Demagogue NUKE-y Haley Has Finally Shown How Dangerous She Is

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The text discusses arguments against the necessity of having everyone’s real name on the internet to promote friendliness, using Nikki Haley’s stance as an example. It is argued that anonymity is a time-honored tradition in political speech and that requiring real names wouldn’t necessarily result in civility, but could threaten freedom of speech and privacy. Critics accuse Haley of advancing authoritarian-like measures and being a potential national security threat.


Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name and they’re always glad to k you want to be where you can see troubles are all the same. Do you want to be where everybody knows your name? They need to verify every single person on their outlet. And I want it by name because when about Smug, does he qualify? I’ve provided them with my government. If Smug is on your driver’s license.

And look, you can put smug in parentheses, but I want everybody’s name. I want everybody’s name. She wants the Internet to be a place where everybody knows your name and it’s going to just be this warm, fuzzy, friendly bar type of atmosphere like we had at Cheers. Yeah. Everybody knows your name and that’s what’s being sold to you. This is a lie that’s being sold to you by Nikki Haley, by Jordan Peterson.

Jordan Peterson. I’m sick and tired of these anonymous understand, you know, I’ve seen that kind of stuff as well directed at me. And people can be very vicious, and it seems like they get even more vicious if they’re anonymous, if they can do it behind a pseudonym or something like that. But hey, they’ve got no power over you ultimately. But she wants to know everybody’s name. And she is making the argument that if we know everybody’s name, everybody’s going to be friendly and nice.

How’s that working out for Donald Trump? We know name. You know, he’s not too nice, actually. Josh bed. Nikki Haley isn’t her real name. That’s right. Yeah. Nimroda something else. I think she married somebody that was named Haley Angus Mustang. This from a woman who doesn’t use her real name. Yeah. That’s the key point that you’re making here that I was a little bit slow to pick up on.

We want to know your real name, Nikki. That’s what they should have said. That’s good. That’s what the guy, the podcast should have said. That would have taken her down a notch. I would like to have seen her reaction. They would have come back with that. No, Neocon Nuki. I tweeted out, I said, so what gives, warmonger Nuki Haley the authority to demand everybody’s name that’s using the Internet? And I said, it is disqualifying that she even wants it.

She’s just another wannabe totalitarian. Just say no to nukey. And she thinks that she’s running for dictator. It’s amazing. She says it’s a national security threat because everything to her, it’s a national security threat, and you ought to be killed if you get in her way. I mean, she’s one of these people, doesn’t just want to silence you. She wants to go to war with you. She wants to kill you, imprison you.

She is a very dangerous person. Seriously, I’m not joking. She is very dangerous, always has been, a leftist, authoritarian demagogue who is in her orientation, but of course, running as if she’s a conservative. She continued to say, again, let’s go back to anti Semitism. This is how we’re going to sell it. Anti Semitism. It’s the magic thing, right? It’s like taking your racism up to another level. Antisemitism was always bubling underneath the surface.

So now she’s going to bring it up. Now we’re seeing this massive exaggeration of it, but no one is talking about it. Why? She said, well, the truth is, if you look at social media, the misinformation and the dramatic sides of social media are instigating this. Why? Because it’s being pushed by Russia, China, Iran, North Korea. First thing I have to do when I become president is I’ve got to have the social media companies show America their algorithms.

Well, of course that’s not going to happen. We’re not going to see their algorithms. They’re not going to see their messages from the CIA and the Biden administration or the Trump administration. We’re not going to see that. And then the second thing she says is, we’ve got to have every person on social media should be verified by their name. This will get rid of all the Russian bots, the Iranian bots, the Chinese bots.

How do we get rid of a bot like know, how do we get rid of the demagogue bots that’ll just say whatever the CIA and the Pentagon and the CDC want them to say, those kind of bots. I’m sick of the bots who are running for office. I’m sick of the bots who are running our country. A bunch of bots. We’re going to get some civility when people know that their name is next to what they say.

We won’t. We won’t at all. This is always. And she’s being savaged everywhere for this, and rightfully so. W and D headline, farewell, Cat Turd. The GOP presidential candidate wants a ban on anonymous social media accounts. Reason Nikki Haley’s crazy plan to require verification of social media. And I said, lest anybody think that she’s being taken out of context, this is something she did not say correctly. She said it not once, but twice.

It wasn’t just on that program there, but she had also done it on Fox News. And as you saw her on that podcast, the smug guy, he actually goes by the name, comfortably smug. On Twitter, they said he was notably perturbed because he has an anonymous. So Ron DeSantis pointed it out. Glenn Greenwald pointed it out. Reason pointed it out that we have a very long tradition of anonymity.

As reason says, it is a cherished aspect of political speech. Are we going to get rid of anonymous ballots, too, so that we can stop the cheating and stuff like that? Anyway, they go back and know James Madison published the Federalist papers under a pseudonym. And Ron DeSantis said, you know who were anonymous writers back in the day? Alexander Hamilton, John, James Madison. They all wrote the Federalist papers.

They were not national security threats. Nor are the many conservative Americans across the country who exercise their constitutional right to speak. Well, maybe she doesn’t care about American history. Or maybe Nikki Haley Nimrata is actually woefully ignorant of American history. Maybe she’s just a demagogue totalitarian who wants to get in this. But one of the ones that they don’t mention there go into any detail. If you go back and you look at my son says, we only want the Newsguard Ministry of Truth Bots.

Only our bots will be allowed. That’s right. If you go back, though, and you look at anonymity and you look at Jefferson and Madison, what was one of the things that they did anonymously? Well, they did the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions criticizing John Adams Alien and Sedition Acts. Why would they do it anonymously? Well, because John Adams’alien and Sedition act was an act of tyranny, and he would have locked them up as being seditious, just like Joe Biden.

It’s very important to be able to have anonymity. And by the way, you don’t have anonymity to the government on Twitter or any of these social media accounts, they will find you. So keep that in mind. When you start saying stuff, don’t get stupid about it. Just understand, don’t be stupid. Like a lot of people were stupid about January the 6th. Don’t be stupid about this stuff. It is ultimately not anonymous.

So people pointed out, as I said, where do you get the authority to do that? It’s blatantly unconstitutional, absolutely unconstitutional for her to do another. She’s just another bimbo that’s been put on a pedestal by Trump because of identity politics. That’s all Nikki Haley is. But she also has the support of big business in the military industrial complex. They absolutely love what she does. In this Breitbart commentary, they say the New York Times article praising her ignored her giveaway offer of cheap blue collar and white collar labor to investors.

Said most politicians do not know the business side of immigration. Said one person who was trying to get under control. He said, Nikki Haley is so out of touch. I think that her super PACs are swaying her judgment. Yeah, I mean, she just met with Jamie Dieman of Morgan, who’s going to be giving her a lot of money. What she was saying in terms of we need to open things up, we need to let CEOs, import workers and graduates that they need.

That was her other thing about all this. They need these people. She said. For far too long, Republican and Democrat presidents dealt with immigration based on an annual quota. She told a room full of supporters, we’ll take X number this year. We’ll take X number next year. The debate is on the number. It’s the wrong way to look at it. We need to do it based on merit.

We need to go to our industries and say, what do you need that you don’t have? So think agriculture, think tourism, think tech. We want the talent that’s going to make us better. And this is the same type of thing that Vivek the snake, Ramaswamy and Musk were both saying, oh, we want to have the best people on our get. We can’t find anybody any good here in America.

Let’s bring somebody in from the countries that we came from. And that’s exactly what she’s saying here. She is opposed to the fabric of America. That’s her term, the fabric of America. But she’s opposed to the fabric of America. She’s opposed to people in America having an opportunity. She wants to bring in other people because it’s going to benefit her, just like it benefits Ramaswami and Musk to bring people in who are intelligent and work for less money than Americans will.

And it benefits her because she can bring in the money if she brings in the people. She’s playing to the Chamber of Commerce and People of that ilk, and she’s playing to the military industrial complex. And hopefully with this statement about getting rid of anonymity, you understand what is really behind that. That is about setting up an Internet ID. And they come at us in a number of ways.

Conservatives have typically come at us by saying, well, we got all this pornography problem on the Internet. So we’ve got to have a way to keep kids from getting on there. So everybody’s got to have an ID or they’ll come at you with artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is creating all these fake videos and everything, so you’re going to need to have an ID to prove you, not the artificial intelligence.

Or they’ll say, we got all these people that Biden has let in. It’s really a problem. But you know, I’ve got a solution, says Ron DeSantis. I’m going to have e verify where you have to get permission from the federal government. They have to verify that you are AmericAn citizen so that you can get a job. That solves the problem, right? No, you solve the problem of people coming in without any documents.

You solve the problem of artificial intelligence. It needs to identify its fake content. Not that I have to identify that I’m a human being. And of course, the pornography thing is a spiritual issue that you’re not going to solve by a government intervention. But they use every single one of these things to push an ID, an ID for the Internet, an ID for everything, because, especially for the Internet, because they want to run, they want your life to be lived through the Internet.

You will buy, you will work, you’ll trade through the Internet, especially because you’re not going to be allowed to go anywhere in your 15 minutes city. So it’s very important for them to have control and identification on the Internet. And that is why Nikki Haley is doing it. The David Knight show is a critical thinking super spreader. If you’ve been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight show, please do your part and try not to spread it.

Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread favour. People have to trust me. I mean, trust the science. Wear your mask, take your vaccine, don’t ask questions. Using free speech to free minds. It’s the David Knight Show. .


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anonymity in political speech arguments against real names on internet authoritarian measures in internet regulation criticism of Nikki Haley's measures national security threats in internet privacy Nikki Haley's internet anonymity stance privacy concerns with real names promoting friendliness online real names and online civility threats to freedom of speech

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