Elons Space Junk Could Kill


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Elons Space Junk Could Kill


➡ Dan from I Allegedly shares views on the fears about Elon Musk’s SpaceX satellites falling from the sky and potentially causing harm. Concerns arise from the limited lifespan of satellites, and with Musk’s plan to launch 40,000 of them, the likelihood of space junk accidents could increase.


Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back. You’re watching I allegedly and got a good one for you today. I’m on the back bay and a few people sent me this story and I had to respond to it immediately. And that’s that satellites can kill what? Or it could be Elon Musk will kill us all. You know, all these different titles that came to me and that were sent to me about this.

Now before I get into it, like subscribe today we have a sponsor ageless multicolored, and I’ll talk about them a little later, but first things first, okay? Elon Musk is so hated by one side of society right now that now they’re saying that his satellites are going to fall from the sky and kill us all. And I was reading this and I’m like, man oh man, this is getting it was kind of funny at first.

Then I started to research it and I’m like, wait a second. Okay, in 2015, he started a company called SpaceX. SpaceX had their first satellite that went to the sky. 2019. Everything’s great. How about this? How many satellites has this guy put into orbit since then? Okay, I’m 100. Okay, 50, 60? How about 4000 right now? Is that insane? Thousands of them. Now here’s the problem. They think that there is a high likelihood that not only could these start to fall from the sky in 2035, but there’s a 61% chance it’s going to hit people, okay? Directly.

And I’m like, what? What are you talking about? So space junk could kill us all. Okay, isn’t that crazy? Now here’s the thing. This is just a beautiful spot. I wanted to pull over and show you guys this because it’s so nice up here. So here’s the thing about this that’s absolutely crazy. And that is all these satellites that he has up there, they don’t have a perpetual life.

That they’re just going to stay up there forever. These satellites that are everything from communications to security to whatever, to private businesses that own these satellites that he hired to get them up in the sky, these things right now have a limited life to them. And the problem with it is that eventually they’re going to run out of gas and they’re going to start to fall to earth.

Now as I read this, there is a federal transportation report on this that is utterly amazing. And I’m thinking, okay, well, how bad is this? Well, look at this guys. This is 66 pages of this talking about how, yes, this could happen, it could fall. Here’s the maps here’s, everything like that. You can read it yourself. The link is below on this. And it’s absolutely fascinating that you could absolutely see a world where these satellites could fall and take people out.

Now, okay, how often does this happen? Not very often, but here’s the crazy thing about this is that I thought, okay, well, they just hate this guy. So they’re going to say, yeah, what he’s building is junk and it’s fallen from the sky. No, this could realistically happen. Now, here’s the thing. How many satellites does this guy have planned right now, 40,000. Astronomers right now are so furious, and the word pissed off comes to mind at Elon Musk because it actually changes the trajectory of the sky because there’s so many satellites at night that you can see right now, and stars that the amateurs get confused by actually think that it’s a star and it’s one of his satellites.

Is that crazy? Okay, now, how often does this happen? As I started researching this in January of this year, there was a satellite that fell to Earth, and it was ran out of gas. It was a 38 year old retired satellite. Imagine you retired at 38. He’s past his prime. He’s done. So this major league athlete was put to pasture at 38 and fell from the sky. And at first they were saying, oh, it’s going to kill people.

It’s going to hit people. But it didn’t. Okay? Which is kind of funny. Okay, so this happens a lot more often than we think. Now, let’s go back to the original, the granddaddy, the one that for those of us that are old enough to remember this, there was a thing called Skylab. May 14, 1973, they issued a modified V rocket that took up Skylab, and it was the first space station, and it was going to revolutionize space travel.

We were going to colonize the moon. We were all going to live up there. Hold the phone. Okay, this thing didn’t last as long as they thought. The batteries, everything. Now, the best part about this is that in about a year before 1978, they said, hey, this thing could actually fall from the sky because it lost power and it’s losing orbit. So for those of us that are old enough to remember this, in July of 1979, this thing came down to Earth.

Now, before there was social media, it was utterly fantastic here in Southern California, because at first, the math wasn’t as good with the engineers as it is today, okay? It was basically pen, paper, and calculator for these guys as far as where it could end up. When it breaks apart, this very heavy space station, when it breaks apart, what’s it going to look like when it comes through the Earth’s atmosphere? Okay, who knew? But it’s going to hit California.

Now, people here in Southern California was awesome. There were no cameras, but they would drive around with official Skylab target on their car and everybody, hey, I hope it hits me. Hope it hits me. And eventually it landed in the Indian Ocean and parts of Australia, for those of you that don’t remember that. But the likelihood now, think about this. Right now, every year there is space junk that falls from the sky and kills at least one person a year.

Is that wild? Okay, the ODS of getting hit, one in 9400. Oh, my gosh. You have a better chance of getting hit by space junk than you do by winning the lottery. So as I started researching this, I’m like, this is insane. Plus, if you ever want to get out of anything, hey, listen, my landlord, I didn’t kill him. Must have been space junk. You know what I mean? It took him out.

This is insane, guys. This is absolutely insane. But it goes again to how much this guy is hated. And I think that this is absolutely funny because at first I didn’t take it seriously, but then when you have 66 pages from a governmental agency, you kind of go, oh, wait a second. Let’s take a look at so kind of funny, but share your thoughts on this stuff, guys, because I think it’s humorous and I wanted to cover this right now.

Again, Elon Musk can do no right. Anything that this guy would potentially talk about would be nothing short of he’s wrong now, okay? But the fact that the ODS of getting hit by space junk is ever increasing is insane. Read the articles below as I research this. Just wanted to do a quick video on this today for you because it was funny and just something a little different.

Okay? So share your thoughts on this one so far. Let’s talk about our sponsor ageless multicolagen. The first thing I do every morning is get up and have a cup of coffee. And in that coffee, I take a heaping spoonful of Ageless Multicolagen. It is 10 grams of biopeptides collagen from BioTrust. That gives me all the collagen I could possibly need. It has made such a huge difference in my life.

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Think about this. The FAA says that there are going to be approximately 28,000 particles that will survive the Earth’s atmosphere breaking through when these satellites fall. 28,000. Okay, I’ll needless to say, that’s unbelievable for each satellite, not total for each satellite. So the chance of getting hit is ever increasing. And the chance it’s going to hit a human being is at 61%. Isn’t that crazy? Absolutely crazy. So I thought that this was kind of at first I thought it was a joke.

It’s kind of funny. Everybody hates Elon or you love Elon, but it’s funny. This guy it depends on what day of the week, if this guy can do no right or do no wrong, but clearly his satellites are dangerous to us all and they’re coming after you. But again, you’re going to see freak accidents from this stuff and it’s just a matter of time. What would happen in the world if there was some type of calamity and these things came down all at once? Seriously, who knows? Okay, a lot more people smarter than me.

But read the articles below because this one’s an interesting one to say the least, and just wanted to come by. I love this spot. And such a beautiful, beautiful you. Please don’t forget to hit the like button, subscribe the channel, and if you were on the email list, check your spam filter because an email just went out. Onward and upward, guys. I’ll see you very soon. And join the email list, too, while you’re at it.

The link is below. See you guys soon. .


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