Posted in: News, Patriots, Trends Journal



➡ Gerald Celente talks about how America keeps going to war and how it’s affecting the country. He mentions a drone attack on US forces and how President Biden plans to respond. He also discusses the economic situation, including rising debt levels and the potential for a banking bust. Lastly, he talks about the impact of war in the Middle East and the economic turmoil in China.

➡ This text talks about how China’s economy grew after joining the World Trade Organization, but also how COVID-19 made things worse. It mentions that gold prices and oil prices might change because of things like interest rates and possible wars. The text also talks about problems in the Middle East, especially involving Israel and Iran. Lastly, it discusses different trends in technology, politics, and the economy, and encourages people to stay informed and prepared.


Hello, everybody. This is Gerald Salinti. And it’s Tuesday, January 30, 2024. Yep. And you do trends journals coming out very soon. And here’s the COVID Yep. America keeps going to war as a nation keeps going to shit. And you know why? Because we got a bunch of shitheads running the country. Who’s your favorite shithead? Who’s your favorite shithead? I’m a repulsive kid. I’m a demo crap. I like Chucky Schumer.

I like Adam Schitt. Hey, how about. No, no. I like little Lindsay Graham. Oh, that tough boy. Cotton. Who loves war. Yeah, in a cotton mouth. I was in the. Yeah. Now let’s see, who else? Oh, Mitch McConnell dead in front of your fucking eyes. And now where’s America going again? Ready to go to war. It’s the war horse Iran parade. So Biden. Biden says he has decided how to respond to Jordan attack.

US President Joe Biden said on Tuesday, today that he decided that he decided how to respond to a deadly drone attack on us forces. So let’s look at that picture again. Look at that guy over there dressed up in that military drag with them sunglasses on and all these little medals. Hey, they stole from the Boy scouts. This is the military fucking mindset. Salute this guy. Yeah, asalute.

There you go. Look at this fucking freak show. Hey, was he standing on a red carpet? Yep. President Biden said that he decided it is out of his mind. Goofy decided, hey, how about the american people? Fuck you, Celenti. You know, you want freedom. You don’t want shitheads running and ruining your life. What kind of a shit swallower are you? You got to become like the rest of the people.

Don’t forget to vote. Don’t forget to vote. He goes on again. Look at your cover of the trends journal. America keeps going to war as the nation keeps going to shit. Oh, again, was it up to 63% of the people living paycheck to paycheck? Oh, all you young people, when I was like, everybody my age, 18, you’re out of the house, you’re in an apartment, doing something, going here or going there? No more living with mommy and daddy.

Can’t afford to. How about all those homeless over the streets now? Bring in more migrants? Oh, the infrastructure is so terrific in this country. Oh, and how about the rail, Amtrak? How about fuck track? Look at the shit. Oh, you ever been overseas? Oh, the trains go like that. Not here. Old fucking crap. Taking a subway in New York’s a night in Calcutta. Hey, but we got wars to fight.

Oh, because that guy’s dressed up like, yes, sir. Yes, sir. And all these fucking people in the military, they look at us as we’re just privates. Oh, yeah, I got all the medals. Biden goes on. Three us army soldiers were killed and dozens more injured when an unmanned drone struck an american outpost in northeast Jordan near the syrian border. Some of the articles in the Cesar trends journalists say they were actually the posts that they hit were in Syria, and it’s on the syrian border.

And what the fuck are we doing over there? I launched occupy peace. That’s right. Bring home all the troops out of, what, 70 countries? Over 800 bases. Secure the homeland, put them so people don’t keep coming in. What the fuck are they doing over there? Oh, we’re getting ISIS. We’re melting ISIS down. That’s why we’re. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. U. S. Central Command, which directs american military operations in the region, immediately brain the attack on, quote, radical backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq.

They’re blaming everything on Iran. So you’re in your trends journal. We’re talking about if America goes to war and Israel goes to war against Iran. Watch what happens geopolitically and economically. The details are in your magazine. He goes on to say, the iranian foreign minister said these fighters did not take orders from the Islamic Republic of Iran. These groups decide and act based on their own principles and priorities, as well as the interests of the country and the people.

In other words, they got nothing to do with it. Well, don’t say that. You got to say they did, even though they can’t prove anything. That not one shred of proof. And this is important. Asked whether he holds Iran responsible for the deaths of three Americans, Biden said on Tuesday that he does in the sense that they are supplying the weapons to the people who did. Huh. Okay.

They’re guilty because they’re supplying the weapons to the people who did it. Oh, wait a minute. So if russian soldiers are killed, then in a sense, America’s supplying weapons to the people who did it. So then Russia could bomb America. Hey, that’s according to Biden bullshit. Don’t forget, swallow Biden bullshit and turn on the mainstream media. That’s right. The only people they have there are the people that spit out shit.

Yes. You only got to believe what they say. Republican lawmakers. Lawmakers, little scumbags. Lawmakers. Including South Carolina Lindsey Graham. Yeah, Lindsay, you come out of the closet yet? Graham said, quote, hit Iran now. Hit them hard. Claiming that until Iran pays a price with their infrastructure and their personnel, the attacks on us troops will continue. When all else fails, they take you to war. Got it? Got it.

And that’s what’s going on. It’s failing. And then nuts and Yahoo said he pledged total victory in Gaza. Okay, what’s total victory? Oh, you destroyed about, what, 60, 70% of the place. They’re killing near 30,000 people, 40% women, 30% children. Bombing it to shit. And he goes on to say that one subject Natanya was willing to discuss was what he sees as Israel’s goals for the current war.

Hamas, quote, we have to win in Gaza. We have to achieve total victory. Hamas can’t be left standing. We have to defeat these monsters. How about all the people you’re killing? How about the genocide? How about the land you keep stealing under the name of settlements in violation of the Geneva Convention and article two four two of the United nations? Oh, hey. God gave us that land. What’s wrong with you? Celenti.

He said, what I say to our american friends is that the war will take as long as it takes, but it will result in total victory. Because our battle is your battle. Hey, Netanyahu. Fuck you. Fuck you. This is not my battle. I, Gerald Salenti, am an american. Got it? I am a believer in the founding fathers, the declaration of independence, the Bill of rights in the constitution.

This is your war. You’ve been slaughtering Palestinians and stealing their land for 75 years. Oh, and, Netanyahu, how about the Balfour declaration? Yeah. His Majesty’s government declares in 1917 that this is going to make this. For jewish people to settle in palestinian territory, made up this shit. How dare you fucking say that? This war is my war. How dare you? Maybe he’ll get me killed. Because, man, killing a lot of other people.

So if I get my brains blown out, did it to Jesus, and I’m a warrior for the prince of peace, maybe you’ll do it to me, too. I hope that any fair minded government, any government that could withstand for five minutes or even several months, the force of anti Israel propaganda will understand their future is intertwined with our anti Israel, anti genocide. Got it? Oh, hey, where’s your son? Is he still down in Miami? Is he out there fighting anti Israel propaganda? Because if barbarism wins here, Europe will only be next.

America will be next. Iran will emerge victorious. Iran has done nothing here. If they’re supplying weapons, which they say they’re not, they’re no different than America. NATO, Japan, all the other countries supplying Ukraine with weapons, who fighting? The Russians. So under the Netanyahu, thinking and Biden, hey, Russia could attack any of those countries because if barbarism wins, yeah, barbarism. It’s barbarism what you’re doing. Anyway, got a lot more here.

Trends on the economic front. Economic update, market overview. What really happened when the economy grew and looking grew, but you got to look at the debt levels going up, delinquency levels going up and the banking bust that’s about to happen. Banks go bust. There’s an article in here we quote from the Wall Street Journal that they wrote about what’s going on with even the higher end office buildings and even how the rents are going down there and the vacancy rates are rising.

No shit. We warned about this for how long? So again, Americans using credit cards more, taking longer to pay and about how the Fed banksters, how they commit these insider deals and get a slap on the wrist. Trends on the global economic front one thing after another Mideast war costing Israel’s neighboring nations on and on. Office building bust EU go fu. More updates on that. That was one of our top trends.

Whole spotlight on chinese economic turmoil, where it’s going, what’s next and what it means. Again, the property crisis on and on. Evergrande was forced to liquidate and the numbers up to almost 31% depending on what numbers you’re looking at of China’s GDP is real estate. And with every countries that when there was a boom and they got a boom when that scumbag murderous prick that every time he got caught with his pants down, Bill Clinton bombs way over Baghdad.

You like the yugoslav war? Yeah. One after another he brought China into the World Trade Organization who also gave us NAFTA. So all the manufacturing jobs went to cheaper countries so China boomed. China’s GDP was like this until they came into the World Trade Organization and shot up. So it was overbuilt already. And then three years of zero COVID policy made a very bad situation much, much worse.

So what it means, what the implications are geopolitical, economic and again gold prices are still in the 2030 40 range. Again they’re holding on there. They’re waiting to what the Fed is going to do. The guess is they’re going to hold interest rates and they’re going to start lowering them in March and we say they’re definitely going to lower them. The lower interest rates go, the stronger gold becomes because it’s cheaper because the value of the dollar goes down so it’s cheaper for other nations to buy gold and the dollar is near its end anyway because of the big debt bubble that’s ready to explode, 34 trillion.

And then on the oil front, oil was trading, what, in the $77 range. Now it’s up to about $83 brent crude. And again, if this war escalates with Iran and the United States and Israel, watch Brent crude go to above $130 a barrel, and that’s going to crash equity markets and economies. This is a very dangerous time. And also in this trends journal, we’re showing how just a few companies, a few of the stocks are driving up the markets.

That’s right, only a handful. So this is very serious what’s going on here. And then again, the whole section on the Israel war prestitutes media whores, pump up politicians, call for war with Iran. Iran a legitimate target. Top israeli official says 25,000 children orphaned in Gaza. Biden ramps up war after Iran. They’re going to going on and on and on, ready to steal more land. Israel maps out buffer zones in Gaza and they’re having meetings there.

Again, they’re going to steal more land. All the data is Netanyahu, defiant of the international court ruling on South Africa’s genocide case. Land, steel top Israel emks want post war settlements in Gaza. US prepared to provide Israel with 25 f 35s. Isn’t that great? So they could bomb and kill more innocent people. Again, only pro Israel speech permitted. Bernard College falls in line. That’s just on that part.

Then we have great article in here by a top former CIA guy who quit on the little Georgie Bush, Phil Geraldi, when he went to Bush’s office and said, Mr. President, the facts are here. There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and Bush told him to leave the office. And Geraldi, being a real man, quit the CIA. Great article by him. Another great article by John Anisha Whitehead from the Rutherford Institute watch list.

You’re probably already on a government extremism list like I am. Guest articles by Dr. Joseph Mercola. And on the economic front, a dead system and the key to a new one by Gregory Manorino. You’re not going to want to miss that article. And the technocracy king, Joe Duran. This is one of his books. One of you get on Amazon. Be human. Look at this thing. This guy knows about technocracy, unfortunately, more than anybody.

So we have a whole section here on technocracy. Bringing a baby in, a synthetic devolution. And that’s what we are. We’re in a synthetic know, I just came back from Florida. I went to a memorial service for a friend. May she rest in peace. And there’s a saying that they say that pigs can’t fly. You’ve been to the airport lately? What a slob. Show. What a disgrace. Again.

I began flying first class in the 70s when I worked for a corporation, and it was class and style. Rolled down a roast. Would you like to roast a lobster thermador? They had my one hitter, too, so I used to go in there. Whole different trip. Now I sit next to a guy. Hi. How are you doing? Oh, God. Good. Now he’s on their phone. Pay. Nobody talks anymore.

Synthetic devolution. Anyway, going on. Got. What else? Oh, trends in cryptos. Whole articles, one after another. The trends in geopolitics. What’s going on in Ukraine. How Newsweek ridiculed one of our top trends for 2024. We said World War II had begun. This person from RT, the russian tv, quoted, almost quoted, what we said, that World War II has begun. They called it propaganda because they don’t want us to believe that World War II has begun.

And we’ve contacted Newsweek. They didn’t get back to us. Us carries out more airstrikes in Iraq. Yep. What the hell are we doing in Iraq? Have no right being there. French farmer protests on and on and on. Trends eye view death of journalism. Trends in high tech science by Ben Davis. Trends in AI. We’re giving you everything we can for the grand total of about $2. 85 a week.

Again, we’re giving you information to help you prepare, prevail and prosper in these times ahead. And we’re in very, very difficult times. And by the way, my feelings of politicians, as you know. Where’s that shirt? I can’t find it. Over here. Here it is. Hey, politicians. Here we go. Hey, politicians. Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? In the back of the shirt. Yes, says it all.

One finger. Little shitheads telling us what to do. I’m the president, and I decided that I’m going to go. Hey, wait a minute. We’re a country of, what, 332,000,000 people? Fuck you. You’re nothing more than a plantation worker of slave land. Do you do what we tell you? Yes, sir. Yes. Salute. And tomorrow, don’t forget, 06:00 p. m. Eastern time, Celenti. And the judge, Judge Andrew Napolitano. And you got to watch the one I did with him last week.

It got great reviews. He’s saying things then we’re both saying things that the people need to hear and do. And again, the future is in your hands. Don’t drop it. Get in the best shape you can, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We’re in the fight for our lives. And please consider donating to Occupypeace. You go to occupypeace. com occupypeace. com and subscribe to the Trends Journal. The more subscribers we have, the more we could do.

And we’re giving you what nobody else in the world is. Nobody is giving you anything close to the geopolitical, socioeconomic and all the other trends that I listed to help you do the best you can in these times ahead. Thanks for tuning in. The Trends Journal. The best investment you could make because it’s the best investment into your mind and it can change how you look at the world.

His work is actually a gold mine. Anybody interested in politics, political trends, economic trends, social trends, cultural trends, you have to follow him. Gerald Celente the Trends Journal is one of the greatest sources of information, and it really is. You’re predicting these things well ahead of time. I would encourage everyone to go grab the latest copy. Been a Trends journal subscriber for 20 years. I just have to commend you what you guys have put together in your latest trends journal.

There’s nothing like this out there, sir. Everything that you predicted about the economy, you are absolutely right. So I have followed you all this time. So please take a look at the trends journal. You correctly forecast that the Fed would hike rates quite aggressively, correctly said that initially gold and silver would drop as the Fed starts to raise rate to one and a half percent and above. When we spoke last, bitcoin was around 49,000.

You said you expect to drop, and if it drops below 30, 35, then it could really drop. Trends Journal, which I would encourage people to go and check out. It’s actually a 200 page document, pure data driven analysis. Gerald Celente, the top trends forecaster in the world. Gerald, you had an interesting call back in September of last year. You said gold had bottomed, which is exactly what happened.

And here we are, and we’re above $1,900. Subscribe to the Trends Journal read history before it happened@trendsjournal. com. .

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America's rising debt levels China's economy post-WTO COVID-19 impact on China's economy economic turmoil in China Gerald Salinti on America's war involvement gold prices fluctuation impact of Middle East war oil prices and interest rates potential banking bust in America potential war effects President Biden's war strategy US drone attack response

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