What should we be asking the #SecretService ?
This was pretty simple. And it now turns out that that SWAT team that we’ve seen in the iconic photographs, the ones to the right of Trump on the sloped roof, apparently there was a tree that obscured part of their vision of where the shooter was. So that’s why the team that was on the building to the left of Trump, they actually did have a clear vision, clear line of sight. And the final question is, why wasn’t Donald Trump pulled from the stage once there were questions raised about who is this guy climbing up on this roof? Why? That’s very simple.
And we’ve already caught the Secret Service director, Cheetle, lying or displaying gross incompetence when she said, oh, the counter sniper team, they were on the roof. You can’t have a steep roof. And yet they were on a steeper roof than what the shooter was on. I mean, it just, you know. Meaning what? They were afraid to do their job because they thought they were going to fall off the roof? No, they were saying that they couldn’t see the sniper because he was on a steeper roof. I mean, it’s just… Larry, these are great questions. These are profound questions.