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➡ Gerald Celente and Judge Andrew Napolitano discuss the current state of America, focusing on the government’s disregard for the constitution and the Bill of Rights. They criticize the Senate’s decision to send $98 billion to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, arguing that these actions do not benefit American national security. They also express concern over the government’s lack of virtue and its tendency to prioritize power over morality. Lastly, they condemn the media’s biased coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the government’s role in it.
➡ This article talks about the escalating tensions in the Middle East, with Israel possibly attacking Lebanon, Syria, and Iran, which could lead to World War III. It criticizes the U.S. government for its military spending and suggests reducing it, closing over 1000 foreign military bases, and selling the Pentagon. The article also discusses the possibility of states like Texas seceding from the U.S., arguing that it’s legal and moral. Lastly, it predicts that if Michelle Obama runs for president, she could win due to support from young people, women, and the black community.
➡ The article talks about the increasing national debt, which is now at 34.1 trillion dollars. The author criticizes the government for using taxpayer money for purposes they disagree with. They express sadness over the changes in America and appreciate a judge for their work towards freedom, peace, and justice. The author also encourages readers to follow the judge’s work and praises the guests that appear on the judge’s platform.


Hello, everybody. This is Gerald Celente, and it’s Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Happy Valentine’s Day. Are you allowed to say Valentine’s Day anymore? Maybe we should. Happy transgender Day. Valentine. Whatever. You know, let’s make something stupid up. Judge, we got Judge Andrew Napolitano on. Judge, thanks for being here today. Pleasure to be with you. No matter what day it is, it’s a pleasure to be with you, my dear friend.

Well, thank you. As I keep saying over and over and to everybody everywhere, is not a person in America that really knows the constitution, the Bill of rights, as the judge, former supreme court judge in New Jersey, and professor, then Judge Andrew Napolitano. And each week, we go over a lot of what the constitution and the bill of rights used to be and where it’s gone down the toilet.

And, judge, you have an article coming out tomorrow. Government and death. When the german philosopher Frederick Nietzsche proclaimed that God was dead, he meant that God’s creatures have so failed to acknowledge him and relate to him. It is as if he decided to end his own existence, meaning, he reminded the world that the loss of virtue can only be sustained from the bottom up, not from the top down.

He meant for all power. The financial and government elites have none of these values. Impulses would prevail were they not accepted by the majority or a determined minority. He made these observations in 1886, during a time of relative peace but little freedom in Europe. His sentiments are just as valid in America today, where there is neither peace nor freedom. Well, the country is falling apart. We know that.

The Senate debated, and in the COVID of darkness in the middle of the night, voted overwhelmingly to send $98 billion to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. One of the senators, Chris van Holland of Maryland, a liberal Democrat, stood on the floor of the Senate and said, the Israelis are war criminals, but I’m voting for this bill anyway because there are allies. They’re not our allies. Ukraine is not an ally.

We don’t have treaties with either country. The turmoil in either country does not affect american national security. One wit, Rand Paul, gave a gifted and strong speech against all this. But the vote was overwhelming. It was like, 22 to 78 or something like that. It was more than enough to allow this to happen outside of the normal senate rules. Now it goes to the House of Representatives, where, of course, President Biden has been pushing very hard for it.

It turns my stomach that the american government can finance genocide in the name of the hardworking taxpayer by borrowing money in the taxpayer’s name. And it turns my stomach that we bow to government. Somebody asked me this morning on a podcast, Victor Davis Hansen of Stanford says that we need stricter controls at the border. I understand that argument. We need people at the border to swear that they understand the Bill of rights.

Oh, really? We don’t even have a government that understands the Bill of rights. And you want minorities that can’t speak English to understand the Bill of rights? How about starting with the government? The Bill of rights doesn’t grant our rights. It restrains the government from interfering with them. And it’s doing a pretty lousy job because the government has turned the Bill of rights into a bill of governmental privileges.

All right, sorry for getting carried away. The Bill of rights into, what did you say? Temporary government? Know, I want to go back to this because it’s so important. What Nietzsche said is that the world, that loss of virtue, he reminded the world that the loss of virtue can only be sustained from the bottom up, not from the top, top down, as they say, the fish rots from the head down.

And we got rotted fish right at the top over there. My argument is that people accept the loss of virtue and expect the loss of virtue. The government doesn’t stand for virtue. Its laws are not based on virtue. Its laws are just based on power. Like, let’s borrow 61 billion and give it to Ukraine. They’re on life support, but let’s waste the money anyway. Let’s borrow 17 billion and give it to Israel.

On top of the 6 billion we’ve already given Israel, they are slaughtering innocent babies. But let’s give them the money anyway because we’re under pressure from ApAC and other members of the pro Israel lobby in the United States. You can’t call that virtuous. That’s just power. That’s power destroying. That’s power stealing, lying and destroying. Nietzsche also said, listen, I’m not a fan of his. He was crazy. But Nietzsche also said, everything the government has, it is stolen, and everything the government says is a lie.

Both statements are almost literally true. Stolen is absolutely true. The second is for the most part, true. Even a stop clock is right twice a day. Occasionally the government says something that’s not a lie, but for the most part, it is filled with lies. You write here that Thomas Jefferson argued that the only moral purpose of government is to protect individual rights, and that’s all gone. Correct. It doesn’t exist anymore.

Correct. You say the government, which is an artificial entity based on a monopoly of force in a geographic area, may never morally interfere with our rights unless we waive them and that’s exactly what’s happened. There’s no fight anymore. The people have waived their, they’ve waived their rights. You get this little clown boy, like a Chucky Schumer with his glasses, telling what we should be doing in Ukraine and Israel.

And like you say, all these other politicians, anybody that supports war, go over there and fight or shut your mouth, is the way I look at it. And again, as you said, this has nothing to do with America. This isn’t a threat against the United States. We have no right being involved in this kind of thing. But you mentioned how much we’ve given Israel. It’s almost like, I believe like almost half a trillion dollars since they were.

Joe Biden. He’s such a pathetic figure, but he claims to be opposed to the slaughter in Gaza. He could stop it with a phone call. With a phone call. There are three of those huge, I forget what they call them, transport planes that the government uses when they’re bringing heavy equipment over. They don’t carry passengers, they just carry this heavy equipment. Three of them arrive every day at the Tel Aviv airport.

Now Joe could stop, literally alone could stop that with a phone call. But he doesn’t. Supposedly he’s had these arguments on the phone with Netsanyahu. Biden’s pathetic. Netsanyahu has forgotten more than Biden knows, and Netanyahu is a monster. But I don’t know what good the arguments do if we still keep sending this stuff over there. We are funding and financing genocide under international law. That makes us as culpable as the people who are actually with their hands committing or with their words, ordering the genocide.

Joe Biden is as culpable for genocide as is BB Netanyahu, as are the young members of the IDF who are engaged in it. Scott Ritter told a story yesterday of the IDF cutting down three people in the street and two ambulance drivers waved to the IDF and said in Hebrew, we’re just going to go pick them up and see if we can save their lives. The IDF waved them to go on.

So as they get out of the ambulance to approach the bodies which were still alive at that point on the road, the IDF slaughtered them with machine gun fire. I mean, this is just typical and horrific. And I think you have seen, and it’s all over the place this morning, probably your viewers have seen pictures of former director of the CIA and former secretary of State Mike Pompeo dancing with IDF murderers, joyfully celebrating their know.

To show you how the media is so controlled by the israeli, I guess, forces you may call them. This is the front page of Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal, inside Israel’s daring hostage rescue. Oh, great. They rescued two hostages. That’s wonderful. How about was about 114 Palestinians were slaughtered the same day. Yes. Why isn’t that the headline? How come that’s not the headline day after day, it’s only pro Israel.

Nothing barely about the outright slaughter of these people. Again, I just came up with it. They should not call it the New York Times anymore. They should call it the Jew York Times because that’s all they’re promoting. And again, in your trends journal, by the way, did you see the COVID of this week? I did. Netanyahu’s total victory equals total genocide. It’s right in front of everybody’s eyes.

And you have in your trends journal week after week, all of what’s going on with the media and how it’s totally controlled by Israel. They won’t allow anybody into Gaza. They’ve killed nearly 100 journalists so far. Guys have their press thing on, blowing them up, blowing them in front, just like you said, what they did with these two kids, with the ambulance drivers. Right. Killing them right in front of everybody’s eyes.

And where’s the media? Nobody’s on the media coming out against this. You’re blacklisted and it’s only getting worse. And so here’s what I think is going to ramp. Israel is going to ramp this up. They’re going to start attacking Lebanon, they’re going to escalate the attacks in Syria, and next is going to be Iran. And when Iran gets into this war, that’s going to be the official beginning of world War three.

Well, we’d have a hard time providing military assistance 7000 miles away from the US. We can’t do it. Joe Biden would probably do it on his own without a declaration of war. The congress is corrupt in that it will do whatever APAC wants it to be. A very sorry state of affairs. McGregor and Ritter tell me that Ron is a substantial military with substantial missiles and weapons, and the Israelis would be crazy to attack Iran.

But that’s what Netanyahu wants and that’s what he’s provoking over there. When those three unfortunate members of the Georgia National Guard were killed by a drone at that tower 22 place somewhere on the border between Jordan and Syria. Three people killed, 42 injured. Joe Biden responded with 86 different attacks, killing dozens and dozens of civilians. Collective punishment is expressly prohibited by the Nuremberg convention. Nobody follows the laws anymore.

No american president feels constrained by the constitution. They do whatever they want. The lust to kill overwhelms them. The lust to kill on all the american paper currencies. In God we trust. What God they talking about? This article of yours again. What are mass killings but a metaphor of government violence? Mass killings are not the blame of weapons but in their listed government, repressing a helpless defenseless citizenry.

And here’s what you say. And by the way, this is part of what occupied peace is. Bring the troops home. How many bases we got judge? More than 1000. The last time I looked it up about four years ago was 903. Now it’s over 1000. The congress isn’t even aware of all these additional bases built by the defense Department. Leave NATO. You go back to the trends journal going back well over a decade ago.

No need for NATO. We have no business with any of this anymore. They built that thing as the illusion that we got to fight the Soviet Union. Right. Right. Which is gone. Here we go. Shut our 1000 plus foreign military bases. Shrink the defense budget. It’s only near a trillion dollars. When you put why shrink it? I mean the country is rotting in front of you. You got homeless everywhere, migrants, crime rising, rotted infrastructure, people living paycheck to paycheck.

And you want to cut a trillion dollars out of the defense budget. What’s wrong with you? And then you will also go on to say, sell the Pentagon. Yes. Expect folks to defend themselves using the same means as the government uses. Starve the federal government down to only what the constitution permits. Abolish income tax. Again, a little warmongering freak. Woodrow Wilson, he’s the guy that gave us the federal income tax.

What did you say? Was it 1%? He promised it would never be over 3%. It started at 1%. By the end of world war I it was over 90%. I mean he gave us the federal income tax, the Federal Reserve, World War I, the administrative state. Popular election of us senators which gutted state sovereignty. Just a person who turned the constitution on its head really. And then you have base all laws on natural rights and this is important.

Recognize state nullification and secession. I believe there’s going to be a secession movement in Texas. Would be fabulous if that were to happen. I don’t know how the feds would react. I don’t think it’ll be violence again. They may threaten it, but it will be immensely popular on the part of Texas and it may trigger it in Florida and New Hampshire and elsewhere. Now a dear friend of mine may rest in peace.

Thomas Naylor started the second Vermont Republic and it was making a lot of lot of progress back in the early 2000 up until he died in 2012. Now, if there was a secessionist movement, it’s totally legal, is that correct? Well, it depends how you look at it. One way to look at it is joining the union was a voluntary legislative act which can voluntarily be undone. The big government people claim it’s irreversible and the union is permanent.

There’s no law that says that. There’s just the opinion of people. Lincoln like people who believe that seceding from the union is a crime. Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, James Madison, who wrote the constitution, both believed the safeguard of our liberties is the right of nullification and secession, the right of a state legislature or a state court of last resort to nullify a federal statute within the state or the right of the state to leave the union.

That only an external threat external to the federal government would restrain the federal government. That is clearly what was understood and accepted by the framers when they ratified the constitution and formed the union. They could undo it. In fact, secession was threatened from the very moment the constitution came into being when five of the states said, if you don’t add a bill of rights, we’re leaving. And the other nine said, well, we don’t want you to leave, so we’ll add the Bill of Rights.

What does that mean? They all accepted and understood that they had the right to leave. It wasn’t until Lincoln started murdering people boys, because the elected public officials in their states wanted to leave that the concept of permanence even entered the american parlance. So it is legal to leave? Of course it’s legal to leave. And it’s absolutely moral to leave. You have the right to leave the government because states can leave the union.

A county can leave the state, a city can leave a county. You and I can say, we don’t want your government anymore. I don’t want your benefits. I’m not going to pay for it. I’m not going to abide by your rules on my property. If you can’t leave, you have no freedom. Judge, in wrapping up, you and I, of course we began very supportive of RFK Jr. And then we both did a 180 because of his stance in Israel and mockery in what he, when he speaks are really stupid as Max Blumenthal and Norman Finkelstein ripped him apart.

Two jewish guys ripping him apart for the stupidity of what he talks about when it comes to Israel. And now his campaign is in total chaos. People are quitting left and right and they had that stupid ad on the Super bowl bringing know you thought that his uncle was running. Do you know what they paid for that ad? 7 million for 30 seconds, and he’s done nothing this week but apologize for it.

$7 million, according to mediaite. Again, according to mediaite, they don’t always say nice things about people we like or bad things about people we dislike. His campaign’s falling apart. Staffers are leaving in droves, in part because of lavish spending and total disorganization. It’s run by his daughter in law, who’s a former CIA agent, used to be run by a good friend of ours, but they threw him out, and he’s now back in Ohio running for Congress again, even though he ain’t a youngster.

He’s my age. He’s 77. What? God, I thought he was older, you know, and so last time we were together, you, you believe that the next, they’re going to not run Biden, and you believe that Michelle Obama might be the, you know, you and I had a long talk about this the other day. I don’t know who it’s going to be, but Biden’s numbers are so bad and his mental capacity is so diminished, I would think that senior Democrats, including Michelle Obama’s husband, would be talking to Joe about going back to Rehoboth and putting together some sort of a dream ticket.

I don’t know who it would be. It wouldn’t be a dream ticket for you or me or the people watching us now, but it might be a dream ticket for Democrats and independents to stop Donald Trump. That’s their goal, unfortunately, because I can’t stand the Nobel piece of crap Prize winner Obama, an arrogant little boy. He lied his way into the presidency during the Iraq war and said he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

And then right after that, troop surge in Afghanistan, destroyed Libya, destroyed Syria, quoted in a book, double down. I’m really good at killing people with all these drone strikes. And so if Michelle Obama gets in there, I believe she’ll win because the young people will go out and vote for her, the women will vote for her, and the blacks will vote for, and then the base of the democratic party.

That’s all it will take, no matter what Trump does or how appealing he might be. So again, we’re still on the course of destruction, and I don’t know what’s going to change it. But if we don’t, empires come and go. Do you like the roman empire now? The Egyptians were great. One after another, they kill themselves because of the wars that they keep fighting and the debt that they incur.

Yes, the debt, it’s only 34. 1 trillion. And what they just passed, you said almost $100 billion, stealing more of our money, taxpayer money to keep bloodying the killing fields. Yes. This is not the America that we grew up with that we were taught about and believed in. And it’s so sad to see it decline. And judge, thank you for all that you do in the name of freedom, peace and justice.

It’s an honor to have you on. And we’re looking forward to seeing you next week. And everybody, don’t forget, go to the judges. The people he has on are terrific judging freedom. There’s nothing like it. Nothing like it. The guests that you have are terrific. They’re real men and real women. Thank you, judge. Thank you, Gerald. Until next week, all the best. .

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American national security concerns Bill of Rights criticism current state of America analysis Gerald Celente Judge Andrew Napolitano discussion government disregard for constitution government role in Middle East conflict government virtue deficit media bias in Israeli-Palestinian conflict Middle East escalating tensions potential Israel attacks on Lebanon power over morality in government Senate decision on foreign aid

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