Alex Jones Pushes Back on Accusations of Being Controlled Opposition | The David Knight Show

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➡ The The David Knight Show discusses the historical use of deception and manipulation by intelligence agencies to control opposition and gain power. It highlights examples such as Felix Dierzinski’s trust, which funded anti-Bolshevik groups to identify and capture enemies, and the Cato Street Conspiracy, where the British government lured revolutionaries into a trap. The text warns against falling for similar tactics today, suggesting that some individuals may be trying to incite a civil war for their own gain. It also mentions the potential dangers of assassinating political figures, arguing that it could lead to severe backlash and conflict.
➡ The speaker discusses his experiences with the CIA and the changes he observed over the years, particularly during Trump’s presidency. He warns about the potential for a civil war and a global economic crisis, referencing a theory called the “fourth turning.” He advises against listening to those who are trying to incite conflict and emphasizes the importance of staying informed through reliable sources.


And when you go back and you look at the way these things operate, I’ve mentioned many times the trust that was run by Felix Dierzinski, head of Russian intelligence with the Bolsheviks. At the time, you know, Lenin’s thugs, the intelligence group and everything, they were called the Cheka. And so they decided that because they needed to shut down the opposition to the Bolsheviks, people who had escaped from Russia after they lost, but they were outside and they were going to be plotting to come back in and take over the Russian government. The Russian government was in a very weak position at that time.

Felix Dierzinski decided that he would set up the trust and they would fund groups in other countries, in England, the US, other places that would present themselves as anti-Bolshevik. And it would draw in the people they would be able to, A, learn who their enemies were, but they’d also be able to fleece these people as well. And they actually lured several of them back into Russia and captured them. The guy that was the model for James Bond, for Ian Fleming, you know, Ian Fleming actually worked in British Spy. He was able in World War I to, he spoke multiple languages fluently.

He was able to infiltrate and pretend that he was one of the German high staff during World War I and get in on some of their meetings. But if you look at his story, a lot of it was put together by British Ambassador Lockhart. His story is very famous in Russia because they landed an expeditionary force that was kind of a Bay of Pigs disaster. They put this thing in, they didn’t support it. It was this unsupported invasion. Most of the people got captured. It was at a place called Archangel. And that Lockhart affair, they arrested the British ambassador.

He gets out, he wrote a book about it. That became the basis for a very interesting, if you’ve never seen it, series that had Sam Neill, you may remember him from Jurassic Park, but had Sam Neill as that spy. And it tells a very interesting story about the early part of the 20th century where the British were trying to get control of oil fields when they set up British Petroleum, where he went out and made connections in Arabic areas. Lawrence of Arabia tells some of that story as well. But in this particular one, he was involved in that.

He was involved, as I said, in World War I. He also was involved with the military industrial complex at the time. Vickers was a big defense contractor that the British had. And he would be involved in Lawrence competitions with the Germans and espionage to steal their plans and to be able to copy their stuff. So this is a guy who was a real slippery, very intelligent character. And he got drawn in by the trust and was captured, tortured, and killed. The guy that was the model for James Bond. So this type of thing has been around for a long time.

You know, there’s another story that I had not come across that was about 100 years, a little bit more than 100 years earlier, the Cato Street Conspiracy. And it was a similar thing. They do this type of thing all the time. The Cato Street Conspiracy was really more like some of these FBI entrapments. And it was a story that was very near and dear to actor Robert Shaw, who you probably remember him from Jaws. He was a salty old sailor from Jaws. But he was a real hardcore socialist communist. And the Cato Street Conspiracy was a way that the British government in the early, very early 1800s, you know, everybody was kind of wondering if England was going to have a revolution like France had, a socialist revolution.

So they’re very concerned about it. And they actually did the same type of stuff that the Bolsheviks did a century later. Same kind of stuff that the FBI is doing all the time, you know, creating some, you know, Potemkin organization, like a Potemkin village to lure people in and entrap them in this particular case. They in the Cato Street Conspiracy, these are people who were, they didn’t call themselves communists at the time, but they were kind of like Jacobins. And they wanted to kill all of the, the British cabinet all at once.

And so they had infiltrated this, but they’d also kind of run it. And they said, well, how do we get all these people once? Well, they put out a thing in the newspaper. And the reason I mentioned Robert Shaw was he did a play about the Cato Street Conspiracy. And he started it and he directed it and that type of thing. But they put out, the British police put an ad in the paper saying that all the British cabinet was going to be attending a party at this building on Cato Street. Now that none of that was true.

But they did that so they could lure all these people in. All these people go there and then they’re waiting there to entrap them. That’s all I say. It’s one of the oldest games in the book. It’s why you need to be careful about things like January the 6th. It’s why you need to be careful about all of this rhetoric. I don’t know who Steve, I don’t know Steve Bannon. I’ve never met him, never talked to him, but I see what he’s done and I see what he’s doing now. He and other people like him, Jack Passovian especially, Jack Passovian is part of military intelligence.

And these people are out there trying to engineer a civil war. Don’t let them do that. And if they do something like that, don’t have anything to do with it. Don’t get entrapped in this. It’s another January the 6th thing. It’s another Dierzinski Trust thing. It’s another Cato Street conspiracy. These people are fraudsters. They’re rip-off con artists. They attach themselves to billionaires, but they rip off their people and throw them under the bus. A good example of this is the kind of rhetoric that is now, this was sent to me, made me, saw these two things at the same time.

You’ve got Alex Jones talking to another guy about, well, you know, if they kill Trump, that’d be good because we could kick off a civil war. Who do you know that really in their right mind really wants to have a civil war? The only people I know in their right mind that want a civil war are the intelligence people, because that’s the way they gain power and control. And this is a message directly to every single person on the Deep State target list. My assessment, Ivan Reikland’s assessment that if you assassinate any political presidential candidate, whether it’s RFK, whether it’s Trump, guess what? America will do the following immediately.

They will respond in kind and they know who you are because we’ve created the list. So if you go to those major- And that’s a major Rubicon. They should know that. Immediately. You’re going to see immediately response. And there are only a few buildings in Washington, D.C. that they will probably do that. Well, I hope that’s not the case. These people are crazy. And having said that, if they do that, option two behind Trump is going to be so much better for us and so much worse. I was about to say, if they kill him, that’s best case scenario from a sick level, from a sick level beating him.

Oh, please kill him, which I don’t I mean, but it’s so good after that. Yeah, we want to support the best cleansing and the fastest cleansing that we’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I tell you what I get. I assess with almost certainty with the highest level of confidence that if they assassinate Trump, it is so game over for them. And it’s going to be so fast. Yeah. And they’re proud of that. They put that back out. See, we told we predicted this is going to happen. And I’m telling you that they’re pushing you towards a civil war.

And it’s the same thing I saw with January the 6th. Same thing I told people about while I was there. It disgusts me to see this. And I know where it’s coming from. These people who have connections with the CIA. Alex, this is also sent to me. Alex, telling Joe Rogan about when he really got connected with the CIA. Now, I don’t believe this. He’s always had family that is there. But there was a tremendous change in Alex with Trump because he calls him up like he does. RFK Junior pumps in with a bunch of BS, but also because he was getting a lot of people who understand the intelligence community is not monolithic, of course.

There’s, what was it, 17 different agencies, most of them in the military. The military intelligence agencies are very conservative. The CIA’s, you know, Ivy League liberals, socialists, communists. But and they’re at war with each other, but both of them are at war with us. And both of them would love to have a civil war. No, Joe, I’m with the CIA. We’re not saying you’re with the CIA. And I wasn’t with the CIA 25 years ago when I started out. I was with good elements of the CIA when Donald Trump got elected, tried to take the country back from the because we’re under globalist control.

The communist Chinese, the EU, Hollywood, the big banks, they say they run this country and they broke its back. So forget the CIA. It’s bigger than Coca-Cola. The CIA, like it’s mysterious or cools. I’m talking about the post office. The CIA gets his talking points from me, Joe, and other patriots. Not the other way around. I run the CIA, Joe. Oh, so there he’s not controlled opposition. He controls the CIA, which opposes the Constitution and our government and our liberties. How about that? Isn’t that interesting? Well, I tell you, I did see a big change in him.

I saw a big change in him with the Trump thing. And in terms of who was telling him to do what, he was not controlling Pachinic. It was the other way around. It absolutely was the other way around. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind who was controlling who. He was a mouthpiece for the military industrial complex side of the intelligence agency. Steve Pachinic had come on the program. And at the beginning, when he first did this, he came on the program saying, you know, there’s going to have to be some kind of an assassination of Obama.

And Alex flipped out, and he’s saying, I can’t have him back on again. He’s putting stuff out there. And that was in an overtime that they didn’t push out. It used to do before he did around-the-clock programming. He used to have a three-hour program. Then sometimes he would do like an overtime one hour. And that’s what he did with Pachinic. And Pachinic made these statements that Obama is going to have to do this and this, or we’re going to have to put together-I know people in the military, and we’re going to take him out.

And so Alex said, well, we can’t have Pachinic on again. But then he didn’t have him on again. And then Pachinic started pushing this kind of stuff. I mean, I have seen this stuff firsthand. That’s why people tell me, you know, you have to understand what these people are trying to do. I can’t say this strongly enough. They want to get us into a civil war. I said that in a fourth turning. The fourth turning always begins with economics. And Strauss and Howell pointed that out in the early 90s. They said sometime in the mid 2000s there was going to be a worldwide economic crisis.

And that’s going to begin the fourth turning. Well, it happened in 2007, 2008. And they said, and that’ll continue to probably about 2029. It’s always a massive economic issue. Institutions are flipped upside down, and it usually involves war. Previous fourth turnings, Great Depression, World War II, prior to that, the Civil War, prior to that, the Revolutionary War, and they went back over a period of 500 years in British history. Now everything is synced together because of telecommunications globally. And what I said is that if we’re not lucky, we’re going to have a world war, a civil war at the same time.

That’s what these people are trying to do. Don’t listen to them. Can’t stress that enough. Have a good day. That means you’re listening to The David Knight Show right now. Yeah. Good job. And you want to know something else? You can find all the links to everywhere to watch or listen to the show at That’s a website. [tr:trw].

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Cato Street Conspiracy and British government CIA experiences and changes dangers of inciting civil war Felix Dierzinski's trust and anti-Bolshevik groups historical use of deception in intelligence agencies impact of Trump's presidency on CIA manipulation tactics by intelligence agencies potential backlash from political assassinations potential for civil war and global economic crisis theory

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