Deteriorating Underpinnings Of Our Financial System Send A Clear And Urgent Call | Silver Savior

Posted in: Silver & Gold, Silver & Gold Report, Silver Savior


As a devoted commentator on the state of the economy through the lens of precious metals and a staunch advocate for sound monetary policies, it’s high time we confront the deteriorating underpinnings of our financial system. 

For decades, the United States has been on a debt-fueled bender, with the national ledger stretching so thin that the fabric of our economy is now outright threadbare. 

As of today, the yield on the US 10-year Bond stands at 4.509%. Such yields are a double-edged sword—they indicate higher returns for bond investors, yet simultaneously, they signal mounting government borrowing costs. The current yield is the result of a high-cost battle to buy debt on an unprecedented scale. The raging war has been very hot over the past few weeks as the yield approaches 5% and then mysteriously falls quickly—only to climb again, signaling no rest for the weary. 

Now, let’s turn our attention to precious metals — historically the bastions against monetary mismanagement. As of my last assessment, spot market prices per ounce are as follows: gold at $2,301.41, silver at $26.5595, platinum at $954.44, and palladium at $947.071. The current gold to silver ratio (86.6) still signals silver is on sale. 

The figures showcase the robustness of these assets, juxtaposed against the backdrop of a debt-laden fiat currency system.

When we talk about the rising velocity of money, which has increased from 1.128 in 2020 to 1.33 in November 2023, we’re referring to the rate at which money circulates through the economy. This quickening pulse often heralds inflation, eroding the dollar’s purchasing power and intensifying the appeal of hard assets like gold and silver.

More alarming, moreover, is that the Federal Reserve Money Supply indicator is falling. When the money supply contracts amidst a hastened velocity of money, it suggests that fewer dollars are chasing more goods and services at a quicker pace—a disturbing trend that points toward inflationary pressures and a possible liquidity crisis.

Why Silver Now?

This is why we need to send a clear and urgent call to action to survivalists and savvy investors alike to diversify away from fiat currencies. 

Pre-1964 coins, often referred to as “junk coins,” along with physical bullion, provide tangible value that isn’t subject to the whims of government overreach or central banking folly.

Political currents further muddy our economic waters. We’ve witnessed the manipulation that distorts natural market outcomes, with central banks worldwide engaging in unprecedented monetary easing policies. These actions warp the fundamentals upon which sincere market valuations should be based, leading to inefficiencies and misallocated capital.

The encroaching dread felt within the markets echoes louder amidst talks of Bitcoin, now priced at a remarkable $63,670.18, and crude oil sitting at $77.99 a barrel – are they on sale? 

BTW, Bitcoin is down, but not out. Word on the street has it that Blackrock is buying significant quantities signaling a potential price jump.

These assets are often characterized by their volatility. Yet, they shine a beacon on the diverse ways investors hedge against traditional markets that are, to put it mildly, out of joint.

No earnest conversation about the economy can sidestep the housing and automobile sectors, which are exhibiting signs of strain under the current financial regime. 

Sluggish job reports add to the pile, pointing to a labor market that is less resilient than past numbers suggest.

In conclusion, friends, it is not with a heart of fear that I continue to rigorously promote the acquisition of gold, silver, and other precious metals, but rather from a position of prudence. 

As the economic fabric continues to fray, we must shore up our reserves with assets that have withstood the test of time, weathered countless eras of fiscal imprudence, and emerged as the inherent standard of true wealth.

Please engage in this discourse, examine your holdings, question the sustainability of a purely debt-fueled empire, and take steps to preserve your wealth. 

Whether through physical precious metals, alternative investments, or a more conservative approach to spending and saving, the writing is on the proverbial wall. 

The survival of your assets in a beleaguered economy depends upon actions taken before the looming collapse makes its weight felt with unforgiving gravity.

Be not deceived – be prepared ~ Silver Savior (why is silver the most undervalued financial asset in the world) 

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* Note: We are not giving advice; we only give our opinion; we are not financial advisors. This article only represents our thoughts about the economy.

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acquisition of gold and other precious metals deteriorating underpinnings of our financial system diverse ways investors hedge against traditional markets inefficiencies and misallocated capital physical precious metals Silver

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