Doctorow: Putin Saved the World | Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom

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➡ Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom channel talks about how President Putin’s visit to North Korea is important because it has led to a military alliance between Russia and North Korea, despite reports suggesting otherwise. This alliance could significantly change global dynamics, even though it’s not widely reported in the media.


What is the significance, in your view, of President Putin’s trip to North Korea this week? He changed the world. I think he did a lot to save all of our necks, because regardless of how it’s being played by the mainstream media, there are people, surely, in the Pentagon, who understood this as I understand it. The game is up. As I say in the media, I just read the Financial Times this morning, their lead article dealing with a conclusion, and you wouldn’t know that anything in particular happened in Pyongyang. Yes, they were taken to roll up the red carpet.

Yes, they sang songs, they sang Russian patriotic songs, and so on and so forth. But as to the substance of what was signed, very little was described in the Financial Times. And I picked up our lead French-speaking newspaper here in Belgium, the Soire, and they had an article praising what was accomplished or not, and they said, well, at least we can breathe easy. There was no military alliance concluded. But my friends, that’s exactly what they did conclude. And it’s not my estimation. On Russian news last night, they have, still in Pyongyang, they gave the microphone to Sergei Lavrov.

And Lavrov said, yes, the term is impaired, but the substance, the reality is, this is a military alliance. We are allies. End of story. What did you mean in your initial answer to my question, he saved the world. Please explain, Dr. O. I think he’s made it impossible for the for the neocons who run the show in the State Department and in the Biden administration more broadly, to carry out what they thought was a easy shot. They have got the Russians in a corner. And the corner is in the western part of Europe.

Russia is in a morass that it will be stuck in that morass for years to come. And the United States could proceed with its preferred scenario of how to maintain its global dominance by taming the Chinese. That scenario, you can put paid to. What I’m telling you now, something that is not my personal insight, but something I picked up again in an extensive Russian commentary last night, that from some people, these are these are professors, and they’re also attached to to think tanks, that Russia, by this visit, reasserted its presence from the Pacific and reminded the world that Western Europe and NATO is dealing with the peninsula of the Eurasian continent, a peninsula, and that the landmass east of the NATO countries is vast.

The populations are vast. 1.5 billion in India, 1.4 billion in China, and so forth. And they put the whole thing, what the Americans have been cooking up for the whole Biden administration before, in its proper perspective as kind of petty. [tr:trw].

See more of Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom on their Public Channel and the MPN Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom channel.


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global dynamics change due to Russia North Korea alliance global implications of Russia North Korea alliance media coverage of Russia North Korea alliance military alliances changing global dynamics President Putin's North Korea visit Putin's influence on North Korea Putin's North Korea visit significance Russia North Korea alliance impact Russia North Korea military alliance unreported media events

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