What Is The Matrix!? How To Break Out Of The System Of Control…

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots


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➡ This dialogue on Nino’s Corner TV between Nino and his guest, Wonderbob, revolves around overcoming addiction, pursuing spiritual growth, and the subsequent mental and physical well-being achieved through holistic practices. They discuss addiction, using natural remedies like conjugated Leonic acid to aid with weight loss, and their experiences with indigenous plant and animal medicinal practices, such as the use of combo frog secretion for healing.
➡ The text recounts the transformative journey of an individual through traditional and spiritual healing practices, detailing experiences of detox, dealing with family trauma, enlightenment and personal discovery. These practices included everything from the application of frog medicine to encountering unexpected psychic baggage, all under the guidance of an experienced shaman, highlighting the significance of a sacred, secure space for these sessions to be effective.
➡ An individual recounts a transformative spiritual journey with a guide, helping them find new purpose and direction in life through overcoming obstacles and challenging themselves physically and emotionally. This journey helped them deal with personal traumas, cut ties with negative energies, and embrace a higher sense of self-worth and belief in their capabilities. The experience provided valuable insights into the destruction and confusion caused by harmful substances and addictive behaviors.
➡ Discourses the speaker’s struggle with societal pressures surrounding alcohol, emphasizing that abstaining from it is not a sign of weakness but a conscious decision. The speaker also mentions their endeavors in practicing a clean lifestyle, focusing on conscious music and plant-based diet, to achieve clarity and a receptive state of mind. They talk about their fight against the suppressive forces dominating society like court systems, drugs, and dishonest media, hinting at an unseen evil magic. They stress a new available frequency, combining love and magic, which they believe can counteract these dark forces. The speaker furthermore talks about a personal transformation story, wherein they were viewed as aggressive and brutal but transformed into a conscious, optimistic person they identify with today. They urge everyone to champion love and mutual support, suggesting coordinated efforts rather than relying on governments or big businesses, and ultimately highlighting the importance of spiritual awakening and self-exploration.
➡ The speaker expresses gratitude to a supportive friend, emphasizes the power of prayer, and the importance of helping and supporting others in their dreams. They discuss their belief systems and the necessity of maintaining personal faith. The speaker advocates for self-improvement, stating that it’s okay to be selfish and focus on personal growth, comparing it to the airplane warning of putting on your own oxygen mask before assisting others. They mention their belief that societal tools for consciousness dampen are available today than ever before and identifying substances like alcohol that allegedly lower consciousness. Lastly, they discuss the idea of becoming more aware and increasing one’s vibratory field for living a fulfilled life.
➡ The text discusses the concept of archons and control by AI, potential effects of advanced civilizations on their planet, the role of ancient beings and dark matter in creating balance with technology, the cycle of resetting humanity through events like asteroid impacts, the grand cycle of 25,900 years, and the signification of the years 1987 and 2012 according to Mayan calendar. It also mentions spiritual guidance and the importance of internal exploration, and lastly, an appreciation of nature during hikes.
➡ The speaker thanks everyone for their spiritual practices, encourages personal growth, and emphasizes the power of love — a force greater than the human understanding that makes us invincible. They urge people to follow guidance, act courageously, and trust in the abundant support around them, while expressing gratitude for shared moments.


All right, folks. Welcome to Nino’s Corner TV. I’m joined with Wonderbob, one of my favorite guests, because we go back a few years and he’s helped me through a lot of my trials and tribulations spiritually. So I hold this guy very dear to my heart. Bob, you’re a wonderful friend of mine and I love having you on. Before we get started, we’re going to be talking about what we talking about today, Bob? Well, we’re going to be talking about how addictive substances have been used to control humanity and how to get out of it.

And I’m one to say that it was controlling me for quite a while. But first, folks, first lean up. You got to lean up. Get your trim with Nino, baby. According to the CDC, 73. 6% of adults are overweight, and a further 40% of those adults are fat or just obese. This is why I highly recommend including this amazing supplement into your daily routine. It contains naturally sourced ingredients from Mother Earth to support weight loss.

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I’m on it. I think since the last time you saw me, Bob, I’ve lost like, 18 pounds. Give some of that to me, man. Yeah, it’s not just that, though. I’m also like, look, I’m getting trim. I’ve been on this stuff. I’ve been fasting a little bit. I’ve been doing my cardio every day. You got to do it all. You got to do it all. So anyway, enough about me.

Enough about my weight loss. Bob, it’s great to have you back on. Thanks. So how do we even begin here? Because I know that there’s a lot of anchors with me personally. I can speak on my battles that I had. And you knew me when I was battling with alcohol. When I was battling with I didn’t think I even had a problem. Like they say, the first step is realizing I have a problem.

With me, I didn’t even know I really had a problem. I knew something was wrong, but I thought it was my depression which was causing me to drink. And that’s the problem with most people is they think that, oh, adding with drinking, I’ll just take some pills, some pharmaceutical pills to help my depression, when really you should be eliminating these things out of your life and digging in and digging deep within to start healing yourself.

And with me, I had to quit drinking altogether and it healed everything, A through Z. So it wasn’t adding anything to it. I wasn’t quitting drinking and then adding a pill, a pharmaceutical pill, or a sleeping pill. All of that just started falling off as soon as I quit drinking. So the most important thing for me was to quit drinking. Yeah. When you came here, you had had the back operation, and I could feel so I’m claire sentient so what that means is I can feel in my body what you’re feeling in your body.

So when you show up and you got pain in your back, I can feel that pain in my back. And that’s what helps me to direct the energy to help you. And so we were getting that. One of the most important things that we did was we hiked on top of that crystal, quartz outcropping, and I put your body up there, and then I channeled the energy from the earth up through your body to cleanse and purify what was happening in your Pranic tube.

Your Pranic tube is your central shaft of light that comes through your body. You can see like a little baby has a soft spot in the top of the head. It’s like a blow hole. That’s where the chronic tube comes in. It’s literally this big. If you put your middle finger and your thumb together, it’s that big. And it comes down and it comes out through the bottom of your body and your torso.

That’s called, say, every visit that I’ve had with you. Do you mind can I disclose where you’re at? Sure, yeah, go for it. So Bob is in Crestone, Colorado. I guess they call it the Mini Tibet of the west. Right. And it’s like, to me, it’s very sacred. I need to go up there again. Every time I got up there, it was incremental steps, because that’s how much I needed the healing.

Every time I went up there, we took another step. Another step? Another step. Every trip that I made up there, I found something else out about myself. I had to process it. And it was incremental phases. Right. You took me in incremental phases. The first time was, can I talk about the things we did, or can we not say it on YouTube? No. So what I’d like you to know is what’s really cool is the laws in Colorado have changed, and everything’s legal, everything’s cool.

So you can talk about anything you want. Really? We don’t have to be cautious like we were. Okay. Thank God. Medicine with you. And it was very incremental. We did the combo on my shoulder, which the frog medicine. Right. Which les can we share this experience? It was crazy. Like most people, you’ve never seen this happen to somebody before. So this medicine, folks, this plant medicine, psilocybin. Can I say the other one, too? Sure.

DMT well, it’s called Jerema that you experienced. And Jerema is a vine. It’s similar to ayahuasca but the difference is that it doesn’t morph the reality. It makes everything more vibrant and more aware so we were able to use that to get your consciousness online. So there’s a process that we go through. And the first process that I had to use with you is to detox, because I could sense you had the alcohol in your body, you had the pharmaceuticals in your body, you had this really evasive surgery and implants in your body.

Now, and I’m going like, Holy crap, I got to really step it up and get this guy cleared out. So that’s what we started to do. So remember, we were removing implants and entities and all of that other stuff. Now, I was played with them. Right? Right, Bob? I was played with these was it was it was more than, uh there was other things that we cleared out that were even deeper that I was not aware of until our last visit, which was pretty profound.

So you were getting messed with pretty heavily. And that happens especially if you’re a high profile person, you’re a target because you can affect many different people in a good way. So your overlay of the angst and the funk and the junk and the control systems was heavy upon you. And you call these control systems ARCONs. Right. That’s the thing that we were able to clear out from you.

So you were dancing with the ARCONs for some reason, and we got help. We got help through a brother, and we got help through some consciousness that night that got us face to face with that entity, and we were able to remove it. So I was so grateful that we were able to get you clear. And we pulled it off before. Yeah. And then I actually was able to hike the whole mountain this time to the point that the sacred circle that you wanted me to go to, which is we’ll go into that.

But first, folks, when I first went to visit Bob of Encrestone, we did incremental steps, real basic stuff. I couldn’t even get up, I don’t know the first hill of the mountain. The first hill. But he got me to certain first was going to this tree that we went to where I did the combo medicine in which you burnt holes in my skin, right. Three little holes. And you put in this combo frog.

Do you want to explain what this was? And this medicine is very intelligent. Yeah, there’s a really highly intelligent process called combo, which is that’s the toad, the Amazonian toad, and the medicine is called SAPO. So SAPO is a secretion that this toad emits. And what it does is it gives a bad taste in the mouth of, like, snakes and things like that, so they’re not eaten. So these guys, these amazing people, they figured out how to collect this.

It’s like a slime on the body of the toad, and they collect it on a stick. And then we get that. And then what we do is we reconstitute this substance with your saliva so your body can receive it, and we have to apply it to the skin. So we have to make a couple of openings in the skin with small blisters. They’re tiny. They’re not very big.

And then what that does is it goes into the body, and it will address chemical trauma, emotional trauma, sometimes past life trauma. It’s unbelievable. And then what it does is it unravels that stuff and liquefies it, and then you either have to get well, or you got to take a poop. So it’s one or the other. Well, the way it affected me was very different. Right? I mean, you were shocked the way it affected me.

I was shocked, me being a fighter, folks, that I really didn’t have much respect for anything. I didn’t have much respect for the medicine at all. This medicine is so intelligent that it literally not kidding. You knocked me out. It knocked me me I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it cut me out. I lost consciousness and fell from the tree. And you picked me up with leaves all over my face and pines.

Right? Well, Bob, I mean, that’s the way it made me. Yeah, that’s what happened, right? Yeah. So it wasn’t just any tree. We were at the grandmother tree, and the grandmother tree is, like, the first tree of the forest. It’s this huge, beautiful, ginormous ponderosa pine tree with these huge ginormous, like, loving arms, and we were under its boughs, and I was led to take you there. Now, normally, I wouldn’t do that.

I would just do it here at the Mystic Mountain Retreat house. I wouldn’t take you out into the wild, but I was led to do that, so you had to be at this tree. So when I took you to the tree, you were sitting down. And so we applied the medicine, and it was working, and everything was cool, and then I thought we were done, and I stood you up, and then as soon as you stood up, man, the tree just koed you.

I mean, you went down, and I was like, yeah, I didn’t know. You’re a big guy, and I’m doing everything I can to hold on to you, to make sure your head’s safe so it won’t hit anything. And I’m like, Holy, I’m helping you get koed. I remember waking up and you’re taking the leaves off my face, and I had blood. I scraped my ear. I scraped my shoulder.

I got knocked out by a medicine. You got knocked out? Yeah. That’s the only way that I knocked you out. But I said, I’m not powerful enough to do that. But I was really amazed. And then you came too, and it was like, okay, now this guy’s willing to receive. He can receive now. So the tree knew that that’s what needed to happen. And if you really think about it or know, like, for, you know, the Buddha.

How did he become enlightened? He put his back against a tree and that bodhi tree, you know, the way is balanced, the way know a different way. And all of a sudden, instantly he became enlightened. So these trees are really powerful beings. So you got the benefit from the grandmother tree also, right there. Is that a grandmother medicine or grandfather medicine? No, it’s not. It’s a frog medicine.

So we usually say grandfather for things like peyote and bactus, desert like medicine. And then the jungle medicine is referred to as grandmother. So that would be ayahuasca Jeremiah. Why was it important that I took the combo before I took the Jerema? Well, here’s the thing. If you are full of entities and implants and your soul is fractionated, in other words, you’re a multidimensional being, and you’re not in the here and the now.

And I’m trying to run epic light and magic through you. It’s distorted. I mean, it’s confused. It’s distorted. It’s like trying to like a shattered mirror. Like a shattered mirror, yeah, exactly. Fractals it’s all fractionated. Exactly. So then we got to get you into a space that’s whole and repair the damage if we can, or at least get the process going. And then after that, then we can start to help you.

So, I mean, the process that I use is really simple. The first day is detox, and we use the combo, the frog medicine for that. And then the second day is family issues. So you remember when we were hiking the mountain and all that family stuff came up and you were angry because you didn’t the last time. Right. And you wanted to check on him last time or the time before that when we hiked the mountain? That okay.

So, yeah, I didn’t know what was going to come up when you gave me the San Pedro. Yeah. So when I took the San Pedro and we began the hike, I remember that I thought I would be thinking about things that were actually bothering me in that moment, but that’s not what happened. What happened was all of a sudden this baggage started coming up with my mom. And as I was carrying the bag on my back, I could feel my mother on my back constantly nagging me and complaining to me and me worrying about her and her worrying about me and the whole mountain signified.

When I was hiking up that mountain, the whole time, all I kept thinking about was my mother, the problems I had with my mother. And I would have never guessed that would have came up. I never would have imagined that was going to be the thing that pulled out of me. That got pulled out of me. Right. And that’s ancient family trauma. So the other thing to remember is when we’re experiencing this family trauma, you’ve had many other relationships with your mom and your dad before you got to remember you’ve incarnated hundreds of thousands of times.

It’s not just one or two or 100 times. It’s a lot. And so it’s all the times when you were mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, childhood friends, schoolhood friends, business partners, and all of that trauma, drama, upset, and know that you’re carrying, you can release and let go of. And that’s what’s really so when you’re in a sacred container and the Native Americans lakota call this the sacred hoop, and first step is you got to have a sacred space.

You got to have a space where you’re not going to get attacked and that you can process and we can send all of this light and magic up through your hold on Bob. So it’s important for people to know this. When you do this type of medicine, you have to be in a sacred space. You cannot just do this with anybody. It’s very people. You got to be with somebody that knows what they’re doing that can protect the correct.

Exactly. Exactly. Because so many people watch us and be like, oh, I’m going to go try this and I’m going to go do this. It’s not like that. I can call you a medicine man, right? A shaman. Sure. You got to be with somebody that knows what they’re doing. This is dangerous, right? It can be dangerous. The medicine itself isn’t dangerous. But if you’re not I mean, can you imagine if there was this one student of mine that she did for the very first time, and she was not in a sacred space and she was not in a sacred container.

She was with a friend. And a friend that was a guy, and his girlfriend got threatened by her, calls the police on her, and she literally got tased. She got tased while she was on I can’t imagine. I just can’t imagine what that would be like. So you got to make sure that somebody’s looking after you. And there’s another thing too. It’s like I’m the lighthouse. So when you’re going off into the dimensions and having all the experiences, my job is to be the beacon to get yourself back in the body and reintegrate and that sort of thing.

But the other thing that I do is I spirit walk with you. Like when you’re having your experience, I’m right there with you so you’re not alone. And literally, I can hold your hand through any experience. And that’s really powerful. So that’s really neat. What we ultimately are seeking to get to is, who am I as an incarnated soul and what’s my life’s purpose? And if we can get to that, that’s brilliant.

Because if you’re a dog and you’re pretending to be a cat, things are confusing and all of a sudden, well, I’m a dog, I’m not a cat. It’s like all these people keep trying to tell me I’m a cat. And so you listen to them because you listen to all the people that tell you everything instead of operating from your internal guidance system. When I went up to the mountain with you, I lost my all sense of direction and all sense of purpose.

Before I went to go see you, I remember I was just defeated. I had an unblemished record 36 and got knocked out twice. First, I got my face ripped open with a knife. I overdosed on drugs. I was a mess. And I was now, at that point, drinking myself into the gutter, into the abyss. I was done. And I had no purpose. I had no purpose. And I remember all I wanted to find was when I went to go see you was just find some just give me this much.

Something to make me believe that I could keep going on something. Just anything to give me just give me this much to where I can hold on to that and move forward with my life. Because I had nothing. I felt like I was on some canoe in a black sea with no direction, no compass, and it was midnight, and I just was still water, like I had nowhere to go.

I was that lost. And I think by going to see you and I think a man without a purpose, to me is like it’s just a ticking time bomb. You just self destruct. And once going with you and going on these spiritual journeys gave me a sense of direction and newfound purpose in my life to be brave enough to step into the outside world again and try something new.

So I got to say thank you for that. Yeah, well, thank you for showing up. And the other thing, once we had done all the work and got you clear, that was a big thing to get you clear, I took you out onto the creek, and then I let the creek remember, we put your feet upstream and your head downstream, and we let the creek wash through you.

And then in that moment, then I was able to fill your body with magic. And once your body then could receive, I had to get you to a place where you could receive. And then once your body was filled with magic you can call it shockti or earth energy, any of these types of things, then all of a sudden, all of these things start coming together for you.

And so it was really exciting to watch you finally get to your purpose in sharing the information, to give people hope and inspiration, at least to expose the foolishness that’s going on on the. So I’m grateful that you allow me to contribute to your journey, and we’re both blessed by it. Thank you. You’re my still want to I want to reiterate this to my audience because they know I’m Christian, and I believe in Jesus Christ.

I absolutely believe in Christ. But I think all things have a purpose, and I think it’s in a spiritual world. It’s way more complicated than any of us can imagine. And I believe all things serve a purpose. And, Bob, you served a purpose with me, and you helped eliminate a lot of these ARCONs that were attached to me. But I had to break through barriers. I had to break through a lot of barriers.

Remember, I couldn’t even hop across a creek. Remember, there was just some stones there. You hopped across it real quick. And I looked at it and I was like, oh, Bob, I can’t do this. And you know what? I’m like? My back was hurting so bad, and then I just started believing in myself. I was able to start to do more. And it was so symbolic to me this last time that I visited you, to hike that mountain and go all the way to the top to that sacred circle at the Never.

I would have never believed I could have done that, especially after back surgery and everything I went through, and especially on that San Pedro medicine, because I was dealing with such heavy baggage and demons on the way up that mountain. I mean, folks, my feet were bleeding. I had blisters on every toe. I lost three no, four toenails. One came off later. I lost three on the way up.

I was bleeding in my boots, and it was treacherous for me. It was very hard to get up this mountain, but you just kept going a little further and saying, Come on. He kept waving at me, come on. Come on. And then Steve would get up there with you and look down at me and go, come on, buddy, you got it. I’m like I’m like the big fat kid.

I couldn’t get up the mountain, and I’m like, oh, my gosh, I can’t let these guys down. And I kept going, and I kept going, and I found it on myself to get to this place. That was beautiful. And right when we got to the top of this mountain, folks, it was like a movie. It was like this beautiful basin lake, pure lake at the very top of the mountain, this beautiful lake.

And then we got a little higher up, and we went to this sacred circle. And right when we got up there, it started snowing for the first time that fall or that winter. And I was like, oh, boy, we better get down now, because it’s coming down. But every step of the journey that you’ve taken me with you, I feel like I was part of a Lord of the Rings or something, man.

It was like the most amazing experience of my life. And I still have the staff. Stay right here’s. He’s getting a staff. Here’s my staff. There you go. He still got it. All right. I have my staff that I hiked with. Does it have the runes on it. Does it have the runes on it? Like the little squiggly marks? Yes. So what happens? This is really fun. So those little squiggly marks are from beetles that are eating the wood.

Now, they don’t just eat the wood. What they do is they want the yummy wood. And so the trees in this high vibrational area are literally growing in this field of magic, and the trees can take the magic up into themselves. And then as they do that, it makes little pathways, and it’s like a light language almost. And then the beetles, then what they do is they come up and they eat those pathways because it’s more delicious than the other pathways.

And then when you look at that stick, it’s literally a language, and you can get symbolic information from it. It’s really cool. Yeah. I keep it in my office. I look at it all. It reminds me every day of the journey that my spiritual journey that you smashed through so many paradigms with me that I keep it right here next to me to remind me that because it was very symbolic of life, making it up that mountain for me and dealing with the trauma of my mom, my family, being on that medicine and getting to the top when I thought I couldn’t make it.

And to break through those barriers spiritually, mentally, emotionally. The whole way up that mountain was this staff. I look at it every day when I’m doing my programming. It’s right here. Yeah. What’s critical to know is that all of this energetic obsfucation, which means confusion, that’s placed in your body by design, if you just study, like, for why? Why did the three letter agencies introduce right into Los Angeles? Nobody had ever heard of that before, but they figured out a way to get it to the people cheaply so that they could create addiction, confusion.

Historically, you’ve got to imagine the civilizations, the ancient civilizations, they used alcohol pretty much. And if you try to find oh, yeah, it’s way worse than that. But what alcohol in general does is it opens up a portal in your cerebral cortex. It’s literally a hole. And then you’re giving permission for all these discarnates to come into your body. And you’ll see people that get tipsy, and all of a sudden their voice changes, or they want to hug you or love you, or they want to fight with you or run you over with their truck or slice your face open with a knife.

They want to do all of these things, and it’s not necessarily them. It’s all of the entities that they’ve given permission through the alcohol to do all of this stuff. That’s why they call it liquor and spirits. Yeah. They’re inviting wine spirits. Yeah. And most of the time, I got tipsy gosh, a long time ago, and I was just so embarrassed by the way I acted, and it was like I wasn’t in control and I was so embarrassing.

It’s like, I just can’t do this. And you can tell it’s a poison. So if I were to give you small amounts of rat poison, you would get a euphoric feeling, and if I gave you a lot, you would die. It’s the same thing. Alcohol poisoning is the same thing. If I give you too much alcohol, you will die. It’s poison. If you want to enjoy yourself at night, I don’t like smoking.

I don’t smoke it. I don’t like that loss of consciousness. I don’t like it either, but I’d much rather deal with a pothead than a drunk, because a pothead is probably going to give you a hug. And if they do get in their car and drive, they’re going to be going 20 miles an hour, totally paranoid, going like, oh, please God, don’t let me hit anybody. And that’s probably what’s going to happen.

But there is a warrior aggressiveness that occurs with alcohol that keeps people on and you can lose consciousness. You could have those knot offs and with alcohol, where driving your car or something, you not offer, yeah, you can pass out. But all of this stuff, it’s promoted. It’s designed to create confusion. I do not know how these amazing women in the 1920s were able to get legislation out there to eliminate alcohol.

Man, they really had some vision and foresight. Unfortunately, our society was not ready for that. The addiction was just too great. They say moderation is key with everything, but to a everyone, everyone tells me the same thing. Well, you could just have a glass of come on, have a glass of wine with dinner, or you could just have a couple beers, can’t you? What’s wrong? Every time I tell somebody I quit alcohol, they all say the same thing.

Oh, you couldn’t hold your liquor. Oh, what’s wrong with you? Just the fact they asked me that shows me what’s wrong with them. What’s wrong with exactly that? It’s so normalized that they think it’s normal to ask me that question, like, oh, you just can’t hold your liquor. No, you can’t either. Nobody can. It’s a poison. Nobody can. It’s poison. Yeah. And even if somebody has been drinking and then we do the consciousness work and the energetic work, like, if there’s been alcohol in the body over the last week, it’s really difficult.

It’s not fun. I was experimenting with what can I accomplish? Like, can I do this kind of work with somebody who’s a little tipsy or somebody who’s had alcohol in the body? And it’s just a waste of time. It’s a complete waste of my energy and time. The message is absolutely not. I’m not like a tea totaler. I tell everybody, follow your consciousness, do what works for you.

And if you need to eat meat, eat meat. If you don’t need to eat meat, don’t eat meat. Me, I’ve been a vegetarian. For 38 years. And I don’t drink, I don’t smoke. I do my best not to use foul language, so I listen to conscious music. So the key is to create as much clarity and cleanness in your state of being so that you can receive the energy and the magic that we’re delivering to you.

And so the exciting part, this this dark magic that’s been used, it’s a masculine version of magic that’s been used essentially comes from Europe to hold down Western Asia, to hold us down, to dumb down our consciousness. Yeah. And it’s used in especially used in the court systems. I’ve seen finance the whole system. Right, Bob? I mean, we’re trapped in this system to hold us down, to hold humanity down.

The prison system, the court system, drugs, alcohol that’s endorsed and pushed out to society, even the schooling system is indoctrination. Television, MSM the whole thing. That’s the matrix. That’s the system of the Matrix, correct? Right. And that Matrix exists because they’re applying a magic to it. So what I’d like everyone to know is that there is a new frequency and a new vibration that is available to us that is now feminine.

And so what that means is this quality of shockti energy, magic has been combined with the frequency of love, which is really exciting. So that means that if you want to do magic, you have to be in a space of love first. And if you can’t be loved, then you don’t have access to magic anymore. And that’s why everything is visible. That’s why you’re seeing stuff that was hidden before.

We’re exposing this foolishness, and it’s working. So I’m excited about it. Explain that. So bless your heart for doing that. You’ve told me many times, and you’ve told me when I came up to the mountain to see you, that you were waiting for me to come, like you expected me to come. I don’t know if you want to go into that. The fact that I’m doing what I’m doing now is I’m blown away because you said that I was going to be doing this kind of I don’t know if we want to get into that.

Maybe that’s for another time or maybe that’s just private. Maybe we should keep that private mission. Yeah, that’s part of your mission. And as you got here, well, the ultimate thing is to figure out who we are and what our mission is. And so this energy, this love, it’s kind, it’s considerate, it’s in allowance and all that other stuff. But guess what? We’ve got to deliver it. And so we called in the one person that can deliver love, and that way you needed a champion, and that’s you.

So we needed the champion of the heart, and that’s Nino. And I’m climbing the mountain with you, and I’m going like, you’re not this horrible, aggressive, brutalizing I thought you were going to be like, this guy’s, he’s the champ. He’s the boxer. And it’s like, I’m going to take him up here and what’s he going to do, beat me up or something? I was expecting some aggressive behavior.

And I’ve seen some of the foolishness that comes out of the promotion. Like Don King, like, listening to that guy, it’s like, that’s a horrible person. Oh, my God. And it’s coming out of this vicious place where they torture these boxers and push them beyond their limit. I look at Muhammad Ali and when I saw him with a cane and he was just like, shaking. And I was like, God, they just damaged that guy, this beautiful man.

And then the one boxer bites the ear off another boxer. It’s like, why is he doing that? And I think it’s just so vicious. He just wants out. It’s like, I don’t have a way out. I need to get out of this because there’s not a retirement plan for me. They’ll use me to the very last moment exactly what that was. So when you came up, I was like, this is not that vicious boxing guy.

He’s educated. He’s got some ideas of consciousness. I can tell that you’re very optimistic. And it’s like, this guy’s my tribe. How did you get into the ring and start beating people up? I don’t know. Personally, I have never in my entire life hit another human being. I have not hit another human being for you and so many people. Yeah. And I was like, whoa, this is a big shift and a change.

But we need not just you to be the champion. It’s not like in the times of Jesus, we needed a blueprint. We needed this one person to come and give us an example of what we could be. This is the ultimate human potential of what you can do. And he said like, all these things and more you’re going to do. And when you do them, you’re going to do them better than me because I’m just the blueprint for what you can become.

So it’s up to all of us to follow Nino’s lead and take the champion of the heart and then take that into ourselves. And then we’ve got to be the champion because the only way is through. And there’s a reason why we incarnated with 8 billion souls is we’ve got to do it together and we’ve got to love each other and support each other. And this is a group effort.

This is not one person. And the answers are not going to come from the government or big business or big farm. I mean, you name it, it’s all out there. It’s like, basically the way I look at you and the way I look at where you’re at in Mystic Mountain, which I hate, I told you from the I hate. I’m going to really hate bringing you on my shows because I don’t want people to know about you.

And that’s just my selfish feeling because I love you and I want to be. It’s sacred to me. It’s really sacred to me that you’re up there, and I feel like it’s my place to go, but I think people need to know about what you’re able to do and how you help people. I think you’re really the take I’m just putting this out there to a mass audience, but you really are the gem.

And first and foremost, folks, like I say, I believe in Jesus Christ. That’s first and foremost. But I think there’s other tools to access spirituality and your awakening. And I think Bob did a great job for me, and I just feel like it’s my duty to pay him back in a way that I feel everybody should explore this and take the first step of their journey. And for me, many of you watching this right now may be in the place I was where I was completely lost, and I felt like not just rock bottom, but rock bottom had a basement, and I was in a dark, underground basement just ready to fall into the abyss of hell.

That’s really where I was at. And sometimes you just got to make that first step, the first step of the journey. And, Bob, I got to say, you held my hand through all of it and really helped me explore who I am as a person, as a man, and as the champion of the heart that you would say that you fondly labeled me as. I didn’t give that name to myself, but I can only say that you mean a lot to me, ma’am.

And you helped me find a lot of things in myself that I uncovered that I wasn’t willing to even peek at. And you did an amazing job, and I really want to say thank you in front of everybody, man. You’re an amazing person. I’m so happy to call you my Obi Wan Kenobi. That’s great. Yeah. I love you, too, Dan. I really that’s and that’s the thing. When you just come together as brothers or friends, and there’s one thing that guys do that we don’t have to say a single word.

It’s our presence of being that really makes a difference. And when we come together, it feels really good to have a good brother by our side and good brothers coming together on the same level in grace, in brotherly love. That’s invincibility. And now our society has been so patriarchal, and now we get these amazing, empowered women that are doing really cool stuff, and I look at what they’re doing.

I was like, Holy cow, you’re a lot braver than I am. It’s up to us to jump in and support people in their dreams and their creations and to help and support everybody. And prayer is very important. It’s very important to pray. And just remember, if you keep an altar, like in your bedroom or a sacred place and just set your prayers on that and then those prayers will be consistent because we get distracted.

We can only hold a prayer maybe for 15 or 20 minutes, but if there’s something consistent, like on an altar or do a vision board let me see here’s my vision boards right there. I don’t see anything. Yeah, but it’s all writing. It’s too hard to see from. Yeah, I keep my vision boards right in front of, above my head in my office. So I see them every day.

And that’s another way to pray. How I operate in my faith is I am a Christian, but I’m also many other things too. And you know, I was, I was the guy up front singing praise and worship in a church, you know, playing my guitar and inspiring people. And I still do that, but I’ve got to go out to help people. So I do concerts and music festivals and all of the things that we do.

I love teaching classes and just helping people. But really the very ultimate is getting up on the mountain. There’s just nothing better. And like, Moses showed us that he got up onto the mountain and he was completely connected to the divine and he showed us the way. It’s similar to that here. And I am so blown away. I’m so humbled by this awesome power, that’s present that we have access to.

It’s beautiful. You said earlier that everything is being exposed. And it is. I see humanity in a serious situation right now. It’s like we’re either going to graduate or fail, it feels like. Right? And you see the border beast just being ransacked. Where are we at right now within humanity in your point of view? Where are we in a sense of graduating or failing? I mean, I see a lot of people that it’s almost like there’s a purging happening with souls and souls are just being taken off this planet while others are having to up their game and make it into the next shift.

Where are we right now in this in this evolution of humanity? Well, I believe that we’re coming to a critical point where we’re either going to graduate or self destruct. And if you read, you can read about Atlantis. That was our last experiment. We self destructed then. And then the Maori people hold the stories of the five lemurias that we attempted to do after the fall. So this is our 7th attempt at this.

And so if we self destruct, we’ll lose a lot of momentum and everybody will just dust themselves off, reincarnate again, start the whole process over. We’ve been at this for a really long time, but I think this time I think we’re getting a lot of help. I think the angelic realms, the ascended masters, higher dimensional beings, they really are intervening and helping humanity. I’ve got a couple of theories.

I don’t know if they’re it makes me wonder, you know, like it seems like violence is is being perpetuated instead of resolved and that’s by design and that’s the nature of, let’s say, the beings that hijacked the planet. They’re addicted to destruction. And so now as humanity is waking up, we have more tools today than we’ve ever had before. So simultaneously as the old systems are unraveling and dissolving, the new way is emerging.

And so how can you see this in your own personal life? You will see that there are a lot of anything that you think of, anything that you can imagine, all of a sudden it’s like prearranged right in front of you. And you step into it and it’s like, holy cow, there’s another one of those synchronicities. The instant that you receive one of those synchronicities, go to thank you, go to gratitude.

Thank you, God. Thank you. Thank you for this. And then it’s like, oh, Nino’s, he’s aware so we can give him more. And so this is the key. So we have been removing just the slime, the grime, the veil, right? The veil, the woundedness. And we’re getting clearer and believe me, there’s all of the stuff out there. But alcohol is the one thing that will dampen down your consciousness and prevent you from receiving the higher energy that alcohol, if you think about it, feeds into the system.

Alcohol dumbs you down. That’s what everyone does in sporting events, entertainment events. It dumbs you down. It dumbs you down. Bread and circus. And then it also feeds into what the court system and the prison systems. Most crimes are under the influence. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, most of it is. Yeah. I got hauled off to jail one time because my insurance wasn’t current. And every one of those guys in there, it’s all because they were drunk or wasted.

And I was like, wow guys. And it was just an opportunity to sometimes I get pulled into certain areas where I’m required to shine my light in a dark place. So you can’t fear this. You’ve got to step up and do your mission. But sometimes we’re called to do that and it’s important. But historically, forever, these substances have been designed to keep you energetically enslaved. That’s it. That’s the bottom line.

And the other thing to realize is that everything that you’re participating in is voluntary. So you have the ability to make a better choice always. I’m not going to judge anybody for any activity or anything that they’re doing. I’m going to love everybody the best I can. And the other thing is in seeing the light and the grace in other people. If we do that and we put words to it, it’s almost like we’re giving those people permission to make a better choice because they’ve never been given that.

They’ve never known that there’s a better way. And so it’s up to all of us to say, hey, have you thought about maybe increasing your vibratory field? Or have you thought about meditating? Or have you thought about going to a conscious event or listening to this higher evolved music? All of these ways are good ways to become more conscious. First you got to really get rid of the sludge, though.

Some people need I needed it. I needed to get rid of all the ARCONs and parasites that were attached to me to clean myself. Get rid of that fractured soul, right? Or fractured yeah, we call it a defractionated human that’s been split. I had to clean what I’m saying. I had to clean the house first. You got to clean house first. You can do it simultaneously also. And the key is, if you’re going through your life, it’s okay to ask for help.

That’s okay. And a lot of people are taught, no, I’m not supposed to ask for help, or I’m supposed to help everybody else and not help myself. So I’d like to give everyone permission to be a little selfish. It’s okay to work on yourself first. That’s okay because you can’t help anybody else if you don’t help yourself first. It’s like going down in a plane. They say, Put your mask on first, then help the kid next to you or help the person next to you.

Exactly. And we’re taught the opposite. We’re taught to help everybody else. And so if you’re a magic colonel that has to wake up and contribute your gifts, talents and abilities to this reality, nobody can do that but you, I can’t do it for you. You have to do that. I can support you. I can create a sacred space for you to do that, but you have to do the work.

Everybody has to be responsible for stepping into their own personal empowerment. And as we do that, then foolishness just isn’t possible. It’s not possible because we’ve got a group of empowered, conscious beings. And that’s the new way. That’s the new Earth, and that’s what we’re creating. What do you think about these ARCONs that you call archons? Are they controlling the AI now? Is the AI the new system of control? Is it going to be the new system of control? Because soon it looks like that’s where they want to take us.

Soon as drugs and alcohol is one way of control for them. But now they’re taking us into this AI reality that’s going to be controlling everything we do. And then it seems to me like, if they achieve that, how do we navigate that? First of all, A, are they going to achieve that? And B, if they do, how do we navigate through that? What I do is I look at the long cycle.

The long cycle is we have an advanced civilization on a planet. That planet gets hit by an asteroid and it just destroys a lot. There’s still remnants and stuff left over. And then as that happens, the trauma that’s entrained in everyone stays in our consciousness. And it takes time to dust ourselves off and then move back to the advanced civilization. Part of the advanced civilization is technology, and technology is important.

So if a world evolves into technology and there is no balance, it will completely overcome that world unless there’s a group of beings that show up and they literally flow dark matter, which is the feminine quality. Like, if you perceive the universe, 80% of the universe is dark matter. That’s the feminine. And so what they do is they flow this dark matter through the technology and create balance.

And these ancient beings show up on a planet when it’s time to create balance with technology, and they’re here, they’re here. We’re getting help. So there are beings that this is their job, and they do know how to create balance with technology and becomes more conscious. It becomes AI. So is it almost like every time we get to this point in humanity, this point of evolutionary breakthrough, that if we’re not going to graduate, it’s almost like a reset happens and an asteroid hits the planet or something like that? Is it kind of like the universe’s intelligent way to reset humanity, to make us go back and start over again? Because I think there’s something coming 2029, isn’t it wormwood? There’s a meteor that’s coming close in 2029.

Yeah, I’m wondering. Oh, that’s right on time. Well, there’s two. Yeah. Wormwood is the asteroid that already hit the planet from the destruction of the planet that used to be the asteroid belt. So the asteroid belt used to be a planet, and then from that destruction, from that conflict, we got hit. Earth got hit by an asteroid from that destruction. So I don’t perceive that the asteroids themselves are cyclical or that they can create resets.

I mean, if there’s something really nasty happening, anything can be used like a blood to reset the consciousness of the planet. However, there is the grand cycle of the 25,900 years, indicative of the cycles of Venus, the Mayan calendar, the Kaliyuga. I mean, it’s all over the place. And this is the grand cycle, and we know it, and the ancients have given us information on it. So that grand cycle is something that’s consistent.

And the exciting part is we’re in the good part of the cycle. We came out of the bad part, and we’re out of the good part of the cycle. If you want to look at ancient, when did we enter the good part of the cycle? 2012, maybe. 1987. Really? Okay. According to the Mayans, jose Arguilaris facilitated the first global meditation, and that was when we came out of the nine hell realms and moved into the 13 heavenly realms.

And so we have been evolving in the heavenly realms ever since then. Now, 2012 was critical because that was our hundredth monkey of humanity, where we needed enough conscious souls to hold it together, to hold the consciousness of the planet together, and we pulled it off. We actually achieved it. And that happened on December 21, 2012. And there was a dimensional correction that occurred then also. We had been jacked with dimensionally.

We had been wounded dimensionally, and we stepped out of that wound on December 21, 2012. Wow. So it’s pretty cool. I talk about it. I have some instagram lectures. If you want to follow me on Instagram, I talk about it on Instagram. And by the way, if you want more explanation or anything like that, say, hey, Wonderbob, can you talk about this particular topic? I’ll give an Instagram lecture, and then that will help.

And again, this is all universal information. I’m a scholar. I gather up information from all kinds. Like, here’s my library. There you go. I know there’s a couple of books that I’ve written. You’re a very enlightened individual. I know that for a fact, and I’m very happy to call you my teacher. You’re definitely a mentor to spiritual teacher. I don’t want to share you with everybody. Yeah, you can do your own research.

You can get it from me or somebody else, but you’ll have an intuitive hit and you’ll say, hey, I need to go work with Wonderbob, or I need to go work with this Kundalini yoga stuff, or I need to go work with this Christian minister or you’re going to get an intuitive guidance to go because there’s something your soul is directing you. This internal guidance system is directing you to go and to be expanded and educated.

Remember, the entire kingdom is within you. You’ve got the entire intelligent system of the entire kingdom within you. So listen to it. It’ll lead you to beautiful places. Bob, I’m going to go ahead and come and see you. Probably I’ve been planning to come see you before, so or, like, before mid October, the first couple of weeks of October. Is it too cold to get up there by then? The first week of October is our last.

I got to get up there before the first week. Yeah. Now, we do a fall equinox hike on September 21, and so that’s the next one that’s coming up, and then the final one will be in October. That’ll be here. But there are some other places that are warmer, that are south that we’re going to go and do some we call it grid work, going to different places and doing our prayers.

Doing our prayers. And you’ll find when we hike these big 14,000 foot peaks, you get to the very top, and there’s a stone circle that’s 3ft high and maybe 4ft in diameter, and that’s where a medicine man would sit. And he’d do his humbleche he’d do his vision quest up there. And I’ve seen these as I get to these high mountains, it’s like, Holy cow, there’s a humble circle right there.

And I’ll sit in it, and I’ll do my prayers, and it’s really amazing. And it makes you wonder if I’ve sat in it before. I’m going to go ahead and come up at the end of September, if that’s okay with you. That’d be awesome. Yeah. So I’m going to make the journey up there. I’ll drive up there and I’ll come and see you. Bob, I love you, man.

Thank you for coming on. Where can people find you? Wonder, Bob. So you can find me on Facebook. My personal page is Bob Wonder. My public figure page is Wonderbob. You can find me on YouTube. That’s where I just do songs and things like that. That’s wonder, Bob. And then you can you have a video of me dancing to your songs. I think I got embarrassing. I don’t know if I posted it or not.

Now I’m going to look if I don’t have it, I’m going to post it. I look like such an asshole. No, you don’t, man. You look great. I’m dancing in a circle. I look like, oh, gosh. Yeah. Well, we do this. What you’re referring to is we do a practice called Whirling. Put our hand to the heaven and our hand to the earth. Don’t do this to me.

Pull heaven down. So it’s pretty cool. But anyway, you can find me also on Instagram. That’s where I do the lectures. And I’m doing the best I can. I’m trying to get some help, actually, to get some technical help so I can be more consistent, so I can deliver more. I’m surprised the reception for this broadcast we’re doing was so good. I thought you’d be glitchy is your way up mountain.

I can’t imagine. No, I mean, it went well. There was no pausing or anything. Well, remember when we do our Merkabah field activation, every time I do a communication with you, I activate the Merkabah field and then I do a connection between you and me, and that will assist and help the actual Internet connection. You can do that. You can affect that. Yeah, I believe that. I’ll be honest, you’re way in the middle of nowhere to me.

I mean, you’re way out there. I didn’t even see a cell phone tower when I was out there, to be honest. No, you didn’t, because the people in my community would burn it down. They don’t like cell phone towers. Yeah. I’m just amazed that you could do this. This is crazy. But Bob, thank you so much for coming on and I’ll keep in touch with you. I’m going to get up there at the end of September.

Okay. Well, just as a final message, I’d just like everybody to know that. Thank you so much for believing in yourselves. Thank you so much for participating in all of your beautiful spiritual traditions. There’s a hundred thousand ways to connect to the divine. Thank you for doing that. Thank you for listening to David and his message. And thank you for educating yourself and being aware so that you can make conscious choices.

And I just like you all to know that you are loved beyond what humans can comprehend as love. There’s such a greater love that’s flowing through the planet right now, and it’s making us all invincible. And no matter what happens, if you get guidance and you’re led to do something, just take a step and move forward and know that there’s an infinite supply of love and magic that’s supporting you.

So be bold, be brave, smile, and know that you’re loved. And thank you so much. All of our moments are very blessed, and I’m so very grateful that we got to connect. Thanks, Bob. I’ll keep in touch with you. Okay. Much love. Cheers. .

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