I mean, they’re even saying that we’re going to come after the people in the US. Isn’t that why we had a revolution, to actually separate ourselves from the british government that tried to do the same exact thing? Yeah, that’s why we did have the revolutionary war. And remember, during the revolutionary war, our founding fathers, they used different names. They hid their identity because of this same reason. The redhead libertarian put this out and said, the Boston Tea party was organized by Rusticus.

Washington was agent 711 in the culprit spy ring. Franklin was silenced. Do good. Hamilton, Madison, and Jay wrote the Federalist papers as Publius Samana’s was vintage. Speech and privacy are central to the american experiment. And think about what you’re seeing today. You’re seeing people who are on social media platforms. Are they using their names or are they using different names? It’s the same exact thing they were battling the same thing that we are battling today. There is no difference. We are fighting the seven second revolutionary war. And we can see the people now are winning, just like our founding fathers were winning back then.

They couldn’t stop them. But again, the deep state players, they’re trying everything they possibly can. But I do believe what the people are seeing out in the UK right now, they’re starting to realize that this individual, Kirstarmer, well, he is a threat to free speech. And Nigel Farage right now is out there hammering him. And I do believe the people just got rid of the fake conservative government. Now they have the liberal government, now they’re going to be going to the government that actually will work for the people. Sometimes you just need to show the people the truth.

And I do believe Nigel Farage was put into position. He’s ready to go. And as the british people continually fight against a tyrannical government, they’re all going to rise up and say enough is enough. Because again, people are going to be brought to their breaking point. And everyone has a different breaking point. But when everything is hitting you at once, the people start to realize it’s time. It’s time to make a move. Just like during the revolutionary war here, our founding fathers, yes, they tried to speak to the british government. They tried to agree to certain terms, but every step the british government took, it basically pushed the founding fathers back into a corner.

And eventually, when they came for the guns, that was the breaking point. The same thing is going to be happening here. It’s going to be happening out in the UK, in Spain, in Germany and many other places, the deep state players are going to bring the people to a breaking point. The people will accept certain things, but if they keep, if the people are continually pushed into the corner, that’s when people say enough is enough. And we can see we’re reaching that point, especially when we reach where I do believe Trump, the patriots, they knew if the entire economic system was breaking down.

This has nothing to do with Democrat, Republican or independent, because everyone depends on the economy. They depend on your, on their jobs, they depend on making money, they depend on fuel and food and everything else like that. When the economy is falling apart and the people are lied to, that is a breaking point for we, the people, a lot of the people. When the people are brought to a place where they don’t feel safe in their country. When we have these illegals running around the streets committing crimes, and when we have these illegals who might be terrorists, criminals, whoever they are, commit an event here in this country, which is very big event, the people no longer feel safe.

They reach a breaking point. When the people feel like, wait a minute, are we really approaching nuclear war? Are we really going to consider going to nuclear war with Iran, Russia, North Korea and the rest? People then are brought to their breaking point. And this is where all this is said. And I do believe Trump, the patriots knew that if people experienced this, they lived it. The people would say, enough is enough. We can’t take this anymore. That’s why it has to be this way. This is why sometimes you just got to show the people the truth.

You can’t have tell the people, because words, it just words mean nothing to most people. When people experience something, that’s when people wake up and they start to listen to those words. But if you’re going to tell someone that we’re heading towards nuclear war and a nuclear bomb can fall on their head, fall on their house, fall on their family, they’re going to say, yeah, whatever, that’s never going to happen. Just like if you go back in time and you tell them that, listen, there’s going to be a virus that’s going to be released, they’re going to lie to you.

You’re going to have to wear a mask. The entire world’s going to be closed down. You’re going to be trapped in your house. People would say, that’s ridiculous. I don’t even know what you’re talking about at this point. But now people have seen it, people have experienced it, and they believe it’s real. Same thing with a nuclear war. And you can see this nuclear war is now being built up out in Iran and Israel, in the Middle east. You see it happening now out in Ukraine. And right now there’s reports that the nuclear plant is on fire in Ukraine.

And again, they’re blaming it on Russia. The fire really has nothing to do with the nuclear plant. The nuclear plant is not damaged at all. And, but the Ukrainians, they want to make this a very big deal. And think about it. The Ukrainians right now, they had, they have advanced 30 km deep into russian territory right now. And the people that are in Russia right now, they’re just not Ukrainians. Peacemaker put this out and said, the latest report from the Kursk battlefield, say 120 French, 180 Poles, a dozen Britons, Estonians, and other foreign troops from NATO countries have been identified there.

So far, it appears that the entire operation was staged abroad. More than six and a half thousands of the Kiev regime’s elite thugs were especially trained for it in Britain and arrived at the scene of the attack on July 30. Kursk battle number two, had been prepared abroad for several months. So now we have NATO in Russia. Is this a red line for Putin? Maybe, maybe not. We’re going to have to see how this plays out. Now, the other thing that we know is that the nuclear plant, there’s a fire right outside, but it poses no threats.

And what they’re reporting is that somebody, they’re blaming it on Russia. They set tires on fire outside of the nuclear plant. The nuclear plant is running fine, but you could see how this is starting to build up now. And you could see that one small step in the wrong direction can really set things off, just like it’s going to happen out in the Middle east. When you look at what’s happening with Iran, they’re preparing something huge here. OsInt defender put this out and said, the islamic resistance in Iraq, a conglomeration of iranian backed militia and paramilitary groups in Iraq and Syria, have issued a threatening statement against american forces in the region, stating, our response will not be limited if the US assists with defense of Israel or with strikes on targets in Iraq and Iran.

Lebanese media is reporting that Hezbollah has now completely evacuated its headquarters and political offices in the capital of Beirut due to fears of large scale israeli strikes following an iranian Hezbollah attack with truckloads of electronics, furniture, and documents said to have been moved out of the city to other locations in the countryside. While senior military and political leaders are claimed to be in hiding, the Israel air Force and military intelligence directorate has been placed on high alert. So it looks like Israel is expecting something to happen, other countries are expecting to something happen. And I do believe we’re probably going to see an attack.

Now, really think about it. He’s going to be appearing on Elon Musk’s social media website, x. Millions and millions of people are going to be watching this. I think his numbers on x are going to increase dramatically. What does he have, like 88 million followers? I think after this, it’ll probably go way, way up. But you think Iran and the deep state players, do you think they planned the attack for this evening? Do you think they might do something later this evening to distract from the interview with Elon Musk? I wouldn’t be surprised. Remember, this is an information war, but it’s also a physical war.

Right now. But we could see the US right now they’re getting prepared for something major. US Defense Secretary Austin has ordered the deployment of the USS Georgia submarine in Ohio class ballistic missile submarine to the Middle east. He also ordered the USS Lincoln carrier strike group to accelerate its transit to the region. So right now we have these ships going out there. We can see that something’s prepared. And I wouldn’t be surprised if they time this for the interview with Elon to distract everyone with what is going on in the Middle east. Let’s see how this plays out.

This should be very, very interesting. Now, as we approach the presidential election, we know the deep state players. They have to start ramping up their plan to cheat in the election, which is mail in ballots. I don’t believe that’s the only plan they have, but they’re going to give that the old college try. And what’s very interesting is we have Fauci out there, and he said he got infected about two weeks ago. It was my third infection and I’ve been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times, which means he’s received no vaccine, no booster whatsoever.

But they’re playing this up right now, trying to convince the people that something is now happening. People are getting what Covid. And now you have to run for a booster. Stay in your house. Winter is approaching. Are they really trying to push the bird flu, which failed. Monkeypox is failing. Now they bring Fauci out to convince the people that we must go to mail in ballots and of course get the booster because they want to reduce, populate the population. But let’s go back a little bit in time. Remember going back to 2021. What did Fauci tell us? If you’re vaccinated, you can feel safe that you’ll not get infected.

Take a listen. When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected. So he lied back then because today it’s a completely different story. He got the vaccine, allegedly, and he got three infections after six vaccines. Does that make any sense? Think about all the people that are unvaccinated. Shouldn’t they all be dead right now? Millions upon millions of people. They said if you don’t get vaccinated, you will die. Well, a lot of people still here, a lot of people still breathing. They lied to the public. He lied back then, he’s lying now.

But you could see what their push is right now. They’re trying to push this because they want to cheat in the election. And I do believe they’re going to continue to push this. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, the Olympics, now they’re having the closing ceremonies, and it seems that the boxers who are boxing, they won the woman boxing match. So men won the women’s boxing match, which means there are no women that actually wondez in the women’s boxing match. And like we said from the very, very beginning, if this continues, there’ll be no more women on sports.

They will then spread this to business. And basically you’ll just have men dressing up as women, or just men not dressing up as women, saying they are women and they will replace them. Let’s talk about tax relief. Do you back taxes? Pandemic relief is now over. Along with hiring thousands of new agents and field officers. The IR’s has kicked off 2024 by sending over 5 million pay up letters to those who have un filed tax returns or balances owed. Dont waive your rights and speak with them on your own. Theyre not your friends. Tax Network USA, a trusted tax relief firm, has saved over $1 billion in back taxes for their clients.

And they can help you secure the best deal possible, whether you owe $10,000 or $10 million, they can help you, whether its business or personal taxes, even if you have the means to pay or youre on a fixed income, they can help finally resolve your tax burdens once and for all. Call them at 1824 56,000 for a private free consultation, or visit tnusa.com x 22 or click the link in the description in every aspect of society, because I do believe they want to go back in time and they want to get rid of women and they want women controlled.

This is why they’re allowing these men to beat up women. And what’s very interesting is that the Olympic president, he said, if there is science that could actually tell me who’s a man, who’s a woman, we would use it. Well, there is a scientific method to figure this out, and it’s a foolproof way, too. All you got to do is look at their chromosomes. If you’re xy, you’re a man. If you’re xx, you’re a woman. It’s that simple. So again, we have the science, they just don’t want to use it. They’re pretending that’s not real science.

Didn’t they do this with COVID Didn’t they tell us that their science was the right science? 6ft apart, wearing the masks. Hydroxychloroquine ivermectin wouldn’t work for you. And they forced us, or forced many people to take the vaccine, the bio weapon. Remember their science? Oh, wait, all their science was proved not to be science. You see, when you have science, you can repeat it over and over and over. You could have a peer reviewed document that shows that, yes, this does work. And guess what? Looking at the chromosomes, it does work. That is the real science.

But the other thing that’s very interesting, since we’re talking about the Olympics, Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the following. As president elect, I work with the Olympic Organizing Committee of Los Angeles in getting the 2028 Olympics to come to the United States. There was tremendous competition from other countries. President Obama refused to speak out to the International Olympic Committee, perhaps because of a previous rejection by them of a proposal personally made by him. We needed the enthusiastic support and approval of the us president, without which they would not have chosen our country.

I gave them what they wanted to hear and got the job done. It was my great honor to do so. Hopefully, I will be president and our country will have reached new and record levels of success. See you in 2028. Which means it looks like we’re going to have the Olympics here in this country. And I do believe Trump is going to be the president at that time. I do believe he’s the commander in chief right now. But when the people give him the message, the signal, by voting in the election, saying, no, no, you are the president.

You are the commander in chief. This is when Trump, the people, start taking back this country. And I do believe he can’t do this without the people. Yes, he has the military, but if the people aren’t behind him, this entire plan won’t work. Because if you read the constitution, the constitution specifically states that the people must take back the country. The people must vote out the tyrannical government. So he’s waiting for the people. He has everything else in place ready to go, and I do believe he has control over the country. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and we mentioned this yesterday, the secret Service, they went ahead and they broke into a business.

They covered up the secretary cameras. They violated the Third Amendment. And now, since they got caught, since they were caught on video, now they’re apologizing for all of this. And once again, they weren’t allowed to do this from the very, very beginning. They need to follow the constitution. And if they can’t follow the constitution, they should not be in these positions whatsoever. Just like we shouldn’t have Tim Waltz running for VP, just like we shouldn’t have Kamala Harris running for president. No one ever voted for them. The delegates didn’t vote for them. They were hand picked by.

Oh, that’s right, by dictators, by a tyrannical government, by deep state players that aren’t elected. They hand pick these people, and the people, they’re just going along with it. And I should say the D party is just going along with it. But not everybody. Because the people are learning the truth. And the people are really learning the truth about waltz. Think about it. They had only white guys for the VP position and went from really bad to disgusting. And they picked the disgusting guy, the loser of all losers. Why would they do that? It makes it a lot easier to replace them later on.

But what’s very interesting is that Tim Waltz’s battalion commander decided to put out a message. And it says, I do not regret that Tim Waltz retired early from the Minnesota army National Guard, did not complete the sergeants major academy, broke his enlistment contract, or did not successfully complete any assignment as sergeant major. Unwittingly, he got out of the way for better leadership. Thomas Behrens was the right leader at the right time. He sacrificed to answer the call, leaving his family, business and farming partner brother to train, lead and care for soldiers. He earned the privilege of being called command sergeant major.

Like a great leader he ran toward and not away from the guns. I have no opinion of Mister Walts decision to leave service at the time he did it, it was the right to retire early. I also have no criticism of his service as an eight, e seven and e eight in the National Guard. By all accounts and on the record, he was a competent chief of firing battery guttery, sergeant and first sergeant. I cannot say the same of his service. Sitting frocked in the CSM chair, he did not earn the rank or successfully complete any assignment as an e nine.

It is an affront to the non commissioned officer corpse that he continues to glom onto this title. I can sit in the cockpit of an airplane, it does not make me a pilot. Similarly, when the demands of service and leadership at the highest level got real, he chose another path. And he’s absolutely right. Don Junior responded to this and said, holy shit. Tim Waltz, battalion commander, absolutely destroyed him over his stolen valor. How long is the left wing media going to keep ignoring all of this? And what’s very interesting is they’re trying to bring JD Vance down to the level of this loser.

And what they’re doing right now is that they’re removing his medals, his awards that he got from the Marine service. Rick Grinnell put this out on x and said, everyone knows wikipedia is a tool of the left. It isn’t accurate. It’s an opinion site. So when you look at July 2024, it says, awards, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Sea Service Deployment Ribbon. They, on August 11, they removed all of that and just said, Navy and Marine Corps achievement Medal.

They removed everything else because they need to bring these people down to the level of losers. See, they can’t bring the losers up. They must bring the winners down to the level of the losers. And this is what they’re trying to do with JD Vance. But again, the Internet is forever. You can’t remove things. People can see the truth. And that’s exactly what people are seeing. And the people are also seeing the truth of what’s happening with these rallies with Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz. They had a rally and they try to convince the people that their rally with these black curtains was actually Trump.

Legate put this out and said Trump has ordered his team to literally cover up entire levels of venues he’s unable to fill with black cloths to make it appear as if there aren’t thousands of empty seats. Well, by the way, this rally was Kamala Harris’s rally. There’s even a sign that says Kamala Harris. And what did he do? He deleted this post. Why did he delete it? Because everything that he was putting out was fake. Phony and false. Now, since Trump pointed to the AI generated crowds, you could see the fake news. They’re going off the deep end.

And yes, there is video of the crowds. But again, when you start to look at the video and you start to look at the shiny part of the engine, why isn’t the crowds reflected in that? So how did they manipulate? They did something to it, which is very, very interesting. But patriots arc control put this out on x and said, oh, look, the entire fake news is running cover for Kamala’s fake campaign. And AI generated fake crowds. Color me fake shocked. So you have the New York Times. Trump falsely claims that the crowd seen at Harris rallies are fake.

Rolling Stone insecure. Trump lies claims Harris crowd was manipulated with AI. But you know what this has done? It has now made everyone look very, very closely at their rallies, at their pictures. And now people are going to be watching for this every step of the way. But there are fake photos of this. And we’ve come to find out who put these out. There Jeff Carlson explains. The guy who lists himself as Kamala’s battleground digital director has locked his account after some fake photos of crowds were credited to him. Kamala campaign staffer Bhavik Latvia, who stated that the fake photos came from the Kamala’s battleground digital director Ben Sorrell has now blocked.

So basically they put these out, they got caught, and now they blocked their accounts. This is very, very interesting. But look what this has done right now. It has brought everyone’s attention to this. And now people are going to go, going to go through this with a fine tooth combined. They’re going to look at the rallies, they’re going to look at these stage events, and they’re going to be picking them apart like we’ve never seen before. And people now are going to be calling them out on it, which means it’s going to be pretty darn tough for them to actually convince the people that these are the people at their rallies.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if others show up to take pictures to show everyone. Look, what they’re reporting is very different from what I reported because I was there the entire time. I filmed at all different times. And guess what? It’s not matching up. I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens. Now we’re getting very, very close to the DNC. This is going to happen next week. And we can see already that they’re already telling everyone who’s going to attend. So it looks like at this point, Joe Biden, Obama, most likely Barack and Michelle Clinton’s, they’re going to be speaking at the Democratic National Convention.

Now, remember, Biden never ended his campaign. We have Kamala and Waltz still using his id number. And I do believe something might happen during the DNC or maybe sometime around or after the DNC. But I do believe that they won’t be able to keep Kamala in there forever. I don’t believe she’ll make it to the election. I mean, be great because Trump would have a field day with her, but I don’t believe they can keep her in there that long because everything will start to fall apart. And Joe Biden, he never actually wrote the letter to say that he’s no longer in the campaign.

And what’s very interesting is that Pelosi was being interviewed and she said the letter didn’t sound like Joe Biden to her. So she admitted that Biden most likely did not write that letter and this was against his will. See, sometimes you just got to show the people the truth. And actually, it looks like Joe Biden was forced out right after the debate. Who do you think forced him out? Who do you think this set this up? Yes. Everything that we talked about before, where Obama started, kicked this off during the rally in LA where he grabbed his arm and brought him offstage, then forced him to have the debate early, earlier than normal.

This was to remove Biden and this was orchestrated by Obama. Trump, he put this out and said Biden just admitted that the Democrats extreme pressure campaign forced him to drop out of the race for president. It all began, he said, with the debate. Absolutely. But what we’re seeing right now is everything that they’re doing, everything that these are doing, it’s one gigantic illusion, just like everything else. Covid was an illusion. This economy is an illusion. All these false flags, it’s their illusion. Everything that they have done is fake. Clandestine. Put this out and said. They publish fake polls.

They use AI images to fake crowds. They manufacture the illusion of popularity with synchronized talking points. They gaslighted the public to ignore Kamala’s incompetence and waltz’s stolen valor. Everything they do is fake. Don’t buy the hype. And he’s absolutely right. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said the following. Kamala Harris has flip flop on virtually every policy she has supported and live by for her entire career, from the border to tips. And the fake news media isn’t reporting it. She sounds more like Trump than Trump copying almost everything. She is conning the american public and will flip right back.

I will make America great again. There will be no flipping. Absolutely. And why would you want a copy if you already have the original? Really think about that for a second and think about what Time magazine just did. They put Kamala on the COVID DC Draino put this out on x and said she didn’t receive a single delegate in the 2020 Dem primary. She didn’t receive a single delegate in the 2024 Dem primary. She didn’t almost get assassinated and pump her fist defiantly in front of the us flag. Yet Time magazine puts Kamala on its cover.

This is media coordination for a Kumala coronation. So if you really look at this, this is actually Obama’s campaign. Remember when Obama was first installed? What did they do? They gave him the Nobel Peace prize. They put his face on time, pushing hope. Basically what you’re seeing right now is the same exact playbook. Hans put this out on X and says you don’t hate the media enough. Shows the time cover of Obama that says hope and it shows Kamala. Obama is using his same exact playbook, the same exact tactics he used going back to his election, and he’s using it for Kamala.

The problem is, it is now failing. And I do believe that Harris and Walt, they are placeholders, because why would they pick the worst guy in the world unless you want to get rid of him? And you have to make it really easy. They get rid of them. You see, what they’re going to do is they’re going to continually pump them up until the DNC, when everything starts to fall apart. They want their base to say, holy crap, these people aren’t going to pull it off. We’re losing hope in these people. We need to replace them.

Who do we else do we have? See, they already got their base to accept Kamala and waltz without any votes. They will now have them accept the next people because they don’t care about democracy. All they care about is getting rid of Trump. So these people who say, democracy, democracy, democracy, they’re going to go all out and say, you know something? We don’t care about elections. We don’t care about democracy. We just don’t want Trump. What’s going to happen is that the moderate democrats, they’re going to see this and they’re going to say, you know something, we’re not on board with this.

And you’re going to see a lot of people move over to, to Trump’s side. But rising serpent, put this head on, exits the following. Harris Waltz is just a placeholder till the DNC convention. This whole thing is a proof of concept to show the candidate is irrelevant and they can socially engineer and digitally astroturf a campaign using AI, legacy, and social media. That’s absolutely true. Now, what’s very interesting is that we know we are in the fourth quarter right now. And I do believe all roads lead to Obama, and I do believe Trump of the Patriots.

They want Obama front and center. So when you’re playing a game of chess, do you go after the king first or do you wait to attack the king last? You get rid of the pawns, you get rid of the knights, you get rid of everything that’s blocking the king. So is Kamala the queen. And she will then be removed, and Obama will then be exposed. Let’s go back to post three. 2. December 9, 2017. Trump, he put out a tweet going back in time, and it says, why does Barack Obama’s ring have an arabic inscription? Who is this guy? And remember, this was put out in 2012, October 11.

So what does the inscription say? There is no God but Allah. Think about that for a second. Think about what we’re witnessing right now with Iran down below. It says, fourth quarter patriots. We fight together. I do believe Trump, the patriots, they want him front and center. Now. Think about what’s happening with Iran right now. Iran is now in focus. Iran and Obama, well, they’ve worked together. They’re one in the same. And now they’re both in focus. Now you can bring out information about Obama once he’s put into place. Now you can show what he’s really been doing with Iran, what he’s been doing with ISIS, what he’s been doing with Hezbollah, Hamas and the rest.

This information now can be brought out into the light and the people now can see the truth. So I do believe we have another stage to go through. We’re in the fourth quarter and we can see things are now ramping up. Now, what’s very interesting, Trump is now suing Joe Biden’s DOJ over unprecedented Mar a Lago raid for $100 million. And remember, they came in there and they had no case, they had nothing. They were already there. They saw the documents. And now Trump has turned the tables on them and they’re using the argument of clear intent to engage in political persecution.

So here we go, folks. And actually, this is going to show everyone the truth. It’s going to show how these individuals actually attack Trump. Because remember, there’s discovery in this. So this should be very, very interesting. The other thing that’s very interesting, this has to do with the assassination attempt. And we know that this is a FBI CIA operation. We know that there were other shooters. We know that this guy was a complete and utter patsy. And now evidence shows that crooks, the man suspected of attempting, attempting to assassinate Trump, has been intensely preparing for his attack.

And he went to the Clairton Sportsman Club, a facility frequently frequented by multiple federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security. Again, there were phones that were tracked and they were tracked to buildings next to the FBI. He was in contact with other people. And this should tell you everything you need to know, because judicial Watch, they announced today that the FBI withheld information on the Freedom of Information act request for information about its coordination with the US Secret Service regarding the July 13 Butler, Pa. Rally at which Trump was shot. In denying judicial Watch Freedom of Information act requests, the FBI states cites the FOIA exemption seven a, which applies to information that would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication.

Judicial Watch requests the following on July 26, all records of the FBI, including emails, email chains, email attachments, text messages, video or audio recordings, photographs, drawings, outlook calendars, meeting minutes, finished intelligence products, bulletins, raw intelligence, threat products, correspondence, statements, letters, memoranda, report briefings, presentation notes, summaries or other form of record regarding preparation in coordination with the United States Secret Service for former President Trump’s presidential campaign rally that was held in Butler, Pa. On July 13. So basically, they’re using the same exact excuse. Oh, it’s an ongoing investigation. We can’t do this. And I, what are they really hiding? They’re hiding the coordination.

They’re hiding the op. That is what they’re truly hiding. And I do believe this information is going to see the light of day and we’re going to learn that it was a coordinated act and it included Biden, Obama, Hillary Clinton, the FBI, CIA, and the rest. And this is going to then call into question everything else. But I do believe that people are going to learn this. The people are going to understand, and this is going to lead then back to January 6, because, again, these are the individuals that have been doing this to we, the people.

They are the criminal syndicate. They’re trying to stop Trump at all costs. This is what they’re hiding from the people. Just like the CDC, where they’re deleting their emails. It’s the same exact thing. But the people, they are on board with Trump right now. Out in California, there was a parade of vehicles, and it was absolutely incredible. And it was many, many vehicles. And you’re seeing this out in California, absolutely incredible. But Ted Nugent, he put this out and said there are no blue states, just 15 to 20 big blue cities trying to tell the rest of us how to live.

And he’s absolutely right, because the deep state players, the deeds, they thought if they got control of these cities, they would be able to control the elections, they’d be able to control everything. But now the majority of the people, they are now pushing back and it’s not working. Now, what’s very interesting is we can see that Kamala Harris, they’re putting out a lot of fake poll numbers right now. They’re trying to convince everyone that she’s doing very, very well in the polls. And again, it’s the same thing that you saw in 2016 with Hillary Clinton. Kamala wins, put this out on X and said Nate Silver’s polling predictor is now predicting Kamala Harris will win the presidency with 283 electoral votes.

This is huge. Rich Barris responded to this and said Nate Silver’s polling predictor. That’s not actually a thing in the industry. His predictions are more accurately described as poll unschewing. It’s not a model model, nor is it accurate. Historically, the favored candidate is more likely to lose than win. He’s a real polling predictor. Folks, get ready for the Harris plus four to plus eight nationally from the Quinnipiac, maybe a one point race in Florida, Iowa or Ohio. So they’re just making things up. Now. When you go to XDev and you actually see polls by the people, you get a very different response.

Brian Krastenstein, once again, he’s been trying these polls over and over and over. He says new X poll after Trump collapsed this week. Who are you voting for? I bet things have changed. Well, out of 76,000 people, Trump 65%, Kamala Harris 35%. So the people haven’t changed who they’re voting for. Trump didn’t collapse. This is all made up. Patriots are in control. Put this out and said Vegas knows the fixes in for Kamala. The books aren’t stupid. They know Trump would win easily if the election were honest. They quite literally are adjusting their odds to reflect Democrats stealing the election.

It’s, it says US president 2024. Us presidential election odds to win the 2024 electoral vote. Kamala Harris negative 120. Trump plus 110. Yeah, they do. Rasmussen reports put this out and said Trump versus Harris and others nightly updated added August 12 don’t let the embargo of other polling fool anyone. Democrats are in real trouble and they’re not doing the polling because they’re trying to hide everything. And they’re trying to hide everything until the DNC. After that, everything is going to start to fall apart. They’re in real trouble. Kamala Harris is polling a lot worse than Biden and they know it.

And it’s going to come out very, very soon and people are going to know it. And I do believe that Obama has done this on purpose. They built this up. They brought in the worst of the worst because they need a very easy transition. When the polls start to drop rapidly, I don’t mean the next day. They’re just going to drop. All of a sudden. You’re going to see the bulls drop. They’re going to drop a little bit more. You’re going to see an event in this country. People are going to lose interest. More information is going to be coming out at Waltz and then they’re going to say, okay, this is terrible.

This is worse than Biden. And Obama then is probably going to turn on Kamala turn on waltz and they’re going to make the case of why they need to be replaced. Now, I wouldn’t be surprised if maybe there’s an event against Kamala and events against Walt to make it easier for them to replace these individuals, to make it easier for their base to say, yeah, you know what? Forget about the election. Just replace them now. Because within the rules of the DNC, they have the ability to do this. And I do believe that’s what they’re going to do.

Trump, he put this out on truth. He says, I’m doing really well in the presidential race, leading in almost all of the real polls. And this despite the Democrat unprecedentedly changing their primary winning candidate, sleepy Joe Biden, midstream with a candidate, Kamala Harris, who failed to get even a single primary vote and was the first out of 15 Democrat candidates to quit the race. I did great in 2016 and won, did much better in 2020, getting many millions more votes than 16. But this 2024 is thus far my best campaign. The most enthusiasm and spirit, etcetera.

My team is doing a great job. Despite the constant eight year obstacle of dealing with the fake news and low self esteem leakers, we’re going to win big and take our country back from the radical left. Losers, fascists and communists. We will very quickly make America great again. And yes, he is leading in the polls. And you know what? The people know, they know there’s going to be cheating. They know they’re going to be using, and I’m talking about the deep state players. They know they’re going to be using illegals to cheat in the vote. Rasputin reports on X.

Put this out and said majority of voters now suspect non citizens are illegally registered to vote. Nationwide, 78% would support their state doing an audit of voter registration and removing all non citizens from the rose, including 56% who strongly support such audits. So I do believe Trump now has the people with him. The people want audits. The people want to make sure that. Who are these people voting? Are they actual citizens? And I do believe the Save act is just sitting there waiting for the right moment, waiting for the right event. And when the event comes along, we’re going to see the save act be passed by the Senate.

It’s already passed by the House. It’s just waiting there. And how will, how will this be passed? Well, when there’s an event in this country, when there’s a cyber attack and the country is attacked, that people are going to demand this. Look what the people are demanding right now. They’re demanding audits. They want to make sure that the american people are voting in this election. And remember to go see Kamala at a rally. He needed an id, but to vote in a presidential election, she says no id needed. That’s very interesting. Think about that for a second.

Now, Trump, he’s going to appear on X tonight at 08:00 p.m. and I do believe he’s going to have millions and millions of people watching him. So I do believe all you got to do is go over to Trump’s account, go over to Elon’s account, and you’ll be able to see the entire interview. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the number of subscribers for Trump on X goes up by quite a lot. He’s at 88 million. Now let’s see where that number goes. Remember, he already started to post on X again, which tells us that he can post there now.

And as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, we might see another post on X come out where it says, my fellow Americans, but we’ll have to wait to see that. Now, since he’s going on X and there’s going to be millions upon millions, I wouldn’t be surprised if this goes over 200 something million people watching this. I do believe that he state players probably going to try to distract this interview by having an attack on Iran. I think they save this for this moment, but let’s see how this all plays out. But you can see the deep state players, they are panicking.

We had Terry Breton, he wrote a letter to Elon Musk in attempt to stop Trump on spaces on Elon Musk’s platform. So basically, they’re panicking. They don’t want this to happen. And they’re now threatening Elon Musk, saying, you better not do this. Is this going to work? Of course not. But once again, you could see where this is all headed. And I wouldn’t be surprised if something happens on X with Trump and Elon. But let’s see how this all plays out. But, but you could see the deep state players, they’re panicking right now because they realize that they’re not winning.

You see, when you’re winning, you don’t have to do all these things. You don’t have to threaten people, you don’t have to censor people, you don’t have to swap out your candidate, you don’t have to make fake AI images, you don’t have to fix the polls, you don’t have to block people, you don’t have to start a war. You don’t have to cyber attack the elections. When you’re in control and you’re truly in control, you don’t have to do any of this. When you’re not in control. You have to try to stop the person that’s in control.

And that is what they’re doing. That’s why you’re seeing all this in Trump. He’s using this to his advantage because who’s he going to attack? He’s going to attack the king now. He’s going after Obama and he’s going to show the world the truth. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot, Sadeena.

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