2024-01-03 Global Great Awakenings. Scott Bennett Dr. Stephen Pidgeon.



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➡ The host and Dr. Stephen Pigeon discuss international events, focusing on Ukraine, Russian aggression, and criticism of Ukraine’s leadership. They also critique the U.S. Pentagon and the Biden administration regarding the vaccine mandate. The text ends with discussion on the death toll from vaccines, alleging malpractice and financial incentives in COVID-19 patient treatment.
➡ The text criticizes the NHS and the CDC for their handling of the pandemic, pointing out a significant increase in death rates. It criticizes the pharmaceutical industry’s influence over these organizations and the support for vaccines over alternative treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. The author also derides the use of executive power in the U.S. political system, instancing Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic. The text moves on to discuss political conflict and alleged war crimes in Ukraine, with critical references to Zelensky and Netanyahu’s tactics. The author suggests a possible backlash against those responsible for war crimes and expresses distrust towards global political leaders.
➡ The speaker criticizes the actions and strategies related to various global conflicts, including those involving the BRICS nations, the Middle East, and Africa. They further express distaste for social changes within the United States military and forecast a bleak future for the US dollar amidst changes in global trading partners and inflation.
➡ The text discusses various geopolitical issues, observes certain governments’ actions, criticizes large corporations, and forecasts a global “reckoning” due to a perceived mishandling of various situations. It also anticipates societal responses, including anger and resistance, and predicts future disruptive events like the collapse of the American dollar and the termination of the American constitution.
➡ The text criticizes the Biden administration for alleged mismanagement of international relations, particularly in Ukraine and Afghanistan, and accuses them of prioritizing political ideologies over domestic welfare. It also voices concerns over perceived threats to demographic balance and cultural identity due to immigration policies and fears of an alleged appropriation of land by outsiders. It rails against climate change initiatives, birth rates, and population control measures, suggesting conspiracy theories surrounding chemtrails and population reduction intentions.
➡ The speaker believes that chemtrails and the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) are being used as climate manipulation devices globally, challenging the mainstream climate change narrative. He further criticizes the political and economic systems, arguing that currently US Congress members and global policymakers are acting like parasites, pushing their own agendas without genuinely contributing to society. He contrasts this with an increase in manufacturing and industry in Russia and China, which he sees as an advantageous move towards self-reliance and national resource use.
➡ The speaker expresses disappointment in the fading American manufacturing and predicts a socio-political shift in America and global unrest led by various political groups, culminating in a reckoning in 2024. The speaker also hypothesizes severe conflicts in the Middle East, involving geopolitical powers like Turkey, Iran, Israel, and Hezbollah.
➡ The speaker criticizes President Biden’s handling of conflicts in the Middle East and condemns perceived dishonesties and atrocities committed by the state of Israel. They propose a grassroots movement focusing on simplicity and distancing from modern technologies, criticizing figures like Bill Gates and predicting social and political volatility in 2024 while calling for a cleansing and redemption.


You blessed be the Lord, my strength, who teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight. This is great awakenings on globalfreedomtv. com. I’m Scott Bennet, your host. We’re joined by the great Dr. Stephen Pigeon. Once again, we’re going to be jumping into some of the international events to discuss and analyze what is going on in the world. Steven, it is always wonderful to have you. I was very delighted to see 2024 rolled around.

And I we look forward to jumping into some more of your predictions of what’s going to be unfolding. It’s certainly going to be a tumultuous year. But of course, as long as we’re alive, the country’s alive, America is alive, and that’s our mission. And our ambassadorial duty is to be the light of the world for others to see. You sent me a video of a light that I’m not sure it’s a real bright light.

It certainly is a red light. And that is of Zelensky. Before we jump in, let me play that just to give us a little flavor and musicality to our soundtrack. This is Vodamir Zelensky. And what has he got to say? Stephen Pigeon, I’ll hand it to you to give us a flavor of what we’re watching there. Well, there’s the president of Ukraine. This is the fellow that has sent 500,000 men to their death or to their disability.

This is the fellow that’s putting women in trenches with no weapons and no training. This is the fellow that’s using weapons to fire at civilians in Donetsk and Belgorod. And he’s launched even some missiles at Korosk lately. This is the fellow whose sole tactic is to kill civilians now and to engage in really adroit acts of terror against the russian troops because he has nothing left. And quite frankly, he is a mental midget.

And he’s a midget anyway, and he’s a mental midget to go along with it. And he has proven himself to be an absolutely useless person in the leadership role of Ukraine. He cannot think beyond his myopic ideology of I need more money to punch them in the face. And he’s taken $223,000,000,000 from the west in order to essentially turn Ukraine into a giant casualty. You know, better than half the population has left the nation.

Most of those people are looking for foreign passports. They’re looking for passports in other countries to be labeled as a citizen of another country as quickly as they can possibly get there. So about half the population is accepting in their own heart, there is no ukrainian state, there’s no ukrainian home and there is no ukrainian state and they want out. And of course 40% of the population is russian speaking and they voted with their feet right off the bat.

As soon as the nazi regime was put in place by radical psycho Talmudist Victoria Newland, as soon as she had her way in 2014, engaging in a freight overthrow of a democratically elected government in order to impose a talmudist nazi regimen in Ukraine, well, guess what? All the russian speakers wanted out. They didn’t want any part of it. Crimea was the first to go and said, we’re going and we’re not coming back.

And then after Crimea went, of course, then Donetsk and Lucans declared their own independence. And under these circumstances you see what has turned into an absolute bloodbath of ridiculousness. And it’s know, this war that has been brought on by these morons and really they’re morons that are running the US Pentagon. And of know, at one point we had a trader running the Pentagon, Mark Milley, who was at all times a chinese operative working to destroy the United States and american interests on behalf of the communist chinese party.

And he was controlling the Pentagon. And it was his bright ideas to say, well, let’s put all our officers in drag, let’s enforce the jab protocol so we can inflict sudden death on pilots and so on and so forth, and let’s otherwise destabilize and completely destroy our military from the inside out. Demoralize, delegitimize, destroy the psychology of our own troops. And he succeeded. Look, you can’t get people to join the military now.

They dishonorably discharged anybody who disagreed with the mandatory vax protocol, which is a crime against humanity, by the way. Mandatory vaccine is a crime against humanity. Even whether or not it’s experimental makes no difference. Going back to the Universal Declaration of Bioethics. The Universal Declaration of Bioethics makes it clear that if it’s a preventative medical diagnostic treatment in any respect, which would include vax lockdown, quarantine testing, social distancing mask, wearing any of that stuff requires the consent of the informed consent of the person.

And even if they don’t consent, you cannot prejudice them for not consenting. That’s not the protocol that we were given by the Biden administration. You got to take that jab. It’s the right thing to do to be american. Baloney, baloney, baloney, baloney. But this is what happens when everybody takes bribes from pharmaceutical companies and let me just add, you wrote that executive order for President Trump when we were there in November of 2020.

It was given to people to give directly to President Trump that instructed him sign an executive order that says, no American shall ever be forced to get a vaccine. Citing these universal declaration of human Rights, the constitution, and other legal authorities. Donald Trump did not sign that, and it was never put in force. And as a result of Donald Trump failing to sign the executive order that you produced on sound law, how many Americans, how many people, how many human beings around the world, but how many Americans and how many military people were forced to get the jab because they didn’t fall upon the presidential executive order that would have given them immunity? How many people are dead because he didn’t sign that executive order? And even worse, there’s a lot of people saying he was behind a lot of this.

He’s pushed this, he pushed warp speed, he pushed all this stuff. He sat up there with Bill O’Reilly barking at people to get your vaccine, to get your jab. And, yeah, people have said, well, he backed hydroxychloroquine, he backed ivomectin, he backed the vaccine as well. And that’s been the death of people that we haven’t even seen yet. And I said that about an hour ago on another program we’re going to see in this year, 2024, how many people possibly completely die, fall dead flat on their face, sudden death syndrome or zombie dementia, retardation.

But I just wanted to put in, you wrote the executive order for Donald Trump to sign, and it was not given to him. And we gave it to General Michael Flyn, Pat Byrne, Sidney Powell, Giuliani, Millie and Gavin Weaver, Paolo, the ambassador. We gave it to people to get to Trump, and they failed. Yeah, and when you talk about that, Scott, the numbers are at least 17 million dead worldwide.

And I think the numbers are much, much higher. Of course, no death certificate says vaccine induced death, even if you drop dead ten minutes after taking the jab. But we know that the Vaers reporting site, which Harvard University has, these are vaccine related injuries. And the Vaers reporting site, which is maintained by the CDC until they shut it down. Anyway, Harvard says that reports about 1% of the total cases because it’s a voluntary reporting site.

Well, the last I saw, it was over 34,500 dead. That puts it at about 34 million worldwide that had died from this jab. Now, not to mention all the people that had died from the protocol that amounted to malpractice, which included, which also Trump funded this idea of ventilators and Robert David Steele murdered. Yeah, here they go. They shove the ventilator down the throat. Hey, we’ve decided. Hey, listen, I’m here for a hangnail.

Can you help me? Oh, yeah, we can. As soon as we give you this test that has 94% false positives. Oh, look, we took the test and now you’ve got Covid. So here’s the vacuum cleaner. Shove it down your throat and flip the blow instead of suck motion on it, and then jabble with REM desire. Have you made it yet? Have you made it yet? Look, and then while you’re doing it, well, let’s pay a hospital $130,000 per COVID death certificate.

Per COVID death certificate. If you treated them, if they came in the door, you diagnosed Covid and they ended up dying from it on a ventilator, the hospital made $130,000. So the murderers that call themselves doctors in the American Medical association went ahead and just slaughtered anybody they wanted to slaughter as soon as they got them through the door. Biggest mistake you could ever make was to walk into a hospital during that period of.

See, and this was going on in the UK, too. And they know in the UK. I mean, these numbers. There’s people in the UK that have been publishing these numbers for a long time and they know exactly what happened in the UK. And a lot of the nurses are now pulling out saying, I can no longer be in there, I can’t be in that protocol any longer at all.

I got to get out of here. And the NHS is responsible for massive amount of deaths. And of course, the excessive death rate, which is in many cases 100% or more in some of these countries. In other words, you’ve got an average death rate that proceeds along, a certain percentage of the population dies every day. And then all of a sudden, following this protocol, the death rate doubles or more.

And when you see the death rate double and you got all these athletes dropping dead on the field and all this other stuff, it’s pretty obvious what happened. And one of the things in Trump’s defense, by coming forward with hydroxychorpin and ivermectin, the defense would have been, well, look, I gave you protocols that were therapies that were effective against this particular disorder. Therefore, the vaccine never have been granted emergency use authorization by the FDC or the FDA.

But the FDA and the CDC are both organizations. Look, the people in the CDC and the FDA are all ex big pharma guys. So it’s the same team, it’s like the Denver Broncos playing the Denver Broncos. Who do you think is going to win the know? Hey, that was a bad call. Well, let’s give it to the Denver Broncos to decide whether or not that guy actually committed off on the first and one, right? So this is the kind of thing I’m talking about when you see this whole thing.

He did suggest that hydroxychloroquine and ivomectin were formulas that would work against it, which should have, in every respect, stopped the emergency use authorization. But you know what, Steven? Corruption downstream. He is the president of the United States. And unless he’s a dingbat, dumb shit, that doesn’t know what kind of job he’s got, you’re not a fucking janitor at a school. You are the president of the United States.

Your executive order is the power of law until it is challenged in Congress to the Supreme Court. And your executive order should have been, Americans will be given ivermectin, hydroxytoric, and whatever period they are going to be given this if they want. Not to my understanding, he did not advocate for the natural way to deal with this, and that was his failure. He advocated for this vaccine. And I’m not trying to beat up for him, but I’m not giving him an inch to get out of this.

And I said from the beginning, in 2020, when this whole thing came about, I knew it was wrong. I knew it was evil. I knew there’s a demonic nature to it. I said, they’re going to turn this into a rubber tire, ignite it on fire, and hang this around Donald Trump’s face. If this starts to kill everybody that we see, and it’s going, and I don’t doubt the media, who are a bunch of lion prostitutes, could turn next summer and say, look at what we found out.

Donald Trump’s vaccine is responsible for killing everybody who ever got it. It was Donald Trump’s vaccine. So that’s a play they could put forth. That’s the point. But he didn’t advocate for this, and I’m not trying to beat him up, but God damn it, he was the president of the United States, and you gave him the executive order that would have allowed the opening for humanity. If that executive order had been in place, Scott, then the FDA would have been instructed.

You have to remember that the FDA is a federal bureaucracy that comes under the purview of the executive branch of government, which means that executive orders do, in fact, apply and are enforceable as to that particular agency. The House of Representatives can always cut its funding and can approve its leadership. But the actual orderly aspects of the FDA come directly from the president’s desk. So an executive order adopting the universal declaration on bioethics, which requires informed consent as to any diagnostic medical treatment, would have had an effect about whether or not they were going to be able to come down with any mask, mandate, any quarantine, any contact tracing, any of these PCR tests, any of that nonsense.

Oh, gee, you’re so sick. We have to test you five times, find out if you got anything right with a test that’s so faulty, that was never designed for this thing. I mean, come on. But when you talk about these things. Let’s talk about how this is going to affect 2024. Yes. Let’s talk about this for a minute. Because what’s happening right now is, and you see, it really kind of is spearheading out of Russia.

And it’s a psychological thing, but it’s a psychological thing that is now going to pervade into the west, which is that Russia has said, okay, all of those people who have been committing war crimes and attacking civilian centers, dropping a bomb into a daycare, dropping a bomb into an elementary school, dropping a bomb into a residential building, dropping a bomb into a hospital, all of those things. Okay, here we go.

Let’s watch this video while you got it popped up. Yeah, you can talk with it. This is the dinetsk attack that occurred on New Year’s. It was a baby center. It was a child playground, a mall where children could go and play indoors and climb, rock climbing facilities. And it was a kindergarten. Here’s right here. Baby care. You’ll see it in a second. Yeah. Baby care club. Yeah, you’ll see more of it as it goes.

This is a baby care, a baby club facility that was targeted by the Ukrainians to traumatize the ukrainian people and tell them, we’re coming after your children, we’re going to kill your children. We’re going to keep targeting these buildings. And they’re doing that to try and force a peace settlement, force these people to run to Russia and say, we can’t stand this anymore. This is a bridge too far.

No, it’s not going to work. That it’s going to backfire, because what this is going to do, and I did a russian interview today on it, this is going to be shown to all the russian soldiers on the front line to say, you need to take 60 miles of territory as soon as possible so that this city can never endure this kind of barrage again. Every ukrainian missile weapon system that is in range of this city needs to be burned out immediately, because look at what they’re doing to your children’s playgrounds, your children’s baby care facilities.

I’ll hand it to you, Stephen. Well, you know the kinds of weapons they’re know they’re using american weapons, right? That’s what they’re so american weapons and czech weapons. The weapons that were used in Belgarode were czech weapons. And the Russians have said, and this is the psychological aspect of this that I’m talking about, the Russians have come out and said, look, whether you are a private, a corporal, a sergeant, a lieutenant, a captain, but you’re part of the team that has loaded ammunition into one of these devices that has fired into a civilian target, we’re going to find you.

We’re going to find you, and you’re going to be persecuted for the war crime that you’ve committed. And so you can count on the fact that Russia will undoubtedly unleash firing squads when this war is over. And any of the ukrainian leadership that is responsible for giving an order like this, hey, let’s blow up the daycare. Anybody who’s given an order like this and anyone who has accepted the order and has fired the shot is going to get prosecuted.

Now, this is exactly the kind of language that’s coming out of Liverpool in Britain. They’re saying, look, we’re not going to forget. We’re not going to forgive. We’re going to remember everybody who said, like Matt Hancock, Matt Hancock was one of the great villains in Britain who told all the British they had to lock down and impose quarantines on everybody. I experienced that quarantine I had locked down for 14 days in Britain when I had business to take care of in Britain, I had to lock down for 14 days while Matt Hancock is busy partying with no mask on and laughing about the fact that he’d forced everybody to lock down.

He is a criminal. And I believe he took bribes from Pfizer, just like I believe that Boris Johnson took bribes. How is it that Boris Johnson, after a couple of years of the prime minister, is able to pay cash, 38 million pounds for a house? Where’d that money come from, Boris? Was that just proper investing during your time as prime minister? No, it certainly wasn’t. But you certainly shouldn’t be on the team that told Vladimir Zelensky, hey, stop dancing, take off your red outfit and go to war with Russia.

Weren’t you the guy that told him that. Weren’t you the guy that told him that. Oh, yeah, you were. So here, you see the mentality here. The mentality you see out of Zelensky is the same mentality you’re seeing out of Netanyahu. Let’s kill women and children until they stop bothering us. Let’s kill their wives and children until they stop bothering us. That kind of mentality, by the way, is a war crime.

By definition, it’s a war crime. And so what is happening now is you can see that the population is now discovering the truth. Oh, you guys killed us with this protocol, with your pandemic. You killed us with this protocol. What were you thinking? We want to get rid of you. I mean, what were you thinking? Ask Bill Gates. He’ll tell you point blank what he’s thinking. We got to reduce that population.

We got to get ahead of the know. I had this discussion, actually, with a family member, and I have to tell you, Scott, here’s the thing. They were talking. Oh, that’s what it looked like before the strike. That was the building that was struck. That is, you see here on the left, the stairs of the building. This is the entrance to it. And over to the left was the body of the building.

But this is what it was. It was a baby. What? This is what Lindsey Graham wants to kill. Best money we’ve ever spent. We’re firing high Mars and rockets at baby clubs. We’re killing Russians, babies and toddlers and women and children and old people. And it’s hard not to get loud because it’s easy for me as a scotsman, you know, but it’s very easy for us to get passionate over this thing, especially since you’ve seen it face to face.

You’ve seen it firsthand. And Lindsey Graham hasn’t ever seen a day of war firsthand. Never. He’s never seen anything. And so, as a consequence, now he wants to turn his attention on killing iranian babies. And this absolutely cowardly strike on the memorial in Cremont. And I was at that memorial. I’ve been to that memorial in Mashad, the tomb of the martyrs, where they have Soleimani and all these other martyrs.

It’s in the middle of the desert. There’s nothing there. So they’ve gone there just to kill. And there’s always little girls and boys there. Songs, choruses. I mean, it’s a celebrated area. It was a cowardly act. Well, let’s kill a bunch of civilians on the way to the memorial. That’ll teach them. That’ll teach them. It’s not going to teach. Coming back to our 2024 predictions here. First of all, there’s something, because Biden is such an idiot and he’s got these people that are more concerned about wearing a pair of high heels than they are about waging war, because that’s been the leadership and that’s what they’ve been up to.

Well, let’s see what’s happened. Russia has been able to take this battle in Ukraine and to create a pivot of significance, namely the BRICS. And the BRICS have been a pivot of significance now in full force. In effect, Egypt is now a full member of the BRICS. And what has happened as a result of BRICS expanding now is that the idea of national border is created by somebody with a ruler in the UK head office, a ruler at Ted Downing street.

Oh, this is your border. That’s your border. This is your border. Those days are over. The UK is controlled by an indian president. Scotland’s got a muslim president, London’s got a muslim mayor. So what’s Charles doing there? Right? And he’s the defender of the faiths. So what is taking place now is that literally every line that the British ever drew is now up for debate. It’s now up for, you know, you might call that Syria, you might call that Iraq, you might call that Kuwait, you might call that Yemen, you might call that Ethiopia.

You might call it Somalia, you might call it Sudan, you might call it Kenya. You can call it whatever you want. Nobody is accepting your boundaries anymore. These things are now up for grabs. And so with the BRICS, you see, Egypt moved into the BRICS and Egypt is actually a significant military power. They’re second to Turkey, but they’re pretty pronounced power. Algeria is the most armed nation in Africa, and Algeria and Egypt both came alongside Niger and Mali and Burkina Faso in kicking the French out.

And so the french embassy for Niger is now located in Paris and nowhere else. Right, because the French have had their butt kicked out of western Africa. Get out. Don’t come back. You guys have been exploiting us with your colonization for over 100 years and it’s done nothing for us. Get out. And Egypt and Algeria came alongside and said, you want to come in there with your victorian newland troops out of Nigeria? We’re going to come in with our troops and our armors and our weapons and everything else.

So that’s what you can expect when they recognize that Algeria, Libya and Egypt were all going to join this battle. Nigeria suddenly know, maybe we aren’t going to do that. But in the meantime, you’ve got a very serious civil war taking place in Sudan. You’ve got a very serious expansion of Ethiopia, declaring Somaliland, and now there’s a question of whether or not Somalia is even going to exist anymore.

Okay, this is because who’s going to defend Somalia? The pirates? And you have this issue of Djibouti and Yemen. Now, Egyptians, I think, may have had to sit down with the White House and said, look, before you guys declare war on Yemen, you need to know that we went to war with Yemen and we lost 70,000 troops there. It was our Vietnam. Yes. Saudi Arabia went there, UAE went there with your money and your weapons and still got their butts kicked.

You sure you want to get into this, Quagmart? Well, the US and the UK are ready to declare war on Yemen right now. They’re ready to say, let’s do it. Let’s go to war. Because they want to draft, don’t they? They want to draft Americans from Idaho and Missouri and Ohio and Texas, the republican states, and say, we all have to go into Uncle Sam’s army and fight the Yemenis on behalf of Israel.

And then also we may have to go against Russia because american boys need to go fight the russian troops. I don’t think anyone is going to show up to that. And I think everyone would burn down their draft buildings. It’s beyond respect for the military anymore. This isn’t the United States military. This is now becoming a woke lgbt experiment Frankenstein that the american people don’t trust or admire, have any respect for anymore, sadly.

And I was in the army, and what’s left is nothing to be admired. But what’s even worse, Steven, I think this is prompting people to potential action is you’re taking all these third world immigrants coming across the southern border, and you’re going to put them in uniform and turn them against the american citizens. Yeah, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. That’s what this third world thing is all about.

We’re going to draft all these guys and ship them off to Yemen and ship them off to fight in Poland and so on and so forth. Well, these are all stupid ideas because, again, you have these guys concentrating on the kinetic battlefield. Well, gee, if we move the tank here, we move a howitzer there, then we might be able to control Moringa. And they’re completely ignoring the fact that while they’re doing all that, Russia is gaining so much influence in Africa and South America.

That is extraordinary. And Russia and China, with Iran, have now captured the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. They’re in complete control of it. There is no dissenting member along the Persian Gulf. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman. All these countries have joined BRICS. There is no dissenting member. Now, with Saudi Arabia joining BRICS, that is the end of the petrol dollar. The petrol dollar died two days ago. Dead.

Clunk. Boom. Bury it. The petrol dollar is dead. So what exists after that? The fiat dollar. There is no petrol dollar. It’s just fiat. Okay. What do you got behind that currency? We got the United States military. What in drag. What do you have behind this? What do you have behind this dollar? You’re talking about the military that lost in Afghanistan, that lost in Sudan, that lost in Niger, that’s losing in Ukraine? What are you talking about? What military are you talking about here, Joe? Sleepy Joe.

That’s going to protect the dollar. There’s nothing protecting the dollar now. The dollar is sitting out here floating, and you have a bunch of people who’ve been counterfeiting the dollar, namely the Federal Reserve and the central bank system, been counterfeiting to the dollar to the tune that there’s 34 trillion of these dollars running around the world. Counterfeit. We’ll just spend it. I could drop 200 billion on Ukraine.

What’s 200 billion in the face of a $34 trillion deficit? Well, and that’s Uncle Joe. He’s moving kind of slow at the junction, so here we go. So now we see that this dollar is going to come home. It’s going to come home and. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Well, who’s going to buy the dollar? No one. Why aren’t you going to buy the dollar? Because every time we transact in a dollar, you guys bully us.

You got a fist in our face. You try to grab our bank account, you try to steal our natural resources, you kill our leaders. You try to overthrow our government, you bring in an orange revolution or a pink revolution or a rose revolution, or whatever color revolution you want to bring in. You got your free agents in here, and then you get the next thing. We got your proxies in here shooting up our capital city, killing our leaders, the ones we voted in.

And then you’re going to tell us what to do, and the first thing you want us to do is put up the lgbt flag and start aborting our children in. Well, we’re done with that. We’re done with your load of dirty diapers that you bring over here and you call foreign policy here. You can have them back. You can take your green back with it. And so this is what the world is doing this year.

So that’s a huge, significant turn. Next turn that’s going to happen is going to be what I call the great reckoning. The great reckoning is going to be to call to the criminal courts of justice worldwide these corporate entities that have been engaged in crimes against humanity, like Microsoft, like Pfizer, like Johnson Johnson, like Boeing, like Raytheon, like all of these guys who have no moral Soros foundation, like the foundation for democracies that just tried to overthrow Serbia.

Yeah. And that’s a Soros group. Right. The 200 billion spent in Ukraine was spent to protect Soros investments. Right? And the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, is, look, when this picture comes out showing Jorge Bergoya, also known as Pope Francis, standing there with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, who’s topless in the photo, that is going to cause a tremor that is going to ripple through the World Economic Forum shadows and the fourth Reich.

Like you wouldn’t believe Ursula Vanderlayan, or as Claire Daly would call her, fraud, genocide, nine Danka, fraud, genocide, said Claire Daley. Yeah, yeah, let the Irish whip it. Anyway, Ursula Vanderlayan is going down. John Stoltenberg is going down. NATO is going to completely collapse. Olaf Schultz is already, basically, he’s like, okay, I’m out of mean. He’s doing it surreptitiously. Third parties, basically. I’m leaving. I’m getting out of here.

You guys don’t have to shoot me. I’m getting out of here. It’s coming. I’m telling you. I think you are going to see rage, anger, I mean, roaring vengeance, blood cries for vengeance like we’ve never heard before, because there has been so much accumulation of vendettas. Accumulation of vengeance. You’ve killed my children, my wife, my family, and got me fired by forcing me to get a shot or my refusal to get it.

You’ve isolated me from my mother or father who died in isolation in an old folks home on and on and on and on and on. I think we are going to see an accumulation and expression of vendettas. And that’s not even saying that the people who have become Covid-19 vaccinated, you’ve got a zombification of them. But I think you may have some people who’ve gotten the shot realizing their time is short.

They’ve got nothing left to live for. So why not ram their car into a hospital, ram their car into a politician’s home or office, and I’ll bring up a story that just came as sort of, it’s a segue into this, but this just came out. And let me just read this real quick. It was sent to me by, uh, army guy out in the east coast. This sets the stage for what we’re talking about.

At least six state capitols. I don’t know if you saw this, Steven. At least six state capitols evacuated. This is on the western journal came out on January 3. Multiple state capitols received threats Wednesday morning that led to evacuations or lockdowns as police investigated, but no evidence of dangerous items was immediately found. The warnings came after a spate of false reports of shootings at the homes and public officials in recent days.

Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana were among the states that evacuated their capitals. Evacuated their capitals? Why are they doing that? That’s a pretty significant action to evacuate the capitol. Are you testing how much power you have? You shouldn’t be able to evacuate any capital. The capitol is not the jurisdiction of any state trooper to evacuate. It is the seat of the people’s government, of the people. And for the people.

No one should be able to evacuate a capitol. Lawmakers in Kentucky, Mississippi, have begun meeting in legislative sessions. Kentucky Governor Andy Bashar said on X formally his twitter that the Capitol was evacuated while state police investigated the threat received by the secretary of state’s office. He said everyone was safe, blah, blah, blah. Public officials locked down the Mississippi Capitol on Wednesday morning following a bomb threat on the second day of the legislative session.

The state senate delayed morning meeting after the building. Bailey Martin, representative of the Mississippi Department of Safety, said the Capitol was evacuated. This is an ongoing investigation. So what I see happening here are possibly psychological operations to prepare people for lockdown shutdowns, evacuations of their capitals, suspension of government, who knows for what reason? Well, you know me. I mean, I would love to see Juneau evacuated and then never know, evacuate the capital and just never reopen.

Okay? You guys can become a fishing village again and skip running any of the government’s business. Right. And that could be what they’re preparing to do. Steven, if the dollar, as you said earlier, completely before, they’re not going to be able to pay anybody with anything. That’s right. When the dollar goes to zero, you’re done. And this is the thing. I mean, when you look at the precipitation of events in the Soviet Union, when it collapsed, you had this idea of Gorbachev coming in, meeting and saying, okay, look, guys, we can’t go any further.

As the Soviet Union, we’re done. So did the termination of the Soviet Union cause the ruble to collapse, or did the ruble collapse cause the termination of the Soviet Union? They happen basically simultaneously. And we’re going to see the same thing happen in America. You have the United States of America predicated on a constitution which has been completely vitiated. Constitution is gutted when you can have non natural born citizens like Rawashami and Nikki Haley and Ted Cruz and these other candidates try to claim that they have the right to be the president.

Barack Obama, when they’re not natural born, know, well, you can’t do that. And if you’re going to do that, then there is no article two. And the fact of the matter is, I was talking about this earlier today. If one court had actually investigated whether or not Barack Obama could prove his american citizenship with a bona fide birth certificate, and they refused to allow him to be on the ballot because he couldn’t establish his american citizenship, would we be in the jam we’re in today? No.

And that happened. That guy was a foreign national who went to war against America on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood, and he destroyed the nation in eight years and did the job that he couldn’t. And then Trump prepared it. And then he went right back, right back in behind Joe Biden and put himself right back in the position he was in before Trump got there. Closing down all oil exploration, closing down all gas exploration, closing down pipelines, making us dependent again upon muslim oil producing nations, right? And then feathering the nest of Iran and so on and so forth in order to do battle, in order to create this war that we’re in right now.

Now, the Israelis have foolishly, I’ve never seen such. Did you know that there was a huge faction of israeli investors, hedge funds and so forth, that shorted the israeli stock market on October the 6th? Did you know that? No, but it certainly has reminiscent of 911, doesn’t it? A whole bunch of them had inside information that there was going to be an intelligence failure the following day. And so here you go.

That whole thing that happened on October the 7th in Israel was a false flag done by Mossad, Shinbet and their operatives inside Hamas, paid operatives of the Netanyahu government. That’s who did it. And now they initially started out again, like I mentioned, to create the bengurian canal and to seize the oil and gas belonging to the Palestinians off the gazan coast, which they have no intention of giving back by the trying to.

Did I tell you they’re trying to put 2 million Gazans in the Congo right now? Did you hear that, yeah, that’s a story that’s just coming out. They’re trying to get them to go to Africa. Now that is democide. And that is a form of genocide. Totally. It’s a crime against humanity as provided by the Hague conventions, the Geneva conventions, and the UN charter. And there’s no shame.

Oh, we’re just going to commit these crimes against humanity and you guys are going to go along with it? Why? Because we’re Israel. We have the right to bomb our neighbor. We have the right to kill civilians. We have the right to target women and children. We have the right to blow up defenseless people that have no right to vote in our own country. There you go. And even Washington has recognized, gee, maybe we shouldn’t get on board with this resettlement plan because we’re going to be held accountable.

Look, let me just say this to the Biden administration, and this goes to blink and it goes to Lloyd Austin and it goes to everybody else. That’s in the top protocol in that administration. You guys have lost Ukraine. You’ve lost war in Ukraine, and you’re going to wear that loss. You’re going to wear it. It’s not going to be something you’re going to be able to push aside and say, oh, gee, blah, blah.

You gave up $92 billion worth of assets in the most advanced air base in the world, in Afghanistan in order to focus on your ukrainian brothers and sisters. And you lost that war. You lost that war from some of the stupidest strategy and tactics ever executed by an army ever, anywhere, at any time, in any place. And because of that, you’re going to wear it. Joe Biden is going to wear it.

Barack Obama being behind the scenes is going to wear it. These are the people that lost that battle. And as a result of losing that battle, they cast Europe into the greatest economic depression since the 1920s. They’re casting America into the greatest economic depression it’s ever going to see as a result of their stupidity, their incompetence, their inability to see straight because they were so busy pushing their transgendered lgbt flag and their abortion protocol that they couldn’t manage the know.

Hey. First premise. When you get elected to the office, manage the country. And you didn’t manage the country, you managed Ukraine. Ukraine’s borders meant everything to you. Our border didn’t. Ukraine’s retirement policies meant everything to you. Ours didn’t. Environmental damage in Ukraine meant everything to you, didn’t mean anything to you in Palestine. Ohio didn’t mean anything to you in Texas. You did nothing to stop all the food processing plants from being blown up.

You did nothing. Here’s what I see them doing, Steven. As we saw in the 18 hundreds, the Homestead act, when they would give a stake and a flag to settlers in wagons and say, go and take a portion of land and it’s yours. I see them going to third world Haitians, blacks from Sudan, Chad, south and Central America, and saying, go and take a house and it’s yours.

Go and take a town and it’s yours. Go and take a building. They’re going to unleash these third world knuckle dragging savages under Dick Durbin and the Democrats to wage a war against the white, republican, conservative christian, anglo saxon populations and say, and they won’t broadcast it, but say, this is the new domestic terrorism threat. That’s how you motivate the third world savages. Go into Beverly Hills and make it the new Chad.

I just could sense and see that, yeah, that was the Ulster plantation methodology executed by King James I. In the late 15 hundreds, early 16 hundreds, he pushed Englishmen and Scotsmen into Northern Ireland and said, just go in there in homestead and any Irishman you happen to see living on the area becomes your slave. And that’s what they did. It’s called the Ulster plantations. And it was a huge crime against humanity that King James did and was one among many, but that one has never been resolved.

Right. That’s why Northern Ireland is still volatile to this day. And by the way, Northern Ireland is getting ready to break away from Britain. They’re talking about that very seriously now. They’re contemplating to move away from. So, anyway, when we look at all of this, Scott, we begin to see that this kind of negligence that’s been promoted by this federal government, America last, and you’re the enemy, and we’re going to execute our american military against you, and we’re going to lock you down, and we’re going to force you to get vaccinated, and we’re going to do this to you, and we’re going to do that to you.

And Bill Gates wants to kill you. Like I was saying when I was talking to a friend about population, you would say, well, Katie, population is nearing 8 billion. Well, that’s speculation. There hasn’t been a census to tell us exactly how many people there are. But of that, about half of that is in India and China. So what are you trying to say when you start talking about Europe? Finland, Norway and Sweden, respectively, have less people than the city of Moscow and Russia.

Russia is about half the population of the United States. There are more people in California than there are in Canada. Right. Canada has a population of about 38 million. So if you took and you wiped out all of North America and you cleaned every single person out of here, killed them all, and annihilated them, China and India would make up that population loss in five years. The 500 million would be back in probably three years.

So what are you talking about? So what you’re really saying is, when you’re saying too many people, you’re really saying, we need to kill the Chinese and we need to kill the Indians. That’s what you’re really saying. And that’s what they’re really hearing. And that’s why they’re all arming up and they’re gearing up and they’re getting nuclear weapons and they’re building their military, because they don’t want a cycle like Bill Gates coming in there and saying, we need to kill four fifths of you using my vaccine.

Yeah, I’ve got the. So, with this kind of a thing going on, you can see that the idea that there’s too many people in the world is an absolute fallacy, particularly in the western world. The western world has got a demographic collapse going on. French aren’t reproducing, the Spanish aren’t reproducing. Germans aren’t reproducing. Brits aren’t reproducing. And these idiots at the EU level, Ursula Vanderlayan, has allowed the african and the asian nations to openly invade Europe and just come in and take the place.

Right? And this was facilitated when Tsarkozi decided to go steal the gold out of Libya. The gate that was. The gatekeeper that kept that gate closed was Mohammad Gaddafi. And they killed him, stole his gold, and the gate opened up. And it wasn’t worth it. Ask yourself, the question is, Paris Burns. Was it worth. See, now, in Italy, get this. This is the number that shocked me in Italy over the summer for three months.

In Italy, there was not one single child born. Not one child born for three months in Italy. Not one. And you can see this sterility that is coming into Italy is a sterility that’s coming to America. And among the american population, the birth rate was 1. 1. Now it’s not anymore because Gen. Z is having a population explosion, because the young people want children. And I want to encourage that.

Have six kids. Have eight kids, have an absolute batch. Have as many kids as you can possibly have. Just do it. Because the country can handle no problem. This country can handle a billion people. If China can put 1. 5 billion in an area that is smaller than from the Rocky Mountains to the California coast, we can put a billion people in North America. And trust me when I tell you, Canada.

90% of Canada lives within 100 miles of the american border, and it’s the second largest nation in the world. Guess what? There’s acres for days in Canada that have nobody on it at all. So the world is not overpopulated. Okay. Premise number two, climate change. Okay, we got to do something about climate change. We got to cut our carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the plant food. That’s how plants live.

What are you talking about, cutting carbon dioxide? You out of your mind? Yeah, you are out of your mind. You’re a lying psychopath. We need to reduce carbon. What carbon are they talking about? Us. We’re the carbon they’re talking about reducing. Okay, now I got to say this to these climate change pukes. You want to talk about climate change? You want to talk about how necessary it is to force me into the car you think I should drive and about how you’re going to shut down my air conditioner or shut down my dryer or shut down my hot water heater in order to accommodate your protocol.

I’m not letting you do one thing on climate change at all until you stop the chemtrails and you shut down harp. When you’ve done those two things, we can talk about climate change, but until those are gone, there’s no discussion at all. Who will you tell me? You show me the vote that happened in any of the 50 states that said, let’s bombard our skies with chemtrails. Show me where that vote happened.

Yeah, show me the congressional authorization for chemtrails. Show it to me. Show me the authorization that said we should really control the weather off the west coast by using harp to boil the water off the coast of California. We should use harp to focus a heat wave in the central United States forcing all weather systems to abandon. Come on, show me the election where that happened. I want to see the vote.

I want to know who it is that is giving the orders, telling these aircraft, go out there and spray barium and strawnium 90 and everything else all over this population who’s given that order. And don’t tell me it’s not happening. Scott, I witnessed it with my own eyes in Everett, Washington. I came out of my office, I could smell the sky stunk like he wouldn’t believe. I came around the mailboxes and I turned and looked and the sun was setting and I could see the checkerboard in the sky above me.

I mean, it was a checkerboard and it was a very narrowly drawn checkerboard. And I watched this unmarked white Boeing 757 touchdown paint field right in front of my eyes. So it’s not something that I’m going to have. Oh, gee, I need some more proof. I know what a chemtrail looks like, I know what it smells like, and it’s being used. And who gave the order for this to happen? When did we have an election on that? Who put money into that to put those chemtrails out? And until they stop, until they come to a complete halt, don’t you ask for one inch of climate control, anything, until you stop messing with the climate.

We’re not talking about anything else. Don’t tell me about electric cars, don’t tell me about solar and wind and all this green energy garbage. Stop the chemtrails, stop the harp, and then let’s talk. Then let’s talk. Right. Anyway, I don’t think most people are aware of the high antenna array, the harp system. It’s a system that is. We have one up here in Alaska. It’s not far from here.

It’s about 100 miles from my house that broadcasts 100,000 watts and it broadcasts a frequency at 100,000 watts, microwave frequency. And it bounces it off the ionosphere and then it comes back down. They were originally going to use it as a deep sea sonar device to track russian subs in the water. But once they got it built, they realized, hey, this thing can boil water. Hey, this thing can shift the weather.

Hey, this thing can cause earthquakes if you take two of them. You take one harp that’s broadcasting 100,000 watts and it’s broadcasting right at the convection point of two tectonic plates. Right at the point where you got friction in the tectonic plate, you broadcast that wave right there, it’s focused right on there. Then you take another one and let’s say this one’s at 7, you take this one and you put it at 6 hz or 5 hz, you get like this, it’s 100,000 watts right on an apex.

Can that cause an earthquake? Go look at the data on the Palma when the palma was blowing up. Go look at it. Go look at that data. And look at how many times harp was broadcasting onto that island. Go look at the data that happened in Turkey when that huge earthquake took place and killed 40,000 people. Go look at the data go look at the data. And so the fact is that these are weapons.

They’re well known. They’re well known among the community of a friend of mine, Nick baggage Jr. Was the foremost expert on harp and went public on this stuff in the. You know, he had all the data, all the patents, and he had a huge expose on this stuff. A brilliant guy who’s working up at UAF right now, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. But the point being is this. These things are weather modification devices that are being used in the United States and really throughout the world.

There’s chemtrails all over Europe by the fact these are being used all over the world, and they’re being used to change the weather, change the climate, and then they want to come to you and tell you you’re responsible for changing the climate because you have a tree. You’re responsible for changing the climate because you own a cow. See, it’s a cow fart that’s causing all of this. It’s not our 100,000 watt high antenna array broadcasting into your area.

That’s got nothing to do with. It. Has nothing to do with us dumping millions of tons of barium into the atmosphere. That doesn’t have anything to do with it. It’s you and your cow. That’s what’s causing it. You see, climate change is going to come to a reckoning this year, okay? They’re going to be confronted. They’re going to be confronted because I forget who it was. Ted rose or somebody.

Somebody at the UN was saying climate change is going to require $33 trillion. No, it was wef Harare. $33 trillion to address climate change. Okay, well, you low grade, parasitic thief scum. One thing I hope Americans could wake up and smell this. You have to be able to perceive and see a parasite when you see one. You got to recognize a parasite when you see them. A parasite is someone who doesn’t work for a living.

Parasite is someone who is not contributing value. They’re arguing with their mouth as to why they deserve your money. They got some story that’s coming out of their face as to why they deserve your life energy. Your life energy needs to be in my pocket, not in your pocket. And here’s the reason why. I’m bigger than you. I’m stronger than you. I’ve got a gun. I’ve got an idea.

We need to climate change. You’re going to die if you don’t do this. This is going to happen. You need a new road. Yeah, they’re con men, and that’s what you call the US Congress. They’re all parasites. They’re parasites. These people don’t work for a living. They go there to Mooch. They mooch off the american system based upon what comes out of their, you know, she went to an acting audition and got picked for Congress, right? Show me the productivity.

Show me where it is that they’re doing something that’s contributing to the world. Now, this is one thing I think I mentioned to you earlier. I don’t know, Scott. I may have or not, but in Russia and China, you see two things that are actively going on that have high significance. They have an increase in manufacturing, and they have an increase in industry in Russia as a result of this war that was brought to their doorstep.

They have dramatically improved manufacturing and industry. And of course, what was so hilarious about this is that the US corporations were, we’re going to sanction you. We’re sanctioning you. So Starbucks pulls out of Moscow. Oh, hey, all those Starbucks stores are now empty. I give them to you, Oligarch Petrovsky. You go in there, run the spicy bolshe Moybrug, boom, walk in there. My stores. That’s exactly what happened with all the McDonald’s.

Only the McDonald’s are now serving real food. Hey, no more human meat. Right now we’re going to serve the real beef product. So McDonald’s was taken over by a russian firm and then Exxon. We’re sanctioning you. Well, Exxon, hey, before you sanction us, do you recall you put $20 billion worth of equipment into Eugenos Sokkalinsk, Sakalin island? Yeah, that’s right. Well, we got to sanction you. Joe Biden told us to.

Great. Thanks for the 20 billion. Now, our infrastructure, Cyanara and the auto plants that had to pull out, they’re now building russian cars. They were fully automated. They were ready to go. Everything is there. Okay, you guys can’t do it anymore. Just keep the electricity on. We’ll put a russian name tag on it. And so this is what has happened. And so now Russia has geared up into a full automation.

Now, as a result, they’ve got a competing aircraft for the Boeing 737 that’s been developed, and I think that came out of Sukhoi. They’ve developed a very sophisticated, very nice plane. It’s a 737 competitor that they can use all over have. They’ve developed this new auto manufacturing that’s going on in Kaliningrad and other places. They’re moving in their own high speed train technology now. They’re not relying on other manufacturers, they’re building their own.

So here’s what’s going to happen at the end of the war, whenever it ends, Russia is going to be a manufacturing and industrial base to go along with the natural resource development. So they’re going to have a need for their own natural gas, their own oil. And there is going to be a great deal of industry and opportunity and manufacturing going on in Russia and in China, and there ain’t going to be any of that going on in Canada.

There’s not going to be any of it going on in the US. And the only thing that’s going to be manufactured here is going to be fentanyl. That’s going to be broadcast out of the drug cart, tells what you’re going to be running everything from Tijuana to Chicago, and that’s going to be it. There’s nothing else. What manufacturing do we have here? Boeing. Right? Boeing. The guys that gave us the seven three seven max.

Because there’s nobody home at the leadership level, right? Nobody home. So here you go. You can only kill the country so far until you forget how to go back. And we’re on the verge of that. We’re forgetting how to go back. Where are the people that know how to do iron and steel? Where are those people? The steel manufacturing is now completely, virtually, completely gone. Steel is gone.

Coal is gone. Nuclear energy is gone. Rubber manufacturing is gone. Electronic manufacturing is gone. Auto manufacturing. You know, the only pickup truck made in the United States is Scott. Do you know what it is? There’s only one pickup truck that’s actually manufactured in the United States. What do you think it is? GMC Toyota Tundra? Toyota Tundra? The Toyota tundra is made in Texas. It’s the only truck that’s made in the US.

F 150. All that stuff that’s all made Canada, Mexico, Brazil. It’s not made here. So here you go. Yeah, it’s shameful. I mean, we’re witnessing an apocalypse. We’re witnessing an eclipse where the United States of America that we knew in the is being eclipsed by this woke Democrat rhino global war regime. Joe Biden is the puppet master and it is going to spell out and spill out and trigger, I think, a complete disassembling of the continental United States and a reformation of America into smaller regions, like you’ve said before, the walled cities.

And I think as this happens, you’re going to see counties and people violently reorganize themselves. Know, I said this the other day, I could see people saying you know what? The Democrat party is outlawed in our county. If you’re a Democrat, you’re going to get shot in the head. There is no Democrats allowed in our county, in our town, in our state, because of every evil the Democrats have done.

They are the equivalent of the Nazis were the Germans. They didn’t allow the nazi party. The Russians don’t allow the muslim motherhood. I could see the Democrats being outlawed in smart areas of America because they’ve contributed and enabled and directed the destruction of America with this border invasion. I’ll end it there and hand it to you, Stephen, to get your closing thoughts. Go ahead. Yeah, I agree with that.

So in the long and the short of this, Scott, in 2024, I think we’re going to see a number of things happening. I think it’s going to be a year of reckoning. Now, all the reckoning is not going to transpire this year, but it’s going to begin. And the perps that have engaged in the kinds of crimes of destruction that they have done in the last four years, since 2020, all of those perps are going to be held to account.

They’re going to be held to account. And that includes all the perps in Ukraine that have been doing crimes against humanity with their terrorist acts in Donetsk and Lukansk and Crimea and other places. It’s also going to include the terrorist acts that are happening in Gaza and in Lebanon. There’s going to be an account. The accountability that comes to Israel is going to be a severe accountability. Let me play this video real quick.

Hold that thought, because I want to show you this video on Israel, what this guy just said. You may have seen this already, but it fits perfectly with what you’re saying. Let’s take a listen. It’s not that Hamas controls Gaza and Hamas is the enemy. It’s that Gaza contains Hamas and Gaza is the enemy. It’s very important to alter the terminology and change the very definition of the enemy.

And it is not important to warn people there to evacuate before we bomb the area. The answer is simply leveling the ground and killing the largest number of people possible because their women are enemies, their babies are enemies, their first graders are enemies. Hamas militants are enemies and their pregnant women are enemies. He says disgusting things. So their women are enemies, their babies are enemies. Their first graders are enemies.

According to this Jewish Israeli Zionist analyst, Stephen well, they’re know the Gazins are Goyim and all Goyim should be killed. They’re animals and they all should be killed. That’s according to the TaLmuD. So here’s the thing that these genocidalists don’t recognize. They don’t recognize international law. They don’t recognize that doing such thing as a crime against humanity. It’s been long defined by the Hague conventions, by the Geneva conventions, and by the UN charter.

But I’m going to ask you, Scott, how many nations do you know of can do the things that Israel does? Suppose, for instance, do you think the United States could, time after time, blow up the airport in Mexico City because we suspect drug runners are down there. So we just go down there and blow up the mexican airport, and when they get it rebuilt, we’ll blow it up again in Mexico City.

Could we just lob bombs into Toronto? Can we fly jets over and blow up a fertilizer facility on the coast of Toronto and say, we think there were terrorists there? Can we do that? Do you think the rest of the world would object to any of that kind of action? Do you think Spain can lob missiles into Luxembourg? Do you think that France can just blow up the airport in Belgium because we suspect that terrorists have flown through there? You know what we’re going to do? We’re going to blow up this port down here in Italy because they’re letting people from Libya into the country, right? Do you think any country in the world could do that? But Israel thinks that it has the right to do that to Syria.

It has the right to do that to Lebanon. It has the right to do that to Iran. Whenever it feels like, we’ll do it to Egypt. We’ll do it to whoever we feel like. We’ll shoot down an american ship, the USS Liberty, if we happen to feel like it. That’s what we feel like to it. So that’s what we’re going to do. And as for these people, they’re goyim.

They’re not even human beings. They’re animals. They’re goyim. They’ve got no right to live. They’re goyim. Why would we care? Gaza is the enemy. That geographical turf is the. No, Gaza is not the enemy. Gaza has oil that you want. Gaza has land that you want. Gaza has a place where you’re going to put the bengurian canal. It’s not that Gaza is the enemy. It’s that you’ve got bloodlust all over your mouth and you can’t wait to go down there and seize whatever value they may have because you discovered that it’s got value.

So suddenly. The land that you gave to them, now you have to take back which was rightfully theirs under UN resolution s. 181. So now what’s going to happen is I think you’re going to see Iran now is probably going to launch. I think what’s going to take place now is there’s going to be a concerted effort, and I think Turkey is going to join the fiasco. Now Turkey’s in, when they saw what happened in Beirut, Turkey is now in, Turkey’s now in the fight.

So now that Turkey is in, what I think you’re going to see happen is you’re going to see Hezbollah is going to target the, they’re going to be targeting the Knesset. They’re going to be targeting Netanyahu’s house. They’re going to be targeting the homes of israeli leadership in be, there’s going to be a massive bombardment on Tel Aviv and on Jerusalem and all their political leaders homes, which they know where they, so, you know, the israeli leaders might want to think about bunkers about now because they’re going to get blistered.

And I think you’re going to see Iran in particular is going to, I don’t know exactly how the Iranians are going to do it because they’ve got a lot of thought. They pulled out all their troops out of Iraq, and that means that they’re pulling out of the troops out of Iraq because they’re planning on a different deployment. And they’re planning on a significant deployment. I don’t know how that deployment is going to go.

I don’t know if they’re going to come up from Yemen, from Yemen or if they’re going to come through Jordan or I don’t know what they’re going to do. I have no idea. But I have a suspicion that there is going to be a salvo of hypersonics coming into Israel that is going to do some extremely serious damage. Extremely serious damage. And when Israel crosses the border in Lebanon with massive troops, they’re going to be facing turkish f, they’re going to be facing turkish, they’re going to be facing turkish tanks and there’s going to be a whole flotilla of turkish munitions moving in that direction.

Syria has already engaged. Syria has already engaged. And so Syria is going to be shutting down the Golan and Syria is going to be armed with russian weaponry as well. I think Russia is going to turn on all the weapons and give them more. Yeah. And so if that’s the case, you’re going to be seeing a great deal of drones coming into Israel. You’ll be seeing those know kamikaze drones coming in, the garen drones coming in.

And the Lord help the Israelis if Hezbollah or Syria or somebody shows up with those lancets. Those lancets are tank killers, they’re armor killers, and they’re extremely effective. And they’ve had a huge success rate against all NATO armament in Ukraine and including howitzers. And Turkey is not going to allow any american planes to fly from its land to attack Hezbollah or do any operations in Israel, I would presume.

I think Biden has washed his hands. Biden just pulled the Gerald Ford task group out of the hear. And now you hear the Biden administration coming out saying, you need to tell your people who are saying, we’re going to relocate all of these people in Gaza into the Congo to shut their mouth. You need to tell them to shut their face. And the Jews are know, you shut your face, we’ll tell you what to do.

You won’t tell us what to do. And so here we see that this is what’s going on now with this kind of a discussion that’s going on. First of know, the Israelis don’t know, but the true promised land given to Abraham is most likely the Serengeti. Right? So if you’re going to put Gaza’s back down, and don’t be surprised if you move all of Gaza into the promised land of Abraham, that they won’t be looking to take that land from them, too, as soon as they discover what they’ve, you know, they’re promise breakers.

They’re deal breakers. They’re treaty breakers. They all operate under fake names. They’re identity thieves. Netanyahu, that isn’t his real name. His real name was Wozkowski. He was a furniture salesman in Pennsylvania. He’s not no gift from God, Netanyahu. Right. And these guys all operate under false names. They all have fake names and they’re operating under fake, you know, Israel was created by pedophiles for pedophiles. That’s why it was created.

And that’s where it is. And so here you go. So you’ve got this state, and this state is coming in and say, we’re going to do this and we’re just going to kill babies, we’re going to kill women and children on and on. We don’t care what the international community thinks. We’ve never cared what the international community thinks. That’s why the Jews have been kicked out of over 1000 countries and empires over their 15, 2000 year history.

Over 1000 places they’ve been kicked out. Why? Because they don’t care what the world thinks. They could care less. We’re just going to do what we want to do. Well, okay. Well, here’s the thing. What’s coming now is going to be going to be a complete islamic response. I don’t know if you know how many arms Saudi Arabia has. They posed 2000 f 16s on a Runway when there was a battle that was getting ready to break out in Iraq.

2000. So these guys. Saudi Arabia is not under armed in any respect, and neither is Iran. And I think Iran has received its orders of su 35s. So the israeli f 15 and the vaunted f 35, which is almost as vaunted as the m one. Abrams. Dang. Well, the Iranians have. Their missile technology is superior to China’s. When I was there, I was shown a whole tour of all their weapon technology.

And their accuracy is extraordinarily precise because they have a religious conviction not to shed innocent blood, but that makes them very lethal. So when you talk about targeting the leadership of Israel, it’s very easy to do with iranian missiles. Iranian drones flying over Iraq, flying through Yemen, Syria, Turkey, not to mention Pakistan. Not to mention. The biggest thing that could be done is the islamic clerics in all of these islamic countries declaring a fatwa, declaring a promissory note to go to heaven.

If you go and liberate the women and children who are innocent being slaughtered, you could have a billion Muslims marching to Israel. And then what would they do? And you already see them marching from. Yeah, yeah. And of course, the, you know, the UK and the US are getting ready to declare war on. They’ve given an ultimatum to the hooties and the hooties are like, oh, really? Come on down.

Yeah, butter is warm. Yeah. The hooties have said, we have waited a long time. We’re tired of fighting proxies for America. We want to fight Americans. Yes. We’re tired of fighting british proxies. We want to fight Brits. We want to fight them here in this know. And at the end result, what’s going to be Red Sea is going to remain closed for the foreseeable future. Yes. So, again, this is brain dead guys going, well, we’ll just go down there and kick your butt.

Is that going to open the Suez Canal? Why don’t you think about what’s going to open the Suez Canal? Oh, because Israel wants to kill every man, woman and child in Gaza and they’re not going to stop until they do. And so we can’t do anything about that. You can’t tell the Israelis. No, you’re not going to do that, right? Yeah. Why not? Because Jeffrey Epstein has all their names in a little black book.

Ehud Barak. His name is in that book, too. Yeah. The Jewish. The former prime minister. Yeah. Not Ehud. Not Ehud Barrack, but Ahud Barak. Right. Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, and it’s not pronounced Epstein, actually. It’s actually Epstein. Stein. The, I would be the vowel that gets the pronunciation, not the E. Epstein. It’s not like Frankenstein. It’s Frankenstein. And so here we go. So we have this situation going on.

And so the blackmail routine, the blackmail role. And by the way, there’s a lot of discussion. Know, our good friend, that you kind of opened the show about being involved in a blackmail scheme. But explain a. There is but this blackmail role that’s been managed by the Mossad with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell at the head, at the tip of the spear. These guys are blackmailing. You know, there has to be some methodology.

We have to figure out a methodology to. Well, let me say what it is. In a sense, it’s revolution. It’s the Cromwell revolution, where Cromwell went in, and maybe we need Doug McGregor being Cromwell, going in saying, you’re all fired. The halls of Congress are closed until further notice, and we’re going to have new elections because every one of you son of a bitches has been compromised with blackmail and child sexual.

And we’re not going to let you prove yourselves innocent. You’re all found guilty, you’re all kicked out of office, and new blood is being required. A complete blood transfusion in the american body politic is needed. And only a revolutionary pattern type of leader, a Cromwell sort of leader, can rise up and do that, or a series of them. But I think that’s maybe Doug McGregor is the guy.

For know, McGregor is not a vice president. Maybe McGregor is the guy. Maybe McGregor is the guy. Maybe he is intelligent guy, smart, who knows that we need to mind our own business. But you’re starting to sound like a wee bit of the Scotsman that were behind the know. When it works, you use it again. Well, that goes without saying, does that. Yeah. So anyway, there are so many things on the table.

We know this for sure, that no matter what we predict in 2024, this is going to be a very volatile year. Nothing of what we expect is going to happen. And the unexpected is very likely at every echelon. And so for us as a people, we need to concentrate on our own righteousness. We need to concentrate on building a righteous social order. That’s what we need to concentrate on from the grassroots up.

Return to the things you know. And this is the beauty of, like, the new generation. They’re getting chickens, they’re raising a garden. They’re doing these kinds of things. Return to the things you know and do those things well. Be a simple person, live a simple life, and get away from the convenient life, the convenient digital life where your phone is going to wipe your butt for you. Forget about that.

All the technology. Move away from technology. The farther you get away from technology, the farther away you are from Bill Gates. And the farther away you are from Bill Gates, the less odor you have on you. Amen. Stephen Pigeon, thank you for joining us. It’s very refreshing and we will certainly be watching. And I think this is the time. 2024 is going to be the most volatile, but we pray the most redeeming.

We pray for our lord in heaven to be glorified and for a cleansing to come upon this country. So thank you for joining us. Thank you for joining us on globalfreedomtv. com. Go to our website, and we will see you next week. Good night. God bless. Thanks, Scott. Bye. .


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