DOES THIS LOOK RIGHT TO YOU? (Faces of Devastation)


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DOES THIS LOOK RIGHT TO YOU? (Faces of Devastation)



➡ Peggy Hall discusses the remarkable resilience she observes in the American population and around the world, despite ongoing tragedies. She also presents a sponsored message promoting Noble Gold Investments and expresses her empathy for those suffering. She interprets and comments on various images and news reports, focusing on displays of grief and devastation.
➡ This text reflects upon several incidents of grief and despair, as seen on various global broadcast networks. It describes the visible emotional state of people affected by tragedies, including firefighters responding to a crisis, mourning families of murder victims, and distressed hostages. The author questions the authenticity of these broadcasts, hinting at possible exaggerations and staged events while expressing empathy for the individuals involved.
➡ The narrative describes multiple kidnapping and tragic cases involving individuals and their families. Among the stories, one woman initiated contact with her estranged dad after six years due to her desperate situation, resulting in him rescuing her. Another instance recounted daughters learning about their parents’ kidnapping through an image on Telegram. The text also critiques the seemingly unaffected reactions of people on camera who received dreadful news, suggesting their responses did not align with expected reactions of grief and despair.
➡ The speaker emphasizes gratitude to financial partners and subscribers that enable them to continue their work, and invites them to participate in an upcoming private Q & A session, where questions will be answered in a free-speaking environment, distinct from public platforms.


Hey, friends. Peggy hall back with you from thehealthyamerican. org have you noticed something strange going on? I know there’s a lot of strange things going on, but what I’m talking about is this amazing resilience. Yes, I’m going to use that word, that favorite word of the new world disorder. There’s an amazing resilience going on in not only the American population, but around the world. And what I mean by that is people that have gone through incredible trauma and tragedy where you would just imagine that they are distraught.

They are unable to even face the camera. Their eyes are puffy and red and swollen from all of the crying and the visible despair of devastation on their face. That’s what I would imagine most emotional responses would be like. But maybe that’s just me. So in this broadcast, I want to share with you the faces of despair. And before I do that, this is a sponsored show. So let me share with you a very important message from Noblegoldinvestments.

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Friends, I’m about to share with you just a few images that I’ve compiled. Gosh starting back with Lahaina and ending with Lewiston, Maine. And we’ll take a little bit of what happened in Israel in the meantime. So I also want to say that sincerely, my heart and prayers are with anyone who has been suffering, especially those of us that have been inflicted with these images that are hogging the headlines.

And it is so very troubling when we are witnessing tragedy and we feel that we can’t do anything about it. On an unsnarky note, I have a couple of videos on this channel, and one of those videos is called Witnessing Tragedy and how that can be so psychologically debilitating when you feel that you are helpless in trying to assist others. So I think that’s a very important video to watch.

I have a couple there. Another one is called absorb. I’m sorry. It’s called Observe don’t absorb because you don’t want to absorb all of that heartache, but you can still have a heart of compassion and empathy and prayer. So let’s take a look now at some of these gosh. I don’t want to use the word player because that sounds like they’re acting, so I would say those on the world stage.

Is that a better way of putting it? How about we’ll just look at some images of individuals that have been in the news and on the news lately. So let me do this. I’m going to also finish with a video because this one is really best seen as a video. But what I’m going to do is queue up my images here and we will just take it from the top starting back in Lahaina.

And I will give you a little bit of commentary and if you have any images that you would like to share with me, you can email those support at the healthyamerican. org. So here we go. Let’s take a look now, shall we? The faces of grief and devastation. Now you can see how broken up Joshi is here and this is the senator. They probably also are very I mean, this happened before the Israeli debacle and I’m sure that they’re broken up about that as well, given that they are both of Jewish heritage, which is interesting because they’re like the top political leaders in that state and they’re not Hawaiian.

I just find that interesting. But you can see how broken up they are here. And I think this one, I think she might be a state senator, he is a US senator, Brian Schatz. And this is Joshi Green. Do deal. And this literally was one of the first press concerts that they gave following the devastation. So you can just see how broken up they are. Literally, my prayers are with them.

Now here you’ve got the cheat of police pelletier and you translate that, it’s like the animal skinner, the one who skins pelts. And then here you’ve got the missing in action fire captain who still has not given any indication as to how many firemen or women were dispatched to the scene, for how long, when they were called to stand down. Has never said how that fire went out since there was no water and there were no firemen firefighters on the scene and there was plenty of fuel to still burn.

I mean, there were a lot of cars that still they’re very flammable, they ignite really quickly. The trees, interestingly, were still standing. But this is the Faces of grief and devastation. Here we go. This was not too long after that. And here again, you can see the puffy eyes, the tears. It’s just very difficult for all of them to get through this. Here we have again in the corner here, the US senator that really I feel for him, just that deep despair, very distraught and it just shows on his face.

Now here’s Pelletier again and here’s the other guy behind him. Again, the faces of despair and devastation. That look in his eyes just says it all, doesn’t it? And did I point out yeah, I wanted to point out the hand gesture, which means nothing. Okay, there he is again. Probably sleepless nights crying in between these press. Very, very despairing as to what happened on his watch. Oh, now, this is the guy from the Red Cross.

He is the head of the disaster recovery for the American Red Cross. And he very proudly, cheerfully states that he’s always on all the scenes yeah, on all the scenes of disaster. He actually used to work for FEMA, and then he resigned when there was a lot of fraud going on regarding the insurance payments. I believe it was Hurricane Sandy. Yeah, not Sandy. Nook, not Shady Hook. Not that one.

Hurricane Sandy. So he came straight on over, probably with a big hefty pay raise. That’s why he looks so upset there. Here. This was, like, the very first press concert, just a couple of days after everything happened, and he was greeting all of the other disaster relief and military people. So I guess it was good to be back in the game, right? Like, oh, here we are again on another disaster.

So you can see how broken up he is by it. I got this off of a video. I actually played the video in my Lahaina Maui Fires playlist, if you’re interested. All about the red crafts. I called it cleanup or cover up. OOH, he needs to tie his shoe. That’s very unkempt. No, I did not do my ad for belly trim on this one, you guys. I will do it in the upcoming one.

Hey, I know all about the weight going up and down. Trust me. There he is again. Just so broken up he can’t keep it together. I did several images just to show you that it wasn’t kind of a, you know, just caught him off guard. It was for several seconds. Here. There he is again, the face deep of deep despair and grief. Oh, the devastation is just unbearable there.

Yeah. Joshi Green. Do deal again. I’m sure that well, he certainly does have the bags under his eyes. I suppose that’s from the sleepless nights and trying to keep he’s got a script there so he can refer to it when needed. There he is again, just completely broken up. Now, this one you can see, it says August twelveTH, so 819. That was four days after the disaster. So you can see again, it’s just overwhelming.

The sadness just permeates these images. And the red crass workers, really, I don’t even know how they keep it together. I guess it’s from all the millions of dollars of donations, something like $100 million. But, you know, they give out water, and I think meals, and FEMA does that, too. So I’m sure that they probably need more than 100 million to keep that going. And then this was at a press concert early on.

And again, the grief, the sadness, the sorrow is just palpable. My heart really goes out for her, to her seriously. And this one, all of them, you can see there’s Bissen, who often goes missing. This one over here is the head of FEMA. So again, the despair is just palpable. There’s Joshi. This was the very first concert that they gave because I remember the clothing they were all wearing know to be in mourning.

And again, even the fire captain there, very difficult to keep it together. And this one, they kind of pulled off the scene after a while. Even the hand lady doing all the gestures. The hand I’m sorry, what is it? The American Sign Language? I’ve never seen faces like this so full of grief and despair, knowing of the utter devastation that happened on their watch. I mean, wouldn’t you look like that too? Certainly you would.

Maybe I need to increase that size a little bit. I’ll probably do a substack. Yeah, I’ll do a substac so you’ll be able to see all these images clearly. I know that YouTube likes to fuzz out and blur out. Never actually broadcast my videos in high def. That’s why they kind of look blurry. It looks crystal clear when I’m filming, but YouTube likes to fiddle with that and the audio.

I will have a substac over at Peggyhall Substack. com. So you can join me in prayer for these. I’ll just call them individuals that really need our prayer. Seriously. Now, this was one of the firemen that was interviewed just a couple of days. And again, you can see on his face, it says, Two firefighters recount terrifying response. It looks like he absolutely went through a terrifying experience. Very difficult to keep it together.

And there’s the fire captain again. That one’s a little blurry. Make of it what you will. Okay, now we’re going to look at Israel. Now, this fellow on the left is the father of a daughter who was brutally murdered. And you can see that that is exactly the type of facial expression you would have. Now, the spellcaster over here on the news also actually strangely looks a little bit more distraught than the father.

And again, you can have links to these if you want. You can just look up the headline here and watch it for yourself. This isn’t like I just caught it off guard. It’s on and on in this way. And this fellow is also very interesting because he is in the high tech arena and his company was sold to Nvidia. So this guy became like a multi multi gazillionaire, I think is how you call it in Israel.

Isn’t that interesting? And it just happened that it was his daughter. But I got to hand it to him, the grief and the despair is overwhelming. Yeah. Oh, here’s one too. Now, this poor young lady is recounting the story of her boyfriend, I think, throwing himself on a grenade is what I heard, to rescue her. And as she gave her story, the story that she gave, she said, I’m going to show you pictures of him on my phone and I’m going to talk about him in the present tense because to me, he’s still alive.

Yeah, that’s what was actually on the spellcasting networks. So you can tell, again, absolutely, utterly devastated. The trauma alone of having witnessed that obviously you’re going to be able to be on the news in a day or two. Yeah, you can just see it all over her face. Yeah, there it is. I’ll talk about him in the present tense, as usual, because she wouldn’t want to mix up and mess up and talk about him in the present tense if he was still alive, that would not be something to ever consider.

So again, she needs all of our prayer. I hope she’ll get the counseling she needs to overcome this deep, deep grief and desperation and devastation. I think back to losing my cat. I’m sorry, you guys. I could not broadcast for over a week because of my puffy eyes, my swollen sinuses. I didn’t even have really the energy or even the desire to get in front of a camera because I was grieving so deeply.

And other losses as well over these last few years. You can see the genuine sorrow and grief of this poor young woman whose boyfriend, who she is going to speak about in the present tense as if he’s still alive, threw himself on the grenade. And amazingly, I mean, to God be the glory, she doesn’t have a scratch on her. Talk about a miracle. She was right there. He threw himself on the grenade.

And I’m just flabbergasted at this miraculous recovery. This one’s pretty miraculous too. So now this fellow, his brother was murdered. And again, you can see it all over his face, you can read it in his eyes. That the devastation, the grief is so deep. He looks so engaged in this spellcasting event again. And there’s the spellcaster here on the side and there you have it. The headlines tell you it all brother speaks of murdered brother.

And yeah, the puffy eyes, the stuffy nose, the red welts of the tears, it’s palpable, the grief, the furrowed brow, the sorrow is just coming out. Here’s another one. Yeah, if that one wasn’t enough, you can just see again, like, I wouldn’t say he looked bored or anything like that. No, completely grieving, deeply, deep, deep devastation. Here’s another one, the mother of the kidnapped Israelis, kidnapped because the Israeli Defense Forces didn’t do anything about it.

Yeah, I will never find out why, but for hours there was no help. That’s why. They were all on WhatsApp to text each other rather than texting the police. So this is horrible. You can just see the mother’s grief. That will never be. No, I mean, it will just never be. Relieved ever. Anyone who’s gone through a loss, I’m sure you looked just like this. And this was like the following day or days.

So maybe if we were able to see them now, they would have it together a little bit more. But this is just heartbreaking, really, to see. Oh, this is the granddaughter of the smiling granny. That looks rather at ease, I guess is the way to put it. And here’s the smiling kidnapper. It’s also stunning to me. To God be the glory. There’s not a speck of dust on his pants, no dirt.

It doesn’t look like those guns are pointed at her, which is like, thank you, Lord. So that she doesn’t have to feel under stress or like being kidnapped or something. And they’re in a golf cart, which is the perfect getaway vehicle, I guess. So you can see how broken up this granddaughter is overseeing her granny. And there probably was a story about this little blankie that she has.

And again, my prayers go out. I cannot stand to see the suffering and the despair. I’ve done plenty of videos about actually getting through grief, so here’s another one. Now, we’re told this is a girl, so I would just go with that and a 13 year old girl, but don’t read anything into the numbers. And again, she survived this just unbelievable. Should I repeat that? Unbelievable not to be believed.

Yeah, the unbelievable attacks. And again, just absolutely grief stricken. I don’t even know how she was able to do this video. Now, the spellcaster over here is taking notes and actually looks rather serious, but not any more serious than I mean, she really looks serious over here on this side. Quite statuesque for a 13 year old. But the point being, the grief and the despair is just overwhelming, constant prayers.

Now, what’s interesting, and this spellcaster told us that they had met this same little person here in 2019 at the age of ten. What are the chances that CBS News would be able to track down the exact same survivor of two attacks? I mean, my hats off to CBS with this kind of oh, it was filmed at 06:23 A. m. . I would not take any significance in that time frame either.

Do not take note of that number. It means nothing. There they are. She escaped. And she escaped last time, I guess three years ago. So that’s pretty good. ODS, if you tell me. And there again, the overwhelming grief and despair is palpable. I don’t even know how she was able to get through this interview. The puffy eyes, the swollen, the red, the bloodshot. Now here’s another 13 year old.

Don’t take note of the time. 207, that adds up to nine. It means nothing. And again, the grief stricken face of despair. It’s probably difficult to try to remember everything how do I put it that you’re supposed to say on these interviews. So maybe she was feeling better that she got through all of the questions as required. Sad. Very sad. And you can see the sadness and the sorrow just emanating.

Here’s another one. This story tells us that she was shot six times and then she hadn’t spoken to her dad for six years. This came to us from the BBC. And you can see how utterly distraught she is. I mean, come on. If you got shot in the leg six times and you’re in a hospital bed, would you feel like doing an interview? Of course you would. And you’d make sure that everything like not a blood splatter around, no IVs hooked up, nothing like that.

Because you want to present your put your best leg forward, your best leg shot six times. And then she didn’t talk to her dad for six years. But here’s the dad you can see again, utterly beside himself. So what she did instead of calling the police, it’s just brilliant. She texted her dad that she hadn’t talked to in six years because she knew that he would respond immediately after the six year absence.

And you know what he did? And he said that he, for some reason the IDF didn’t know where this girl was, but he did. And so he went and rescued her. To God be the glory for these stories. I know god is actually how do I put this? Eloquently. Well, God has a way of handling all these things. I’ll just kind of put it that way. So here we have it.

Oh, here we go again. Two daughters of the parents being kidnapped. Again, the grief, the sorrow, it just palpable. My heart goes out to anyone suffering like this. And they said that they spoke with the kidnap. Well, I guess with the parents at ten six, what are the chances? They knew exactly to the minute six. And this story was really interesting because they said that they found out their parents were kidnapped from a picture on telegram.

How do you like them apples? That’s just miraculous. And then they were able to come on the news and tell their story. Oh, this one too. Really? Here we go. Her parents also kidnapped american couple taken. And because the IDF, the Israeli defense forces didn’t do anything. So it has nothing to do with the utter massive failure, as we’re told of the IDF. And she doesn’t seem to be bothered about no, no, what I meant was this is the face of despair.

Of course, the spellcaster over here actually looks a little concerned. And this is the face of sorrow. Wouldn’t you look like that if your parents had been kidnapped? I’ll show you more from this one, because I have this lady a little bit further down. Here’s another one. Absolute despair. Unless you think I just caught a screen grab randomly. I have a couple and even the spellcaster here. Yeah, you can see the despair.

Here’s another one. But I think it’s another 13 year old, maybe. Looks like the same hospital. How about that? The exact same pillowcases as the one we saw from this. Do you think they were maybe they’re short on beds. Did they have to share that same I’m not sure. I can’t really tell if that see, there’s a red chair. There’s a pillow. Oh, that’s probably no, there’s no red chair.

Of course, she’s in her own hospital bed. The grief, again, palpable sad. The sorrow and the devastation. Now, this one, we’re told, is A-U-S. Doc living in Israel, treating the victims. God bless her. This is what they’re calling a funeral. And again, just really sad. And this one the BBC was filming live. It’s amazing how the BBC was able to film these attacks live. My hats off to them.

And here they’re scurrying and screaming from the bad guys. And you can see again, this little boy just yeah, devastating. This is interesting. The woman that was released by these guys, the bad guys. Or maybe they just did they have COVID? Is that why they’ve got that on their face? Because, like, in the United States, everybody did that, which was so good for security, like going into the bank with your face covered or a jewelry store.

I mean, it’s, like, awesome. So here she shook their hands when she left. I have a question, though. How come whoever was taking the picture didn’t grab the bad guys? That’s kind of strange. What was interesting is the spellcaster on this one giving the news said that when she was released, she summoned the spirits. How do you like that occult talk? Yeah, she summoned the spirits. Not that she got her spirit going.

No, she summoned the spirit, or the spirits, as they said. And, yeah, she was shaking the hands. She said she was treated well. Yeah, pretty nice. You can see she’s quite broken up. And then this one, too. We’ll just finish off with a couple. Again, she was used as a human shield. So you can imagine that is the face of despair after being used as a human shield.

I can’t even imagine, actually. I can’t imagine that. But I got to hand it to her. She was able to do this interview, including the red rimmed eyes, the puffy nose, the swollen face from crying and the devastation, the trauma, the shell shock. She was still able to do it. Just man, that’s really something. Oh, here’s that young lady again, her face of despair over her kidnapped parents.

And I love the color coordinating here, that she must be an artist of some type. I don’t know what that is. I love you. That’s kind of like, is that an alien? I’m probably dissecting too much. But anyway, that’s the face of deep grief and devastation. There it is again, in case you thought I just caught it offhanded accidentally. And again, you could see throughout the entire video interview just overwhelming despair.

Oh. Now we’re back into Lewiston, Maine. This is the little girl that also got shot. And some of you so astutely pointed out that she did not sound like she had an accent from Maine. I don’t know how long she’d lived there, but yeah, in Maine they have quite I would imagine you’ve told me that, that they have quite distinctive accents. And then here she is again recounting her unbelievable story.

And the mom who was helping her with her story, I played that on a previous video. But again, being shot in the leg and then being on I really I really gotta hand it to her. Now, this one is a little dark in more ways than one, but what I’m going to do is actually play the video for you. So I grabbed the screen grab and I want you to take a look at this woman here.

Apparently everybody was standing outside the hospital. I guess they still have cooties there in Maine. They weren’t letting people in. There’s not enough room in the emergency room. So everybody was standing outside. Don’t be telling me that it was for the cameras and for more additional trauma to see people waiting outside an emergency room. That’s not the case at all. And then there she is again. Just don’t mistake that for a laugh or a smile.

That is how some people grieve. All right. And this guy too, here, this fellow is kind of interesting because once he saw the camera on him, as I’m going to show you in a moment, he really started kind of well, I’ll just let you see. Oh, and this guy, I wasn’t even sure I was going to show him. He’s the one that ran down the bowling alley barefoot, because everybody likes to bowl barefoot.

And he said that he slid right into the pins and then he had his wits about him and he scrambled up into the machinery and he stayed there until the police came. I guess he didn’t have his cell phone on him and he certainly didn’t have a bang bang on him because that could have helped things a little better. So what I’m going to do, friends, is I am actually going to queue up for you this very brief video, and we’re going to see more of the faces of grief, despair and devastation.

And I want to show you what I saw. It’s quite stunning. All right, so here we’re coming up to the hospital where people are hovering outside. There’s the ambulance drivers and the policemen. I don’t know if that’s an ambulance driver, but they’re standing outside a trailer. That’s kind of interesting. And of course, all of these cars are going to be parked right in front of the ambulance entry for the hospital.

That sounds weird. Like, normally I’ll just put it this way. My mom worked in an emergency room for 40 years, so I’ve been to emergency rooms many times to visit and pick her up and drop her off from work and all that. Excuse me. You always have cars parked exactly right in front of the ambulance door to the hospital because it’s more convenient that way. All right, now, here we go.

Okay, see this guy in the red cap? Now he’s going to turn and we see he sees the camera, and then he does this weird little smirk. Is that weird to anybody? It’s kind of weird to me. I don’t know what TFR means, but he’s got it on his red cap. No, those aren’t little horns coming out of the cap. Now look at this woman right over on the screen.

To the right of the screen, and she looks again. These are people that are waiting for their loved ones that were told needed to go to the hospital in this rampage. So let’s take a look at how distraught she is waiting for her loved ones. Oh, there we go. There she is. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. She must have just heard a joke. Maybe she heard good news that everybody was fine.

Well, I guess she’s heading out now. Her job is done. She’ll take that little facial expression with her. Here come everybody else out. Who are these people? Why are they coming out? We’re never going to find out, are we? All right, friends, let’s stop there. Thank you so much for being on board. I always like to bring something a little more light hearted as we close out the week.

If you are one of my financial partners, if you have sent a donation, and I’m so grateful if you have, because that’s how I’m able to keep this ship afloat. If you are a paid subscriber to my substac, if you subscribe to Peggyhall TV. If you are not sure if you’re in one of those categories, you can email my assistant support@thehealthyamerican. org, because I want you to get on the list for our live private Q and A webinar.

We do that once a month, and we are doing it tomorrow, saturday, November 4. It’s at 04:00. P. m. Pacific. If you can’t make it live, it is recorded and you get access to all of the previous recordings. And this is where we are able to answer your questions to speak freely, because it is in a private setting, not on these public platforms. So that is happening, and I hope that you’re going to be a part of it.

Thank you, everybody, for being on board, and I look forward to seeing you in an upcoming broadcast. .


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