Col. Tony Shaffer: October 7th Will Become #Netanyahus Legacy


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Col. Tony Shaffer: October 7th Will Become #Netanyahus Legacy



➡ The aftermath of the worst attack in Israeli history presents a significant negative impact on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s political legacy, which may be irreparable regardless of the response.


I want to tap the political side of your brain. How does this forebode for a prime minister, Netanyahu, domestically, politically, when the war is over? So I’ve talked to a number of folks, Israelis, directly on this, and I’ve interviewed some folks, and this is a bad stain on Netanyahu’s legacy, no matter matter how you cut it, no matter what the response is. Now, the fact that the worst attack in the history of the Israelis regarding loss of life, their 911 happened on Netanyahu’s watches is irrevocable.

It happened. And nobody that I’ve spoken to believes that on the uptake of trying to recover from that and do the logical actions, will he recover his legacy? Netanyahu is the longest serving prime minister in history of the Israeli nation, 16 years total. He was reelected, I think it was November, December of last year. So his legacy is a long one. But this event from credible people, ambassadors I’ve spoken to say that this has ruined his legacy.

And he will always be remembered for this event more than anything else. .


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1 thoughts on “Col. Tony Shaffer: October 7th Will Become #Netanyahus Legacy

  1. kyle says:

    Netanyahu is a cold blooded murder that has ordered the murder of innocent Palestinians for many years. That is Palestinian land that was stolen by the Balfour Declaration and given the name “Israel” in 1947. There isn’t one historical map that shows Israel ever in that location before 1947. Supposedly they were warned two weeks before the so called attack. It wouldn’t surprise me if IDF dressed up as Hamas and pulled a false flag. We have several documented accounts of Israeli’s using crisis actors making and posting fake victim videos. Israel is a cancer to all of society and needs to be wiped off the face of earth. A quick study in history will show the willful attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 and surviving veterans say that Israelis machine gunned the survivors in life rafts and only stopped when a Russian ship was sighted moving into the area. Then you will also find where they were caught stealing $5,000,000 from the U.S. and caught selling 82 U.S.Military Aircraft the U.S. gave them for their defense worth billions of dollars in August of 1986 to Iran. On another occasion Israel stole Top Secret Military Missile Components Documents and were caught selling them to China. There is plenty more but let me also point out that Israel Just recently put a bill to vote that would give a minimum 8 year prison sentence to anyone caught talking publicly or teaching Christian biblical fact that Jesus is the son of God. I will not be unequally yoked with the very people Jesus called a brood of vipers.

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