Posted in: News, Patriots, The Healthy American Peggy Hall

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➡ Peggy Hall, from the, discusses her frustration with censorship while she expresses her opinions on controversial topics. As a longtime advocate for personal rights, health, and wellness, she is perturbed by her content being misunderstood and inciting fear instead of rational discussion.
➡ The speaker discusses their experience of receiving dissenting reactions to an article they wrote – critiquing mainstream media’s coverage of a significant event. The speaker expresses gratitude for the positive feedback received, disappointment at hateful responses fueled by fear, and reiterates that their intention was to challenge readers to question media narratives and discern the truth. Despite the resistance and challenges faced, the speaker remains undeterred in their commitment to share their views.
➡ The speaker takes issue with seemingly misinterpreted reader reactions to their article, espousing the importance of gathering evidence and facts before forming conclusions. They express their dedication to presenting truthful, unbiased information, urging followers to use critical thinking and not succumb to emotional, misguided judgments about various geographic, ethnic, and religious groups.


Hey, friends. Peggy hall back with you from thehealthyamerican. org welcome to my virtual living room. I do use these virtual screens from time to time because I’m not always in an area where my background is suitable and I am going to be talking about what I’m not supposed to talk about. So I’m not supposed to question the incident. That’s what I’m calling it. I noticed on my live streams that I did for you and I did an hour long yesterday about things that I’m not supposed to question.

And I had a whole laundry list of things, and every time I mentioned a certain area that’s in the news and it starts with the letter I, I noticed that YouTube was freezing my channel. So I’m going to call it the Incident and I’m going to talk about it in that way because apparently I’m not allowed to question it. And I’m going to give you evidence of that by way of emails that I got from people.

And it’s a little stunning to me because I’ve been in this business of helping people understand their rights and stand up for themselves for going on four years. Prior to that, I was a lot in health and wellness, and I helped people feel better and more emotionally balanced and get over grief and losses. So I’ve always been a champion for helping people alleviate suffering. So to think that I actually caused suffering by some of my videos actually bothers me.

I am a person that has a heart of compassion. I’ve done animal rescue. I donate my time, my money. When I go to these events, I’m normally footing the bill on my own. I’m doing tens of thousands of dollars in legal action against the county for one simple declaration of a judge to say that they have to follow the law. So I am all about standing up for the underdog and helping people alleviate suffering.

So to consider that some of my comments have been completely taken out of context and that people are actually well, I’m going to share with you their messages, I’m absolutely stunned. It reminds me of going back about four years ago when I was trying to help people understand that what the media was telling you and me about this mystery illness was not exactly true, and that they were confusing us and dividing us and isolating us and spewing all sorts of terror and fear mongering flu mongering, as I call it.

And I was trying to help people understand that they didn’t have to live in fear. And instead of people saying, oh, thank you, Peggy, I’m so glad that I don’t have to live in fear, I’m grateful that you’re showing me the way that I can detect these lies that are being spewed in the mainstream media and merry go round. Thank you for doing that. I got excoriated, I got canceled.

I got friends that have never spoken to me for three years now and going on that I’ve lost jobs. So I was so shocked that here I am, the bearer of truth being lambasted and excoriated for simply trying to help. It seems to me that if somebody has a differing point of view and I’ve done lots of videos about how to stand your ground and how to have these hard conversations and how to get your point of view across, I’ve done that on my other channel, which is called Living Swell with Peggy Hall.

Here on YouTube, we talk about life after loss and overcoming difficulty and disappointment. So please join that channel. It’s Mondays at 11:00 a. m. I dedicate my life to helping you and me live in truth and freedom, peace of mind. So when I hear that people get my information and rather than say, well, that’s surprising, I didn’t know you felt like that, or Tell me more about how you drew that conclusion, or, well, that’s a perspective I hadn’t considered.

All of those are emotionally mature ways of having a discussion with people. Even if you don’t agree with them. You probably don’t agree with me on 100% of the things I say. I might not even agree with myself 100% of the time. If I go back and look at some of my perspectives have changed or developed, I hope that I’m growing in my understanding and my knowledge and my education.

So I don’t want to be stagnant. I want to consider other options and information and facts and evidence. That’s how we learn and grow. But people will not even have a rational and sober minded discussion. They simply are living on fear. And it’s so sad to me. I was really disturbed last night thinking not so much about the slings and arrows that I’ve been receiving because you know what? Bring it on.

I’m fine with that. But what saddens me is to know that people are living in fear. And they’re living in fear because they don’t have faith. They don’t believe in a God who loves them or who has a plan for their life. And they also may feel that they haven’t made as much of their life that they want to, and so they’re afraid that it’s going to end.

I’m going a little bit off in a different direction here, but the bottom line is fear. And so much of these responses are fear driven. So while I do admit that it does sting to have people who were beside me for the last three to four years applauding me, asking me to speak at their groups and events, suddenly, without even wanting to have a conversation, just cancel me, I’m going to read you some of the emails I’m like.

Is this COVID all over? I can’t believe I said that word. Is this like 2. 0 now where you can’t question anything? So all these last few years we were told to question and not believe, and I was telling you that as well. And I’m never going to stop. So now with the international incident, as I’m going to refer to it, we’re not able to question now the media is telling us exactly the truth.

We’re not supposed to dig deeper or point out inconsistencies. No, we’re not. And I did an hour long video on that and I did a 90 minutes video on critical thinking, on looking for the ways that the bad guys are trying to bamboozle you. I highly recommend watching that. Okay, here’s one. This came in on a text, and it was from a freedom fighter. And it was a little OD because this person said, hey, Peggy, I wanted to let you know that several of my Jewish friends and this person also is Jewish that have supported you in the past are very upset by your recent post about the incident.

Just an FYI. Okay. So I want to share with you my responses. I think that is helpful as well. So I said yes. I’m sure they are upset. It is such an emotionally charged topic and when people are centered in their emotions, they’re not able to think clearly. The post was not so much about the incident as it was about critical thinking and not being hijacked by your emotions and not being hijacked by the propaganda of the mainstream media.

As people’s emotions settle, my hope and prayer is that they will actually watch the entire video and try to draw conclusions based on the evidence and not based on emotions. My prayers are with all for peace and healing. So that was my response. And I wanted to give an example of somebody who is able to have a discussion instead of emailing back. I mean, I could have texted back and said, who do they think they are? What good is that going to do? And what I sent back was sincere.

I sincerely pray for peace and healing for all. So the subsequent response from this person said, I know that Peggy, I watched your video and you may be onto something, but just tread easy. That did disturb me a little bit. So I should temper my comments or tread easy because of like, for my own safety. I’m not quite sure he said, Jews have seen I don’t even know if I can say these words on this channel anti Semitism and the Middle East, terror on this country and the desire of others to wipe it off the map.

Okay, so we’re having a little conversation. I said, yes, I understand the intense emotions surrounding all of this and I very much appreciate your message. It’s quite thoughtful of you to let me know how my message was received. My prayer is for peace and understanding and that it will also emerge in this region. This is actually my area of expertise. I have a master’s degree in international relations with an emphasis in Arab Israeli affairs.

I’ve studied the history intensely and my desire is nothing more than peace in that region. My trip to Israel a few years ago gave me a greater understanding of life there and the people and also those who desire to live in peace and prosperity regardless of the ethnic background. And again, so we’re having a normal conversation. I am using this as an example of someone who is able to talk about this without being hate filled.

All right? So then he replies back that let me just say the uprising, I don’t know how to put it. Those in the opposing forces do not desire to live in peace unless it’s without the others. They are modern day terrorists. I can’t even read the rest because I’ll be dinged on YouTube. But then it started to drift a little bit more into the protection territory. But I will say that that was a relatively calm response and I was grateful for it.

This is how you have a conversation. I know you know that I’m kind of doing this for the others that are sending me the hate mail. It’s like, let’s at least talk about it. I know it’s emotional. I know you’re invested. It might be a few weeks go by and you’re able to think about it more clearly. Even with all the cooties. A lot of people, like, after the months went by, they’re like, this isn’t adding up.

It doesn’t sound right. I don’t want to go along with it any long anymore. All right. Is over at substac. It’s actually Peggyhall substack. com and what I want to do also is share that with you. So give me just one moment here and I’m going to queue that up for you. Okay, let’s go on over to this substac, which is where I got a lot of support.

So I would say it’s like 98% supportive. Like, you my lovely, healthy Americans. But I just have that perfectionist streak where I want to reach everyone with the truth. So it’s just something that I bear. And here’s the article is this incident, and she must have missed the first paragraph where I say my heart and prayers go out to any of those who may have lost their lives in this incident.

My analysis is not intended to criticize any religious or ethnic group, but to dig deeper and analyze what is being presented in the news so we can discern truth from deception. Then I spend the first half of the article talking about things are not what they appear, as we’ve learned, and you have to read between the lies, as I call it’s, just one of my phrases that I made up.

And then I talk about how evil operates by trying to hijack your emotions and confuse you and leave clues. Anyway, I did a 90 minutes video talking all about I didn’t dive into the specifics until I helped everyone understand that you’re probably feeling very emotionally charged by this so when it comes to the news, you have to look at all the possibilities. And the very first one is like, don’t question anything.

Just like that person who wrote to me, you’re supposed to believe everything. And I put that as a present, as a possibility. But she only saw the possibility that it happened, but not as we’re being shown, that there might be a little funny business going on. She could not tolerate that, as you saw. So then I offered, how do you know what to believe? Well, look at the facts, look at the images, look at the videos, look at the duper’s delight.

Look at the agenda that they’re pushing. And I go into great detail on this. It wasn’t like a flippant off the cuff. I spent a couple of days researching this and putting it together literally all day long since the incident began. And not even a, hey, I’m glad you did your deep dive on it. It’s not something that’s resonating with me, but the hateful response, that’s because of the fear.

So I’ve got over 100, let’s see, 99. I guess maybe somebody removed their comment. I have these comments here, but some of them got a little rocky. I had to remove them. I had to remove so if you are on the substac and I made this substac, it’s available to everybody. You don’t have to subscribe, but if you want to leave a comment, only the paid subscribers, because there were trolls just dropping by and they were leaving comments like, we know who you are and we know how to find you.

That’s really helpful to the conversation. I’ll take that under consideration. Isn’t that weird? But I got both sides. I mean, you lovely, healthy Americans, I’m so grateful for you. The comments that you left in the video where I said, apparently I’m not supposed to talk about these things, it wasn’t because YouTube didn’t let me talk about it. It’s because the freedom fighters, the people in favor of freedom, didn’t want me to talk about it.

That’s what I meant. But you gave me so much support, and I really do rely on it. I know people think that because I do this day in, day out, usually with a smile on my face, that I take everything in stride. But you know, it’s hard. It’s actually really hard. I felt under a heavy spiritual attack, and I in no way at all am putting that on par with people who have actually lost lives and homes and livelihoods and a way of life at all.

I am not drawing that parallel. It’s just compared to how I normally have a stiff upper lip and I come on with my positive determination. But I’ll tell you, it really hit me, and not on a personal level, as much as it’s so sad that they’re still asleep after all this time, after three years, let’s say three centuries of being lied to about our government, our past, our history, all of that.

But this you believe you guys that were, like, shoulder to shoulder with me. I’ve got videos of this person. I should have showed you a picture at these events, and this is what you come out with. Stunning. I feel for them, living in fear like that. Absolutely horrible. Let me read you a couple of other comments, just to let you know. Apparently, this incident is off limits. So here we go.

I had a great comment that said, wow on the very same article on substac. Wow. Peggy, I’m truly blown away by your incredibly unbiased and intelligent analysis of this huge event. I had only read some of it as I’m busy doing stuff today, but I am going to read all of it. I was getting tired of all of the cootie stuff, by the way. And of course, now they’re creating a bigger event, he says, perhaps for another WW three.

I know that’s on the minds of many. We could talk about that if you’re interested, but he said, we can only do what we can to try to prevent it from happening. And, of course, knowing many of the bad actors that are involved, many of whom are propped up as heroes in the eyes of the mainstream media merry go round, he said, I had no idea you could do this, and it’s really great to see.

So I thought that was how I wanted the article to be received in an unbiased way. Things are not as they appear. And then I stopped. Oh, some of the others were not quite as. Here comes one. Okay. Peggy, you have no idea how offensive it is to Jews to read what you have written here. Wake up and speak the truth. Wow. You claim to be a scholar and know the history of israel.

Surely you realize there was no palestine until it was mandated by the British empire. And it’s so interesting because I could have people give the exact opposite point of view on that, and I will talk about the Balfort declaration and all of that, but that wasn’t the point of my article. The point of my article was that what you’re being shown in the media is intended to hijack your emotions.

And she’s a perfect example of being hijacked. I mean, so hijacked, she can’t even think straight. She said, do not assume this channel doesn’t allow me to use some of the words that the survivor of world War II is smiling. You have no clue what it’s like to be in a position where someone wants to murder you. How does she know that? I have no clue about that? You see, that’s part of what bothers me is the knee jerk reaction.

She’s telling me not to assume what people are going through, and she’s assuming what I’ve been through and haven’t been through. I mean, it’s quite stunning. Do not refer to the symbols or colors. I find your analogy ridiculous and offensive. It goes on. I can’t even read some of it because it’s so emotionally charred. I can’t want to read it. Do not assume that that handshake is Masonic.

You don’t fully understand the situation. She does, though. So we should listen to her emotionally charged rant. Do not complain about Jews or Christians or anyone else who wants to support this country. Is this a different video? A different substac? I’m confused. I’m really confused about that one. Wow. If you are truly a good Christian, as you claim to be, you owe your readers an apology and an honest approach to these atrocities.

Well, here’s my apology. Watch everything on the news and believe it 100%. Why is she reading my substac? That’s my question. Why is she even reading it? Do Jews not deserve to live in peace or are you rooting for evil? I don’t know what article she read because that wasn’t in my article. I can’t even read the rest of it because it is so vile and it just gets worse and worse with constant attacks and there should be no not sure what’s going to trigger the algorithm.

There should be no peace until the other group is completely obliterated. Wow. Including like all of the women and babies there too, or they don’t count. And I’m curious about this woman. I want to know her stand on abortion. I’m just curious, does she care about life in all forms or only over in that country? Just asking, just asking. The message that you’ve sent to your readers makes it appear as if you are anti country and once again blaming them for the situation.

What do you mean once again? I’ve never done a video about this. How could I? I don’t understand. So she’s telling me to get my facts before I make any claims. That’s so interesting because that was the topic of my substac, was to get the evidence and the facts before drawing your conclusion. So maybe we do see things in a certain way, eye to eye. So my response to her, there were a lot of things I could have said and I said, my prayers are with you and all who have been affected by this.

May God be your source of peace. All right, I’m going to wrap it up there, friends, just to give you a flavor of what is going on. I’m sure you’re seeing it in the media. What’s amazing to me is that the very group of people, whether religious or ethnic or geographic, living in that area, the very group who throughout history, we’ve been told, have been persecuted and discriminated against and evidence of that is presented, that now they are turning it around and doing the same to another group.

Did that make sense? Is that going to get me in trouble? Is that going to bring more hate mail? So the Bible actually says you can’t fight evil with evil, and I do agree with that. I endeavor to bring light, the light of truth to the situation here. And I will end by saying, I do pray that God will be the source of comfort and peace for these individuals that you can see are suffering that were so upset they were not able to even read clearly what I wrote, because if they read it all, they would see that I was presenting all of the information.

And I did give my opinion, but it was not a knee jerk emotional response. It was looking at patterns that apparently I’m not supposed to look at, symbols that apparently don’t have any meaning. And only the emotionally charged have the ability, or apparently even those of certain group have the ability to make claims about what’s going on. That’s sad to me that’s also setting aside knowledge and information only for a certain group.

So if you are in favor of peace, if you are pro life, and apparently maybe these people aren’t, maybe they’re pro abortion and pro death penalty and they don’t care about the women and babies or anybody, I mean, all life should be valued, in my opinion. So that troubles me greatly. I do appreciate your prayers and your support, and I will endeavor to continue to cover these topics in a thoughtful, non, emotionally charged way so that more and more people can wake up and use their critical thinking skills.

To analyze what’s going on and to not fall for everything that’s being presented hook, line and sinker, regardless of the ethnic, religious or geographic group. All right, thanks, everybody, for being on board, and I look forward to seeing you in an upcoming video. Be sure to get on that substac where you can read that and other articles. Substack is a blog. It’s free. You go to Peggyhall Stack.

com, you sign up, and you get everything that I share is available, whether you are a paid subscriber or a free subscriber. And I do appreciate those of you that have done a paid subscription, because that helps support the work I do. See you soon, everybody. Bye. .


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advocate for personal rights challenging readers to question media narratives critiquing mainstream media coverage disappointment at fear-fueled responses discerning the truth in media Experience of dissenting reactions

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