Democrats Again: New Mexico Taxpayer Funds Direct Women to Satanic Temple Abortion Center

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Taxpayer Dollars Fuel Controversial Referral: New Mexico’s Alleged Links to Satanic Temple Abortion Center

Another day, another satanic child-murder ritual being funded by American tax dollars.

Taxpayer funds in New Mexico are allegedly being directed towards a hotline that refers women to an abortion center associated with The Satanic Temple.

Critics are raising eyebrows over the use of government money to potentially support what they deem as both child murder and satanic rituals.

The implications of this development have sparked intense debate, prompting some to question the moral compass of the state’s Democrat leadership.

Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, a Democrat, recently inaugurated an abortion referral hotline backed by a reported $10 million allocation from taxpayers.

This significant financial commitment also included the establishment of an abortion center in Doña Ana County, a move that has stirred heated controversy.

With the backdrop of Roe v. Wade being overturned, the state has witnessed a disheartening doubling of its abortion rate, a troubling trend some critics attribute, at least in part, to the increased state investment in abortion services.

Or maybe it’s darker than that.

The revelation about the hotline’s alleged referral of women to The Satanic Temple’s abortion center was brought to public attention by the New Mexico Alliance for Life, an advocacy group.

The abortion clinic in question, known as TST Health, bills itself as the “world’s first religious abortion clinic.”

The startling discovery has ignited a firestorm of criticism, with questions being raised about transparency and the ethical implications of funneling government resources into such a controversial avenue.

Elisa Martinez, Executive Director of New Mexico Alliance for Life, minced no words in expressing her concerns:

“Why are taxpayers of New Mexico forced to promote the Satanic Temple religious abortion center through the pro-abortion governor’s hotline? Is the state of New Mexico fully disclosing to women that ‘TST Health’ is a satanic ritualistic abortion center and that abortion is not a life-saving procedure but involves the ending of an innocent human life?”

These are questions that demand answers in the face of growing public outrage.

Critics have also accused the Democrats of prioritizing a pro-choice agenda at the expense of innocent human lives.

The vehement opposition to pro-life legislation and crisis pregnancy centers, they argue, reflects an alarming disregard for the sanctity of life.

A detailed investigation conducted by the New Mexico Alliance for Life revealed that out of the 33 abortion clinics to which the governor’s taxpayer-funded hotline directs women, only 13 are located within the state.

Astonishingly, the remaining 20 clinics are situated out of state, with some as far afield as Maryland and Kansas. This revelation raises further questions about the motivations and intentions behind such referrals.

TST Health’s eyebrow-raising services include offering financial and logistical support for women to travel and undergo what they refer to as an “Abortion Ritual.”

This service, which is legally confined to providing abortion pills within the state, is said to be aimed at alleviating emotional distress associated with the decision to have an abortion.

However, the ritual’s connection to The Satanic Temple’s Third and Fifth Tenets, coupled with its overtly verbal nature, has left many perplexed and concerned.

“The Abortion Ritual serves as a protective rite. Its purpose is to cast off unwanted feelings that a patient may be experiencing due to choosing to have a legal and medically safe abortion,” TST Health claims.

“This ritual is designed to alleviate stressors and empower the patient to be guided by The Satanic Temple’s Third and Fifth Tenets when pursuing their decision.” Critics have decried the apparent interplay of religion and abortion, particularly within the context of satanic beliefs.

The explicit verbal nature of the ritual, encompassing the recitation of The Satanic Temple’s Third and Fifth Tenets, has only fueled the controversy.

Some critics are left wondering about the governor’s motivations and decision-making process in endorsing such a practice.

While abortion remains a deeply divisive issue, the alleged ties between government-funded resources and The Satanic Temple’s abortion center have added a disturbing new layer of complexity to the ongoing debate.

The confluence of public funds, satanic symbolism, and abortion services has ignited passionate discussions about the moral and ethical boundaries that should guide the allocation of taxpayer dollars.

As this controversy unfolds, it serves as a stark reminder to some of the ongoing struggle to reconcile personal beliefs, political agendas, and societal values in the realm of reproductive rights.

Some of us see it for what it is: a very real battle between good and evil.

Read the original story here:
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abortion center abortion hotline child murder controversy crisis pregnancy centers Democrat governor government money investigation New Mexico Roe v. Wade satanic rituals Satanic Temple taxpayer funds

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