And I’ve said this about her a lot of times. I’m really disappointed in Barrett. Amy called me Barrett. She really needs to read the Bill of Rights. And she really, really, Jack, really needs to read the Tenth Amendment. Ma’am, the powers not delegated, and who delegated them? The states that we, the states, delegated to the new United States government. Those, if they’re not mentioned in the Constitution, they don’t belong to you. They don’t belong to the Supreme Court. They don’t belong to Congress, the White House. None of you can touch them. And Jack, you kind of alluded this at the beginning.
The Second Amendment, folks, shall not be infringed. That does not allow, in any way, a national bureaucracy and registry for gun owners. It requires just the opposite. That you allow any type of regulatory authority to the federal government. That is not anywhere in the Constitution. The powers not delegated, my dear friend, Ms. Barrett, belong to the states or to the people. And that right protects our right to rebel against this horrible, corrupt government that we have today. I hate to say this, Ms. Barrett, but you’re part of the problem. And you haven’t been part of the solution very much at all.
And the bad rulings that you’ve made and the comments you’ve made afterwards really have been un-American and unconstitutional. So, man, I hope this gets to her, Jack. I think it will. I really do. [tr:trw].